-J iir Jir.r: ii.uti.. Miiiii'.u, n .h i. i:'i. rr BRIEF r. CITY NEWS Wstlle fe&a. t7.M. Rirr.r.nin. as oot Frist I Now VesroR Frees 1 Wagging Blng-g at Klholm. wler. f Ustea Iffioiesey The Ho plate Irtner served at Scalita hotel. Mowers sharpened by machinist on Itvmlses, charge Tit.'. Ioug. 2Xo. "Taya Complete Moris rregreaV I Claaelfled section todar. and aDoears ll The RH EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what tha various moving picture theaters of far. Or. W, T. Wherry announces tha utr rnca of Ills association with Vr. F. 3. OTwen and the Mtabllahmrrit of hla tm IWsry offices at suite 3"8, Brandcts thea ter building. Xarts to Bnlld Boss Building John liart haa ben awarded the contract for the construction of the Rose building on the southeast corner of Stxteonth and Farnam streets. Clayton Bound Ovar Joacph .Clayton errcMed for the reeling t wonhka checks, was bound over to the district court by Police Masiftratt! Foat.-r with bonds fix-d at IW. Tree Breaks Men's Leg Ora Letter wood, emo Hamilton street, employed with a paring gang at Twenty-fourth and "rown Point avenue, had his leg broken when a tree he was chopping down fell on him. After having his fracture set at the polloe atatlon he waa taken to his home. Burglars Beturo S. H. Staats. 2? fouth Seventeenth street, reports to the jol!ro that burglars evidently were not satisfied when they broke Into his parage fiuturday night and atole three casings, so returned Thursday night ami made Iwiy with the -carburator from his machine. Passes Bogus Checks flay Jordan, address Eleventh and Karri am streets;, a sentenced to thirty days In the iruunty Jail for the passing of a worth less check. Other checks are being held r-r the police and each one will result In lha filling of a separate complaint against Oordan. aUokea by Korse William Collins, expressman, living at 7J0 North Four teenth street, sustained a fractured light leg,' when the horse which he was hitch ing up kicked him Dr., Charles Ztmmerer Vas dispatched from police headquarters Ao attend him and ordered the rrnn't rc ilioval to 8t Joseph's hospital. From Our Near Neighbors r fcprlnafleld. Mrs. Byron Sage returnrd from a visit to her sifter In Colorado. Miss Clara Mlntnm Is spending the week with friends In Omaha. Joseph Bates of Ptsnton is visiting his uncles. L. A. and V. K Bates. J. W. Peters of Omaha visited at the home of hla father over Sunday. Mrs. Frank Inhelder of Elgin Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols. Mrs. Msry Flanagan of Thermopolls, N vo.. Is vii-ttlng her uncle. John MrHride.. Emma Watson and Etta Smith accom panied Mrs. 1-SRsn to Ragan, Neb., this wick. Mrs. L. A. ftates went to Wayne last Monday to be the RUest of Elisabeth O brten. tluy Fish, who has been 111 several weeks, was taken to an Omaha hospital last Monday. Mrs. H. M. Fngan and children went to Jtngan. Neb., last Monday to visit Mrs. Fagan's mother. John Not t lemon has bought the hos pital of Dr. Peters and will build a bun galow on the site. After attending a college at Aurora, 111., a year Ernest Rrawner Is home for the summer vacation. Mrs. Jo Neeley or Elm wood was taken to an Omaha hospital last Mondav. Mrs. Neeley will be remembered as Miss Mat tie Munford. J. M. El well and family and the fami lies of Ben and Will Brhnhert attended the wedding of Howard Gramllch In Ban croft Wednesday, At the school meeting last Mondav Ern est Chrlstlanson. Mrs. Thomas Xelson and Henry Klegenhaum were e'ected members of the board. The touring party composed of Mr. and Mrs. John PrhHal, Nelson Iewey and Mrs) E. U Pflug set sail for fan Fran cltco and other western points last Tues day. They expect to be gone four months. The report Is received of the death of John Zimmerman In Montana. Mr. Zim merman went from here a few years ago. Mrs. Margaret Adaett and son George ot Iowa are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. German Adsett- Rrinlnstoni Mrs. Wilbur of Arlington "was a visitor gt the Domacker home on Tuesday. . The Fourth will be celebrated by a pic nice, ball game, raoes and dance at the lark: also with a dance at Oft's hall Oeorgo Nelson, who died -following an operation for appendicitis, waa burled from hla late home on Monday after- t oon. Ha Is survived by his widow, form erly Miss Staffen, and two small ohlld v rn; four slaters sjid six brothers. II r. VJSelson grew to manhood In this vicinity. Fl The wedding of George Cunningham kfttnd Miss Boee Wltte of Elkhorn oo Frurred . Wednesday at noon, at the bride's home Kev. Mr. Aston of Waterloo aa the officiating minister. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham will make their home in Bennington, where the groom Is en paged In business. IrvlngTtoa. Miss Emma Sundall was an Omaha visitor Wednesday. Miss Mabel Knight left Tuesday for her home in Custer countw. Mr. and Mrs. Sprfng and Mr. and Mrs. Beats motored to Blair Monday. . M- Wesley Williams of Chadron, Neb., Is vlsmiwr at tha Williams home. Mr. ' and Mrs. Gus Bundall visited friends in Council Bluffs Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hackman and children were Benson visitors. Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Beckmyer of Rust'v Gulch visited at the Westergaard home Sunday. Miss Mabel Johnson of Omaha visited at the Dein homo Saturday and Sunday. Miss Annie Sundall returned Monday from a weok's visit with relatives in Fre mont. John Blelck attended the stag party at the McArdle home in Benson Monday evening. The Ladies' Aid met at the Arthur Knight home for supper Wednesday, with a large attendance. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spring, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. Joe .Mo Gulre of Benson visited at the John Blelck home Sunday. .,' Eoyd end Viola Hendrlckson of Wins low, Nab., and Harvey Joiws ofi David City, are visiting st the home of their grandparents, Mr. end Mrs. John HenO- rK'kson. ieorse C. Sheldon and wife motored to Crete Monday. Henrv flehrrm wss in Plattsmouth on business Tuesday. Mrs. Cl.tra Nutsnian went to Lin'oln early in the week. Jame Miller ss a I'lsttsmouth busi ness visitor Monday. Scott Norrts 'and wife motored to Plattsmouth Tuesday. Mis Nettie Morris left Tuesday lor her home In Rnssellvlllo, Atk. Oeorco Tats was callrl to Nebraska City on Iniportnnt huslnofs Tvcsday. George F. Swltler hHS sold his fatm south of town for -'x,MO, or $17ft per aire. John Brldsewator of Lynn. Mass.. U visiting friends west of town this week. Joe West and famllv of Belvldere are guests at the home of his brother. V. C. this week. B. O. Tucker and wlfn were at Doi ne college this week to see their son, Mailoit. graduate. Will Rose and famllv of Avoca aire visiting with Mr. Hose's parents hero Wednesday. R. A. Bntes. proprietor of the Platts mouth Journal, and wife were in town eunesday. Mr. and Mrs HlUburre of Lincoln are visiting with the letter's father. Isaao rollard. thia week. Mesdsmes .Tulip and Tucker of Burr. who have been visiting at the Rood home. returned jiome Monday. Mrs. Keltner. who hsa hoeo orvanixm-f for tlie Royal Neighbors, returned home Monday from a two weeks' trip. Mrs. Ed Conrad of Oklahoma la luia this week, called by the dangerous Ill ness oi ner mother, Mrs. Cunningham B. Welnh and Rtunrt . rtaurh nH fam. files were at Crete this week attending the uradimtinn of some of their young "i'iv iivm iiimnp college. . jsrsnt by fr. O. F. Stauffet ait.1 ! A. Vctnle. An approprlntloii triad for !he grade school of KW. an ln rae of il ovsr last rear. Whl' h Is needed t ire for nea- plumbing. An arr'oprlstlon Of .Vt was wtade for the Pioneer I nlon blgli sthcol of district 1 and .". f Valley. . .Mlt-s Ethel M. Ingram spent ibe w(k end at Klk City. A shower was given st the home of (Ms Parson last week for Miss Neola Parson. Mrs Aubrar Davis and children of Ponson ars visiting Mr. and Mr, .. P. I'avla. Mra Mary Itempsted. who wsa taken III on the train on her way home from Omaha Monday morning, la recovering rapidly. Miss Rulah Ryam and Mtse F.va Har rier, who have heen teaching In ll'ison the last year, came home the first of the week. Mrs. peter Peterson entertslned the members of the Woman's Chrlstlnn Tern terance union at her home In Uyarsvllle Tuesday afternoon. The members of the Second Baptist church ave a very enjoyable tvrt,n st their "hurch Monday evening for their new pastor. Rev. A. ,L Fredrlikson. Regent W. O. Whltmore, together with the other regents, will take a 1 n-mlle automobile tour, taking In the experi mental stations in the state, very soon. The Woman's club gave a book shower at tne home ot Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weektv PHllav bvmIm. T" . i w- were received for the library and over " mmiiim" oniera wer given, ' The home of Mr. and Mrs AA J. Tavsnn Tuaday evening. when their daughter. Ae.nn. ana -onraa jonnson were united In msrrlsge. P.e . tl Orison teed l'ie nsrrlsK' lines About IW ;iiet were in attenilnnt-e. Mr. snd Mrs Johnson will be at home on a farm near Mead. Nib. Weeplaa Mater, aimers In this vicinity are con. plain ing that tha Hessla 'ly is working In the wl eat The work In Installing electric lights in the Methodist church was completed Inst week. , The Zetetlc ladles entertained their husbands at a picnic supper at th falls Monday evening. .Tnhn Jones of fmhi wss an over Sundsy visitor with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. I. EX Jones. Miss Floy Cnnadav returned Mondny (venlng from her trip to California. fMie reports a fin time. Mrs. H. R. Arends and tit tl son. harlea. left last week for California, to lend the summer with relatives. Shirley Marshall of Uncoln w ss In town Monday and Tuesday, meeting obi friends snd visiting at the I,. N. iiunter home. I Leslie runn. Robert Reed and Frank Wilkinson returned this week Trom Crete, e. here they have been attending Pontic college. The large barn on the farm occupied by Carl Rlehart and owned my William iVhlerklng was burned during the storm Thursday. Weeping Water's ehautaumta begins this year on Sunday, July fft. Miss Jennie Hltchman has been secured as Junior supervisor. Pr. W. H. Wilson of the state board of henth was called her Thursday to settle the question of whether Hie con tagious disease so prevalent in this I. f i 1 1 v Is siiuill pox or rMi ken pox. pr W'tlson pronounced It mill jvix si-d ssld Ihst nil rnses should nnd must te huarantlned. 1 John W. swindle and fsmlly and thalr Sliest. Mr. i'. P. Hron I'f l.ewellen, ai'tned to Lincoln Sundty and sptnt the day st Capital Itea'-h rsea . I Mts. C. ischomaker of Nchsa-ka ta (spending the week wllh her dsughters I south of town Prof. John H Opn of Fntton was here this week visiting his parents. Mrs M. .1. I.undv hs returned from a visit with relatives mar lumber Henry Vrtte snd famllv tetiinied the first of the week fmm s lalt at York. K. tl Hpenccr and family were here from Tilinsiie Sunday visiting relatives. H L Sha'kley and family were visit ing lie relatives the first of the week. Mis II C. Young and son returned Thursday cvenlns from Platte Center, where they had been attending the wed ding of her sister. I Samuel Johnson and wife and Mrs. K W. I'ahnestock were Lincoln visitors w ednrsday. Mrs. WIIMani Morlev and Miss Anna Ruhge were Weeping Water visitors Wednesday. Francis Strsub has returned from Atchison, Kan , where he has been at tendinir school Mrs. A. Francis wss here from Punbar this week visiting her daughter. Mrs. H. H. MarCiUardt. M. M. Stinul.. wife, daughter. Judith, and son, Marie, wre timnha visitors Tuesday and Wednesday. An exceptionally fine Children's day prej;raTd wss rendered at the Congrega tions! church last Sunday evening. Rlkhora. W'otk was commnoed on the Farmeis State bank Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Peerson entertained for her birthday Monday. Mrs Chnrles Betts of Bonaoa Wlsltod her son, Charles. Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Gibbons entertained the Lndlea' kenstngton Thursday. Mf. ar.d Mrs William Rloken are the parents of a baby bon born Mondsy. Mrs. J. tV. Wyatt ard little daughter arrived Morday for an extended v I I with Mr. Wyatt. Mrs. Fudge of Al'an ViK, visited here over Fndav. Miss Rose Morrison st companled her home. Mrs P. G Helfeldt rd daiiuhter. Mis Dorothy, visited In Omaha Saturday at the M. O. Jeffries home. Clarenre Ttefdle ard' family of Hoopc-. Nch., visited Sstunlay and Sunday with Mrs Pendlo's mother, Mrs. Calvert. John Rondlxer, W. F. Qulnn nr.d MlVe Cavananch went t Excelsior Sprlnus. Mi., Monday for a three weeks' sojo urn. Mrs P. If. lteltett. accompanied by sots, Earne't anil William, snd daugh ter, Mr. A. J. frerson. were Omaha visitors TueS'lay. . The annui'al schot meeting was held Monday. V E. ChsmberMn Snd f A Olblxirts ' were elected members of the hoard. A levy of rS.OW was voted fo,' school expenses for the coming year Misa Rose Wltte and Mrs. Oecrgs Cua nlngham of Pennington were married at noon Wednesday at the home of the bridos parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wltte They will make their home In Bennington. Belle-rue. Mrs Charles Whetstone has been very 111 for several davs. Miss Hattle Starrs has gone to Peru to attend the summer school. Papllllon boat Bellavue. 8 to 5. In the base ball rame Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Flahertv entertained the weekly meeting of the Ladles' Aid Wednesday afternoon. George Evans, son of Prof. P. W. Evans, has gone to work on a ranch hear Spalding, Neb. Mr. Ferguson fell Tuesday while stoop ing to pick up his eg tie and Injured him self seriously. Miss Elsie Probssco returned Sunday night from Tekamah, where she has been vied ting Miss Jeanette Goodwill. The village board met Monday. James Oow was elected street commissioner 'and C. I Pnelps water commissioner . Mrs. W. E. Nlchnll had as her guests Tuesday and Wednesday her sunt, Mrs. Elisabeth Arthur, and her oousin, Mrs. Gus Sales, and family of Omaha. C. E. Fowler of the Nebraska City Newa. who has been In South Omaha as a delegate to the Eagles' oonventlon. vis ited his parents in bellevue Thursday.' Master Stephen Randall Is spending a few days with his grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Phelps. In Bellevue, while en route to Los Angeles to Join his mother there. A mass meeting of the voters in School district No: 1 was held Monday night. J. M. Fowler and M. H. Stewart were elected to fill the places on the school board left 1. i' , i 2? aakM At iospe'sRemodelmgjStop! s"ii- n-jL J fa.uui: iiiraair - 'V r .r -k . ,.e: jf. M , t """'si Jrti' Never before he such an elegant stock of fine picture, art foods and musical instruments of all sorts been offered the public at suck an enormous reduction in price as Hoepe i offering in this big sale. - Those who realize what wonderful values Hospe has to offer have been crowd ing the store for the last two days. Saturday will be - it. . u: j : i 1 AAA Pi ' i.uuu rme nanus Elegant copies of the world's greatest works of art, imported prints and colored reproductions. some framed and some are not, at prices less than the cost ' of framing alone, all go in this great sale At Half and Less Than Half Price r A Profit! WU. Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth 70c to $1 $1 to $1.50 $1.50 to $2 $2 to $2.50 $4 to $5 $8 to $12 $12 to $15 35c 65c 1 85c $1 $2 $4 $6 A Wonderful Opportunity to Buy Pianos and Player Pianos 1825 Krakauer PIANOS $275 Mahogany Majestic (08 $300 Mahogany Weeer Brog.$X45 $335 Oak Kimball.. $145 $325 Oak gteger... $157 $350 Kimball $175 1325 Oak Cable-NelBon $185 $350 Walnut Hospe $219 $350 Mahogany Brewster $227 $350 Mahogany Marshall A Wen- dall 229 $400 Weathered Kimball. .. $298 $600 Ebony Stein way $275 $500 Walnut Kranlch A.Bach $338 GRAND PIANOS . $498 $850 Kranlch A PLAYER PIANOS $150 tine fumed oak Player, 88 note, latent style $348 $460 Whitney Player, oak. 88-note, at $348 $560 Story A Clark, mahogany, 88 note ..: $379 $600 Kimball, mahogany, 88-note, at $379 $576 Columbia Player, mahogany, . 88-note $495 $1,500 Kranlch A Bach, grand play er, mahogany finish $1,150 $1,600 Welte Upright Autograph Player Piano $950 Bach, small nice, at $900 Urge concert aize Kranlch A Bach . ..$648i $050 Violins, Musical Instruments, Etc., at Less Than 2 Specials in Art Goods, Frames and Novelties BASKETS Any baskets in the house. Original values $1.50 to $3.00 45c MIRRORS In gold and mahogany. French plate glais. A straight discount of 207 to 33 1-3 off $1.00 to $30 STATUARY One-half off marked prices, busts. Figures, Animals, etc. 75c pieces, 38c: '10 pieces 50c FERN DISHES Fern Dt&hes filled in mahogany stands 50c STEINS $1.00 values, at 50o $1.60 BRASS HUMIDORS 75c ASH TRAYS 50c SILVER Deposit Vases. Salt and Pepper. Night Lamps, Sugar and Cream, Bon-Bon, Cologne Bottles Love Lights, etc.; all at 503 Some $2.00 Values In This Lot. SERVING TRAYS Gold, Enamel, Circassian Wal nut and Mahogany Finish. C'reton and wood fill-' in. $1.50 value 65o BRASS Umbrella Standi, Smoker Stands, Jar dinieres. Vases, etc., at ono-balf off. Prices from $l to $5.50 12 off DESK SETS In brass, sterling silver and bronze. Prices $2.50 to $40 less 33 3 olf 8HEFFIELD S I LV E R Consists of Bon-Bou Dishes, Bread Plates. Mustard and Homeradirh articles. Prices $1.50 to $8.00. at 33 1 3 STOCK FRAMES For photos, carbons; slaes from 4x6 to 18x20.' 1.000 varieties to select from. Prices from 50o to $15.00 25 Frames mads to order, l.ooo patterns, 25 r' A. HOSPE & CO. 1513-15 DOUGLAS ST. JOIIN A. SW ANSON, Pros. WM. L. IIOLZMAN, Trcas. Htore llour: Open Satiirtlity Till I. M.; Other Days 5 1. M. reaking Value-Giving Records in This Mighty Mid-Season Sale GREAT vsales require great assortments. We secured 1 the cream of America's Leading Clothes Makers' surplus stocks of men's and young men's, journeymen tailored suits at .record low prices and pass them on to you" as we bought them. . ; Consider the Tremendous Valnhs and Assortments This Opportunity Offers Think of buying at 825 JW " 4 u,t but Toxl " can do that ery thing. , At en-ery price we offer most exttnortMnary values, at 810, SI 5, 830, mt 825, Here's an absolute nli ssvlnn f B5 lo fl5, ' aud the .adgantage of selection from tlio finest assort ment of tnidseason styles this city has ever known. Kvery fashionable model, one, two or three-buttOiti. Half lined, quarter lined or full lined. Beautiful, dis tinctive weaves ffrnys, blues, browns, fancy mixtures. Itlch w orsteds, classy cheviots, velours and blue serges. Kvery sUe, "reunlar," "stout," "short stout," "long itout," "loln!r,, "extra longs," and "stout" models. Suitn worth . . J1 A SIS and $18, at pj.U Smils worth $20 and $22.50, at $15 Suits worth $23 and $30, at Men's Palm Beach Suits, $4.50, $6.00, $7.50 Wonderfully complete showing of men's and young men's Palm Beacli guits. Tlie best tailored Palm Beach suits iu America; all sizes, 31 to 50, regular, etout, long $7.50 Mohair and Airpore Suits, $8.50 and $10.00. Extra Pants of Palm Beach cloth, $2.00 and $2.50 Straw Hats Crtatett Sthetioiu Genuine Pana- V maa, $5 to $10 S Genuine Bang -koka, $4 to $5 . . r Leghorn, Vi $3.50 to $5 3 Porto Eican Panamas, $2 to $2.50 . Men's $150 Shirts, Saturday, at $ 1 0 5 Shirts, Shirts, soft cuff neglige shirts it has ever been bnr good" fortune to offer the men of Omaha. Voold t.e.unusuai i.uu ues. Special for Satnrdny, at. . . ....... $1.0o $1.25 Soft Cuff ' HhlrU'at 704 Men's Sport BhirU t 81.00 d S1.50 liojs' Sport SWrta . at 50c d 81.00 Men's SUa Shirts,' ' . -Spertal, 85.00 MaiduUtan Khlrts, ' t S1.50 $5.00 Yorke and Kata Street RWrt. 81.50 85 BautUul New Silk Neckwear Four-iiihands CZflf and Bows, at OUC $20 $4.00 to $6.00 Outing Trousers, $2.50 and $3.50 Suit worth $35 fQC and $40, at ip&O Saturday we place on sale several hundred pairs of oul ing trousers. Fine flannels, enssimeres, worsteds and serges. A notaMo purchase from America's leading makers of tailored trousers. (? PA nTir1 CO CA $4 to $6 values in two big lots, ai Mm Straw Hats Untqmalid Pricet Split Straws, -$1 to $1 Sennit Straws, $1 to $3 Mackinaws, $2.50 -RV Tle New BCaa's Sst Ospt Mala Tloor, Bast Ato.s. Oxford Cloth Kanry Iadras The handsomest pattern in Stripe Crepe Shirt. Hereertsed Strlpo ShlrU. Madagascar, at $2.00 Nebraska's Underwear Leader Particular men find us the Mecca for underwear. All the leader VassHr. Superior, Flaxall, 11, V. D., Hatch one-button, Cor wlth, and many other union suit favorites. All sizes, air pro portions, all sleeve and leg lengths. , jt Union Suits, 50c to $5.00 Shirts or Draw's, 25c to $1 3 for tttl.OO J4.5C Silk Shirts $3:50 Wonderfully flfie quality . tub piU ShlrU; '.'a differ nt patterns aii'l color a f f s o t s. hlses 14 to 17. Uninatchable val ues at..,. ...W.60 35c 75t- I'nlon Suits Men's medium weight ribbed Egyptian cot ton union suits, all slies, 36 to 48. Extra special for - Saturday at 35 Specials foir Saturday 59c 91.00 l nlou Suits MiD'a fine quality cross bar nainsook athletic union suits, elastic waist band and crotch, sell ererywhere at $1; Saturday, 59 Saturday Night Special, 7 to 8 o'clock $1.00 Men's Negligee Shirts, 50c Attractive patterns, all strictly fresh new negligee shirts. Starched euffs. Kxtra good II. 00 values. Saturday night. H o'clock, or while they last. each Limited two to a customer. Oa Bale atala new Start. i. n gogu at-50c " 1 iff iff if I f f ITj'""" LarKeat Showing; Wash Neckwear john a iwanionmw. WM I HOlXrtAM.,ausi CORRECT APPAREL. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Season 'r newest styles nt 50c T