THK OMAHA sr.VHAV I1KK: JUNK 20, 1!15. 1! A ITALIANS MAKE RAID ALONG ISONZO Auitrian Portions on River Bom barded from Sky by Seaplaoet and Dirigibles. ALPINE TROOPS ALSO ACTIVE Farmer Who Resisted Federal Stock Inspector Fined Two Cents i NEBRASKAN WHO IS T. P. NATIONAL DIRECTOR. A. I' ROME. June 1. (Via Paris.) A combined raid by afl Italian naval ?apbne and dirijriMps upon Aus trian position on the I-onio front Is described In an official statement lnnued at the War office. Serious damage Is said to have been done to railroad stations and to Austrian en trenchments. All the machines re turned safely to their base. The Italians are reported to have (rained further successes In the Important flruirsrle which is devolplng around TCava. Th communication follows: ' Inirln th rtny and nllfht of Jnru? IT. ihr opoii.y trlod by long range artillery fi' nd mall attark to i1ur somn of our advanced position" In the Tyrol Trrnt'no region and Cadora. If waa rpuld and vlsorouaiy shelled by our ar tlllrrv. "In Carrla we continue methodically t dcmollnh the fortrnax of Malborsrtli ltli our artillery. On the afternoon of June 1 the gun of the fortim tried to reply to our fire, but were reflured to silence. "Further details continue to come In rowernlng the action In the environs of Monte Nero, mentioned In previous state ments. These reports show that our mountain troops performed rfiost praise worthy exploits. When military reasons no longer prevent a full account being riven, the country will learn that not rnly the mountain troops, hilt other eorp". have won on several occasions the right to Its fullflet gratitude. "On the lsonso front the struggle round Plava Is assuming larger propor tions and the Importance of the success we have gained there becomes mora and CnlCAOO, June Judge Kennsan- Mountaln l.nndis of the fnlte'l Ptatee district court, who nne aecd a fine 01 t2.2i.m0 against the Standard Oil company. Imied one if ? entu against Henry Johnaon of I'.iriinston. til., to day. Johnaon, with a shut gun, drove a I government agent otf Ms premises, ! a here the scent was looking . for raaes of foal and mouth dlmtate. "The fet Is that thia tlerendant Is a fsrmer who, rents from another man; that at the time of this offense there vii a large number of men golmt about U country dulng ll.lngs to other people's cattle." said Judge Lnndls. "On of theac, Armed with a squirt gun and other parnpliernalia came to John eon and was going to do something to his cows. The bulMing of a dairy business la not an overnight . Joo. Johnaon armed Mmaelf with a shots. in. a, gatlliu gun "Sow beslrlce tlie fS' l" in the rape, the court must consider what manner of , criminal It has to del lth I looked st the hnnda "f thla man: thee werr cov ered with large knots, icquired In work- , trig sixteen t' eighteen tours a Hay. lie . had worked for twn?y-el-ht , Hra to care for hlnialf end family nd hid , scouired a herd of te,itv cnttH. "HUH. he reelated a govern nlcni nfflcln charged with a certain iluty, anil thla court must uphold the honor and dignity of the fnlted States envcrnmcnt. "It is the duty of this court to Impose such a stinging fine that the defendant and men like him will never com offenee agnln. "It Is the Judgment and sentc this court that the defendant be fined, 2 cents, without costs." Those In court listened to the Judge's concluding remarks with open mouth. Johnson was not pre"nt, and a hnlllff a howltser or whatever It was and drove and a newspHper reporter split the fine off the Intruder. Ibcteeen them. tverton. in PYanklln county, la the worst flood sufferer, successive cloudbursts to day west of the town brought Thompson creek up.t'the proportions of a river, carrying out toe steel bridge In the town and backing It np against the big Burling ton railroad bridge, which served to form a dam, Causing the Inundation of tho town. Buslnesa houses were Hooded, two ce ment buildings coUapsed and a number of small bouses Vnd .barns .were carried away. Throi wera some arrow escapes from drowning, lorn Greatly Ilamaaed. CALLAWAY, Neb., June 1. (Special Telegram.) Two and thirty-eight one hundredths Inches of rain fell In this lo cality last night. As a result much of the listed corn Is covered up to such a depth that It cannot come through. Man farmers will bo compelled to plant over. 8u far thla year nearly twenty inchea of rain has fallen. Hall of Huge Proportloas. FAIt.VAM, Neb., June Ifc (BperlsJ Tel egram.) Hall measuring from seven to mora evident. A naval battery shelled eVen Inches In circumference fell Just the enemy batteries near Iiulno, on the north of town early last night. A num Oulf of Trieste, .between Monfalcone and 0f farmers report crops rulnod and Trieste, with considerable effect. I stock and buildings more or less dam- place on trfe ways' will be taken at once by tho California, a larger and faster. but similarly armed ship. ! x i ' - - -' -w.,. 1. - """"" &S 7'" .f nee of I I... 1 Body of Baby Is BurMdtth aM iSPe TEUTONIC ALLIES Mother May Die TAKE GRODEK AND KOMAENO TOWNS TAltOIt. Ia., June J9.-(8pecial Tele-i grsm.) Mrs. Herman Hirst, one mile ! south of Tebor, was nearly burned to i death and her 9-month-old bal.y was burned to a black cinder, shortly before r.oon today, when the woman caused an explosion by pouring conl oil on' her kitchen fire to hurry It along. The j house which was a small old building on . the farm of Lou Howard, was burned to i the ground. (Continued from Tage One.l l Wola Szydlowl.icka, there were artillery duels. . j "Near Ooumlne the enemy spread a cloud of asphyxiating gas on a front of six versta (four miles). "On the right bank of the Ban our Mr. and Mrs. Hirst er employed on f , ,he ,!ne of ,akeg at the farm of Lou Howard and lived In i Qrojek- tho little houae.. Mr. Hirst whs In the I .. the Pruth an(j Dniester, field nt work a quarter tf a mllo away. h. th en.m crossed the frontier on "On the night tsf June 17, while a, naval seaplane was engaged In destroying the railroad station at Dlvaca (Junction of aged. About midnight a severe electrical storm continued for several hours. Bev- eral hundred feet -of track are washed the Istrian railway), our dirigibles made (ollti Coa binj) rcrn cribs wero an excursion over the enemy's territory, jmoA.ea from their foundations. Foot and wagon brldgea are out and he residences south of llum creek were flooded. Crops Practically Rained. ' j HASTINGS. Neb.. June l!t.-(Rpec!al Telegram.) Indirect reports from Hold- rege tonight declare no one was Injured In last night's storm, but indicate that crops close to the city were practically ruined. Twenty plate glass window and enarly all west and north windows wera broken. Trees wre stripped clear of leaves and city gardens ruined. Italn In ltotdtege mejisured three Inches' and In Oxford four Inches.' There were high a ttlOs,' but teroada. 1 Trala gervlea Paralyse. ' Through train service on the main Una of the Burlington was paralysed by wash fat near MoCook RepbrU at Uoldrega Indieats extensive hall damaV lat Wll ooz and to crops near there. No hall (ell In HaatiAC. but there we a heavy rain. IJ . v! Thus fear this year Adams county has had US) Inches of rain, or within Jess taan tw Inches oftho total of, last year. This Is true of alf of southwestern Ne braska. The Republican and Ulue rivers are overflowing and people are moving out of the lowlands. Continued rains hare caused great damage to' crops In sections which hava suffered from doutha In several previous years. NEW BATTLESHIP ARIZONA LAUNCHED (Continued from Page One.) bombarding with great effect. It appears. positions . at ' Monte Panto and entrench ments facing Oradlseo. teteneive damage was done on the Ovelaveaga station on the railroad "frnm- Goreia to' Demberg. All the machines returned unscathed." HEAYY RAIN AND ." A ' ' ,HAIL PLAY HAVOC (Cpntlnucq from Page One.)" port ihs.Uamaita n .Holdroge alone will reach AW";' 6 on ' account ' of broken windows and store front. At Superior laxjUie ex t nam south part of the state there Vas a heavy rain all , night and about; !;q o'clock In th morn ing hail oommeisred to fall, oonUnurh Incessantly until 11 o'clock. It la re ported to have extended up and down the Republican river valley a distance of some fifteen tnlles. With- superior near the center. In width 'It was from one half to two arxr three miles, completely destroying all crops in Its path. ; ' 'aserlap Wfsdnwi Brekea. In the city of Huperlor all store front facing north and all windows on the north aide of houses were broken. - In the Northwestern roundhouse 160 pane of glass' were broken out, the hailstones whloh were from the slse of walnut and oroewhut larger, going through them Ilk bullets. It la estimated that tn damage by bat" In Superior will approxi mate perhaps K.OOO to IS, Of. Out tn the country, east and west of Superior, according to railroad reports, the storm was as severe as In the city. (Jreat damage was done to fsrra build-, lns and many young calve that hap pened to be In the open at the early hour ' nt which The storm passed over were killed. Crop were damaged greatly. rmall grain, whlch wa nearly ready to ' cut, was beaten down and ruined. The corn, though not far advanced, wa pounded Into the mud and It I doubtful If It will straighten up and continue It growth. Rallroaaa Crippled A baby girl 3 years old waa across tho road playing with tho children of tho neighbor, William Tlmaon. The 9-month-old baby was In the baby carriage near the stove. Mrs. Hlrst waa attempting to get the j fire started for .dinner. Khe dashed a quantity of kerosene on some smoulder- th previous days, he has been driven back to Austrian territory." Rneslans Fortify TVerr Line, BERLIN. June 19. (Via London) A correspondent In Oallcla of the Lokal Anzelpcr has sent the following dispatch to his paper: Aviators report that the Russians are ; ln kindling and the Freat flaah that fortifying heavily along a lino ten miles enveloped tho entire kitchen tn names to the WMt ot Lempers'. German ad followed. Although her clothes were vance patrols furthermore have estab iiflanw. Mrs. Hirst Hid not forgot her nBhed that tho Russians are making a babe. She snatched nt the carriage, and, htand In front of them. If necessary the herself clothed In flames, she dragged Russian present line can be lentrthened the fiery little chariot ut on the porch, i ln the direction of Tomaszoff, in Russian Here she left It and ran screaming Into i Poland, by the addition of whatever the' yard. Russian toices are available. Conditions William Tlmson, living Just across the ; of the Russians are- not favorable and 'road, ran to her restiue,' threw blanket ! the railroads and highways radiating about her and smothered the flames. ' from Lemborg are of the greatest valu Cther neighbors gsthered at . once, and 1 to them for defensive purposes. iu.. ubm ' ! sr . 1 Ot -I rt ,n fiames. one of the neighbor, art . .os. ; f atlllinaer LOT 111 porch with a pole. The babe wa found burned to a crisp, however. Mr. Hirst Is now being given medlr col attention at the Timeon home. The) Attending physietan says she has barely a fighting chance for her life, a her flesh U badly hurned. All her clothing was burned off her body. Arlwina with Us bruadsldo fire from twelve IV-lnch guns and protection of more than a foot of th toughest el that can be made around the vessel' vital part like a wall, a battle oruiser would he helpless and must depend on it peed and seek safety In flight There are few ship In any navy fit to cope with th Arlsona, ahlp to hlp. The range of the Arlsona' gun la frm twelve to thirteen miles a they will be Thompson Unable " To Settle Strike of : Chicago Carpenters CHICAGO, June 19. Mayor Thompson' attempt to mediate In the building trades, aa he did successfully In the street car strike, failed today when James Klrby, president of the national organization of carpenters, returned to his borne In In dianapolis. Mr. Klrby found that th carpenters were opposed to " any settle ment not having an advance In wages as an understood basis. ' The union men claim that 10,000 of their 16,000 members already re getting the 70 cents an hour demand for which brought on the strike more than a month ago. Seattle Eace Skids; : ; ; .OfficaTS;KilIed; SEATTLE, Wash.. June 19. Th path- j finder car on a Chlcago-to-Seattle relay automobile race skidded and turned j turtle about twelve miles due east of here today, killing former State Senator George f.' Dickson of HUenburg, Wash. The 'official car, bearing a message1 from William Halo Thompson of Cht- i eago to Mayor Hlrman GUI of Peat tie, , broke an axle at the Summit of the Cas- , cade range early today and the party divided' between the Pathfinder car and j another. j All were trying for a lOO-hour record ' from Chicago. The accident occurred at a turn. set In Its turret, or aa far a It gun- With, about all th passenger business 'pointer and observer ran see In bright est they can accomodate under normal est weather. Aa previous ship carrying conditions, the continued rains have : the 4-ipch Runs, the Arlsona' s main played havoc with the railroads. They battery win have a maximum elevation are all Jnuvlng their trains, but not on jof nearly twenty dogreea. It would be schedule. Wasbout ara of almost hourly possible, It Is said, to almost double that occurrence on most ot the line and be- elevation and add mile to th range ot fore, repair are made, other are re- ' the gun, out already they ran ahoot ported. The Beatrice branch of the T'nlon Pa cific down Into Kansas Is out of com mission on account ot the, high water in the Blue river. At Btockdale the track is under water,', while worse conditions maintain somewhere In the vicinity nt Manhattan, Kan. The extent of the dam age cannot be ascertained, as telegraph communications have been eut oft with the Kansas division. ' and hit farther, it Is probable, than they would ever be called upon to do. Three Omm Tarreta. The Arlsona will carry the three gun turrets which have been developed by American naval constructors. It twelve big rifles being housed In four turrets, two forward and two after. In addition It w ill have a secondary battery of twenty-two flve-lncu. long rang rifle for de- tense against destroyers, torpedo boat Cm Its main Una. all the wav from i Oxford to McCook, th Burlington I hav- ,an4 submarine. The big gun can be ing trouble. The whole country up th ovr "thr broadside and aroun-1 Republican river valley 1 under water. th ",lr c,rc,B wllh ln Pt' ' an with more pouring In from th tributary of leas than thirty degree directly streams. During the night numerous forward for the. after turreta and directly wa.houts were reported, but they were "trn '. ho forward turret. I-ur of repaired during th day and train passed h secondary battery gun, two on each cr the Una are so placed that they can fire Around Holdrege th water la the high- three degrcea aerots th ahlp'g bow, e.t in fifteen year. -Several washout taking the place of bow chaaere ot tha are reported In thla locality and a num. ,a woouu nip oays. btr on th Wymor branch. East of Su perior, two mile of track waa under water Friday night. Ilallatoaea Bery Theaaaelve. HASTINGS. Neb., June la (Specials All known record for hall In Nebraska were broken last night, when stones Compared la the Arlsona th old bat- tleslilpa ot th Oregon rlasa are almost Hue toy. The new ship could engage a fleet of three ot them at the same time. turning upon each aa many gun a it could bring to bear and Ha guns would be bigger and of longer range, ln addi- j Edward Dunkhorst, Pugilist, is Dying CHICAGO, June !. Edward Dunkhorat, known to follower of boxing aa th human freight car" because of hi great siie, was reported to be dying her to dy. Dunkhorst fought Jame J. Jef ferle and many other star heavy weights In his day. He has lost eighty-five pound during his present illness. Announcement" suit. ad bring geed re- Hoyne, Thompson . and Sheehan Chosen 1 to Arbitrate Strike CHICAGO. June 19. Street car and elevated road employe who were on strike for two day thl week, today chose Macley Hoyne, states attorney of Cook county as their representative on tha board which will arbitrate tha mat ter In dlapute between them and the companies. The companies hav choaen Jame hheehan and with Mayor Thomp son aa umpire, the board win begin its meeting next Monday. Department Orders, WASHINGTON. Juno 19. (Special Tele gram. lira. Llxzle HackcnlxTK has been appointed postmaster at Ranger. Loxan county, Nebraska, vice P. J. Htartuck, resigned. , Merle D. Roerah ha been appointed a rural, letter carrier at Lemars, la measuring nine Inches In circumference Uun u cuuld ,tem awy ,rom ,hm "r fell at lioidreg. fifty mile west other, tovertaae mem at pleasure, nevaiopin The luU root of the Burlington depot ' twenty-ona knot against their sixteen or 'd the tUe roof of the postoftlce were leveuUo. i The remarkable thing about rulnea. Nt eu unprotected north win- ln" arrai in him un au poei. in 4 he towa escaped. Hailstones vrre found ala Inches la the ground. The damage-1 building In tee oily te ecti iald at to Iioas), but crop u(. fcred little, . Seven teen clean out. hole a ere counted In tha roof of a houae and 4 bar a - oeanplete'y NaNeedr The storm, broke -m 'ehek a4 lasted tdrty minute, Repfrts bruutht over Un4 say a alx-tnll trlp of-crop was cuti'Pletoly ruined near Wilcox. ' . T'a las Urn kg AUUii. tiurlliivicn trains, which earlier tn th week were routed ovet JbtVnloa Pacific (torn Hasting went, were today, .on e- K'vua iiooa trouDiea on cne latter roai, nt frvm Lincoln to Alllauce, In the nui lUarsurn part of the ataW. and i-i"vi south to Denver. The town of however. Is- that taoh of tbe. entalteV hip would nwi many or more men ttian. the Arlxoii, which will, carry a complement of 914 men in It crew, . . . Will lt rifteea Mtllloais. The" new aea fortrcsa a it took the arater today coat ,more than r 7.ieo.00x That waa for hull and machinery alone. The gun and armor will eot aa. much more and other equipment neoesaary to (it It for duty will add another million to It total coat, it u longer' and wider than any 'but th ewet trana-Atlaiitl liner, it It I desired to put It throuiih the Vanama vanal l he links and bends in ifi chanhef ,wll( be taxed almost to the limit to ftv It paafe way. . . The . ArUona ia Xh tuurth batUealtiii to be built in a government yard and IK i V, The Human Body la made up of many Important organs and , members, and of these the feet play a very Important part. We are taught from early life to take good care of our body and do no, but the feet are always neglected. Tbe tn- ' fluenoe ot the feet la distinctly noticeable In every phaae of everyday life and, whether It be minor or serious trouble, physical effi ciency Is greatly reduced. The methods used In my foot comfort xer vice Is to remove the cause of the abnormal conditions and to restore the FOOT to Its natural shapelineas and comfort. See Btxyker for Foot (mfort riervlce. Douglas Shoe Store 117 North 16th St. THK IDSTOFFICE IS OtUONlTE THE 1HJIGLAS SHOE STOKE. ..'. r"- v" ' o: 'i; , I O Make the Children Happy! BUY THEM A PUPPY W have a llttur of thoroughbred Fox Terrier pupplea, beautifully markod, the flu eat you ever 1 Uil eyes on: they are the amall breed and1 will never grow litrga. .They are Jut the klrd of dog you want vvoxind tha house for the children to play v with and to Keep them occupied. v t'iMiia la thla week and make your choice. ramAXES, a; iuxbi, aa abtz gio. W alao handle other varieties of thorough bred 1os. F.IAa ui..LB BIRD CO., 1617 Farnam St. THOMPSON, BELDEN ' & COMPANY - aaamaaSaBaaSBaaaaaaaaXaBa 0 Individual Summertime Apparel Designed to give the proper atmosphere to those vacation bcund or those who stay at home this summer. You will take pleasure in looking through the bright cheery sections of thia store, as truly decked out for summer as the fields and meadows. You'll find here a spirit of comradeship that suggests the glad freedom of summer, a willingness and a desire to serve that invites your presence. Wash Dresses Blouses Wash Suits Wash Skirts Negligees ( Pullman Robes At Moderate Prices Breezily Cool Women's Summer Dresses Really extraordinary because it is raro that a dress can combine such coolness and comfort with so much daintiness and style. Six to seven hundred different styles now here Priced From $6.75 to $35. The Store for Shirtwaists There is nothing prettier than a Lingerie Waist for summertime, and they are so inexpensive that most women buy several. There's a bewildering choice of dain tiness here. Prices Start at $1.00. A Fashion Expert Representing McCall's Patterns and . Publications WILL BE AT OUR PAT TERN DEPARTMENT, JUNE 21, 22 and 23, to explain, to. the .women of. Omaha the unequaled merit of these celebrated patterns .and publications. v,v'" M'CALL'S MAGAZINE, 50c A YEAR, or 35c if YOU PURCHASE A 15c PAT TERN. THE M'OALL QUAR TERLY, a"- handsome . book . of fashions, only 5 IP YOU BUY A 15c PATTERN. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR STORE ON THESE DATES. .. Seamless Bleached Sheets 81x00, medium weight, extra fine quality of sheeting; 85c REGULARLY, MONDAY - - - .-- 69? EACH Basement. Two Glove Specials LONG WHITE SILK GLOVES - Full 16-button length, Monday only $1.C0 QUALITY, 69?. CHAMOISETTE GLOVES in white only 50c QUALITY, 29. Bleaciied - - Pillow Slips 36x45 Made up from remnants of sheeting, SPECIAL MONDAY- 15c each Basement. ... ' Jr , . ... I. . ? V X. i New Summer Millinery Our Millinery Section is Now In Full Bloom . Beautiful Colors Greet the Eye Everywhere. New Creations, Original Shapes Some Exquisite Hats $5.00, $6.r5, $8.75 and $10.00 ' Exceedingly pretty hatt attractive shapes unusual values, which indicate rapid selling. The styles and ma terials are the latest for summer wear. . , Considered From a Price Standpoint, These Hats Are Remarkable Values, at $5, S56.75, $8.75 and $10. MATCHLESS VALUES IN Hartman Standard Wardrobe Trunks AT and up $19.50, $25.00 The Hjirtman Wardrobe Trunk has every convenience, besides real durability. We call your at tention to the raised top ana pa (or holding clothes. feature found ln no other trunk. A. few BvansTllle Wardrobe Trunks at reduced prices: 160 Trunks reduced to.... $40 $40 Trunks roduced to.... $80 $30 Trunks reduced to...,gO Matling and Cane Suit Cases The most complete assortment to be found anywhere 81.50 to 810.00. FRELING & STEINLE Omaha's Best Baggage Builders. 1803 Farnam Street - - -l 1 - - warv Let The Bee et you a good joh. Situations Wanted" ads are free I1! j. i : if y v 41' I I