TTTfi OMAHA NUMm Hl'.h: .! L'Nh JO. IMS. ECHOES HEARD AT FALL OF W, GAYEL GERMAN OFFICIAL 0. H. S. Class of 1890 Meet After Twenty-five Years SEES SETTLEMENT i i Under Secretary of Foreign Affain Conferi with Dr. Ueyer- Gerhard. ! "Facts don't blow out." Mr, Squeegee Annual Convention of Nebraika Diitrict of DegTee of Honor j Lodgei to Be Here. j ;i!!!!ii!!iii!ii;niiini!ii!iiiiiiii!:!iiiin;!::ii!iriiii: GERMAN WOODMEN INITIATE Rent berk nod of tmertcan Uoraf.j Omaha homestead No. If' f ,r" Bmther hood of Ameri.-an Tmrnni alii; liold their annual public memorial exer-j rlsos at their hall at Nlr.enteenth and i Farnam street tody at : p. m. II Mi ! Omaha and flouth Omaha homesteads ; hiive been Invito to attend the memorinl ' vxerrlee It I" expected that an rxorp-! llonallv Israe attendance villi be present, rwlng n the fact tliat Just rcently the f Oiraha homestead ha Ibst one rf Its, ar:ve mun'ners. Muring the last, year, there hsve been three draths In the j Omaha homestead. This outnumbers that of any preceding year. It ha been on" j o! the boasts of the Omaha homestead that It death rate haa been considerably j lelcm- that of any other homestead of the n me. sire. Wan ilm en of Ike World. j Tne meeting held by Fonlesklc ramp j No. 7 on Sunday afternoon i largely I uttended hy tie member and thilrj frfnda. It whs probably the Inst oen meeting to be held by thla ramp before ailing ofT for the summer vac .tlou. Onlyyil-nl' and social meeting will be r.rld at tha homea of member of the family. i"in of the moat aticreaaful Initiation service of the year Riven by tlfrnuyi-Amei lean ramp No. 104 at lta heme. 'ltOl Foweti Thirteenth afreet, on laat Tuesday evening. Tha attendance wit large and treat Interest a as maul teted throughout tha ceremonlea. repre sentative from many of the Omaha, and South Oniaha rampa were present. Re freshment were, served. Couth Omaha ramp No. 211 will hold service today at Forest I.wti remntory. Tha burial ritual will be exemplified In full form and J. M. Tanner of ftotith Omaha will deliver the oration. Gugllomo Marconi ramp No. 421 will hold an open meeting on July 7 at Twen-y-aerond and Pierce street for the en tertainment of prospective members. Nebraska Llpa camp No. 13 will hold Itt final entertainment, before closing for the aw miner, on July 1 at Tel Jed Hokul hall, Thirteenth and Dorcas atreeta. A special pros: ram will bo rendered, fol lowed by danclnir. Lithuanian ramp No. 444 will meet on Wednesday evening. June SI, for Initia tion. Joe t'viclt, the clerk of thla camp and alao deputy, la making a record for Increased membership. Columbus camp No. 69 will meet today at rraue hall, .Thirteenth and William streets, for work. a The committee ap pn'nted two weeks ago haa auoeeeded In securing- a large class for Initiation, and a real Woodmen meeting la promised all who attend. Koscltfssko ramp No. tit of South Omaha will . meet Wednesday evening-. June 21. at the haU, Ml North Twenty Miventh street. An entertainment will be given. . " ... Laat Friday evening Omaha-Seymour camp N-o. is. held open house for lta mem bers and their friends. Not ai targe a crowd attended' as was anticipated, owing to some of the. member being misin formed aa to '"the date, although an nouncement cards were mailed to the en tire membership. The evening' enter tainment wa mod up of many agree able surprises and tha character song and Impersonations of Cyro, tha young aon of C. F. Sllngerlsnd, were excep tionally pood and well received. At the close of the evening a Urge "feed" wa served In' the adjoining hall, around which many Interesting short talk were nude. Honor Lodges. The annual convention of thla district of the Degree, of Honor lodge will be held In Omaha July I and . Moral clahkoes tf America. Officer of Ivy camp No. 1 will meet at the homo of Mr. II. L. Dana, KM3 North Kighteenth street, Friday, June 2&, at I p. m. Roa Leacae. On lust Monday evening Komensky council No. 2x, after a class adoption, elected the following officer for the en suing ear; M. C. Hartoa, arcon; J. r. Kusls, vlco arcon; V. Mlchalek. scribe; C. Peake, collector; -F. Prog, treasurer; M. K. Scott, prelate; C. H. Soinmer. ora tor; I). Ncnieen, guide; M. M. Trummer. warden; U F. Dvorak, aentry; P. Pncka, trustee. After the election the evening was cnJoed in card and refreshments. j C -9 1 mm fp'- bm '"-4 . ? i : i i v) - , " t j ' ' a ' , S 1 ' . f v ' v . -. Jje'. EE EXPRESSES SATISFACTION Front Row, 1-ft to Hlght-O. r. Wester dahl, Mr. W. W. Grlgor t Kthelw) nno Kennedy . Riiland Robinson, Council Kluffa: Mlsa I. my Kvans, l'l. II. I. Akin. Hecnnd How. I-oft to Hlght-Dr. Abbv Virginia llolitiea, A. H. Billing, Jr.; Mra. Howard Abel, Jirooklyn, N. Y. (Ixila Mor pil); ('. C. Itosewater. Third Row. Ia ft to HiKht Mra. Harmon Kmllh (Kartln h'toticl. Miss Mnry Mr Mahon. Arthur Hhieldn, Miss Cordelia Johnson, Mrs. Henry Copley (Paul Una CoUem; Mif, Kllzabctli Allan. Fourth Row, Left To HlKht Misa Apielia Pruraon, Ml"g lOn lilackmnre, Mri. Clmrlea K. Shernmn Clara M. Church). Ottn TUlimin Vlpa A a Unrvliim I AnriA 1 J. Mach). Mrs. C. R. Vackemle (Carrie Robertson), Mm Jesse French, St. Ix)uls, Mo. (Lillian r.runer); Dr. Paul L.udtnfiton. I DKHI.1N, June 1H fVla London) T"r. Anton Meyer-Gerhard, who Is here with nipsKaKes from the German junbaFKy nt 'rtshlneton bearing on the German-American situation, had j a two hours' ronf'Tence today with i Dr. Alfred Ziinitrernian, under sec retary of foreign affairs, and. Count Montgelas. head of the American eectlon of the office. Gottleth von i J Janw, minister of foreign affalra, j participated In part of the dellbera- i I Hons. j 1 The nanr of tr Meyer-Gerhard's ' report haa no been disclosed, out after I the conference, rr. Zimmerman expressed 1 lilmself ns thorouglily satisfied with the I pi pecls of an atnleaMe se'Iement of th Merman-American dirf,cultles. ! j Thh German-American situation con- i tlnues to occupy tho nttentlon of the press and the puLllc. Rear Admiral Ka I lai. von Ttofe, retired, In a newspaper i article, today take up the plnt made bv Eugene Zimmerman, general director I of the Irf.kal Anieigcr, that the United State made a motion at The Hague con I ference to prohibit shipments of munl- Uon by neutrals to bell liferents, but that this was refected under Germany' lead. The admiral alleges that Germany wa not responsible for the fall ore of the motion, but merely voted against It, along with England and France. The people who built the Pyramida did a job that has never been beaten. From foundations to cap-stones . they were constructed to endure. There was no overweight anywhere and no part waa too weak or too light to match the other parts, Hence the. lasting qualities of the Pyramids. Diamond Tires are built, as the Pyramids were built, to last. Every part is made to wear just as long as the other part endure. Consequently Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires made a record in 1914 that haa never been matched. Send for our booit of letters from dealers who sold Diamond Tires In 1914. It tells how more than 99 out of every 100 of the more than half a million Diamond Tires sold last year gave maximum service at minimum mileage cott. It is yours for the asking. Diamond Squeegee Tires are sold at these "FAIR-LISTED" PRICE3: I Diamond Diamond 6U Squeegea plJC Squeegee 30 x 3 $ 9.45 34 x 4 9 20.38 303U 12.20 36x4?i 28.70 32x3& 14.00 37x5 33.90 33 x 4 20.00 38 x S 46.00 PAY NO MORS vim Cill SAYS WAS URGED I WILL BE GREATER TO KILL FATHER! OMAHA ON MONDAY Marguerite Tharp So Testifies in Juvenile Court, but the Mother Denies .It. IS SENT TO INDUSTRIAL HOME Ix)ve of a father 'or a daughter, o strong as to aurvtve undlnilnlnlied after h had attempted to kill him, wag manifested by Ell Tharp. 3818 North Sixteenth gtreet, when he heard Marguerite Tharp, 16 years of age, confess In juvenile court that she had -turned on the gag In his room while he slept. It waa the father who eat hy the girl' aide aa she told In whispers, with bowed head, of her attempt to slay him and of previous Immoral conduct which she had concealed from him. When he wept her father patted her shoulder and en couraged her, though tears ran down hi own face. The wife And mother, who had .been brought from the county Jail to attend the hearing. Hat by apathet ically. The father made an excuse for the girl for her attempt to kill Mm. , Tola to no It. "She waa told to Mo It." he slid, "I cannot believe that she would havo done It, otherwise." Judge Rear committed hrr to the Olrl' Industrial home at Cleneva with her own consent. "Will you work and study anJ be a fcood girl at Geneva" T the Judge akd. 'Judge, she haa given me her solemn promise to do so," said Mr. Tharp. with touch of pride in hia voice. "Just this morning she promised me to do better. I know she will." Marguerite testified UilU her mother hud told her to turn on the gas In her father' room. Mrs. Tharp I held in Jail en a rliarpe of contributing to ner daughter's delinquency. Mra. Tharp Dealea It. Mr. Tharp denied that she had told the girl to kill her father. "I told her not to do It. because there would be no one then to support the family." she ald. When Mr. Tharp took hi daughter into a private room for a farewell talk with her, hfr. Tharp manifested no emo tion. When Proi-atlon Officer Miller tiggruted that ahtt ol!il want to talk with the girl, she follo Iit husband and daughter Into the other room. Marguerite haa promised to write to her father every two weeks from U neva. City Commissioners to Make Formal Demand for Records of South Omaha and Dundee Then. tlon at the council meeting; providing; that a municipal bath house bo estab lished in the Imndoe city hall. Commla loner Hummel had the resolution tabled. The resolution was offered In a pirit of levity, Jnae the .Month for Cold. Harden your system with Boll's Pine-fTar-Honey. It kills the cold germ. Cures the cough. Only Sc. All ilnjjj glflts. Advertisement. Apartments, flats, house and cottages ran be rented quickly and cheauly by a bee "Tor Rent. mo - VtEUmWs am EXPECT MANDAMUS NECESSARY Kraleraal Aid I'siIom. . Mnndamln lodge No. Ill, Yaternal Aid unlon met Tuesday evening at labor temple. Mr. Dennis won the attendance prixc. Thh, next meeting will be next Tuiaday evening. Germans Have Over Million and a Half Prisoners of War v BERLIN, June IS (via London). The prisoners taken by th Ger man and Austro-Hungarlun armies up to June 14 totalled 1,610,000, ac cording to the Bavarian Strata Zeltung. The newspaper says this total Is divided as follows: Russians, 1,210.000; Krench. S55, 000; English, 24,000; Belgian, 41, Oftu; Serbian, (0,000. FORMER COUNCILMEN GET ON CITY PAY ROLL AGAIN W. 8 Sheldon. Peter B. Elsasser and Goodley ". Hrucker, former ctty council snen, are now on the ctty payroll. Mr. Bt.eldm started a few days ago a fcfcpector In the pubUo improvements department and Mr. Usaaaar started tills k as fortmaa of a street flushing-ana- and Mr. Brucker U general In-aiM-tor for th street malntenano department. Dundee and Omaha Officials Smoke The Pipe of Peace An entente cordiale between Omaha nd Dundee waa established last evening when official of both town met at the Iiik. fit v. hall And shook hands The ,.w 'event m'u nrortoMed bv the Dundee offi cials, who tnvjtod the Omaha commle alonera to visit the fair villnge on the west and tarry a hlle for a bile to cat at ilappy Hollow. Mayor Dahlman and the other oom mUalonera. City Attorney Rlne. Assist, snt Attorney TePoel and Ctty Engineer Townacnd made up the visiting party and they were met at the Dundee-city hall by F. W. Blabauch. George QUlesple and E. H. We'sterrield of tne DunJee VU-lag-e board, Engineer ltohrbaugh,' Attor ney Hots and Clerk Hi'ioe. The party of seventeen visited the pub Ho bulldlntfs and point j of Interest of Dundee, after which they went to Happy llrllow, where they foreguthorcd around a large table, broke bread and exchanged words of felicitation. Alter the prandial pait of. the event had been properly disposed of Mayor Dahlman, K. W. rilabaugh and a l'tw others made short talks, all of w bit It re flected good will and a desire to co operate toward tha upbuilding; of a Greater Omaha. The rlty cotumlflalonerx, regularly aaHembled In a meeting of the city council, dectded to start from the city hall at 8 o'clock Monday morrv lng to make formal demand upon the officials of South Oniaha and Dun dee for public property, records, books and funds, in the manner pro vided by tha merger law. The ".even city ' commissioners. Treasurer Ure and City Attorney Rlne will make the trip. . It Is expected that mandamus proceed ings will havo to be started snd that the delay In assuming . official Jurisdiction over the annexed territory will be onlv a law hours. Msyor F. W. Slabaugh of Dundee haw given assurance to the official of Oreater Omaha that the people of his village do-1 not expect to receive any patronage ml the way of public offices, but they hope to have their community maintained In the same manner that It ha boon. Mandamus Meeessary. If tho Dundee official should decline to turn record and funds over on Mon day morning. It will be understood that this action will be for tbe purpose of securing protection through a court order. The city legal department expects that a mandamus may be necessary to satlsry tho bondsmen. Superintendent Withnell of the fire de partment state that in the rearrange ment of the fire department the Dundee fire house will protect the territory south to Iavenworth, north to the city limit and east to Twenty-eighth streets. In connection with the house at Fortieth and Hamilton street and Thirty-seventh and Jackson atreet. This will mean more run for he Dundee firemen and It will alao provide more fire protection for Dundee. That village had twenty-nine fire alarms last vsar. ' Name to (la Osj Forever. Mr. filubaugh, retiring chairman of th Dundee village board, states that In his opinion the name of Dundee will go on forever, like a oertaln brook of poetry., He admit there la nothing In a name. but he contenda that nothing short of an uprising would result if any sugtsestlon would be mode tj chunKe the name of Dundee to Omaha. In everything else he says Dunueeitea usv willing to loin 'hands In the Greater Omaha spirit. There haa been muchWonicrn among dog owners of Dundee whether the Oreater Omaha dog catchers would fall to recognise canine licenses already Is sued by that village for this year. As surances are given by City Clerk Flynn that no attempt will he made to Im pound Dundee dogs thtt have been reg ularly IKenaed. Th same will apply to South Omaha. Commissioner Hutler offered a resolu- ill -.isia Wilrki h lHM?Mnn n ..-..1 m ra . Ill 5 WON' 4 l U rJLP 4! ait J pa M TilE ENGAGEMENT LEADS TO MARRIAGE MARRIAGE LEADS TO THE HOME A3fD TUB HOOT LKADS T0U TO HABT3UTS Yen wOl sircly want a pretty aid oowfortable home, Harttsan's extrefitoly llberd open ehslrfre sceenat aston makes Uis SMALLEST salary latye emongh to aifsrd bonse wtla yrery pessible cent fort. Choose YOUR fa to re kerne froa the Urgtwt, hlgit grade stock of faralUre in Ue city. Yon will fiat vr prteea akaolately the lowest In Omaha. It will pay ywn to set) u befare hayias;. Special Easy Monthly Payments H Arranged on Any Purchase If Desired 8) A SANITARY WHITE ENAMEL LINKD REFRIGERATOR Of fered at an unusual saving;. Ia amply roomy and haa an Ice ca pacity of 40 lbs. Has two nickel 'Wlro shelves, patent drip and drain and best Insulation. En tire case made of selected hard wood. Very special $8.95 Always MY0i WANTS NEW FIRST FLOOR AT THE CITY HALL Moor Dahlman has asked th city building department to furnish an esti mate of the coat of a new mala floor for tht city hall. Tue present floor la of Mosaic work. ht.-h requires continual patching; and la Winning to look rather provincial. KAISER GRIEVES OVER ATTACK ON KARLSRUHE AMSTERDAM. June !. Via London ). A message received here today from Frankfurt says the grand duke of Hs.len. now at tha front, baa aent the following Ulrgram concerning the recent raid on Tha Rss! Suffrage of Wotnon y V Motherhood Is the thought uppermost in WOman'g mind. And with It, of course, comes ue question ol comfort, of helpful side and Influences. Among the best of these' Is a well known external remedy, "Moltters fries d." It la gently applied to the surface muscle. These are rubricated, toned, nsda pliable so tbsy streteh as nature require without the strain and pain oa curl and ligament. This Influenre extanda through the myriad of nerve to deeper sur. faces, the luterBal organ. And thus a period of repose must rviort Itself not only In the mind of the mother, but opoa the babe to come. A point upon which all experienced people sire la tti accepted fact Utat whatever aa eipectaot mollier mar do for herself that Is eaft and harmless Is booad to encourage; onsdsnce Is herself. And as 'she applies) ' Uotiier s Friend" with her own hand whes ever required and Just where Beaded, she soon learns t- forget tboe apprehensions ss often liaafl native. Young mothers who hare used "Mother's Friend'' have written to say how rr Juiced Karlaruhe by French aeroplanes to tkm .VS ZZL.ZJ-Ji? w-Hwaasw ssvs uuHn., BUU JVOClT Uiii (U burgomaater of that ctty: , which tlisy bad heard aad feared. Oct a "Roiperor William has telegraphed to bottle ef "Mother's Iriend" at any drug mo his deep Indignation at the wicked at- "tur Staply spply It over the stomach mu Uok upon beloved Karlsruhe. The poor 1 J"4 T-' "T ST" "1 . ...... , ... t (ofort dsy and Bight. Write to Uradselil innocent victims among civUtans have aulutor. teg Lamar Bldg, Atlanta. Ua, for greatly afflicted him." tUrir Landsoue aud lutrucUv huuk. W frr-.-r-S . Oct OTJR NEWEST DeQeiON KHOfcUi LHK DUiFOLD BeU DA V JO K FOH.T. Made with fenulae soild oak rame, fiaJahed ia golden. Seat ana back eiecantly upholstered to blank Imperial leather. Instantly converted Into a sanitary bed. Spe cial price for this week $23.75 MASSIVE ROYAL CIRCA8SI0N W AL NUT PRINCESS DRESSER The fin tab. is so finely executed that ft Is Impossible to tell it from tha semilneL Haa four roomy drawers, full swelled front and heavy plank top. Leo-ere s i i e French beveled plats mirror. .A derful value, at. ivy. 15.95 HARTMArTS MODEL. ONE MOTION FOLDING QO-CAIIT. Frame built en tirely of heavy stL With hard turned wooa nanoins. Has ten-Inch wheels, fitted with heavy tires. Kaally folded 'm tpij cctmiorisDie. KpecLaJ'for thla week at only. UUJ lUIUfU S4.05 F Soma Rag: I For This Week: Ons of our big specials this wedk is i fine 6xs ft. B r u s sels rug. should be seen to b a appre elated. Many pat tern t o a e 1 e o t from. .Spe cial price. II i I I I I H 4AJ-U-miA-N a a i ai m m m vac sv-ev eir - i l i j m r-vsi rem 56 85 B&rtrainji 7si- - t . tr ii i a mt: .S .I. : -si 1 Y 7 jy-ry a I .ssaCssBsv 1 I It. eT?j?srry?- vur- an. mi. w Eug-Values: special offering l in a xu it. 3 velvet r u a. Has fine high pile. a wide rang-e o f e I g- a and oolor e on blna 1 1 o n s to e h o o s from Haztman Feather Your Nest A 8PLBNMD ROCKKR BAROAIK. stered In Imperial leather over full eteel con struction. Enure rraaie or American quarter sawed Imitation oak. Ha artlstl- g f sa cally tufted hack ajd front posts 2telOel S11.98 : Here Is aa e ample of rea value giving. xlt ft. Mon Brussels Kur. Extra well woven. Sirong and dur- ble. Beautiful oriemaltta AO design. Hpeclal at 1.93 dlscrlmln buyer will r special x "Hampton" value. Extra fine In detail. S Persian, Floral. Turk- Ml CM j Ibh. Crlentala. at. only. . I ' a-..aaaaiaTaatsaaaftaV1 ssnaar3sr ajTSjai SjvSTJr rsr'safT aissx. q uicwsjsg n June Brides Attention! Mj Rooms Furnished Complete $5 a Month Pays for II. i a. neatly carvea. i m Si an umwAar larch maseith ooina-l IAL LIBHAKI TAULJd. Uad tbrouhout ofl iea American quarter-sawed Imltatloa I 1-INCH CONTIvrofS POST 8TERL BEl COMBINATION. Kxtra massive, well niado Vernls Martin bed with ten yJ heavy fillera, all steel soring, with tw.iv iiviii- ii-ii nun m ppienai'i nwr flton top matters with durable tlrk- Utitlre combination f r ecially priced at . IJ1IH I IaralIo rii ma. aSJ fl only. iTi it ill' ftI in I I Dla eeeat ea ear ls steat eteek ef Imported aeed aad Hattaw IsiesBse Karaltere h; -i)t a select? oak. Heavy plank top measures 11x41 Inches, j resting- on heavy panel ends. An tn g a ) 'absolutely new dfi rn In hluli Jf a rsae iuis, specially prioea. Wlta every paresusae this week a keaetltvl 42-pieee dlnaer set, with every perehese ef er $8.1)8, AN KJCCEPTIONAI. TALOTB IN A -INCH BOIJD OAK PORCH 8WINU It la aubatantlallv anade aad splendidly finished in Karty . Easjllah. Meuuree (0 Inches loaar and 11 Inches deep. Ha high panel back. Cornea complete with heavy galvanised chains and ceiilo hook. Soeoially prieed while a small auanuty laau ai this low price ?! ..$2.98 HH;ll t.KAl'K r't'Ulsa CARP TA ltLfc.. ii In. lies suure. covered with the Imsi grade of felt cleth or Imita tion leather, frames are of eolkd oak. orntr have brusa fitting. Leg s ronaiy orstsj. uur low for this week only ri.i tion l lJ all c 'a1 stron lJ price at . . . AMERICAN flBEATEST HOSfErTJRniSHERA. 1414-1G-18 DOUGLAS SUIEEA 0) lis sue OUR IMPROVED FOC PASSENGER LAWN SWING Stands 7 feet high, eitfimeled red. Seat and plat form have splendid oil rubbed finish. Will not be affected by rain. Swings amiy ana moroupi.iv braced. Our low prloa only $4.95 J 3