6 Ml!': HKKi OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915 GRIP CARRIERS TO FACE THE GOBLINS Gui Renie Hi Been Waiting for Some Time to Get at the Trav eling Men. HE MAY LET THEM LIVE Th goblin will get 1.0P traveling w" Mondsy nisht "if they don't watch out." These sre Omaht goblins. They are lr.Kr-Itnn anhllna. especially trlr.d by Camion of that famou den of goblin? For 5amon ha all these monster, espe Uslly disciplined for th occasion. No lees thin 1.04 trsvcllng men sre expected ii. Omaha by Monday evening for th convention of the Nation! Traveler" Protective association. . F.elng In Omaha on a Monday light they cannot mape thee goblins, for the principal business of these gaunt crea tures I to devour stranger who cbsnc to within the gate of Greater' Omaha rn a Monday night aurlng their hungry reason. UarrmtN Iara4e. Monday morning. Ion before the dutches of the monsters close upon thes happy traveling men, they ar to parade the streets of Omaha. At that tlma the board of governor of Ak-Sr-Ben are to parad with them. The member of the board will be In automobile nd will wear their spotless whim haU of au thority. - rtandall Brown is to be the presiding officer In the formal speech-maklnf, part tit the evening program at the len. W. ".. Wright of the Wrlght-rWilhelmy com pany I to be the local speaker. Other members of the Travelers' Frotectlve as sociation from other at a lea will be called upon for talks, as there are to be many here from every state In the union. , . Mrnkrnklt (irawi. Tlie membership of Ak-Hsr-Ben ta roll ing up with great velocity. At the cloae of business Raturdsy evening there were S.n paid 'up members. Lt year there were but'i.SW during the entire esson, nd that was the greatest membership the orgsntsatlon had had In the twenty year ot Ha existence. Indications are now that the J.SW jnsrk may be reached before the tummer ia half over. Last year tlw limit rf membership . wee et et J.500. Thl year It lias been tentatively set at 4,000, lieeaiine th len ha been appreciably en laired o that there' will be much more room for the annual bull at the cloae of the reaaon. The flrat nitiht of Initiation and enter tainment t the iHn for the year, which waa a week ago, a great many member came to the Den without their tlricet. They had left them In their ft her clothe. Hcrretary Weaver aay Monday . night tvery man will have to produce a ticket or not get In. "If you were going to a theater alth a two-bit ticket you wouldn't leave your tloUot at home," he ay. "Why ahould you leave a 110 tloket at home when you trme out here?" OMAHA HAS EXCURSION RATE Traveler Secure Concession, from All Over the So nth and East. SAEUGEBFEST TO GET BATES Th coming rouvenllon of the Travelers' Protective association H the ftrit to succeed In retting an ex cursion rate to Omaha since the l-cent a mile rate for western road went Into effect. With the help of the railroad chairman of the Travel em' Protective association and the local committee the traveling; men have secured for Omaiia a conven tion city excursion rate, which mean that from all point from, the south and east to the gateway of Chicago, St, Louis or Kansas City a 2-cent rate is mnde plus the double local from the above gateways, with a di verse route returning. - Pom of the state through which thl rate . Is now effective ' have a s-cent a rrtlle rate.' Never before since the l-cent late law went Into effect In Nebraska have tho roada granted the diverse route for returning. ' Th reduced rates will also 1e secured for the ftaengerfi-st, which Is to meet In Omaha In July. Inrregsed delegations will come ' to Omaha, from distance because of tliia i educed Irate.' Rut twelvn were scheduled for the Traveler' Protective association convention from Maryland, but word has now been received thst there will be twenty. , F, B. llofilbrook, rhitrman of the trans portation committee fot the Travelers' Itotectlve association, says It la An opener for Omaha whlc'j other conven tions will follow up.. Rev. Adolf Hult Chosen Professor In Church Seminary Rev. Adolf Jtult, for sn en years pastor of the immnniiel Pwrdish Lutheran chun ii of Omaha, hs been elected to the professorship "of church lilMory end hmiletcs r i if..:1. ' 1 K ! , i f 1 RAISE CASH FOR UNIVERSITY Alumni of Omaha Institution Makes Pledges to Open New Campaign. couirrr farm may be its site It la un'lcpt'iod thst one the tampi is secured and a new biitldln erecte. that financial aid of s timanent nsture uHl be given the school. Omaha Press Club Invites Bryan to Dinner on Return - PLAN "Y" VACATION SCHOOLS' lend of the Mlnden r'"' ic Br-sn haji ben invited by Preaa club to attend a t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. William Qrleb and family of PeaUWood, Si. T)., are visiting relative. Mr, (rlb lived here many years lefoie he went to tadwood. frS. fi. P. ttlley snd dsughtet. Miss lain lUley, will leave tonlsht fnr Notre bame, Ind., where they will attend the gTftduatliin ot M,lss f'locence Riley from St. Man's colleue. pual con vention of jtynol, t ft e n a- tlonal governlns; body of the Swedleh Lutheran church, which ha charge of the Theological seminary of that denomina tion. , News of the aelectton of Hew Mr. Hult for the position came by wire to Mrs. Hult yesterday afternoon. Just before she, took the train to Join her husband in Minneapolis They will return to OmiUia Tuesday or Wednesday. Ilev. Mr. Hult Is expected to aeut the call to the Important chair In the semi nary, Ms friends, say. It Is one of the highest eluoHknal positions in the sift of the church, they assert, and comes as an honor to him, in recognition of his ability and his promlm-nee In the church. liefore coming to Omaha. Kev. Mr. Hult waa pastor of the MeeKlnh English Luth eran church. Chicago. The Hult residence here Is California street. It Is ex pected that Rev., and Mrs. Hult will not leave Omaha termanently until later in the summer, as. tho next term at the seminary does not begin, until fall. T'lana to ralKe a permhiient endowment William J. In the I find for the University of Omaha were the Omaha Lutheran set on foot by the alumni or mai ocnooi 1 0 clock dinner of the club in tmaha on Tbeolog- at their annual batntiet Friday evening "any date, that could ault his convenience. Iral scml- 1st the Henshsw. Plana were tiilorsei -f,en he shall be passing through Omaha nary at In accord tnoe slth wthh the alumni to. his home In Palrvlew. The letter of Roclt lsl- pledged $1'0 each, to be f.vll at tee rate invitation was forwsrded PntorUv aftcr- and, 111. of It a year. The jU .iiil also dcri.lcd ,noon. Tho Omaha Press club Is the newly The elec- to interest as many t-eople in ttvir nltia j formed organisation of newspaper writers tion oc- tnater ss possible. jof Greater Omsha. ' cur red Ever since the Active campalxn Tor j The letter of Invitation extends the re Psturday funda was cut by tho tornado of l'.'U, ! tired secretary of state a welcome back At Minne- I a quiet movement has been unler way to his home state. Bo far a, ktowi, th's spoils at to secure money for the erection of ! la the first organisation of any character the an- aclem building. The at.ni of 50,'I00 has Jin Nebraska to send him a formal invite- been pledged by a numler of Omaha. tion and welcome since his sensational business men, but the great question retirement from public office a few days which has tomo up I where to erect ago. Could ot Walk frith ftaeaanatlam. A satisfied ' patient writes: "Slosn's Liniment eUred my rhcumallam- Am grateful. I can now walk without pain. Only tic. ' AH druggists. Advertisement., From Enrollment in to Date, Secre tary Miller Predict! Total Kum ber Will Be Over'lOO. TEACHERS ARE SELECTED Knrollments sre already being ti-.sde In the vacation school for boys, to be con ducted bythe educational department of the Young Men's Christian a'rtition, beginning a week from Mondsy and con tinuing until the middle of August. j Secretary J. W. Miller, who will be I in charge with four teachers, s-ys he 'expects about 100 lads to tske advantage f-f the summer school. In order o make jup deflciences snd lost time, or to mske some advance In school work during the vacation period. The teachers will be: ' Miss Gtaos Grif fith, eighth grade teacher at Vinton the building. The present campus is far to small as It will alio no space for further expansion, neither Is there room for an athletic fWd. Members of the board of trustees recently appeared before tho county commissioner and dlscuased with them the possibility of obtaining the county puor farm as the site for the new building and campus. Whether or not the county poor farm site is secured, a new location will have to be had soon, as tho present build ings are nearly filled to capacity. Tho growth in the last thrco years has been over 100 per cent ea?h year, and the next enrollment will tax Redloh and John v' Jacobs Memorlsl halls to their Utmost. , "v "There Is no doubt of the need of a university In Omaha, ' said Dr. D. K. Jenkins, president oU tho school and a member of the ftoard of Education. "Why should our high school graduates go to aome' other town for their education when It can be supplied In their own city? Take- Cincinnati for instance, when the greatest city university In the country la located. Of the 1,187 stu dents enrolled, 974 sre rwsldenls of that city. A city should educate Its, own peo ple for Its own needs. In the schools of Cincinnati, 723 out of the 1,100 teachers are graduates of the city university." Creighton to. Give Diploinas in Arts The last two weeks . of school are a busy period for the 'Student of Ornish. ton College of Arts. Final examinations aie In progress and will continue until Tuesday. All but the seniors are making their last effort for the, medaV The seniors have completed their work and have but to receive their diplomas. Owing to the chsngn which waa inau gurated two years ago, Increasing' the complete rotiire from seven to eight years, there will l but ftvs arts gradu ates next Wednesday morning. This Is because they ar the last to finish under the old order. At S 30 a. ni. there will be a mass In Kt. John s church, which will be attended by the gisdustes and student body. Rev. A. 1 Wise ot the fsculty will preach the tsocalaureete sermon. following the inasa the commencement and undergrad tiste exercise will take place In Creigh ton auditorium, Ilev. K. X. MiMenamy, restdent of the university, will deliver th commencement address and Raymond Traynor will give the valedictory, Ray mond Trsyncr end Ray o'Honnell of Omaha and Maude Howard of South Omaha hsv all taken the full seven ears at Creighton. To the lesders and winners of the vari ous, contests In all lis use twenty-two gold medals w lit be distributed. These ar donated yearly by friends of the col lege, the loel Knight of Columbus giv ing the handsome senior medal. Baccalaureate to. , High School Seniors The baccalaureate sermon to the class of 191S of Central High school will be delivered at the First Congregational church at Nineteenth 'and Havenpu:t at JC:M o'clock this morning by Rev. Fred erick T. Roue. Kev. Mr. Rouae also de livered the sermon to ths 1914 June clsas. Monday morning at t o'clock a re hearsal of the march thst the class aill make across ths stsgs at the Brsndels theater ths evening of graduation wilt b held. Members of the class will sit In the first fifteen rows of the theater and will insrv.ii through one of the box en lrsu.es to the stSrfv to receive their (ilo'ontas. A bnjuel will be held at Happy Hollow club Wednesday, the evening before tle exercises. Riul Larmon will be toast master, end Martlia Noble, Hari Wt (mer man, Geraldine Johnson, I'aul Klutkow, Kdwaid fcriey and several others will respond to toasts. Th alumid dance U be held at Happy iionow on tlie evening of June 21. ENTERTAINS GRADUATES OF EIGHTH SCHOOL GRADE Mil Vi . J. ruslck entertained st li.n. ln-ou lliS eighth grade graduates of tor Holy Anls school. A pleasant tlms was hud, Tlie eveulng was spent In (aii.es and musk. Those preeent were: Misses siit McCarthy Aneline Anderson Msrw Iranian lirlen TILrt Messrs. lUvmond Tlmmlns William I'luhk John Coffey V Ixars - . si.ea i'offey V a rpu rvl i .iai -k at iteiine W lencrt Mary irly Juni( .-51 . ileu ileara Ailii Ityan Jn oks ul li an t .iiioind alker illiain 1'i.tfr laeri4 ss ( tinUrUla't I.lal. Bar a I . "I-ast winter' I uaed Chamberlain's J.liim.n t tor rneimuitio i alos. Klffne ai.'i ori-iasa of tr kn.ves. and sa coo. t. ii.t.oi'tl say tliSt I never used try. l' u.K tl.at did rie su nun b f 'xd ' - Kft rl t is.'t. K.'U. X. Y. Otialnsb! v!) h.ic -Viti listuieiit. Notes From Omaha's Busy Suburbs Ilandee. Mrs. rsnk Ruuel haa gone to Wash ington' for a visit. , Mrs ' IV it. Pulver entertained at a keusington Tuesday. Miss Marthnna Chapman has guae to the California esposiuon. Hognr Moor left Monday to spend the summer with relatives In Iowa. Miss Mattlei Raker of Pt III water. Ohl Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ii Roe. Mra. II. C. Anson Wt Wednesday for Kansas City and Excelsior Pprlng. Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Cleorna Hoagland are stendlng a month at 1-sk Washlnston, Minn. . . Mr.- and Mrs. J. II. Reaton snd children left Wednesday ..In spend several weeks In Chieaa-o. Mr. snd Mrs.'J. II.- Oonrad Sntertalned five guests at supper st the Klold club last Sunday. Miss Johannah Chapman has returned from Kherldsn.. Wyo., and will spend the summer - ber. - mr:i swi r Km. i A. C. rsnoosst hsv moved Into fn.ir new home at 4H10 limy- rnport street' ' Mr. sni Mr. Rsvmond Crossmsn en tertained some out-of-town guest at din ner Tuesday. Mrs. Earl fihermsn and children left lat week to visit Mrs. Sherman's mother in Wiaccmitn. '' Mr snd Mr. H. J. McCarthy enter. tallied eltcht guests at dinner Thursday at the Klsld ctub Mlaa lvlna Bennett left Tuesday for Lexington. Ky.. to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fiwsman. Mr anit Mrs.- W. if. Hancock leave Monday to visit In -tlilcago. tetrott and ilartford. Conn. Mrs. J. J' Boulter of Kansss City is the gusst of her daughter. , Mrs. C. I. Ooc.ke. and Mr. Oo'ke. Judge and Mrs. Irving Baxter em er- tsined five. guests at dinner at unppy Hollow. Tuesday evening. Th Idte1 Ald-smclety of th Dundoe church HI meet Friday, June IS, in the tiasement of the church. Mts Cnrrl FJriekson of Des Moines whs a gtieet Monaav at ttie nome oi air, and Mrs. , W. A. Oraham. Mis Rvrflls Trelillcork entertained sit guests at luncheon -Tuesday, in honor oi Mis Johannah' Chspmsji. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oorge entertained vint v-five aueata at the dinner tiance Thursday evehing St the Countr) ol'i.s Miss Hhlrley Krarler nd Miss Cath- rine Ho land ' or Moux r sus sr ina guests of Mr.. and Mrs. J. M. Oilchrlst. Mr. and Mrs. James Chaawtck lect iri- dsy for Ithscs. N. Y., to attend the grad- UUtlon or their sxxn, jonn, irooi v.ruaiu Miss Marie Wilson of Boston. Mass., on 'her wav to ths coast, is a guest ror tso weeks of her uncle, A. C. Croaaman, and Mrs. Croaemsa. - Mr. snd Mrs. Norrla Brown entertained st dinner Thuradny In honor of their uest Inh Waf.-en Hamilton, son of Mr. snd Mt. B. k, Itarriltnn. has returned from his yeirs work st tit Armour rnstltut of Technology st CliK-siro. Mis. Charles J. Hubbard entertained Wednesday Bridge Luncheon club tlie lest week. Mis Marjorle Mldrtieton -f V sshlnst'n. it. O. aas guest or honor., .The weddltig of Mrs. Florence Chrla t'rthuen and Hsrry J. Andrews of Ne hiask City aill take plaue Monday. June tl. at th home of the brld' pe.'enta Mr. and Mr. T. J. lit. his. Dunde people having supper last Sun cay at the ttaopy Hollow club were: W. tv CurtU. with four guests: ba.nual Re-se. jr., three; (. M. fmrke, two; W. J. Miller, two, and E. U Fillck, (our. bftioa. Benson public Schools closed Friday for the summer scaton. Res nheffer cam home from Chicago to attend the high sohool commencament. ' Mra R. K. Bosworth snd aaughter ot Fiemnnt exnt the last week visiting in lenn. Mis. H F.' Ms hi snd children hsv gone to Mollne. 111., a here they will vtatt relailvoa Masleis Jordn and ln Atkinson left on CatunlaV for Ksdfleld, ia,, to spend the Summer. Rsv. Mr. and Mrs. Webster of Omaha Wei dinner guests Tuelay at th horn of nr. Wi-id alias KUi Perry visited In Buon last stall betoie leaving Omaha for her home In New York City. . Miss Msud Vsn Horn was surprised at r home by about (ifieen schoolmates pn Thu-dHV eicnlng. ' Mra. O. W. Iredsl returned home Mon- day vnlns from Nehiaaka Oltv, ahri she attended the aeddlng of her nle-. Mrs. K A. Mima and daurhter have one to Canada, whsr thev will siwnd i n summer. Mr. Minis alll Join thetn later. Mr. and Mrs. Jsmt Walali left Thura- iay for fesltle. Vi aah., aud otner points nr. the oal. wnsr tuey.wtu spenj th summer. The IlaptUt yours people will have an outing at Millar park next Tueaday cven- ln. . n.ir will be served be for tbelr hoiti return. Mra Tr Mile and three chtldran of CI ma amvrd N ortay eiening for an eaienlvd islt at Hi home of her mother. Mrs. 8. tloi-ta. Mistes Ma-aaret Fadde and Matjorv CIhpit iit I'.or Vovnf baie ieturu.d j 'roin tr ola' umvarsMv and Mies June . t-v f ool H'mmiu for tlm summer. I Misa I; an In' lu plaited al th home of her brother. Ben Rowe. of Keystone Tark. before going to New York to sail for (lermany, where she will merry and ree-de. - The Board of .Education met last Mon day evening to close up business for th School year. Mlsa Verda Hnnhorn was elected assistant to the principal. Miss McNamara. The Lutheran Recreation club met last Tuesday evening and elected offtcoia, as follows: President, Burton Petjrson; vice president, H. Hansen; secretary treasurer, Theodora Anderson. Union evenlnar aervices will be held In the future, beginning this evenlr.g, on the lawn of. the Baptist church. Ar lander of South Omaha will play and a large choir will. furnish music. Inivr Thuradny In honor or tneir a Miss .Mary Tausler and Miss LJda t Lyl;lns. ln. Florence. Mrs. Henry of flrand Island is visiting with her granddaughter, Mrs. N. R. Fleck.. ... . '. Mr. Bert Andrews and son, Herbert." went to Central City Sunday to look-over some land. 1 ,.'- . v rav 'Meyer and family spent' the Week-end with Mr. and Mra. Henry Hol llngsworth. . . Misses- Florence' and Pauline Anderson spent Wednesday at Council Bluffs vislt U.g friends. , - Mr. John Butter, arrived from Lincoln Friday and will apend the summer with his parents. Miss Rom I .arson returned from Ken nard Mon. lay after several daya' viaiting with friends. . Mrs. Smith of Winner. . T Is home for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. U Williams. Miss Htella Peterson leaves on Wednes day for. a month visit with friends at Alamoosa, Colo. Archie Anderson of Blslr has been spending the week with bis parents, Mr. and Mra. C. E.' Andrews. Mr, K. C. Webster and children, who have been visiting at Harlan for a couple of weeka, returned horn Wednesday.- Miss Marie Ietovsky, daughter of Mr. snd Mm H. B. itovsky, waa operated on Wednesday for appendlcltia She I getting along nicely. Mr. Pcott Tucker 1 home on a short trip. Mr. Tucker Is superintending tlie dredge work that Is being don at Bui sona, Tex, The iAdlea' Aid sotiety of the Metho- Texas. who have been guests of home folks In West Hide the last month, went to Ida Orove, la.. Wednesday to apend a fortnight. Paul, . Ralston. - Mr. and Mrs. Herr left, tor St Minn., for their future home. Mr. and Mr. - J. L. Stamp of Omaha wre guests Sunday of J. W. Polln. The Olrla' Phllathea club met with Miss Qrae Alexander, Thursday evening. Clifford Hammond of Florence spent Thursday at the home of R. T. Proi.kt. Mis West of Pspllllon. Neb., was a guest ot Miss Margie Taylor, Sunday. Oorothy and Florets Propst are spend ing two weeks with, their grandparents at Plattamouth. - Mr. F.d Johnson, formerly of tUs vi cinity, but now ot Osceola, la., is visiting her friends her. Mr. and Mr. Behlovereck and daugh ter of South Omaha were visiting Mr. Btblovereck's parent Sunday. diet church met with Mia W H. Thomas Thtirsoay. The next meeting win be held at the home of -Mr. U. A. Taylor Thurs- (iayj Thimas How. was railed to Avocs. Ia., Tluiradiiy night by th death of his 1- ear-old daughtor, who mistook a bottle containing poison and swallowed a big doss. Qeorge King, who wss working on the raw house or Oliver lUuklns esrfy in the Spring and wss Injured by the falling of a scaffolding, has brought suit tor dam age for hla Injuries. Mrs. Peter Kser, .who has been suffer Ine with nervous prostration for some lime, is now staring tn omaiia fH trt tuont. Mrs. Walter Mattox la raring tor her family during ber absence. . Mayor and Mra F 8. Tucker enter tained st dinner Hiimiiv In honor of Dr. and Mr, olt'lden of New ork. Their guest were lr. and Mr. Olldden of New York. Mu. Mabel Mann of Bryan. Tex.; Miss Marv Mann of Bryan. Tex.; Mies Jessie Tucker and Judse Le r-atello of Omaha. Mra. O. I Fox entertained at dinner f.ipdav in honor of her sister, Mra. Ueo Thompson of Kansas City. Her auevta ttcre Mr. and Mrs. 8. v. i a r tarty or vai- . Neb.; Mr. Beit Tafferty or Valley, a lo Thompson of Kanass City. Mr. yd barlow of Benaon and Mr. Mervln buttier. Mr. Anna Murks, aged SO years, wife of Andrew Durke, residing two and a half iiilit-s northwest of Florence, dropped dead Sunday while picking strawberries. Mrs.'Duike was born In Bohemia and tarn lo this country when she was 1 Sears) of age. Shu was married to An new Durk In 'i. Four children and a husband mourn her loss. Th election of two mem!era of tne Board of titucatlon will tall place on Monday afternoon and evening. At thl eetiiig also will be decided whether the evy fur th coming year will b 4." mill Snd continuance of trie hl-h school or a M-mlll lew and no high scltool. It Is xpcted test lb election will tv s warm on, owing; tn the fait that J. Mc-1-aiMi, th former surei intendent. Is mak ing a ftsht to be rcinatated. urn e. Mia Lloy ill i niniiniiyi .ii imi ii ;,- ... MRS. LYON'S ACHES AND PAINS Have All Gone Since Taking i Lydia E. Pinkham't Veg etable Compound. Terr Hill, P. "Kindly permit roe to give you my testimonial in favor of Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Com pound. When I first bejjan taking it I waa suffering front female trouble for some time and had almost all kind of aches pains in low er part of back and In sides, and press ing down pains. I could not sleep and had bo appetite. Since I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound the aches and pains are all gone and I feel like a new woman. I cannot praise your medicine too highly. "Mrs. Augustus Lyon, Terre Hill, Pa. It is true that nature and a woman's work haa produced the grandest remedy for woman s ills that the world has ver known. From the roots and herbs of the field, Lydia E. Pinkham, forty years ago, gave to womankind a remedy for their peculiar ills which has proved more efficacious than any other combination of drugs ever com pounded, and today Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is recognised from coast to coast sa the standard, remedy for woman's ills. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn. Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek ing health many of them openly stata over their own signatures thst they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound; and in some cases that it has saved them from surgical operations, The officer of (-the club thought best to leave The date' open, as there is still some question as to Just when Mr. Bryan will reach Nebraska. WEDDING OF MISS MURPHY TO MR. SAUNDERS WEDNESDAY The marriage of Misa Marguerite Mur phy, daughter of M. T. Murphy to Dr. John Saunders of Council Bluffs wilt take place Wednesday morning at S o'clock at Holy Family church. Father Dowd will perform, the ceremony. Tues day evening at 6 o'clock, Mr. Murphy will entertain the wedding party at din ner, following which will be a rehearsal at Holy Family church. Gci'Hon of IT. vend- arhools; K. 'I.ynn Msdjulddy. a graduate o, lark (college, now working for hi master degree. Ml?s Urtfflth snd iupvrintndent Wend land tsught In the svSatHvn school lsst summer. Courses off-ved Include gradn school subjects from fifth up, and also Mgh school work. Superintendent B. t Oisff of the public school. Principal C. K. Itoed of Centrsl High school, snd the public school tea"hor snd principal sra co-operstlng with th sssociatlot school. The suthorlttes of the puhtc schools 'will rive the examinations ea decide upon promotion cf summer school nunils. A similar vacation sch.iol may be eetUi llshed in South mill by the tfsocla tlon," decision to be male after a meet ing Monday. Assemblies, swimming and gymnasium classes snd cross-country hike will be Included in the ncatlon school programs, the same as last year. i wryJIi"r? ...... H. J. When product bas been on the market far over 70 years it stands to reason it's rovi. Ridgways Tea is good tea Try k Hughes CO., Inc., Wholesale Distributors. . . - . . . - a. lnurs Maximum Power and Speed SUM MtK OR WINTER M .1 rlZ i : Ssfeysfli r f ii r...Ti -; su i ' rut v;.; e i m i : umm asiissar- i&3 t j&&sm Bum i jsj n sMgtss gi J if SSs If o ias-iK- . .i "Ma. .. A Sign of Quality in Motordom T OOK for the Polarine sign if you want carbon-free, friction killing motor oil. Friction costs more trum oil. You pay one price for polarine. You pay for friction many times over in lost power, repairs and depreciation. ; You can get Polarine at garages and supply ' ' stations wherever you see the Polarine sign. It is the same standard dependable lubricant wherever you buy it. Red Crown Gasoline gives you more miles per gallon. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) - , , OMAHA -West Ambler. Tlie Jennlng ldte Aid society met at tho church Thuiadsy at their all-day mcetln. Mnedsmes T. C. Wilson and tSeorge Kild t returned from their Visit to Fort Uouge. la. Mr. W King and daughter. Violet, re turned (mm tneir vlalt at llunbar. Neb., Bvindar vning Th homes of J Rtaele end Chsrle Waahun were brihtviid thl week by th arrival of voung ona. West' Center street young ropl gave a I loan ahor to Mr, l.mtl Carroll Pearson on Wednesday evening. Mr John tlrant tne Violet OH more) was given a kitchen aliower at her nw bom In Vt Bid Wednesdar. Vr. Fete Jensen save a birthday party In honor of her dauahter, InverborgV to thlrtv-isht of her fii-nd Monday. I,. V. Jennen hl f'ne cow kt'led bv lia-hti'ln tn the pasture Portv-fifih a i ut Mrlha aiw'ta WJndaw nishc Ves. Ill YVrtht o'luncll Bluffs wa honi guest M dinner -itv slve Mm. V". A t liber v Artr iret F-v ' - Mis. B-lali ud young deugUer of Money Talks For ths Protection of your hard earning, your family, your peac of mind, your aelf run ldenc. self reepect and future, hav an ac count with this bank. Be a regular dmoal tor here, and accumu late something. A aou btuik halanc will n.v.r com amiss. It will open opportuni ties and provlu the wherawlUial to grasp them. Just as w-U maJi th tart now a later. No body ever r'loed any thing bv putting otf thl Important step. This is for the strides- the time of all times U. S. A. to make vast Let's all get busy There's nothing the matter with these United States. There's nothing the matter with business. We have skill; we have enterprise; we have capital; we have courage. The world can use all we can produce. Let's go ahead and produce as much' as we can. The only trouble wasthat something got into the wheels of business thai something is out. The seller can't start the wheels going. It's the buyer who does that. . So let's buy what we need and what we are go ing to need and t .Buy-it-Now Thl Is- Ik tiaa all tlat for taut VI. S. A. saax . txidti, lr all g away.