i t ! f e I I A t a a Ti f a i ! j I t :ii i i f 10 Bringing Up "vv-i 15 TO titt CLOTMEf-VmiH;ER: OMAHA TAKES FRAY FROM LOWLY LINKS Barney Schreiber la Hammered for Three Sam in Second tnd Eighth Inning. SL02QZTT HAS ONE BAD FRAME Nv let It bo as Id that the Rourke ra not wUHni' to do their abare In an lArUinlnf tha T. P. A. drleaatc. Tea trdar a number of fur well known vla Itora wandered Into Bonrke park to lamp a little paallniln. and fnr their eapeclal naneiflt and difltlon the above men tioned Rourkea wiped the earth with tha lowly Llnka from tinfoln and then held flair-daf exerrlaea over them. The of fl4al count wa 6 to 4. . Barney Hchrelber. the oldeet plUer in the wttrld exeett 'Huff ftman, waa the roat. Vwlre e llntirkleta cut loneo bom bardmenta which ruined Mr. rk-hrelber. One of tha artillery ruahea came tn the aecond fron and the other In the eighth. Krh waa good for tliree nut. On the other hand Thomaa Btoriirtt of Kanaaa hd but one punk round, whh'h gave the Unka three run. Forartke Takea Hand. A ent named Foreythe, who play a right field, aJuo cut conalderable pumpklna In the dolnga. The Tangot Kid ataged aoma Ty Cobb fielding at dlvera time when the Unka wer getting notey. To vet a good atari Dirk Breeu un i-oupled a double to left In the aecond after Krueger had whiffed. Krug sot walk and Frlta Bchllebner poled a hit to uenter which acored Pick. Krug went to third and Frlti to aecond on the throw lo the ptatit. Krug reclatered on Whalen'e tnfleM out and ft'hllebner pranced horn en Elodgetfa pok. to right. fourth. I Joy 4 waa aafe on Breen'a error, and McAllister, Hehrelbor and Wolfe made alnglea in a row, eoorirvg Uoyd and Mc Alllater. McOaffUan got a walk, choking the runway with hoetlle live stock. Hera la where the Tango Kid ftret broke Into fame. Harry AVIlllama caught a alant In the noee and aent drive to center whU h waa tagged tor three turn But Cyrua galloped over toward ttie flagpole and pcared the pHL Bchretlier eaally aoored, but Wolfe and McOaf ftgan, w ho had: atarted to run at tha craxk of the bat. had to hurtle to get bark to their baeea. Tha Llnka took tha lead in the eighth, bui couldn't hold It William alngled to left, went to aecond on an infield out and acored on Heinle Schreiber' double. W. I. F.labta. In the home half of the eighth Omaha ran away with lh combat. Choke-Hm-Whlie-Thelr-Iown M'Kafflgan gava a, demenstratton of Ills chucking ability and h vonrlualvely proved he can chuck 'em wider than any other athlete In Nebraska, Thomaeon a result got to aecond on a toller which should have been a cinch out. Smith sacrificed and Forsythe drove Tommy home with a hit. Forsythe gal loped hitiie on Kruegcr'a doubly to left. In relaying tha ball home McOafflgan tried to knock down tha grandstand with another wild ig and Krueger wont on to third. Breen waa hit tn tua slats by a pitched ball, much to tha (lee of his room mate. Whslon. who waa performing on the coaching line. When Krug forced the wotinded Breen at aecond Kruearr tallied lh sixth ri n. Ju.t lo furi.l.li a Utile excltrrnant to th b.:s ho remained for the ninth. l-Vuiy.Uit made another of hi nifty catrhc and everybody went home in bapp;' spirits. Th aar.ie team will bat tle toda), starting at o'clock. Score: OMAHA. ' AB. ... t R. 1 0 II. o a l 1 i o. 3 1 R 0 s 1 1 A. 0 1 i t I o t ThomasoH. Cf. .-mith. If Forsythe, rf. .. Krueger. C. ... Hreen, tb, Krua. tb f"''hllehner, lb. W helen, a. .., Uloogett, . ... Total Jl LINCOLN. 7 a AH. B. H. O. A. Wolfe, If MJaf flan. as. Williams, lb. . Mclrityre. rf. . Daley. . ... H. fVhrelber, I. loyd. lu ... lcA!l!str, c. T Cchrellw. Mere cf.. Totala 11 4 11 Morse batted for B. Pchreiber hi niDth. (ifr.aha Huns a e i . . "tla 0 1 J aT I !.;! n Huns 0 0 t 1 0-4 'n 0 1 t 0 Two-be hlta: Breen. Kruefer, H. 'breit.er. KacHflc hits: (sinuh, B. rhriW. iW-rifice fly: WUliam'. I-eft on bsem: Omaha, 2; Lincoln, a. Struck out: hy Hio.larlt, I; ty v-hretber. 2 l4ae on balta Off Blodicelt. U off v lirelber. 1. lilt by t. Itched ball: By H4oltt (Wolfri; by f hreiber (breent. 1 ""I bell: McAlllsier. Tim, la. I mvire: Uelael. bkabo i riRjir ratm Fcrar Reao Tks Olea 4iaae. Deaeer th Pr.KYVR. Cla . June 18 Four runa In ti.r fital tiu-ii.e s Wnvar tha game K.jov ,tn fcmn ctiy. Teo mora t-uua ur4 vre not lieeded. lentr atu j. . to 5. Pxr: flOl'X CITY. AB. K Ii o. A.H i j, ., Jt. 2 u e j Ii I- If 4 " O ' 'i ! . I 1 k ' II I . I all if 4 1 1 i I Father WOULD I DO WITH A CLOTHF, WRINGER" CND HER Davidson, "f.. Hennllng. lb.. Young, Crinp. c Boothby, p.... Totals X I DBSVKR. AB. R. 7 : 1 It. O. A. Ki ll 0 Kpenoer, cf Snleld. lh MoCnrmkk rf. Galloway, 2b... 2 1 a o (i 4 1 I 0 nffey. If keilefier, . Whalen. 3b.. Shestak, -... Mitchell, p.. Totalt Denver ... i ii n ir i 4 e l o o l o t 0 00010 o frloux City Stolen baxea: Snencer. Kelleher. Coffey, Whelen. Two-hen hits: Kane, Mccor mick, Crisp. Thre-bee hit: Mitchell, tairirice hits: MrOormlck. Hhentek. Btrmk out: By Mltcnell. : by Boothby. 1. Haaea on belle: Off Mitchell. 1; off Boothby. 4. Double play: Hnleld to KM- lhor, Cooney to Kane. Time: 1:M. plre: Van BUkle. I'm- Winin I.OIIK THIRD OF KBIF. Dea Molaea Whips Walrea, l e Five. WICHITA, Kan., June IB.-Wclhlta lost the third game of the series her to Iee Moines. They triad to rally, but fell one short, acore: WICHITA. AU. It. II. O. A. K. i i 0 I 0 n 1 t i I I l 0 10 10 1 0 0 I. t I 4 1 0 o 0 o t 27 W O. A. E. SO 14 0 1 0 0 II 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 1 10 5 1 0 o i r? n o t'harle. 6.0 0 vi'.'.'. i ii i jo oo S 0 0 J 0 I in 10 1 Ko, if Tydenvan, rf.. Patterson, lb. Hosp, as Itrttion, Kb. .. Siwinrer, rf. . White, rf. ... (tray, r. ...... Southern, p. . Urifflth trclet Total DB-'fl MOINEf. AB. It. H I J! arm. rf. ... a -:::::: i a i i o l i ii l t 0 ' fHwyr, lb. , illunter, cf. JM11, ID. j Hartford, aa. CnehUl. '& Breen, ttllligan, p. Total v., . .. rutted for finencer in eighth. Ustted for Houtbrn In ninth, ,les Molne 0 IM0 I I M Wichita 0 0 0 0 1 1 0t Left on bsees: les Moines, T: Mlchlta, ; haoriflce tilts : Spencer, iuthern. Two-baae hlla: Breen, lrltton 111, Oelst. stolen bases: Jonrs. Pawyer, Breen. Hlmck out: By Uilllasn, 1; by Southern, i. Baeea on belle. Off Gllllgan. 4; off Southern. 4. Hit ly pitched ball: By Huuthern (Iltnni. Tim: iiiw. . niwrm. Cutlck and Parent. TOPKKAI TRIM THIS DRl MMKRS M' 1 11 la an s Rata Iw Half of Vlsttore' Ran. . TOPCA. Kan.. J-me 15. Topeka batted herd against Wllley. who uceled Hrnwn, and defented Kt. Joseph, William batted In half the visitors' runs, while lAttimore and Bostlck led th local bat tels. Score . TUrtKA. AB. K. . 2 ) II. 0 O. A. K. 4 0 0 1 t 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 B 0 1 too H I 0 too 4 2 0 00 ii it "a O. A. K. 14 0 1 0 0 0 0 toe x o t T l o at 2 1 V 0 10 a i t I l -i Roche. If Boatlck, aa Trainer, rf..... Tallion. rf Mayer, lb Jackeon. cf ... . 5 . 1 , I , 4 4 Iittimur. 2b 4 IMonroe, c 4 Cochran, tb 4 Wldeman, p 4 Total.. S 12 f 8T, JOSEPH. AB. R. 11 Pag. 2b 4 llano, lb 4 I Walaon. rf -If William, cf......... 4 Tonneman, f.-rf.... 6 Kialirr, lb 4 Kwoldt, aa.... 4 vi hil. c 4 Brown, p 1 Wllley. p 1 Totala 37 11 Bostwick hit by batted ball Topeka 1 0 0 1 it Jnannh 0 001 Home run: Lattlroor. Threa-l bit: Boatlck. Two-Una hlta: B.wtlck. Monroe. Pas. Williams,-Fisher. Sacri fice bite: Page. Hepp. Sacrifice files: Roche. Trainer. Double playa: Lattlmore to Mayer. LwoUit to Page to Kteher. Kuilcii bases: Ro'he. Ijittkmere, Watson ft lilts' off Brown, 7 In four and one- 1 i llilid Innings. Baaes on balls: Off Ide- "iiimn. 2; off Brown. 1: oft Wllley, I. Struck out: By Wldeman, s: by Mrown, S. WUdut'ch: Wldeman. Hit by pitched tall By Brown. I. Tim; 16a. I. in pi re: Mevere. j ST. PAUL STILL LEADS SHERMAN-HOWARD LEAGUE PARWKI.U Neb.. June lJ.-tKpwclal.)-All scheduled games In tha Sl.erman Howard league were played Sunday. The playing of the game com plot ca about one-third of th schedule. KuckvUl trtinmed Farwelt on the letter's grounds. to 1. On tha Elba diamond tha hotna team luet dofeat at tha hands of tha Boelus club, I to t. St. Paul continued ILs winning streak by waHovUiaT SU IJbory. 4 to 1, on th St. Llbory grounds. Below I t.e present atarxttnaT of tha tea ma: Club. Won. Loet St. Paul H Boelua t I Farwell t i Rocket He 2 t St. Ubory I Iennalrog 1 Elba Pel . 1 ao .& .! in Inraai GrsTO Is Easy. WT. EDWARD, Neb.. June 'i. Bpe claJ.) St. Kdard ba l an aaey time win ning freni Newman Grove yesterday a the Newman Grove grounds. Newman (trove eould not connect with Joties' curves, while ft. Edward bad no trouble In getting hit wnn needed Turpln'a three tire hit, with the bases f u I. featured. Score: K H.H.. alaaal Ca arete Mairk. f iTJaliilirt'J !' Blr'N.juiu-UMwMMA4'l N.winan (,rve ..,. 1 0 2 -. t 1 I . , Um4 raiwelled hi n t. b with i,l Satlafiiea Ht. .dsil. Jones snt Fisher; Newuian Urove, I'eVSHl and itiniuaa. THE NEK: Copyright. IffIS, International Newe gterrlra. i r HtLWO - OLD TOP- WHO WRt THE. 2VELU LOOKING CHICKEN I LEAVING ootrr now: I Standing of Teams kht. i.r.avr.. nat. league. W.I.P.t. Whfct, He Moines. 47 1 . ft fhlla Tf .t7 Toneka ..,.27 IX . C'liiceno 27 VI .lU l'nn"t ' .Mt t. Iule.... W . Omuha '.'4 21 iHi" tirooklyn ...4i2r.4K Lincoln ....21 21 . Boston 23 14 .4 ht. Joseph.. 1 23 .41 Pittsburgh .22 24 .47 Wichita ...1.1 24 .BVv' .Ve-v ork..lV9 24 .442 Sioux nty.l M .iM4 Clncinnlatl .1DU.4K3 FED. L.HAOUK. I .IMF.R. AP8N. ' W.I Pel.. W.UPrt K.i rty..m n .nn IndlnnepolU.ffi i .t Pt. Iuls...2T W) .674j Ixulsvl!le ..f4 2S .8W Pittsburgh 21 a .Stl Kan. Clty... M .fr'S Brooklyn ..27 24 ,M Mllwauke . M .WT Newark ...W 24 .5)l 8t. Paul 24 27 471 Chicago ....21 ! .SI", Cleveland ..21 27 ,4Wi Baltlmor .11 .21 Columbus ..21 .4j0 Buffalo 24 Mlnncxnolls ) STATE WCAOl'K. I AUKK. L.MAOlTB. V.L..Prt.f W.UPct. Beatrice ...17 k ..mi Chicago ... .21 1 .27 Norfolk ....II 10 .nn Detroit ,... 2 21 .m York .......14 10 .fis.l Boston 2 ' .6H1 Katrbiirr ..It M .4071 Washlngton.22 .MO Hastlnxs ..13 12 .r.'iil Cleveland .-) 27 .il O. Island... 1 11 .Mil Phlla 11 M New Ym k. .26 7i .63 - jt. Louis.... 1 ti .278 ' Yesterday's ResaWs. W:STT'!N LBAOL'K Pes Moines, Wichita, . Onutha, : Lincoln. 4. rl Joseph, TcpekH, 10. Sioux City, i; Penver, . NATIONAL LEACH' H. Bontrn, 0; Chtcign. 4. Brooklyn. T; ft. l.oulii. 4 New l'ork, : Cincinnati, 0. Philadelphia-Pittsburgh, rain. AMERICAN LKAOUK. Ff. Itils. 4: New Tork. t. Other gemes, rain. FEDERAL LEAGUE! Chlongo-Buffalo, west ground. ! Keneaa City. : Baltimore. 4. Pittsburgh, 6; Brooklyn, J. St. Louis. 1: Newark. 0. AMERICAN ABrKlClATIOM. ' Kansas City, 7: Cleveland. . , H Paul, 3; Ioulavllle. 1. ' .Minneapolis, 13; Columbti. t. . Milwaukee, 7; Indianapolis. . NEBRASKA STATE LBAOUS. Hastings, ; Falrbury, 0. York. 0-0; Beetrloe, i-l. Norfolk, 10; Urand Inland. 12, Uaaaea Today. Western league Dea Molne at Wiclw Its, Slou City at Denver, Omaha at Lin coln, t. Joseph at ToDaka. National Ieague Boston at Chicago, Brooklyn at St. I-ouls, New York st Cin cinnati, Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. American league Chicago at Waah ington. hi. Louis ai New York. Cleve land at Bostun. Detroit at Philadelphia. Federal I eague Chicago at Buffalo, K annas City at Baltimore, Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. tate League Beatrice at York, Fair bury at Hasting. Norfolk at Orand Island. Sixty Teams Entered In Tom Morris Play CHICAGO, June IS. Sixty club have entered teams In tha Tom Morris memo rial trophy competition, tha annual event of th Weatern Oolf association, which will be held tomorrow. The field I a large aa usual and good acore are looked for, though spring rains hare mad aom of the course alow, according to report reaching Chicago. Among tha team which entered 1 th Oahu Country club of Honolulu, while other far western entries are the Victoria Country club of Rive: ride, Cal.; Colorado Springs Country club, Virginia Country club of Long Beach, Cal.; tha lioa Angola Country club and th San Gabriel Country club. Moat of tha club In tha central atatea sent entile. Secretary George F. Henneberry announoed tonbrht. I Manager of Cutler Stops Over m Omaha William Rochelle. who manage th at. fair of Charle Cutler, who wrestle Jo Stecber for th championship of th world here July i. dropped Into Omaha from Kanaaa City and spent tha day eon feirtng with dene Malady, promoter f the big match. "This match will be th event of Cutler' career," declared R cl.elle, "and Charley I lending hi ver effort to be tn th best of condition." Rochell waa accompanied by Sol Abrara f Ixulevtlle. Thcra waa quite a rush for ticket when they were placed on sal at th Mer chant hotel Monday. PQMMERN WINS THE EWDERBY STAKES NEWMARKET, Jun l&.-Sol Joel' Pomrnem today won th "Now Darby stake," a race Instituted to replace th classic event at Epsom Downs, cancelled thla year on account of th war. Tha winner waa followed tn by Let Fly aad RoaaendaW. Sevanteea horses atarted. Today's race waa a sweep atak of (30 each, with added by Lord Derby. and waa for horaea entered for tha rTpeora Down. Among the starter war August Belmont' Danger Rock ' and H. B. Duryea'a Chtrkanuiiigwa. Tha' bett Ing agalnat Ponimern waa U to at; againet It riy, M to L and agalnat Itoaaendal. 4 to 1. Pommern waa tha winner of the 1.0M guinea stake run t Newmarket April at. aaataeva Asaaatatp . AUaata. a. Mobile, a. Nashville. 1; Meiuphia, 10 Blrmtnsliuui. i. Nw tr.-a.ne, 1 1. iti la Honk, v-k: Chattanooga. 2-1. :h..ii Ojllunt. st lvr t'julnht. lit Dlaadd I I ui ii to 1 I i i nun i i i illness. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, -H'NE V.)V. oh: jm., MC HAT AN' coat -quick: DOUBLE YICTORY OYER YORK CREW Haley Wild and Franklin Keep. Ball in Oroovei, Giring Bea trice It Own Way. BLAJTK FOE FAIRBURT FLAYERS TORK, Neb., June 15. C Special Tele gram.) Beatrice applied tha whitewash to Tork in both game today. 8 to 0, and S to 0. Haley waa wild and Beatrice hit him freely wtth men on baae. Tehy bunched hit on Franklin while Tork could do nothing with Pate. The field ing of Lockhart and Brannan waa of tha spectacular variety, robbing York of baa hit. Score, first game: BBATRIOB. YORK.' ABHOA.i AB.H.O.A.B. rMlmin, I t I I intre. lb 4 1 t 1 Brnnnea, tb 4 S 1 OMurphr. Rf.. 4 0 110 Mrown. Ik... 1 1 Mi niack. rf.... I Kiwter, c.,.. I Knff. el 1 t I Knrtetn, as.. 4 I B lorkhart. K 4 1 0 Pile, p 4 1 0 1 TMt. w.iii, ir . 4 4 a dBorkwttn. lb 4 OH 1 t 0 ilwm. v . 1 . 0Pln. rt I t 0 0 0 0 RalnM. c... 4 3 4 S 1 OH.l.y. 4 0 1 Tetale ....(2 7 17 11 t Totals .... ( It 11 1 rieatrice 0 3 t 1 1 0 0 0 0 York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Buster, Flllman, Brown. Brannan. Stolen banes: Buster, Flllman, Brown, Brannan. Double playa: Brannan to Kortern to Brown. Flllman to Kortem to Brown. Hases on balls: Off Haloy, 8; off Pat. 1. Left on bases: York, ft: Beatrice. 4. Struck out: Bv Halev, 4; by Pate. - Wild pitches: Pate. Haley. Time: !:(. Umpire: Shueter. recond gnme: , Rcore, BEATRICE. YORK. AB H O A E. ' AB H O A R rillman. lb. 4 1 1 Rtr. 2b.... 4 I 1 0 Brdinaa. lb t -1 OMnrpby rf.. I 14 Irrowa, lb... 1 1 1 ITott.a. lh.. 4 1 t Black. rf....l 114 0N.tl. It... I 1 I nu.ter. c ... 117 OBorkatltl. Ik I 1 I 1 Kerf, cf 11 OKIeae. an.... 1111 Kortem. sa.. It SPIare. rf... 141 Loekbart, If I I 4 ORalne. a.... I 144 Pete. t FrsnkllB, p. 1 I Total ....'Jl 11 1 1 Totala ....14 4 11 1 1 BeatrlC 1 "9100 0 S York 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-baa hit: Blnck. Stolen baa: , Prince a new idea of .1 Drawn for The Bee by George McManus WHAT'S the MATTER? oh: JUST A MtNUTtt Runrr. Bnac 2; f.f Pate. 2. on balls: Off F snklln, .eft on bancs: B.-atrlc-, 2; York. . ftruck out: B by Pete, .V Penned ball: 1:20. Ciwlre: Pl.ustrr. Franklin. 4: Junter. Tiur;: GRAND INLAND. Neb., June 15.-(e.re-clal Telearam.) All twlrler were- more or less ragged in their work todnv end the bountiful crabbing of yesterday, in dulged In generally, waa but eilehtlv abated. iVptaln Clair' home run in the seventh with two on clinched the con test. Varney again did stellar work in center. Score: KORrOLK. GRAND INLAND. AB H O A 1. AH. H O. A. t. k I 1 1 1 SPirn. M ... 4 12 2 4 BraArlek, Dr as 4 1 1 Hobcn. lb. Cnrrla. If.... I t 48vn.lt. lb... I Hesrr. If... ( 40o.br. 4 1 Varner. ef .. I 1 rownrr. rf.. S K'l.tr.. lb... 4 Tork. p fltrn.. p... 1 SAUx.ader, p I Kempla, rf. . 4 1 Cmph.ll. e 4 1 Melkar. lb.. I Brown, lb., t 2 10 Olllle. e 4 1 Walworuv, s 1 mlth.- p.... Tblemsa. p. 0 0 TMela I 11 14 11 I Totala II 1 If 11 t Norfolk 0 1 1 5 .1 J 0 0 0-10 Grand Island 0 1 4 0 1 0 6 0 012 Earned run: Norfolk." 1; Orand Inland, 2. Two-base hits: Brown, Henrv. Var ney. Three-base hit: Crosby. Home run: Claire. Sacrifice hits: Camp jell. Smith, Roben, Varney. Stolen bases: BpodoHck, Varney. Bases on bells: Off Walworth, 4; off Smith 1; off Thlemarv 1: off York. 1; off Stevena, 4; off Alex ander, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Bv Tork, 1; by Alexander, 1. Struck out: Bv York, 2: bv Alexander, 8; by Walworth, 8; by mlth. ; by Thlemen. 2. Wild pitches: York, Alexander. Passed balls: Olllls. Crosby. Time: -2:1S. Umpire:- Monroe . Ilaatlaaja Has Kaay Win. HA8THNGS, Neb.. June 16. (Special Telegram.) Hastings won eaeilv from Falrbury today. to 0. Features werw the clouting and pilfering of McCabe. In three ttmoa up be cracked tvo singles and one triple, atole two baaes and made three core. Score: FASRBt'RT. ' BAFTINO AB H O A K AB.H.O.A.E. Hlldbraa. rf 4 4 OOlios. lb... 4 4 11 Conley. lb.. I 1 I Bwa. If... 4 11 Thlnaalnc. cf 4 Lamb lh.... Ill Burton. . 11 Conboy. lb., lit RiilllTaa. a. 4 7 Carvar. p... to B.IIw, an. , 111 nrtimm. lh. 4 I 4 1 ' 1 4 OMrT.b.. If. I It 1 1 Rlrhardin, e 4 I 1 lOtart. lh 4 4 1 1 ( amsball. rf I .4 4 0 0 I tM.I, rf . I 1 4 t Riley, p.... 1.0 e t 4 ToUla . ... 30 4 14 II I Totals ....40 127 II Falrbury 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Hastings 1 0 0 2 1 X 0 ' 4 Two-bane hit: MeCabe. Sacrifice hits: Bellew, Campbell. Stolen bs.es: Drnim, McCabe (2i. Richardson, Weldal. Double play: Belle w to Olson to Drumm. .Saxes ASBeii will give you how good tobacco can ba! (.ill TVagwajairanjaf hiarX(en! at say Star) awyePantr) f sjeat e6aca. Iraf aaga, Sef Naf rW tbaa. 0c; Aawooaaaoa feaaaaf aWiW.psM'la Ag sailor i aw a that wUfty pmmd crymtmt-giamt aVassaV sfeewir A tit a as0W(w aasaWawer fos tkal aawaw P. A. aw tA awrrVcf leWaO rVano laa tiiana Jwl af Ike itj fA I FOR OCrONEA 1 HC VC -WHAT oo THERE? Ion balls: Off Riley. 4; off Carver. 4. Hit . by pltchea ball: By Kiicy d'avion). Struck out: Hy Carver, h; by Riley, s. Passed tall: Sullivan. Time: L'm- rlre: Mulr. Bender Will Coach Kansas Aggies MANHATTAN, Kan., 3un aJohn R Bender, at pieaent tn charge of athletic at Washington State college, wa today elected head of tha department of ath letics and foot ball coach of the Kanaaa Btato Agricultural colleie. Mr. Bender la a former University of Nebraska foot boll star. I America) a Asaortat Ion. At C'.eve'anU: R.H.E. Kansas City 7 It 2 Cleveland Oil t Betteiiee: George and Alexander; Col lamore. MrCall. James and Devogt. At Louisville: R.H.E. Stt. Paul U 0 Louisville X t 1 Batteries: Leifield and Johnaon; Mid dle ton and Clemona. At Columbus: R.H.E. Minneapolis IS 7 2 Columbus t I B Batteries: Harper, William and Sulli van, Oharrlty; Scheneberg, Woodburn. Curtla and Coleman. At Indianapolis: R.H.E. Milwaukee ,. 7 14 4 Indianapolis 9 i Retteries: Young and Brannon; Sohardt. Willis and Gossett. , ' Watkoe) Defeats Greeavrood. GREENWOOD, Neb... Jun 13. (Spe cial.) Greenwood lust lo Wanoo Sunday In a fast gam, by tha acore of 4 to Z. Wahoo found Skinner for four hlta and three scores In the first Inning and after that could secure but two hit Green wood hit Anderson hard, but brilliant stooa hv hla terunmatea saved him. Score: R.H.E. Greenwood ..9 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 02 7 t Wahoo 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 t Batteries: Skinner and Paraell, Ander son and Klnola. 4. Kdwara Playa at Heme. ST. EDWARD. Neb., June H. (Special.) On account of tho work that ha been done on the local diamond. St. Edward rae not been able to play at home. Next Thruaday the home warn will take on Peteraburgh at home. . If you are one of thousands of men who have put your pipe under cover so yon can forget your sore tongue and parched throat, get it out quick! For here's smoke freedom for every man who's fond of a. pipe, and dgette-makin's freedom for every man who likes to roll his own if youll be sporty enough to follow suit and lay a short bst.oxl the national joy smoke i Men afl over the nation aU over th9 world, in fact have token the friendly say-so and to-day P. A- is their standard before, between and after meals I You pipe and cigarette-makin'a-shy men should realize how different Prince Albert must be to hit tha taste of men everywhere. Tha patented process fixes that and cuts out the bite and parch. Get a slant at how cheerful it is to smoke all the tobacco yotj want and smoke as long as you want without your tongue even grumbling. Men, that pipe and cigarette joy's yours sure as you're alive if you'll get .your tidy red tin or toppy red bag of P. A. right away and go to it like little folks beat it to a circus parade c&n't-hclp-it-like! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO- Wlnston-Slcm, R C HAVE .LM,f!! 1 f ' 1 i"rr- f i THOi-TO ' T f O '.. rV' to 5.1 BOT --JjJie CASEYS HAYE EASY TIME WITH TERPB Baltimore Defeated by the Kama City Team by Score of Bine to Four. MAIN BXIIEVED BY J0H3TS0N BALTIMORE, June 1B.-Kanaa Cy had no trouble in winning tha opening gam of tha serins with Baltimore. to 4. uespice live Dou'tie yiLjw the fielding- of the homo Uam we poor. . Johnson twirled good ball after relieving Main, who wa wild. Boora: . R.H.E. Kansas City . .5 0 0 0 0 1 I - li M . . . . . ... - u. tm.ri BalUmore ... o i e " " ' iiatteriea: Main, Johnson sod Eaielerly;' Suggs, Smith and Jacklltanh. Rebels Trlaa Tlpe. BROIKLY'N, June IS. RaJn atoppe tn- dar' game before the ninth inning; had been completed. Pittiburgh winning from Brooklyn, 6 ti 2 Konetchy was th bat ting star, his I, It driving In four of th five Pittsburgh runs. Burger was affec tive througliout, though catches by Wlckland and etope by Terkea and Berg hanurer aaved him at critical points. .-. . H If V. worn. . m " ' - . ti.ii ia.aw ms4 Tayw T amf tf ( m J.t.lTyT 15 . -CKS n aasjiai vwai, and Pratt. Newark' Loeee to Slafeda. NEWARK, N. J., Jun 14. . Louia beat Newark in a pitcher' battle today.. 1 to 0. Kaln stopped the Kan tn the eighth Inning. Boors: R.H.E. St. Louts 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 4 Newark 0 00000-2 Batteries: Davenport - ana Hartley f Reulbach nd Rarldea. I Haaaral Loaee. HAZARD, Neb.. Jun 15. (rTpaeiftl.) 'Ball player from Ansley, Maaon and. Litchfield defeated Hazard Sunday la a, well-played game, 7 to L Scores ILH.n.i Mason City ..1 0000040 0 4J 1 I .Hazard 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-4 Batter lee: Mason City, Bubak and Aer hood: Ha sard. Roberta and Miller. Struck, out. by Butjak, 10; by Roberta, K tTrnpire,; Peterson. Aliimf i