tiik m:K: omaiia. TfKsiiAY. .trxi: 1.". im.'i. BRIEF CITY NEWS TRY HEW MX TO REACH LEMBERG Aa-a-Paarl STeeklao at XahoUa'S. Bav Boot Nil It Now Rmnd Pre IMtotti Bfflolenoy The Ito put dinner served st Bchllta hotel. ana aet at irMt on et Bf fin Attack on San North of Prte our aicctric lamp. Bure-umnan wo. j "Todaye Ooaylttt Man rrogram' I elaealflod section today, anfl appear It i Th Bo KXCLVBIVEI.T. rind out what U various moving plotur theaters offsr. Bf. W m wrharrv nnminrM the sev- I HeAlJH erance of hi assoclstlon with Ir. F. 9. ! Owen and the establishment of hi tent- ' LONDON, June 14. Both In the porary offlreg at ulte w. Frandel the, i naitic provinces and along the myil and Along Dneiiter in Southeastern Oalicia. TO HAVE MADE GAINS AS YOIHTO AS ANY and seventy SEVEN YEARS OLD. tr bulldlnf. ) Qra to Talk at Fremont A. ! Oreen, advertising manager for the Bur-gess-Nash company, will rpeak on "Sales manship" tonight at Fremont befo-c the retailer of the Fremont Commercial Hub. Bay X Shot a Flstol Mrs. Alto Mae Payne In mine CJrover K. Payne for divorce, alleging that he discharged a platol In htr presence. Joseph Marshall In a ault against Mrs. Lillian Marshall allcgea cruolty. Peddle Opium Robert Faulkner, colored, living at Twenty-first and Paul street. u arretted Sunday by Detec tives Rich and Paaanowaltt lor pedtiling opium Considerable paraphernalia u taken with the man. Tel tea Want Baperlateaeaey II. K. Telton, superintendent of the Auditorium far the laat its year, ha asked the city commissioners to be retained when the building shall have been acquired a a munlotpal proposition. Andy Treynor Improve At the Lord Lister hospital, where he waa taken last Friday, Amiy Treynor stood the operation well and I" improving rapidly. I'nless complications set In he la expected to be out of the hospital in a few day. Orip ta Snatched J. r. Raven wood of 1'nion Mills, Ind., happened to tum his hack toward the spot where Ma grip re posed on a bench In the Union station and a moment later found that It had wafted away. The receptacle contained an assortment of clothing and personal article to th value of 140. Dundee Trustees Want to Meet With City Commission On behalf of the board of trustees of the village of Dundee, F. W. Slabaugh, chairman, has written the city commi rlonera expressing a dealro to co-operate and assist the Greater Omaha officiate In tho work of taking over that portion of the annexed territory lying within the limit of Dundee. Mr. Blabaugh Invites the commissioners to meet the village board end take a trip over the village, to get Into touch with the situation in this section of the con solldated city. During thl week the commissioner also intend to hold an executive cession to take up ome of the detail In connec tion with the new work of administrating Greater Omaha. Some 'of the commis sioners have been visiting South Omaha and already have formed aome idoas of their future policy regarding the work be fore them. Friday is the day et, and the com missioners will meet at 6 o'clock to tro over the village with the. board of trus tees and then attend an Informal social 1 unction at the Happy Hollow club! Gov. Johnson Kills Jit Bus License Bill SACRAMENTO. Cel.. June 14.-Meas-ii res licensing 5-oent fart, automobiles, abolishing tho practice of vivisection In California, and limiting to U per cent a year Interest rate on money loan were among the 226 of a total of bill paaeed by the recent legislature which Governor Johnson "pocket vetoed" by failing to sign by midnight last night, when the time limit -or converting the bill Into lawa expired. The antl-vlvlsectlon bill had been de clared illegal by the attorney general. Oovernor Johnson said today his reason for not signing th "Jitney" measure was that the problem was do new he did not think it could be properly dealt with at this time by an inflexible state law. Russ Torpedo Boats Raze Turk Buildings PETROORADi June 14. (Via London.) Russian torpedo boat on the night of Jane 10 destroyed the buildings of th Turkish seaport of Samaun on the Black Sea, according to an -official statement given out -In Pstrograd under date of June !? ' Many Turkish boat, tho an nouncement aaya, were unk. Tho tent of the statement read: "On the night of June 10 our torpedo boats had an engagement with th ex German cruiser Breslau and caused It some damage. "At Samsun our torpedo boats dl oyed the buildings of the port and sank many ot th enemy' boat." Dniester river heavy fighting continues- between the Russlana and Austro-Germans, without, however,; any very material change in the elt uatlon. The movement forward and backward of the battle lines in the Baltic provinces is almost continual, and each aide ha at various times held the advantage. In Gnllcia the scene of the fighting has changed. The Germans, balked In their effort to reach lumber from the south, have commenced an attack upon the Hussians on the river Pali north of Prxemysl. and ' along the Dniester In southeastern Oalicia, and In their report tonight claim to have been successful In both sectors. Near Roamaataa Liar. The movement southeast resemble tht which failed further up the Dnies ter, at Zurawa, but ta on a wider scale. The right wing of thi Auatro-Oerman army Is only twenty mile from th Roumanian frontier, while It left wing reaches as far as Hallca, where many attacka have been delivered against a bridgehead. The center of operations is ! Kolomea. from which point the main at- tacks which have carried the Teutonic allies across the Dniester In several . place, are being launched. Simultaneously the Germans are pro ceeding with their attack on tho Rus sian center on the river Rawka, west of Warsaw, where they also have been suc cessful, according to their report. Artillery Battle ta West. In the western war sons, artillery en gagements are fn progress from the sea to the Woevre, and even beyond that district, with here and there infantry fighting. The French have attempted to force the Germans at asm point out of their strongly entrenched positions, and the German have been endeavoring to recover lot ground. A big German of fensive was predicted several day ago, but So fsr It ha not materialised, al though It Is still expected. With Monfalcone Oradlsca n their hands, the Italian have begun an attack on Gorilla (dors), further up the Isonso river, and one of the Austrian' most strongly fortified frontier positions. The Italians already have cut the communi cations to the north and south of the town, so that it now depend entirely on the difficult mountain road to th cast- ward. Lanevlll Bombarded. BERLIN, Jun It -German artillery yesterday bombarded th military work of Luneville, a French town fifteen miles southeast of Nancy, according to the official statement given out today by the German army headquarters. German troops, the statement adds, stormed the town of Kuxie, eight mllee west of Shavll. In Kovno province, and took more than 8.000 Russian prlhoncr at Menlawa. In Oalicia, and also cap- Jtured th town of Mlyniska. The text of the statement reads: In the western theatet: Artillery duel took place at Meuport and Dixmude, north of Arras, and at Ilebuterne. Attempts of the enemy to irak a night attack In the dune were repulsed. Southeast -if Ilebuterne In fantry engageraenta are being fought. "Th military work around LunevlII were bombarded. "In the eaetern theater: "Our attack northwest of Shavll made good progress. Kuile was taken by storm. Enemy counter atxacaa laueo. Eight officers and 8.H50 men and eight machine guns were captured. Southeast of the Mariampol-Kovno road, battle against Hussion relnloroe ments arriving from th south have commenced. North of Prsaauysi another 160 prison er wore taken. Our Invasion into the enemy lines outh of Boll mow was followed In the night by Russian counter attacks, ail of which were unsuccessful. The gained position are firmly In our hands. Our booty In this vector has been Increased to 10 prisoners, eight cannon, two et whloh are ef heavy caliber, and nine ma chine guns. "In the southeastern theater: ' "A bridgehead at Blenlawa waa recap tured yesterday. Our opponents left more than 8.000 prisoners In our hands. Counter attack rrfade by the enemy dur ing the night failed. "East of Jaroslau and east of Pre mysl the fighting I becoming more no ticeable. Troop under General Llnalngen have taken Mlyniska. The attack on Zydocow continue." PARIS, June 13.-Th following official communication was Issued by the war of flog tonight: "In the sector to the north of Arras r ; ,. .. ) i v I I ! ! 1 -.w . ... - . JfJ I i Infantry. ho :) made a prisoner, said to one of the Krenrh offiis "Y i hsve without doubt sent asalnst u trooi s of tlx highest tinlilv. 1 hal prrx eed to a treni h of the firs! line held hy my bat talion at the commencement of the at tack. Nex have I seen soldier delier rn sssault with such bravery ami sphlt." Meat is Dollar Per Pound in Trieste ril.NK. Italy. June 14 -(Ma Paris -New received here today from Trieste si v tlist the entire Austrian town I Ir tho hands of pillager Meat 1 sell ing for 1 a pound. There Is no bread hml the population Is living on vegelahle and fruit. T. P. R1IOADS. Secretary of Post L of the Trawlers' Pro tective association of Hloomlngton, III . and one of the most enthusiastic of the traveling men. there has been a violent artillery engage ment. In the afternoon we attacked the ridge to the north of the sugar refinery at Souches, which. waa very powerfully organised by the emroy. This ridge was taken by assault and we liavo organised and maintained ourselves there, notwith standing an Intense bombardment. "We attacked this morning to the southeast of Ilebuterne the German trenches neighboring on the road from Serre to Mallly Malllet. Our Infantry carried. by a single effort three of the enemy lines and attained their object. They took more than 100 prisoners belong ing to four different regiments. Includ ing the lWth. "Prisoners declare that during the course of the fighting tho Inut few days we have Inflicted on the Gorman troops very heavy losses. Certain units engaged In a counter attack were destroyed as soon as they formed. Counter Attack Cheeked. "The enemy today attempted a counter attack which we . Immediately checked. Our artillery caused at Uuisieul, near Rhelms, a very heavy explosion. This was followed by a fire and a panic, which we accentuated by our fire. "The Germans attempted to retake the trenches captured by us to the south of (Juenncvleres farm, east of Tracy-le-Mont, but they were completely repulsed and In following them up we made prog res. "Solssons at the same time was bom barded, lDO shells being thrown Into the town. On the rest of the front there Is nothing to report 'Vaptain Guamann of the Tenth bat talion of the 120th regiment of German TRAIN FOR WOUNDED A BOWER OF FLOWERS URKSC1A. Italy, June 14. (Via Paris.) The first train of wounded ttrllan tiom the Trentlno front arrived her today. It had ben transformed Into a Lower of flower, earh berth being Ht- tally covered with them. The wounded s Idler said the flowers had been sent l othem by their mothers and sweet It arts. All thr men said they were anx ious to get back to the front. B u rgess-Nash Company. 'everybooyIs stork" rnrdivy, Jnne 15, 10tft. -HTOrtF. NKWR rXIt Tt'ESDAY- rbone I). 187. Summer Closing Hours UrpiriTiinjr today, run! continuing until further notice, our .ton will closo tlailv at 5 P. M pxeoptince Saturdays, which will bo ns usuiil, ! V. M. We Welcome the T. P. A. We extend to you and your friends a hearty invitation to make free use of the many conveniences of our store. The Post office, Rest and Writing Rooms, Information and Accommodation Bureau. A Splendid Presentation of New Silk and Washable Frocks Chief of Weather : Bureau Comes Here A distinguished stopover visitor, Charles V. Marvin, chief of th national weather bureau, la expected to arrive in Omaha Tueaday on his tour of inspection through the- country. Prof. Marvin will be under j th special protection of Local Forecaster! Welsh while here. REAL HAIR GROWER Found At Last! "Grows Hair in 30 Days." $1000.00 Reward If We Fail On Our Positive Guaran tee. Try It At Our Risk Mail Coupon Today. 1 - i 4 ,l mm SKI E -MANY NEW STYLES- XPREiSSING the very latest ideas of Damo Fashion in tTHply, eool, hunnnery dresses with their faseiuating freshness and individuality. For Evening Wear For Morning Wear For Afternoon Wear DRESSES AT 315.00 Flowered cotton, embroidered net, white cotton voile. DRESSES AT $25.00 Striped tub silk, linen and lace combined, white crepe de chine. DRESSES AT $19.50 White crepe de chine, taffetas in light and dark shades. DRESSES AT $12.50 Candy striped voiles, coatee eftect voiles, braid trimmed neta. DRESSES AT $29.50 Import model copies in soft silks, white georg ette, radium and taffeta silks. COTTON DRESSES AT $5, $5.95, $6.95, $7.05 Many new styles in the Burjress-Nnsh 'Electric Made" tub frocks. Bargees-Wasa Co. coa tlor. Children's 50c Wash Rompers, 29c Mad In alios 8 to 6 years, of percales, chambraya and gingham. (Daaement.) Boys' 75o Wash Suits at 39c. Fa at colon, neatly made and trimmed, for ages 3 to 8 year, regular 76c kind for 8ic. (Basement.) Women's Skirts, to $7.50, for $3.95 An assortment of cloth aktrta in a variety of style and kind of material, were to $7.50, for SB. 03. (Baeement.) Women's Coats, to $10.00, for $3.95 Moat every material included, good models, coata that war to $10.00, sale price, 93.05. (Basement.) 15o Embroidery Edges at 7c Cambric, nainsook and swlss edge, insertion and beading, match aeta, 3 to 5 inchea wide, were to 16e, at Tkc yard. (Main Floor.) . Women's 25c Summer Vests, 15c Low neck and sleeveless, wing ahleld or shaped, also high neck and ahort sleeve, cuff knee pants. (Main Floor,) $3.00 Satin Striped Corsets, $1.98 Painty shell pink, medium length, lace trimmed, free hip, non-rustable boning, strong supporter. Second Floor.) 75c Cluny Lace Brassieres, 59c Fin quality muslin, with cluny lace, perfect fitting, V-shapnd effect, front opening. (Second Floor.) $19.75 Refrigerators, Tuesday Special, $16 Ice capacity 100 pounds, two-door front Icing atyle, white enamel lined, box made of ash. (Base ment.) Clothes Wringers, Tuesday, $2.25 Wood frame clothea wringers, plain bearings, one year guarantee, 10-inch roll. (Baaement.) $3.98 Lawn Mowers,' Tuesday, $3.25 Lawn mowers, 16-inch blade, self sharpening, reg ular price. $3.98; sale price, 8)3.25. (Basement.) . $2.00 Embroidered Flouncings at 93c ' Fine organdy and voile flouncings, embroidered in dainty colors, 27 to 36 Inches wide. (Main Floor.) 25c Dress Crepes, at 6ic Sore Throat and Chest Quickly relieved by Ir. Bells Pine-Tar-Honey. It eases th troat, soothes th lungs, loosen phlegm. Onl Sc. All druggist. Advertisement URET0 DEMAND RECEIPTS ' THROUGH THE COURTS County Treasurer Vre expects to file a mandamus suit In supreme court In which Stat Treasurer Hall will b the de fendant, the purpose of which will b te cempel th tat treasurer to furnish re ceipts of th kind demanded by Mr. Ur for money transferred from Povglaa county. Ta Sleep Well Saaasaer. Bltght Inflammation of the bronchial tubes causes ' a distressing cough and make refreshing sleep Impossible. Foley's Honey and Tar compound oover raw, in ft mad. Irritated aurfae with a sooth ing, healing coating and stop that an noying tkWIIrm. rell.Alne the racking, tiring cough. Take this aplendli! cough medicine with uu on summer trip. It Is good for oough. colds, croup, bronchial affections and la grtPP coughs, kold everywhere. Advertisement. SsYingCirchlViih cch IVMsscrisur. Before the stork arrive there b much to talk about Thef comfort ef the expecJ tant swatter is tha cUttf topic. And there is sar te k someone) who has used or knows; ef that spleadld es- lernal help. "Mother's Friend." It ts applied to tba ebdosalnal mus cles, gently robbed In and has a aiort pro. aonneed effect a a lubricant. It Soothes thd network Of aerrcs, eaeblss th muscle to expand naturally, relieve strain oa the lira toent and thus sets at ease any aadu strain oa th ortan Involved. And It doe thl with perfect safety. Expectant SAOthere thus go through the ordeal with coatperetlve ease and tomt'iri. Knowing mothers wbo have used Mutter's Friend" speak la glowing term of the abecr.ee of morning sickness, absence ef (.train en ti li-uneuts and a freedom from many other distress. On of the mnst Important symptom td he relieved by "WutWs trtend'1 to th law Imsginatloa that so often disturbs reeeae. J'aiaa, even thoogn natural, may so distort; th miad that undue apprehension wilt one times follow. The geutie, soothiaf Influent 4 Of 'Mother' Friend" ge the mind sob stentl il aid to become conacJons of strsngtit and there I a real, physical sensibility el musrulsr Vsvr a evidenced by freedom irmti undo strata. You can get "Mother's Friend" at any flru' ktor or tlwy wlU glec'.f tt It for you. Writ, tnda to BrsdfUld Bf -i'.eUr Ctf., 91 Lamar i Eld, Atlanta, fr a kihlr laatructiv.i hook of great value to ail espectant mothers, It contains a valoakl oapaary caan, rule; am alst aad is brlmrol ef sug wui This Hti Za Orewla Bald "OrTstolla'' I Just ths Thing for Much Cases. j In Burope "Crrstolli Ku been etM Ih moat ot4rrul dtKovvrjr of the rBtury. The liidsn ef tke Bruasxla ud Paris Exposi tions nihiulaulollr awardea gold medala to lbl ,' nurTclous hair srowar. AlraaSy stars w aarured the Amarfrea rlhta huadred of Bias and wm hava wrltua tallln of Uia phenomanal raaulta oblHlnad trj lla uaa. Paiipla ho hava baas bald for raara tall how thrjr now slory Is beautiful hair. Many report saw hair growth la iv days or lea. Others wha hava had daadruff all thalr lla aar thrr hava St a cihji, nitny acalp a liar a law apsllca tlona ot this woadarful traatinant. Hi di not cara wbeihar you art botharad with fallln hair, praraaiuraly sray hair, mattrd hair, brlttia hair or strlnsr hair; dandruff, itohinf analp, or sar or all fnmia of hair iruble, we want you to try "CBYbTuUH" at aur rl. Wa slva you a binding suarantaa without any "atrlnaa" or red tapa. that It won't coat yo a cant If wa do not prove to you that "i'ryaioltw" will rlo all wa olalro 1r It. and. what'a Impurtent, we hava plenty af money to back our guarantee. IK) has been deposited In our local bank aa a Special Fund to lie forte Ited If we fall to comply with thla contract. "ul out the cnupun below and mall It tnday to rreilo Lauoratorlt-a, 71 I' rltreel. Hlngbamton N. Y. Better cookies, cake and biscuits, too. All as light, fluffy, tender and delicious as mother used to bake. And just as whole some. For purer Baking; Pow der than Calumet cannot be bad at etar prii. Aak your grocer. UtCUVED RICHEST AWAIOS WW, Para feed Eiaeekhea, CUcaM, DL fark tasaaioaa, fraacs, Mswa. bit FANCY embroid ered Renfrew dress crepes, ular 25c kind at. reg- 6ic Tango Chif fon, at ALSO 34 inch printed ere pella re mn ante and bolts from wblrh to select; sale Tl price 12ac Oing hams, at 5c REMNANTS o f bolts ot York and Had Seal Zephyrs, also Amoskeag Utility ginghams, r" FREE COUPON The rreelo !boratnr1ea. 74 t Htreet, BlnghaMtoa, V. T. I am a reader of II rrmaha Bee. Prove to ma without ooat how Oyttolie etopa falllnc hair, growa new hair. Iiamehea dandruff and Itching etailpa and raetnrea prematura gray and laded hair to namral coltw. Wr te your name and adtlreea plainly an1 PIN TH IH itllPilV Tf Vtil'R I.CTTBrV Diverse route tickets to aTrw Tork and Boston ar oa al dally via Cshloage, BCilwank si It. aul Kail way. Theo tlakota, which permit going oa tout aad returning another, as offered la great variety and laolade all th prin cipal citls aad plaoes of Interest la tho Bait. Delightful trips hy water oa the Great Lakes, Bt. Xawraoe and Sadaea Blver aad the Atlaatlo Ooeaa may he laoladaa. Tare to ITsw Tork ma from SM.SO np, to oaten from HM np, with final rettura limit ef SO days aad liberal stopover privilege, tree more eomplet tafermatloa, folders, eta all oa or addr, W. B. Book, City Passngr Agsnt, 0, K. ft Bt, . By4 lair raraam Bt, Omaha, . at, yard.. . , BURGESS-NASH Bleached Muslin, at 3ic TLEACHBD tnus- lln aud cam brics, remnants, full yard wide, special Tuesday, at yard . sT B 3ic COMPANY, i SCHOOLS AMI tOLM'.I.K". HCIIOOLB AND rOLLBOBS. 1 suggestawas that al Noted for it College Entrances, in cluding Yale, Harvard, Princeton. Columbia, Johns Hopkins, etc It BTJTX.DrBTOB gOO AOBXS 1.000 rt. Abovs Bea XavaU 80 Miles Bouth of Bt. a-arU. I'oi ty-nlntli year. Founded and rondurted on the nam broad lines aa the famous iJinllah Hcliools of Win t'hestvr and Ktun. Kltia)ly efficient In training for Toilette, Business and Technical Jidda. Nuted for clean athletics. I'eala-nsted by U. hi. War Depart ment aa an "Honor Hchool." BIZ WICKS StJatMX BOKOOIe JVMM TO ADOOBT For cataioguo and paxtlculars. ad drasa OOU TABA B. BrOUBABl, O. B.. BeaAmaetor, Draws T, ratrbealt. 'Vt - wgw,, ...,- Fortified Against Fatigue is the automobile party that includes in its equipment a few bottles of ft, Peerless Til BRO W N K L L HALL Omaha, Behraaka. boa.ro in w and Iay h' hool for lilt I and Young Women. Certificate admits to bin. ti., Uvw, U fliel-yanrt (th-r i oll. gi 1'reparatlon for Brrn Mawr and Ka'lclitf.. . ADTAVCBO COChaUl fOB BIOS BOBOO OBAOOATSB. Household Aria. Mui.li', Ciyinnaaluni. ruanos bat bcbioox rom umi orjax.. For Catalogue address Uie Principal, BUBB BVrXBSsXA OBsTBOV. It means added cheer and exhilaration to any tour and will make the "outing" all the more enjoyable. " at b. blaxb, ataaager Omaha Branch. Y-a J Tt.aa4wew lS0-4 Laaveaworth Bt. Doag. SSI. . WUlAaAa VatASBva - ww a4y wes OABX. rUKXK, DialrlbatuX, , Wla Tie isih at. raoao voag, 0 CD E3 O' 0 C5-rj . E3 E lmi n J P Here News of a Lively Sale of Wash Goods in the Basement Tuesday 25c Woven Flaxcns, at 18c T I8L.E thread fancy striped and checked, will make Stylish dresses and walsta, 2 Be qual ity, yard. 18c AN 1MEST1EOT TDAT PAYS DIG DIVIDEND A BEE WANT AD sv tssiiSasjiisBii r--J