Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    TirE BEK: OMAHA. SATtHhAY, .H'NK 12, 1015.
Julia On Its Way to Omaha
nsational CL07HK1G SALE
All Hand
S1S.S9 and
$20 Suits
I I n a-bnttoa
lodel.. former
ly 10 si S18.50,
nprlr mat
alt ik fla fas
loa, SIS Yilues
Msttlnr or flb.r
For Comfort
and JWyle
$3, 53.53, :
, vU
ax.ira rmi uvttu
Stylishly Tailored Patch
Pocket, wool Norfolk.
all style.
sOIll (09. U5AKflSTEIN
Blizzard Refrigerator
ring Satisfaction and Delight to Every User
Before deciding on any Refrigerator, see tha BllMsrd, and examine
them carefully. They are made by skUlful cabinet maker, and are ex
ceptionally dry and cold. All standard sisee In stock for your' selec-
pn!?r?r.:Q7.50 to $35.00
" J I r " . i " '
n ...11 .! '
'Ilia .;i i : y ;iJsii
A splendid genntna RHxcard, tha
case of which Is made of hard
wood and they are Interlined with
mineral wool. The sanitary wire
shelves, drain pipe, etc., are
quickly removed so that every
corner is easy of accsa when
You Make Your Own
O A Comfortable
v Couch Hammock.
't ' e
- -I
1 A splendid couch hammock with an excellent mattreas, a strong spring
1 and protecting wind shield makes an Ideal hammock or a JQ Ott
comfortable bd (or a sleeping porch; our price )O0
! Have the Central fissure
t t f ,4 C J "- .Vi.'i.
I . , ,
Own your own home.
You can purchase one
on easy monthly payment
like rent. Read the real
estate columns.
Starting Saturday, June 12
That is just what the Guarantee
Clothing Co. will offer you Saturday.
Owing: to the lateness of the season
and with an unusually large nock of
Men's and Young Men's fine hand
tailored clothes on hand, we will make
unusual sacrifices to clear out our stock.
Cleaa-ap lilt
TiaSea ILina
Co. Ktoek.
Grides it
40c, C5c,
Oeanlae Forosautt
la ocx a or whito,
in ell barred
Athlette V 1 c a
i!k CsSon Suits
fa M Grades
Tto vela, all
lannrrot Knowing of SnUts,
Semnlte and Milan.
05. 81.35. 81.00
Genuine Panama la all
tries, 3 grade, at
We are the exclusive agents In
Omaha and vicinity for Utility Gas
Ranges. Wa show a complete line
of these excellent ranges, includ
ing many different designs In the
cabinet styles. Utility Gas Ranges
are priced from
,50 to 835.09
A substantial porch swing con
structed throughout of aolld oak;
and in the fumed finish. Pour
feet long and well bolted together,
complete with heavy J OC
chains; our price . . . . D A 0 kJ
Terms at the Central
Scs Cur
Lino of
Chairs and
on Your Furniture OKI
- s
i ?
" "JJ
Owner, of Valuable Personal Prop
erty Likely to Be Called Upon
the Legal Carpet
I BEATR1CK. Neb., J'ine 1L IKpeclal.)
A petition haa been presented to County
Assessor Enlow asking that official to
present It to Judge Pemberton ot the
.district court, requesting- the Utter to
rail a special grand Jury for tha purpose
of Investigating what I. commonly
called "ta dodging" In Gage county. Tha
petition haa been largely signed, but th.
(iMftor will not take any action until
after th. meeting of tho board of equalis
ation, which convene June la. A mim-
iber of deputy assessor, hava exported
'that few people hava 1ven In diamond.
I owned by them, and also bank
and .hare. In building, and loan a.socla-
1 Attorney F. O. MoOIrr of thia :ity ha.
' announced that h haa made applica
tion to Ooveraor Morehead to aerv on
the u pre ma court commission of Ne
braska. Ila was formerly county attorney
and la among th leading democrat of
the county.
Lightning .truck and killed a hors be
longing to If. 8. Tonnemaker, living
'south of tha rUy on Thursday morning.
Tha animal was valued at P.
Deputy Fir Commissioner Reiuartt
! of IJncoln. who ha. been In the rtty tha
last few days Investigating th fire at
th horn of Charle Mate, which oc
curred last Saturday night. droipd th
rasa on Thursday and returred bom.
Th houae, according to evlden? pro
cured by th fir commissioner and Chief
Woelke. wa set on fir, but they wer
unable to mak a eas against th party
suspected of th act.
Notes from Ord
and Valley County
ORD, Neb.. Jun 11. (BpeciaU-Anout
two montha ago Htella Knudaen waa as
saulted near tha North loup river bridge.
Two yoang men wer arreted and on
of them. Louie Kamarad, identified aa th
a.sallant. Th caa. wa. tried before a
Jury laat waak, which failed to agree, ten
being for acquittal and two for conviction.
Tha case will ba retried In the fall term
of district court, although It I conceded
that by that tlm It will be a difficult
matter to empanel a Jury. At present th
Kamerad lad is out under heavy bonds.
He has served a term In the Kearney In-
du.trtal school.
Th saloon case of Riley against Crom
well, wherein th former seeks to compel
the clty.cJerk to .call a special election on
th matter ef license occupied the atten
tion of Judge Paul In district court th
last ef th week. About a week after th
regular spring election a petition with th
Ignaturas of DO per cent of th voter,
attached waa presented to th council
asking that they pass an ordinance per
mitting saloon licenses er that a epeclaJ
election o railed for the submla.lon of
tho ordinance to th voters. Tha council
refused to pass th ordinance and Clerk
Cromwell was In New Tork state and re
fused to call the special election when
he returned. A writ of mandamus was
saked for by tha petitioners. Th Judge
has asked that he be given several days
to read up an th matter before giving
his decision.
W. W. HaskeU, who waa last week re
ported to have sold th Ord Quia. I.
one more back as editor, although th
paper will b published as was the oris
Inal Intention, by th Qui Publishing
company. Mr. Ha.k.U haa old hla ga.
plant to former County Treasurer Lfe
Palst, who has already taken charge.
Th city of Ord I about to take over
th new city park recently donated by
W, A. Andersen.
Deputy Auditor
Insurance Head
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LJNCOUN, Jun 1 1. Special TrlegrS4n.)
Deputy feltate Auditor W. B. Eastham
was promoted today to th position of in
auranoe commissioner by th Insurance
board, consisting of Governor Morehead.
Auditor BmttA and Attorney ' General
Thla makes a vacancy In the deputy
hip In the auditor' office which It will
b up to th auditor to fill with a good
Luck aprear. to have come te Eastham
after being defeated three or four timet
for land commissioner. He was first ap
pointed drp-ity state treasurer, . then
switched to evputy auditor and now get.
th Insurance commlsBionerahtp. all In
less than flv. month.. Th latter posi
tion carries with It a rais of 1700 oxer
that of hla former poattion of tLtce.
MINDEV. Neb.. June lt.-Th Chris
tian Kiulcsvor dlatrlct convention Just
closed a three-Uy arsalon in the Flrat
Preabyterian church In thla city, wltr
more than the usual delegate attendance,
there being more than alxty accredited
preaeut from five counties. Greater effi
clenrv In wurk was the principal them
dlarueard. Officers elected were: Piel
Qcut, tiarisnti iriiwd. r:dgar, secre
tar- and treasurer, Mrs. Kffle Hatch
Nelson, ttate officer, who took part In
the convention exerclaea were 11. II
I rice, atale prealdent, or rxtond, aiu
Grace F. Hooper, atate .uperlntendt'nt, of
junior., Crete.
Store la alea Hoblr4.
FALL6 CITY. Neb., June 11. Sueiial
The M. I.. Powell general .tore at
! Slm was entered Tuesdsy nUht by
I liuigtars, who frceJ an entrance Ihrousl
il back window. The old-faahloned money
it'll waa broken and 12. W In silver tr.l-ru
Mr. Dowell haa dls-ovrred the toaa of
; two pairs of cheap trousers, aoni neck
(lea. about ha'f a doaea :uilrs ot coars
. soik. and at least on can of cov
1 1 .tor. that was eaten in the store
I I Wat rice dogs wer given a free hand
They started from the .tor and de-
toured around th vlllaae several block
i ltd then tuck the road to th. UTll'.igi.i
jdrpot. where another cv oy.ter ran
I wa. found emptied of Its contents. It
i t'as from tha stck cf the !well siure
This trick probably was turned by some
of the numerou tramp, now on tit way
Ivieat and north, running away from woik
in th Kaasaa earvaat ftelda.
Edward Hunter of Cooper, la., Fa
tally Hurt When Machine
Junpi Bridgt.
From a Btaff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINF.B, Jun. tt. (Special Tele
gram.) Kdward Hunter of Cooper. Ia.,
waa probably fatally Injured when an
automobile he wa driving . plunged
throtigk th guard rails on the Eighteenth
street brlda aad fell twenty-five fet.
The machine turned upald down and
Hunter waa pinned beneath It- It was
reported from the Methodist hospital that
chance for recovery wer slight.
r.nnlai Back Heme.
Senator Cummin on hi. return from
an estended Wa.hlngton trip mad a
statement today on the war situation
which rummartsed Included:
There will he no war with Germany.
There ia no Inconsistency between Wil
son . note and Bryan .
declaration of
la.iiee between this nation
and Germany are not such aa to lead to
a break in relationship.
Fffect of Bryan a explanation upon
Germany depends upon how the public
In this country tskes ia Republican auo
ceaaes In 1S1 seem assured.
It 1. only wild tb worK to preoici
what th future course of Brvan will b.
atate Farm Crapa !ot ) .
Th alAte farms are not in as good con
dition as usual, . th supenntenaanis
who met her this week reported to th
state board of control. At th hospitals
for th Inean ara th largest of ttaeee
farms Ctierokee. Independence, Clarlnda
and Mount Pleasant. Tho In th north
ern part of the stste plainly hav had too
much rain and the planting of all crops
waa held up. Th corn crop was noi
nearly all planted at Independence when
.w i ... MMM.iAna At muartnda
V 1 1 V I ! I ! VK ""' 1
th superintendent reports that th rain :f
was really needed and that after several
years of drouth th ground wa very
much deficient In mol.tur. A vry heavy
rain fell all through southern Iowa las
night and added to th difficulties of the
farmer in getting into their fields.
New ( aadldate for Oereraer.
Formai announcement haa been made
this week of the ntrano into th field
as a 'cai.lldato for th republican nomina
tion for governor of Senator J. M. Allen
of Pocahonta. county Henator Allen naa
been devoted to legislation for farmer,
and shipper, and Is th apae-lal champion
ot worn suffrage In th legislature. He
ia a native of Iowa, a lawyer and banker,
a man ot great Influence In hi. commun
ity and popular. This makes tB. second
candidate to be announced for govern!.
th nv other belnr th. attorney general.
It Is expected, however, ww o a
number a rim tlm during the comiag
year. .
Hospital for I.wa Miaera.
A hospital for th mi oar. of Iowa la to
be established in Des Uotaaav At .a
conference held hers Wednesday between
representative of th Chamber of Com-
merc. John P. Wblt. president or th
t'nlted Min Worker of America, and
Dr. J. U. Griffin, ef Albia, option, on
two De Molnea jps.. i r for th loca
tion of th hoapltal war signed. Dr.
Oriffm'. plan I. to mak com tract, with
each of th local min. workers' unions.
providing for the furnishing of all sargi-
I and medical services, a wail as
hospital facilities, to member of th
union snd their families. It will also b
a Ji.penssry, to which miner, living near
Oft Moines may com or writ for medi
T. Appolataaeata Made.
Governor Clark today announced th
reappointment of Guy SB, Logan to b
adjutant general, a position he has held
th laat six years. He Is a native of
Red Oak. The position is that of actual
head of the, organised militia of th
atate. He haa recently booom ax -of
ficio th custodian of th state oapltol
md public grounda
Governor Cark yesterday announced
the appointment of Ora William to be
document editor, an entire new bureau of
th atat government, having control of
ill publications of th state of every
kind, and th distribution of document.
He will take charge In July. Th bureau
will edit all copy of all th atat. depart
ments and supervise th printing and
latereateel la River Transportation.
Pualneaa Interests her are much In
terested in tha work being undertaken to
Jtvclop shipping on the aflesisslppt river
rd Its tributaries. Th. fact that freight
rrtrs from New Tork to th J'aelflo
oast are lower than they are from this
region I. aufflclent reaaoa, they say, t
3n everything possible to encourage eom-
xtltion by water.
The drlegatea appointed by Oc-ve-r.or
Clarke to attend the Dubuque rneetin
nolude some of th well known msnu
acturera of th state. They ware: Hon.
1.' W. Bpauii jair f OrlnnelU Hon. P. L
Maytag ot Ntwtoo, I. W. alorria. Jr., ot
Marahalltown: J. A. Gunn f Kellogg,
chn A. Baal. P. It. Luth and It. 8.
itokWy of Is Moines; Joseph De'n of
'ttumwa. Thomas L. Wilkinson of Bur
li gton, Hon. A. H. Prudden of Dubuque,
'aplaln Walter Blair of Davenport.
At the Wednesday meeting In Dunuqu
II. I.uth of this city was mad a
i. ember of a committee which Is t co
il erat with the I'pper Mississippi River
mprovement association in forwarding
t work of river shipping.
Th manufacturers ef Clinton at a
neetlng held June I declared themselves
r favor of using the fleet of steel barge.
tiich will b put In op ratios by th
vlUstasippt Navigation rompaay within
few weeks These barge, will hav
'peed of fifteen mile an hour and will
Iraw only four and one-half feet of
tater. carrying a cargo of l.SU tona Rhtp-
iienia are being planned by th Clinton
manufacturers so that th barges will
l.nv load, both up and down th river.
Cther manufacturer In th river town
are planning to give th river cosniiaaies
all th business possible.
There are many manufacturers In iowa
who sell larga quantities of good, la th
we.t. They are especially Interested In
eruilng lower rat and believe thi can
iw dona by way of th Mississippi river,
New Orleans and th Pssama carat
Head th Be Want Ad. ch day.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Jun 11 Ppe-
clai.) At th annual meeting of the trus
tee of rGaod Island colleg report were
submitted from th varloua departments
showing a net attendance during the
school year Including th Grand Island
Conservatory of Music, of pupil.. Tha
financial condition is reported good and
efforts are under way to wipe out all
As officer, of th board there wer
elected: President. R. M. Proudtlt. Friend,
Neb.: .vice president, Charles Krttach,
Olenvllle; secretary-treasurer, rPof. B. F,
Ktarr. Grand Island; tureasurer of endow
ment fund, Ia M. Talmage, Omaha.
Th number of members of th board of
trustee, was enlarged from twenty-one to
Th following graduated this year with
th degree of bachelor of art.: Herman,
R. 8. Benjamin, Ouy Edwin Carlson.
Gunnard E. Bergman. Howard J. Flnley,
Paul B. Bprlnger and Howard Q. Ege.
Th first piis. In the state oratorical
contest was awarddd to Earl E. Smith.
The Patterson prise in th edramatlo cas.
wa. awarded to Miss Bella Brvan and.
th Patterson prise for th eoratorlcal
class to Kendall Tart. -
SPRINGFIELD. HI-. June It. 8peclal
Telegram.) Rev. John - F. Schllepsick.
pastor of th German Evangelical Lu
theran church at Ravenna. Neb., and
Miss Edna E. Meleher of This city will ba
married at I o'clock Wednesday evening.
June !. at th horn of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Melcher.
Rev. Mr. Bchltepsick I. a graduate of
Concordia Theological seminary of this
Fall. I My N.ea.
FALlS C1TT, Neb., June 11. (Special.)
The St. Joseph Commercial club will
v11t thla city with a representative body
of eventy-flve men June IS.
Congressman C. F. Reavi. has during
May made twenty-one addreases and ha.
been Invited to address th Old Bottler.'
reunion at Palmyra in Otoo county.
Th Daughters of Isabella are arrang
ing for a concert to be given at the Park
auditorium by Miss Loretta De Lone,
harpist, w.o was formerly with the Min
neapolis . Symphony orcheelra.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press)
LONDON, June .-In the form of a
Bin book an inch thick, the British
government haa Issued a collection of
dlplomatle documents relating to the out
break of th war. It includes a reprint
of th British diplomatic correspondence.
th French Tel low book, the Russian
Orange book, th Belgian Gray book,
tha Serbian. Blue book, th German
Whit book, th Austrian Red book.
These ar supplemented by a aeries of
subsequent documents, Including the
telegram, exchanged between King
George, th German emperor, and th
emperor of Ruaala prior to the war.
A million copies of th report of Lord
BrycV commission on German atrocities
sr. to b printed for fro house-to-house
distribution In all parts of Great Britain.
Are You a Business
If you are, then you are a
present or potential a'veillser.
Therefore, tha sessions ot
tha Associated Adver 1 1 a i n g
Clubs of tho W orld at Chicago,
June 20 to 24, will be of vital
. Interest to you.
It Is not necessary that you
should be an advertiser now.
It is only necessary that you
should ba making and selling
Tha Associated Advertising
Clubs Convention ta tha big
gest business movement la the
world. Can you afford to ba
out of it? Write for full In
AdswrtUUa AssoalaUea of
AsvwrUsU Uag., Chisago, HL
around will you find a more complete or
stylish showing of Real Light Weight
Suits; tailored by men who KNOW HOW. .
Straw Hats
"We have every reason to believe that we pay more
for our $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 Hats than most merchants
and consequently give better values. Our profit is iu
giving quality and selling quantity.
Milans and Leghorns Rough and Smooth Sailors
$3.50 to $6 $2 to $4
1316-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
n -OS! lj r
UofiGe to Uaeafe Sale
Items.-for SATilBBAV!
There's something cold
and stern about a Land
lord's Notice and the one
WE received read: "VA
Draw your own conclu-.
sions; ask yourself what
YOU would do if you were
in OUR place. YOU would
sell drugs PHENOME
NALLY cheap to thin out
the stock and THAT'S
just what WE are DOING.
TALCTM rOWDER, Williams'
25o kind, at 124
26c kind, at.
HATH SOAP, Myers' 10c kind.
at .-Ge
TOIUCT PAPER, Manilla. 10c
kind, at, per dozen. 72c; or at,
each 6
HTATIOXEKT. Egyptian, 25c
value, 41 sheets and 48 envel
opes 14
PEROXIDE SOAP, Kirk's, 10c
kind, at 7
bOAP. Kirk's 10c Lilac, Mini
or Geranium 5
25c site, now 146
tOFEE, 85c sise at Mc, the
SOo six. 8iec, S0 sis. . . .24
Oruc Company
Phono Douc-as 150
Corner ICth and Farnam
Swap Anything in
Flinneliand Light Weight
$15, $20, 25
Palm Beach, Palmettos,
and Kool Kloths
$7i $82 $10
All Silk Suits at. . .$18.00
White Flannel Pants $5.00
Palm Beach Pants at $3.50
Duck Pants S1.50, $2.00
$3.50 to $5.00
CXTICLIXK, 25c size 9c and
10o sis. 4
ROUGE, Dorin's No. 18. 25c
vl t 14
sise now at . j
HAIR lmCSHKS, big line, $1
lnM 58s
1 values at 58
ones at 4ftc, 76c kind at 84c
and SOo kinds at 16t
BRUSHES, 25c value ...IRk
OIL, 1 fallon of $3.20 values
now at 32.73
V gallon, 11.71 value now
1.48, 1 quart II values now
78c. 1 pint 40c value now 43c
and M pints worth J0c..24
the 'Swapper'a Column