Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tllh HKK: OMAHA, TUKSDAY, JUNE 15, 1915.
American Official! Comider Oer
many aa Aaxioci to Kemaia
Friendly aa ia U. 8.
WASHINGTON, June 14. Com
ment by the preea of Earope on the
recent American note to Germany ef
fected much attention In official
aod diplomatic quarters here today,
nd In the absence of Information
concerning the probable attitude of
the German government It w the
chief subject tor i peculation.
The editorials ( the Germeu or
ire read with pertlenlar Interest by
official, who drear much eneouraeement
trom the reterencae te the friendly ton
of tt American not. Hieh official
i v felt that If a eptrlt of friendliness
could be maintain throughout tl'e n-
.tltkn. the effort of the I'nited
state to convlno Oermany of the le
ollty ef th American peel tie ulti
ma uly would be successful.
. rkraalaa- Work.
Careful phrasing of the tat American
not la known te have the purpose ef
latin- the demands ef the Veiled
ctstes very earnestly, but In e-ich a
lashfon aa would not mak It nbr--alng
for Germany to mt the Ameri
oar position In a way eatlsfaetory te It
oa public opinion aa well aa the t'nltad
Th important .thins which effiotal
tiioua-iit thy (leaned from the pre
ipmment and ether utterance waa th
iact that the Oerman government waa
n more dealreu ef adding the United
tte to ita list of nmla than the
United States waa ef participating la
t ha European conflict.
With a growing understanding in Oer
many that the Vnltd States I aniloua
for pear, but will Insist en Ita r-ghte.
end the conviction here that the German
government will not misconstrue the
American demand Into any affort te
Interfere with the operation of eubroe-
fin warfare If these can be made te
conform to aceeptde role ef Interna
tional lw as they affect neutrela, the
".hunce for a peaceful outcome of the
frennt difficulty were bell rod Jn welt
aforined quarter to be Improving felly.
Slcne of Restriction.
An abatement of auhmartne warfare en
passenger ahlp would contribute ma
terially toward a peaceful settlement and
eome official profeaeed to aee already
etena ef restriction of the activity ef
Jermen aubmarlnea to craft ef agon aiae
a n make It readily poaalble to aava the
TM fact that the Oerman pre ta !
vtnfxi aa to the poller that ought be
wrud la regarded hopefully hare. It
is pointed ent In diplomatic qnei-ter
trlndly te the Oermanle eauae that wtth
i lie arrival in Bertie' ef Anton Meyer
Uerherd. peraonal rneeeenger ef Count
. on Bemetorff. the Oerman embassador,
a full otetement ef the atnte ef Amertnan
'pubtlo opinion and euigeetiene for
rum promise win bring about batter
ff.llm in all quarters in Befit). .
Aaaert te Wa Changed.
Former Secretary Bryan teder went to
Id Feint Comfert. Va.. and there wee
'It tie comment on hi statament of yea
; .erdey obtainable In official quarter. It
' noted, however, although Jar. Bryan
-lefmred to the eortenln ef the nte
after hie reel nation, he raid he did not
.-onatder that the document had been et
ri'lcntly chanced to ceuae him to with
drew hia resignation.
While the White liouaa and State de
partment are not making any comment
on Mr. Bryan a uttereneea, pereona eieee
ita th president, who were In a r-oetttoa
to know the detalie concerning tha shap
ing ef the Ut American note te Oer
' many, pointed out that not only waa th
not ahewa to Mr. Bryan In Ita final
farm, but the prealdent hi me If had
creased a hope at Ula farewell meeting
with Mr. Brvan. an hour before the note
'waa cabled, that eome way eeuld be
found to make unneceary the eeore
ira resignation, eapeclally beeeuee ef
Hhe poaalble tnlcontructlo In Oermaay
it th chana at tnia tim.
Colonel House Denies
Upon Peace Mission
While in Europe
. . , . I V
new Ton.
t naa leisea win "'
orr.riaia er uermaay. r
-m w..a j..wUs wbtatt s I at tnia til EufOIif
ibbo, -
waa in any way connected with a poa-
stble mission loosing ;nww,
mat ha waa me persona. 7
Iertnt wrison. M
lieu arrived hare tedey from Liverpool.
"1 did not talk peace end that waa not
my mission a bread." Colonel Hooee .
f lared. "That report waa the biggest
piece ef nonsense that I have heard." Me
also said that he waa not called hem by
frealdent Wilson.
Colonel House said that erne leaving
New York on January ef thle year he
had met and talked with leading official
cf tha governments mnuoao. aui nnaoa
that hie vialt was a personal en, aa a
uriveu cltUen. and that t na ao pii-
. el atgnlficanr.
WAMITNOTOK June it. Aft that em-
ciala have ever admitted conoemlng Cole
nel E. M. Ileuse s visit te Europe haa
been that h waa expected while tear
to look In 10 me question oi co-uraioaiuis
An.rlean relief work abroad.
It Is known, however, that Colooel
House baa mad frequent confidential
eiorta to the president en the sentiment
toward Til l following hi visit t the
, anitala of the various natlena.
Italian Army Makes
a Further Advance
t... njvi.
Geneva an r ZSU
army, wwca naa loroea lis way anvn
the lower Igona. capturing Mearaleena,
th.' ou .
u pushing forward along
Trtetsa. toward ta city f Trteat.
further progrsaa waa mad yesterday.
Th nit amwedUU abjective) te Ue tewa
of Nabreatn ea the gulf, aiae anils
from Trieste.
A victrola. valued at fiio, and record
orth fTS. wera stolen since laet eater
ita at fastener achool. Entreue we
sained thrwrh a wlndoa, which was
ILL of Omaha helps out
,? V "1 the Virginia boys in the
' ..:"":. x 1 j big parade on Monday
I V -; morning.
I -V I i I
I f v.' I
; t i
(Continued from Pae One.)
Herbert gtadnrd, Mlwourt; C. M. Ink,
Indiana; fMwr L. Miller. Kanee: B.
W. NmI, TeniMMee; J. V. Johnson. Wls
oonsln. rommltt" to Rcevo Report or th
iNatlonel lordJ. J. Morlarty, Illlnola,;.
J. V. Hardv, Tea: K. ri. lieimnarn,
Pennaylvanla: Jos Wailars, Tennoa;
Ooora-A K. IMwarda. North Carolina.
romrtilttee to Kwelv. R-jKrl of th
National Railroad C"mnH. A.
Brovlea, Oeorirta; A. P. Oorrell. Indiana',
E. W. McNalry. North Carolina; C. O.
Winnie, New oYrk; K. P. Lamkln. Mis
aourt. Committee to Reeetrs the Report of
Notional Chairman legislative Com
mlttse Jams Carney, Alabama:. W. C.
Monro, (Miloi J. U Reason. Arkansas.
W. If. Ruth. ITtahT
Committee to itacelv the Report of
the National Chairman Prsss Committee
r. I. Oser. Louisiana; J. A. Munson.
Illinois! C. w. Rs.nnnberg. Massachu
setts; A. M. Conner. Nebraska; A. Khv
llch, Oeorala. v.
Omtmlttae to Raslve Report of Na
tional Chairman aJmployment Committee
-flye IS. Brtrwn. Michigan: O. P. ron
taltie. Alshame; r. P. Eubank. Colorado.
Committee te Recer IWxrt of Na
tional Chairman. Haul CommlttAe R,
M. eimsns, Coloradau J. A Oulca. Ml
taalppt: W. C. Hsmmond, Nsw Jersey.
Committee to Receive Report of the
Kattonal Chairman, Oooa Hoed and
pnUlo 'tTtlllUsn Cemmlttse-J'aee Hot
risen, Iowa: J. J. Joffora. Oklahoma:
R. A. Bradford. West Vlrelnla.
Committee to receive report of the
rnagaalna committee ef the beard ef di
rect ore:
J. J, Neman. North Carolina; Oarlee
Ocettleman. Wlaceneln; P. w. Ashls
mend. North Carolina; Charles Knees,
Pennsylvania.; W. C. Michael. lUinela.
Cemmittee to receive report ef state
secretaries : . :
W. II. Brlsendine, Kentucky; L. C.
'Westwood, Minnesota: W. F. Mara,
Commttta te teeelve report ef state
prestdentst v i
R. D. Deris, 1ratnla: J. M. Oidden.
Oaorgia; f. C Sumter, Kentucky. ,
Car favtr fav Wesssa.
Last evening In addition to the "big
doing at the Den there wag a card
party and reoaptlen - to the visiting
women at the FentensDe hotel; a baa
quet to the national officer and their
women at tha Fontenelte at 1:1ft o'clock ;
a complimentary luncheon te the Mat
rresidenU association at the Rom and
a complimentary luncheon td the btata
Sscretarlea association at the Hemhaa.
All the eating functlona were early
enough te allow the participant to get
t ethe Pen. "
Tha program today Includes business
sessions morning and afternoon. , Th
vttltlng women will be entertained at the
Omaha Field erob at I p. nv
Spies Fall Into the
Hands of Germans
AMbTERDAM. June U-(Vla Leadee.)
A dispatch received here from Berlin
are: "Since the beginning ef th war
aaemtee er uermeny have employee a
member f eptse for eel lectins; informa
tion. The Oermaji autherttlee recently
discovered a eoaspiracy which had ita
haadraartere at Maastricht.
'ewrnUa spioa were erreeUd la Bel
Islma. an It was proved that they had
. tulM1L MPi ti
leotnaannleated Information regarding the
n. troop en the Belgian rail
I .....
were. A eeert-martlal condemned te
K tfc (4tfVAn tt. aoctJwd M , wcr
steneed te a total ef eeveaty-aovs
years penal eervttude.
"Oa June T eight ef tha aoevsad were
mwmti Tb thrs athara uk .
Lrtm goialon In their case Is
MMna ..
Danish Steamship
Burned by Submarine
L"N J ur KwTn raUli aefcMn.
. ,h, Katrine and Cocoa Merstal. wera
stopc today by a eubaaartn. Th erew
ief the Coco Merstal wa sent aboard tha
I Katnne and the former vessel wae then
set en fire. The Katrine haa arrived at
th Flrtn ef Frrta, aeeUand.
The Pritleh eteatnahlp Arndale ef 1.SM
I ten grea have Dmh gunk aa the result
l oi puis'n a rnin i ise wnne Ilea.
The Britleh steamship llopemount ef teas gross wae torpedoed and aunk
I today at a pelnt west of faint Ives, Eng.
lead, by a Oerman aubrnartne. The crew
let the Houeaneunt waa saved.
jne tsrnrsn arsamsnip Arnfale waa
built in UC4 at Sunderland. It
reet long., forty-eight feet beam and
thirty-six feet deep. It was ewned by T.
nmaiie at gone gUamshlp Compear. Lid..
ef Whitby. The Arndale presumably waa
lJTylng a cargo t Archangel, the only
VZZ!?" rln' B
Two Men Killed and .
Five Hurt in a Riot
at Winsboro, S. 0.
WTKKSBOPA a C. June 4.-A whit
U , eharred wit ertmine! assault.
were killed and five off tears wee
- l weuadedl Bfcertff A. D. Hood probably
I fatally, la a riot here early toear when
la mo attempted te tak Smith rrcm th
(Continued from Page One.)
dally endeavors. This flag 1oea not ex
Press any mora than what they are and
what thsy desire to be. and when I think
ef the life of this great nation. It aeema
te me that we sometime look to the
wrong places for Its sources.
"We look to tha noisy places, where
men Vre talking In tha market place; we
look te where men are expressing their
individual opinion: ws look whore parti
aan are expressing paeelon, Instead of
trying to attune our eera to that voice
less mass of men who merely go about
their dally task a, try to be honorable,
try to aerve tha people they lovo. try
to live worthy of the great communities
to which they belong. These are tha
breath of the natlon'a nostrils; thesa are
the sinew of Its might,.
All Days Flaar Day.
' There are no daya of apodal patriot
Um. There are no days whan vnu ahnuM
bo more patrtotlo than on ether daya.
"I am solemn in the presence of such a
day. I would not undertake to apeak your
tnougnte. You must interpret them for
me. But I do feel that back not only' of
every, public official, but el every rrtaa
and woman of the United SUtea, there
marches that great boat which has
brought us to the present day; the host
that has never forgot tha vision which It
saw at the birth of nations; the host
which alwaya responds to tha dlctatea
of humanity; and of liberty; the host
that. VIU alwaya eenstltuta -hti strength
end the great body dr friends of every
man who doea his duty to the United '
"I am sorry that you do not wear a
little flag of tha union every day Instead
of, soma daya, and I can only ask you.
If you lose the physical emblem te ba
aure that you wear It In your heart, and
the heart of America shall Interpret the
neart or tne worta.
Austrians Abandon
Attack on Lemberg
LONDON. June K The Austro-Qcr-
man attempt gn lemberg has bean
abandoned, according to the Petrograd
correspondent of the Dally News. Th
ccrreepondent aaya that wtth tha defeat
ef General Mackensen Wednesday night.
Mackeneen a army, moving along tha
railway to Moeolaka, alerted an attack
with thro houra . ef terrlfio artillery
cannonade, to which the Ruaeiana did
net reply.
Whan tha enemy infantry waa within
Ian yarda ef the trenchea," the corre
spondent adda, "th Russia na opened a
murderoua fir and charged. They took
the enemy'a front line along both eide
of the railway and remained there. The
Austro-Qermane tried te fortify their
second Una, but tha Russian presslna
on In great number north and aouth,
peesed beyond a cross-rtro from both
end and killed over SO.Mx) before dawn.
wrte the enemy began a retreat."
Five Alleged
Firebugs Arrested
LOS ANGELES, Cel.. June 14. -Alleged
luoendlary ftrea In varioua coast cltla
that coat on Insurance company. It la
aid, more than t-tO.'XM, have resulted la
the arreat here of five auapecta, four
men and . a woman, who resideitce In
this city recently were burned. They are
being held today In .600 bond aoh,
pending further investigation. Warrant
have been laaued for a duan other aua
The polio y the alleged hand oper
ated by renting houses, furnishing them
and setting them en fire. Conflagrations
ware started, according to the poiu, by
th us ef sauaaga sklna tilled with
gasoline and lighted candles left In pane
of oil
ins eiiegea oonraaiot of a man ar
rested a week aeo, th pullo assert, led
to tha arrest. Ths prisoners are Frank
O. Anaelm, Mr. Flora Anaelm. Vila
Uarafale, Domeao La Turco and Rosso
Des Moines 90-Cent
Gas Ordinance Good
WASHINGTON. June 14.-The validity
of tha Dee Molnea ea-ocat aaa ordlnanc
was upheld by the supreme court.
: Aa the ault which eauasd today 4e
daton waa brought before the present
ratea became afteetlv, the eourt v
Its declsioa without prj jdlce acainst any
further suit that may be brought, and
tor th p rear at held th rat conatltis
tional. 1 ' I
Apartntania. fUta. houara and cour
t-aa be ivnlad au rkly entl rheavly by a i
One Oerman Journal Sayi He Did
Not Leave Office So He Could
Quit Politics.
MERLIN (Via London), June 14.
The Sunday morning; newspapers
of Berlin generally profeas Inability
to understand the motive prompting
William JenninKa Bryan to retire
from the poat of eecretary of atate.
The Morgen Poat eaye:
"The former secretary macma to
'have lee a confidence than we la the
honest desire of the American gov
ernment to arrive at a peaceful com
promise with ua. Mr. Bryan la con
vinced that Prealdent Wilaon and bla
government will finally appeal to
force. We are not dJepoeed to be
lieve this, bat will await event."
Nt at Bleat.
The Boeraea Xeltung saya:
"Bryan'a resignation haa been inter
preted as Indicating that the note would
be rather blunt, which. h.owavr, ie no
wise tha rase. The note shows, en the
contrary, an outspoken tendency to reach
an understanding with Oerraany en the
issues Involved. If, therefore, Bryan da
alraa te be the representetlv of peaceful
effort in opposition te the JlngotsUo
tendency of the American government,
we really do not know en what ground
he will baas hla assertion."
The Boeraen Zeltung confess Bryan'a
proclamation to the people even harder
to understand than la hla resignation.
The Tageblatt auapecta that practical
political differences played a pert In the
resignation ef the secretary, saying:
"It may be safely aaanmed that Bryan
did not leave office In order te withdraw
himself from political lite "
The Relohabote. commenting en the
American not, aaya:
"Either the tone waa subdued following
Bryan'a aenaatlonel resignation, or Bryan
desired to take advantage ef aa oppor
tunity te escape easily from a altuaUon
which no longer was pleasant"
"The Deutsche Rundschau aaya:
"After seeing the note. It must be eeid
that Bryan either was nasty er elee
other reasons yet unknown decided hla
What It Shows.
COLOGNE. Germany (Via London),
June It. The Koelntache Zeltung thinks
that Mr. Bryan'a withdrawal from the
American State department, whatever
else It may mean, also shows that the
Koelntache 2eltunga verdict concerning
the Cunard liner Lualtanla flnda comPre-
henston among Americana and that these
are not disposed to destroy the bridge
connecting the two nations.
The Peace which Mr. Bryan preaches
atso I possible along the ways followed
by Prealdent Wilson, the newepeper saya.
and than adds: "For thla, however. It
Indeed a necessary that Americana re
spect also Oermany'B aaered right."
The Omaha Real Estate exchange is a
enterprising that Instead ef confining It
self to the giving of luncheon and din
ners to ita guests, the eastern real estate
men going through to Jfie coast, they
have plrvned . to be out early In the
morning and entertain one delegation at
a breakfast The delegation of forty from
Indianapolis end from awevanty-ftve te
eighty from Bt. Paul. Minneapolis. Du
luth. and W'tnnrpeg are to be entertained
at breakfast The Chicago special la to
arrive at t.M Tuesday. A dinner at one
ef the country clubs Is alee planned.
Apartment a. ftata, house and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheeoiy by a
Bee "For Rent"
By ttdni T"
And Ointment as needed.
Sample each free by mail.
Address Cuticura, Dept. 13 F
Boston. Sold everywhere.
7irry-rt,'U Pear
For Uauor and
Drag Uicrs
Removes permanently the craving
for Liquor and Urufe.
Alwaya Imnrovea ths aeneral health,
Surroundlnse pleasant eystara hu
mane, nothln "iierulc"
Oross sre withdrawn aradually, and
with th aid of our tonic reraeule
paileota auffar no eollapsa
Do not b pursuaded that all treat
meota ar alike, . Our la the only
sffaetlve sue, a tliaa and safari
eace V roves.
Com to ua without delay. Thea aort
al l tons are serious and tsar should
b nu eAperiiuant.
Bend for llluetraled booklet Corre
apondenc airtotiy canfldenttal.
The Keclcy Institute
x Ooraar tStb aad Caa tti.
Omaha, arasi.
I 1
i a i r. i
Not One German in
Baden 1,000 Escapes
Death or Being Taken
PA Rig, June 34. "When the French
troop raKured the Important position
before the farm of Toutvent." write th
ofridal eya-wltneaa on tha French battle
front, "they found nothing lamalning of
the formidable fortification! Inetalled
there but masses of debris. The accurate
fire of our heavy artillery wrenched the
wire entanglements from the ground,
upheaved the trenchea In aorno place,
filled them In othera anJ obtru?td the
'The position waa held by lh One
Hundred and Seventieth Baden regiment
of turn mm." the wTltor continue, "not
one of whom escaped death er capture.
Two others companies of men each.
In reserve, were almost destroyed.
"The aasault commenced on June 7.
over a front ef 1.PM yards, and on June
It) a double line of trend e over a front
of l.WQ yard and for a depth of from
300 to 1.006 yard had been eapMred. At
o'clock In the morning of une T. In
tha faoe of a heavy fir from' the enemy
trenchea, tha aasault began unuer a
torm ef ahet and ahell. Not a man ef
the Brwtoa and Vandeen troops flinched
and the whole line advanced as on In
dividual over the first two lines ef the
Oerman trenches.
"The order wr to entrench there, but
th men In the Joy of victory pleaded to
be allowed te go on, and R waa with
difficulty that the officers Induced them
to drop the rifle for the ahovel. What
remained of the enemy's troops were
found huddled In the wrecked trenches.
A few continued to fire, but the rest held
up their hands.
"Th fire ef our artillery maintained a
death curtain In the rear, preventing re
Inforoementa coming up, and aa aoen as
the position waa entirely loat the en-
emy'a four and eight-Inch guna swept
the ground. Our men were overjoyed."
Mr. Henry M. Knox haa received a
telegram from her eleter, Mr. Frank
Crawford, who Is attending commence
ment exercises at Qroton school, at
Groton. Mas., that John Knox, eeoond.
waa called up before th audience as
sembled for commencement and awarded
a prise In mathematical Mrs. Crawford
wired that It came as pleasant sur
prise for her, because she did not know
at the time that attch an award had
been made. Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. Kxios
and her mon, John, leave this week for
the Whit mountalna. where they will
ipend the vacation season, until Mr.
Knox gee back to school."
Hot Weather Apparel
Purse Appealing Prices
For Outing and Exposition wear
and for the stay at home.
"What ever sort of apparel you wish The
Thompson-Belden FASHION SERVICE is
ready to supply.
TJie moderate pricings will please:
Wash Dresses - $6.75, $8.75, $10.50
Wash Suits
Wash Skirts
The Store for
New styles are con
stantly arriving mak
ing a charming array of
Blouse fashions for
summer wear. Note
worthy values at $2.95.
A small choice
but very choice offices
There aro only a few from
which to choose, but if any
meet your requirements, you
will be more than satisfied.
Talk to any of our tenants
and you will find the great
satisfaction they all feel' in
having an office in
'Thm building that it alwayt nu"
W offers
222 Choice office Suite, north light, rery desirable
for doctor or deaUata; waiting room aad
private offlc; Bit aquar feet. .. . 845.00
322 Choice office Suite, north Jlfht, very dealrable
for doctor or dent lata; waiting room and two
private office; (SO square feet .... 8-15.00
601 Nice cool offioo with vault, sear elevator and
etalrt; olectrto Udht free, tit square ft
ar 818.00
Apply to Duildlna Sup't Room 103.
Borne Official Report Tells
Progress Made by Annie
of the King.
ROME (Via Parla), June 14. An
official note which Bums up the flrt
offensive movement of the army fol-j
"In the Trentino lone our forces
went resolutely forward, correcting
at least In part strategical Incon
veniences of unfavorable frontier
such as were Imposed upon us after
the campaign of 1866.
"Our brava mounted troop have occu
pied defile and eummlts, th name of
which recall unforgettable exploit by
the brave combatanta tn Trentina half a
century ago. A powerful artillery crowns
the summit and plateaus, from where
operations mora vast can ba carried out
later. It Is battering effectively forte
of the enemy considered up to th pres
ent tiro aimoet Impregnable, and already
haa demolished soma of them.
Offeaslre V.-y Oaeaed.
"In the upper Cadere recollections ef
Fortunato Calvi are evoked by tha occu
pation of Cortina and ether Important
points. Thus, not only are closed all
route for tnvaalon by the enemy, but
gradually there is being opened the way
of an offensive action aa soon as thla la
regarded opportune.
"Ip the Carnla gone our Alpine troops
are solidly established on Important de
files, holding them against repeated coun
ter attache by the enemy. In the eastern
Krlull sone our advance foroea are de
veloping greater contact with the enemy,
progreaalvely everromlng obstacles not
to be deapiasd."
Tho not adda that from results ob
tained, the excellence of the army l-.ust
not give rlae te optlmtatto opinions con
cerning th present war, which la severe
and difficult. Especially, th note aaya.
It must not b forgotten that the ground
ef operations ta mountainous and pre
pared by the enemy tor defense for a
long time and defended by numerous
troops hardened by ten months' fighting.
In conclusion th net declares that the
army haa decided to overcome at any
price all obstacle, realrtance and diffi
culties. Psltlaa Shelled.
ITDINE, Italy, June 14. (Via Paris.)
Italian artillery today bombarded tha
fortifications of Santa Maria, San Fietro,
San Marco. San Loola and tha other po
sitions defending Qors, th capital of
$10.50, $12.50, $16.50
- $3.50, $5.95, $6.75
Infants & Children's Gowns
Infanta' gowns, of fine nainsook lace trimmed neck and
sleeve. Sizes: Infants' 6 mo., 1 and 2 years, 50c, 60c, 75c.
Infants' knit gowns, both medium and light weight, sizes
6 mo., 1 and 2 years, 50c, 75c, 85c.
One lot of Crepe gowns, sizes 6 mo. and 1 year. 50c regu
larly, specially priced at 39c.
Infants' Section Third Floor.
tha crownlan.1 cf Jort: and Oradlera.
twentv-two mile northwest of Trleet
and ten mUee cant of the Italia fron
tier.' The railway line running north en
eouth of the city have been Interrupted,
and the only communication remaining
between Oorx and the ret of the Ana
Irian empire Is by the long and difficult
mountain road along the Chlapoveno
Document found on Austrian officer
taken prisoner Indicate that It waa the
plan of the Austrian general staff to
prevent the Italian crossing the Iono
river, between Tolmlno and 'tore. Tne
capture of Plava by the Italian trom
however, upect the Austrian plana for
for I
in V
maintaining an Insurmountable barrier
that part of the front through tho co
operation of the towns of Tolmlno and
Taklnar of Mome Zaaraa.
VERONA, Italy, June 14.-(Vla Parii.)
Detalls of ths capture by Italians of
Monte Zugna, situated approximately
four miles southeast of Ala. reached here
today from the battle front.
The position was forjlflcd etrongly and
surrounded by itrong wire entanglements
and three lines of trenchea. A platform
had been bulit upon It for cannon. The
position comprised also two large bar
racks, which are reported to have coat
IWi.mvi and which possessed the moat
modern equipment.
An Italian reconnaissance platoon, eas
ing that the fortifications were under
manned, deployed in several detach
ments, pretending to be a battalion, in
stead of a contingent of lesa than 10
men. The Austrian garrison surrendered
and the mountain waa occupied without
I a single Italian raaualty. Zugna dom
inates the town of Rcvereto and ia within
sight of Trent.
HAVRE, June 14. -The Belgian ofridal
communication. Issued Sunday, aaya:
"On June II there waa intermittent bom
bardment on our front, notably at th
farms of Uolveneet, Roedeaterk and Ber
kalkof. aa well aa at Rameoapclle, Per
vyse, Stuyvakenskerke and the trenches
north of Dixmude and east of balnt
Jacquea Capella.
PEJTROGRAD, Jnne 14. (Via London. 1
"According to an official statement le
aved today tha Germans during th last
few daya began a bombardment ef Gaeo
wets fortreaa at o'clock every evening,
when the light was favorable, and con
tinued the bombardment until sunset.
"The fortress." tha statement adds.
"haa never been seriously damaged, de
spite the heavy guna employed by tha
Advertising i thm penda
lam that ketp$ buying
and telling in motion
TWO D4TI trtl
and w...k..i.
nMAVTU 4 Times Qilv 4
A a, 8130, T aad :30 p. as.
a rhotewarama asaaattoa,
Adaptd from nasia w. Xaafrmaa'a
OtarHias Book.
. Daily Matla s. loci tTW. loeaO,
loo wui ast bovb
Wedaaaday I
Saaelnf (Arthar Imith'a Orchestra),
aeatia:. koliw Ooaaar. aterry.
aa Maay Ottw Attraottoaa
rrs atortus: riotare Xvary Bvsaias;
Bosk Teas rioaio Bow.
Omaha vs. Lincoln
JUNE 15, 16, 17.
Game CaUed at 8 P, M,
runeg. lefflcere
be '-for lient."