i J ; i i ! '12 TTTE BEV: OMAHA. FKH)AY, .11 INK 1. I'-Ho. yaw rn - yfcuifti '1 . iismoMecemeiniit I It !: . . r n If llMft&iflte " OH iill IKS it 1 1 1 1 i t m - mm mm iJt..&A , fS Vs-ViJL VSmUmJ jV I m ' 111 Remember,- ' 4 " ijfc L "IVften Better i4ufomo6i7cs i4rc Bmft, x J rib Tfc Th i ill I"'8' ''P Buick Will Build Them." Qjjffig) F. O. B. FadOVy , .j j v i; II . -J - lh. , i-;-U w . n if VAviv vP5 . " ' T ? n.yd&jF4 1 il ' : -.. ' . ' . : .tr .. - .;y- ; The above is an: accurate photographic illustration of the Buick five-passenger, six-cylinder touring car, model D-45. No other motor car at any price insures its owner as great value, dollar for dollar, as the Buick Valve-in-Head Six for 1916 The Buick Motor Company's product for the 1916 season embraces the best and most complete line of motor cars the Buick company ever market edtwo chassis, six bodies, comprising two roadsters, two touring cars, a coupe and a sedan. These diversified models fully meet the demands of all motoring conditions in all kinds of weather and on all sorts of roads. We will bo in position, to make, deliveries before July first, and as usual there will be no waiting for Buick cars. Our order for Sixes is the largest that was ever placed for Buicks in anticipation of the greatest selling year in our history. . ' . : . We can confidently tell our. customers in the territory of Nebraska and Western Iowa that the Buick has now reached the pinnacle of auto con struction and that these models, in every essential respect, will more uni versally meet the demand of the world than any car ever designed. Models D-44 and D-45, roadster and touring car, are equipped with the Buick Valve-in-Head, six cylinder motor, 45 horse power. In these models Buick design reaches its highest developmentand Buick construction and motor principle their most complete expression. Buick cars will inspire the utmost pride of ownership. Buick Sixes are the last word in motor cars. This means wonderful strides in auto building after careful planning and severe experimental tests. Before the Buick undertook the Six, it got all motordom talking of the valve-in-head motor. This was so successful that it is now widely adopted by the auto world. As far back as 1903 the Buick recognized the demand for more power and less fuel. The adoption of the valve-in-head motor solved the problem. Today it is worked out successfully on every road in the world. THE BUICK LINE In addition to the Model D-45, which promises to be the most popular car ever placed on the market, the Buick line for 1916 includes a roadster, a two passenger coupe; and a five passenger sedan, all built on the D-45 chassis. . If a seven passenger car is desired, the Buick offers, in the model D-55, one of the most handsomely designed and beautifully finished cars on the market regardless of price. On this same chassis is built a beautiful three passenger roadster known as the Model D-54. II Ml' !'! I I; i . i I :' It ROADSTERS D-44, Three Passenger . - $950 D-54, Three Passenger - t - - $1,450 T. O. S. Factory. TOURING CARS ' D-45, Five Passenger - - - $985 D-55, Seven Passenger - - - $1,485 T. O. B. Taotory. ENCLOSED CARS D-46, Three Passenger Coupe - - $1,350 D'47, five Passenger Sedan - - - $1,875 J : r. O. . raetorr. Jim 41- -M . ! N elbiraska uiick Auto Co OMAHA it. Huff, Mgr. LINCOLN . E. SiJle General Mgr. C H. Shore, Mgr. Sales Dept. SIOUX CITY 5. C Douglas, Mgr. I'll':