Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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Plsnt ii Materially Increased to
Care for the Growing
Lee Huff of the Nebraska Bulck Auto
rompuny say that the Bulck factory ha
been equipped and enlarged to build a
great many more motor cars for 1!16.
Whr new machinery l ridded It has
Wen Installed. Where more room M
required It haa been provided for.
"We have combed the market for bet
ter materials, and where we have found
them available we have made purchases.
Our treat army of factory workmen come
to their new task with a year added t
their experience and training; better pre
pared than ever to build Into Bulck cars
that value which atwaya haa been our
boast, and which always haa been our
beat selling factor." ssya Mr. Huff.
"In the lart year, too,- Bulck dealera
have added to their knowledge of the
Huick car. They liave become more and
more familiar with the absolutely correct
principle! upon which Bulck motor car
valuta are baaed. They have become
more and more 'soHd on the. great Bulck
velve-ln-hrad motor, and they are In a
better poaltlon than tvs to translate their
increased enthusiasm Into idling argu
ment which wa confidently predict will
be Irresistible.
Increased the Plaat.
'Tor the laat five yeara now the Bulck
factories have been unable to meet the
demand for Bulck care. Every year wa
have added to our manufacturing facili
ties enormoualy, but never yet have w
been able to manufacture aa many car
aa our dealera oould aell.
"Thla la sure proof of Bulck value. It
1 Indisputable evidence that the publlo
haa absolute confidence In Bulck tftand
arda and Bulck values. It Is positive
Indication that the ' Bulck ' motor car
stands on a firm and secure, foundation,
and that the buying publlo awaits the
new Bulck product with open arms anl
open purse
'PVrther Bulrk prosperity, for dealer,
distributer, company and employe, awaits
only the Introduction of the models.
To see the new cars Is to fall In love
with them. In all the factors that com
bine to determine motor car values the
Bulck . models for the coming season
measure up to, the highest posalble ex
pectations and In numerous Important
respects they exceed the beat hopes of
even the heartiest well wishers of every
thing Bulck.
"The Bulck line for many previous sea
sons haa embodied many pleasant sur
prtses for the motoring public, but for the
ll'U eesaon there will be the biggest sur
prise of all, and the most pleasing.
'These cars 111 establish an entirely
new atandard for Judging motor car
De Palma Makes an
Exceptional Night
, Run Over Michigan
A car capabls of dlxxy speed In the
hands of 'a fair driver, rushing madly
after the glare of Its great else trio eyes
on a rain-drenched country road between
Petrol t and Chicago In the dead of
night, with Ralph Pe Talma at the
wheel Is full of possibilities. At any rate,
four passengers thrnk so. v -
An expedition of this, description left
Chicago about o'clock directly after the
finish of the Chicago Automobile club
Chicago Athletic club run to Port Wayne
and return Juno 11-11. It waa a test run
with twelve-cylinder Packard. Chafing
under the restraint of traffic rules, D
Palma could not get his ear rolling until
fifteen miles outside of the city.' The
party arrived in Valparaiso, Ind fifty
two miles away. In one hour and twenty
Ight minutes, despite the slow getaway.
I Porte, Ind., seventy-two miles from
Chicago, was perforated just two hours
out. They say In Chicago that It Is a
record by pretty nearly half an hour.
South Bond, 101 miles, waa reached In
two hours' and fifty minutes. The Twin
Ms blurred the landscape, leaping; across
culverts and washouts until shortly be
fore In the morning, when It snorted
several times and stopped near the De
troit city limits.
"No gas," announced the Jury of five
after the Inquest and the serving of a
summons on the .reserve tank. ,
In a conference behind closed doors the
paaaengera have since figured that they
made the trip through rain and darkness
In about eight and one-lialf houra actual
running time. Three and one-half hour
were lost in locating the route, taking
on supplies and replacing an extra tire
and demountable rim whloh made a de-
tour through a cornfield.
Twin Six Causes
Stir onBroadway
There Is a new .star on Broadway. It'
a scintillating alar, the Packard Twin
The newest motor car design In the
world made lis metropolitan appearance
at the Packard etore in New York on
Wednesday morning, June 1 At o'clock
In the evening 4.S3V persons had called
t- make an Inspection, and 'his number
was ttirn-asvd by several hundred dur
ing liie boura previous to ths opening of
the tnesttjs. 1
The day following the 5,000 mark was
again passed, establishing what la probably-
a rvcoid for Broadway'e motor row.
Testifying to the fact that this enormous
number of callers was not made up of
the Idly curious Is a wire sent to the
fsctury by M. J. Budiong. president of
the company's branches, declsriiur that
an t-rrjr hail been made In pricing the
tar, liudlor.g la positive that every
ir allotted' to New York City could be
sold Sur JA more than the Itst price.
The Tain Six shown In New York Is
the sen on displayed at Indianapolis
during th sOO-mil race.
Sidney Man Buys .
i from Omaha Firm
W. E. gwartalaader of th Sidney Auto
company, tftdeey. Nb.. haa been th city
th last few day looking ovvr th dif- ;
ferent tine of cars for th 1914 season. I
He contracted with ths Murphy-O'Brien !
Auto company for ninety Paige-Detroit
cars, with aiririratkns on ths entire :
number snd shipping dste on ail. Mr. i
fcwartsiander lias Just returned from a
visit at the Psli; factory st Detroit snd
drove one of th touring cars to Oman,
aud wiil continue his Journey to Bid ry
Ita ths tar in a day or so
! And Again Goodyear
Add to Its Factory
rive acres of additional working space
are Included In plana approved thla wek
by the director! of the Hood year Tire and
nubber. company, which will begin at
once an extension of the Akron factory
made necessary by the continued growth
of the business. Thla w Ill-give the plant
a total floor area of nearly fifty acres.
The new bulldlnge will bo ready with
machinery Installed, by the beginning of
the flacal year November 1, and will re
quire for their use J.ono additional men.
bringing the Ooodyear working force to
a total of 10.000.
Uoodyear's preaent capacity in auto
tire production la over 12,000 a day. The
new buildings will enlarge the capacity
to well over H.OCO tlrea a day. The cost
of the plant enlargement will be 1400,000.
All the building are to be of brick and
Heel, to harmonise with the preaent plant,
and room will be found In them to ex
tend the manufacture of mechanical
To balance its product, to aid In ob
taining volume and economical produc
tion, Goodyear two years ago added me
ihanlcal goods to Its product. This de
partment has grown rapidly from the be
ginning and has made larger quarters
For eome time the Ooodyear plant ha
been rated as the largest single tire fac
tory In the world. Officials of the com
pany are highly optlmlstlo over the out
look for the future. The company Is
busier than at any time In Ita history.
Its automobile tire business shows a
splendid Increase over 1914, when a world's
record In tire sales waa made. In cord
tires the business Is jumping, aa attested
by substantial manufacturers' contracta
and consumer demand.
When the Ooodyear plant was rebuilt
and practically doubled two years ago it
was thought that ample provision had
been made for normal growth for some
years. But the buslncsa la already, out
growing Its surroundings, hence the new
buildings and the plana for the year to
Saxon Company May
Shipments of Cars
Break All Records
A an Indication of the great Impetus
all over the country In sales of automo
biles, the Maxon Motor company set a
new record for shipment during the
month of May. Ileporti show that in
th month Just closed the shipments of
Haxon csrs were more than triple the
records of the same month last year.
Not oJnly waa the showing greater than
for the aame period a year ago, but It
la made known that the month of May
'was the largest In the history of the
Hnxon company.
The month of Juns will get another
record, according to the factory sched
ule. An average of 120 cars a day Is be
'nt maintained at the big Baxon plant In
Petrolt. thua placing the Saxon company
among the nrgeat manufacturer In
point of n.imlx-ra of cars being shipped.
Records such as those of the Saxon
Motor company make It a simple matter-
to understand the optimism that
prevail throughout the automobile in
dustry and 'the prediction that Is .fre
quently made to the effect that more au
tomobiles will be sold this year than In
any two previous years.
Veteran Automobile .
Maker Turns Down
-Large Sum of Money
Rimer Apperson, president and general
manager of Apperson Bros. Automobile
company ' o Kokomo, Ind., announced
yeaterday that he had refused an offer
of 10.000 made to him by a Petrolt ra
dical for th purpose of allowing the
use of the nam "Apperson" on a cheap
Ix-eyllnder car that they desired to
make. It waa a tempting offer and a
um that the average person would think
hard and long before turning down.
Chalmers Starts
1916 Sales Season
At the regular trl-monthly convention
of Chalmers district managers held in
Detroit sll last week, th Chalmers sell
ing season for 13K wss formally opened.
The business sessions of the conven
tion were held every morning and. after
noon In factory convention hall. The
program consisted of talks by depart
ment heads. Informal discussions and
ths unfolding of plana for th new
A feature of the convention was the
talk of Chler Engineer Hlnkley on th
vslve-ln-head motor with overhead cam
aliaft. Mr. Hlnkley concluded his remarks
with the statement that over 76 per cent
of the American makers would adopt
thla design within' the next two yeara.
Going on the assumption that a per
sonal visit to the factory might facill
tate delivery of Cars, dealera are travel-
A New Set of
Slip Covers
over th seats of your auto live
a mora refined and elegant appear
ance to It It will surprise you
what a difference It makes. They
belp to Veep the duat and dirt out
of the upholstering. , Lot us give
you a figure oo a set.
Auto Top Co.
Tel. D. 3558.
1915-23 Harney St.
umbers to th OldsmoMIe plant j
Mi.-h.. to secure ear., which. !
In I-snel
In most lnManre, are driven
to their points i of destination.
In fa--t.
so prevalent Is this tendency on the pert
of dealers ti'at the sales manager of the
company declares fully 40 per cent of the
factory output of the new four-cylinder
cars tip to the present time has been
Ing In ii
J' t' . J "iT
delivered to dealera who have personally '
called for csrs
Interci.t Is sold to be equally kn in I
ths elsht-cyllt.der OldsmoHle recently
.Vmounced. first deliveries to he made In
August. The m:inufact;trre have not ns
yet seen fit to -divulge full Information!
.r..r.....s innr n.w r.ixnt, Dut ar ex-
peoted to do so at an early date.
Everything In and On
THIS Is the new Velie Six its power plant the latest development
of world-famed tax-cylinder specialists its flow of energy con
tinuous,' silent, supple, adequate to every road and grade its body
lines forming the graceful sweep of the true boat-streamline its
capacity ample five-passenger, with every appointment for luxurious
riding its equipment surpassing all previous offerings its weight
less than 2500 pounds, insuring economy of upkeep.
Our experience, our reputation, our. success are staked on making
this the dominant value of the light six field.
For years the Velie name has insured quality." Thousands of Velie
cars are giving the kind of service to which owners proudly call
attention, in every part of the country.
Read the features of the new Velie at $1065. Why pay more ?
Why be satisfied with less ? Ask for all the details of this new car.
Folder fully illustrating and describing the new Biltwel Six on request
Velie Motor Vehicle Co., Moline, 111.
If the Veile is not represeated in your locality, it offers a
rare opportunity. Here is a car that on simple comparison
will outsell jany car of its class. Write or wire for appointment
i "N."Hs. w- s - : em mm nv. , ai v a . :m mm nv e ki & , . . as pat,' i -v i 4. i' . x
alsj'wlnMnMMwaessas Mgwganieyigti m uegaimiiMnwgfciaasnmajsi,, mj,w m'imnmrrm.-immmmmmamimmmmBmmJmmmmr''
nCAl CDC Akin PllmMCDC
With a famine in motor cars eonfmnt-
Ing them, twenty-one denier and cus
tomers of Hod Brothers, made desper
ate by long waiting, took matters Into
ther own hands on Thursdav, June 10.
anJ descended en masse on the Detroit
1 (
J. A. r'rmri, p.ufTa'n df-aW and ring
leader of the Invading fore. d"lherrd
an ultimatum to the effect tliut the rsrty
was prepared to 4jip out on the factoiy
grounds unless some cars were Immedi
ately f.irthcnminp. General Sales Man
ager A. 'I. Thllp. who la an advocate of
peace at any prico, finally staved off a
r- :
Velie Features
115-inch wheel baso standard troaj
Velia Continental motor 40 h. p.
Unit poorer plant
Spar gear in motor no chains
Multiple dry disc clutch
Automatic ignition system
HotchLU type of drive
No noisy strut rods or torque arm
Spiral gears in rear axle
48-inch underalung rear springs
Velie Stewart vacuum feed
All electric wiring enclosed
Posh button tarting device
Two-unit Remy electric system
Expanding tire iron no straps
Velie mirror finish 20 operations
Fine leather deep tufted upholstery
Headlights with dimmers
Curved radiator blending with hood
Windshield ventilating top and
lS-gallon tank with gauge at rear
Simple rocking gear shift lever
Quick adjustable side curtains
Heavy steel-crowned fenders
Cowl light show if tail light is going
One man top, speedometer, dash light,
KortabI light, coat rail,footrail,electrie
orn under hood, 32x4 in. tires front
and rear (Non-Skids on rear), 5 single
- piece demountable rims and full tool
riot by allowing the dealers to keep a
portion of the rrs they had boldly ap-proptint-d
in the slilvi'liig rpnrtment.
The .leaders' ralj was the outgrowth
of the tremendous sale of Oodge
Brother' ears during the lust six month.
Although employing full day and nighty
forces, the big Detroit factory ha be."
swamped by orders from dealer