-THK-UKEr- OMAHA, SATURDAY, .TUNE 19, 1913. Nebraska ARMY HOSPITAL CORPS TO PASS THROUGH HERE JUNKIN ACT YAL1D, SAYS HIGH COURT fiebraska Supreme Bench Upholds Act Defining Restraint of Trade. MARSH-BURKE COMPANY'S CASE A pporlal train Hum th nt, ov-r the I'nlon Pacific III hrrlv In Omaha lha niornlns: if.Jul.v I. rnrryln FlPld Knppltal No. 1 snJ AmoiUHBC cnrp No. 1 of the roRulHr si my. Tliey lire er.route to Mi-Coy. Win , coins: to nn InMrmtlnn rump to aid In rtvin? lnlrl ttnn to the tt militia of svrl Ute. quartereil there tr a erhool of Instruction. Out of Omaha the iKiMtera will move over the Northwestern, Join by of Minkato. It is expcdril that there will t a counle if hiilitlrr'l nifn In the government party. thH..rallro(1 equipment conrlstlns; of oeven utatidHrd. on t iirlKt, two box, aevrn fist, "n klt'-hen and one hagatige car FIRST MOTHER. THEN SON ' AND DAUGHTER GET SICK Hsid link' continue to follow Mr Vattt Bvnn. ( harwoman at the federal 'i. tilMtivK. T'SMno weeks ago rhr uss MrlrtiPii 1th smallpox and taken to the fx-sti hhuee; Now, and Ju.t aftrrhrr re covrry. her son, the main mtport of the fmll an( a young; daughter, have been stricken with' the dleeaae and have son to the hospital. Price of Mlrker Farm. OSCEOLA. Neb.. June l:-fTo th Bd Itor.) Will you kindly correct error In rprt on aula of former Governor Mirk iy home farm. The land averaired llf rer rre I hbucht eighty aorea of this farm myself and W. 8. Heltiman naught sixty acres E. 8. MrCKET. , (From a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN, Jtina IV 4PwelaJ.) Tha - - . . LILIII-i 1. 1 . . I 1 vstratiit of trade, la upheld by tha N"s- 1 r.rafka supreme court In opinions banded Itwn this morning In the celebrated ca it tile Msreh-Burke CVrnl company of Lincoln against tha J. If. Toet Lumber tnd CpsJ company, In which th former mcured Judgment for $23,00 The plaintiff company asked Judgment in three times the amount of damage as per the JutiXIn act, but In this case tba ipper court holds that tha amount la mifflclent. It was alleged by ITie Marah- Rurke company that shipments of coeJ :o towns In which tha defendants had ards was practically Impossible because f means used to keep tham out. SUPERINTENDENT THOMAS. SPEAKS AT WOOD RIVER 'JP.ANP ISLAND. Nab., June 1.-(rJle- f lal -Ktatu Fuperlntendenf Thomas by invitation addressed an audience of Wood Hlvar voters last night on the Question Inf school tmllo'lnffs and school aouloment. frrha otera of the school district of Wood IHlw will for tha third time vote on I 'reposition of Issuing bonds for a new lilffh school building. The state auperln- endent Is reported to have Indicated to item plainly that their high school bulld- ng waa among the worst In the atate end hat tha community waa far behind fa lie matter of a modern end safe school ulldlns;. It is slated that the addraaa from kuoh a high enthortry m.s Tied the effect tif setting Ilia opponents to thinking, but !!nat on the oiher hend, a new propoei lon baa entered. . thte being the recent llsaatroue hailstorm In that vicinity, The oese thereby oooasloned are urged ai a. eaaon why the voters should- watt afT ther year and the outoome ta again? saM to be in doubt. t Heirs of late s. w, decker will contest his will FALL8 CITY. Neb.. June Aa.-tdpaolal.) -The will of 8. W, Decker. Nrho reoently died at the home of Alfred Ramaey near Ihtwsnn. was read In 'the probate court by Judge WUtae. It provided the natural hqlrs with It each and th ramainilar of fiie property, after paylna; the funeral expense, to thereon, of WrV Itamsey; Thore Is. no great amount of property, fttt a contest has been started be- the heir, who are of to opinion that a mon ument should be erected with the re eeinder of the property after the hetre icceS-e their share. Mr. Beertok oarae) up f.om Oklahoma, and waa present at the loading of the will and appeared In be l alf of the children, who are the hertra of the Ute daughter of 8,' W. Deoker. FOURTEEN ARE ASSIGNED AS PAROCHIAL TEACHERS SBWARD, Neb., Jpne lWSpeotal.) fourteen youna men will bo graduated (mm -the Lutheran ' seminary tiere on )unJ 31 and are already asaimed i.nrbchlel teauhers ae foUowa: Rerthold Dubberateln, Salt Lake City rtih. Kred Vlnka Canaatota. 9, D. Karl Flrnhaber. Hampton, Neb, Martin I-orena. Alva, Okl. Albert Mantey, Ulnden, Neb. otto Majiiey. North Yakima, Waah. Kward Mueller, feward. Neb. Herman Nliieen, Freeman, D. Krlnh Bchabaekar, Palem, Ore. ' Qeorge Htohiman, Fremont, Neb. U'tlUam Thiemann, Cheney, Kan. KmH Traugvtt, Rnee Hill, Tax. Alwln Waiter. Hlcsel, Tex. Paul Zleachanx, Merbla. Test MAN WANTED IN MERRICK . ARRESTED! AT ROSALIE ROSALIE, Neb., June U.-Speolal.)-Joa Klmmel, formerly of Tekamah, was arrested here by Marshal Jamas BrTk. under . Instructlone from Sheriff Rtn ttanfleld, and held on a forgery chart. I H he riff -Htanfleld of Tekamah arrived by eutosliorlly after Klmmel's arrest, ac comcanled . btl Sheriff Krank Scodder of Merrick county. Klmmel waa returned at once to Merrick county to answer to the above dharxe. -. ' : MRS. BROWN'S VERDICT SUSTAINED BY COURT Front Ptaff CorreapomkinL) LINCOI. . June IS SpnctaX ) Th Judgnjevt the Douglaa county district court Is afftrrr.ed In the supreme court as secured t. Clara Brown aaalnat the Omaha at Council Bluffs street rairway for tne death of her husband. Waller T. Brown, , who- fell from the Union Pauiflo bridge while running a wire of tha oonv weny under the bridge, because ot the I'reaklnf of a "slay wire." Helps Weak Kldeeis ana Lsaakaajw. Oct a lie bottle of Mloen's Ltnimenb Apply 0,1 batk and take six drops tour tir.xa a day. All drugg lata Adertlae- meht. CUT OFF SOUTH OMAHA POSTAL STATION NO. 11 Pul. Ution No. 11. Ml North Ten tietli street. South Omaha, and' In char f Y'A J. Andereon, druRlsU,wlll be dkt- ontuiued efter July 1. This was one. of ;he.iteUons where stamps were Sold an4 moru-r orders Issued. Fur looking after die Tester buslneas Anderson reoelved SM l er' ear. The government did not cosi : ider Us sUtion prof iteLle slimI proposed to tyl Aal'rws'i pay to; tl per year, lie ;W.n !! not accept the cut aad conae- ,utti.t 'thtitf. will be no postal etaioa ta ''is ('rug atofe.. However, to tocenmo t. utroos' be will aootlaua to sell poUfi etainpa. . ' ' .- ; N, Ontjr a Fww ( Oe. Thooe"eUo are so fortunate that aa gvuiae dues not have to be oooafaleraa are now going to health nsorU to gt rtd of tha lmpurlUag of th aystaia tb aue rhaujnatlam. swotlea, "'-'"g Joints snd 'stiff, painful muaulea If yos are one ef thoae ho oaonot so, yet feul thag veu need rmlUtt tratx Bitch paJa , and it is. ry, try Foh-y Kidoay VI Ha They rector Ue ldoes to haalUiAil aotlvtty nr.tf o yy fwi wU sod stTossg. Sld THTTF5. (St- i ivv vi ill el iifiiiii iivv : ' '' ?':55Ci tv - m m m. r i i Bestir m m m m i . l , -. i i m c r, 1 1 ' m niMiinmiMf ( 4 F't'4 tit " v f k 4 W-SXV.A : av. J t Vi . i ' tor . -.rii Jmu . h ; ! I - ; r; - f ' 1 r ; Hariri .--a i :;i i . l Am ' --7 Through 1 Wit n' 1 sTrVua a.o .sus. - b. J J I - ' eT ' 1 . ? -', . 'aj., ST-fV. 1 . a V eV(i.F rJ - they have now created - i Komance or There a Difference Between Palm Beach suits turned out in overall and shirt factories, and those cold water shrunk, hand tailored models displayed in our windows. Why; not, drop in and try, them on? They have all the; Hall Marks of expen- ' sive wool suits. . . . Palm Beach, Palmetto and Kool Klothes $7.50-$10-$12.50 Light Weight Wool Suits One-eighth lined, designed by such high class New York clothiers as Sampeck and Stein-Bloch. $15 $20 $25 Every Stitch Guaranteed to Give You Satisfaction. Straw Hats They Pleased Our Trade So Well That We; Had to Re-Order in May Milans and Leghorns in Every Good, Shape v s5.50tos6 .SBBsaBBaaasaagsaggsgsji , I '"" Sailors V la Rough or Smooth Sennets .? i , . i .. . ' 1 1 -. 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. they have now created i .Th omance o TT7 oanee G)mbined to create this master serial and give it the best that the world offers in talent, ingenuity and beauty is Arthur B. Reeve, who crave us Crin ei Kennedy and who made a place for himself for U all time with V Elaine." Charles W. (Mdard, uow tac raosi rsnownea motion picture author, who wrote the "PerU- of Pauline, did the same for Elaine. The Whartons, directors extraordinaire. m maac me pictures ior rathe, ji the cast is rear! f White, ex-Pauline and now "Elaine," most beloVed M and beauteous queen of the screen. Such a cast of m V'"8 a5ti,u'M Arno,1 Da,y. Creighton Hale. Edwin Arden and Sheldon LewU all gave their geniui at its height. if And HOW. tO CAD the climax, ta outrln (limu!a W the M Elaine" orcanimtion mAAm I' IfsNFI 1 flADDV J MORE. Adda thia nooular. renowned heroic flayer ! Adda ail the magnetiam of hi peculiar acting! , n And now, as "Elaine appears without cessation in her ''Romance' there begin iust as baffling, just as unique mysteries as have held you enthralled so long. But, in addition, there appears so tender a love strain that the most crabbed old man must feel a thrill of softest sympathy. Disappeared is Craig Kennedy" surely not dead,, says Elaine, and so to find her jover, dead or alive, she assumes the master position in the action and sets out, all the burdens on her beautiful shoulders. Elaine, the most fascinating character in all literature whose name is more popular to-day and better known than any human being living. Elaine followers -f your story is going on just as you : would have it.. Elaine strancers cet ac quainted. Seethe Pathe Pictures now in your favor ite theatre and read Reeve's subtle stories in the K a 1 'i Coast Service Routes To California Denver on the Way Burlington Rio Grande Southern Pacific Burlington Rio Grande Western Pacific Burlington Rio Grande Salt Lake Route Burlington Union Pacific Salt Lake Route Burlington Union Pacific Southern Pacific . Burlington Rio Grande Through Service Afternoon train from Omaha 4:30 p. m. is the throufrh-Scenic-Colorado-by-daylight service to San Francisco and Los Angeles via Denver and Salt Lake i 1 Burlington Union Pacific Through Service Night train from Omaha at 12:15 a. m. Omaha sleep- , er ready at 10:00 p. m. "The Colorado-California Ex- press" is the new through service via Denver and the Union Pacifio t. Los Angeles and San Francisco J . . . Through Trains to Puget Sound The Burlington-Northern Pacific Express 5 Afternoon train from Omaha 4:15 p. m. is the through service to Clack Hills, Yellowstone Park, Montana, Washington, Spokane, Seattle, Portland the direct route through the scenic Northwest. ; The Burlington-Great Northern Express Night train from Omaha at 12:15 a. m. Omaha sleeper t. ready, at 10:00 p. m. is the through 6ervice'to Glacier National Park, Spokane, "Washington, Seattle. ' ' Burlington Through Service Routes Are Always Conspicu ous Factors in a Pacific Coast Tour. Go one way through Colorado and Salt Lake, the other through tha Kortbweatt cover the Bff West, comprising half the contt- f aebt. Tha Burliagum Red Folder map will ahow you at a glance how well Burllagton through aerrlce coast routea may .' be utilized ta m circalt tour that lncludea the acenlc, the hiffhly developed agricultural regions, the attractive cltlea ot the West aad , Northweat. Information, literature, tickets, berths, etc., at . City Ticket Office, 18th aad Farnam. TeL'Doug. 1238. Doug. 580. Dliiiiiiiijfirii x r 1 v cry where. AaVertisraeot.