V Tim BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JUNK 19, 191 o. i 1 I .1 Bringing Up Father Copyright. 1HT.. International Now SUrvlca. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus huh: THE. OLD FLIRT UUVT UKE ALU THE men: WICHES BAT KAW HURLER FROM BOX Wiedmao Hammered Oat of Game in . FifUt-IafiiiiE: and Wolvet Take the Contest. ' ' ' FINAL SCORE IS SEVEN Ttf FOUR WlCinTA'. Kan.. June lS.-Vlshlta. batted Wlflmn frotn Mho lx In'' th fifth. ooring lx Tiin In that Inning' ind wtrmlnr Hi am. VB.na:rr Jaeksonw jwa) out of tha cam for disputing do clalon too vhcmntly. Score: I WICHITA. AU. R. H 4 . OwrlM. fb Fox. If Tydeman, of. Patterson, lb.. Griffith, e Brit ton, lb Hi, Whits, rf Southern., p... o. n o A. 8 ft 0 ft s 4 ALLIE LOU TAKES FEATURE Brown Filly Captures Trot for Three-Year-Olds. FIRST APPEARANCE AT MEET Total! Roehe, If. Tallton,' ' Traiiur rf MllVW. IB. ..... 4 TOPEKA. . All. R. 6 4 4 rr h .laokaon, ft rver. rf.. Lahlmore, 2.. Ra4P. c Cochran., Sb.... Welrlmmi, p.... Pashner, ' p Monroo ..r..'... .. 1 n. 2 a i o o 2 1 ft 1 0 0 0 o. I 4 2 N 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 A. 1 1 )t ft 1 0 0 I 0 3 I o o Total! 85 4 24 10 0 Ratted far Tashner' In ninth. Topoka 0 0 0 1 S J Wichita 0 1 M M Left m hws: Toprka, S; Wichita. 11. Sacrifice hit: - Talllw. Two-base hlta: K ), :j Rrltton, arover, Patteraon. Threo-bas tut: Roche- Hnia run: Southern. ' Stolen hue; Ft. Hlt: -(Iff Wiedmtcn, 1 In four and two-thlrd In nlnR.i; off lhncr, t In throa nrt oni tlilr.1 lnnlna lNiuhla play: Hop t -harle- to Pattoraon. Struck out: By Wdmn. t;-by Tahrir. 1; by futhern. . Hasrs on hU: ort Wledmnn, 2; off P(iihnir. S: ofl Hontnum. a Wild pitch) outhn. Hit bv pltch4 ball: Fox md Pattarnon by wleJman. Time: J. 10. I. mpirea: Parent and C'ualek. i BAH FRANC1BCO. .Tuno 1.-AIHc -.trlia-bcowiilfllly.. InaU4 flrt appearand at th uposltlon met hera bj Vapturina; todaya' fcaluia vnt, a trot for -yati-oid. "Hha Tailed to make tt tbx-a ntnUitht beat only'by tha mar tn Of aTnoaa In tho flrWt'hra. which wu takan by .Nicola B. .In ,th laat two, Allla tioa ahowad' br heela to tha fluid all th way. Ttet time, 214. MoCloaky. A. McDotiald'a brown ild Irit. winner of a :'0 trot laat weak In fturter company, then today, 1:14 trot in tralht' hata. atepplna tha aacood leg In S:!. Thal:l paca want to Fleet Pillon. Mt tlme,.2:l(4. . Anothor $30,000 purie, offered in the ::0t claaa Pacini-, will be tha hnadllner of tomorrow', card. Summary; Trotting, (-year-old, two in thrn heat; ' pire, ii.OOO: ... 0 Allle Lou, br. f. (McDonald) Ill 0 Nicola li, b. o. (W. A. lKirfe) I a 9 0 iSnrl, blk o. C. A. Parfee) SHI 0' No other entrant. Tlma, 218'. 2:ls4. 02:il. ? ! Trottlnc, i:U claaa, three beat; puree, ' 2,Ooo: J ! l'c loahy, tor. (. (MrPonald)...-.. 1 1 1 Honnln Ane4. . m. tpnoerl a le Ulooaom. eh. m. (P. (?hlldi) . Ill Alao atarted. Poctor I. C- b . (Ni tint); acratchea: Henecn. Boy, in. g. (ricmlng). Time, 2:U'4. 2:16. 1:16. Pacing. 1:19 claaa, three heata; puree. W.M: Fleeta Dillon, t. m. (fhuier) - ill Plrect Una, b.. h. J.Mjulre Ill Mlaa Harrla.M. V f. (MuPonald)... 4 I 2 Alao atarted: riudwoloer. br. a ' (Oll- lertn Hiiki ratch, "nlk. m. (Many); .oetrtx. eiu m. (OhTllmnrnc): MaUiime iac, br. m. tC. 'Ienler). Scratched: Mountain Port, b. a. (Walker!; He. by t'otn mnnt, (Hcwarlx). Time, f :li, 1:14, !:)1'. "PEPHR"i CLARK ltOUtoi. LINKS I'tnfi ttt ' UeBTH In leeaal aad 'Lipea Una) N Me. KIOUX CITY. la.. June H.'Pepper" Clark relieved Kelly in the aecond inning with tha baaea full, retired the aide eid b"ld 1.1 rnxjin eooretaa t remainder of the game, Hloux City Inning- by a acora ox e to . uoore: . , . 8IOUX : CITT. . AB. B.'H. .O. A. E. 'ooney, tb--..-.. t. I.J ' 11 I i 0 larke.lt ....4 0 l',l. 5, ,0 Kmm. lb.. I,reU!ie. cf Callahan. ...!...,. 1 1 lavlilon, rf. it 0 tl Hennling, Sb. ........ 8. , 0 . ,0 k "rtap. c Kaliy,. p... Clark, p... Total.. Wolfe, if McUafflaan, ee. .. Me A Hitter, aa tVllUame. lb Mclntyre, rf Iajey, 3h M. .;lireibr, cf.: Ueyd. 2b Yanta. i- Kliman. p 'a!vraon, p....... M ft II uncoLn;". A. F. H, 0 1 . n rl'i" 0 .- .4 tl" e r u .M 0 ! n n o a I l l a rt. , a ' i n V Sailors from . the Arkansas Win ' . Athletic Contest it 4' SO o o 1 ft a 6 i. a a o- e a 0 ft-t Total.... 8'ou City. Lincoln To-bM hlu: "Mclrityr. ' Tiejeune. Three-bae hit: Iojeune. Hacrlfle hlta: 'lark. Calahan. 8tolen b : PavMron, lln.lln. Pnubbi play: Clark to t'rlip lo Kim. Innlnaa pliahed: Hy Kally, m; l.y Clark. 7S; bv Khman. by NarVeaoti. . . Hit: Off Kellv. ; off iTlark, B; oft K'hiuan. ; off Narveaon, I , llaaea on bulla: Off Kelly. 4;" off OlHrfc. I. off K nimn. I; off Narveeon, !. struck outi By Kellv. 1; by (Hark.. . 'Wild plth: t'lark. Hit by Plttbod bill: Uy. rhrnen. Kane. Time: 2 H. . 1 iirJ , an BlfWIa BOOSTERS WlH WITH RALLY Batons arrival la Elahtk blva ' ' . Dm MaJaea Uaaae PKH MOITK8. June It A batting rally In th eighth gava Pea Moinea a 4-lo- victory per bt. Joaoph. Scora: ST. JOStPU. AH. R. H, O. A. E 4 1 1 I . , . H 4 N'kcholaoa. rf.. Katp. '4U !-. it . iihamh, cf.. V'tiMin, rf... Klal.er, lb Tuurwuin ... Vwultlt. 3b.... White., c I-lannitgau, p, I.Mif, p Vance, p ...... 1 1 1 TeUia 14 PES MOlNrS. lUlin. rf er, rb Hunter, cf...... Jonra. Ih Hartford, aa ... Hiiia. I... T.. nil bill, lb... Hrt-n. v.. 'lk.owaa, p ...... TotU AH. R. ... 1 1 ... 1 1 I 1 ..27 K. i 14 0 6 I A. . I 0 I I V I a 4 27 14 batted for Planer lo ninth, t.' Joernh I ' lae Muinee 1 ( a 4 Home run" Jslrholaon. Two-bae bit a TcuriHimn. Jonca. I'll la Hit (iff Kiaa ii n. t iu avvrn liiniiufi; off lakaif. 1 .a utia-thlrd liitln,.uft -Vance. I In two ti.iiii liiuiiinK. Struck put: Hv Thoniaa. t. ty t (aumxan. b; by.lkaff. 1. liaana n u.ll. Oft Thumaa. I: ut( r latnilaaii 'it by I'luhe.i !ali: By Thomaa. Wil limra. Wild iiiuli: Thtnaa. Phard bn I i, hi. Jh.nb.e plava: faayerjlo Juiia K .dm to Pbi. t.t f l In. i . lyrit (in bawa m. Jowyli. 4; Pea Muloea, I. Time: I VL. NEW YORK, June l.-Offlcere ' ind allora of tba United Btatea battleahtp Arkanaaa at th New York navy yard, ar elated today by tha victory of the athletes from that veaatl in the Inter chip athletlo meet. The conteat was held laat night at tha navy branch of tha Young Men'e Chrlatlatt aaaoclatlon In Hrooklyn. . " . . ' fTha pointa won were: Arkanaaa. Wyoming, 1H; Delaware, 7; receiving tip, t. The Hpaldlng trcphy became the perm an ant property uf the Arkanaa t4ain, aa tbey had nravloualy wen two matohaa for tba cup. Lieutenant Northcroft of the Delaware, wiho oama to New York from Norfolk, athere hi a ahtp 1 stationed, won the II pbund 'shot put and ll tied for aecund place n tba running l.lgh Jump. Harvard Wins Long Game from Princeton i , .t nan . I vjxvi, juih nut m wuu (ong-drawa out liatlaaa game from. Prinoa- ton Iter today, Jk to a Th victory gave Harvard a, dean,, aweup of th Princeton rriea, aa the Crimson had Won the two preceding gajnes. Harvard won- on Chap lin' wUdneaa, tha Orange and Black pitcher pawing aaven and bitting aa- j pther, befote ,he was taken out la the xtii iiiaing. H'ardwlck drov in four rnf off Peyo, cr.apun succeaaor. ecore: I R.H.K Harvar.1 0 4 1 1 I ft 2 -t n l Prini-eton gOOOUSO 1-4 I Hatteiiaa: Harvard. Malian. Whitney aad Harte: Prlnrwtoa, Cliaplta, Peyo and taluion and Kellher, . ' ' SKIP JACK GIVES FIRtc CHIEFTOUGH TUSLE Aaaiatant Fire Chh-f fclmpaon anl Fire Warder Uorrl Indulged In a little piscatorial frollp at Manawa on Thursday. After a speechlciia Interval of lut'f an hour Mr. Xlorrla waa ar-;iaed by call! from the aaaiatant fir chiof. who gave audible and muscular Indication t hav ing connected with some nilybty monitor of tha dop. Sir. Morrle rowed to tlik scjne cf iYi demonstration and helped Mr Simpson haul In the big cat h. It was only a eHIp Jack real&iiiu; forcible annexation. i ' A aarrio at Aeaavlatlwa. At ' Ko'Jlavtlle: R.H.K. Cleveland I lu 1 Louisville I It) 0 liatteriee: Carter and Bsaaler, Northrup and Clemens. At Kan. Cltv: It H E. Minpeapc-lla I It 4 Kanaaa City. - 1 1 I Uatteiiea: Hentley and ulltvan', OliHr rlly; livgan, AllUon. (iaidiMr and Alca aniler, 'oHimbua at Indianapolis, advanced to fcundav. bU Paul at Milwaukee, poetponed, raki. PROHIBS LAY ODT GRAND ISLANDERS . - i Thieisen Weakeni in Seventh, When York Euni, in Seven Score i ..for Win. EARLY nrSTNGS OTHER WAY ORAND ISLAND, Nab., June IS. (Spe cial Telsgram.) Thleaeen weakened In tha seventh and with three walk bunched with hlta th Prohlba ran In seven scores and cinched the game. Until that time the chtmps had all th better of It.' Score: YORK. GRAN nmr.NP. A H O A AB.M.O.A.a. Hlra. 2b 4 0 e erTn. n . I 0 I a Miirnhv rf ..4' 1 S S IK'iWll. tb. ... 4 10 4 1 Totten. lb... I I I'd Oftvnrk. lh...l 0 I I w.im.1. if... 4 I t 1 Hnrr. If.... I t a H'.km. lbi l la scror, .... ill.; Flaaa. aa ... t til (Varnar. rf. .. 4 I Pl.rra. r(....l OPownar, rt. . 4 1 I nalnna, i....l 1 1 ecialra. lb... 4 1 14 WtTorlt. p ... SThleaaaa. p . 4 0 I a llHlr. p.... I 44.10 - - Total tl itlU I Total. M ill M York 0 0 0 0 n 1 7 Orand Island 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Bsrte on hails: Off Bkycrk. I; off Jlnlivy. 1: off Thlesacn. 4. Htruck out: Hy Hkyock. 4: by Haley, 4; by Tlileaaen, 3. Two-base hits: Murpby- Raines, Clair. Hit hy pitched ball: Hockewlts, Kle Potiblu play: Downey to tnalrc. Kamed runs: York, I. Left1 on baaea: York, 5; Orand Island, 11. stolen base: Roben. Sacrifice hits: Rioe. Bynek. Um pire: Monroe. Itranitnrre Wis First of Merles.. NORFOUK. NoK. June M. (Special Telegram.) Norfolk took the firwt game of the srles this afternoon, 6 to 4. Great support for Norfolk pitchers snd some timely alugging by th Prummer did the trick. Krrora by tirtiM and Wat son and three hit by tha Drummer In to aecona inning reBUitea in tne rour big Ullies fur Norfolk. Bcore: n , HASTi.vnai. Nonmt.K. AB H O A E. . AB H O A K Wttaoa. U . t 1 I 1 1 RradHrk, tb 4 1 1 I 1 Olron, U ...4 1 -1 fla. 4 1 1 1 0 Piumni, lb.. 4 IS l'rrl. II... t I 0 t MvOba. If.. 4 1 4 IB Brown, if. 4 1 IS Hlrh'rdm. c t I I OoI'wim. lb... 4 fl Otot, lb 4 All C.Caipbl. c( 1 I 0 (mpbll. rtl I I Malltor, Ik., fit) Wldi, ct... I 1 I 1U Brown, c. I t 0 Hilar. ..:.4-l I SWalwortn Tblamaa, Totili ... II HUM Tot.l..... Jl 7 I Haatlhfls .1 0 0 1 0 i 0 0 1-4 Norfolk 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 t Two-base hits: Olson, C. Campbell, McOsbe. Home run: P. Brown. Htolon baaes: Prunim, C. Campbell. Bssea on balls: 'iff Riley, 3; off Walworth, i. Hits: Off Riley. 7: off Walworth. 11. Htruck out: Hy Riley, 4; by Walworth, I. . Tim: - tmplre. Bhuater. Falrbary Captarea Tal Oae. ' BKATUIClfi, Nab., Jan .-(8peclal Telegram.) Hrstrlce lost to Falrbury here today. 5 to 1, The vlaltora landed On "Blx" Mi Prjiuiell to the irst Inning fur the three runs He waa replaced by Irwin after pitching two-thirds of an In ning. . Hcatri'-e s only score K'aa made in the third, when Black drove in the run with it lliicn-baggflr, Urorn: , FAIRRinRT. BDATRIfH A H O. A H AB H.O.A R Standing of Teams i t p.. 4 6 0 0 WF.BT. LKAOl'K I NAT'L LEAGUE. " ' W.UPct.' W.L-IVt. Pes "MoineaJs U .SIT Chbago V 21 .571 Denver M ID .bill PhUa 2'J ,-iSl Topeka .....27 21 .iM St. IoUls. . . .30 26 .V Omsha 24 2j .62Ij Pittsburgh 25 .4!') Lincoln 22 .GM Boston 24 .40 Bt. Joseph.. ID ?i .422. Brooklyn ...W 27.471 Wichita ....17 25 ,4MI New Yofk...2l 4 .47 Bloux gity..l ,SUl! Cincinnati ..20 W .t AMER. LHAGrB. FED. LRAOUK. . W.L-Pct I W.L.rct. Chicago ... $4 20 Kan. City.. .13 W .) Boston 2. 1 ,at St. Ixula. ...) 10 ) Petrolt 24 22 .fi'.W Pittsburgh II Mtt New York.. 2 2S Chicago ....20M.Bi Waah 23 24 .4h Brooklyn ...28 2 M9 Phila IS US .45?! Newark ....W 17 .401 Cleveland ..) .40g Maltlmore St. ula....l 24 .3inl Bulfalo 1 38 AMER. ASH'S. I STATE LEA OCR. W.L.Pet.1 W.UPct. lodlan'polls.H i .ftfiol Beatrice ...17 n Louisville .3ft 24 .5.V Norfolk ....18 11 .DM Kan. City.. 2 24 .M7I York .: In 10 .01.. Milwaukee 20 27 .4VJ Falrbury ...13 16.448 St. Paul. ...25 27 . 4H1I Hastings .. .13 14 .41 Cleveland . 22 M .44'! Gd. IsTund.14 12 .t Mlnneapolia.21 DO .4121 Columbus .21 II ., Yesterday' Heaalta. WESTERN LE.GI E. Donver-Omaha. tKiatooned: Denver team in wailmtit. Lincoln, ,i; Pioux Cltv. 3. Toneka. 4: Wichita. 7. St. Joaeijh. 2; Pes Molr.es. 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York. 6- I'lttsburgh, 7. Philsdelph'a-t'lnclnnatl, rain. Brooklyn-CMcato, rain. Boston, 2: St. Louis. 3. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago, II: Philadelphia, 4. "i'lttsbttrnh Cleveland-New York, advanced to Sat-1 Tvco-basa urna:' Ht. Louis. 1: Boston, I. Detroit, 6: Washington,' 3. NEBRASKA TATE LEAGUE. York. 7; Grand Island, 2. Hastings, 4: Norfolk, ft. Falrbury, 6; Beatrice, 1. ' FEDERAL LEAGUE. Chicago; I: Buffalo.0. Kansas City, 10; Baltimore, 17. Pittsburgh, ; Brooklyn. 4. Bt. Louis, . 12; Newark, 2. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Cleveland, I; Louisville, 7. ' MlnnespolU, 9; Kansas City, 2. Oarnei Today. Western League Denver at Omaha, Lincoln at Sioux City, Topeka at Wichita, tit. Joseph at Pes Moines. National Ieasue New York at Pitts burgh, Philadelphia at Cincinnati, Brook lyn al Chicago. Boston at St. Louis. American Lesgue Chicago at Philadel phia. Cleveland at New York, 'St. Louis at Boston. Petrolt at Washington. Federal Ijeague St. Louis at Brooklyn, Chicago at Baltimore, Kansas City at Buffalo, Pittsburgh at Newark. Nebrssk State League York at Orand Inland. Hastings at Norfolk. Falrbury at Bealrloa, PIRATES EVEN UP BY BEATING GIANTS Pittiburgh Obtains Early Lead and Holds it Despite Weakening of Pitchers. ADAMS STOPS SCORING IN EIGHTH PITTSBURGH. June IS. Pittsburgh evened up-the series by defeating New York. 7 to 6, today. The Pirate obtained n early lead off Perrltt and maintained it despite the weakening of Marnaux In the later Innings. Adams ucceeded Ma rnaux In the ninth after New York had scored two runs and retired the side without: further scoring. Score: NEW YORK PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K. SnnJcraa. rt 4 I - 2 0 OOmr If.... 4 t 1 -0 Litxrl. 3b.. I 0 2 OColllnf. of... 4 1 S Ixnlo. h... J 14 1 ORalrd. lb.... 5 10 0 0 Burnt, rf 9 110 OHIiKbmn. rf 4 2 1 0 Kletchr, 4 0 t tVuntr, lb.. I til 1 1 ttohcrun. It I 1 It OVIoi. 9b 4 0 0 4 0 Morkle, lb.. 4 2 7 0 OMWuTtliy. Hi 1 1 t 0 Mevara. c... I 0 1 1 (lOlbron. e.... 1 4 S 1 0 Wen.lell. c . I 1 2 0 lM.mRilI. P..I 0 0 0 Ptrnll. p... 1 0 0 lASsma P 4 0 0 0 Xrhupp. p.. 101 r.r.nl 0 II 0 0 Totals M II 17 11 Ftltlrr. p 0 S 0 0 4 Hralnrrd ... 1 0 0 Total! M 7 it 11 I Rnttert for Hchupp in seventh. 'Hatted for Rittr In ninth. "ew York 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 21 i i i a o i o o i hits: Merkle, Hlnchman. Three-bn hit: Balrd. Stolen baaea: Zlerkle, Carev, P.alrd. Hlnchman, Mc ('rihv Pr.iihl nlnvi: Fletcher to Doyle to Fletcher, Dovlo to iwersie. mrnra runs: New York, 6; Pittsburgh, B.- Bsses on balls: Off Perrltt, 2; off Schurp, 2: off Marnaux. I. Hits: Off PerrUt. In two and two-thirds tnnir.gs; off Bchupp. I in three Bnd one-third Innings; r,rr Tiitter In two tnnlnas: off Mamsux. 7 in eight innings (none outh in nlpth); off Adams, none in one inig. wuimhu. TENNIS , CHAMP FOR GIRLS ATWnrlnn flrmV.ncrn THE 0. H. S. r . Motor apeeaway is Stopped by Strike CHICAGO, June IS. Attempt by tha state Military doing guard duty at tha new motor pedway here to enforce th rule against drinking intoxlcanta on the ground resulted this afternoon In . a walkout of carpenter working on the: grand stand.. Four hundred carpenter and 1.200 laborer cuit. The guard found sever al workmen drinking beer, and because they would not give It up. as required by the Speed way association rules, he tried to take, a bottle away, according to official. One man resisted and, his friends charge, was wounded by the soldier' bayonet. Titer wa no disorder, but the work men held an open air meeting and d elded to leave. Germs Can't Stay With This Treatment llililbrnd n 4 t a epiitmaa th. 4 I 4 I CASEY PITCHERS SOFT. FOR TERPS s i ' t . 1 .' ' ' i By Rttter, -J;, by MamaTw. 4: try Adama, Lavhbol areong ;tlra-' girl. Miss 1. Umpire.:. (5ulley id E.. feM'-thachampIoh.Iilp twlo. li r-nvriw Trim Bra vea, ST. IDt'lS, June 1.A' pitcher' duel between Ragan and Doak ended in a vic tory for Kt. Louie here today when the visiting pltchor broke down In the twelfth Inning. Pt. Louis won 3 to 2, in n ganw tied since the secontf Inning. In the twelfth Ragan passed Pescher, hit Miller and passed Dolan. thereby filling the bases. Hyatt's hit then brought Bescher In with tmr winning run. Doak otitpltched Ragan, granting Boston only six scat tered hlta. Score! BCWTOW. 8T . LOt W Putler. ir. .. 4 l 1 7 II Rnrbir, It. . t 1 0 0 0 Miller, Jb. .. I 1 I 0 0 Ismg, Bf..... 4 0 W llin, tl. . l 1 9 o v Conl.r. lb... 4 1 I SUraniiaa. lb. 11114 Brawn. If... 4 14 0 SHrowa. In... 4 4 e Thi..ln. cf 4 I I Blark. rt ... 4 114 4 1 jmu. lb ... 4 1 1 lOunar. c.,.1 471 r.vlon. m .:4 11 4Nlf cf......4 4 Couhoy, lb. . I I 1 tKurtuai. as. . 4 I 4 1 Ji::,h,'..e:::i f i .LTii. "till seventeen to ten is score AB.H.O.A.E. Ol Inert, if . I 1 1 0 0 Kltap-t'k. fl I 1 I 1 0 Connolly. If. 4 0 Smith, lb... I 1 1 3 0 fynaiiat. lb. s li oDouin. rt.... 4 141 mw. !- o 0Hvu. )h....4 111 0 Mnrsnvll', wi t 4 ( I Batisl. Jb... 4 14 4 4 Whaling, r.. I 0 T I 0gTdr. C....4 -IMS Raian. p.. ...4 44 Doik. p I 117 Xotali 4'M 17 I Totals II 22 1 One out when whining run acored. Hoaton" ...... I 0000000010 02 St. Louis.. ..0 10000000. 10 1-1 Two-bate hits: Dolan. Snvder. Stolen i bases: Miller. Gilbert. Bescher. tlarned . . , tT-j run: St. Louis, 1. Ift on bases: Bos- FlVe KaniaS City HurUrS Hit Hard ton, 8; St. Jouls, 14. First base on errors: i",!"", l. ni. iiitiin. j. mAo on dsiis. Off Ragau. 6: off Doak. 4. .-Htruck out: oy jittKan. ; uy Doak, . Umpire: Klem and Ems he. ANNABELLB DOUGLASS. Annabelle Douglas ha at last defeated Essie Brande and thus made herself cliamplon tennis player of the High BranSe In emcees- Ion and -each time Miss Douglass waa the girl she defeated. The -charaplrmanlp match waa played Wedneaday afternoon at Happy Hollow, Mlsa Douglas winning- three out of four sets. The score was aa follow: 6-3, 9-3, 1-6, 6-2 .... No Impurities Can Retain . Foothold They're Driven Out. ru , ' ,'t !t4j-i mil ,aBaV Bh ' The action of S. S. B., the famous blood ' purifier, 1 direct from the moment It enter the atomach. Unlike food that must be acted upon by the digestive juices, a 8. 8. a-oea at once Into the blood, and In lea than flv minute haa ' traversed the entire circulation. by Baltimore Batting Squad. ' Tstsls... r airoury hnlrl,. 14 14 4 Irwin. t 17 11 1 ' Totals a mil I ft 0 0 i 2 05 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hip. Umb, Three-baa hit: Black. Home run: E. Brown. Sacrifice hits- Brown. Booths, Rrannaa. Baeea on balla: off t-holl, 3; off Irwin, 1. Struck out: By blioll, 4; by. Irwin, 4. Hit hy (itched ball: HtUlebrand by Mclionnell. Brannaa by Sholl. Hlta: Off MdKn Bell, a In two-thlrda Inning. Tlm; I:X. I inplie; Mv-'lr FAIRBURY SATISFIED WITH SCHEDULE NOW ' Falrbury and the State league authori ties have come to terms and disruption of the league la averted. Prealdent C. J. Mile of Hastings, head of th league, and C. W. Crawford, presi dent of th Falrbury club, conferred yes terday with Richard Orotte, schedule ex pert, to the above' end, Falrbury object ing to a switch that deprived It of a Fourth of July game. The" schedule practically avert to tha one drawn at the opening of the season, so far aa Falrbury and Norfolk are con cerned. Falrbury draws a dotble-hader with Hastings on July I and in a trade with Beatrice the latter town get July 2 anl 4 with Falrbury. Fairbury and Beatrice, however, have agreed to trade date so. Fall bury will have th Fourth of July gam. It now rapidly spread It medicinal action in tha line network of blood vea- Madeline Owens waa runner up In the j aels and I Ilk giving: the blood a.' final match before the championship thorough bath, to overcome edema, round. Sh will win an ."O" for getting blood rling. boil and othr eruptive that far In the tournament. conditions. It can not harm any part , ot , I the system. It does not lodge In th mere are two iug.- g.r.a arm iwo JolnU'a do merCury arsenic and other rsranucs gins, ana oetween ine lour ok them the school ha been shown 'some very fast tennis games. Tire girls will all be back at school next year, so the chance for some more fast matches are good. Mcitalllaaa Wast Games. Anv class B teams wishing; Sunday gomes with tile McQuillan Hats. Call Tom Co'.l at Webster 5630. Hoathern .Association. Memphis. 7; Chattanooga. 3. Atlanta, 7; Mobile. 8. Birmingham, 6; New Orleans, i. minerals frequently to De round in blood remedies. It Is a natural medi cine for the blood, just aa essential to health If germ have gotten th upper hand a Is nutrltlou food if after m pell of sickness th body calls for nour ishment. Wherever you go. you ar sure to meet some ona who used 8. 8. 8. for th blood and Is a willing witness to Its wonderful pewer to overcome blood troubles. You can obtain B. R 8. In almost any drug store In th U. S., a significant fact a to It worth and It sterling reputation. Oet a bottl today. It will do you good. Writ t The Swift Specific Co.. 104 Swift Bldg, Atlanta. Ga.. if the directions with th bottle do not fully cover your cats. Tbe La Aaaelea Bear. CHICAUO. June U. Officials report of the Tom Moris emielitinn. received today by tM-cretarv Hcnnebery of tha VYraUrrn Golf aaaoeiatlon. placed the score f the Ia Anselea Country club team at -4 limtead of 'A down. The reporta r- -elveil up to toi.lsht practically confirmed tha ixiaat playeie' victory, aa no ullier club has claimed a better score. iCaasi Lest st.' At San Francisco cort: R U E. Portland lo S 4 Oakland 4 S 0 Batteriea: Portland. Evans. Lush and Fiaher, Carlach: ciakland, Prulett, Mar tiiiioni. ChriHtlan and Kuhn, McPotish. At bult Lake City Score: R H 11 Venlia I T Salt I.ake City 113 Hattariea: Venla. Hanley and Mitse; Salt lka City, Oregory, Flurry and Hannah. Al I .os Angisa 4toore: R H E. San Franciai-o , 4 I I Lna Ansvles Ill IUttaila. baa Francisco. UllllUy, Relaigl and BUh k; Los Angeles. Scoggliis, Kyaa and Bole. ' lawa Star 4 Sleaa. SIOUX CITY. la. June Ik. -Hart lav ?)wun, star pitcher for the University ot owa I aea ball team thle sprint, bss len lnM to plu-h for the Hioux City WMtern learue club, lie Joint d the team today. i;rttrkg win, Plr'RltK. H. P.. June la itii'ial Tele Slum. In the Iwll aame beie iixlay lie tMrvwn tleltl)Uia and 111 Pierre lodtaii hoo the visitors won, I to I. BALTIMORE. June It All five Kan sas City pitcher were hit hard and Bal timore won today's game, 17 to 10. In the fltth inning the locals scored eight runs before there' w a putout. Score: R 11 E Kansaa Clty.S 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 lr-lo li 2 Baltimore ...0 S 0 0 10 0 0 1 17 20 I Batteries: Kansas City. Johnson, Main. Packard. Blackburn. Glngras and Brown. Erxenroth; Baltimore, .Bailey, Conley, Quinn and Jacklitsch. Rebel Bass) Tips. BROOKLYN. June 18-Pittsburgh took today's game from Brooklyn, u 4. by bunching hita with errora In the fourth inning, which netted seven runa Utiham was knocked out of the box and replaced by Finneran, who held the vlaltora ecore Icsa In the laat five tnnlnira. Hearne was hit hard, but remarkable catches bv uk, and Icklaml aaved him at critical point. Score: R.H.E. Plllsburgh 0 117 0 0 0S 0-010 1 l.rooklyu 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0-4 It I Batteries: Pittsburgh, Hearne and Berry; Brooklyn, Upham, Finneran, Pratt and Simon. Brom Blaak Blara. BUFFALO. June l8.-Mordecal Brown shut out Buffalo today. I to 0. Only thirty-one nu-n faced I im In the tune Inmnga and Dalton made tha only hit. Brown atruck out three men, bad three anslsts to hie credit and twenty-two of Cnlcago'a putoula were made by the In field. Score:. RH.E. t hlcago 0 1 1 ( 1 I I Mil ) Buffalo 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 I Hattariea:. Chicago, Brown and Fischer; Bufialo. Krapp, Ehmke, Alarahall and Blatr. - , ! Terrier Take Series. NEWARK, June 18. -B.' Louis wn the entire sria by taking the fouiLb straight game from Newark toiay, Hcore: . R.H.E. . Louis. .....1 S 0 0 1 0 011 11 0 Newark v M t.t I M llil i Batteriea: St. Louis. Davenport and Hartley. Chspman: Newark, Moaeley, tirandom. Wbltehousa and Rarlden, DANISH FOLKETHiNG FOR ABSOLUTE NEUTRALITY LONDON, June IS A Reuter dispatch front Copenhagen say the Paulah Folk, thing, or lower house of Parliament, to day unanimously resolved to support th ministry la It policy of abaolut neutral Ity. Jl dispatch from Copenhagen, Wednes day, aald that as a. result of attack by th conservative newspapers and their demands for the formalloa of a coalition government, owing to the taalcal cabi net' policy of neutral Uy In tha war, tha guverameat proposed t ask for a vote of confidents on It policy and that If thle was not givea It would resign. ifA- "v . they're fine' team mates, these j rCXf fV&s Sif". two universally popular, al- ly '''J'f vsB vays rehable. tested by time WMi$m " ' 7VJ7 " S 'AA THS COCA-COLA CO. VTl4rWtW )mi m an Arrow, think X i