Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THK HKE: OMAHA. FKItUY. .UH IS, 1915.
Villa's New President' Challenge.
Consistency of President Wil
son's Latest More.
WASHTJfOTOX, June 1. FraivrlB.-o
Laoa Chaiaro, the latest president of
the Vtlla-Zapsta coalition government in
Moxioo City today replied, to President
Wikm' Mexican statement by chal
l.rurtna; the consistency of the president's
declaration with Ma much. discussed In
dianapolis speech.
IVeatdelnt Wilson's statement eemed
notice on the factional leadera that If
they eouM not aocommodate their dif
ference Uie United Statea would be con
strained, aa Mexico's next friend, to help
Maxtoo aava itself and sorra Ita people.
Chasaro l&yi the convention govern
jnent cannot reconcile that with the pres
ident's declaration In Indianapolis that
ha had no disposition to Interfere In
Mexican affairs.
Bat," saxs ChaxaroV reply, received
today at the State department, "we con
tinue to conjecture that the general Idea
of President Wilson's proclamation Is Is
help us In a friendly way."
If the president's declaration Is to be
construed as a threat, Chassj-o adds, the
convention "will maintain the dignity of
the Mexican people."
It blames the Carranxa forces for Mex
ico's plight. Abounding in epigram, Cha
aro's reply makes extended references
to "eoonomlo and social reforms." the
establishment of a stable government
and guarantees to life and property. Tt
makes no reference to recognition by the
United States. Its text will be made
public later.
Phasaro's hostile reception of the pres
ident's statement, coming close on Villa's
ply. which decidedly reflected a re
ceptive mood, stirred up a good deal of
attention In official citvlos, Ctiaiaro Is
supposed to he a Villa man.
Consul PlIMman at Vera Crux reported
today a change In the Can-anna ohlnrt,
Real Zubaran. minister of Interior, and
rascuilero Berdugo, minister of Justice,
hare resigned. At Vera I TUB General
Villa Is reported In retreat toward Tor
reon. with Carranxa troops puraulng.
Food Riots in Vera
Cruz Are Imminent
WASHINGTON. June IS. The food sit
uation In Vera Crvis has become so des
perate that Rear Admiral Caperton, fear
ing fooj riots, has proposed to the Navy
department that warships be used to
transport the relief supplies and thus, In
cresae his forces.
Tor the present, however, Navy depart
ment officials have deckled not to in
crease the American forces there aitd will
continue sending supplies on transports.
Admiral Howard, commanding the Pa
cific fleet. In taking thecrulser Chat-,
tanooga and Raleigh with the Colorado
on the relief expedition to the Taqul
valley, acted on his own lrfltlatlre. When
the admiral arrives In Tobarl bay, five
American warships wilt be off nuaymas.
Missouri Honest Ad
, Law Goes Into Effect
f KANSAS CITT. Mo.. June IS. Mlsso'irl'g
hoiwst advertising law, enacted the
last legislature, became effective tJay.
The measure applies to eery form of
business. It prohibits misstatement rf
fact In any form of advertising. Includ
ing posters, circulars and letters.
For instance. In a real estate deil, in
misstatements of facta are made regard
ing the property lo be sold, the persuh
making those statements, no matter In
what form of advertising, is amenable.
Pines and Jail penalties are provided for
Stakl.Who Swore
Lusitania Bore Guns,
Charged with Perjury
NEW YORK. June 1. Oustav IMahl.
the German reservist. ho swore to an
affidavit submitted by the German em
bassy. 4 Wat he saw guna aboai 1 the
I.tisltanla, was Indicted for perjury to
day by a federal grand Jury. The al
leged perjury waa committed, it la said,
not when he msde the affidavit, but In
testimony to the same effect before the
grsnd Jury In its Irltiulry against l's il
Koenlg, head of the itccret service de
partment of the Hamburg American Hney
and others, to determine s.hrth.'T they
should be Indicted for conspiracy In the
t'nlted States. It Is alleged that Koenlg
was Instruments! In procuring the Ptahl
Ptahl Is now In the Tombs, where he
wss taken in default of 110.000 ball after
his arrest on leaving the grand Jury room
on June 10.
The Jury will continue Us Investigation
Monday, but It was Intimated today that
unless evidence additional to that nlieady
before the Jury Is obtained, th? con
spiracy feature of the Inquiry may be
Decision on Frank
Case is Not Beady
ATLANTA, Ua June 18. Governor
Piston said this afternoon ho had not yet
reached' a conclusion of I.eo M. Frank's
application for a commutation of his
death sentence, and he thought It likely
he would not announce his decision until
Monday. Frank's execution Is set for
The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
II ii (MtUartbobaOweiaUn 1 it
Today opens our sale
Not a "frantic money raising' just a
natural stock adjustment sale of Hart
Schaff ner & Marx clothes.
Here's a chance when you men who like good clothes,
can make a substantial saving through these generous price
reductions. This isn't a sale that will appeal to the ordinary
"bargain hunter," for there are many sales in progress where
prices are lower.
The interest here is in the clothes
At regular prices there are no suits really cheaper than
these; none more economical; none better value for the money
now the values are doubly attractive.
Sizes to Fit All Builds of Men such as Stouts, Long
Stouts, Longs, Stubs and Short Stouts.
Better styles would be impossible.
Prices to Suit all Pocket Books.
2822,$3Q22 and 35Suits $2122
$2022,$2252 and $ 25Suits $ 1 622
MaydlBini Birds.
Berg VftV
Sait$ t-r-yf7i
K l i aw J W - VI
Our Raincoat Section
with lis unusual assortment of generous
values. Is doing "soma business" these
days. For absolute protection you
should wear on of our splendid roats.
S3.50, . 97.50. SIO, 912.50.
$15.00 up to $23.00.
"Kuppenheimer Suits"
i provinir mic of tlio most suocesfiil vor od hy this store.
TIip jjotxl novrs has sproad of the superior qualities and appealing bargains
mai any one neuvinff in eoononiual cloth oh buvina: will ho unable to resipt Kri -PKXIIK1MK1.
SUITS, ieerless leaders of the CLOTIIIXd A0RLt, that sold at
$20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00
Are Now Offered You
$15.00, $17.50 and $20
r.very new kink of style, dashing models and nn excellency of materials
only found where yon find the very best.
We are "Greater Omaha" Headquarters for
"Tropical and Palm Beach Suits"
Here 3 on will find: English Mohairs, Enoorto Cloth, Aorpores, Tabu
lioaeh, shantung Silk, Wool and Linen Crash, P-inama Cloth, Sumatex and
Fine Poplinp. ,
$4.75, $6.50, $7.50, $10, $12, $15 and $18
Glen Urquhart Plaids
That sold to $18.00 and $22.50 are now
priced for Saturday's Belling at
$12.50 and $15.00
'Pvry one a new atyl and model..
One Great Lot of Spring and Summer Suits
That sold up to $16, at
All nw, dChirable styles and fabrie. For
medlum-prlred suits they ar unequalled
values $15.00 values for (tft.75.
Straw Hat
' Tou can't tell how soon
you may want a nice, cool
straw. But when you do,
you'll need It badly. And
now, at a time when you are
not fretted with sweltorinjf
weather. Is the time to make
a careful and well .suited
selection. We've the styles
at the right price
Sailors and ftoft Shape,
In ; Split and Hough
Straws 81 to $
Fnnanuift, Bangkok, Ijfg
horn) and I'orto It lean,
t S3 to S15
Silk Hats and l ops
I 50 lo S3
Extraordinary Values
in Men's Furnish
ings for Saturday
$3.00 Soft Oiiff Shirt styloa at
II. .'5 Soft Cuff Rhlrt atyloa at SSo
11.00 Soft Cuff Khirt styles at Ma
I2.00 Summnr Vnlon Sulta, ahort,
mndium and full lonatha IMS
U00 Summer Union Bulta T
'be Atlilellp I'nlon Suits. ...... .4&o
Hose Sale.
Intorwnvan Silk Hoa apecially
Rrlo.d for Saturday l i toe,
Igli unllned heel an1 double eole
. Jtio vatr, a pairs for 11.00
Neckwear Sale.
'Evory fancy allk Kour'-ln-Hand In
th. Mre all ro on aale Saturday at
one nrloe 3fto aaob, for fl.OO.
Buy th. Yenr'a Supply Now.
Saturday is Boy's Wash
Suit Day"
All Russian and bloua. style!,
mad. with Bloomer panta, to b. dla-,
posed of Saturday. Imported ma
terial, etrirtly fast colors. QaJa
teaa and madraa. reps, poplins, white
linen and crashes. Slsea front IH lo
8 years
Values worth up to 11.00, all at
on. price, par suit o
Norfolk st via
and Unen crash, worth
uiU, khaki
orth II K.
sties to IT. Saturday. . .tl.SS
Boys' Knlokerhnrkers. in woolen
snd wssh psnts, worth up to
Ho, pslr S&e
Base Ball Outfit
Mask Bat Ball Mitt
With every Boy's Suit at $K or mora.
Baihlna uls, Uo p.
Sweeping Price Reductions at
the Four Rexall Drug Stores
Purchasing for Four Always-Busy Stores is the Tremendous Under
Selling Power Behind Sherman & McConneli Bargain-Giving
Some New Toilet
Goods Prices
60c Pompelan Massage Cream 20c
50c Carmen Face Powder (4
shades) for 20c
25c Houblgant's Rice Powder lTo
$1.00 Llsterine, Lambert's . .B9c
60o Aubry Sisters' Toilet
Cream .....'...20c
60c Malvlna Cream, for 20c
2 5c Mennen'a Talcum (4 kinds)
each .12c
25c Rogers and Oallet Perfumeu
Rice Powder tor 17c
60c Soctete Hygenlque Soap (Sana
Odeur, big cakes In purple wrap
per) for 2Ufl
26c 4 711 White Rose Soap ..12c
25c Woodbury'a Facial Soap.. 17c
35c Rubber Set Tooth Brushes,
all sizes and textures 22c
You "save time and money" by
coming to the Rexall Stores fot
toilet goods.
Victor's Tonic lxtlon The
best remedy for Tan, Black
heads, Pimples, Barbers' Itch
and all skin affections. .50
Removes Freckles.
Patent Medicines
Sharply Cut
Cigars for Saturday
10c F. Garcia clear Havana, Sat
urday So
10c Cubanolds, 4 for 23
Box of 60 Manila Media Regalias
for 1.83
Box of ten 15c quality foil wrap
ped Manila cigar (General Hares
sice) for unc
Lunch Kits
$1.50 and $2
W. obtain theaa ' aods. In most
instances, direct from tha manufac
turer, and thus are In a position to
suarant.a genuineness and also
make tha lowest prtcaa.
11.00 Bllaa Native Htrb Tab
lets for
Burkhardt'a Vegetable Com
pound, Ho, So and
&oc Payne'a Kidney Pllia,
luc Byrup of r'tga,
toe Pp'e Dlspepstn,
$1.00 Plnkham'a Com
pound $1.00 Hyomel, complete,
25c Caatorla (Kl.tcb.r'a)
11.00 S. 8. B.
$1.00 Fellows' Syrup
7ic Jad Palls
Genuine Llsterln., $1.00 slse
$1.00 Win. of Cardul
IJ.00 Pabst Okay Specific g2
$1.00 nerce's Favorlt.
Prescription for
Epsom Salts, lb. ... 5c
Boric Acid, lb 2e
Witch Hasel, pint 13c
Wood Alcohol, pint ........ 15o
Cream Tartar, lb Hoc
Cream Tartar Sulphur Tablets,
ISc box, 2 for 2Aa
Aspirin Tablets, 2 doien for .2.1c
Hlnkle Tablets, 100 for lOe
Quinine Capsules, S dosen . .SAo
Aromatic Castor Oil 20c
Sassarras Bark.., Re, 10o
100'Blaud's Tonic Tablets ...20c
Va-lb. can Chloride Lime 8c
1-lb. pkg. Mule Team Borax, Be J
Hire's Root Beer, the 85c else,
making five gallons, for 15e
Aft 1 v
Agrcnts in
Omaha for
.4tt ) Dilators
' Th. latest
M l and moat sue
s. reaeful treat.
tmmmmmmmm& mmi for tha
lief of Plies. Constipation. Indica
tion. Oaetrltls and all ailments re
sulting from obstruction of ths cir
culation of the blood and n.rv.
forces by chronic contraction of th.
rectal muscles. This treatment poa
sesses exceptions! merit It re
moves th. cause of tie trouble.
Ion't fall to Investigate. gold In
sets of four graduated slsea, with a
tubs of Peerless Ointment for $5 00.
on a guarantee to satisfy. Be. see
ds! demonstration at our ltth anJ
Iolve street store or writs f(" free
Special Candy Bargains
Every Saturday
60c Goodwill Chocolates ..29
60c Barr's Original Saturday
Candy, fresh every Saturday,
only 20
There are about 600 Imitations
of this wonderful package, but
none" giving like value.
Oar Soda Fountain.
With Luncheonettes in connection
are the handaomeet, moat sanitary
IS. A little different and better
than elsewhere
IM)W. STAIRS at Iflth and
Dodge and lflth and Harney t also
at the "Harvard" and "Loyal."
j . sessanaaBW
We Supply Camera Needs
Out aseertmaat la lars;. ami torn.
pUt.. We develop ruau rftxS.
Hpeclal ii.bO puis Camera, Ukss
picture stxe Hxl, for ......
I Tubes M. Q. Developer for So
H-lb. Acid Hypo for
Get a 2S J. and J. Utility Surgical Kit, containing 10 nsefnl Fmergency Items.
Sherman & cGonncU's 4 Rexall Drug Stores
Sherman Jk MK'omiell Drutc Co., lflth and Dodge Sts.
Loyal Pharmacy, Loyal HotH Block, 207-0 X. 'lflth Ht.
Owl Drug Co., lflth and Harney 8t.
Harvard pharmacy, 2-ltb and Karnani 8ta.
A .
House or
Omaha Is a city of desirable
bouses and cottages. It is surpris
ing when you know what It Is possi
ble to secure at a modest rental.
In any ection of the city
may be found houses of
all styles and sizes, mod
ern, in pleasant surround- .
intfs, yards, porches, etc.,
which only the folks who
have lived in one can fully
The widest possible range el
choice may be had now. In another '
month It will not be near so easy to
find a house that will fit your ra
Qulremanta in every detail.
Look over the listings in
the "Houses and Cot
tages" columns and mark
those that look promising.
Tell the advertiser you are
a Bee reader and thus get
particular courtesy.
,.Tltphorf Tyltr 1000
Leo's Liquid Shampoo
A Real Hiir Soap
Cleans quick dries
quick leaves no soap In
the hair, which goes rhjht
back Into Its old training.
At druggists or delivered
prepaid, 4 os. 25 cts. U oa.
50ots.33oa. 11.00.
LEE CO.. Laboratories
Omaha, Nebr.
Don't Visit tha California Expositions
Without a supply of Allen's Foot-Cas.
th. antiseptic powrtar to b. Uhak.n Ini.i
th. riliims, or dissolved in th. (out-b.ti
Th. standard Kemedy for th. feet (or
ti years. It gives Instant rslief to tired '
aclilna fast and prevents swollen, hot :
feel. On. lady writes: "I enjoyed evei-y
minute of my stay at the Exposition-,
thanks to Allen's Kout-iuas In uiy '
Shoes." Ut it TODAY. f