Till: HKH: UMAIIA. ,sATnnAY. .UNIi 10. ! ,. FOH KENT A part m CASS r.:2. 7-rm. flnt ana) llat. modern WJ. giraire. NEW 7-room flat, alth Ave , 4 n riio. Cull H. l"xrorAS" AT OTH-NK E. STRICTLY modern apartment Dcua Ji TO. Jf. Turk Tiri'V, I hone APARTMENT. Pool modern apartment. rooms. "Ath Ion," ;.;ih and Douiiln." Sis. Doug. W o Furnished Apunmrnti. CAP 1418, S-ROOM PUITK NICKLY FURNIPHKD A Nl DHCOR ATKD. RTA- THEA.qi'NAPI , E , FIELD CLUH DISTRICT. H23 S. 83 d. S-rnom. strictly modern fiat. J-i Har ney 1"1. nonril anil Itonni. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod uli convenience and comfort In private families ,.r boarding house of tha high at clan wll best be found in the Fur nished Room column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 10.1. NICELY furnished room, young man, with hoard. suitable for Douglas 7313. F.LMTVOOD PARK suburban home. Car 1 blk. Tool rooms, good board: lawn; home privilege, very res. Wal. 1778. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets. In a West Farnam home; large porch and yard: Rood board; young men preferred. Harney 4981. LAR'JE front room, with board. West Farnam d.wtrlrt. j'hone- Harney W'5a. Furnished Hornsea. FURNISHED house In Dundee for sum mer Reference. Wal. 1K73. New mod. Sr. furnished house, huilt and oocupled by owner. Grand plam; beau Uful lawn and trees, one or more years' lease. HW6 California. -o FOR RENT A BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED 5-ROOM APARTMHN'T FOR THE SUMMER. WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. PHONE WALNUT 24M. REAL E8TATB WEST RIDE REAL TSTATF WEST BWB Come Out Tomorrow or Sunday and See Benson Gardens car, The JVst Acreage Tract ever offered school and stores, where you enn buy for sal so close to BEAUTIFUL, SUBURBAN HOME, 11 ROOMS FURNISHED. MODERN, TWO ACRE GROUND. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND SHRI HBKUV. N1CH LAWN, BlyOCK FROM BENSON SCHOOL. PHONE BENSON . 2 N. fi-JD AVE. Farnlibfd konmi, If you do net see anything that suits J ou In the wav of Furnished Rooms you tan call at Room MA, Bee Bldg., and esk lor the Flee Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high claae rooming or boarding house in any part fI.ljpcity. VARIyOR rooms, reas. Call Doug. ISIS. rURNISIIKP rooms. West Farnam trlet. 131 N. Slst Ave. dls J'lNH modern unfurnlslied room, first floor, new house, use of piano, JO. Har ney 'K. 4XJOL, modern, newlv furnished rooms, walking distance, ln'l 8. aM.li. Nuflnuc, cuoi, elegantly mm. rooms, to $6 week; real nome meals; large lawn porch. 321 N. 2J.1. D. 6751. 207 . FARNAM Large, nicely furnished front room with east exposure. Modern convenience. For gentleman. ONE large front parlor and one smaller room. 2W South 30th St. TWO parlors on ground flojr. with kitchenette; large porch, private en trance; everything furnished. 04 S. nth. I. 2, H-r. suites, modern, $2.r.0. D. 7103. Ii-12 ST. MARY'S AVE., strictly modern; pleasant room; private family. Red 2977. FURNISHED rooms with bath, closet, heat, light and water. Furnished kitchen. Farnam Blvd. Harney 1399. FURNISHED parlor for gentlemen .suit able for two. With or without board. fr)8 N. 21st St, Do u glaa 6707. fool rooms, mod., reas. 3030 Cass. H. 17S. N. 17TH, 8u Cool Reasonable. housekeeping rooms. NICELY funished modern room In pri vate family. Call Harney 7404. Knrnlancit lluiirki-'nlnv R nomi, 1423 DODGE Modern light housekeeping; reasonable. CASS. 2412 Three beautifully furnished rooms, ground floor, sink, gas and range. ?AHS, 1708 Cool, modern rooms. 12.0". HURT, 22i.l 2 Jlwhl bouaekueping rooms, all modern; rent very reasonable'. Hnnsekeep'na Kuuuii. DAVBNPOBT, 2G10-U, aulte of rooms; laundry privilege; large lawn. So. front. One Acre of Land on our easy payment plan of $10 down $10 a month Onlv 6 blocks from end of Benson car line, on West Main street. Jitney nt end of car line. Come out and enjoy the coun try air.. Hastings & Heyden 1614 1LAIINEY STREET VX)R KENT I Cathedral District GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Market Makei Strong Advance and Wheat Goei Up in Price from One to Three Centi. CORN RECEIPTS ARE HEAVY OMAHA. June IS. I9lh. The market made another strong ad vance tenia v N heat was especially strong, selling from 1c to .V over yestenlay's prloea. The snlea of whenl were g'Mi. mere being an active demand for all varieties Corn was alau bullish and waa Quoted from lo to mo higher. There a a lib eral amount of this cereal sold, the yel low and mixed corn making tin the bulk of the sales. Oata were firm and there wag a fair demand f-T this cereal. Tue sales of oats were comparatively light, there neing only a few rare received. The mure conservative men in me wheat trade advance the opinion that the rains In the far southwest are unlikely to do anv great amount of damage to the griln tlat Is o about ready for tho harvester. Clearances were: Wheat and flour ee,ual to 4100O bui-hela. corn. H.0i) bush els; oata litA.CvVi hushela Liverpool. Snot wheat. Id higher to 2rl lower; corn, ltd lower. Prlmarv wheat receipts were 497.fti0 biikhela and shipments 1.QiX bthel, asinst receipts of SSI.Ono bushels and shipments of 1.TO4.000 bushel last year. Urlmarv corn reoelnta were bush els and shipments 708.000 buahels, against rocelpts of m,) bushels and hlpments of W.'y bushe-ls last year. Primarv oats re-elivts wr S7.tt hush ers and shlpnien's 42S.O0O biiaheia, against receipts of W.OdO bushel and shipment of 4.nnn bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat.Um.t)ata llonae and C ottages. Mlscellaneoaa. Gordon Van Co. SS: tV N. 11th St. Tel. D. m or Web. USJ. I t. KPPfl racking A moving. packing a storage. 117 Farnam. f. Mn TV Van and rUo.age Maggard s z,1' tng, packing. Douglas 1446. hipping. 171S Webster BU If vou are looking for a now -ronni, completely modern house, be aure to se the one at 4:t) Wakeley Ave. (Ivetween DHvenrt ami Chicago). This house has Just been completed. Is on a large south front lot, 60x128, ha 8 rooms, larga living room, d'nlng room and kitchen on first floor. Three bedrooms and bath second floor; basement cemented. You will have to see thl house to appreciate; It. V rash and the balance like rent. Creigh, Sons & Co. Globe Van & Storage Store, moves, pack, ships; S-horse van and I men. 11.25 per nr.; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 43SI A Ty. iM. Douglas .iiO. 60 Bee Hid. SUMMER REURTS Al.L slues. t3 per month up. 607 Paston. tore sn OfflcN. A nice office in a good location, make your business plans uccesstul. THE BEE BUILDING "THE EUILDINCJ THAT Id ALWAYS NEW" furnishes Just such combination. Office Room 103. FOR RENT Completely furnished Bum mer home on De Molnea bea' h, lAke OkoboJI, la. Write for p&rtioular, cars Hotel FonteneJIe, Omaha. R K. Heln-shelmer. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Office. Room 108. GOOD toreroom, 814 N. 16th St. R. 4376. Uarage. FOR RENT Garage, elee. lights, water, paved street, easy entrance. D. t04L FOR EXCHANOE-200 acres loaa land, all flrt class corn land: want hardware and implement or general merchandise. Vein Hick, Osceolsi la. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE WANTED TO BUT DAVENPORT. 201S-Twi or three nicely furnished front housekeeping rooms. J'OR RENT tteautiful furnished room, suitable tor one or two young me.i; pri vate hath and every modern oonve llenee. Apply between 6 and 7 p. m. Apt. 14, Traverton Apis., 24th St. and Landon Court. lit S. 26th Ave., 2 room for light house keeping, e W week. 1 tifnrnlahed Housekeeping; Rooms. CASS, 241.' 2 unfurnished rooms on bath room flo'.r; reanfinable. Dougles 7;v'0. houc ad coitagrea. North. 1827 N. IRth. Web. 107a. ROOMS; all modern; on car line. Remit) Fark. H 2049. AI.l, modern 6-rooni ' In Florence,- large Main tt. house, on car line, yard. Florenoe jS. NRW, modern, n-room bungalow, hard wood finish, built-in bookcases. MI7 "Wirt. Phone Douglnn 6S5s or Walnut 26M. I-'S !-RrK)M house in Kountze Pla y; all modern Call Tyler 212. for 1114 N. 221) tT., 4-r. Hat, steel ranc, gus stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid, 17. RASP BROS., Douglas 1662. Yalo buy everything M hand. Tyler 14U. OFFFICK furniture bought and oM J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 14 50 Acres Near West Dodge St. Paved Road Only miles west of lth St. All iw cul tivation; 12 acres in alfalfa;, nearly level, lie high and sightly. Bverv foot nt this land Is tillable. All clear. Price only 1360 per aire. Adjoining property held at much higher price. Thl is something very deslrabla. No trade. On cannot make a mistaka buying thla property at this low- price. Investigate. George & Company Phone D. VW. MaHty Nat 8k. Rldg. BHrhtly uel hire. rrt plant, f 1T. WANTED To buy 240 to 33u acres, west central or northern Nebrsska. Term. Addresa R. T. Wliwton, Bravo, Mloh. Route 1 . o New Bungalow and an Acre of Ground inson Easy Terms Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omnha Pt. Irfllll Winnipeg Pries reported 1 7 22 lil todsy: inr 14 90 rV, new. ve.-eipts. cats; Texas tri umph. si ked Onivoc; North Cniolln i, i olilcrsa ."tj:..t. EiJtJ.S Higher: receipts, p) 407 asf. st ristk, cum Included, I'-iil.'V; onllnsry flists, K.iiisc; rims, t7Vuli'V- UI,TltY -Alive, higher; fowls, ttr. si rings, 20Tf34-. KB W tORK URXKHtl, MARKET ! OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET it VariAa suaily asked; Wheat No. 1 hsr.1 winter: 1 cr. I1.1R; 1 car, $1 14; 1 ca-. 1M35. No. X hard winter: 1 car. H. I4V. 1 car. 11.124: 1 car. $1.1!; 3 cars, ti.114. No 4 hard winter: 1 car, ll.inv; 2 car, I1.tr;; 1 car. $1.04. No. 2 spring: 4 cr. $1.11. No. $ spring: 1 car. $1.10. No. 3 durum: 1 rar. 11.11. Rye No. 3: 1 car. $1.09. Rerley No. 4: 1 oar. T4c. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, :lic; 1 car. 72c. No. 2 yellow; cars, "V. No. 3 yellom-: 4 cars. 7l4o; 2 car. 714o; IS car. 71c No. 2 mixed: 1 car, near white. Tic; 1 car, "o-V; 5 cars, 704c No. S mixed: 1 car, near white, 71e; 1 car, 7040; i ears, 704o No. 3 mixed: 1 car, near white, T14c; 1 car. 70c; S car. 704c; 9 cars. TOo; 1 cars. 70c. No. 4 mixed: 1 oar, 8Mio. No. & mixed: 1 car, 70c. No. mixed: 1 car, .'c; car, 6f4c Sample: J-S rar. o. Oata No. 2 whit: 1 car, 4S4e. Stand ard: 1 car. 4Me. No. t white: 1 oara, 4oc. No. 4 white: S cars. 444m. Sample: 1 car, 4.1'Vc; l cars, 44-; oar, 40. Omaha Cash Price wheat : No. 2 tur key, gl. 164111. It. nominal; No. 1 turkey, $1.14(51. If., nominal; No. I hard, ILlMjil A; No. I hard. $1.11411.144; No. 4 hard, $1."H J 1.104; No. S Pr1ng. t T1.U; No. 2 durum, fl.l2Hn.ll; No. $ durum, $1 124W I. 12, nominal. Corn: No. I white. 72'32,cj No. 3 white, 714,8720. nominal: No. 4 white, Tlfto. nominal; No. f white. 70 ft'iixc, nominal; No. 6 white. 704Wlc, nominal; No. t vellow, 714t!iSo; No. 1 yellow, 7lf(714c; No. 4 yellow. 7t)4OTlo, nominal; No. 3 yollow, 70iW0io, nomi nal; No. vellow, 70JS704P, nominal; No. 2 mixed, 70'i7o-lc; No. 3 mixed, 70(tp704al No. 4 mixed, W4PN'': No. 6 mixed, aU 4l70c; No. 6 mixed. WXtftWV'. Onta: No 2 white, 4i.t'iMfe; standard, 45445c; No. :i white, 44,4Bc; No. 4 white, 444M40. Rarley: Malting, 63Q68o. nominalj No. 1 feed, nominal. Rye: No. 2, 31.009 l.a4. nominal; No. 1 $l.WS4VI-09. Itaotatloa f the' $ar C'omaMtditle. NEW YORK. June 18. FUOUR St. adv. HEAT Spot, tint); No. 2 red. $1 -"74; No. i hard. tl.W. o. I. f . New York, export billed. No. 1 northern, Duluth, $l.isV No. 1 northern. Manitoba. $1 i4. c. I. f. Ruffalo. Future teadler; July, II. 12S IX 1 UN Spot; easy! No. 2 yellow, S6'4c, prompt alilpment. OAT!4-pot, steady; tandar1. fv14o; No. 3 whit. UV; lancy. clipped white, tfHAY-.teady: No. I 11.20; No-. 2. 11.1.; No. .1. $! ; shipping. WHiUfto. 1K)P(4 Julet; state, common to choice, 1914, hku'l-k-; Uanllu coaat isfl. 10i 13c. lHli. SflTUH. . . , , IIIDE8 Dull; Bogota. 31c; Central Ameru-a, 2.c, I.KATHKH -Firm: hemlock llrsts, S-; sounds. IstliSli . PROVISIiN'S IVirk, steady: mesa, $1K M ii.: family, $.'! oujiCUW; short rh-ara, lly 6tvfi21.6t. beef, steady; tne, 1.W 1N ;: family. llS.WHrM.W. IjiM, middle west, r119.1 TAI.IiOW-Dull; city. 5Sc co.intrv. f41iV; po' lal, 4". RUTTKR Easy; receipt. 10.0a ttih; dreamery, extras I" Siorei. . creamer', (hlsher scorln). ysv4o; firsts. rrsi'-T"!-. aeoonds. 2iV-4c. FXJOS Irregular; receipts, 1JM.1 oa-s; fresh gatherei. extra. f-IJCSc; extra first. '4i4t'Jlc: firsts. IMjMc; econds. 174itl34c; nearby hennery, white, fin to fancy. Mit Jbc. nearby hennery, browns. iO'i4' CHEESE Firm; receipts. ,4W boxes, stato whole milk. rreh. twin and flats, specials. 144V14''; ame, average fancy, 1- t PXnvrnY-$Weak; western chltken, Tc; fowla I'c; turkeys, hnrllc; .lrsed. dull and weak; western frosen roasting chlcJtens, la'(iv-'p: ircsn .if c; freeli turKoys. icea. iui.c. Minneapolis (iraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Juna H.-WHKAT-ilv. $1,204: September, l.04S1l'1 H; No. hard. $I.K2: No. 1 northern. $1.224tf 1.314; No. northern, $1 KV'-W- "tVUlt-lllher. fkne-y patents. Ki. RARI.KY .llir0c. RYE $1 1-W1.1M. P.RAN-$21.b. CORN-Nik S vellow. "l.i?72c. OATS No. R white. 4Hi)4'4'. Fl.AX-41.7Vll 1774. Kansas City (train and provisions. KANSAS CITY , June 18. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.1M1 1 21 : No t red. $1.13W .1.1; July, 9l'o; Meptomber, inniirJ."-; December, $1 ur. V Ut.N No. 1 mixed. 7va,4Vc; o. ; white, 7S4r; No. 2 yellow, 7o;, No. 3, iMf 74o; July. 72V; September, 724"; i camber, (tlvUW4o. 1 OATS No. 2 white, i4ft4Mr4c: ino. 1 mixed. 41U-4.V. I Cattle Receipts Light and Trade Fairly Active at Steady Pricei Sheep Steady. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN HIGHER S ")UTH OM AHA. June IS, UTS. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Session Largely Repetition of Pie ceding 0ne of the Week. TRADING AGAIN IS MODERATE neretpts were. Offl.-lal Monday Official Timaday ... Official ,,,..,l.v Official Thiiiad.:.. estimate Friday.... Ci:ttl. Hogs. Bheep. a. hi . I.e. . .Ql . .3.144 1'4 ".! 7.714 !.2VJ a .10 4. ?o 1.7S4 a,72 6.1'" W,14.'i . 47, IW. S7.r.-'.-. 4.t W1 f.4,(!, 44.-X.4 20.11 7,110 VIM 14.41-1 1J i;..':'l Tlv day this week 17.45 fame days last week. 17.i" Hame iluv 2 nks ao. . 1 T.f Sm dnv 1 wks ago. 7Vl-'l janic day 4 wk auo. .!!.. Same days last vear...ti,Wi Th fnlloalng table show th receipt Of caltlo. ho and aheep t the Poutn Omaha live to k turkst fo the y ir to date, a compared with last yar: ll. 191 In-. Dec. sttte r; 2.; si4.;'l Hog. I m mi 1 5im ;s .701 Sheep W1K7 l'.u'.123 tT.247 ' Th following table shows the avert. price for hogs at the !outh Omaha live stock market for the last few da. with rompartsnn: Date I 115 li4.lll2.dH. l9H.ili)M,im 4 1111 4i4 iHAI1 AJfD l'HOVTIO!)i9 REAL ESTATE FARM A IlANt If L4NDI FOR 1ALB. Calltorma. tiv Oak Colonic, non batter. W. T. Smith Co . ill 3-14 City Nat. Bk. n. 2Sla Iova. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Writ a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want A1 Me dium." Twenty-fiv word every Friday evening, Saturday morning and Avery Saturday evening nnd Hunday m'nlng for one month, giving sixteen ad oa twclv different day for $2; or CO word, $4; or 76 words, $4. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 2pO,OuO reader dally in four areat ttates. Sooth. For Rent Routh half of double brick house 7 rooms, 4 bedroom, all modern, at 1511 South 21th tt., near Park school, on block eaat of Hanacom para. Vl. Harney 16u. FOR RENT. New double pressed brick house at No. AM4-K Dewey; rent, (37.50; & room and sleeping porch. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, )7lh and Douglas St. Douglaa WIS. &ui DEWEY AVE., fc-rooin, mod., rent $oi R. H. UANDEKYOL'. Douglas 67tic. 2u2 Neville Block. 8-ROOM HOUSE, strictly location. 1137 K. tkth Bt. in dcrti, good Phone H. ri!. West. S-ROOM house, $1S; good shade, larg oreened porch; modern. Will pay to Investigate. 41; Davenport Bt. WE8T FARNAM orn house. 106 g. District; 35th t. 7 -room mod- lloaae and tallage. Mlaerllaneons. 420 8. tth St.. tr.. all mod $00 SviM MiKin Bt , S r.. all mod., HO. 24JI3 Franklin St., 13-r.. all ni.,d . $C. bl N. 2i'd t., s-r., all mod., $W. '.212 Maaon 8t., S-r., all mod., HI ,':C4 Maple St., 7-r., all mod., $r.. W N. 16th St.. -r., mod. ex. heat $25. ill 8. 12th St., f-r.. all mod.. Ji. SM N. Xid Bt . -r . mod. ex. heat, $12.M. Chicano St , tr-t-. mod. ex. heat. IJ0. J.)23 tmmrt it, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $1. lwi Pacific St., 4-r , mod. ex. heat. $14. 12 N. l'tih Bt.. 4-r., tnod. ex. heat. $1-'. B1RKKTT A COMPANY. 423 Tee Hldg. I oug 3$. 21n7 -room house; Thone Webster 17. BCRDKTTE ST. strictly modern. NEW C-room, entirely modern briiW; lo ccted 1416 S. loin Bt. Phone Dougla 470. BUN0AI-O new, modern: south 'ront $2.f0; 7th iid Dorca. Patterson. D. 2i7 t-K'luil ecttat:T S.M1 Franklin. $1S month FOK KENT W have a complete Hit of all houses, apartments and flats that art, for rent This list can be een frj pf chaige at Omah Van Storage Co.. SW B. l'h fit FOR short time only. 3 good farm, within 30 mile of Omaha, in Jowa, $U6 per acre; good term. McCoy &0'Doherty 711 Ptat Bank Bldg. uoug. lou. SMALL, MISSOURI FARM. . $S csh and 36 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land, close to three big market; write for photograph and full information. Aiunger. n. ill, Y. Llfo Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. atalrwar be flashed up. Ha 4 large room with stairs; 1 large room can above; electric lights. iwcntv apple tree. Two peach trees. One rrabapple tree. One plum tree. One cherry tree. Ten grape vine. Twenty-five blackberry bushes Twenty-five raspberry buahes. Five gooeherry hushes. Price. $2,300; $2T0 caah. balance 129 . month. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harnev St. ACRE tract on or near car, with new bungalow; $1,600 to $2,000. Call for loca tion and free city map. PATTERX40N. Patterson Rlk. RE A I, ESTATE NORTH SIDE Do You Want a Bargain- Brand new 'all modern: K 1 arce fnnln. and bath, 3 room in oak; on a aunroom; wain wiiinn, muRoawi, window seat; well arranged kitchen, with convenient pantry and ioebox room; bathroom, tile and enamel, with guaranteed fixtures: lighting fixture can be selected by buyer, stairs to second floor, which Is large enough to finish $ room; cement basement; furnace heat: hot and cold, water; fine, large lot, paved atreet; close to car; located in Boulevard Park addi tion. PRICK $3.50; about 700 cash or vacant lot as part payment. Feature of ) Trading; and Clewing I'rlrea on Board of Tmde C1I1CAOO. June 18. Black rut report from Missouri and K annas added today to the bullish temper which big storm In the west had alven to tho wheat mar ket here. An a result, the market closed firm at 14c to l'Wo not advance. In corn the outromo verlod from 4'" off to 4o up, oata rinished with a gain of ci to 4 and provlnlona ranging from 24o uei-itne to a run or 10c. Notwithstanding that active selling in which foreigner were said to have taken a hand made the wheat market recede from an early advance, the lnoreasing number of crop damage report coupled with black rust talk led afterward to a decided fresh unturn in value. Be fore the day was ovor, the fact seemed evident that a great deal of wheat in Kansas. Nebraska, Missouri and other ImtKirtant uarts of the aoft winter belt hud ben laid flat, and that the harvest delay In Kanras and Oklahoma wa In creased to a aerloua extent. Meanwhile predictions of another storm from over the Rookie by Saturday night emphaalaed the danger of rust. null in wheat werp encouraged by gotvilp that efi'orta to overcome difficul ties In regard to foreign exchange were llkelv anon to help revive export demand Ocean freight rate appeared to bo eas- in nff and advices from llveriool said the liberal ahlpment promised by India i,,r tni-ned out disHonoInt in v small. Cbean Arcentlne offer at New York flnallv proved more than an offaet to fears that the domestic corn crop In the bla surplus producing state had been hunrlicnuned bv too much cold and rain. In the final hour, many early buyer un loaded, and there was aggressive aeuing m, 1 1, a r.urt of sneculative fihort. Oata ruled a little firmer than corn owing to report of a good deal of lodging, th conequenee of cxcesaisely wet windy weather. i,...i-u.n fulled tu hold except to a limited extent an advance due to higher Drtce for hoga. Packing Interest were aid to have unloaded freely on tna bulge. Closing price on options: Artlel! Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Y'y Nebraska. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. tll.OnO buy a highly improved farm, consisting of about 011 acre located on on of our boulevard out from in city, onlv 40minutes ride. Qood water sys tem, small amount or fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay; nice. . Urge, beautliul fhad trwea and all kind of shrubbery and about 10 acre of natural timber, making a beautiful park. Thl 1 an ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred atccg ot any kind. Living spring In pasture. c tt. com us. 81$ Brand els Theater Bldg.. Omaha. D.3916. a "bio b arq a in 160 acres. 3 miles from county seat: nenriv new it-room houae: barn enw barn. row sheds, granary, chicken house and i other outbuildings; IM acre undrr plow; all fenced and cro-frnced: nice orchard. I old .S"0 worth or grain off thl last yexr. Am going to California and will sacrifhe this place for $6.0U0; $2,0uu caah balance i years at C per cent. H. MOREARTY. Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 16u$. Rasp Bros. 106 MoCague Bldg. BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful 8-room, vtrictly modern horn. In splendid condition; good loca tion; elegantly finished inside; a good a new; large lot; cistern. Frio $3,700. Call 2U Wirt. Phona Web. 29M after a. in. PRAIRIE PARK Beautiful home, six rooms and bath; oak finish first story; fine trees and hedge; most artistic resi dence district in Omaha: street paved and Rarked; community brick garage and club ouse. on car line, near school, store and church; no saloon. $300 rasn and $20 monthly. B. J. Bcannell. D. SW or W. 36U. REAL EM ATE INVESTMENTS V4 yonttaa. WYOMING homeiteads; limited area of excellent land; open to 320-acre filing Unsurpassed for grain, corn, potatoes, vcgeta'il-s, alfalfa; good water; free coal. Stockman' parudise; game plentiful; arc ond excuraiou .Line 24. Seo me at Paxtoti hotel June 1D-20 only. C. J. Dumbolton. REAL ESTATE l.OAXS Small Store in Good Location Practically new building. Ground enough to build another next door. G liv ing rooms upstair. located near a new addition, where only new house will be. Price, $iW". Terms. American Security Co. 17th and Douglas Sta. Douglaa SW3. Wheat I July. Sepf. Corn. 1 J fly. Sept. Oata. July. Sept. Pork. July. Sept. Lard. I July. Kept. Rib. I July. Kept. 1 04V. 1 03'J 1 7KS, 76 4j ' 4641 4041 17 00 17 46 9 4ft 10 ffi 10 674 1 OfAi 1 00 7 784 I 46 I I 17 1241 17 U, I 9 C-'4I so 1 10 40 I 10 7S I 1 0441 1 024l 74S 74Si V.J 3KV It V, 17 3& I I t 424) 70 I 10 3f. I 10 674' 1 OHfcl 1 044 75 75 4fS o IS 6 17 3 9 724 10 371 10 70 t 08 1 02H 7SH 76 3lt 1 U 17 30 4R 724 10 M 10 $24 Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 1 red, $1.144l.lo4; No. 2 hBrd. ll.ls4til.20Vi. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 764ty774o; other nom lnal. Oat: No. 3 whlta, 4s4'44e; tand ard. 4H''r((MKc. Rv: No. 2. SU6iri.1T. Br ley: 1Wfl'74c Heed: Tlaiothy. $G00'?6 60 clover, $li.60if12.60. Provision: Pork. 16.0 lrrt t- rlbe. ) Tf,ifJl0.25 Hl.'TTtR-Creamery. VJc: first Bo acennda. 23c: oacklng. Ic. POTATOES Diwtr; old. receipts, 24 (srs. Michigan and Wisconsin white. jun un Jun June Jun Jun June Juu June June June Juna June T 3i T 4S T M 7 Ti T 43 T -'4 T 4 7 41 $ 4 S g 04 31 llfi 7 Ml T Wl $ 17. 7 H I ft 7 an lll.11 Ml I 14 7 8 $ M' 7 36, i 71 Wl T 24 7 , 3 1 7 1, o; 1 M I 7 u 6 l 0L 1 aii so, 101 7 44, 1 H -t t K( 9 !U 7 4ft! I ! Sol 7 Vl 7 H7 3 37 ft fl V 2U 7 27VI 8 0:il H Ml 7 36; S ""0, I T 89 3 00 8 t 7 $1 6 7 ail ' 8 4b; 7 36i 6 7D I it1 H 14 June 1;. 7 i4, 8 08 7 25; ft 7 'i i b June lt T 134 8 01 8 30 ft Ki 3N T M June 17, 7 I'.'S 8 UN S 4- 7 18) ft 1 9 rij 7 r.J June 1S 7 32 I 8 l! S S3. 7 2i Sdf 7 l 7 ;4 T m 7 s: 1 u 1 V T 40 7 37 4. I.onla (Iraln Market. PT. IvOUlS, Juno 18. WHF.AT-No. 3 red. 31.14-91. IS: No. 2 hard, 31.1S; July. $1,014; September. $1.01. C4HN no 2. 'ec; o. - wniie, i,c; July, 7f.4'B754c; September, 74t(C44o. oats' no. nomaun; ro. a wmw. 4D4jc, Liverpool lirnln Market. I.IVKRPOOT June 18, WHKAT No. t Manitoba. 11a 6d: No. 2. Ha Id: Nn. 3. 11a; No. 1 northern Duluth, II 2d; No. 1 hard winter, 11 Id. CORN spot American mixed, new, X. FLOUR Winter patents. 46. New York Money Market. NFW YORK. June 18 MERCANTlL.Fi PAPKR 34'l(4.per cent. BTFJRL1NO EXCHANGE Blxty day bills. $4.74: for demand. $4.70. S I LV fe.lv liar. 4mc; xuexican oounra, HONDR tiovernmant, sieauy; rauroan. Irregular. .... TIMB DOAlNrT riteaay; au nays, per cent: 00 days, 2i per cent; 1x month. 8 pet- rent. t'AUi .UI K, T c-teany . 1110, i. -r cent; low, 14 Pr cent; ruling rste. : wr cent; lat loan, 2 per cent; .losing bid, 14 per cent; offered at t per cent. Closing pricee on unnoi. U. 8. rf. . re, st n. t 1-. (. ss.... ... 4. emiBoa M N. T. lily 4 W IT a la. r 104N T. gists iv....ii te foupos imi-rH. 1 . r.. r. m rj. H, 4. r 101 Am Finallere a....n Art roupoa .. ci. Panama ia. nnupon. 100'Kn. raoino 1" n iha onia ' 00 a O n Q 1. 4.... 140. H. U raf. 4s... M C M A S P g 4. l0Srae. T. A T. .... 7S 1'-J-ann. non. r 8tS Tl" ceo. 4s. ...... ,101-i 47' Iteadln n 4a J', M g I. H. F. r. 4a 14 8n. Tan. ry. 4a... 40 4a rat. 4a IV 4o ot. la 1 Hn. Rallwar la.... ft I nlon Hanlflo 4a.. 7 do or 4a VI t'. g. Riihlwr Ha . Ill I' H Htrl a M a UU'WatMuH 1st in mi . 4Sa 102 W.tl. t'Dlun 4Ha.. Is 44 Waal. Rlar. rr. Ra no H H. raf 4.. r R. a raf. la.. Krla rn 4a ten niactrlo la ... "it Nn. lat 4... III. Can raf. 4a K O. rV. raf. la... L a N. unl. 4a... M. K. T. 1st 4s Armnur A Co. 4'a. Atohlaoo Bn. 4a... Bal. Ohl A. T A T. Mo Pno. rv. 11 ' NW im ni W D14. St.o6iuiii.oo: No. 3, ildland. H2.Ma-13.00; FARM LOANS, r, PKR CENT TPLAND TRUMBULL. 448 Be Bldg $100 TO $10.0 made, promptly, if. D. Wead. W ead Bldg . 18th and Farnam 8ta CITY and farm loans, 6, 54. ( per rent. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 416 Htate llnnx. WANTkD Uood farm and city loan at lowest rates PETERS TRUST CO . K2i Farnam. WANTED CHy loan and warren's. W. Farnam Pmlth A Co.. 130 Farnam Bt CITY properly. Itrge. luans a aiecialty W. H. Thomas, ia htate Bank BUg MCNKV on hand for city and farm loans. H W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. 3-K'iOM in.idtrin. I4ja S lltn. Di.ug. 4.'l iTlTt-' the Central Frmturb diores. KHKE RFNTAI. L'.4T FIULL1TV liicE FREE Phon Douglaa "J for complete list of vacant houses and apartments: also for sturage, moving. ISth and Jackson eta. Hr.li to v Crtlgh Sons ft Co., Ben Bldg. CM. HA homes. Eaal Nebraska farms. O KEKKK REAL ESTATE CO.. leir Omaha National PI, one Doug.aatTlS. In eastern Omaha EKE ua first for farm loans Neh. United States Trust Co.. G7o CITY LOA No. C. O. C'a-ibrg, 110-12 Braudi Trieater Bldg. REAL EeiAiM WANTED LIT real ealal and rental with DON EL80N K. E CO.. Jul O'U. Nat l Bank. $90,000, I have firht-class city Income property, paving 12 per ent. Thla is A-l location and one of the beat bulldlntts In the my Will take g .))'! fuim or ranch clear up to M per cent. Will carry balance mort gage on truixTty. ilive price and legal rtcie-rlptton In first letter, otherwmo will le. ele no consider ation. Address M ". care Bee. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS "New Cottage, $l,'2(w5 $10: Cash $ll..r0 a Month Ha 3 room, cement block foundation. Will b completed by June 1&- Ha chicken house, till CnRkrn yard, fenced ihlck'-n tight. 30x 76 feet. Two full lot. House has electric lights. liood WtU. Klop gently to the a at. overlooking b i.ilevard. HABTINtiK A HETDBN'i 1614 HARNEY. CHA6. E. WILLIAMSON CO., "Paxtoo Bik. Doug, 3107 REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Tviustr Be"Sold at Once 11.40 8. Wth t. Oood old 7-rooni h.Hiae, modern except heat; choice east front lot, AOxLVu. btret and aiiey paved ami all paid for. II lot wa vatint it would ell for $l.7,i. House and lot ciui now be bought f'.r $2.1(i0, $'JU0 caah, balance monthly, tu- exchange considered. in vest fga to "t once. I Rasp Bros. lOf, Mcl'ague Bldg Phone Doufc-las 13. loth ooi:red with FRUIT 7-room houae. electric lights, new fur nace, fine well. 7 blocks from car. near 481 h and Canter; a bargain, at 83 '). but owner ays will sell for $2.!io. Oood term. See it Hunday. Call Harney LINAILVN REALTY t Jill Ree Bldg. Doug. 1901. o Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. June 17-PRA1RIE HAV- W have a eupply or about ttnrty mru on all traxrk this morning. Twenly-flve car of thl 1 Kansas hay and five car Nebraska hay. The liipmeut of Kansas hay to this market has had a very bad erfect upon the market. While it has not affected th prloe ox no. j ana cnoioa upland Nebraska hsy to any great ex tent, it ha had a bad effect upon mid land and lowland hay. aa the price wa red uned ao mucn lowex man wn asking for Nebraska hay. Buyer would lake the Nebraska hay at even $1 00 more per ton. but when they can buy from (100 to $6.00 lower per top than the Ne braska hay nas ueen guouw, .;' -our hay and lake the Kansas. W still advise alilpment or no. I ana cnoicn. r braska hay. especially of th upland and midland variety. We cannot advts hlp ment of lowland or No. 3 nd get you prloe uch a ha been obtained for th last month. Following I the range of Choire uuland. i wrn m o-i; io. i, 111 UKfnS.OO: No. I. rriaon' rholi mldli Mo I 812.owjii.Mi; no. x. ..ni'ii.w, t 37 Oivjs.oit; choice lowland. HOOOOIO .60; No. 1. fVwlilO.OO; No. 3. $7.0059.00; No. 3. $50'l7.0u. STRAW Ch wheat la quotable at 38.00 to $6.30. Coffee. Market. NEW YORK. June 18-COFFEJJ-The market for coffee futures opened st a duel me ot 3 to k point under some scat tered selling which wa probably Inspired bv the dix'llna in 4 he rale of Rio ex change n London and In the mllrels prb e of Hantoa. Offerings were not heavy and were pretty well taken at the decline, but price eased ofr a shade further during the lav, closing at a net loss of G to 11 point. There were further exchanges from ltalv to later deliveries, mostly March, '.n even terms. Pule. Includliur the sw'che. 26,'flo bags. June. ,:ie; Jul-, '.Ur. August, 6 ,c; ei.ti ii.tr. ..: Ortober. RWc; November, tt !; Deimber, r. He: Jnnuary, 6! t February, .'4c; March, '4-; April, 7.0"f : Ma. 7"--. -H.t. stctiiv ; Rl.i N.i. 7, 74-: anto No. 4, !''. Cohi and freight market a as re ported a shade eualer In tone, but iUots llons nbniit onchsnged. Rio ex. Iiunue, 31i lower. Kantos, 100 rel lower. Rio, 75 rels higher. lloa Market. NEW YORK. June lk. COTTON Spot, quiet; middling iiplands. 9 o: no sale. Cotton future nened steady; .lulv. f A ; October, c; December, 10 18c; Jctiuarv. 10 24c; March. lo.4n. Future closed steady; July, 9Mf, Oc t'.ber. !Bc: December. lO.lKc; January, It". 21c; March. 10 Vk The cottun market dosed steady net un ci, aiir. I t 2 tw.lnts hlsher. LIVERPOOL. Jun 1 COTTO N fcoot . easier; gKd medium nildlllnsj. 'ft3d: middling, f. XkI; low middling, ft Ad. sales, lC.OOO bale Sunday. CATTLhi-Racelpt of cattle numbered only eleven car thin morning. It being the smallest run Tor a Friday thla year. At the same time thero was a good de mand and practically everything wa dlaposed of by 9 o clock In the morning. Prices raid tor good beef steers were strong, with all other kinds ot raitle t leaat fully steady. The belief that re ceipts will be light at the beginning of the next week may have had something to do with the eagerneaa of buyers to pick up the few cattle in light today. uuntatlon on cattle: Oood to choice yearilnas. $s Roup. io- good to choice eorn red beoves, 48 4bJ8 ; fair to good romred beeves. IS wnts 40; common to rair corn- red beeves, $7.8Mf8 1ft; good to choice heif ers, $7.0lU7.8(; good to choice cow, $...50 0 . Mi; rair to good cow l.fc!T4.M; com n.cu to rlr cow. U.ontbft.M, good to ehoica stooker and reedera, $7.tKftN.10; fair to good stoekers and feeders, I.HaJ ..w: common to rair tockr and feeder. $S 004Ji7.(: stock helfar. $a.0i7 .00 : stock cows, $3..BCp3.7ft: stock calves, $4.ft(r.W; veal calve. iH.OOy 10.25: fat bulla, stags. etc., $n.ft0T.S&; stock bulls, 36.07.00. HOU8-RecelDts were the llahtsat of th week, only ninety-on rar. or something Ilk 6,2.10 hegd being reported in. For the five d.iy the supply foots up 38.148 head, being nearly ,0UU head smaller than last k. 6. W0 head short of a year aso and.. In fact, the smallest for any similar period since flv weeks ago. Knoouraglng advice received from other points started th market nut in good ah ape, and shippers tanked another dim onto value thla morning, buying th tm Ik or their hog at !7.Suj7. th latter pile oeing the top for the day and week. Today advanr put shippers back to where they were at th cloa of laat week. A was the easa yesterday, packer wer slow In getting started and their early 1. 1 .t . Mi.rtK V- - . , -. .1 . . A th morning advanced offer Improved, lowly and when th first sains wer finally made, it was at prices that wer right around 6-aiOo higher than tha kill er trad yesterday. Th market remained druggy throughout and even at th beat time was a long way from being a olive. The reason for thla was that sellers had priced their hog fully a dim higher from th (tart, and aa prices never got that good, they were in no particular hurry to out loose. The bulk of the hog sold around $7.20r 7.3t, but the' ealea were wall scattered over a 40c range. During th laat couple of day sharp advance have mom than regained the decline of th first half of the week, nnd current value are, if any thing, a little stronger than last wee Kg close. 811 EFP Receipts, which wer liberal for a Frlduy. were nearly aa larg a yesterday's, about twenty car, or 6,'M) head, being reported In. Total for the week to date I 20.141 head, the largest Kino the first week of May. being mors than iwh e aa large aa both last weak and two week ago. and a gain of 4.000 head over th oorresiKinding weak laat year, Early advices from Chicago were far from encouraging, but Kouth Omaha was th only river market to have any sort of a run. and it did not take very lon for buyers and sellers to get together ' bout th aame price a wer paid yes terday. Bulk of th spring lamb offer ings moved at fn.5o, which figure bought the big end of yesterday' supply. This la the flral time this week that price hsve failed to show some decline. For ti.a waek nrlres hav dronned $1.75tiJ 00, the hi end of thla break being registered Monday, when pacaar orceu a i..i 1 alamn. Hlmllar decline hv been r.n,,.H.H ut nrai tlca iv all maraci i.oinin Quotation on liep and lamba: Ijiiils, good to choice, $7.762ra.26 lamb, fair to good. lY.Uttri.'ie: iamo. spring:, uwn'" yearling, fair to choice, $6.W!.f4), ewes, ood to choice. $4.76ff.2ft: ewes, fair to good, 84.O0-tH.7S. (IIICACiO 11VB STOCK MtRKKT Cattle Hlrung llogi Mtrona 8her a Ntcady, CHICAGO, June 18. tATTLB-Retelpt. 1.000 head: market strong: native bee WVW,, - , , 8.21.: oowa and heifers, S3.2MH.0U; calves. 37.00ft75. I IOOrt Receipts. 18.000 hed; market strong; lOfll.'.c lilgher; bulk of ssles. $7.60 i77d: Hunt r.&o7.s0: mixed. $7.:4f7.kG heavy. $7,00ii7.70: rough, $7.t'7.!l; pigs, 16 Kii-7 fiO KHtliCl- AND IiAMIIS-RecaiPts. 7.000 head; market steady; sheen lfAflU.40 jaiubs, i6.Wilft.'S; springs, 9'i.AiTJ'J.n. Ut. Loola l.lv Stock. Market ST. LOUIS. June 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, Sou head; market steady; native beef steers, 87.60) f5; yearlings, steers and heifers. 38.0f44i.30; oows, $"..00n 60 stoekers and feeders, 3a.uti).2ft: southern leern, KU'dHM; cow and heifers, $4.00 i NEW AORK. June 18. Aside from li ninre Irregular movement, which later gnv way to general heavlnern. to.1y si", k market whs largely a reetitlnn ol the preredlnr sessions of the week. Trad Ing wit a an I n in very moderate volume, the early hours recording a oeries of con fusing advance nd recessions. For ex ample, sum.' of the war shares rone 1 in 3 i.'IntH with a new high record fir Haul w tu locomotive at ft4V while other." of that t la.e part Icula rly IVethlehem .leel and U.'ksani HI rel acre thai ni u h lower. The effervescent quality of some of the Ivaui a which f'.r one reason or anothet have come to be known RS war con trnct stocks was Illustrated In the case ol Kedeial mining. Thla stock added an other K tH.lnta in its decline of recent days. Helling at 2'l, against 00 on M,.ndi t oppcr was under constant pi-eeure. as was to be rxitectr! fmm another r.liarp break In the metal ahrond together witi liidlciitti.us of Jower price in toe don.cHti' market. l.end, which a few days ngo sold at 74''. the highest figure quoted 111 thlrtv years, declined to 6c. Representative railwitv storks weie backward, their early decline remiltina from the short selling on reports of n serious storm In Kenans and sd.ln.eni states. United States Hteel was ahnui he onlv sgieculatlve favorite to evince nderlylng atrength and fair degree uf ctlvlty, but wavered with the balance f tha list III the last hour. Total sale mounted to 8U.00P shal'ea Llres or Italian exchange made another new record at S.!1 ror check and rep'tis mark on Berlin also weakened to 82 1-lt. hat rate, however, in well abovr Hf low record of a -few week ago. Ottawa sent $2,M,0no gold to thl city and Iindon xchange stiffened on purciiese or inns lo that center. The new movement or moner for tue week points to another acreeslnn of cash bv local banks If toilers) torecast or the gain ia r.ilfllled. New York bankers will show excess reserve of 32UI,i,ii In tomorrow bank statement. Mono were Iregular, some minor Iseucs showing nsterlal gslns. Total Jules, par value, aggregated ai,- (TW0.I0 I'nlted fltatea bond wera uncnangea on all. ... Number of aalea and leaning quoiauonn n BtorK were aa ionowa: aalea. liifn. ,irm .!" J71 r; 4.MW l.l" . l.sto 41V 4S 8n Ml 124 , 11.n , 1,1W 4nl sm, m 71 no l,a 4W 1 400 4!ieo LIS , go.tno, , 4 W .. I . , 1 8i , 10 , 1.100 ! "l in , S.M 401 114 IS 4W4 MS 4 174 11 II I, 117 v 44 n 4K4 t( llt'4 SK4 Irt) 7 si'S a 114 i4 "ii 1T14 ins MS Sla 114 Ml 114 141 a. mi 2.101) TO TX., l.tno 114 104 i I.m l.siw 11 4J ines JO', 44 )' at ts't 7 1064, 1M i.rw 1. MO 2. mo 3 se l.in 144 1144, 294 M 144 II", Alaska Gold . AmalaamaiM Cepeer . Ainarlran Heat ri.irar. Anterlran fan AniarlPin . A R A mart ran K a. tt. p(4 Am. Husar fteflnln .. Amrl.n Tal. Tel. .. Amaricaa Tihaoa ... Anannnrla Mlnln Atr.liu.a llaltltnon. tlo Brnoklm Rapt Traaait.. elimmla ratrmaum .... tnalllaa Partrin ' -antral Irfwlhar haaatMaka Ohio rhloaao w Iilraxn. H Ft. r ... -hlraao N. W 't.lna Ooetp (Vilnra4 Fuel free,.... tmr4t St Roulham. ... Heorar Kle Urania... iN-nrer a H. . at.... Piatlllara- neourtlla Wrle tlenaral Blartrla . . treat Nniiharu r'U. .. (real No. Ora rtta 4.rirahaini gtpionuioa.. llMnnla l-anlra.1 Intartiomugh Met. pt4.... na.lratrm Cowar. . . . . .. lntamatlt.nal llanreatar Haeaaa (II T SouUiarn.... liih Valley onlallls A Nuhvtlla... M1fn Patmlauia.. Miami Cbpeer , Miraonri, a. a. t Mlaamirl PavflOa .... National lilseult Natlnnal uaari Naralla Cuppa' Nw York central. ....... N. T.. N. H It Norfolk Waaler N-.nharn Paclflo r-a-ltlr Mall Pacific Tal. a ri PannsTlrafilei Pullman Palara Car Ray Too. IMpper Reading Rrp.tMK- len A tleal.... II, fc Inland Co Hork lalan Co. pM Hi l a h. r h pio.... goulharn Paetfln , aouthern rtallway Tennaaaaa ippsr Taiaa cvmrn)r l-nlnn 1'aclfln t'ntim Panltlo liM fnlt4 fiataa wimI V. a. wel pia flan 'optr Wilah pM wi,ni llnloa Waatlnilipus Bleotrlo .. .(..-, vnitar Total sals lor th ear. Sti.QOO sharas. BBAUSTRF.KT'S TRADF. RF.V1F.W Weather lrregtalarUIra Brtrct DU tribntlon of Oood. - NBW YORK. Juno 18, Brajdstriwt's to morrow will say : A mixed .budget of new l In avidenc thl week. Weather lrrtgulariues over a wide area -have restricted currant dis tribution of seasonable goods, while ex cessive molsturo In lb surplus grain pro ducing state has retarded harvesting or crop growth, and, pending tha outcome of International political uuuurs, aoma Interest prefer to work along oams-rva- tlve lines, uu tne oiner nana, iiutuau-u--i opera ti.ms continue to expand. Crop diversification in ne vnun, wner iravi 1 quiet, hii prov-e.1 faaslbia and this fact has induced brighter view aa to th future. Demand ' for money for crop moving purposes is enlarging and rates re firmer, it has been a week of un certainty in tha stock market, unsettled foreign relation and the renewed weak ness of foreign exchange. War order stocks continue to derive support from the undeniably larga busi ness in sight and th stronger, mora cheerful tone of the Iron and steel trades. Bank clearing amounted to $:, 1S8, 460,000, an Increase of 1 per cent over laat week. London Stork Market. I-ONDON, June 18 American securi ties wera dull, but prices hardened in the afternoon and the closing was steady. KIT.VER Bar. EJNd per nunc. MONEY-1WV J1 cent, DISCOUNT RATES-rJhort bills. 2.lr t 11-16 per cent; three months, 8 15-lini.l per cent. I.pio -MS 4I.SM) inn '"I0 ll,Tno as 110 . 4 Ti s l '' 74 74 t4. 10 V, 4 7- Inn 'a inn 3 im 74. n'a 14H IMS 4IS S 11. "S 1 4.SS S n iS s 171S 117S H 4 inn 744. JiV 15 S 144-a 11IS 74S " 11 IDS ill 4, 14S , ITS it:; in I KU Hit. "I In,' , IW. 14 '. IKS 2. s . ' I :. IT. I'. . :I7'. 14 12TJ. K). 7U 4 ; ST', al ti6 6o: native calves, $rt 0H4f lil.ou. HidIO- Hoceipts, t.w-J neao; market. MLDIC-tL RUPTURi-; cured In few day without . -.11 - . . 1 , .. I Bldg . Omaha Ektahllahed tJSH. a ! '--10 PILKH FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry curra idle, fistula and I other rectal diae without auigical Mv Metal Market. NF.W YORK. June MKTAIJ4 Laad, weak; offered at $i. Spelter nut quoted. Copper, dull; electrolytic, $20.2Vfl'.!i Tin, oulet, at $41 bid. linn, steady and unchanged At London: fpot enpper. 412; futures. U; electrolytic. S 10. fipnt tin. iCVH Km; futures, tlV Antiiiionv, LVfl.WX. 2s M. SiHllsr. 110 licar Market. YORK. June l.-U;.VRilit. oDeraUon. Cur guaranteed aud no 1 t.'ady. cemrlfugiil, 4. We; m.ilaa.a, 4 l'.V; money paid until cur.d. Writ fo' book , refined at-ndy; futurea itulet and steady ol recta' disease with tesUinuulala bit liluring early pait uf dav. Al unnii pri ra JC. R. 1AKRY. 240 B Bldg.. , 1 were unchanged. higher; pig and light. $ft.WX(l7.fwi; mlla.l and butcher. $7.6E'fi i.SB; gooi heavy, $7.70 ii-7). BHEICP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,-i head; marke'. steady, clipped native mut ton. Sft.tKViiti.tiO: clipped lamb, $s. 600.0"; spring lamb. S7.Sofil).7C. Kanaaa ( Itr Live Hook Market. KANHAH CITY. Mo.. Juno lb. CAT- TLK Receipts, 175 heud: market steady; prime fed steer. 3i.7ofr.1.00; dressed beer steers, $t.0048.6O; waatern steers. S7.rft- ' 8 Ml; stoekers and feeders. 3i.WtlVno: bulls. $5 7r'u7.iiu. calves. $f..OVa lO.Ou. Hi HiS Receipts, l.sfiu head: murkit 1 higher; bulk of sale. $7.4.vtf7 fiO; heavy. 87.2Mi7.ou; pacKera anil liutcners, n.ZotU' T BI lights, $7 ul J4: Plus. $l.75I7.2n. SHEKl' AND LAMBS Receipt. 4',' head; lambs. I7.n.i0 5"; yearlings. $7 0u 8 00; wetliera, $.'i.7oii.r); c-wes, $4. Mtib.b). ' llnai City Lire Mock Market. Hiol X CITY. la.. June 18. CATTLK Receipts, yo head: market steady ; rows and helfera. $5 WrfiOiiO, bulls, slags, etc., lv:,rvU;.M. H )CJ Receipts. 4.fi0i) head; market higher; heavy. $7 &"V1.); mixed, .17 30 611 i; light, $7.107.20; bulk vt aales, 7.13 7 MIF.RP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8"4I head. St. Joaepk I I v Mlork Market. ST. JOHRPH. Mo.. June 18 -4'ATTLB Rnceliits 100 head; market, steady; sieore, $7 luftO.t; cow nd heifers, $4.2Mj00; calves, $8 0Ot6O. HOGS Receipt .9O0 head: market, higher; top, $7 60; bulk, $7.mu7.So. KHK1CP AND LAMBil Receipt a, nun; market, ateady: lambs. Sv Otxou.&O. Lire Htork la algkt. - Relpt and alilpment of live clock al the five principal weat.-rn markwt yes terday: hi. ago i"iix City... can City. Si. Iiuls South (linaria Totals 1 There Money Milling Flouv Until Millui Till of Bif Prtfifs Midi Milling With thl -Kidjir Kim' MiH. ? T'."ssa.-. There's money mlll f Ing flour in small JJ J ' ''" WesUirn town anU AtT 7 t. "" I rural cominuiili le. l! ; . .la h Burr Oak Mlil ' f f ---a! Llevator Co.. of ; - Burr Oak. Ksh-.uk, ' ? 1 l'rad t ' 1 " i huuiltod -vI'. ".dollar i i I 1; 7 ; ; I Cat tie. Hoga. Sheep. ,1,ii i:li" 7.o) . :vn 4.r-i i,j . 17:. I. "1 :ii.i . hlKl .i.nliO 2.11.1 . 5i li,3' 3,0.4) si un i:,.iv. that they wenly-llve (K..'V).t c) the Inl 8 mon Ui with a 25 barrel "Midget Marvel mill, made by tha Aiilo. American Mill Company, of bweiwhoro. Ken. tucky. You aeo the cost of marketing th flour from the big mill i so hU'h that th mall mill Is an 1wIuUb necessity in alm.e-l very Weitern locallt y. This local UOOcsiUy, ouupiod with the luveutlon of tUig "Midget' Marvel Sall-Cantaieed $tUr flaur MIS rnt within th reh of w1de-wake. red lixaled nienof ilmiuni means t hlsopportunti T ot a lifetime togetlntnndmkAat,llJi money 011 1 of t he ml 1 1 lng bualnr. The "Midgut" Marvel solve the community mill problem, mtklpg as It does, according 10 U. 124 to W barrel fluent patent Hour a day omiiusndlng the local niurkut siul fur tulie around at a gcnai profit to the miller. The mint rvniarkahle flour mill every built a whole big fuller flour mill all cuudenaed Into una cane. 1'revlou milling ep rWnce not necesaaiy, A money-maker from Ilia very Hart, Many already In your stale. Kvery progreaalve small town and rnmmuiitt r must have one. Tha wide-awake man gvts it and makes the money. Are you her Then wrlle for the "Wtory ,of a Wotiderful Hour Mill." trial offer, estimate, etc. You'll wsn a "Midgut" Marvel aud want it quli U. V. ill today. Anglo-American Mill Co., ln. I024 rurth U Owac4k K