11 A . II 11 II ' ' i i.I 1 1 ' tvJ.' - 3.i ri r-- 1 I JSR MANY ALIENSjIATDRALlZED Twenty-Two Hundred Foreigner! Become Cititem in Douglas County in Last Ten Yean. New Six of '16 Anuoun ced by Mitchell wis i isii siih , i l u i im saBjsapsjswssaasissssisssssi ,i,j .!!'. ""'.'.'..'J til 1 ' T'-'1" ss.Mv-V MMHieti. - M i -Mini in"" gl ::i:.-: REQUIREMENTS OF NEW LAW i ' ' ' ' ' - " v. ,f w '.-vvf I'.-'i .5 iilatt'.-9. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: .UINli -U UH.V A 17 "TT" 4 v "TtA XT ""V TT smlillillTnr. m .,, . M V (I 11 13 PI ivy H n 1 iV 1 I :! X -M L X II 11 J 'i r rlTTTTTY I W ty- ? ii nnA vx m mi it if imiij i i i iii k v, t. iv ii i ; rr u mwi m-friTf. i P- m Ii Mill - I k at J I Ml Ml ITT St iiiillll M i LIT! ' ' 1 1 l It u fur ! iif m ii " i mil ftmn(rrijimi i ; i 1 1 i ii l .r i im- iiiiiitii, v Fmmm.- ' ' ' i. rr i mi i t - i r 1 1, i i 'inSiS err Vi ii Ml II! f, M 1 fi Nli ffl 1 41 UH II i ! ' IF I I J I I 1,111" I Ml Wrm wo! Rtt i V1 H 71 P I ,H V v J' 'I ilAlH MB H 1 "" ML I IP iUI 'I 1 Wi W , il! IWH " V" HL"L' J. M. C.urnett. t"nlted States naturaliza tion examiner with headquarters at Ht. Tkiu1., hen completed a review of the naturalization reoords in the office of the lerk of the district court fof Douglaa founty. He aaxerta that atnee September T, r.KK, when the pmaent federal naturalization law became operative, tip ardd of 2.2W allena have he..i natural ised in Omaha, more than S per cent of whom were lons-tlme residents, who had taken out their first papers before the i nartment of tiie present law. Cndor existing iaw, any alien who has derlared his Intention to become a cltlicn wince September Zl, 1?06. muet file applica tion for final certificate of naturalization within sercn years after the date of hla declaration, or hla rights under the "c laratlon are lost, and he must make ji new declaration of Intention, waitlrul two more years before he is again eltfrtble to file application for final certificate. No Effort Brine Made. There are. now llvinr In Greater Omaha, morn than (CO aliens whose declarations of Intention are worthless by reason of tha seven-year limitation. There are 4.1S8 aliens In the city whoso declarations are sufficient to support an application for itizcnshlp, but who are making- no ef fort to take out final papers. ' Of the 4.5S4 aliens In the city. whose first papers are less than seven years and more than two years of age and who arc therefore eligible to apply for citiaenship. only lit, or about 8 per cent have gone into court and become American citizens. The provernment examiner attributes this clrcumatance, not to laxrk of a desire upon the part of aliens to become ' ltlsena, but to carelessness and to the tact that 'alien are permitted la Ne braska to. vote on tneir declarations. Purpose of B areata, The naturalization of foreigners is . in charge of the bureau of naturalisation, Washington, D. C. The chjet purpose of this branch of the grovernmenfa activities is to Insure the Jegal naturalisation of aliens of good moral character, desirable as citizens, who have lived in the Lnlted rttates at least five years. To expedite the administration of the law .the coun try is divided Into naturalization' . dis tricts, each of which is under the. Juris diction of a chief examiner. Nebraska la In the St. Louis . dletrict. Any communication relative to natural izatlon addressed to the Chief Naturalisa tion Examiner. Custom House, Bt, loula, will receive prompt and. cart rot atten tion from attorneys who are expert In naturalization 'law. It la not necessary for a foreigner seeking American citizen ship to employ an attorney, as the legal Kervlcea of the chief examiner's cfflce i.re at his disposal, says Mr. Gurnets. mW'L : jQis K 0 WOODMEN DELEGATES TO ' STOP IN OMAHA JULY 12 Three hundred Woodmen of tho World from all parts of the 1'nited Ptntrs are to be entertained In Omaha on .luly. 12. These delegates to the big rifltlonul con vention at Bt. Paul are to be comln through Omaha on that date. The dele gates will be the guests of the local of ficials and the entertainment committee 1 while in Omaha. COMMISSION TO ATTEND BIG JULY 5 CELEBRATION The city commissioners accepted an In vitation .to attend the Fourth of July celebration to be held In Fontenelle park on July 3, under the auspices of Improve ment clubs of the northwestern part of the rltv. Positive Expert on All Self-Starters. Strahlc & Anderson Red 4473. 2059 Tarnam. k 'TorSaled"" furniture into cash. rill turn aerorid-liand ; Packard Factory's Entire Output to Be i of the Twin Sixes H. K. Onr. local Packard representative, pent the week at the Packard factory arranging for - a larger quota of new Packard twelve, lie aays: "Thia will be the greatest year In Packard history Wherever shown the "twin six" has not failed to . excite the genuine admiration of all motor experts. By aa bold a stroke of policy aa the automobile business rejs ever known, the Packard Motor Car company hag converted the entire re sources of its Immense pleasure car fac tory In Detroit to the effort of producing a motor car that, in elegance and seductiveness of performanoa, will sur pass all the company's previous efforts." With reference to the new price level, Mr. Orr said: "Despite persistent Inti mations, to the contraVy. It Is sufficient to state that the Packard company has not entered the 'low price' market and lias no such move In contemplation. The new derlgn betrays none of the char acteristics cf the cheaply-built car, and it does reveal that abundance of detail and lavish expenditure of labor where labor conveys ,a definite quality of per. fornianc! that' has always been distinc tive of this particular product." Redick Refuses to . Stop Merger by an ; Order for Dundee District Judge Redick has declined to grant a temporary restraining order in the Injunction suit brought by residents of Dundee to prevent tha consummation of annexation. He called attention to the fact that he bad previously upheld the lonstlttittonality of the annexation law. Aecordlng to announcement of City At torney Bine Dundee officials have said they intend to refuse to turn over to Omaha officials tha village records and property on Monday when the governor's proclamation will become effective, in that event., said Mr. Bine, the Omaha commission will go Into court by a man damus suit to compel the Dundee board to turn over Its records to representatives of Omaha. The supreme court will be asked to pass on the constitutionality of the annexation law, according to representatives of Dun- i!i.a. Flying Squadron " Told to Get Busy or to Be Demoted Acting Chief of Police pempsey las served verbal notice oa the squad of six motorcycle policemen that unless they "get on the Job" and enforce the laws relating to automobiles and motorcycles they will .be returned to the ranks of patrolmen and ether men put In their places. The acting chief states the taws regu lating speed, lights and other road regu lations have not been enforced by these special officers as vigorously as should fcava beer- sr" F.O.B., BOSTON This man can be YOU T-IIS foot .touches a pedal and his Ford engine spins instantly into action. His hand reaches for a switch and up go the lights a part of them or all as he desires. Perfect car control is his from the seat with AY& DOT STARTING - LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR IP' MB ' Gray & Davis is the name which is looked up to with respect in the starting-lighting field. Gray & Davis is the name which marks the electric equipment of leading cars in every price class. Say "Gray & Davis" to a man familiar with the automobfle field and across his mind runs "First producers of electric lighting for automobiles pioneer manufacturers of starting motors -'specialists in starting-lighting equipment." The name "Ford" has meant much to you. Rest assured that the name "Gray & Davis" ranks quite as high in its particular field. See us today about the Gray & Davis Ford System for your new or used Model T. Sold and Installed by INDUSTRIAL GARAGE Twentieth and Harney Streets, Omaha HrlRRING MOTOR COMPAXV OP DES MOIXKS, Distributors for This Territory. System as supplied includes motor generator, 6-volt battery, nameJed steel battery box, starting and lighting switches, regulator -cutout, all necessary wiring, chains and sprockets. , mi. ..V!Ni m V.V- (iff ii. WW', An-1 ".'.v.-. V.'.Vi m m m. m 'tM Mi' . . - - r w -w ' 'I -i V, vK-sc t -: H "... .,j -4 V ; ' .-V' tt vs. La: .- , .' i i CI t it V 'it "!!' .ICv'"'"' I I III! I llipiHIIIIMIj I , JSli w .... 1!.P! . ......... IV . I V..vA-i-:.:.V:l::V t4vvi. l.v.v.X.::'.;..j.y.., :.Vcav-:vv-..V-.Vy.V'.v nun tSEtMaMM ;"vw.yrtJfA.:Vv.v..A;;:i::! -:vV.Av.aW?-.v.V. Ivty: v'.v.v. '.-.y V.' ':.j,:'.:-t:: (:;... .l..::.,.'.v.-.A-.v.:.v.V.':..'l:i V-a i'v.." ! TIIE remarkable (owth of the Firestone businens in Omaha the belief of the Firestone Company in the future of the city and the tributary region haa led to the establishment of our new factory branch headquarters at 2566 Farnam Street Formal Opening Monday, Jane 21 1515 ' new bnilding designed for the most commodious and convenient housing of all departments. A service room large enough to accommodate all cars and trucks requiring immediate attention. A machine shop equipped vrith electrically oper ated hydraulic press (200 tons pressure), drill press, grinder, side wire tire machine a complete tire apply ing and repair installation. Big Btoc-k rooms for pneumatic truck and earrings tires and rim. All of this gives you Immediate Dell vcriea Shop Aastataaec Expert Advice and Workmanship Rapid Service lor Every Type ol Solid and Pneumatic Tire Complete StockAll Sizes We invite every car owner and dealer In Omaha and this territory to visit snd Inspect our new estab liHhment. "We hope to see you Monday. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company "America's Largest Exclusive Tin and Rim Makers" 2566 Farnam, Omaha Neb. Horn Of fire aad Farterri AkreaOhle Rranrhra as4 Dealers Everywhere) H res tone lire and Hubbcr Co. 3MMI Famasa Street, Onaka, Kek. This coupon will entitle any car owner to a rubberized tuba ban, FREE, If presented at our store any time up to July SI, 115. r- w- tM My Nam- 'i c Get into business! via the "Business Chances .i.v. 'M:: m. -tVi..; Mi: tT t S.:: m '!!: 'l.-"iV vt:v-: v.s'V Mi v'.vl '.-y.Vi If T-VA,'.' a.V.V ftti v.V ?sil '?'H. 'VjV i