1 10 THE J1KK: OMAHA. SATI'KMAY, .II N'H 19, n.V BRAHDEIS TELLS OF YISITTO JAPAN Talks Moit Entertainingly of the . Eights Witnessed While ill the Flowery Kingdom. BRINGS TJKIQUE COLLECTION A unique collection of oriental birds mill noon be spread before Omaha people for their Inspection an a result of the three months' trip to Japan made by Arthur V. Brandels, vho has Just returned to Omaha, his ton, Ervlne, who accompanied, him, having stopped over In Wyoming. T hlU In J pun Mr. Mrsndrls purchawd a grrat number of birds, inciuainn rsr. ducks and doves, to be p'sceil on hlU country rstst. These ar now rtng throiiRli the custom home and mill prxt Week he placed on exhibition at the I Brendela atorea. Many wonderful perl- ( ir.rni are among them. Iiu-ludlnn the i "mlnab bird," "whlrh talka. barka I ke a dog and haa a large vocntmary In the Japanea languaxer aebra dovea. thai amalleat dovea In the world, and a large vtrlety of ftnrhes. L'warf plants and treea of a number ot , Varieties, together with nine antlqui bird cagea of carved Ivory and larguei and ioim of them 150 years old, ari alao among' the things brought back by th traveler to be Included In the exhibition. Telia f Ilia Trip. ' tscrtblng hla trip Mr. tlraiada made thea observation: "At Tokyo we saw the larrcat depart srent atore In Japan, which has been In existence 300 years. The principal owner ship always has been In one family. On the roof la a conservatory, and "n one corner Is a shrine which always haa been located In that particular corner. The location of - this at ore never haa been rhanged. but It has bum rebuilt and Im proved a great many times. It Is a llv. tore, very much on the order of the Louvre In Paris, but not nearly as large. What struck me particularly strange waa that all native customers must take off their shoes before entirtng, and foreign era era abllged to put . on a sort of overshoe. I spoke to tha manager, com lamenting him on hi up-to-date meth ods, and be, by the war, haa been In our New Tork atore many times and knows Mr. Louis fltern very well, but 1 criti cised the compulsory tsklng off of shoes. Jl replied If I had llvtd longer In Japan S could better appreciate that thl was (or sanitary reasons; that the natives did not mind It, as th'y had become used to It, and It enablet them o keep the tore so clean. Thi floors are all cov ered wlth-jnattlng, nd dust as we know It Is not known In the store. Glrle'old Oatrlarht. "We alao visited tha aectlon oalled tha foahlwara, which occupies twenty acres, nd Is what we would call the red light District, but these girls are seated, twelve to fifteen In a row. In cages In the front of the buildings. At tha end tf the cage is a man like a barker at :he Midway, who is tha business man tjrer of the cage. These girls are sold utrlght .for three yeara by their parents, ( ho get from 1M to 1300 for each girl 'oaned. At the expiration of threa years !hey are released, whan they go at once to a marriage broker and are immedl Itely married to a Japanese, and the fact I hat they ' have been Inmates of the foahlwara doea not detract In any way from their social atanding with the lapaneae. While they are on exhibition n the cagea, their parents, brothera and (latere may atand there and vlalt with (hem. teegwra Too Small. "I cannot let tills opportunity go by a-liliout making a few remarka regarding 'ho sleeping cars In Japan. These cars ire built for little people, and with the narrow gauge they are ' without doubt the worst sleeping cars I ever aaw. It Impossibly to sleep In them. Traveling iy train la 'almost a hardship, as they lo not heat the care except In the dead If winter. "We attended a gelaha dance at Kyoto, lefore which we had a Japanese dinner rlth the gelaha girls. V were obliged to take off our ahoee and eat with chop sticks. Tha food consisted of soup with Uh floating around 1n It, raw flab and looked rl?e; then a number of other rarietlea ot flah nothing waa seasoned), t number ot other dlshea which were laateltae. and finished, up with Japanese ridy. It waa Impossible- for a European enjoy tha meat They also offered ua lice wins or sake, which to me was alao taeteleea. . ' No Flaa te Be Had. ' One of tha women' n our party re tulred some ptna one day and we tried learly every ahop In Kyoto, which Is a Mty of over 600.000 inhabitants, and pound there waa not a package of r-lns. Ir evea one pin, to be had. The reason for this Is that the Japnn tie every thing In the way r.f wearing appaml. Thoy do not pin their clothes toaether 'a e Americana do, and 1 understand In hot weather they do not even bother I to tie their clothes. "The Infanta and little rhiidren thrniiKhont Japan are carried nn th"lr mother' nark, similar t-i the mi.nT lit whl'-h the Ainerlran Ini'lnna rarry their voung, only the rhlldren fare the oppo site wav. and they claim the children i faring the IIkM la the reason there la o much blindness In Japan. When these blind children grow up they are taiuht massaKlne by the government so they an le self-supporting, and when even ing come you can hear a moat sorrow ful fluti whlrh they use In going through their respective districts aolli'ltlng pa , llrnls. They churge for one hours mil leaning 10 to 60 sen, 6 to 25 cents In our money. Jap Hotel Poor. The hotel in Japan na a whe'e are very poor. The moms are not so bad. but the food Is not good; we cannot drink the coffee. None of the hotis which i-ater to the European travelers are on a paying basis. "There Is no fruit fit to eat, outside of eome dried up oranges and apples, and ery little fruit is raised hre. I failed to find any fruit tre at all, and the only vegetables are pas, prepared very nicely by cooking them In the shell. I very much on the order of string beana, : hut unless they are very young thy I cannot prepare them this way. I have 'done considerable motoring through tha country and have failed to see any sheep or hog and wry seldom sew a cow. In the absence of cattle, tho only fertiliser available Is human refuse and one ran see this hauled all day In specially con structed barrela, thnrmch the country and rltlee. Thla Is eoller-ted between 1 and S o'clock in the morning my women and hauled through the streets by men and then used on the lice and vegetable fields. "h"ie anwsy realise when one of I theee waarons is In the vicinity. 4 til ran?. "There are no chimneys on the houses In moat of the villages because they use charcoal for both cooking and hBeOn purposes. In place of atorea for heating they use what la known aa a hlhachl and resembles a Jardiniere made of earthen ware or metal. "t'pon meeting; the. natlrew bow three timra. At th8 first bow they paas the time of day; on the second they hope huslnena la good; on the third, they hope tho famlllea are well. The bey' birth days are all celebrated on one day. May B. and this is the day set aside for thla purpose. On flag polea and In front of the houaea nn that day they display banners representing a flah. If a family haa five boya, they' dw.play five banners. Thl is also called the Carp festival. The girls" birthdays are celebrated one day In March. Twlre a year the Japaneee flean house under police super lulnn. Every houe, the front yard and In front , of the house I cleaned, and the police ; Insiiert It "after cleaning. A a whole, ! the streets are very narrow, all the way I from alx to ten feet, and there are no I sidewalks. Times Are Dall. "During my three months x spent in travel all over the orient I heard much complaint concerning dull times, for In Japan the hotela and shops depend a great deal upon travel from Europe, which on account of the war Is entirely cut off. Throughout California there la also a good deal of complaint and disap pointment at the small number who have come to visit the expoeltiona, and It Is all laid to condltlona brought about by the war. Returning to Omaha, I find that the trouble abroad, has had no seri ous effect here and everything seems to run along In a more substantial and solid manner than In any place I vlsted. ' Apanmenta, flats, houses and Cottages can be rented quickly and cheauly by a Bee "For Renf My Bat That's Good! Will be the expression from your family or your guests if you serve. MACARONI la any ona oi the fifty delectable ways that it can be prepared. 'Kaopeaare in every packaga. Get it at Kir grocers. ts,vW "7V ntafluu To Sarva- Skinners nAWeu I sfiNNra Mrs. ) 1 19 Pounds for $1. R Bast Oranulated Bugar. Buy now before ine auvanca. 3 pounds apoclal coffee SI. 00 Single pound 3Se Fancy bUnd coffee. l iba. SI. 00 Tha tei jjc wffee la the city t pounda for 11.00 Teaa. any kind, per lb. 40a te Sue Bugar add with II. Ot other good 4 F.iOyiiRQ Tea Co. . i I' i1 in m'ii i iiiii in 1 1, i in i i i I I pi n in .n il. !!!: m rA v I: m m wmmm tmk m mm i Sere Are The Clothes Men Want" See our clothing window Satur. day It will pay you to look them ovsr. Hajari. -I I- 4- No advertising is bettor than the store behind it and no store is better than the merchandise, the values and the servire it delivers, and if we do say it our selves here are the clothes men want. We have taken all our broken lots of Men's and Tbung Men's Suits, regardles of cost $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 Suits m Mo All these suits are strictly hand tailored and this season's goods 35 suits Jn all colors and all sizes, blue serges included. $20 to $25 Suits, Palm Beach, Pongee Silks and Vigellc Fannel Suits which give the wearer maximum comfort with minimum weight and still CA j. J1 O C maintain a dressy appearance.. Supreme values ,.r plaajOU You want to see our Genuine Palm Beaclifcei A A Genuine Suits in all sizes and colors, at. . . . i Slipon Raincoats $3.50 to $6.00 values... $13 $6.00 to $7.60 values .,. .$2.98 $8.00 to $1C00 values $3D8 Palm o TA BeachTrousers, Y"" Men's and Young Men's Pants . Pair $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 A Shirt Sale at Brandeis J Means Something to Omaha Men Another opportunity for you to buy shirts for summer j wear of unusual values; qualities and styles that demonstrate l superiority. 'Saturday is the day. 1 - 1 Men's , Silk and Linen Shirts Look as J l-ivll lUo J wcn and ear better than all silk. Made v with soft French cuffs. - The patterns are beautiful and the quantity to choose from is larre. Regular 00 and 12.50 values. Madras, Repps and Ponree with Satin Stripes Laundered or soft French cuffs. Patterns the very newest; many of the shirts have soft attached collars. Reji- Ai ff lar $i.2S and $1.50 values $JLUU T nfr Nrs 4'4S0 Men'a Mm -ml Golf Shirts lUs J Made of pongee, madras, corded repps and French flannel materials, both attached and detached collars; some with laundered cuffs. This of shirts in cludes the greatest values we have offered in a long; r time. Actual values up to $1.50. Sale price, each. . UC One Big Lot of Men's Silk Fiber Hose In all the summer shades. Special, pair new 21c ? Lot No. 2 S!LFi?l -1 -1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 $1.49 Special Lot of Men's Fine Silk Crepe, Silk Broadcloth and Satin Striped Tub Silk Shirts Beautiful assortment of patterns; values to $8.00; Saturday, $3.98, $4.98 and $5.50 15c 175 Dozen Men's Lisle and Mercerized Hose "Run of the mill" quality. Worth to 25c, pair, 12V and Just received ft new ship ment of the Middy Sport Shirts with the large sailor collar, short or long, sleeves. The ideal shirt for sport wear. Special, , $1, $1.25, $1.50 Anothtr Fortunate Purchat That Will Benefit Every Man in Omaha Men's Athletic Union Suits At once a rcnwkabk' and seasonable sale. These union suits are samples of the Roxford, E. & V. and of one other well known line, the name of which we are not per mitted to announce. Men, this means luxury and comfort for you this sum mer, for these suits are niaJe of silk and linen and pure Irish linen; nainsook, crepe and soisette. They are cut per fect and have the elastic band about the waist. Taken as a whole, these are-'unquestionably the best values we have ever offered at so small a price. , This Entire Purchase Divided Into Two Big Lots All the Sample Silk and Linen and Pure Irish Linen Union Suits, worth to $2.00, suit AH the Sample. Crepe, Nainsook, Mull and Sois ette Union Suits, worth to $1.50, suit About SOOMen s Straw Hats Saturday at About Half Price 4 t 4- 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 Traveling Bags and Suit Cases t - ' m zzzzzzzzssz 4 4 Few straw hats are worn in Eu rope this year and manufactur ers have found themselves minus two-thirds of their usual busi ness, a condition which forced a good many of them to dispose of their straw hat stocks at a great sacrifice. We made a fortunate purchase of about 5,000 of theae high-grade hats through a New York importer at about half the regular wholesale price and we are, therefore, able to offer them Saturday ' at about half price. This purchase includes all the latest styles in Sicilian, Leg horn, Porto Rican, Japanese Panamas, Hennits, Swiss Straw and Split Braids. Values to $3.50; divided into three lots Sat urday, at 89c-H.39-n.69 Panama Hats Men's Genuine South American amas at $5.00. $7.50 and $10.00 Genuine Bangkok Hats at $2.95 and $5.00 Men's Outing Hats Made of white duck, silk and Palm Beach, at 25c, 50c and $1.00 Boys sod Children's Headwear Bos' and Child ren'sSfraw Hats and Wash Hats in all the "newest styles, in cluding Silk Rah Rahs, at di f-r 50c and up to pi.OU Pan- Saturday we will place on sale about 150 Traveling Bags and Suitcases odd lots and sample lines. Values to $8.50, on sale Saturday at 95c to $5.98 4t hmv 1X ADVANCE CLEARANCE SALE! HOT oonvo OI. Everybody concerned should como down to "THE FAIR" an.-i investigate our goods, which we offer at THIS TIME, at prices which you will have to pay else where when the season will be OVER. to men's and young tf0 7C men's suits, at J3.0 $10 and $7.60 men's and young T'.B '."!? $4.85 $12.50 and $15.00 men's all wool suits, blue J?7 AtZ serges Included V' .40 $1.50 mens pants, sizes nr" 30 to 48, at OOC $3.00 men's worsted psnts, at $2.00 sample ifelt hats, at $1.00 straw bats, at $8.00 and $2.00 fine sailor, at 75c silk Auto hats, it $1.65 65c 39c 95c 39c $1.00 men's dress shirts with collars to match, French f?Q cuffs, at OUC 75c men's dress shirts with or without collars 39 C 25c wash ties, 13c 10c 15c 5c 19c $1.65 ...85c a 25c fancy bow ties, at 2 5c men's leather belts, at 16c garters, several styles, at 35c men's suspenders, st $2.60 men's elkskin shoes $1.50 Ladles' house slippers S. E.Cor 12th and Farnam 3. E. Cor 12th and Farnam J Store Open Evenings 'till 8 P. M. Saturday 'till 10 P. M. ALEXANDER NO MORE. ALEXANDER NO MORE. Alexander's Saturday Closing Out Prices are Still Lower Regular $2.50 Canvas Ox fords and Pumps for ladies, rubber soles and $ 1 48 heels Latest . styles In White Can vas Pumps, trimmed In black, former price $3.00, Si '18 X per pair Beautiful Patent Pumps, very latest; former price $3.00.". 1,000 pairs regular $3.00 Laldes' Pumps 1,000 pairs regular $2.60 Ladies' Pumps Leather 8JG9 98c 88c Beautiful Cross Strap Pumps; patent and dull leathers regular $5.00 seller, nothing newer, SOOS at, a pair 200 pairs of Ladles' Pumps; former price $2.60. -I Q at. a pair. . 1ft 1,000 pairs Men's Oxfords i 2,000 pairs Children's Shoes, former price .$2.60; 81 28 prices from $1.28 or. on sale Saturday.... X down to wC Alexander Co. Store ppen Till 8 O'Clock Eve nings During This Sale ALEXANDER NO MORE. ALEXANDER NO MORE Fourth of July Specials ApeiWhlskej Bottled la Bond 4 TVLJ. QUAJITS l i w m A LQ J 2 qt. Apex Whiskey $1.60 3 qt. Port Wine 1.50 1 qf. Blackberry Cordial .75 1 qt. Aprloot Cordial 75 1 qt. Rock and Itye Cordial.... 1.00 1 qt. Banana Cordial 1.00 Regular price is .90.60 From now until July 4, prepaid, $1.50 Outside of Iowa and Nebraska' Must Be 20 Quarts or Over to Be Sent Prepaid. rmoia svnx iota CPCFf to JUXT 4th. j915 1 tmm tarn m With an Order of $2.00 and Over A Whiskey, Wines or Liquors: A BOTTLE OP WTNK; WHISKEY, GLASS, COM III NATION ICE PICK, CORKSCREW AND CROWN OPENER; LADIES BONNET 0 GENTLEMAVH flAT BEER AND ALCOHOL EXCEPTED. JAKE KLEIH FAMILY LIQUOR DEALER 1314 DOUGLAS ST;, OMAHA, NED. j A JT2 it u. BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for prof it. Look into the "Swappers' Column" 89c 69c 4 rbaaa Seaf. S444. 40S ITS. ISta St. mm