10 TJIK liKE: OMAHA, KATUKhAY, JUNK, IP, l!15. ! i r r. i 1 ) i i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE i I roUNPFD BT EDWARD RORR V'ATER. VICTOR ROSKWATER. KD1TOR. The) Be Publishing Compiny, Proprietor. PEB PriLPINU, FAKNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. tr.ntered at Oman postofflre second-else matter. TEHMS Or BCBflCntPTinM. ty csr-rier Bjr mall per month. per ear. Kafly aA iinfliT Mc M ) llr without Sunday....' 4 M Evening snd 'unriav Fining without Sunday.. Ko... 4.40 Itunday Bee only ....toe 1 Fmit notice of change of address or romplalnte of Irrre-ularlty la delivery to Omaha B, Circulation Department. R&MITTANCE. Pemtt hv draft, eipreea or postal r4r. Only two cent tamp received In payment of email a ounts. Personsi checks, except on Omaha and eattern xchaor. not accepted. Omaha Th Bee Building. South Omeha Si N afreet. Council Pluff-14 North Mala street. Lincoln Llttt Building. Chicago Wl Hearst Budding New York Room lis. Fifth evenua tt. IOUle-SOl New Bank of Commerce. WaehlnrUm T Fourteenth St., N. W. CORRESPONDENCE, 'Addree communication relating to new a an 4 edl. (oilal matter to Omaha Be. JVdltnrlal Depart men. MAT CIKCIXATION, 53,345 ' Bute of Nebraska, County of Douglas, sa: Dwleht Williams, circulation manager of The Bee Publishing oompany, being duly ewom, says that the average circulation (or the month of May, lSlt. waa UJI. DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. 8uheerlr4 in my presence and aaorn to before me, thle M day of .Tuna, ROBERT itCNTER, Notary Public Subscribers leaving the city temporarily a ho u Id hare The Be mailed to them. Ad dress will be changed m often at requested. rr Juae It Thought for the Day StUdtd by Mmrgmr 7Wo7 Though rtyiy (ratxl th world ovtr to find Vu beautiful, tea mvit carry it with ua or vt Jlndjtnrt. Ralph Wtldo Emtrton. -J. June tnnat go soma In tbe lttt lap to Justify Its reputation for rare 6ju. ,. ' "Met" say Bryan li out of th democratic party. "Met"' mutt be permanently out with Bryan, ' ' - Never-mind, tbe butcher! and grocer have teen again' vindicated- as rain-maker par ex cellence. ' The charm of current war bulletins la their evident desire to please all partisan! of the gun powder debate. ' r "Let tbe people rule". Is tbe slogan for demo crats everywhere except office-holding demo f rats in South Omaha. Like other .wisely managed .industries, .the weather bureau renters Its research activities where raw material Is fairly abundant. If that Nebraska patronage pie is really com ing, It cannot arrive too toon for the hungry, i:ven if It, buys an extra fare ticket and travels all the way. on limited fliers. Judging front appearance, the output of Omaha's two high schools are quite up to stand ard. H remains for the individual graduates to show that they can make good In whatever they undertake next An audit of the electric light company may dc no harm, providing the promised rate reduc tion is given to consumers right away. If It Is to be merely a factor for delaying the cut ad mitted overdue, it is- unnecessary. Justice and duty alike urge court authorities to alft to the bottom charges of perjury and frame-ups Hunting down, the perjurers is not enough. Those who plan and procure perjury are the real culprits and should be sternly dealt' with. A few months ago Maximilllan Harden wrote contemptuously of American' seal for dollars. The tJ.OOO'.OOd which tealous American friends of Germany contributed for the relief of war victims In tbe Fatherland -doubtless will be ex empt from the Harden condemnation. "Billy" Sunday s chlef-of-staff has also re signed presumably because dissatisfied with ia share of the profits on the hymn book sfde line. But it will not be long till we are told it Is all due to the diabolical machinations of the kicked Interests that Billy" Is pummelling. Half a doxen organiratlons are ow busily a gaged with publicity weapons,' patriotically atrivlng to protect the Tnlted States from po( fcle enemies. Their plans range from Jlngolstre militarism to persuasive soft soap. Between the two extremes a multitude of sane counsel discern the road of wisdom and security. The June tle of the III Muddy has come and Is Koine the hlsheat olnt reached belna sixteen feet fclx Inchea on Wdnerdy. No-harm was done except to a few colt ixre on the bank. Fred W. Bladen. ho waa appointed to the Weat Point cadi-iahlp from Omaha, haa aucceasfully paajed eutranc examination. The cloln exercleee of fia Ionils' select ik hool -od . Wel-ater nrwt were attended by many lations. J. H. McC'ennrll, niaetrr me hanlo of the I'ntnn Pacific aUopa at North Ilatte, haa been transferred to Omaha aa maaier mechanic of the Nebraake dt vialoit of the road. D. H. it. ' Fretaell. the auctioneer, who used to alow the rtd flag on Itougla etreet, haa returned with notice that ' hia g rails vuit e la likely to b heard asaln hereabout. Mrs. Burel. !61 Dodse aireet. U rloakig all lr heir SMil.'hea, wave and niill.nei y. The cloeiiig- exi-rciaca of t. Hamabas pariah a. l.rx almeauied the aaaid of tlie bUhoii'a medal to harali C'oiiuiij. the Mead medal to Alice Tracv, the mrdal f -r bo) l Auuaiua Kountxe, and the j.rize for writing to Frankle Duke. Mr. ekhttti of Paplll'un ta erecting a thiee luiy building oa the northwect corner of Tenth and Jkon. An Annivcmy for The Bee. Todsy mark the completion of forty-four years for The Bee and the beginning of our forty-fifth year. Pounded by Edward Roee vater on June IS, 1871, The Bee established Hoelf at once as a permanent Institution by re sponding to the popular demand for a newspa per thoroughly Identified with the Interests of Omaha, sane, forceful, free and fearless, and ready to battle against abuses and corruption and for whatever promised the upbuilding of the city and tbe welfare of Its inhabitants. Now the oldest paper In Omaha, continuously tinder the same ownership and management, tbe past record Is naturally the best assurance of tbe future, The day-by-day appearance with close same ness makea people forgetful, unless reminded, of the achievements of a newspaper. The first demand, of course. Is for all the news, readable, accurate and prompt, and the present war has given the most severe test ever applied. Be cause The Bee i a charter member of the Asso ciated Press, receiving Its full leased wire serv ice, our readers are enjoying the most compre lienslve and reliable war intelligence collected by any news agency in the world. Not content with that, we have supplemented this service on the big events by an exclusive arrangement for tbe cable dispatches of the New York World and an unequalled special war photo' service wholly unique In character. In addition, our local newt reports, our dispatches from staff rep resentatives at state and national capitals, and from our own correspondents in all our neigh boring cities and towns, our exclusive special feature, fiction and comic picture services, all combine to match the best efforts of the most up-to-date and resourceful metropolitan dailies. In recognition of the high standard of the paper, The Bee's average circulation today out tops tbat of,any previous time. As the pioneer in making public exact circulation figures, The Bee has ahown the variations from time to time, and likewise a steady growth corresponding with the growth of the community. The cur rent circulation figures at the head of this page are 63,345. Five years ago the figures were 42,358. When The Bee entered its thirty-fifth ear the circulation was 80,928, and when" it entered Its thirtieth year. In 1901, It was 36,866. In a word, the number of Bee subscribers has doubled In the last fifteen years. ' The magnitude of a newspaper like The Bee merely as a' business enterprise may perhaps be better grasped from a few. salient facts. The Bee family consists of 216 regular employes, not counting over 100 delivery carriers,.. nor the numerous newsboys, nor several hundred news correspondents who devote part of their time to our. service. And the newspaper employes all along the line average far higher wages than any other establishment we know of employing as many men and women, the payroll Isst year approximating some $245,000. An exception ally large proportion of them own homes and pay taxes and help", carry the burdens of the community. Nearly all this vast sum of money, too, Is spent right here In Omaha, where it goes into the channels of trade. Furthermore, it 1a worth noting that a considerable part of the money paid out locally by The Bee comes from what Is known as foreign advertising, being drawn from out of town, chiefly from the east. What we oonsideY tbe biggest feather In our tap during the past year Is the success! crowning our persistent efforts for Greater. Omaha con solidation. The Bee alone of Omaha newspa pers has steadfastly championed the' merger, of city and suburbs, and it is generally conceded that without our aid at the critical turns the .movement could not have won out even now. At the same time the work of The Bee has also told for the needed new school buildings, parks and playgrounds, for saving the Auditorium., for good roads and for beautifying and embel lithing the city, and for sane regulation of pub lic, utilities in the Interest of the people, The "btop-off-ln-Omaha" campaign, originated and inaugurated by The Bee, la alao bringing the city to the front and laying foundations for further growth and development. All th time Tbe Bee ia standing for better living conditions and for higher standards in every walk of life, for Intelligence and free thought, for true charity, for art and culture, for honesty, for higher Ideals, for Individual liberty and democracy. While advocating tbe principles of the republican party. The Bee is independent of party. Roguea in office, or seek ing office, have found, and will find, no counte t ance no matter what party pretences they may make. In the wider field of national and in ternational affairs, Tbe Bee Is for peace with honor, for keeping the United State out of the torrible European war by upholding' the presi dent and making the Stars and Stripes the pro tecting emblem of all humanity. 1 JUinfall and the Growing- Crops. . The deluge that has visited Nebraska wlthjn the last fortnight has been a genuine blessing. The observers at the University farm station report that for the first time In years sufficient Of moisture for the growing crops is provided Careful soli tests and moisture measurements have shown tbat there ia no excess of water In the fields, hut the supply is ample and the ben efit will be noted a little later la the season, when the waving grain responds to sua and wind. The experts at the university warn orrhsrdists of danger from the apple scab, which finds the cool, damp weather extremely favora ble to Its ravages. Immediate spraying of trees Is advised. Aside from this warning, the latest bulletin from the state farm contains only the nost encouraging of reports, and supports the news that comes from all quarters of th state, predicting a wonderful yield of all sorts of crops fur th current year. Medals and collegiate degree are coming fast to Thomas A. Edison, the wisard of Men to park. Within a month he haa received the gold medal of mi5t from the Franklin tnttitute of Philadelphia and the degree of Doctor of Sci ence from Princeton university. Mr. Kdlaon has a record of something over 1,500 patents. Medals and degree promise to equal the inven tive score. Moreover, the honor are well won. Two recent court deliverance on the Sher man law Steel trust and cash register cases do not Impair the efficiency, of the Instrument. What they expos is failure to support allega tions by evidence Aimed at Omaha Franklin New: At laat Omaha haa aecured it deelrea In setting the surrounding- euburhe Joined to tt.' making Omaha one of the hlg cltlea of the weet. A outh Omaha man haa already applied for the Job aa a unlet ant mayor of the combined rttlea, but waa turned down by Maror Jim Dahlman, who alwaya did Ilka to be the whole work Mmeelf. Beatrice Wun: The Board of Education of Omaha has derided that high school pupils may be excuaed from atudylng American hlatory If the principal rev ommenda that they be given their diplomas without taking that rnuree of study. Thla action ta In Mne with th prevailing tendency In school clrclea to make the 'course of study ao easy that anybody can Set a diploma. The tendency la bad. We may reiterate erhat we have aald before, that lowering the at and -arda of education to meet the grade of Intelligence of the leaa capable may reault In an Injury to he more capable pupils. When aaay couraea of atudy are Inetalled for the benefit 'of the teas able, so that they ran get through and get an easily-won diploma, the more capable pupil may be diverted from the difficult taaka to the easy onea, and thereby loae the training and mental discipline which the perform ance of the mora difficult taak gives. The schools hould not teach their pupil that difficult taaka ahould be evaded. Nothing can be accomplished by that palnlea method of eliding through either school or life. Loup City Times-Independent: The Omaha papers are surely trying to give Billy Sunday the black eye and make Mm out the worst criminal outalde the prUon bars, ao aa to deatroy any Influence for good he might exert at the meettnga he la going to hold In Omaha thla fall. Tou Omaha editors must te burning under conviction, snd fighting Billy Hunday to relieve your wratn. Nebraska City Pre a: The Omaha Bee atatea tht th Nebraska Rntlway rommleaton la about to teatie an nrdor that may have the effect of determining- to what extent It control the creation of public utility plants, this order to aland agalnat the eeabllehment of a aecond telephone plant In an Interior town. The law does not give the commtaalon any such authority, but It seems to be seising authority wherever It can get away with It, the ultimate aim being control cf all public utllltlos, and In the latter field Ita power ahould never be larger than they are at present. Papllllon Ttmea: The Omaha Board of Education haa ceetalnty eetabllal ed a precedent In deciding, that the atudy of American hlatory would be optional In the Omaha achool hereafter. The reon given Is that It la too difficult for the pupils; to master and carry their other work. Well, aomer people ttave ao fr lost the American Ideals tret perhaps they are Just a little bit aahamed of the history of their country. ' Perhaps It doea not meet European Ideals. At sny rate, thlnga have come to a sorry state when the .history of the dlacovery of our continent, the birth of a nation baptiaed in the blood of the patriots whom we have been taught to revere, and whole progress In sll lines of development eclipse those of any nation, ancient or modern, la of so little Impor tance aa to be neglected. No wonder our country ia beginning to fall in Its mlselon of being the great melting pot of the world. Perhaps the elements have become e varied and complex that national pride has ceaaed to exlat. Perhapa' we had better pull down tho Btara and Btrlpea as being tog common and perhaps we-may-as well forget the Fourth of July snd ether oooaalone that remind ua of daya of past glory. But there sre a few of us old-fashioned people who still cllr.g to the ideals of our fore fathers and , who love to read to them and their achievements. . Then, too, there are thoae who believe the taaka of atudents In . schools are. necessarily dif ficult. We used to ce taugTit that nothing worth hav ing' could be achieved without hard labor. But why the hlatory of our country should be dropped when It Is not nearly so difficult aa arithmetlo, algebra, latin and many other studies. Why not drop them all and make, tbe school curriculum one of esse and pleaaure, aend atudenta their dlplomaa by parcel poet and do away wtlh all this needless work and drudgery, which we were taught developed the best that waa In us. By all means make It nice and easy for th weaklings of future generat'on. Twice Told Tales Training llaebatada? '"Some wive," remarked Sam Bernard the other day,, ''have terribly effective methods In training their husband. "A young man had tha habit of returning home from the dub occasionally in a atate of eemt-lntoxt-catlon. He married not long ago and, although ha dnclded to turn over a new leaf, the old habits war toe strong for htm. and one night, while out with th boya, he took on board a trifle too much. "Next morning le came down to breakfast with th dark-brown taate. There was aomethlng on th plate before him which had evidently been cooked and waa auppoaed to be food. "He took It up on his fork and held It up, looknf at It in wonder. " 'What In the world,' he demanded, 'Is this sup posed to be, dear?" " 'Well,' replied tha young woman, with disdain, 'It looks very much Ilk your new soft felt hat. and that la what I thought it was; but you pulled it out of your pocket when you came home laat night, and told ' me it was a nice. Juicy a teak, ' and that ' you bought It on the way home, and you wanted it broiled for breakfast. Tou can hav It all. I'm not hungry.' Oreen Book Magaxtae, Hwldtaa Her Are Well. He had Just reached the philosophical at age when he allpped Into a restaurant between bars for a bit to ' eat. He ordered. Then he sat staring ahead, quietly thoughtful In expression, and waited. . .It la admitted he did some waiting, too. What happened to his order couldn't be understood outside th peculiar convolutions of a restaurant kitchen, but he apeat half an hour aittlng there staring ahead ef him. At laat it came. A th waltreaa put th order before htm h started , from hie deep study, as If he had forgotten he had an order coming. Then, looking up at the fstr transporter o edible, he said: "Tou don't look a day older!" Pittsburgh Chron icle Telegram. People and Events A New Tork Judae announce that boosy autoiste convicted tVi hta court g te Jail without th option of a fine. eWluakm makea for sobriety . General D Wet, the unreconstructed Boer whoa rebellion ia tfouth Africa waa equelched. plead guilty of "sedition." but deniea "hlrh treisoo " Th differ eno lie In th length of the term. The great purity aleuth of w York, Anthony Comatock. haa been detached from th federal pay roll and retired a a poatof floe Inspector. Th reasons. are not given. For over forty years Comatock has been a terror t vie ponderers and vender of lm moral literature. Th gem commission ef Pwnnaylrania serve aottoa on -all concerned tn four language that two law passed by the last leialatar prohlbtte unnaru rallied aliens from owning dogs sad from fiablng tn th waters of th atate. Aa officially explained the law art designed to tmpreea upon asweemer that liberty Is not Ueens and to our a common penchant for harboring dog and dynamiting atreain far fish. Nat uraliaed aliena, however, are not restricted aa to doge or fishing. , Th ethical rode of th medical profession Is booked for Judicial analysis la Louisiana. Th question ha. valve th right of a doctor to possess himself of a raaa'a appendix for ftah bait. In th ptatntlf r petition for exempisry snd puaittv damages It Is alleged that the doctor' dtaawosis waa incompetent and mlaleaoV ling, resulting la th loss of a healthy appendix. That It was sound and well and rapabl of performing its dutle with neat and dispatch is a how a by th tact that the doctor used It for fish bait and oaught a large string- ef piscatorial beauties. The allegatloaa sound fishy, but th plaintiff does not fel that way. -fit rg "livery man oiisht to have son-ethlna-to koeri lilin occupied. Haa ombet a hohhv?" "Yea, he has on that kep him occu pied. Hla hobby la setting a refunl troni s corporation that ovprrbareod him on something or other In 18f7." Kanoas City Journal. "Tour legal department must be very expe naive." "It la," alghed the trust magnate. "Still, I'auppoae you have to maintain "Well, I don't know. Son-flflmea I think It would be cheaper to ob-ar the law." Chicago Newa. "Dick declared to me that li could not endure the frivolotia girls, and see how he dangle after any wax doll'." "Well, he professed to like the cereoua kind, didn't he?" Haltlmore American. Aunt Marv fvlsltlng In the cltyl 1 want to hear at least one of your famoua arrand opera alngera and then ae some of your leading actora. Nephew (to fflce boy Jimmy, get ua some ticket for -the vaudeville ana moy ls"-Llfe. May ceels and Militarism. OMAHA, . June l.-To the Editor of Th Bee: Owing to the fact that certain Omaha rltlxena have misjudged the aim of tha Boy Scout moveJT-ent, our troop has appointed ua to aet forth some of the principal ' featurea of thla organization. Some seem to have the Impreceton that we are of a military character. W do not stand for militarism, but we do stand for Che military vlrtuea, ruch as honor, loyalty, obedience and patriotism. The uniform, the troop, the patrol and th drill are not for military tactics, they are for the unity, harmony and rhythm of the spirit that boys learn In scouting. In order to become a firet-clasa acout a boy mast first have a general knowl edge of 'first aid to the Injured, signal ing, cooking, woodcratt !nd camp craft He muat also earn and deposit a bank account and practice the polnta of the acout law in hla daily life. Wood row Wilson, who of sit ethers stand for peace, ia honorary preeldent of the organisation of the Boy Scouta of America. On February J I, of this year, in the Bast room of the White House, in an address to our national council, he said, "I am glad of the opportunity to exprea my very sincere Interest, not only in the organisation of t!,e Boy Scouts, but tn the tbjecta for which It atamta. From an that I know of It, and have een able to ob serve personally, it ia an admirable or ganisation, devoted to the oblecta in which 1 ntyaelf thoroughly believe." Doea the boy acout movement need any further recommendation to" thoae favoring peace? . At the public library there aro several copies of the scout handbook. It la Just a little text, but contains a vast amount cf useful, Interesting information. Every one lntereted In boya ahould read It. WIIJ.IAM HAMILTON, . HOWARD OLIVER, For Troop No. 1, Boy Scouta of America. Monster Heard frosa at Lata. SILVER CREEK. Neb., June 17. To th Editor of The Bee: Mr. A. W. Atwood expresses the opinion that W. J. Bryan has been grievously wronged by critic isms heaped upon him, and that "any man who can stand up for cleanliness snd. purity snd sobriety and peace and Christianity as Mr. Brysn haai done" ia VRUGHSr HTTIN HEWCJNE W JARS TV OfOtt UP A W Daughter What doea old-faahloned mean? Mother-Anytbing that I think la right, and you don't dear. Philadelphia Record. "My dear, I know he aaya a great many things about your good looks." " What of It?" "It ta mere flattery." "Well, maybe It la," aald the girl, "hut It sounda good. I'd rather listen to that aort of talk than literary conversation or opinions about the length of the war." Louisville courier-Journal. Husl-ond I dreamed -last nirht that t had insured my home for $100,0uO and that It waa burning down. W'.te J suspected something of the kind. I heard you yelling "fire" In a whisper, ail night long. Philadelphia ledaer "Why do they call 'em fountain pens? too big and good a man to be tied down In public office. To be of any value to a thinking person Mr. Atwood'a defense of Mr. Brysn should have been specific, st least as to a few of the alleged unjust criticism, ahowing wherein Mr. Bryan was wronged by them, bnt that he does not do. With your permission I will her reatate a few of these criticism and defy Mr. Atwood or anyone else to show that any one of them wronge Mr. Bryan In any particu lar. If aom of them read like ancient hlatory they none the leaa show th Larg Pack. character and atyle of the man. 1. In face of the faot that he iiad al waya preached the rule of the people through the inetructlon of delegates. Mr. Eryan at ' Orand Island, In 1910. spoke for three hours In a van attempt to get delegate to the democratic atate con vention to violate- their Inatruetior.a. 2. At Baltimore ha violated hi own In structions given him by the democrats of Nebraska not at a convention, but t a primary election: $. Aa a candidate for delegate-M-large to Baltimore Mr. Bryan took oath in th office of th secretary if stat ct Lin coln that -. would abide by th result of the elee'jon, snd thea he violsted that osth In deserting Champ Clerk snd going to Wilson. - 4. Mr. Brvsn hss said that a man who emhessles power la worae than a man who embexxlea monev. But' he. 'himself, st Baltlmor embexaled the. power placed In hla hnnds bv th domocrsts of Ne braska by turning It to a purpose other Round than that for which it was given him. i In the fees cf sll his preaching of peace, Mr. Bryan violated the spirit of all his much Taunted peace treaties by remaining in Prealdent Wllaon'a cabinet while he made war in Mexico In the wanton attack on Vera Crus. with th result thst nineteen Americana and about 300 Mexicans were killed. Mr. Brvsn thus acquiesced In the slsughter and made himself a party to It. . Mr. Bryan as secretary of atate. took an oath to aupport the constitution of th United States and yet la violation of that oath he used his power, official and personal, to help President Wilson fore certain so-called "administration meas ures" through an unwilling congress. Undoubtedly Mr. Brysn hss his virtues, but th virtu of consistency is not one of them. CHARIES WOOSTER. Hnaaaalty AVoe Cavalry. OMAHA, June IS. To th Editor of The Bee: In thla momentoua and critical moment in the history of our country, I vltw with patriot k; concern th absence of Mr. Bryan from th Immediate coun cils of the nation. I, however, rejoio tn th pleasing conviction- that a ha leave those councils- anchored In th hop of our noble president, he enters the larger oounctla of th nationa of th world to plead in righteoua wladom for universal freedom and to proteat against the atrocious crime of war. lt us thea merge th act of resigna tion into Insignificancy and forgetful neaa, and with a larger and truer vision behold th grandeur of so exalted a pur pose. With the belief In th prophecy that the evolutionary epoch la near for the collapse of political and theocratic tyran ny, reared upon the usurpation of divine and human right by king and bishops, tormentors of the human race, and per petuated by a senseleaa reverence for tra dition. ' Not that Mr. Bryan lovea hla country less, but humanity more, which la th moat exalted conception of true American Ism. Now that he. Impelled through Its potentiality, consecrate hla life to human . rights and liberty, let no man rata a vole of protest. For he wh enly sees in th resumstion from a cabinet portfolio by Mr. Bryan aa Influence satisfying to hla hatred for other natiowa and seeks to express in th venom of that hatred American patriot ism, is a malefactor to this republic and humanity. J. BRAXTON OARUAND. TIPS ON HOME TOnCS. Boston Transcript: A eolleg education Is a wonderful thing, but It hasn't wholly eradicated th one-inch brim and th four Inch red hatband, Houston Post: Whll Mr. Bryan waa addressing hta German -A mcrtcaa fallow ,cltlsena. why duin't he ask them t us. their Influence with their congressmen to do something for national prohibition? Pittsburgh Dispatch: Arguments these daya from belltgerenta on the other aid of th water about "tha general prin ciples of international law" read vary much Ilk foolishness ia th light of re cent history. io is mm AK3TRiWlfrWy wtaasaa&BSiaSt' 5attaaassss i ehonH'saV freservolf 'ffrniiM h-r (T i i honor name. A reservoir ci-mnlnf Jl !- nil's, a foutitaln throws rm a ound. TART TRIFLES. think fountain pen is n.- i-n-i-' name," sad tt-e party of tlie second vit. New York Time. , "Yea: I refuse,! Jk eight times before acentlnr him."' , "Why dlil you chanse your niind? "I didn't 1 merely ei-hn.) to whether or not inv future husband t a man of perseverenro am' dclcrmlnv tlon." Bowton Transcript. Designing Widow Hpeakma of conun drums, can vou tell me why the lelier 'd'' is like the marriage serWre? Hlowboy I'm no good at conundrum Why? , ' . .. ... Widow Because "we" rant be wed without it. Boston Transcript. Miss Tellowleaf I frankly admit I am looking for a husband. Mrs. Ouxiler So am I. Miss Yellowleaf But T thought you had one. Mrs. (lurxler-So I have, and I siienrt most of my time looking for him. Judge. VALE. Ella A. Fanning, in New Tork Times. Mister Brran, Are vou tryln' Thua to rock the boat? Men are savin' Tour thought's strayln' Toward a future vote! They are hintln' ' Y'ou are souintin" At a party new; Prohlb-Peace one. War-muat-ceaae one. And Its leader you! No complolnln' 'Oainst campe.lsnln , Next year, do we make, Rut your fads, air, ' Leave ua ead, air. With so ranch st stake' Y'our reelgnln' Won't cause plnln'. Tears no evea will blind. At your a-oln' Grlefa not showln': We. too. are resigned! One you're leavln' 1s not rrievin'; He'll Innw what to On. "nlM backln' He'a not lackln. Even though lackln' you!' Slow and stady. Level-heady, Hp's no hand to fight. Still he's atmin' At proclalmln' He bilevea right makes mleht' Mister Brysn, JJot denvin' ' Your ideals sre hljrii. Just at present, Bsckbono's pleasant So, good-hye, good-bye! KABlBBtE KABARET Him Dr. Hutchison.' the famous dietitian, says that macaroni is absorbed by the system el- most In its entirety. Think what that means. Faust . Macaroni, rich in gluten, is practically all utilized in the building up of muscle and tissue. And Faust Macaroni is easy to digest, too. Get our free recipe book and find out the many savory dishes you can prK pare with Faust Macaroni. v MAULL BROS., St Louis. U. S. A. Against V AskFor X Package . THE QRiGfilAL fcsass&a rj.AEL.TEiQ MB LEV r.ladd In the lamest, best equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant in the world We do not make"miZ&protfcf 8 Skim Milk Condensed Milk etc BofaJr EORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean full-cream milk and the extract of select malted grain reduced to powder form, soluble in water. Best Food-Drink for All Ages Usad for ever Qaartar Cantury liiftM yoa mmy "HOWOK'S9 you may get m 8ubtltut9m EZTTabo a Paofrago Homo P0WER.JI EVERY DROP STANDARD Oa CO! (MsWask.) IANY 1 ( ( s a VI