THE BEE: OMAHA, JUNE on wirge-wsVTjByxHey M M I I 5 Thnrn Ij Nn Ahsnlnto Certaintv tHa.t Your Classified Real Estate Advertisement Will Sell Your Property tir.-i . r? J nr- T u 1 a T1 IT 11 v 1 aI 4- UU-ll If V.. f W T YVr.-i Arls til rr linin a opuumuu iiiiiu JLiuiii, uui jl iiuru s cxn wiiuiii;u uit&i 11 -Tin a iuu --i. -w aWtfA1Vaf VI luuMiJi im iwo dwi ii int'in ryirinrwmrm mi h iu i t I t i i M i ( I m M I"IV MM m m ,m M ! J-i 1-1 ft tt tt fa I i I it II U I H i fl k If 4 14 ft 1 t MP. vwjwiuiiuiTrryi' Xr)l5..-X JwlU'aAIUWlU-J IS WANT ADS V. ant bus received t ny time, but to lTo Lat to Classify, CASH RATS. Pay tmiwiiUvt Urati, 1 cnt a worn rh lnrtlon. . Thre times within on week. nw h word eh lnrtk)n. On tiroo. I cwili word. Thr Hmn within om wk. W nU Bn wk lnpllot. Cn thn. IS it A ,'n-... . tim. Count als vn word t WB MlDlmum chr. 3 wU, onlll dteontlnud tnurt b topPw3 7 wTlttan ordf. All Ci-tm. for Tor mtirt within ftftn rtyi tb i"1" tun of til ndyrtl iwnt ! Ton ran nine your wnt 1 In Tb )r uter - TKLtrnun - Insure proper rlaasinration mu tented before II o'clock noon for nll Mitten and 7 10 P. m. for ""rn' Ponder edtiona Want ads received after turn (ours will be under th beading. IDBATII A NO rCtiERAL 1,0'rM "9: TITZPATRICTC Matt. yearn, died "un J frSW. of W. iir V. W. turly at :J0 n. n. - to fit Patrl'V rhnrch at n. m. lnUr imtit II ly Hopulchm cmtry. MTUNB-Wlt K- widow of tha lata O. , FurrSUnfm (WMrK.r r Vbapol. li iJouglaa atxaeU Saturday at " i p. m- BIRTHS ASTD DEATHI. BIHha-Oaliwl and Arat Bouafdo. C18 North Hftnth. Irtrl: R - U&Wi? W. B iniy7 i. hoaoltai; rupT7V b.Plt.l; Ur-o Carmllo. lies South ITourth. daya, MARRIAOB 1-ICBJKiBa. Tha following parmlta to wad hara bfn iaaud: Nam and Addra. Walter K. Glar. Omaha t iara Yagr, Omaha !joaph A. Morinlll. Omaha Anna M. Bova, Omaha Qnry M. Vox, Omaha iToby Bttnberl, Omaha iMarttn Walh. Burllnitton, la... JClaudla JarU. Omaha :nton.81ailnlil. South Omaha . Amelia. AndrulU, South Omaha Aa. .... M .... 23 .... 1 .... U .... U .... S3 .... sa .... .... tt Bt'ILDIKIO PERaflTI. Benjamin Nlmmn. m Arbor, r rslrs 1 . Haskln Bros. Soap company. First and Hickory, addition to faotory, MOOD Drak Realty and Construction cnnny. till Farnani, stuoco dwelling, IS.H10. TOOAT8 COmETB MOVIB PIWX1RAM8 ExcJnalsely la Tb Bev tuANTEKN iU6h for tsertoa. tWad yoar topr t bjl W can reprodoo pbotM r will prepay your opy. W wtQ slew ,m dlrwctd. Bn Phota DpU 11 B Bid, psnaiewa. ELITE NO. Ult FARIfAU ST. The Broken Train. Kalem. ,ln th Dys of Kamin. t reel Vttagraph. TUnlATlLU, UTU AMU UAAJSST lloro of Pwreowunt Plctursa. IDrlAL. h hutr iiour, s-reel O. Peat flatter of Parentage. Power. 'fcHP"r Wimpaon s L)aughter, Joker eom. PRlNCEhS, Ilavii DoUQLAA ST? A Starng Dlsappearanc (King Baggot, Jan Oall), -r. Mya. dr. How BlUy Cot Ilia Ralae. Jok. onm. The ITox Hunt. Mwin. IAIJIAMBRA, 11 N. stTII. Poet of the Peaks, two-reel American. IJttle Chrysanthemum, Beauty drama. Ousale's Wayward Path. Keyaton com. CLIFTON, Military Av. and liurdaUe. Mills of Zuvder ii. Dom, drama, Th Pronotlv Brlrlt. Ral drama. iBeaUty Punglert. Kayatone comedy (jTlAM'OND, ui LAK.B. .Black Box No. 14. two-rel Bpaolal. 'Park Johnnie. I-Ko comdy. iThe Struggl. Rex drama. RANK LIN, MTU AND FRANKLIN. lMirat-Slig News Pictorial No. IR, Bllg. a Child of th North, Vita. Th Fabl of thu Galloping inigrlm Who Kept on Oalloplng. Eaaanay. 'FROLIC, WTH AND SPRAOUK. FranMtd, Powers drama. 'Runaway June No. 1&, I pts, last plsod. ,When Jler Idol Fell. GRAND 'Theater Beautiful". 14-ninney ur Dar Devil Thief, l-r. Keystone. Ilostag of th North, t-reel drama. 'The So tent if lo Mother, 1 reel drama. .iTlPPODROMK. TH AND CUailNO. I wnor Jim, aiajeatiu diKUta. IThe Problem, American drama. Mabels Wilful May, Keystone. 1VT. lttTH AND BURDETT1C. Leva. Fireworks and Janitor, Joker com. Animated Weekly. W hat a Blind Man Saw, l-r. laemmla dr. LYRIC. loll VLNTON. A n'vn&ted Weeklr. olden Weddlngv Li of Example. Reg. ;Foroe LOVAL. t CALDWE1A. ijtaby. two-reel Victor comedy, tviee!. Big V. Wnlny'i 7'runip CVrd. Imp. IjOTHRoP, KTli AND LOTI1KOP bT Lurf.e and Old Dutch, five reels of high rinaa comeny- l.avt time tonight. PALACE, J-4 DAVt.SPoiiT, No. two-real BUr U drama, )ila Only Panta. Neaior comedy. Tlayniate. sterling comedy. AIRDOMB FAVORITK. 1T1I VTNTON, Kain MrAlllaler' Hair, a-reel Dora. And ll Never Knew. Prln. lxv In Armor. Keyaton comedy. APOIJX). v!4 LEAVENWORTH. Tie Girl Who Might llv Been, l-reel liagruph. The 'I riU Maker. Mm. ARBOR 12 1J AND Art BOH. T"D W lr In a Gentleman from Missls- ,pi4. tn t rvel. Tcmi't only iLl .'si HI A'. ' 17W SuTTll WT1I. r-otry Wf I Alllil l-reel Kalem. tr. J o rr aikd the Lachanund. Vttagraph. The l-tlow Mreak. 8ellg T i SI i . ' w f. ur i rANi Vinton! H,m. ,,,.,( Glrla. l-reel Key rpeula.l. Life's h:mri. Beau'y. it Hfe. American, FAVuitii i 171 "VINTON. A Romanc cf th Navy. l-r. lAibin. Loll Cola' a OVoet. Kalem. OiLit, " ' lU'bOUT1I UTH. A Chang In I.over. I K. comedy, l-,i.iiiru. I1i-tire t-real Biwlal. I.YKii, IrTlf VINTON. 1 ud-r th Creofent No. L l-r. Gold Kwl. h loin ti rhadoia. Ienunle drama. Unh lather Help. Ntor onifdy. f A .-.1 lUK," tJA'S D'LtAVLN WOHtlT I , .I'll ,f Her Vathefs. -r. Gold Bt-sl. 1 at en l'l-a f -r. Joker. utii a, iriiiTuTHif. t u- i rels at M utwsJ pkrore. TODAY'S OOMrLKTE MOVIE PKOtiRAMS Exclusively in Tb Do. Writ. rARNjCM " Henry ' '--WK, !(,, r rrnt Bvnt The Pur'iult Kf..i . MAIN T. tnl Blafra. ET.TTR Vn V . R BROAD WAT. If urj -r. rjaaaoiiy lrama; ."" -0.1v-l(.n or un.u., n' J ,7. Oram: Boohl-. i'.k"V-R. J"Tl ?om. NXCIKilJLs. Wt BftOAOWAT. Th r.troy.r, t-r, KJm Drama. The Vanl.hlny Vilt., Tomedy. Orlm Maanirer, -r. m, v Artlat and tli VenirefuJ On. Victor. Two IIrt and a Phlp, Nator ComMy ontk Uuka. WH AND N. STS. BB8SR. IB Lur of Mammon. -n Kalom. fl i 24TH AND O STS. rWU Creacent, No. , 1-rMl Gold Frl.nd th Burtlar. N.t. oonv ISMtTllU, ORPHEUM. MTU AND M. Eleven.ThlrlyA. M. 2-r. MaJ. dram. A Versatile Villain. Keystone comedy. -E:--Tl ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Bo Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Offlc Room 161. Investigate Y.M C.A. ou; g park, summsr. I r . ' - - . 1 1 AVTOMOniLES Whenever you ar considering selling or buying a usrd car and you want full valus for your money or you want people who sre willing to pay for what they ar getting you will hav no regret If you buy or advt-rtlse through the used car column or The Bee. Phone Tyler 10U0, 1'XHISALE IU Pullman touring car In fin condi tion, newly painted; KX cash will take It. UShU CAR DEPARTMENT. KKt Farnain St Phon Douglas 42IS. NEW Tord auto deliver bodies of alt styles, open or closed, always on band. Our prlcea will aav you money. Se Johnaon-LMnforth Co., 16i8-U-ilt No. lth. f-cylinder Hambler; four good tire, engln Just overhauled: lust th thing for a truck; traded real rstat for thts car. Will trad for real estat. or mak n cash offer. Will conelder lady s diamond ring. Addresa K Ml, Be. lllll Plfcltt'H. WIO Veil, 06O; WU Marion, r76; 1HU Bulck, 12T6; 1U10 CadU- laart ft tUl II Is.awi ftVllMt Mi ywvt avis a v a vs f ewv, Wa buy, sell or exchange. Bring u yowr car. w win eu it ior you. THlfl AUTO C'LKARlNii iloUSE, A. A. Ah Una n. Mgr., ttOt Famam St. Tel. Doug. 8310. 100 REWARD for any magneto w can't rpair. coua repa. waysoorfer, lie o C. BSASSER, expert radiator and lamp repair, i y. iw. xomi jeavenwortn. AUTO Clearing House, ti' Farnara. buys ana eeiia uaea cars, rnon uougiaauiu. Ovarton'a for leaky radiator. 6oa, dealera. Want an auto. O. J. Cauan. McCagu bldg. Induatrla,! Garag Co.. Aih Harney Bts. ONl l.OuO-pound truck at a bargain; "tightly used. 111 Fa mam. NEBRAbKA Bulck Servlc Siatlon. U14 rarniro i. rnont uaugiaa 11L Motorcycle. "FLESCirER FI.YER" PLEASES THB BUYER. lfiachr Motorcycl Co.. 11 Capitol Av. AMTSKMENTS WANTED-M&UKY-GO-ROUND AND OTHER (NC10HKlON rXR BIG CULKBRATION Saturday. July L at Pkeroa, Neb. First big celebration In t ywars. Aaarea Adoiun Maatsuir. chair man conosawloa oouimitt. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Buslnas Chance will stand rigid lnvsVation and la just what it Is advrtld, or If you ar looking to start in Duaineea ior yourself you will b per fectly satisfied If you Us the "Business yourself you If you us i Chauc column of Th Be. When buy. lug or selling a business Phone Tyler h'0. TO GET In or out of bualbeas call ea GANGEHTAU. 404 Be Bldg. Dong. 1477. SliKAIliJIG iuy, lea ar sUl your Uta assr, oHLChln and uppUs thnsusa Taaavt B.mUa4v Ctv, UJ1 FarSAia Mt, Lvugla UW7. WHY RENTT-eWIII lint Us-acr farm In Rd lOver valley (Mlna.1. at-awt build rnga. supply cow and ho en faxyueatt t Id, svnd 40 years In wblon I najr baUawo. This offer not goad altar J un I, w. A Tempiatao, ibl Be Ulds, Omaha. MOVING PIOTUltD HOUSE furnished, with seating- oapactty of over vnv a-i snaii, gooa luoauiou. imiKETT &, COMPANY 4S1 (Be Bldg. Douglas SS. llEAL eatate Bualneas placa supplied r liandled: all statea. t . V. Knleat, Omaha, MANUFACTURER wanting Illinois lo cation aud financing men with money wanting aound bualueaa advise want and set my asslstanc. T. L. O N ell. Ot tawa. 1U. r)H KALE A llv bualiivaa tn Oklahoma town of In bualnr center of city; estahiiahsd Din yeais; busiuaM Includes ettabllahed coal and feed buslneaa. Junk. hide and fur: good oftlc and stor building; new warehouses; beat of rf-ereii-es. Address Box 16, F-l Reno. Okl SIGNS, show card. Clark aV bVb. D. UIS. Ll'Mllh K vsrds: I in 8. K. Nb.. doing a business from 1-6. M to X-U.OJI acn per yoar. Arthur o Conuor, Biyan Hotel. Atchison, Kan. ti.ilh.NT ,iu,l for aule. well e-iulPtwd, (mly one in town of fifteen hundred. Write T 6S Bee. I'oll HA LL Soda fountain. Snan price Tablea. ateela. chair. aUverware and glassware iuciuded. A bargain. Addra v'hhur W. Anneas. liunhar. Neb. Mil il ST' 'HE FOR SALt. SNAP. AD liRF.S.S Y-6ji) BEE. WANTED niAle sales managers to hau die sod appoint subantnts to sell wuuderful patsnted niachbi to Insert In the lntak pu of automobiles or motor cycles, tsaves by actual teat 90 per ran gasolln. Over luw per cent profit. Sells saaily. 4tW required, which will b fur- mh..l In goods. Exclualv territory Starting national advertising eanipaign Apply now. Invest ista. Jenklia actor Co , 121 N. 1th St.. rll hmond, Va. MwvaulaaT lloaia lr Sale, I'l'RMTl'Kh) oC 7 -room flat for al hooma all lull. Bargain. Leaving city Iteat hH-aiion. ( all Imutciaa ,4. ApaJtuienta, fiata, houses sad cottages can b tented quickly and cheaply by be "For Bent" Ad. EDtCATlONAL FOR aale the followinic aclmlarphlpa in a flret cla Omaha Kualnraa Collr-get On unllmltad combination bualneaa and shorthand cours. On unlimited etxnnaraphlo eoura. On thre month' buainesa or ateno- traphlo coura. Will b sold at a discount at th office .f Th Omaha Bh Boyles College Day Bohool. Nlht School, complete business course, complete short nand or stenotyp course, complete telearaphy course, civil service branches and Eng lish. Student admitted at any tlni. Writ, phone nr call for 1915 catalogue. BOT1.KS COL,l.rXJR, H. B. BOYLES, Prealdant. Tel D. 1M6. Bojlcs Uldg., Omaha, Nab. FOR SAIA Por Sal her Is a -f laaalfiratlon that Is of the utmost Importance to every redr, as thia column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a rnnall want ad will sll your artld at II full valito. I-'hon Tyler 1W). rsraltart, llaiaekld Uda, Kte. KCTllliE gas rang. No. 1', two ovens and a warming oven; perfect condition: on ovn never been lighted; coat (40; wli II for III. Harney 44CT. m'Vk' Si bought and sold. J. C. rOij,,, j.-srnsin at. D. M. C. Head. FURNITI'RE HAKdAlNfW b1s at II Inets, M Ice boxes. 'M gas stoves, dress ers. 11' N. 24th St. Webster Ii7. ri'RNITHRE-nnd rugs for sale. D. BED, mattress, aprlnga, shsdea. 1. gfn'O. Htrwa an Veklalee. ONE brown horse, about 14 hands high. about 10 years old, weight about l.'io pounds. The left hind foot Is white. Will be sold Monde v of th sixth month, 14th day, at 1 o'clock p. tn., at dug pound, to highest bidder. Mr. Wagner, Dog) Pond Master. BOLD. FARM wagons, 140. fctroud. 30th A Ames. Pealtrr, Km . STEREOTYPE matrlcs roak th best and cheapest lining for poultry nouses. They ar 17x23 lnohea, stronger and mora durabl than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The, Bee office. STRONG chicks; 2 for 8&c Tyler itiflO. THE eggs you sell make th profit In th poultry business. Welch's wonder ful Whit Indian Runner Ducks lay mors larg whlt-ahlled. good eating eg than hens. My flock averages over ) egi;s each lor 1 year.- Hatching ggs, 11 ov ior ii; in per iw, j. j. weicn, t-nerrycroit, Omsha. Neb. Benson 40C o Small wheat. 100 lb. 12 IS. Wagner. 101 N. la. Typewriter). TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Bio. 1H06 Farnara. M I a 1 1 . FOR SALE Nw and second-hand carom and pockst billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. Ths Brunswick- Balke-Coliender Co., 407-40 8. 10th St. XT M-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., mechanical ,v" repairs. L Bron lUectrlo Works,31l-10 S. Uth St. ELrX-'TRlC VIBRATOR-Perfect condi tion, cheap. Hammer and maanag move ments. Harney 1024. 128 No. list Av. OROCrlRY store fixture for sale, B4th and Chicago. Phon Douglas ,a. TOOI, ahovels, picks, lackscrews, wln- aow glass, i carpenter benonea, fl each; 10 match machines. 60c each, 1 hot water boiler complete, 110; combination electric fixtures !6o each: Iron beds complete. 12: good borse, M'; harness, 10; good ex- presa wagon, .a. j. a. ish. Tel. Harney I4S. 701 tt. list Are, GOLDEN WEST WHISKY, 4 full quart bottled In bond, prepaid, 1320. Golden west co.. umana, ixbd. HELP WANTED FJSMALB ClerloeU Olllo. W'ANTE1 lAdy collector for Omaha and vicinity; must b thorousrhly acQiialntd with atrects of Omaha and Council Bluff.; must furnish flrst-clas reference and giv small bona. Apply Room J3, Bratidels Theater Bldg. SOLICITOR, good DroDositlon. salary. bkkpr. ana steno., ins. exp W ATTS REF. CO., 833-40-41 Brand Thea A neat nasi Isleswssica, WOMAN to tak agency for houa drs direct from factory: avrag salary cf present agents as per day; a graat oppor tunity for reliable woman Th P. V. L. Co., Desk N. 4(4 Fourth Aw., New York llwwaekeeyera nasi losnelea. WA NTBU Woman cook. Detention Hos pital. Telephone Health onto or Dr. Cnnnall. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. A. T. llanuhelL ia so. eth bt.. Council Bluffs. WANTED A competent cook; references required. Apply IW 8. I2d Av. Phon Harney JOS, WANT1.D A girl for general housework I5U7 Farnam rt. CAPABLhl whit girl for general hou work, 1 grown persons In family: rf- erenoe required. 6o4 So. IKth St. 11. 4J. MAID for gnueral houaework. llss btinrp. i.l N. 41at Kt. YOUNG girl to assist with care of thre children. Harney bi!6. s. xth Ala. WANTED Gilt for general hoiMework. two In family. Call Douglas 4) pfor Is, m. or after I p. m. HOCSEKEEPER wanted on farm; no cniiaren. Aanresa I one, nee. W1IITE girl for general housework, with no w sailing; car of i children, llaruey BUS. WANTED Girl for general houaework reference. 1J6 N. Ed Ave. Harney WiaTH girl for general housework, IHugla W6. WANTEJ.) Good oook and general houee- Keei Mr at Ofioe; good wages. Apply Ithrp or pivon W eb. J or Tyler ). , WANTED Girl fur housework. LM! B- swh Av. Phone Harney 6. G1RX, for general houaework, I In fam ily. Harney KM. ' WANTED A competent cook' references reuulred; I In family, stif bo. ssth bt. H. 1M. WANT ElV-Competent girl for neral houaework; no laundry. Mrs. kX A. Crelghton. U o. Min tsr 11. 'l. WANT housokecpar for widower lit th outakl-ts of town or In country. "1 ar. WANTED A cook; no washing; private fajnlly; 110 per week. Tel. Walnut e:. Mlaeella , "WANTfn A few refined, neat appear ing ladles, to work under Instructions. Permanent position. No money required. Fair salary. Addr Utopian Supply Co Phllsilelphla. r. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit th Young Women a Christian association building at St. Mary's Av. aud 17th Bt, wber thav will be directed to suitable board, tug places or otherwise assUted. Look for our traveler guld at Union station. UELP WANTED MALB 4 lerleal mm Olflc. ORDER CLKRK (whole! boua)....rW OFFICIO CLi-HK (eom book work). Business Men's " Reference Asso. 1311-10 Woodmen of World CREDIT man. retatl exp At. LkL.r. bids, material. .... ...I ii flea clerk, wholesale exp I'M to WATTS REF. C , a-40-42 Braud Tbea. HELP WANTED MALR llrrlral and Office. a STENO., private secretary; younir man of irood family, wU eliiratcl, exprl enowJ; position Is one of very fine fu ture and cannot he had by anyone not furnishing; boat of rfepMires. Otve age, experience, references, etc. . Address K 5M. Bee. PTfJNDiiBAPIIER I RTKNOOHAPHtR W Bt'M K KEBPBR, INVESTMENT 1" CITY SALESMAN, INVEST 1" COLLECTOR, SOLICITOR 75, THE CA NO A'iKSCT, 10 He Bids;. QUARK PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES W find a jio.ltlon that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE1 CO.. miR-ie city Nat Bank ninsr. WB5 need several good men that ar looking for nermanent connection with rood reliable flrma, sirh aa asalatar.t hooKkepr. retail drua clerk, retail cloth- Ins;, city collector, experienced; bright young man for general offire work. Apply t2 Bee Bldg. Beat Commercial positions. KOOEK8 rkf. CO., 320 State Bank. MIOH-ORADB commercial positions. WEST. REFERHNCE AV BONO ASSN. , TCT Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Asrea Auto Owners Th Auto Tube Snlcer Co. will demon- trate "Splicer." the new Invention, at H11 I'.nllnl 1 fm.h. him Mm), Home office, 413 Fourth St., Sioux City) a. Agents wanted. WANTED -Corporation stock salesmen for Nelira'Ka. Address K 4i, Be. 15 TO 110 PROFIT dally selling our new household article: 12.60 premium with each 11.98 sal makes quick profits. Mum- lord & Larson, walker Bang Biag., Salt Lake City, Utah. WANTED,-AN OIL , SALESMAN to tell to the consumer In an eastern Ne braska territory. Twenty-five per cent oommlsalon paid. Goods sold on trial and credit. Only experienced men neod pply. Address, T 671, Omaha Be. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor sorrlce fret. . Cheap rower Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent 'a Office, Room 101. EXCELLENT proposition for two goad men In Nebraska. Call or writs. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association 4tt-26 City Nat l ank Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED To sell our up-to-date and extensive line: outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nurs- eiy (company, t-siem, ore. Factor avwa 1 rages. Drug store snaps; lob. Knelat Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition tli. on account of big trad. Wage for I and 10 cent work. Electric maasag taugni riyorauu chairs. Catalog fr. 1U4 Douglas 8L, Omaha. WANTED A rood auto repair man who can furnish his own tools. No bo oxer wanted. - Will rent garage room; no oi- posltion. Write p. o. itox 21. Atneisxan. la. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogu. AMERICAN . AUTO COliEut OMAHA, NEB tfoS Farnam St., WE need men: had to turn down two lobs per week lately. Get -In. Learn by our method. Get on of the Jobs. Catalogu D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School, 1417 Dodge St WANTED Men to learn th barber trade, Th world constantly needs more bar ber. Our graduate earn good wage. Few weeks complete with us. Pre im r now for coming season's rush. Writ Molar, 110 S. 14th St. Omaha. SHOEMAKER of good experience wanted. Apply 612 N. 16th Bt. Omaha, or Acme Shoe Shop, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED-Man cook for cafe. Address Pox lie Walthlll. Neb. Mlaceltaaauaa. WANTED Namf of man. II or ovr. wishing government lobs. montn. N pull necessary. Address Y 4). Be. WANTBID 1.000 men to eat ham and rgks, li-c. Coffe John, 14th and Capitol. WANTED Railway mall clerks. I7& month: Omaha examinations coming: sample questions tree. Write immediately f ranklin insiuui. joept xu, c. novnea ter. U.T. AMBITIOUS men may Seoul advance ment to trafTio positions paying ub and UP. try Joining National association. Call room MO, Be Bitig. COOK with reference; American plan: wher aaoond and pastry ar emp oyed. Arlington Hotel. Hheldon, la. WANT1U.O 600 men to wear tailor-mad suits and rain costs. m off. Fried man, 1211 Douglas. SITUATION'S WANTED AMBITIOUS young man wants to go to work: a good education: good at ng ure. also good penman; exiieriencod In general ofriue work. Teiepnon uoug. tl. Address. 1 Bee. LADY want day work. Doug. Mta. POSITION wanted by trustworthy and anerxotic young man. Best raterencea fvirnUliol and not afraid to work, Phon Douglas 84bl. THE Fervent G'lrl l'roblem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl wanted Ad FREE until you get tit desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Counuil Blufla. Bring ad to The Bee offlc or telephone Tyler low. EXPERIENCED saleslady want poal tlon In clothing. Addreas G sub. COLORED MAN wanta to go to work porter work, prlvat family, or any kind or work. Address r ota, nee. VtANl' Car of a feeble-minded patient Address. i M, Bee. WANTED Ialtlon In aaraae. auto tmlrlng and driver. Am a graduate from aito school htate . Addreea AU K. Smith. Fullerton. Nefc l'lill:KKKi:il and wife want Position five year experience. 6S3 Clh Ave- Black Ifitl. Council Blulf. Ia Ynl'N'G ladv atenoai a nhrr deaira Dosl tlon at reas.mable salary. Hav had year and half experience and ran take dictation r.ipiniy. also ao ovoaaeeping, Addres. K Se.i. Bee. lU-XJIO l'l-Kr-l) chsuTIeur in stale of Mis souri ana Lincoln, l u , uesires posuion with private family: has handled beat car made; five year experience; Japaar- sae, good habits; don t smoke or drink careful driver. Will do om other work Address K t-l. Be. 1 AM a good stenographer; rapid at dl.-ta tlon a. id on th typewriter; age U ycara food edu -atlon. . Will start fur M0. Al drexa M 5'7. Bee. ClIAUFFivUR wants iHwllion; I year' expert once, Phon Web. 1741. COMPETENT, atrady Dwniah mad. peaks soma F.nglieh. wants werk of any kind at onne. Call at tilth St., 6uJ. between and la th vcdu. Ilans ClirWlanSan. ' SITLTAT ION wanted by exparlenced 4 ored girl; private family; reference furnished Call iHiug'as K WliKK Waiitad Uuiveraily maa, a rank faliur as l'.-rar; too cowardly to steal. Anytlilnw at liviitg wag, quick. Ad die. C In Hee. Milui'Mi man from High school Wants I light, steady work. Ived 4X. BITl'ATIONs WANTED M II iDLE-AGF.D man wants work around the hocsn lit exchange for board and room. Address, K 6iJ, Bee. COIXiRED lady dealres steady position at general housework. Phon Harney 6319. 1X8T AND FOUND Lrist or Found ad In Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the immediate re turn of that article if advertised in The Bee. theLnxt and Found psper. lOST A broqua pearl daisy with dia mond center; lost from brooch between spruce and Yates on 1Mb St-, or at Carter Ike club; liberal reward , of fored. Call Webster 1H1. PMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAIL, W A x COMPANY. Pereons having lost some article would o well to call up the offlc of the Omaha it Council Bluffs Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day ar turned In nd the company la anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug. 41. LOST Platinum bar pin set with sap phires, diamonds and pearls; liberal re ward. Return to 2ol 8. Kd Ave. JXiST-Long haired white dog, June , evening, in the rlcinlty of 14th and Lake Bt". Return to Hugo Bros, show nd receive reward Thuisdsv. Z4th and Lartmore; Friday. 20th and Burdatt. . PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga- rlnes. We collect, W distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will ca'l. t ail and Inspect our new horn. 1110-1112- 1114 Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers sre invited to visit the Youna? Women's Christian association building at 17th EL and St. Mary's Av., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler1 aid at the Union station. GORDON, th Magaxln Man. Phon Douglas 71(3. FRT STOCK ' ONE white, one golden Persian cat for sale, wi7 outn auth Av. Tyler m. . SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swan. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really heed? It ci-sts you nothing to Join th Swappers' flub, and you will find It lots or run swapping things. Write Room 1U4, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. ANGELUS PIANOLA with T-reed organ In It. also over 100 reoords: will trsde for Victrola. Phon iiarney 2104. Iu2i Ifith Ave. o AUTO Hav a good Jitney auto for clear lot, or what hav you? Address, S. C 104. flee. I WANT automobile. What do you want In exchange for It Address, S- C. lwl, Be. , AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain a th 'Autoruobll'' clasaifl- cation. WILL trade good car, Velle, for clear Omaha lot, good equity of not les than j0, or what hav you 7 W. T. Smith Co. D. 2819. ' City National Bank Bldg. o A PEN of Buff Leghorn chickens, "prise winners,- want a good ball-baring lawn mower or 150-egg Incubator. Ad d ress 8. C. 1071, Be. BOYS! Here's your chancel Hav two i-ft steering sleds, both alike. Will trade for bicycle. Address 8. C. 1079, Bee. FINK bay horse, weighs about 1,100, fin driver; afraid of nothing; buggy and harnes If desired; would trad for cheap auto or truck. Tel. South 14f. FOR SALE Cheap, whole or controlling interest in old-established manufactur ing business: now runnliz and doing good business; Includes patents and good niacmnery; invoices -),ow; win trade, W, M. Pierce, Superior, Neb. LAUNCH Have 16 -foot launch, cost im new, will trade for secend-hand auto. Address S. C. 1053. Be. "INTIAN" motorcycle and new side-car; late 1914 model, twin cylinder, two- speed, complet electric equipment 1914 improved kick starter; new tire; all per fect condition. Cost $370. Want Ford or light roadster; no othsr propositions con sidered. Address) 8. C. 1072, Bee. WANT to swsp diamond ring for nous painting, w. c, mi, car nee. K il)A K "Ansco" folding pocket, - sis 'x4U; double lens, automatic ahutter; rising, lowering and laterally shifting front; like new; together with complete outfit, including new S developing tank. printing frame, tray, carrying case, etc. Want visible typewriter in good condi tion. Addreos 8. C. 10&, Bee, PAYING clean business, well located. fine chance for tailor, will swap for anything can get 12,000 on, no business chance agents need answer. - Address S. C; Kmu. Be. MOTOUCTCLK 1916 model 11 H. P. twin cylinder motorcycl in A-No. 1 condi tion, and has been run las than 600 miles. Will-trad for Ford or light car- Address S. C. 10C3, Be. TOOL GRINDER Heavy. ubstantial grinder, hand power, for bench work; never feed; hag ball and ookat joint, permitting wheel being adjusted to any poult Ion, win swap Tor anything or value. Address S. . C. I' I0M. Bee. HAVE a good Concord top buggy tn fine shape to trade. What have you to ex change? A ddre, 8. C. 10b. Bee. CHICKENS Thirteen thoroughbred Buff Ornlnaton hens: on prixe cockerel! for baby cab or sewing machine. Address t ink i, A A VT.i ADDING and listing machine in good werklng order to exchange for a light automobllo. Address 8. C. 5JK7, Bee. PIANO A dandy Decker Bros, so dare fine for starting to learn. What could you offer -tn for this. Mak offer. Address r). C. 1071. Be. EDI140N phonograph and 31 reoords, fin condition, cost new 16. What hav you to trad for till? Addreag S. C. IdaJ. PIANO Fumed oak player piano, used one year, coat 460; 60 rolls beat muslo; would trad this for automobile, or what could you offer and could use? Address 8. C. 1076. Bee. v RbAL .ESTATE contract. $1. two, for ot or utu and lots. Web. 4191. PIANOS Swap tor or on aa auto or lot or lots; will pay difference; If yoj have anything get In touo'i with me. aa 1 have other stuff to exchange; giv coinp'.et description. Address a C. li3. Be PIANO Elegant piano; swap on auto; will pay cash difference for good trad or will swap piano for a lot or equity in a we 1 1 loc ate lot. Addreea H. C. 1UM. Be. WANTED Saxaphon. Address, iiolber, Boelus. Neb. 1'KADE. good note, lUU for diamonds or motorcycle, Guy W, Dodson, Stella, Neb. NEW MONARCH Typewriter. iuO ma chine, trade for automobile, one with delivery body preferred. W ill pay differ ence. 21 Harney Bt. Phone lHiug. 4729. 1 VI'F WRITER Have .tea.-ly new iMtl typewriter to trade for small n'o, tyiiewrller desk, brass nfft? railing or l uriiin railliiar lVa diameter, or will Day I c,. 8. C. lufl. Bee. . WILL swap I "4 gilt edge seourtty for Ferd car or roadster. S. C. X2i, Be. ROOMING house. t3 Farnam Ht, to trade for aa automobil. Ditv up with your .ar -- - - " ' xTTTTv T.I'il.iV T ,r. vLka. hn. and reversible wicker top. rust thlny-flve aoiiara, uen vu , i -. w , . , . , what hav yout Address h ('. VrA Dux. FOR RENT Aaarlawsti aa Fist. t4 N. 11ST 8T -4-room flat, modern; water paid. Brick building. Block from car. .Newly decorated. Ouly iiO. (1 Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will ilea?e the most critical: ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. T,TIM Guarantee and Ah lHrrCo., a modern abstract 906 So. 17th St Phon D. Ah "tract office. Ms7. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract fflo In Nebraska. ?at Brandels Th ACCOfHTANTg. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. Addr 43 Rame Bldg. Phone Douglaa 740a. ADDI.MG MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (W-ales). W. O. W. D. 6331 AMA1ELR F1MSH1U. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. APPKHXTKK GIRL. Oppenheim hair dressing. 236 City Net. ARCHITECTS. I i i Rverett 8. Dodds. Ill Pax ton Blk. D. S9S1- AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W. O. W. R. Sas. Kat'I Pale AV Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. . AITO IMIBAME. 40 sav.d on your automobile Insurance by patronising a home Co. Doug 2S19. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rp. Co., KM Far. D SOW. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER. 1504 N. 13th. Web. 3297. BEDDIKG, OVAHA PILLOW CO.. JSOT Cuming di'1M8T' fathr faath.r J?MtTf" J " k,n1- roak feather mattresses and down covers. BLUB PRINTING. H2R.?BT. Bl,UB- PRINT CO.. K Omaha Nstlonal Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-MltcheU Co.. 27th and Martha St. Keb. Fdry. A, Mfg. Co., 1126 N. . Web. 7300 BUILDING WRECKERS. .JIS!?- ai3d brick buildings wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 4S08. CARPET RUO CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. K71. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 128 8. 22d. Douglas 6620. Lessard aV Bon, 1100 Cap. Av. T. 1631, CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Pax. Blk. Med 4687. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'M'TS P. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. 3. LACY. Ml BEE BLDG . DOUG. 4716. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's Pantalorlum. 120-2 8- 16th. D. 6407 ROYAL Dry Cleaner. 2231 Leavenworth. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'S Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. 1NVEWTI GATE 811-11 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFO. pf lodg regalia and costumes. Theo. Lleben & Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4116. DANC1.VG ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1171 Try Mackle' first UK Harney. Doug. 6A4. DOWN TOM A HaiBi-AU RANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night 1711 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Trry Dresmak'g college, loth A. Farnam, fcUITS, towns, in home. WaJ, 1267. DRESSMAKING. 1717 Chicago. D. 113. MISS STURDY. 2416 CASS. RED 7320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry ClngCo.JJ20 N. 12th. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Nevill Blocki Ev. oenuo twures in all caaas. Tyier U$. - DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flck. 724 City Nat Bank. Taf Dental Room. 1617 Douglaa. D. TIM. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders: catnlosuaa free. Rharman A Vl i-onwen rug t o.t umsna. Neb, ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. lit N. 16th. Term. ELECTROLYSIS, trio Allender, f4 Bee Bldg. Red 105S. EVER Y THIN a FOB WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating-, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, pi cot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., luO Douglas Block. D. liiJO. NEW TORK sample store. Must vacate, bunding coming down; cloaks, suits and druses sacrificed. 2iM N. lsih St EVERYTHING FOR MEN. ITS getting warm now. Special summer rates, $ FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 40-S Hamilton, Wal. 2971 FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1104 Farnam Bt D. IDOO. li HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. IS. Membt Florist Telegraph Del Ass n. HKS8 trVVOBODA, 14U Farnam St A, DONAGI1VE. 1622 Harney. Dcug. 1001 SWAN SON. the fiortBt. Web. 4M9. So. 701. HAT CLKAA.4NU. pnanmaa cleaned. D. El sals. UM City Nat ALL kind ht clsanad. 1&10 Harney St AMLPICAX Hat Cleaners. Ill I Harney. ICR. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOXE WEBSTER 611 General Offlc. lath and Mandersoa Bis, FOn RENT Th Fnr Rent advertisements appearing In th or Rent c.-Iuraa of Th He daily can not be heat for variety that will please and fill the needs of ny on de al ring to rent. Phon Tyler loud. A ar4aeala aa t'lsts. ;0T 8a. t&th Ave. Elegant 1 room brick. Every convenienc loug 6n7. Ti'K THOKVALD4-ewoiu apartmaot 1.'24 PaJ-k Ave, will docorat to suit Rcferance, Iiarney 661, quality and expert service that GOLD AND SILVER PLATINw. WK replat everything Df mh" Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St. Est, im. JEWE4.EMS. LtTCKT wedding rings a? Brodegaard'a- JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H, CLAIBORNE, 61S Paxton Blk. R. 740L Notary pub., deposition steno. C. W. BRITH. HOI Barker Mock. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CROP. CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURi, WIRING. DURK1N Thomas. Douglas tSl. 241 Cuming St MASSLESE9. - Tt A TTTSnl mass., alcohol rub. Laura UAtiiow1(on 1S0J F.rnam, room a. Douglaa 1751. Open evenings and Sunday. Miss Staples. Ev. open ; Sun. 10-z. D.713. Mass. Eaundera-Kennedy Bldg. D. 713. B.Brugma'n, mass.,203 Karbach Blk, B. 177? MAPPAGD 620 Be Bldg. Douglas 63 Clar Lea, bath and traaeage. Douglas 1751. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. i - MAS8AQBCll D. 3227 for appointment MASSAGE, 1771 Dodge. Mis Steel. MISS GILBERT, massage, 109 8. 17th St Miss Walton, Mass. R. 234, Neville Blki MI99 JACOBS, Mess , R. 224. Neville Blk. MINING ENGINEERS. W7LL pay to consult W. H. Oodfrey on mining business. 107 State Bk. R. 4341. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDPON MOTORCTCLES. Bargains in used machine. Victor Rooa, "Th Motorcycle Man." 1701 Leavenworth. AtOVTG PICTURE MACHINES. OMAIt A Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion Picture machine and film bargain WK rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchange. 640 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; saw filing.. Doug. 7421. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES, Harp tt Piano. 108 Lyric, D. 8704. BOURICTUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUG LAS 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. DAuiv Axirs tine can seea at xi per bus., sacks 0o eauh. Wilt for samples. 3. J. Funk, Fremont Neb. T C T TT. . a . , OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can. Drs. McCarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Petoraon. cos Brandeig Bldg. D. U4f JP8KFHINE ARMSTRONG, ell Be Bid.. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH W MA NUB, 417" N. 40th. H. frit N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 4109. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel Red Till - , H. A. Sturges. 636 Bntndels Theater Bldg. PIANO RKFIN1SHING. GENERAL overhauling, to year, exp. References, 701 17th. Red 6830. John Baer. PLATING. P. MT7- Acm PlaUng Co., Ul S. 16th 8,.- PK1NT1NG. WATER 8-BARNH ART Pt. Co., qumllty printing. Tel. Doug. 1180. 614 a. mix St CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel Douglaa 144. SAFE AND TIME) LOCK EXPERTS. A T?T-4 i Opened, repaired, comb. Onf ILkJ cna.n,tL B- Pavn- ciiunneu. r. J. Lvn port, 1406 T lodge. D. 121 SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 611 8. 12th. D 1911. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., ahoe rapalr. m 8, 14. HTley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm, R.144 SEWING MACHINES. TTT rent repair, aell needles and parts W e tor all sewing machine IW- "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Doug. ll STEEL CHILINUST CARTER Shea Metal Company. Ho 8 '1t SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Sn r- T.,f STORE AND Utuu FIXTURES, " "djWply Co.. WuuS. lmil,lf- to v el stppilii ' ' t 4iat. OMAHA Towel Supply. aOT H. nth D. Kk TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDERTOU. log N. Uth Bt Palm Beach suits to order. 18U Farnara. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRE1.INQ a BTEInTe. 1106 Tlmmm Bt TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT." RENT an Oliver Typewriter i , Oliver TywjUJ; RENT a writer. "Remington." not lust tyna. low rent, call lv,J,.. Call Doug!., WATCH SPECIALIST!! Christiansen, Id tl PaxtonBkisr. 0 WEDD1NU STATIONERY. Wadding announcements. Dou. pt, Co WINKS AMD Ll,Uoltr ALEX JETES. 201-1 8. llth St. Win, Ll.-ora. cigar Plate dliinsrs. U to "t, u Glob liquor house. Ct NTlOth- California win. . per gal W THi , f "r pne St! HENRT POIJXJCK LIQUOR HOUSSl 16th and Capitol Av. n-ut lulicS FOR RENT ipai-luau aad riata. TWO 4-room modern aparimeat. eff of Farnam. In th "Psg" hUh el flrnproof building. Harney isiS. fels-10 8. SJth. t-r.Tnd bath. 14 U 1 11 newly remodeled; also storarooss. KJ 16o7. VERY cholc 4 or t-toom lTIi SDartment on West Famm tH. John w. ro-ublu. xos. rxKUXM ar.