Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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"Gold Dust" T. P. A. Twins from Indiana
Italian! Continue Their Vigorous
Attack on Strongly Fortified
Position! at Gorziza.
Mb Agree to lUtnrn to Work Pend
ing Settlement of Grieytncei
by Arbitration.
CHICAOO. .Tun- 1 fi.- The Chicago
street car strike Is over. It was rot
tied by an agreement to arbitrate,
and by noon the familiar roar of the
elevated trains was heard overhead
and the gong of the aurface rara
warned pedestrians to dodge quickly
over crossings.
The appearance of the first aur
face car come hours after tbe ele
vated trains were running was the
occasion of a demonstration in the
downtown district.
Windows of office buildings along
the route were crowded with persons
who cheered the visible evidence that
the forty-elght-bour strike waa at an
All-Meat CoilrrnM.
Th settlement waa reached after an
all-night eonferenre behind locked door
tn the mayor's office. It waa attended
by Mayor Thompson, the aldsrmanle
mediation committee, th grievance com
mittee of fie unions and the presidents
of the Irsctlon companies.
The arbitration board will consist of a
representative of each aide, with Mayor
Thorn pan n the neutral member. Tha lat
ter generally waa credited with ending
the strike. The other arbitrators have
not yet been named.
The strike waa remarkable In that no
violence waa traced to a striker; that no
arrest were necessary and for the grxxl
humor with which the puhllr accepted It.
The selection of Mayor Thompson came
at tha and of a fifteen-hour conference,
which began yesterday afternoon. Union
leaders, officiate of tha traction lines
and members of the mayor's aklermanlc
strike committee, were in attendance.
Threatened break-up were frustrated
after both labor leaders and traction of
ficiate announced they could reach no
agreement when Mayor Thompson In
vited the conference to take off their
coats. The mayor then locked the doors
of his office, lie told the men that he
would keep them until a solution of the
situation waa reached.
The mayor took a gold horseshoe from
hie desk and hung It over his deek
lock. . .
"That waa given to me for good luck,"
lie Mid, "so I'm going to wish that It
wUH bring good luck to this conference."
Thompson U Selected.
After a heated discussion on the ques
tion of selecting a third arbitrator.
Jveonerd A. Busby, president of tha Chi
sago aurface lines, mentioned the name
ef Mayor Thompson. Names of scores
of prominent men previously suggested
had been thrown Into tha discard.
The oommltteeN representing the street
car men, headed by V. D. Mahon. retired
with his assistants to another room to
consider tha proposal of accepting
S Mayor Thompson. Within ten minute
' they returned. '
"We'll Uka him," was the simple en
nounoement that electrified tha weary
croup of men. Hand clapping and cheering-
echoed through, the corrldots of the
city halt.
Mayer Thompson unlocked the doors of
the office. The labor leaders put on
their coala and marched out, their facts
wreathed in smiles.
"Walt a minute," called the mayor.
"I want to tell you men how much T
appreciate what you have done," he said.
"I will accept thla responsibility, and
know it will be hard. I will do the best
I can. and see that a square deal la given
all aiwund."- '
Sessions of tha board of arbitration
probably will be begun early next week.
It waa announced,
Aaaoaaeeaseat fosses iMit.
Announcement of a settlement came too
. lata to start cars for the rush hours
. esrly today and tha great armies at
worker were obliged again to depend ei,
; the thousands of motor buses, moving
' trucks, lea wagons and railroad suburban
. trains for transportation.
Officials of tha traction systems tele
graphed to eastern Ubor agencies sot to
employ any mora men as strikebreakers.
-. glx' thousand men already had been
' started here, it was said. Sixteen bun
. dred strikebreakers arrived last night and
were placed under guard in lodging
houses and terminals of th company.
Ceaaaaalee Coaeede Three relate.
Tbe companies .conceded three points In
advance of arbitration:
t Trippers that is. men who era given
one run in the morning rush and another
' at night to b eliminated, thus giving
every trainman a regular tow.
i. Runs on aurface lines not to consume
' over nine hours' actual working time,
a, Wagea shall not be re vised down
ward. Thla leaves for arbitration the follow
- Ing:
L Scale of wages,
t Period of service before mssimum
wage is received.
I. Time in which a day'a runs on the
elevated are' to be completed.
4. Adjustment of straight and awing
runs an the elevaWd to eliminate, so far
as possible, waits by emplojres between
IOWA CITT. la., June lt.-Cpecial
Telegram. )-Two days tefore the late of wedding to Coach Jesse B. llawley
of the Iowa foot ball team, Louise
(iarke, pretty and popu'.ar ro-d and
graduate of the Slate university, la suf
fering from eye Infection and has had to
give' up graduating with her class to
morrow i and to finish her ill lut k has
lost Phi Phi. the prize roll! pup which
her fiance gave her two months ago, and
v hlch, since that time, haa proved a
campus mascot at the tate university.
C. H. Clarke of Des Moines, the girl s
father, la tn loas t it today, attending
th commencement ,eria.
N bot for the tecovery of ti
Clark bet or Thursday, on which day her
wedding to Mr. HawUy t to take place,
an ba givn by htr pi.ysKlans. although
they aay her eee will not be parroa
r.enily affected.
Mr. Hawley arrived in Iowa Clt) ; ester
.lay. Bee Waal A3 proauee Itneuit.
!te Peelaaaater.
WAWN'iTV. J'"e !;. petaj!.)
Fiedarkk l was spolntxi pest-
riiaclrr at lluetx. HowarJ county, Ns-
i e mum r.jicusun-
-' - rew
; . - V , - .
'?', ..--:Vt
yC r '. . - V
Th two "(Jj)d Dust twins" from In
diana look Just like the picture of the
"drummer'' on the front of the old book
of drummers' yarns fat snd round-
faced and with good nature fairly burst
In out of their rotund persons. They
came upon a party of ladles at the
"Deer me, dear me," exclaimed the
twin who weighs t. "this Is the hand
somest lot of ladies t have seen todsy."
"Oh my, ah my," eoltme4 the twin
who weigh 21. "thla Is the most beau
tiful bunch of girls I have seen."
(Continued from Page One.)
Nyinlsce and Bakh, at well as several
Isolated attacks In the district north of
Prsasnyss, all of which we successfully
"In Oallcla the (terms ns made good
their lossea by bringing up fresh troops
not before seen on this front, and they
resumed tha offensive in the Jaroalau
district, on the right bank of tha Pan,
supported by a strong artillery fir. After
three days of hard flgttlng w gained
some ground on the right bank of Lube
sowka and tha Wysslna. a tributary of
the San.
"On the Pneister on Sunday wa deliv
ered a successful counter attack on the
left bank of the Tlsmenltta and the Ptry
river. Here we' mad prisoners. In
cluding twenty officers, and raptured
seven machine guns. Tha same day the
Dei-mam attacked In the sector south of
the bridge head of Jldatcheff, taking the
village of Rogoupsno. At dawn of tha day
following wa delivered a counter attack
and recaptured the villages of Rogouhsno
and Jouravkoff.
Wa secured also a gun with Its equip
ment snd several artillerymen. In this
engagement the Oermana hoisted a white
flag and treacherously opened fire. Con
sequently they were all beyonetted by our
soldiers. '
"The enemy continues his attacks on
tha bridgeheads near Nljnloff. employing
strong forces of artillery. During last
Pnndey we repulsed these attacks and
took over 1,800 persona.
"Between the Dneister and the Priith
In the region of Csernowits wa have with
drawn boyond our frontier."
(Continued from rage One.)
wonder every neutral nation is Increas
ingly anxious for tha war to end but
of all the neutral nations but haa the
most reason to pray for tha return of
peace moat reason to set Its face reso
lutely against participation In tins war.
This nation, the head of tha isutrai
group and the alnoere friend- tt all tha
belligerents, la In duty tound to set an
aaample in patience and aelf-reatralnt.
"In all history no such opportunity haa
ever come to any other nation as that
which la destined to the United States.
In all history, no other peace maker has
ever been In position to elalm as rich a
blessing ss that which will be pronounced
upon our president whan time for media
tion comea-M com It must."
Blgr Bardea for Nentrala.
Introducing bis statement. Mr. Bryan
graphically describe the horrors and af
flictions of the war and says:' ''Neutral
nation cannot look oa with Indiffer
ence tbe tie that bind them together
are too strong, tha relationship too
Intimate. Thla I especially true of the
United States. Wa . have a composite
population every nation of Kurop hav
ing contributed liberally to our citlsen
slilp. These, our countrymen, thnmaelve
born abroad or Immediately descended
from foreign ancestors, cannot hut take
a Ulely latere In tbe conduct a well
as la tha result of the war. and a still
larger circle shares tha concern of those
directly connected. Not a soldier falls
on either aid but tha sorrow expressed,
in his home finds an echn at some fire
tide in the I'nlted states." .
Aside from sentimental considerations.
Mr. Bryan asserts, neutral nntlona suffer
serlo disturbance because of tha war.
"Neatly every neutral nation finds
new domestic problems thrust upon it
and eld problems made more difficult,"
the 4atenient declares. "No Ainvrlcaji
citlaen can note without deep concern the
manner in which war question have 1 ti
traded themselves Into our politics over- ,
shadowing economic Issues are stlmulat-,
lng agitation In favor of enlarged appro-
pnatmn. for military and naval pur-
At some length Mr. Bryan refers to In-1
terruptlont to neutral commerce, de I
rangementa of business and conwuhrtit
readjustments and speeka of svarolty of
American ships as on of the greatest
etnberreasmtinta to the United States.
Law Made far Bellereata.
"The neutral nations are put to a great
expenae to preserve neutrality and con
stantly In danger of being embroiled in
the war without Intention or fault on
their own part." he declared. "Th rules
of international law seem to have been
made for the nation at war rather than
for the nations at peace. It Is almost Im
possible to alter these rulos during th
war, because any material change, af
fecting aa It would the Interest of the
belligerents, would be a teeming violation
of neutrality.
"A soon aa peace returns there will be
a demand tor an International conference
on th subject. Th presumption should
then be given to peace, for peace, not
war, la the normal condition. If nations
are determined te ngtit, they should, aa
far as possible, hear tha burden them
selves and not be permitted to transfer
It to the nations which avoid war by re
sorting to reason instead of force"
K. r, II CAD.
"Aw, you eay the same thing to all the
ladles you meet," said a grinning by
stander. The twin who weighs 91 looked at the
bystander and then sppenled plteouety
to the twin who welgtia 2:
"George," he complained In a small
boy voice that was ludicrous comln
from this mountain, "George, thla guy's
trying to et "hard' with me. he Is."
Oeorge thereupon flew to the rescue of
hit oppressed twin snd together they
gave the Interrupter a terrible "scold
ing" amid the laughter of the crowd.
(Continued from Taere One.)
the temperature and the humidity, to
gether with such other data as we re
quire In making out scientific caiculn
tlons in forecasting. At the Fort Omaha
station the balloons .will be brought Into
use to secure like data from the higher
atmosphere and from an altitude that
we could not successfully reach with
Pleaaed with New Station.
"Tha observations made at the two
points will be sent to Prof, lllair at
Washington and from them he will se
cure the data for the Weather Bulletin
that la published and sent out over the
"I am very much pleaapd with the
Drexel station. The location Is Ideal for
observations and the surroundings are
fine. We have a good elevation and
plenty of open country around It. In se
lecting thla point for carrying on the
observations in connection with the bal
loon nervlce that will be maintained at
Fort Omaha, the service that the two
points will afford, will supplement and
take the place of that at Fort Weather,
Va.. where for years the government ha
maintained it chief signal service sta
tion." Though not In his arm of the Agricul
tural departmental service, on his trip
to the west, Prof. Marvin has' visited a
number of the Irrigation and reclamation
projects and Is pleased with the work
that la being carried on. lie notes that
by reason, of the construction of the
dama and the conserving of the waters
of the rivers, large areas of heretofore
arid land I being reclaimed and made
to produce grain, vegetables and fruit
In aqundance. As a result of the work,
he notes that settlers are rapidly taking
up the reclaimed land and that generally
they are successful In their agricultural
and horticultural pursuit.
, (Continued from Page One.)
the afternoon, where Page Morrison, sec
retary of the Iowa division. Is scheduled
to serve a cattish bake. In Inviting tbe
delegate yesterday Mr. Morrison de
clared that It any of them had the soil
of Iowa at home they "would use it for
fertiliser" and Taunted In their aicee
Iowa's sgrlculturai production last year,
amounting to tl.J.tXW.OOg.
laaeraaoe oa Delegates.
Tha national order has taken out tlflo.QuO
Insurance on the Uvea of the delegates
attending the convention. This insurance
waa taken with Lloyds of London and is
a safeguard against any possible whole
sale accident. If, for example, fifty dele
gates were to be killed In a train wreck,
the insurance tn tha association would
call for a payment of SMO.OOO, which would
hopelessly bankrupt the association. It
Is against this contingency that the ad
ditional Insurance waa taken.
Charles Hopper of Omaha was elected
president of the association of state secretary-
treasurers at Its renraanlsatlon
Tuesday evening. J. Herbert Stafford was
elected secretary-treasurer.
An unique souvenir was presented at
the meeting to Prealdent Schoenecker by
John F. Johnston of Racine, Wis. It la a
relic of the good old daya when everybody
rod on a pass and when railway con
ductors had attacks of heart failure when
a paid ticket waa presented to them on
The souvenir Is a silver plate about two
by three Inches and Is a railroad pass
presented to delegatea going to the first
Travelers' Protective association conven
tion In Denver in 1KX). Half of the Plate
Is taken up with a seal of the state of
Colorado and on the other half Is en
graved a roster of the railroads over j
which It la good. "Them was the happy
freilCa OIPCUO D0& t
Sunk in Collision
With British Ship
CHKKBL'l'RCi. June IA (Via Paris,
June Is.) The French torpedo boat No.
331 sank after a collision with the BrltUh
steamer Arleyla. . tx of the wsrshlp's
crew were The other were
rescued hy torpedo boet No. $17.
The torpedo boat No. 331 wa launched
In 107. It bad a displacement of nlnety
sevun tns and could make twenty-alx
kuott an hour. Axailable shipping rec
ords contain ro mention of a British
ttenmer Arliyls.
NOW TORK. Juna 11 Supreme t'ourt
Justice Hendiick today adjourned tht
jury trial of Harry K. Thaw to determine
saiiity until Tuesday next, pending
decision of the court of appeal.
haa been asked by the stale, to
vacate Justice llendrlck's order for the
L'DINE, Italy. June 16. (Via
Chlasso and Paris.) Kalian troops
are continuing with vUor t,helr at
tacks upon the Austrian positions at
Oorlzla. The Austrian are defend
ing; the town from the height of Pod
pora, to too west, and from invisible
trenches extending from Podgora to
Mount Kortine, in the Isonzo valley.
It would appear that the Austrian
purpose to prevent the Italian march
toward Trieste with the threatening
of Gorizla on their left flank.
The Austrian trenches on this
front are protected with steel armor
and connected with underground
passages. The men are able to fire
from under cover and at the game
t'me are supported by artillery in the
hills behind them.
The Italian army officers describe the
Austrian actions everywhere ss purely
defensive except In the Camla sone,
where the best troops have been concen
trated, apparently for an offensive move
ment. It in thought here that the Aus
trlans intend an invasion at this point.
with the Idea of compelling the Italians
to concentrate their men for defense.
Fighting Is going on fiercely both night
snd day between the Inferno valley and
Malborgeth. The battlefield la at an ele
vation of 7.000 feet. The Italian reports
declare that up to the present the Aus
trian attacks have resulted in failure.
Italian nfflrlnl Report.
ROMK, June 15. (Via Paris, June :.)
An elaborate system of entrenchments
hss been prepared by the Austriana along
the Isonso river, according to an official
statement signed by Ocnersl Cadoma,
Issued at the War office tonight. At
some points there are several line of
trenches, some of which are built of
masonry or concrete. These trenches are
guarded by many mines and batteries.
The communication, which declares re
peated Austrian attacks In Carol wa
repulsed, wa as follow:
"On the Tryol-Trentlno-Cadore front
we gradually are occupying dominating
points. Except for distant artillery flro
and new but unsuccessful attacks on
June 13 against the summit of Veflone,
In the upper valley of tha Plave (Carole
Alps), our adversary has not shown in
this region any particular sign of ac
tivity, i
"More intense attacks have been made
repeatedly by the enemy In Camla either
near the defiles of Val Benin, which still
Is strongly held by us. or especially
against the rear line of Mont Avostanls.
to the defile of Monte Croce. Here on
the morning of June U tha enemy made
a vigorous attack, preceded by an in
tense artillery fire, which began ia the
night and became very violent at day
break. The enemy waa repulsed and pur
sued at the point of the bayonet.
"Long distance artillery actions oc
curred also in the sone of Monte Nero,
on the Aelema.. Malsl front, and on the
"Along the laonso, on the line from
Podgora to Montforton and to tha In
tersection of the Monfalcona canal, re
colssancea showed the precise quality of
the tlefenslve were prepared by tha
enemy on the Itonso front.
-"They Include entrenchments, some
times In several lines and often In ma
sonry or concrete reinforced by metallic
sheeting and protected by a network, of
mine or batteries often placed below
the- earth.
"An examination of some of our
wounded shows that the enemy Is using
explosive projectiles. An Inspection of
the remnants of projectiles where there
haa been fighting also shows that the
enemy haa ben employing device ex
plicitly condemned by International con
ventions. "Heavy rains yesterday afternoon and
last night have been disturbing living
conditions in our camps, but have tem
pered the heat of the last few days. The
health of our troops continues excellent
and their spirits always are high."
You take every pre
caution in accumulat
ing money.
Why not exercise tho
same care and judg
ment in the selection of
an Executor who will
have charge of your
A wise appointment is
the Peters Trust Com
pauy to act in this ca
pacityone that is ever
faithful to its trust.
tus omautAi
Tfci Food'drlnk tor All Iris.
Mora healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agree with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, b vigor gbng and nutritious.
j inaltej
- ' '
am, powder form.
A Quick JjUICa Prepared U ft MIbU
J UnlmyouBymltOftIJOICS
The Store for
In calling your attention
to this prominent de
partment, which is in
reality one of the truest
specialty shops in
Omaha, we wish to say
that the newest, dain
tiest, moat stylish
blouses are always to be
found here. Then, too,
you are doubly assured
of finding only correct
styles, because every
waist is made to our spe
- cial order.
Charming lingerie
waists in plain white
and flesh coral, for $1.
Others in Georgette
Crepe, Crepe de Chine,
Florishaw, and. numer
ous dainty silks, from
$5.00 to $10.50.
Agents for
$4, $5, $6 Values
Selling Qr4
Price, 5J.OD
30 Styles J
Qualify the same at these reductions as when you pay regular
Buck, Suede or Diu-k included in this sale for
seashore, mountains, lakes or back to the farm.
W hvittan Early Inspection of these Remarkable Offerings.
The Associated
Advertising Clubs
of the World
will meet at Chicago Jun
SO to 24. Every business
la lavlted
Vkum every business man
ran learn something;
bseauM no bualneaa U an
aff acted by advertising;
bacaosa advertising mean
a gTaat deal more haa what
you think It does.
Join the nearest local Ad
club, or. If there' Unt any.
come anyway.
ASvartlsta- Aannltina ef .
AeattstaT aUa-. Oaloa-o. ZD.
More Heart
V . Let A!i-No
SVA Smok.-Atk
lour ueajer.
A Sale of
We were fortunate to make
an early purchase of a large
lot of Oenulne Panamas di
rect from an Importer end a
price that is away below the
present market. T.arKf and
medium shapes In all the
new summer atyles includ
in many outing shapes.
If sold at the market price
these hats should bring; 13.75.
But for Thursday only, all
r-o at
Just a novelty
uni. (ri.....i..
ed to make
Thursday, a Sale of
.mi, ii iiiiiiiiiih ir lurr-M- o.
All new, fresh goods, all bearing the
Sorosis Trade Mark
.Boots, Pumps, Oxfords and
Materials Patent, dull and tan calf, putty
gray and bronze kid, with quantities of putty
gray, sand, white kid and cloth combinations.
$6,$7, $8
21 Styles
Price, Pf.a7
I . . r i
We carry you for one-half the B I
regular taxi fare. Quick it1c ,
Is what builds our business. Try U '
us once. You'll be a booster too.
Uniform Sates; Courteous Barrio. ;
DOUGLAS 4511 i
-T , m m W
braid of u
4 .. .. .1
a smart
2,300 Pairs of
A ca-
"Msppy afUUoua"
"A Da nolo r Xeson"
"Is He a B he
"WU Done" )
Big- Assorted Program of Photo
Play and, "Courage sag
the Haa."
T. P. A. Parade Plots
Beserred Beats. I U0
lOo Xxtra,
f3 f V 1" Frlday-Satunlaj.
OV I U Matinee Saturday
By Pupil and Graduates of Chambers
Academy t Over 100 Puplla la Classia
Group Ballets and Mew Dances. Dane
lnff opea to all after each performance.
Bights, aa-50-76o Matins. 8&.6OC.
BRAHDEISKf;jun8 19
Opening .aXX Summer. Stock Beaaoa
BAT ABB TlnUl'j"
Price Mat., lS-SSo Bvra. g&-3&-0
maay Other Attractions.
Tree Moving Picture Bvsry Bvealag
Omaha vs. Lincoln
JUNE 15, 16, 17.
Games Called at 8 P. M.
The Dee is The Paper
yoo ask for; if you plan to be
abMot more than a few dajs,
hare The Roe mailed to you.
S at