Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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    WHiWIm an
Tltt: OMAHA SUNDAY Hbh: JUNL 1.U 191ft.
Omdha folk Going and Coming or j
Preparing for the Summer Trips
to Luke and Seashore.
octal Calendar, j
V 'VI ' V Rumin cloh. Mr. v-' V.
N'f-vton In!l-fi iii'iivil Monday '
UtI.Ir b: T" !-. lind. dul". '
TIT.SD.VY Itcticf t l "rlv .it tlie
Field ,-I ! ill for tho i'nii'1 . Snunc Insti
tute; Mrs. 1:. K Car, lsun. Inn- iunn at
tic Kiel.) cl'ib I or '"'if bihbis. Dinner
Iotmc .it ilir M-ii'P Hollow clwti;
I '. me Irlilcc dun. .Mum Marlon
Kunn. liot,'M J
vi:i'NW! 'AV rpn c in' "t the I
'rtrv nnl Field d;h..
Till HSI . V s nstlH i 'lul'. Mrs.
li.'ci. i. h.,i,-. Fidelus club pariy Ht
1 ill. Tl.irt .'-ninth nn I ' nl!frnia . ' ""T
I .r K" I'0!l'I.J .lib nt f'nnrr
i Hkf i lull l-ndi'V day at n-l'l and
'npnv Hollou diil. 'n-nlm iViimnri K
, -iii .:ii.'li-(iii (.' the Hold t- yal
I K 1 1 'AV -i hil lr n iliiy nt the Field
' .mi ; f t li n 'liiiv " hi Seymour'
' v.omI ry i l:i I.
.-A1 I'KI' V I mn"i- ilmve at th- Con-
Iry, I'k-1.1 ii nil HnUi'V Hollow rllllifl.
ril llne of Ml? dutnret Wood.
society Jsift now In very much scattered
crr it native heath. Iti devotum nn- j
i ii li r polng to or coming irom au
t'ornln, unending graduation exercise In
the far cai-t or park. us trunkK for the
summer exodus. The loiter Is beginning
H ti"ht later this year than nsusl and
in;iny well known Omahsn will be at
homo the sweater part of the summer
after a short visit nt tha exposition.
It. nnd Mrs. H. M. McClanahsn and
Mip Katharine Mrf Ttnuhan sn.1 Ir.
nl Mrs. Kwlng Krown left Tueaday
for California Hnd will attend the Ainer
iin Medical aFsorlBtlon meeting In San
Francisco r.ext week. FT. McCInnahun
will alao attund the ort..-day aeaalon of
tho Association of Anurlran Teacher of
Tdxcaocs of Children, of which ha I
Mr. K. (?. Hull and pun. Jasper, and
MIm Janet Hall, left Tiesday to Join
Mma Dorothy Hail In Settle, and from
there will o to tho California exposir
tic ns together.
Dr. and Mr. A. K. Jona left loat aven
ir for California. Dr. Jotiaa will i
I-rcaont al the AnierUiin Medical ronven
tion and afterward wl h Mn. Jonoa will
vlait Mr. and Mr. Wattlea at Holly
wood. They will return home r. about
three week.
Mr. and Mr. W. T. Oraliam and Mr.
end Mra. Eron llnitinn; Joined tha
l-eilnl train of Mlnne.Ta real eatata
men whh h patted thmiifch Omaha Tuea
ilay on Ita way to tho National F.cnl T-M-iHta
aVaorlatlon convontlon which opena
In Pan Kranclfico next Monday. Mr. and
Jin, IlantlnKB accompanied by
l! elr chlldrrn and Mls Ueulah Clarke,
i-nl expect to be gone l wecSa. Mr.
nnd Mra. C. V. llarrtaiio left Wednooday
evenlnn ami will also tttend tha real
Mnle convention.
Plans of the College Set.
Mra. 'Oifutt and hrr daughter, MUn
Vlrglnlat were In AnnapolU for tho Juna
woek feXlvlllea and In Woahlnxtoo for
aeveral dya. th meet of Mr. Kalk.
formerly MUaa Ktaunton.' Thla week thay
have- been at Southport, Conn., wlto Mra.
Lambert son. and leava today for New
Haven for rommencemrnt week, whera
Mr. Caapcr Offutt graduatea from Yale.
Mr. Offutt and Mla Vtrglnla. with Mra.
j. E- fiaum and MUa Katoarina Bauw.
MoenUy motored from Phlldlphi . to
lawrancevlllo. where xixtf war mat by
Jarvla Offutt amd Jabla Caldwall and at
tended tha Prlncaton ball irama with
them. i
Mr. Jack Rummera haa ratumad from
Culver Military academy
Mm Eleanor Patrick, who haa Juat
praduatad at Oberlln, returned home to
ly. Fram la Galnaa arrtvad home Thuraday
frcra Yale.
Mra. F. T. Rouaa went to Chicago Mon-
iav to met bar daughter Wlnnlfred upon
the latter' return from Emlth collage.
They went from Chicago to Cvhralm.
WU, where Mr. Bouae and Mlaa Maryj
llou! and Mra. C. R- Sherman and
ilm.ghtere will Join them Monday of neit
ik. aa the two families have taken a
houne tnaeiher' for tha aummer.
Mr. and Mra. laaac Carpenter and Mr.
an Mr. N. II. loomU Wft Tluiraday to
attend the graduating exerclaee at I)art
month rclUge, where their aona, laaao
Carprutir, Jr., ad John Looniu are of
the graduating c;a. They epct to re
turn r.on.c In ten daya.
Mlaa Jluth Kinnlor and Mlaa Carltg
u'Hrien arrlwd home Tueaday from
a.'bonl at Notra Damn, ind.
Mr. Joint nishn returned yeaerday
frum Cornell for lila auininer vacation.
The Cirnell iWe iluh affnir detained htm
a wek longer In the tl.
llarkm-e Kountie returned Tueaday
livia ( houl at Meal Nrvntun. M.
.m. It. C. Howe and Mlaa Marlon
1' who hava len at tlie Hotel
ilo'lmiu in New Vork for the laat three
utila. Iravf 'today for Nw Haven for
l i Vaic .'neo.onetil wet K Mr. !vl
i it Ho ih of the I'.'U liiaduittm rl.uia.
Mr. nl Mis. C. J. .-iii.-th utteuUd on
Th ir.hiy i,iie grailuallon of tll'-lr ion,
Jiuiiijiil Mnviho. at Holy t ro lollega,
Wi.r'cttvr. M
Mia. lit I Ik rl-M'Coy la rat to attend tl'adiiMtion of hrr dnugliter, Mlaa
llilen M 'Cuy, from Willealey.
.Mi'. Dilantin Kounlte ixiniea home today
'.ruin m. I'aul a. harlo and Lewis Bur-i,e.-.
who hra uUo at M. TauTa, etopped
i iir tu l-it friend at Ardaly-on-the
l'l-.un They will be hum neat week
Jinc Wjman and Richard I'age re-
..... , , ,
liuicl Wednesday from Law -reneevlllw,
mid Jo Millanl from Cornell. W'llaid
M.iUrd arrived the day tiefore from the
'luine a-ti'jcl in Maryland. Kay Millard
u expected today or tomorrow from Ex
eter. ll&Uton iKobie came home Tuesday
i rum lr inci ton, where he has finished
.it. fliat year.
Liwrdett KirVcndall and David 'IJwU
brrlvtd home yesterday from Lawreuce
v::le. Mr. and Mrs Henry B. Weller returned
UM wtek from hnoxville. III., aicom-t-l-1.
led by their dtughlera, Mips DomUiy Mies Marion. Mis I'orolhy was
i'Qju-d from Mary school and
vtas Tsledlctoiiaa of bar class.
Wedding Announcements.
Iju Friday evening at l Mioa Bertha
Kioarea Elkins, daughter of Mr. o4
.Mrs. W. EUltis. was suartted te Mr.
choilcg Prauci Flook, at tlie home of
htr pareoU. Dr. Edward Hart Jeoka
ie tomwd tlie ceremony. The yjung
couiile on an evening tram for ft.
IVi:!, wu.-re they will spend at -out tea
ttvs. after which they will go it their,
S' lumt-r conn o at CuiuberUod. vv la
1 ney will t ac oiupaabed by Mr. and
Mi f N'ewcU. Juos tu thia UUe Uip.
ami will U' at home after August 1 at
K.I vans otrevt. .
.Mr. Jacob A. J-.laakser and Mis Clara
PeUrJt.u were quietly marnid Wedne
Spending Summer
V -
If ' '
- " V-. v' ' " -'1 i '-' ' '
i ''ill ' Mt1"llL
HJ2J X;.;
day, Juno hi. at 1 o' clock p. m , at the'gueain at a bridae luncheon next Friday.
Oormun Lullira'i church by the Rev. K. Prealdotit and Mra. .tulni lleklna of Bey
J. Fri . The young coupie left the same motir club are af.endlruf a couple of
day for WIronln, where they will spend ', month on the I'aclfi" ooaat. rJurlmr
two weeks. They win lie at home at Ksjtholr absence their collage will be oc.ou
North Twelfth atreel In t'outh Omaha. !pic-d by Mr. and Mis. tieorge Francis.
At the Country Club.
Pr. and Mrs. Frederick Iike enter
tained at dinner last enlng, compli
mentary to Mr. Charlea Hrown. who will
return todiiy ti Roanoke, Vs., where Mr.
Brown and pniall son are spending the
Bummer. Covers were placed for:
Messrs and Mesdnnies
8. . Caldwell. Ik.
Mis Fretlerloka Wessells.
Mr. Clinrh Hnrtti.
Mr. and .Mr Fred Hamilton give mi
attractively appointed dinner at the
Country dub. A. lnrg basket of pink
and white peonies ilecdratrd the tahlo
and tha gueais were:
Messrs. and Mesilnnn s
W. .1. Foye, W'nrd Huigeas.
V. 1. Hoaforn. flharlea T. Kountse.
- Mlaa Alice Jaqulth gave a dinner for
her guest. Miss Lticlle Oroen of Indlan
apolla. Tho guest were:
Frances Hochittet
lor, Kllxabeth Reed.
Robert Contiell,
Koger Keellni".
Fiel fmughet ty.
K.dward Daughcrty,
Mrllorn Davis,
Harriet Metx.
Knlla Thiiminel.
Florence Neville,
Fran'ls ialiiek.
Huvli Millard.
Cuthbort I'ntttT,
Rayinonfl Iaiw.
Herbert Conm 11
Jack timmera.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Keller's guest
at dinner lasx. evening were:
Measrs. end Mc.sdomea
r. it imvis.
Hnrry Burkley,
W. H. Mejor1,
Wilson lw,
A. I.. Reed,
Howard Baldrige,
C. t;. Goorge.
Henry Wymsn,
John McShang,
C. V. Hw?nllton.
Mrs. Klrken'lall.
Mr. Joaeph llaldrlse.
Miss Harriet Pinlth entertained at din
ner Inst evening, complimentary to her
guest, Miss Noel Hasklna of New York
City. A large bajtket of splrea, tied with
tulle bows, wart used aa tha table center
piece, and Miss Smith entertained:
Misses Mlsseih
Noel Hnsktn. rtnth Hitchcock,
Klrsnor Macksy, . Margaret banni.
Lucille Uocon,
Ben Uallah,
Robert Hums,
John PtewarfV "
A. C. Smith.
Frank Br I by,
At the Field Club.
Mr. and Mra. W. H Head enter
tained at dinner last evening In honor of
Mlaa Mary HaU of Chicago, who U the
guest of Mr. and Mra. C. T. PturdevanL
Cover were placed for Mr. and Mr.
C. P. Bturdevsnt. Dr. and Mr. E. N.
Barnes, Dr. L4nn Hall. Mr. Frank
Haskell, Mtsa LI Ills n Head and Miss
Mary Hall.
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Abbott gave a
dinner last evening at the Field club in
honor of Mr. Howard All of Brooklyn,
N. Y., who la tha guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Shotwel). Covers were placed for:
Measrs. and Maedamao
F.. C Thompson. Frank Hhotwell,
(i. K. Wllaon. K. C. Abbott.
Mre Howard Abel.
With Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly were: '
Messrs. and Mesdames
William Yehle. J. Mayer.
B. A. Johpxin.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Knode entertained
at dinner loot evening at the Field club.
Their guests were:
Messrs. and Mesdames .
V Thompson of
of Chicago. P. T. Powell
J. Appel.iila1. R B Megur.
A. A. Kgherl. Earl Stlls.
Mr. Oeors Morton.
Miss Oormley.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krug entertained
Messrs. and Mesdamea Lea Huff and
Waugh and Mcadamea Allan Taliner snl
Madeline Cook, and Miss Karhach.
With Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hutchinson
lost evening at dinner were Meem-s.
slid Xlesdames W. E. Rooney and Ony
Cramsr. Mrs. C. E. Clarke of Chlcau.
and Miss Msyme Hutchinson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. (twanson had with
Measrs. and Mssdamee
Allan Moom, James Trtmhla.
Roy Floooi. Frank lWt.
F. O. Mason.
At Seymour Lake Club.
Mr. and Mra C. E. Parsena entertained
at dinner last evening, having tha fol
lowing gueals:
D H i'kc.
C. t) t arjienter
of Ht. Joeeph,
Thomas C'ahiil.
I,. F. Kreynborg,
M J. Ford.
y' B. Pordyre,
i - 'aiea iiee.
t- O. Lvwity.
i j j uBM
Mndred CerpenUr
lmlae Kreynborg.
ot at. JumiUi. 10 tlwennoly) v one.
Helen KreyniMrg, tr rrtla )!
be let a Uree.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Rrallev
Miss Margaret Fog entertained at din
ner danoo Friday evening, honoring Mr.
and Mra Jamee tlauley, Washington,
D. C, and T. O. Arsoetrung, Detroit.
Twenty guests were present.
thnall dinner partlea were entertained i
by Mr. and Mra. L. M. lvrd. who had
twelve gueat. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
(si. liner, ix guests; Henry Nygaard, thr
Mr. K. Buckbighsm entertained a dan
ing party Saturday evealag. having fifty
guest. ''
Aa aeyeclally attractive aregram will be
glvea at the dub oa Tuesday evening,
when g full atrtnged band will contrib
ute Omaha council. Knights of Oolumbua.
wlU enjey a field day next Wednesday,
th ailernoon being devoted to golf, base
ball and other sports. Dinner will be
served, followed by dancing.
The Omaha Msaufscturers association
will spend Thursday at Seymour club.
aa rapoeially attre-th program bring I Mis Clara Slefkln will go out a o
trnuns. The afternoon, will ko doveud 'prsoe aoloiat with the Bach trio, with
tu field HKrt for th wtu. brldrf fur ' lha lularoatMswak Cliaulauswa ayaseaa,
the ladies, and will be concluded with a In the evening. About 14
are expected.
Mr. C. It Orchard will nttcrtaio fifty
on Pacific Coast
At Happy Hollow Club.
Dr. and Mrs. Palmer Findley gave a
dinner lust evening at the Happy Hol
low dub complimentary to Dr. Thomaa
H. Ilanna of Rloomlngton, lnd. Those
preent were:
Mcuhm. and Mcadaniep
llr Halid, I'i.iiI Patlon,
4'lalre Iliilrd Dr. Thomaa Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard V Loomla en
tertnlncil nt dinner at the Happy Hollow
club. Their MicstH were:
Mi er and Mesdames
ii A. MiRiu y, arl E. Herring.
II !. Stretifht, W. W. Turner..
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pollurd gave a din
ner for Mr. and Mra. W. .1. Adams of
New York and Mra. Mruy McRurncy of
New York, the other gucstst were Mr. and
Mrs. Alvln Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. 1 J.
Nelon, Miss Iielle Ryan and Miss Kate
Monday evening at the Happy Hollow
club the High Kchool Alumni association
will hold Its annual reunion and business
meeting. Invitations have been sent to
Z.SOO gaduate. Mr. Htuurt Gould, presi
dent of the Alumni association, . haa ap
pointed a hustling committee to urge
members to attend tha piectlng, which la
to be followed by dancing.
The Royal Arcanum will give a rorv1ng
picture entertainment Thursday at the
Wedncaday evening the Omaha Bar as
sociation will meel for dinner at the club.
About VS of its members are planning to
A chlMren'a dancing Party will be
given Tueaday afternoon from I until 8
o'clock at the Happy Hollow club.
With Mr. and Mr. W If. Rhodes at
dinner last evening were:
Moaners, a lid Mesdames-
C. L. Carter.
M. F, Funkhouser. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Weller. enter
tained :
Mr. Frank Garrett,
C. F. Weller.
Mr. and Mrs. B. 'V. Jewel's guests
M"sr. and Mesdames
O. F. Worley, Jr. U. W. Worler.
Miss KaUierine Newbranch.
Omaha Boy to Belief.
Mr. Victor B. Caldwell. Jr., Tale 11.
alls today on the French lino 8. 8.
Elaine Dole.
Fifteen Omaha boys and girls, all front
Millie Ryan's studio,' will furnish voral
harmonies for tha patrons of rhsutau
juas 1st tha wet during th coming sum
mer. They leave thl wek for aa eight
weeks' tour, covering Iowa, Minnesota
and Wiconik. Most of these singer
kav Btten keard la concert In Omaba.
Th Orand Opera guartet will ge with
tha Tolome Royal Italian baavd, and U
cota posad of Lillian Rabin, scpraae; Boo
st Watt, contralto; Errot SLrtcklar,
tenor, and Leonard Rodger, bos.
Th Colonial Ladles' quartet, another
of the organisation, la made up of
Maine Dole, first soprano; Otady Ander-
iwn, semnd soprano; AU.'gra Fuller, flraC
alto. nd Ruth 0rdon. second alto.
Tlie Collegian Gl club U mad up of
Edward i'ulWr, Paul Mueller, Charle
Ferris. Jhn Diedrh hai n, John bhanahoa
and Joua Uuuu
, I.
t ..., :.; . ...V
J j : 'IS
S ' V' e- II
I e
Rochamlieau to spenl the summer as
a member of the ambulnme corps of tha
American milltaiy i.ospita! In arts.
Twenty-five college men have beon ac
cepted for the work in the nmbulance
ccrpa this summer.
Out-of-Town Wedding.
The wedding of MIsm Msbel Daniels of
Bancroft and Mr.' Howard Gramllih of
Lincoln was Holemnlied at the Church of
the Attoncnicnt nt Pancroft Wednesduy,
June W, at 11 o'clock. The Rev. A. F.
Marsh officiated. At tho conclusion of
Allttsen'a "Somr of Thunksglvlnic," sun?
by Mlsa Harel Ritchie of Lincoln, the
Lohengren wedding march was played by
Miss Vena ptahl of Liberty for the en
trance of the bridal party. The Mcn
de.laaohn wedding music wa played as
the recessional.
The bride was gowned In white cbar
meuse, cut entr'alne. and trimmed In
pearls and princess lace. The bridal veil
waa held in plat with lillea of the valley.
Sho carried a shower bouquet of bride'
roses.. Her only ornament was a lavaller
set. with diamonds, th gift of the groom.
LltUe Miss Frances Bernard wa th
ring beerer. Mia Florence Danile wa
the mold of honor and Mr. Louis Cram
lich of Fort Crook best man.
After the ceremony a recptlon was
held at the home of tho bride, followed
by a wedding breakfast. Alt tho appoint
ment and dscovatioi.s were In pink and
white, wild roses, syrlngla and peonle
being used. Assisting at th reception
were the Misses Edith Phrum of Omaha,
Marlon Nlcholvm of Wlsner, Haael and
Blanche Phillips of Walthill. Clara New
myer of Lyons. Margaret Long of Madi
son, Phyllis Nellth and Carrie Moodle
of West r-tlnt. Pattie Metzger of Cedar
Creek. Mildred Cuba of rVhuyler. Mar
guerite Farley of Bancroft. Frances Wy
man and EJna Green of Lincoln.
Among those present from out-of-town
were Chancellor and Mr. Avery, Dean
and Mra. Burnett, Mlsa Hulda Peterson.
W. C. Andrea and Mrs. A. E. Davlsson
of Lincoln; Mr. and Mr. 1L A. Easton
and Mr. H., O. Easton of Ida Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Shaw of Rlppey, la-;
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Walters, Miss Cora
Walter and Miss Alice Walter. Mr.
Rueben Bragstead of Hloax Falls. 8.
D. ; Mrs. Hattle Btevenson of Auburn,
Mr. Elmer Bristol of Oakland, Mrs.
Hattie Taggart of Boise. Idaho; Miss
Casale Daniels of Auburn, Mra J. M.
Oramllch, Ml Grace Har?Ihg, Mr. F.
C. Netlson nnd Miss Katherlne Nellson ot
Omaha: Dr and Mrs. R. C. Gramlich of
Walthill. Mr. and Mrs. George Gram
lich and family of Paplllion. Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Gramlich of Fapillion. Mr.
and Mrs. J. VT. Ell well. Alois Ellwell.
Margaret and Pernlce Ellwell, Mr. and
Mrs. P. R Chrlatinnson, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Dhnh-tl XI - . A VlM Wllll.. DV.k... -,
.'..V p . . . . u . . ... , i nuuuTi v VI
Hprlngllekd; Mr. and Mr. George Moony,
Mr. and Mr. A. Et Lake, Mr. and Mrs
Fred Luke and Mr. Guy Lake of Mur
doch; Mrs. William Bile and Mis Jessie
Bile of Pender, Mr. &am Giamllch,
Mia Hattln Oramllch and Mr. Louis
Gramlich of Fort Crook; Allc Rio
of Bridgetown, N. J.; Mrs. Fred Gorder
of Weeping Water nnd Mr. and Mr.
Phil FTiglcr of Fort Crook.
Prof. Gramlich Is Identified with th
state university as professor of animal
husbandry. Miss Daniel has for sum
time held the position of assistant pro
fessor of home economic In th same
school. After a short sojourn at tho
northern Inkeg Prof, and Mrs. Gramlich
will return to Lincoln to reside and will
be at horn- at Rtarr street, after
August 1.
At th Fontenelle.
Tha member of tha T. K.'s of tha High
flohool Alumna entertained at dinner
Friday evening at tha Fontenelle. Those
present were:
John Jar.ktiis.
W elter Jackson.
Phil Downs.
Herman Johrt,
Hurry Mlnold.
Roliert Edwarda.
Ralph Campbell,
Mem I
M alter Jeres.
W allaee Shephetl,
Rusoeli LernMH,
John ft'M,
Harrv Singles.
Gilbert Vennedy
Mis Vtoi Palk will entertain at tha
Fontanel )e tomorrow evening at supper
In bono- of Mr. 8. L. Roger, who Vaav
for De Molne next week and from there
In concert our throng-it tb west.
0-Atka Club Party.
Tb "O-Atka" dun wa entertained
Thursday evening fey Mia MUdred Ran
oav. Tb canUrptee wa pink foooe, and
the guest of th evening were th Mlsew
Mayma and Sadie Latta. Mia Ida Sharp
and tls Lulu Hansen. Th club menv
bers present were:
Misses Mia
Tun Casell. tj.l het.
Mary Havea, Carrte liiiwa
Roae If iu th. Mtldr1 Haosen.
Roa Stieean. Ethel aheeta.
At Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and afro. John W. Uambl. Mr- A.
J. Lovo. Mrs. Hobort T. Kloka, Mrs. Loa
a. CWrk. Mr. and Mm. W. C Palm,
ttsr. Mr. C K. Shearer have feooa gaoat
at th Elm hotel la Excel toe Spring
thl last week.
To Honor Brides.
A kitchen shower was given by Mis j
Jane I-anaea at the home of he aunt, ,
ri eward. Friday eventruf. la honor 1
uf llui Daguy Gebuhr, who will be a)
July bride. The decoration were car- I
riad out liv red and white, and etreaoier
were stretched from the chandelier to
te corner of the tabic. A largo vase
Miss Leola Harris
of red and white roses formed tho cen
ti rplece. Toasta were given In honor of
tho bride to be. Those present were.
M ?
'iiiKny Ofhiihr.
I hi nv 1 'yitefg.
Unllliip Mlicrifll,
Flhn .ten
I'.'l-i .leinn.
M leaea
Yetta f'yherg,
liiKa tjeit.ihr.
I i -1 ty Stilling.
nnmine .lensen,
.Irflie Lnwso'i.
'r. orenn n.
Mrs. Nleijon
Mrr. i'i. .N. well J,ine. end .Minn .Marie
Si" ok KHve ii mlfiellun, on shower for
il;ss Iltrtha l.lkina, ihw wedi'ing to
r. Charlea F, Shook took place June IS.
Those present were:
Mary .MiCnhe.
Mie Morlearity.
trnn'ea Jonea,
Mary f-'huok.
E. F. Anderson.
i I rl da Itellman.
I IiIh Miook,
I i rtha e-ellner.
linJclane .Ipp. lek,
Arllno Al.lntt.
."ee Jon.Ht.
Young; Suffragists Entertain.
At the armrtment of. M'S. B. K. Rood
I 'fnursduy afternoon held a meeting
i of on of tee Junior suffrage leagues,
, the June AiMams league of W'hle'i Miss
Camilla Kilholm I ir.iehlent and Mias
charlotte imlth, niee of Mr. Kood. la
tteasurer. The other officers ale Mis.
W ynae Fairfield, vice president, and
Miss Kllxabeth Austin, sei-retary, whllo
the members are Mlsa Helen Montgom
(iy. Mire Helen Rogers, Mlsa Vliglnia
Cotton, Mis Aim McCi.nneil, Miss Jane
McConnell and Mlsa Elesnor Fcott, the
membership being limited to ten alto
gother. The day wss to have been spent
In the woods, bnt rain prevented, so the
picnic became an Indoor one aaJ was
finished at the home of Iss Wynne Fair
field. Today Mlsa Bettr Fairfield, pres
ident of the first league formed, will
entertain the members of her lesgne.
Rummy Club Party.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Underwood enter
tained th members of the Rummy club
and their husband at dinner Friday eve
ning, followed by card. Th rooms were
decorated with spring flower and prizes
were won by Mr. Alex Jates. Mrs. Frank
O. Browne, Mr. H. L. Underwood and
Mr. J. N. Hord. Mr. and Mr. J. 8.
Zlpfet were th guest of the club. The
next meeting will be Monday afternoon
at the homo of Mrs. II. C. Newton, Those
Present were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
M. M. Kline. V. S. Foree.
Alex Jate.i, n. p. Mehrens.
J. N. I lord, Krnnk O. Hrowne,
Lovejoy. H. L. Underwood.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Newtun.
Pleasures Past.
A surprise party was given ou Friday
evening by about 100 friend in honor
of Sergeant V- T- -lgwnrt at hi home.
Mrs. J. P. Fallon entertained at
luncheon Tuesday at tho Field club for
Mr. Charle Wright of New York, guest
of Dr. and Mr. Bhertadcn.
Mr. and Mxa. J. JP. Fallon entertained
eighteen guest at th Field club on
Wednesday evening, complimentary to
Mr. and Mr. Lutberger, Mis Lutberger
and Judge Streme. all of Baltimore, Md.
Luncheon for Teacher.
With Mis Dora Harney a guest of
honor, the teacher gave a. gut-prise
luncheon at th Paclflo school Thursday.
Th table waa decorated with pink and
whit sweet peas. Cover were laid for.
Misses Misses
Nellie McDonald, Marina Case,
Margaret McElhaney.Nellln Prltchard,
lllian V ilber.
Eliza beh
Nellie O'Connor,
Ruth Tompett,
Carrie Boutelle,
Dora Olaen,
Dora Harney.
Katherlne Walah,
Loretta Burn,
AUce Coutlor.
Charles Martin.
Boxes for Races.
A great deal ef interest 1 being taken
In th automobile race scheduled for
July S at the speedway. Among those en
gaging boxe for tha affair arc:
Messrs. Mesars
T. C. Bradford, Jerome T. Heyn,
D. J. O'Brien, Rudolph Gerber.
A. Krug. Charlea C. Morgan,
naries j. Kornacn, Aaoipn fetor.
P. 8. Kennedy.
w. J. Mecca I h.
Bert Murchy.
O. 8 ton
Tom O Rrien.
Dr. A C SsWn.
Tt. is. B. MacDalrml
Dr. Stuart B.
Ed Peterson.
Charlea H. JUseman.
A. M. B rower,
Fred Met.
B. W. Nygard,
lnck Kitchen.
K. A. lilgglna.
Benefit Card Party.
A benefit card party will be given at
the Field club Tuesday afternoon fot tha
benefit of tha Child Saving Institute.
High five and auction bridge will be
liospe s
Sale a
Never before has such a elexant stock of fine pictures,
rood and musical imtruroents of all sorts been offered
public at such an enormous reduction in price as tiospa
is offering in. this big sale. Those who realise what
wonderful values Hospe has to offer have been crowd
ing the store for the last two days. Saturday will be
another bis day in this great sale.
1,000 Fine Pianos
A Wonderful Opportunity to Buy-
. 'at.k 4fflEv"sw y
ana MAee - trrth
Violinse Musical
A. HOSPE CO. bS&gjas
p'syrd and a musical program glvrn for
those who do not care for cards. Those
taking part on the program will be Ml is
Chariot! Bkklniore, Mrs. A. I. Root. Miss
Blanche Monhelt and Mr. snd M-s. G.
W. Greenoa. 1
With tlie Visitors.
Miss Luciie Green of Indianapolis is the
guest ef Mlsa Alice Jaquith.
Mis Ann Glfford is spending few
week in Milwaukee with an aunt.
Mr. J. R. French of ft. Louis Is th
guest of Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Porter.
Mrs. Swain of Columbus, Neb., is the
guest of her lster, Mr. J. J. Hulllvan.
Mrs. Howard Abel of Brooklyn Is the
guest of Mr. and Mr. Franklin Shotwell.
Mrs. George H. Wallace of Toledo. O..
v I visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph R.
Mrs. Perry Allen arrived Tuesday from
East Orange, N. J., to visit her mother,
Mrs. Sloan, at the Colonial.
Mrs. Paul Rose of New York spent Mon
day and Tuesdery here as the guest of
Mr. and Mr. Georg Brandels. "
Mrs. France Fern nd children, who
have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Sprague, returned Tuesday to Chicago.
Mr. George F. Wosley, Jr., a graduate
of West Point, arrived Wednesday on
furlough for a month, to visit friends In
tho city.
Mrs. J. E. Elder, who was th guest of
Dr. and Mr. J. 3. McMullen for a week,
left Wednesday for New York to Join
her daughter. .
Mr. and Mr. Joseph Morsman of Chi
cago arrived Thursday and are guests of
Mr. Morsman' parents, Mr. and Mr. E.
H. Morsmsn. '
Mr. and Mrs. diaries Harding have as
their guest Mr. Harding's alsters, Mrs.
Mary McBurney and Mrs. A. J. Adams
of New York and Mr. Adams.
Miss Eleanor Washburn arrives next
Thursday from Green Bay. Wis., to visit
Miss Helen Eastman for two weeks. Later
Miss Eastman will accompany her guest
to Camp Michlgamme for the summer.
Miss Noel Hasklns, granddaughter of
Theodora Havemeyer of New York, ar
rtvad Friday In Omaha on her way to
California and is the guct over Sunday
at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C.
Smith. Miss Hasklns and Mies Harriet
Smith were schoolmates.
Mis Helen Clarke returned Sunday
from visiting Miss Louise Lewis in De
Kalb, 111. Miss Clarke expects Miss Louise
Buckingham of Memphis. Tenn., to ar
live to be her guest for several weeks.
Miss Buckingham was a schoolmate of
hers at Mrs. Somen In Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. John Corby announce th
engagement of their daughter, Molli
J "'.' . .. '.
lfJ -i. ' - XHi
Remodeling Stop! I
Big Success
Pianos and Player Pianos
Xli Kshogany Uajeatle.... $09
$300 Mahogany Wmst Bros. $145
1225 Osk Kimball $145
U25 Onk BUger
HM Kimball
323 Osk CsJl-NeUoa...
26( Walnut r!op
$150 Mahogany Brrwter.
$U0 Mtnoggny MsrahaJJ
MOO Wathrd KimbaT
$500 Ebony Swlswgjr
$M0 Wslsot Kranich Bach
B40S $80 KxnJck
a n.cfc idie!
Instruments, Etc.,
V Wa-
Helen, to Mr. r.eniamln M Barren o
CUcago. Mif Ccrhy is a gr.oluate of
th Omaha HIkIi s-hot'I. Mr. Psrron Is
a prominent and ell known manufac
turer of Chi. nso. Mr stul Mrs Corby
will hold n ncri.tloti for their friend In
horor of the youns couple 5iilvlsy after
mm, and rv. nine. J-m- -'. at ISO) Capitd
Informal Luncheon.
Mr. J. 11. Parish onte-taind a lunch
eon veatet-dav at he:- Ivin.c in honor of
j Miss Paulino Parr o' Los Angeles, who
Is her house sued. Th. -c ptcsent were
I Medntnes Mcsd.".Pir-
I J. II. Conrad, Waller iley.
Iiomer Hohlnson. J. H. Pn litis.
j M!s Msrgnrct Pain'ei. Painter, W yo.
For the Future.
! The Fl'l'lu.-i . bib will entertain Thurs
ld afternoon at their hail at Thlrty
! ninth and California s'rcts.
Th, Junior Mn.":ci cluh "ill he enter
1 tallied T. r.nlay at'tc: nn-in a the home of
'Mrs Alfred 'lar'-'V Haydn will be the
study oi the altcni "pn.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mis. Oeorse Ftedlck md chil
(Contin'ied on Pace Three Col. Kour
Pfttrk, Philippe watches are
recognised snd S'imltto.l by
expert w atch maker tio lie the moat
accurate and satisfactory pocket
timepiece In the world. Every
watch matle by them is distinc
tive, from the dainty ladles' watch
mad in either the chatelaine or
wrist atyla with plrln, enamnlpil
or Jeweled cases, to the man's
spllt-socond or repeater. Alhe-
Kilholm hss the exclusive sale
of Patek wstche in Omaha and
has a nice selection a various
prices to choose from. W have
also the other well-known, high
grade wstehea, such s the How
ard. Hamilton. Illinois and Elgin.
Special attention Is called to our
watch repair department, in
charge of skilled men.
We are especislly qualified to re
pair high grade watches of either
foreign or domestic make.
Albert Edholm
Omaha' Oldest Established
Sixteenth and Bornsy Bts.
"Wo wirh to announce to
our patrons and the public
tbat we have moved two
doors efist, in the place
formerly occupied by tlie
Belmont Restaurant, and
will continue the business
under the name of
0. P. Restaurant
Enjoy your food hero
with the absolute assur
ance that it is puie, clean
and wholesome. Try our
place today you'll be
come a regular member of
the "U. P. "family of par
ticular diners.
0. P. Restaurant
$480 fin fam4 osk Pin jot. St-
not. lstt tyU $348
$450 Whituy Plsyer, oak, $not.
st $348
$560 Story k, Oark, mahogany, 8S-
sot $370
$600 Kimball, mahogany, 88-not.
st $370
$J78 Colambis Player, mahogany,
SS-nOt av4Qf
$1,100 Kranich ft Bach, grsndplay
r, mahogany finish $1 kjt
n,M0 Wslts Unrlght AutograVll
Player Plaao $050
Bach, small !, st tftr.n
- mMAt a
ii j
ir i
A Profit! W
ar '