Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha - Daily
The unrivalled special feat
ure pafes of The Sunday
Dee are in a class by them
selves. Best of them all.
On Trains end at
otel Mawa gtaaAa, Be
Dosen Injured and Property Worth
Thousands Damaged by Wind,
Rain and Electrical Dis-turbance.
Portions of Nebraska, ' Missouri,
Kansas and Oklahoma Active
Tornadoes Active.
KANSAS CITY, June 18. Fifteen
persons were killed, dozens were In
jured and thousands of dollars worth
of property destroyed by wind, rain
and electrical storms that last night
and early today swept over parts of
Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and
The list of known dead follows;
at Richmond. Mo.
OF JOHN BUKOkS. a farmer, near
Onega, KM.
MRS. MARY BKLI., Richmond.
moreland. Kan. , . , ,
JOHN Ql'NTHRR. Wentmoreland
MRS. OBRTRUDK KNAt', Nevada, Mo.
OKNB NICHOLS, near amego. Kan.
MRS. ALTMAN. near Latour. Mo.
A BABY In Henry county. Mlaaoiirl.
A baby waa killed and several jiersons
hurt In a tornado which awept over
Montroae. Henry Pwunty. Missouri, ac
cording to . report received here today.
Farm buildlnga Buffered Kreat ka.
A tornado which passed over Archer,
Okl., laat night, blew down barna and
Mack, Damage la St. Joseph.
At St Joseph. Mo., much damage waa
done by flooding ' ot cellar following a
two-Inch precipitation. Th lowlanda
near the elty wera Inundated, but resi
dent wera able to reinore their property
In aafety.
Many mllea of railroad track were
wept away, and today all tralna entering
Kf nas City ware Hour behind schedule.
Southern and northern trains were
marked from four to five hours lata,
while eastern and western . connection
were from one to three hours behind.
Flood warnlnsa to aU points In the Kan.
as river valley and along the Missouri
river between Kansas City and Jetreraon
-City wera taaued by the weather bureau
today. Tributaries of the Kanaaa river
were reported bank full.
Ats Selott, Kan-, nearly l nebes el
Tain tell la twenty-tour hours.
Taiaaaniia la BUseoari. .....
At Lamonte, Mo a tornado deatioyed
the home f Ira a RlmeL a woalthy
farmer1. The family escaped Injury. ,
Railroad reports aald the atorrn at Jop
Wamego, was killed by lightning.
Paris. Sedalla, Lemcnte and Nevada.
Mo., reported several persons lnlured.
Storms, diminished In violence tcday,
extended over central Iowa and occupied
a' distance of 800 miles, ! Moines being
Un, Mo.. 'Reached the proportion of a
tornado, In places doing considerable
Near Sallna, Kan., a number of alios
and smaU bulldlnga were demolished.
Oscar Olson, a 12-7 8ar-old boy, was aerl
oualy Injured when a team he waa driv
ing ran away. Bmeat Brandt, a farmer,
was struck by lightning at Beatrice, Neb.,
and will die. "
Report from Bill county, Kanaaa, were
that seven small tornadoes In succession
swept .that section. Houses were deraol
lf hed and great trees were uprooted. At
plcnto at the home of John Atwood, a
farmer, the' guests were lifted from their
feet and blown several hundred feet.
None, however, sustained serious Injuries.
Maryavllle, Kan., reported the Blue
river there rose etght feet during the
night. Farmers were forced to move out
of the lowlands. .
Airora Interferes.
CHICAGO, June Telegraph mes-
ae were sent from Chicago to Denver
over wires disconnected from their bat
teries. The electric current was aupplted.
' it was) said by officials of the telegraph
companies, by the appearance of the
aurora boreell. The operation of the
. wire on the natural electricity was Inter-
(Contlnued on Page Two, Column Three.)
The Weather.
Forecast till 1 D. m. Saturday
Far Omaha. Council Bluff and Vicinity
Unsettled; probably alio wera; not muuh
change In tenioeraturs.
Temperataro at Omaha Yesterday
a. ni M
10 a. ni 6
11 a. m 0
at m
1 p. m 7
1 p. m 68
S p. ni TD
i p. m 71
p. m 11
( p. m 73
Id. m. 71
S p. m (8
CeaaparatlTO Leoal Record.
... v . , ISIS. ltl. 11. 191J.
Iilghast yesterday 73 $0 M i
Lowest yesterday 67 B 74 M
Keen temperature, 65 . 76 M M
I'reolpltauon 14 .oo .) u)
Tempeiature and precipitation depar-
urea from the normal:
Normal temperatur
1 M
.. .17 Inch
. . .06 Inch
.10 Jl Inches
rt flclency for the day
. Total deficiency alnoe March
Normal precipitation
iH-flclancy for the day
Total rainfall einea March 1...
Deficiency since, March 1
Kxceaa for cor. period 1M4...
tutu lor cor. period. 1113..
l.U Inches
1.14 Inches
.62 Inch
Reports from Slatloaa at T P. M.
Station and Slata Temp. High- Raln
of Vleathar. 7n ,n uii
l neyenne.' ciouay
I'avenport, cloudy
Ienver, part i louciv
Dea Moln-a. cloudy
lndvr. cloudy
North Platte, cloudy...
Onuiha, clear
Pueblo, cloud v
Rapid City, raining
Salt Ika City, Wear....
'inta Fe, part cloudy..
tiherldan. roa'nlng
f'ioux City clear
Vlntiliu. rloudx
M 71 .01
71 .44
.. 7 T
. 7) .
..10 W .n
. M s-l tn
.71 71 .J4
. W m
.. i l.M
..7s 7 .no
. ) Kt .ui
. M i .
. . 70 7? .fti
.. US 7 .00
U A. WtLSll. lAxal Koremater
photo of Robert Lansing, who signed last note to Germany,
and now is acting secretary, and i3 participating in work
of the cabinet.
Wm,mi iiirnaii
It Asks Parts of Bmmaiua,-Greece
and- &erWa-la Retam toe Jafa- :
ing Allies In the War. .
BERLIN, June 18. (Via Lon-
don.) Information reaching Berlin
from Sofia la that Bufearia In its last
communication to the powers in the
matter of its participation in the war
refers to its expectation as part of
its reward of the restitution of the
territory it ceded to Roumanla and
of portions of Greek and Serbian
Bulgaria is described ag demand
ins; preolse details as to what it will
be given and the understanding here
Is that it" is endeavoring to avoid a
definite answer to the allies, thus
leaving the way open to further
negotiations. . ,
Greece Mar Keep Oat.
Greece, In -which doubt la expressed as
to whether M. Venlxloe would be uncon
ditionally In favor of armed Intervention
on the attle of the allies even la ease King
Constantlne should again entrust him
with the conduct of affairs.
It 1 rather to be assumed that M. Van
lslos, the Berlin dispatch goes on to say,
1 following the developments In the Dar
danelles very closely; that ha has noticed
England'a admission that progreaa there
Is possible only, with great sacrifices and
that .the latest atumpta to' Induce Bul
garia and Roumanla to co-operatate with
the allies have failed. Condition In thla
quarter of the world have changed since
last spring.
Cabinet Hols
" Two-Hour Session
WASHINGTON. June 1. The ohln
jheld a two-hour seeslon today and dla-
. v.hb. a ,aiici; ui .uujciti, imoni inem
the Mexican altuatlon and the charge
of espionage on official malls between
the United Ftate and Europe. The diplo
matic situation with Oermany admitted. y
la marking time awaiting the Oerman
government's reply to the laat American
One subject diacuaaed was the reported
manufacturing , of cartridges advertised
by a Cleveland concem(to contain pole
onoua gases to cause much pain and to
cause death within four houra.
The position of the government in auch
cases 1 that where contributory viola
tion of The Hague convention occur
within the United State It, will endeavor
to stop them. The Department of Coin
meree will conduct an Inveatigation.
PIERRE. R. D.. June li (8rcial Tel
egram.) The writ of n andamua aaked
for In the case of Judg-e McCoy against
J. EL Handlln, aa state auditor, was
granted by the court today. In this Jus
tice McCoy demanda the lasuanca of a
voucher for $M) aa exper.ea money for
April, granted by the law of lull to tha
membcra of the court. It Is held that tha
law allowing thla expanse la cis mo
tional, that the supreme court la the only
court which could properly handle auch
a case and that It was tha clear duty of
the defendant to Issue the warrant when
or -e. . .
f. I v . v
i 1
Bemstorff's Emissary, Has, Confer
'TtWXflttL Gehna Secretary of '
State for Colonies.
BERLIN, June 18. (Via Lon
don.) The effect ef the arrival of
Dr. Anton Meyer-Gerard, who has
coine from the German embaseyv at j
Washington, with messages bearing'
upon the German-American situa-
tlon. upon the preparatory work of
Germany's answer to the American I
note, is not thus far perceptible.
Count Von Bernstorrfs emissary oo-i
.1. . . i i.
gan today the first of a series of lnwl
portant . conferences with officials of
the foreign" office. He spent most
of yesterday with the secretary of
state for .the colonies. Dr. W. S. Solf.l
it the latter'g country place, f ollow -
ins? brief conversations with Gottlieb
T .v . 1 .j
under Secretary Zimmermann.
That Dr. Meyer-Gerhard's - first ex
tended report on 'condition In the United
States should have been mode to Dr.
Bolf Is . regarded, a .natural In view of
the official position of the colonial sec
retary, and there are other Indications
that Dr. Solf 1 taking an Interest In
the question' of German-America n rela
tions and may play a role In the dellb
aratlons on Oermany' second answer regarding-
the Luslanla disaster.
Solf Knows lairlMBi,
Of the men In lffgher government posi
tions. Dr. Solf Is one of those most fa
miliar with life and conditions In the
United State. He has. In fact, a good
deal of the American in bis manner nf
talk and action. Ills Influence on Ger
many's politics, concerning which It 1
evident that titers are conflicting cur
rents, may be expected to be favorable
to an ultimate understanding.
It la atlll too early to predict what
form the German note will take. Ap
parently an endegvor will bo made to
open the way to further discussion.
The newspaper war between advocates
of a friendly settlement and the no
compromise representatives continues to
rage. Naval writers In particular urge
thut Germany cannot afford to yield
anything regarding the principles and
practices of submarine warfare, but the
very violence of their attack upon the
advocates of an understanding Indicates
that the latter are na without Influence.
Beraatorff Dora Not Kboot Merer,
WASHINGTON. , June la.-Count Von
nernstorff, tho German ambassador, to
day personally Informed Secretary Iln-
(Continued on I'age Two, Column Three.)
When The Bee initiated the
"Stop Off" campaign, it
offered free use of the cap
tion design, mad; for ua by
our artist to anyone wish
ing it for envelopes, labels,
or other printed matter ffo
intf to out-of-town folks.
We are pleased to continue
that effcr.
' 'St? i
Berlin Announces Teuton Prisoners
of Gauls in Dahomey Mis
treated and Insulted
by Blacks.
Whit Men Compelled to Suffer In
dignities at Hands of
BERLIN, June 18.--1By Wireless
to Sayvllle.) The Overseas News
agency today gave out the following
"In spite of repeated represenla-
tions through American and Spanish
diplomats, the French , government
refuses to mitigate the brutal treat
ment being accorded German civil
and military prisoners in tropical
"This la particularly true In Dahomey,
where well educated white men am un
der negro control, without proper cloth
ing, nourishment or protection against
dleeaae. They are compelled to perform
the hardest manual labor and they are
subjected to the worst of thdlgnltlrs by
the negroes.
"Therefore the Oerman government has
concluded to retaliate by compelling
French prisoners of war to cultivate
awampa in different pnrta of the country.
I The government will not, however, neg
lect anything neceasary ror me wen oe
Ing and health of these prisoners."
First Battle of Two
Submarines in the
History of Warfare
VFJNICE, June IS. (Via Chlasso and
Paris.) Details have been reoelved here
of the re;ent engagement between an
Italian and an Austrian aubmartno. In
wiilch the Italian boat waa vanquished.
(This la the flrat time In history that an
encounter between undersea boats has
been recorded.
' The Italian boat Medusa, with a crew
J of fourteen men, was lying ulmerged.
I The Austrian boat was not far away
land also under water. Neither one had
I ,-'.I , i. rvr.tln nf the
fl' J IHIIIIWUVH V. . V.. r.waw -
The Maduea came to the surface, swept
the horizon with It periscope, and flnd-InV-tha.
tvs.: fierrd- (Shortly
afterward the Austrian boat sent up Its
periscope and saw the Italian not far
wtr it immnrllntjilv attacked, and one
! torpedo"' Was" uf f tctcnt to end the Me
dusa to me noiwm.
One report lias It that an officer and
four members of the crew of the Me
dusa were made prisoners by the Aus
trian, v
NeW Note 0U I Ty6
UenieS uOnienilOn
Made by Germans
" . '
WAEHINOTON, June The Amerl-
. 0ermany., note on the
sinking of th William P. Frye by the
Prlna Eltel Frledrich practically has been
(completed, n will not adroit the Re
... m.v hB rteatroved Dro
1 (t (( pajd f0r.
! Count Bernstorff. the Oerman ambas-
sador. conferred with Chandler Ander-
on, special counsellor, on the status of
the case at the State department today.
The Day's War Nvo
ATTACK OF Freach and British
forces tare western of the
German Haea, which haa Won
oaaard with considerable sneecss
for some time, la now sal a to have
aatalncd n check.
lin aanonacemeat says, tho Rus
sians hare been passed haok far
ther. They have made a stand he
hlad prepared positions at Orodek,
which la onlr sixteen miles from
BRITISH FORCES oa Galllpoll"pe
alaaaln hare bee a compelled to
abandon moat of the arroaad ther
formerly oceapled near Art-Bar-nam,
on the woe coast. The Brit
ish fleet la said to have taken
re f age from German abmartnes at
Imbroa Ulead, tea miles from the
Galllpoil roaat.
RISSIAK WAR Or-riCIG, la a review
of reeeat flghtlaa- In Uallcla, aaya
the Aaatro-Germaa advance has
been made at the cost of great
leasee. la two daya' flghtlaa; near
Btrr the Teatoalc foreea are said
to have loot "teas of thoaaaada of
men,' and an one section of thirty,
elsibt miles on tha Gallclaa froat,
hetweea Mas- 20 aad Jib 16.
their losses are placed nt betweea
130,000 aad 180,000. ( Reports
from Berlin and Vienna, however,
tadlcate that the Ilasalaas are
belaar paahed bark steadily all
along the froat.
lied powers aad the Balkan atatea
art aarain anger way. According
to iaformatloa reach I n Berlin
. from Sofia, Baigarln demands ter
rlterr from Roe man la, Greece aad
Serbia la retara foe Its participa
tion la tke war with the allies.
BERLIN DISPATCH expressed doabt
whether former Premier Vealaelea
of Greece, la case of hla retara lo
power following hie victors- la (he
elections, will be aaeeadltloaally
la favor of colas; to war.
weeks la now. In progress on the
western front, la eoaseaaeaoe of
the aew attacks br the Kreaeh aad
British. French have anode arelas
north of A mm.
Paris Publicist Says Wilson's
Notes to Germany Arc Too Mild
TAR1S, June 10. Cabrlrl Hanntaitx,
praldi"nt of the Frinro- American com
mlaalon for the development of political,
economic literature anl art relations ani
a former minister of foreign affair, has
written for the Fluraro an artlol re
gardln; rree.dcnt Vllaon and the world's
opinion of him.
"We ahotuld be larJtlnx In ftankueaa
to a great slater republic," eaye M. Han
otaux. "if we permitted It to be thought
there that the three note, particularly
affectionate and friendly In tone, al
dresaed to Oerntany after, surh nilleeli,
had not caused a certain amount of aur
prlae In France.
' America la the'mnat Important of the
Former Secretary Suggests Universal
Extension of His Investigation
Peace Treaty Plan.
WASHINGTON, June 1R. Former
Secretary of State William Jennings
Bryan, in the Ihlrd and concluding
section of his statement on "The
Causeless War," issued today, sug
gests mediation as "the way out."
As a preventive of war Mr. Bryan
proposed universal extension of his
investigation commission peace
treaty plan.
"Mediation," the formor secretary
says, "Is the means provided by in
ternational agreement through which
the belligerent nations ran be
brought into conference. Investiga
tion of all disputes is the moans by
which future wars can be avoided,
and the cultivation of International
friendship la the means by which the
desire for war can be rooted out."
Spirit of Hrolherhond.
In elaborating his plan for restoration
of peace, Mr. Dryan urges:
That neutral nations In advocating In
vestigation can crystallise, sentiment In
favor of peace into a coercive force and
flan offer mediation jointly of severally;
that the warring nations Join In a treaty
to provide for Inveatigation "by a per
manent International commission of every
dispute that may arise, no matter what
Ita oharacter or nature," and that a
world-wide educational movement to cul
tivate a apiri of brotherhood among tha
nation be undortaken a the final taak
of the advocate of peace.
.V Great nattona-oannot ba ex. tor ml naiad
aye Mr. Bryan. - I'Predletletia made at
the beginning of the war have not been
fulfilled. The British did not destroy the
German fleet In a month; Germany did
not take Paris In two months, and the
Russian army did not eat Christmas din
ner In Berlin.
"But even If extermination were possi
ble, It would be a crime against civilisa
tion, whloh no nation or group of nations
could afford to commit."
Mr. Brayn continue:
"When fan peace be restored? Any
(Continued on Page lwo. Column Two.)
Becker is Denied v
y Rehearing by the
Court of Appeals
ALBANT, N. T.. June IS. Tha court
of appeals today denied the application
of counael for Charles Becker, tho for-
nor New York police lieutenant, for a
re-argument on It decision affirming
sentence of death. 1
Decker, convicted of Inspiring the mur
der of Herman Rosenthal, now I In the
Sing Sing death houae. sentenced to die
In the eleotrlo chair during the week
, beginning July 13.
Unleos Governor Whitman pardons
him, or the United States supremo court
intorferaa. he muat die. Utile hope la
expressed by either Hecker or hla friends
that the federal court will act faprably.
Neither do they believe that the gover
nor, who proaecuted the former police of
ficer, will be Inclined to grant him clem-
There was no written opinion In the
esse handed down today. The court sim
ply denied the application.
MARTIN'i FERRY, O.. June lI.-Bev-enteen
peraoiis wera hurt, five seriously,
in a fight at the Whltaker-Glessner Iron
company's plant here last night, in which
members of the Amalgamated Associa
tion of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers and
the United Iron and Steel Workers, rival
unions, participated. Police dispersed
the rioters.
New Ilepalr Named.
PTKRRB, B. P., June 11 iecal Tel
egram.) cltata Lend Ci.rr.mlaBloner He
perl a thla afternoon announced tha ap
pointment of Thomas D. Potaln of Lem
mon a deputy In hla department, to
succeed N. M. Hanson, who resigned
some time ago.
Fatal laarr oa Bridge.
IOWA CITT. Ia., June M.-Spenlal Tel
egram.) W. L. Fmlth will die 11 a the
result of Injurlesrhen a Uoom of a
bridge engine derrick broke and atruck
him en the head todav,
Tomorrow the Best
The Sunday Bee
neutral power, and cither neutrals look
tn It to tnka the lead In a concert of
proteatatlon. If President Wllann la
thinking of the time when he oan prearnt
hlmrelf as mediator and If It la his ob
ject for that reason to retain the con
ftdenCft of both aldea, he la turning hla
hack on what he aeeka,
"The fut urn arbiter of peace will he
the man or government, who firmly up
holds at tlie opportune time the cause of
conscience, or humanity, of pllffhted
word briefly of lnternatlnnn.1 honor
rrealdent Wlluon has understood thla.
if It were otherwlaa, he would loae a
unique opportnlty to place toth himself
and hie country on a pinnacle In history.
Official Report of Petrograd War
Office Tells of Victory on the
Dneister Near Zurawna.
PETUOURAD, June 17. (Via
Paris, June 18.) A notable success
was scored by the Russians on the
Dneister, above Zurawna, on June 14
and 15, which resulted in the cap
ture of 8,74 6 men, according to an
official statement issued at the War
office ' tonight. Austro-Oerman
forces also are reported to have been
hurled back on the same front
further to the southeast, while an
other force which crossed the Dneis
ter above Nltnlow was destroyed.
No comment is made on the action
between Lubactow and the Ban ex
cept to state that the engagement
was "fierce." The communication
"In the Shavll region and west of the
middle Nlotnen there hag been ao eaaen-
tlal change. All German attack were
repulsed during the lMh and the engage
ment continued.
"On the Karew front there were no
engagementa during the day.
"On the Bxura, above Kochacsew, wa
repulsed on the 16th attack by mall
force. The battle continues.
"Fierce engagement took plaee on the
16th between the town of Lubaotow and
(Continued on I'age Two, Column Three.)
Lincoln Highway
? boosters to Hold -Meeting
at Denver
ClflCTENNK, Wyo., June W.-fflpeclal.)
A to-callod "harmony" meeting at
whloh It I anticipated harmony will be
eonnplcloua beeauae of Its absence 1 to
be held In Denver Friday, June 26, be
tween representative of the Western Nebraska-Wyoming
Lincoln Highway asso
ciation and the Northeastern Colorado
Lincoln Memorial Highway association,
with a committee from the Denver
Chamber of Commerce acting a arbitra
tor or referees In whatever capacity they
may be moat useful. This meeting will
result from one held here yesterday be-
twen representative of. the first named
association and tha Denver Chamber of
Commerce. The former charged ' that
Denver was misrepresenting condition
on the Uncoln Highway between Big
Springs, Neb., and Cheyenne, for the
I purpose of diverting travel from tha main
highway to tho Julesliurg-Denver branch.
The Denver delegate denied the charge,
assorting that the Northeastern Colorado
Lincoln Memorial Highway association
waa responsible for the alleged misrep
resentation, If there had ben any mis
representation. The result of the confer
ence waa the decision to hold the pro
posed Denver conference on June 15.
The Western-Nebraska-Wyoming Lin
coln Highway association is composed of
representatives of Sidney, Ktorball, Bush
nell an dother town in Nebraska on the
Lincoln highway west ef Big Bprlnga and
tf Pine Bluffs, Burna and Cheyenne, in
.Wyoming. The Northeastern Colorado
Lincoln Memorial association I compoaed
of representative of Juleaburg, Sterling,
I-ort Morgan, Orwoley and other Colcrado
towns on tha Juleaburg-Eenver branch
of the Lincoln highway. Inasmuch aa
the ambition of tha rival group of
towns to secure a much Lincoln high
way travel aa la poaalble are Irreconcil
able, It 1 not anticipated any agree
ment between the two associations ran
como from the Denver meeting.
Women's Trade
Union Delegates
at White House
WASHINQTON, June IS. - President
Wilson received at the White Houae tax.
day a, delegation from the National Wv
men' Trade Union league presenting rea
nlutyins opposing war and advocating an
embargo on war exports. The president
expressed deep Interest,
"fit course," he said, "we are all In
fnvor of peace."
The resolutions, presented by Mis
Agnea Nestor ot Chicago, president of
tl-e International Glove Makera' unloa
protested agalnat secret diplomacy.
rne amiegates told the president that
thalr organisation, representing 100,000
working women, will reaUt any. attempt
to embroil the I'nlted State Into the
European war or to conduct any armed
Interference In the affairs of Mexico.
Court of Appeals
Upholds Order for
1 .
Jury Trial for Thaw
ALBANY, N. Y., June lS.-The court
of appeals today upheld the order of Su
preme Court Justice Peter A. Hendrick
llrertiug a Jury trial to teat the aanlty
of Marry K. Tbuw.
German Official Report Tells of the
Capture of Fortifications that'
Bar Teutons' Way to
PetrogTad Says Large Force Has
Been Gathered There and that
Positions Are Intact.
LONDON', June 18. Austro-Oerman
forces in Oallcta still are ad
vancing on the schedule -made by
Oeneral Von Mackensen. Vienna
claims that part of the heavily forti
fied Urodek region, where the Rus
sians have concentrated, has fallen
Into the hands of the Teutonic forces.
Petrograd does not admit the loss of
any part of this district, but states
that Rusnlan forces have gathered
there for the defense of Lemberg.
In a long review of recent opera
tions on the eastern- front the Rus
sian war office admits frequent re
tirement before superior numbers,
but declare! the Ruaxlan attacks left
the Austrlnns and Germans bo ex
hausted that the Russians often weru
able to re assume the offensive.
The French are atlll on tho oi'fenxl-.-e
along a wide front, with the Vokhc.i aicui'i
figuring In the official communication.
after a period of comparative quiet. Two
day of hard fighting has meant many
mall advances for the French, with tha
repulse of part of the German counter
' No definite news from tho Dardanellej
front haa reached London, but a sudden
drop In the Russian exchanges Indicate
that bankers either have received an In
timation of an Important success In that
region, or that for some other reason
they now take an optlmlstlo view regard
ing the prospect that the paasage will
be open to the allies.
War Office nlerra Campalan.
FSJTROORAD (Via London). June
IS. An official review of some recent oc
currences along the Austrian battle front,
which, among other things, rail atten
tion to the fact that the progreaa of the
Austro-Oerman foreea In Oallcta hae been
dearly bought, waa given, out In Petro
grad today. H reads: , -)
The development of the battle elong
the Tlsmenltsay-JSvlke front, along which
one ef the sit armies attacking our forces
In Oallola la operating will aarve to give
some Idea of the magnitude of the ac
tion In thla region.
"The significance ef the operations In
the vicinity of Stry were found to be an
endeavor to turn our front opposed to
the phalanx under Oeneral von Maoken
aen. Tha eventual success of tha enemy
In the direction of Stry and Lemberg
would have been of great help to the of
fensive of Oeneral Mackanaen. Failure,
on the other hand, would have meant that
Mackenaen'e operations 'were merely a
aerie of fruitless frontal attacks.
The above referred to sector on the
Dnelater river, however, waa not tho cene
or the principal fighting, even with re
gard to the numbers of troop engaged.
On May 16 the enemy, closely following
our troops, retiring from the Carpathians,
mat our opposition in tho region to tho
aat of Drohobyes, northwest of Stry,
and In the vlclntty of Belachow. On the
lfttji the enemy brought all hi force Into
action, but at the end of two days be
wa compelled to quit this offensive, hav
ing I oat tana ot thousand of men.
"HI only uoceso in eight daya' fight
ing was the turning ot our right wing
near Slonsko, with the threat of a poaal
ble outflanking movement. . During thla
week we remained passive, oon fining our
operations to exterminating the enemy aa
he approached our trenches. The next
four day were devoted by the enemy to
bringing together heavy artillery and
supporting detachments.
Trials Comes Fifth Day.
"May S3 saw the beginning of tho de
cisive attack and the crisis oame on the
fifth day of the fighting. A powerful
force, compoaed of three Oerman di
visions, succeeded at tha price of In
orodlble sacrifices, m carrying Ftry. pr- 1
oelvlng the exhaustion of the' Austrian
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
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