TIJR HKR: OMAHA, 'IIIIH.'MIAV. ,M!iSh IV. l!Mft. mm By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, June 16, 1915. QUITE an fxoilus to thn at Just now, n't there? The exposition. Aoct not pen to tie drawing all from th Atlantic coast spason. The recent dinrourtesy of submarine, however, has made a lew, who rulht have been braving the dangers of the deep, hesi tate at the aeahore. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Crofoot and family left Monday evening for their! cottage at North East Harbor, Maine. Mr. and Mm. J. A. C. Kennedy and' children will leave on Thursday of this week for ( ape Cod, where Mrs. Kennedy and the children will spend the summer months. Mrs. V. H. Davis, accompanied by her daughters, the Mlsnea Kllxabeth and Menle, plaa to leave the first part of July for one of the Atlantic roast resorts. Before returning they will tour for awhile in the New England states. MIm Frances Na?h and MIfb Natalie Myers are at Heath, at the foot of the Berkahires, for the summer. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Judnon will c-nter. tain at dinner hls evening. Killamey roe will decorate the tntilx and nurri wilt be plared for twenty-six riipsis. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Wheeler will iv a dinner of ten rover and Mr. and Mrs. John Redlck will have seven truest. With Mr. and Mn. Charles I. Huston will be Mesra. and Meidanie Adolph Stors and Will toad. Mrs. John A. MrShane entertained four friends at luncheon today, and J. J. ful tlvan also had four. Mr. and Mm. Kd Swobs will entertain at dinner thla evening; when thetr uncut wtll be Messrs. and Mesdames 8. 8. C'ar llsla and Robert L Iluntler. Irani wn hi hai of Mi. J. J. I I lliii hey and Mn, I'nul Jin knli-KK. Mrs. f'HMd C. l.ioil'l. u bonier lit a luivl.enn a I veil tmlu), tiun'.rinK Mr. "' . WlMiir. of Mliineapull. Mr. Vtner I national firenidt-nt i.f the or ganization of the Woman' rltili Rullnav Mall Service, and mlrfi Mr. Winner pend the dxy In Omaha enroute I i th- i onm At the . lone, of the liimhcun Mis Alice McKenle xaiiK for the (ruel and MiM l.urlllc Dennis aave wMtlliift- oi;d jiiuno oo. Covers were, laid for: Mosnr. and Meriamen 0crO. Wisnerof R. U llt ..I At Happy Hollow. The senior clan of the Omaha 1 licit school will entertain thla evening: at the Happy Hollow club at dinner. Covers will be placed for ITS guests. The Women Uowllnff club met thl afternoon at the club for thnlr rerular match. , Mrs. Frank Browns and Mrs. Harmon Smith entertained Informally at I'incheon today at the club. Mrs. Frank Weaver will aive a lunch eon of thlrly-foiir rovers Thursday at the Happy Hollow club. Mm C. J. Lyon will have ten a-uesta and Mrs. R. C, Peters and Mrs. C. C. Trlmbla will have twtlve truest. Those entertaining; at the Paturday evening dinner-dance will be Mr. J. A. Uywderholm, who will have twenty-two nests; Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, six; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson, ten. and Mr. H. Lopmla, seven. At the Field Club. Among; those entertnlnlug at dinner this evening at the Field r.Jub will be Mr. and Mr F. A. Shotwell, who will have nine a-uesta: Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Condon will entertain five, and Mr. and Mr. O. H. Pratt, five, and Mr. Shirley Wilson, four. At the ladles' day luncheon, Thursday, Mrs. E. B. Carrlgan will have ten gueits; Mrs. R. D. Pollard, eight, and Mrs, J. H. Conrad, Ave, e At Seymour Lake Clnb. Mr. and Mr. H. O. Wlndhehn enter tained at a prettily appointed dinner party last tvanlnjr. A coral and white color adieme waa used and their gvirats included: Mr. and Meedamea H A. Wood of C R Andrews of Lfayette. Ind.; Council Hluff. John . Kuhn, C. H. T. Rlepcn, John Btuben, J. K Meyers, J. H. Martin. V. X. VoUmer, W. K. Foot. It. A. Whl, Mrs. Gale of Peoria, 111. Vr. Warren Andrew. Tlie first program of the season waa Stves last evening;, when the following ' numbers were contributed: Mlsa Mary Hallahan, vocal solo; Ula Olga Kltner,' violin; Mies Clara Hoffman, piano aooa; Mlsa Ruth Flynn. aooompanlst. The pro- ''onm II lilurf. Cloyd I'reniHiii, Kilwm 'oi, XV. P. Kast W. J. Na,h. Mavhl C. orid. Mendiimeid -O f. Wt.Hr), A. C. tiaw.,ii, o F. Huhl.i.ll. If. r. F.,rv, M. II. lilm-kwell. llosltrr, M'Ae- I.ui'lllo DennU. Mlnm-nimH. It. J. Allerton of Council HlufS. J. Illttlnner,' "iirli ( 'ook. K. 1 Tee. r. T. Whltmnre. Medme Albert Zahn, R. Rose, I. H. Sargent. W. R To k ward, V. Pan ton. J. Reynolds, Mlase-- All.e Mi'Krntle, Frlthoff. Other dinner psrtles lat nUcM were srlven by Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Orchard, Miss Margaret Fox, W. K Moore and Henry Nygaard. B. Y. 0. 0. Club Party. The n. T. O. U. club was entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mr. Fred Harris st her home at Lakevlew farm, northwest of Benson. The guests motored out. Mrs. C. J. Jaycox was elected treasurer at this meeting to fill the vacancy made by Mra. CJ. N. Rtrawn, who leaves next week to send the summer at Hint, Mich. From there Mrs. Ktrawn will go to Hhreveport I.e., for an extanded vlalt. Mr. J. 8. Worley of Belgrade. Neb., waa the truest of the club. The members present were: Mesdame A. H Benham, C. J. Jaycox, R. M. Htrawn. W. J. Outhwaite. C. A. T'erklna, John Hamilton, Nate Roberts. Mesdamca . Otto llnlteranlten. O. R, 1'eleison, F. A. Nelson. K. C. Roger, K.dward Poilenhoft. Fred Harris. Former Omahans Return. Mr. and Mrs. frank T. Hamilton, ac companied bv Mr. and Mr. Daniel Sta pleton of Bogota, Colombia, Bouth Amer ica, will arrive tomorrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ptajileton will be the auata of Mr. and Mr. Frank Hamilton for several weeks. Mrs. fltapleton waa formerly Miss Stella Hamilton and this Is her first visit home since her marriage a year ago. Pleasure! Past. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Uddell entertained last evening at their apartment at the Harney for Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge H. Booth, who were recently married. Informal Luncheon. Mrs. Kdwln T. JSwohe gave a luncheon of sis covers today at tier home In the Colonial apartments In honor of Miss H'lfn IliL-by of Oilrngo, hn I the gue.t of Mr. and Mrs. A V. Klrsler. Fox-Steinberg. The W'lillng of Mie Tnt'V atinter. daughter rf 'Jr. snd Mrs. A. Ktelnlirg, snd Mr. Henry Fbx, ws rnlehrated last evening St " TO mink at Chambers' academy. Rahhl Urrxllnsky, a'Sted by flev. Flelaher, ei fornvcl the ceremony. Tlie ball room where the wedding took place vn 'profusely decorated with hiide' roe and gnrlRnds of blue satin rlM-on. An orchestra playd tlm Ixhen gieii wedding march and Miss Nettle Osrellok ang, "fl Iromlse Me" doiintr the ceremony, accompanied by Mlsa Alqnlst. The bride was gowned In white satin, elnborntelv trimmed with rhantlllv lace and seed pearls. The court train waa t eld at the shoulders with pearl orna ments. Her tulle veil M taught with lilies of the valley and she carried a shower hoinpiet of hrides roses and llll' a of the valley. She wrc a diamond lavallere, the gift, of the groom, a. id a dliunond ring, the gift of her pnrerta. Mrs. A. Sil.crnian was the matron of honor. She -eore a gown of gold lace made over Mick satin. The bodice ws trl nmed with rut Jet an. I he rnrried an arm bnuiuet nl yellow roae. Miss AI illie Meliiocrg, sister of tlie bride, waa mld of honor. Her gown of yellow charmnune satin, made roiind length and trimmed with pearl passementerie, t-'hn alno carried yel low rose The bridesmaids were the Misses Kato Ulever, Barnli Fox, Pue Silverman, Barah Steinberg and Kate Finer. l.lt'le Miss flertrude Htelnherg wss the, flower girl and Heth Steinberg the train bearer. They were both dressed alike In white lace and wore wreaths of lilies of the valley in their hair. The ushers were Messrs. Gilbert Silver man. Jal.e .Steinberg, Paul Steinberg;, Irvln Htelnherg, Philip OroHsmann. Paul Clever and H.I lUvltx. The ribbons were stretched from the door to an Improvised sltar by six little glris. I.lbble Kettleman, Mo'lle find Rose SteinlM?rg, Fnny' Slev ers. Molly Ravlli. neasle Fox. The twelve attendants formed an arch way wtlh their hats and bouquets of roe for the bridal party to pass through to the improvised altar. After a short weddln,- trip. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will reside at 'M2?, North Thlr- tleth street. Omaha. Carter Lake Club. The Carter Ike Swimming and Howl ing club had luncheon Tuesday at "The Cat Inn," the Some of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cattln at Carter I.ako. Those present were: snd .Mrs Frank W. K.nnler at 119 North Thirty-fifth street. Mrs. F.tiirene IMivel and datigtitrr, Alice, metered to Iowa city Monday. Mr. and Mr. Henry C. ForsW ha . moved to their Seymour lake cttaKe and Mr. and Mr. Henry Ky guard wi'l rto to thelr's on Thuradny. Mis Hachael Metoelfe, daughter of Mr and Mr. James V. MetcaJfe. left yester day for Minneapolis, where she Is to meet several c.f her college classmates. In and Out of the Bee Hive. The Misses Olady and Daphne Peters are visiting friends in IUck Island. In. Mls firace Allison returned this morn ing from New Tork City, wlere she ha been attending Manhattanvllle since Christmas. Mis Blanche Uurke returned Monday to her home In Portland, Ore., after hav ing sient a few days with her aunt, Mrs. John A. McShane. Mr. M. J. Kearney and Mr. Anthony Rogers of Chicago are guests for a few d-js at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George F.rsndels lit Falracrcs. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Monroe, accom panied by Mis Klder, will leave tomor row for Dartmouth college, where they will attend the reunion of Mr. Monroe's class. OMAHA BOY GOES TO 5ERBIA IN RELIEF WORK. Another Suit Filed to Stop the Merger An Injunction suit to prevent the con sumatlon of annexation as provided tn the proclamation of Governor Morehead has Just been begun in district court by I.cwla B. Reed, Mary Ann Whytc and James Trebilcock of Dundee. City officials of Omaha and the Dun dee village board are made defendants. Tlie court Is asked to forbid the Omaha men from taking Jurisdiction over Dun dee and to restrain tlie Dundee officials from turning over the village records. The petition alleges that the annexation law Is unconstitutional, the grounds for the assertion being similar to those ad vanced in a former suit In which District Judge Redlck upheld the law. Mesdames J. A. Freeland, K. T. Ilralley. R. G. Hlerman, J: F. Dlmmlck. H. 1.. I'nderwood, Alex Jetca, Joseph Adam. .Medame S. I.. Cloldstrom, Henry Keating, J. B. Whitehouse. N. M. Butiaott, N. J. Csttln. J. A. Rogers. David Meyers, Evening Kensington. Miss Irene Moulthrop entertained Tues day evening at her home at a kenalngton. The rooms were prettily decorated with pink peonies. The guests were: Mlsse Anna Campbell, Ruby Davey, Myrtle Hunsor, 1 Vera Marahnll. , Gladys Anderson, Jessie. Moulthrop, Jessie Bel I is. mi Misses Nellie Sunsor, Isnhellc Hawkins, Mildred Tltxel, Kdna Killlan. Ada Btlger. Irene Moulthrop, Mrs. M. Kroyer. M With the Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters are ontertsjti ln Mrs. W. A. Huse of Norfolk. Neb., and Mr. Poors' father, H. D. Peters. On the Calendar. The Carter Iake Woman; Social club will entertain at luncheon Thursday at the clubhouse. Personal Mention. Mr. F. 1. M. Khrtna i visiting tin Han Francisco exposition. Mr. George F. Engler will make hi home for the summer months with Mr. They'll Always Give the June Bride Gifts That is, as long as eo plc are able to buy such useful and sensible p, utility gifts such tia you will find at the store of Combs. The large varieties-of different articles offer many timely sugges tions which make gift buying legs burdensome for you. Let us show you tho really newer things. i! Tla.C xIemSlers r IMa ovas st oatswtA 1 ass y t Hold Celebration. at Kountze Park on Independence Day Another big celebration for July I has been planned. The Kountie Paik Im provement club will hold a meeting Thursday night at the United Presby terian church and will make complete plans for a big celebration to be held jthst day at Koitntse park. Races and parades and other stunts will be staged during the afternoon and J100 In prlr.es will be offered. In the evening some .V0 or two worth of fireworks will be touched off. ASKS ACCOUNTING UNDER THE COMPENSATION LAW Jame H. Maher, a leve construction contractor. In whose -mploy Otto Hansen, was wlien he was drowned In the Platte i river at Ftemont. has arsea in numn court to determine the amounts due hie heirs under the workmen's compensation law. An issue exists as to whlh heirs were dependent upon Hansen, according to the petition. I'M tfj Montague Alancock. CARVER FINDS EMPLOYMENT FOR TWO SCHOOL BOYS Attendance Officer Carver reports that Robert' Dinning offers to employ two school boys during the summer. Mr. Carver started out to find employment for twelve worthy boys who are willing to' work this summer, and whose, home conditions are such that this employment will mean much to thorn. llosps's Remodeling Sale I'Jill Start McVann Has a Busy Time Ahead of Him E. J. McVann, manaper of the traffic bureau of the Commercial club, went to Washington last night to argue the stop, pnge in transit esse for the National Implement and Vehicle association be fore the Interstate Commerce commis sion. June 19. He Is then to remain over to bear all the argument in tbe general advance rate rase, which argument la to begin June 22 before the commission. The Nebraska rate case la to be heard In Omaha before Special Examiner Dow of the Interstate Commerce commission June 28. McVann is to bo back in time to take his part in this case. Delicious Candy 1 Special Prices Thursday H Take home a Box of Our T)eU- fjt H clons Pompefan Chocolate Bitter a y Sweeta Fruit and nut Cream a centers. Regular 40o or H grade, box Z5C g We hare a beautiful line ot m Package Candies One pound g U 50c, 0e and $1.00, two d rft S p pounds $1.00 and pl.0U p Pompeian Rosm I BRANDEIS 1 I STORES I 'rawi iiiwuiiijaKiiOT 8 B-" li j n . at the Brandeis louse Shop B Thursday The A. Hospe Company has beirtin a big "rtemodellng Sale" Thursday, ' June 17, to clear stock in preparation for the ex tensive improvement to be made on the store front 'and the interior. The work of tearing out will start July 10th and Mr. flospo plans to clean up the stock before that time. The stairways are to be torn out and a complete new front of glass installed, and Mr. Hospe declares be will have the finest art and music store In the United states when the work Is completed. Everything in the store except Vlctot goods will be placed on sale, starting Thursday Pianos. Player Pianos, Organs, Player Rolls. Benches, Scarfs, Sheet Music, all musical Instrument;, art goods, framed pictures, sheet pictures, paintings, frames, mirrors, lamps, silver and bronze articles, statuary and artists' materials. "We are going to crowd throe months' selling Into one month," said Mr. Hospe, "We would rather sell the goods at a loss than pay storage on them and we cannot leave them in the store to be ruined by the dirt. We have to make room for the workmen and we propose to do that by July 10th." Most of the articles are on sale at half or less than half. THURSDAY 1 1,500 New Blouses at $1.00 Jap Silk tBlouiu Organdie $)lousei Voile Blou$t Striped Dimity &Iouw New Quaker Collar &batu . New Convertible Collar louses Nem Evangeline Collar Blouse EXCLUSIVE N. T. WORLD War News Cables In Addition to ASSOCIATED PRESS 13 Lac and embroidery trimmed models, allover embroid ery model long or short sleee. Fashion's latest styles. Don't Miss This Remarkable Opportunity. At IK I 8H i ssm hiB I T II iTrriiiiiiniiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii,ii Pairs of Men's and Women's Fine Low Shoes on Sale Thursday, m m tm m mm gogia - mmmmmmm MMHaH eammmmmmmmmimmmamKmmmimmtmmm MsVasjBiiMSBBBjsjawsBHSi sjsaaiBaaBaawBsjsaBWaaHBxaaaaaB siSHSaaassaaasaVBgssaaBsgssnssjsjBjssaBBsaaasavgsBB wtm J immtammmammmmmmmam Friday and Saturday . at Less Than Half Price This is one of the most fortunate cash purchases we have made iii many a month. Over 5,000 pairs of good dependable, serviceable foot-yvear for men, women and children will go on Bale Thursday, Friday and Saturday at a fraction of cost to manufacturers. Every pair is absolutely perfect. There, is a good range of sizes and widths in every style. We emphasize the fact that seldom have we been able to offer as good shoes as these at such remarkably low prices. While the quantity is comparatively large, we urge you to be on hand early Thursday morning. At the prices we are offering them these shoes will surely not last long. in 1 1 i u m 2.525 pairs of women's pumps and oxfords, tans and dull calf patent leather and vici kid; these are all good styles, every size and width, are- made from the best ma terials, worth to $3.50 per pair. The entire lot will be piled out in this sale at, per pair .v $1.25 All the Misses' and Children's Pumps and Oxfords, all sizes to 2 tans and blacks, strap or ribbon lace, worth to $1.50 per pair, uill be priced. at, per pair JJC All the Little Gents' Shoes and Oxfords, made for strong ( rough wear, all sizes to My't, will be marked, per pr. . . . Cp J All the infants' shoes and sappers, white and black, the entire lot . worth to $1.25 per pair, will . . re marked, per pair P air AH the big girls' shoes and oxfords and pumps, sizes 2i and up, in tan, black, patent leather, low heel, broad toes, most serviceable shoes, worth $3.00 per pair; will be .marked one-third their regular cost, per pair $1.25 50c Sale Starts at We have made an additional purchase of 1,200 pairs of Men's Fine Low Shoes. These are strictly up-to-date, high-class in even- way, tan calfskin, dull calf and patent leather. All welt sewed soles, all sizes and widths; button and blucher lace. Not apair in this lot worth lesB than $3.00, the big majority of them are worth $3.50 and $4.00. They will all go on sale Thursday, at, pair,. ......... $1.95 All tennis shoes for men and boys, rubber soles, string canvas tops, all sizes, will be marked at, d.Q- per pair, '. T'JC Barefoot sandals for children, all sizes up to 2c, soft tan leathers," will be marked per pair. Juliet house slippers for women; soft kid skin, rubber heels, all . 'QQ ..CJl. sizes, at, per pair S:30 A. M. In Our Big Bargain Basement Store Store Hours Are From 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. On Satar. days We Close at 9 P.M. iii