10 Tim BKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JUNK 12, 1915. FLOUR PRICEJOES DOWN Quotation Drops One Dollar Barrel, Which ii Fint Important Re daction in Months. RETAIL PURCHASERS BENEFIT Pans!" Just llko that the bottom Wss shot out of the price of flour In the last wwk ot ten dure. The price dropped 11 a barrel In the left week, besides the Jlttle drop of dime a feck that hed been epert-en-ed before that. A barrel of flour contains Jno pounds. That mean that the wholesale price he dropped a half-cent a pound, which la considered some drop, in the face of the lens: and peralatent advance flour haa enjoyed ever since Europe bnn to o.urro! With ltaelf. Tli retell market haa felt the- pulae rr the flour price, wtlh the result that four that wua costing- I1.K.1 a sack ten days at-n ran now he had for $1.W. The drop In flour haa been coincidental nlili the drop In the price of wheat. The optinvMlc r porta of prospects of an enormous whent crop are aald to hava l-d their effect In reducing the price of bent and flour. - ,r -trne end firm, atthotiR-h the houaewlfd la stilt allowed all of six im. for her dollnr. How Ion Mi.- Will be lima favored la a question, for the wholesale market haa been keep In a stiff upper lip for some three or four weeke. Then, toi, the canning ace eon la approaching:. Old potatoes advanced 31 cents a buahel Thursday. TTiey are now retailing at 0 cents a buahel. New potatoes are re taillnir at ll.flO a buahel. Strawberries are expected to be a thins. of history wlll4n a week or two. "Ore gon berries artabaut the only one thnt are any good new," said Manager Klni of llnjrten a grocery department, "for the home grown I e tries were somewhat wateraoakrd. There was too much rain ' lust at the aeaeon when berries were ripening here, with the result that they have toj much -water." Oreaon cherrh-s that were coating 40 and 60 cents a pound lent week are down to li cents now. They are coming In In larger quantities now. Home grown cherries are on the market at 10 cents a box. Gooseberries are als on the mar '. ket at 10 cents a qniart box. Apricots are here at AO cents a basket, or 10 rents a dosen. These are expected to be cheaper quite anon. Texas Prodnrta Arrive. Texas tomatoes are here In ciates of four baskets cach. Thry sell at 45 cents a basket. Also In smaller quantities, they can be had at 10 cents a pound. ' The flret csr of Texas cantaloupes has arrived. They are selling at 7V, 10 and cents apiece, according to stxe.. Home-grown peas are here at 1 cents a quart. r(ri.. r 1 lAmbs'are higher aaln after a little drop" last week. .. Lambs ,' are , selling at wholesale as high as 22Va cents a pound. Berf pot roasts coat 1IH cents, round steak 3D cents, sirloin 25 cents, porter house to and 3i cents. t k chops are li. cents, pork roasts are cents. Spring chickens are Si cents a .pound. Hens are centa . . ,' Hams that sold for It centa a pound two weeks ago are how selling at 1S cent. In some .ilrtera It l predicted they will go to cents the first of the week. ' Fresh fish art cheaper than usual. Halibut can be had at MVs cents, salmon at 12H, catfish at 15, pike 16. Spanish mackerel 15 and trout at 15 cents. Shad roe sell at 75 centa each. Burns Says Flour Must Age Before the Bakers Use It . "We can't bake September options In June. We are still ualng HT5 flour, and when we get Into the new wheat In September we expect to be able to offeY larxer loaves of bread," aald Manager Peterson of the U. I 8 tea in Baking company, when' asked- whether 1he re cent decl'ne of (1 a barrel on flour would have the effect of Increasing the of bread. , Jhv Hurna of the Burns Baking eom-an-- declared that the reduction In flour durihn -the- lot, week will not find its way iti to .t!-e .loaves. of. bread, until sum Month, honco. . He, said the present de-iline- U fur August end September de llvrry he' furtr explained that bakers fnvsf keep' TTour about sixty days for the "SRlng" process. V" ' "Huktrs are now using n gh-prtoe flour srrt at.tr. very beat thare Is a. period I of sixty day .between the time of con traitina for flour end the time ft nalnv me etwue uuur. wii an eiuciqauon ot f. red by Mr. Burns. ' Wheat Makes New - Low Mark for Year - Lower rablea and crntinued reports of . a bumper wheat crop neerlng tho harvest ' ut 1 1! M dowa ata!n Wheat went off a fu.l 4 cents, the Omaba price, ranging froifc .1. l.nt the new low mark for Ire year. In Chicago the Omaha op tion fur. July almoet reached the $1 mark and the predicts n, are that it will so Im-U.w this figure 'before the end cf the wk. . . Omaha wheat receipts for the day were twenty-four carloads, - most cf which went into ths elevator, to be sold for miring purposes. ' ( urn was strong and mined half a rent over Thursday, prices spreading between CT and 70 cents per bushel. Receipt were sixty-six cars. Oats were U cent off, selling at 4349 H' rents per bushel. Receipts were fuurtmn cars. !i n JAf'ES WALSH WILL TRY TO CATCH SOME SALMON Mr. snd Mrs. James Walsh of Benson will leave Sutunlay morning for an ex tended trip through Canada, Pi: get Bound . try and Alaska. Mr. Walsh will lo dule In Ms annual salmon finning In the !r north a est country. A Bttatek Made by afaar. THin'l watt for rheumattam to Indicate tiin.m-4 kkloeya When you . suffer fans and achea by day and sleep dts t'lrUr.g biaitder weakness by night, feel t'rd, nervous and rundown, the kidneys i. 4 Judder sli'Kild be restored to t.&l'y. strong and regular act tea. it Is a si. inii.e t-j postiMxte treatment Foley Yt 'ut-y l i !s pat the kidneys In sound, ttuii'.y i'i,iiil.liun snd ktx-p them sctlve i.J strong llnrln taking today. UimJ -i. it 1 vi.ow tl-e f.int duM. -kniH every Wint - A aver".Uiut tit The combination of judg ment, merchandising skill and purchasing power shown, by this store daily, naturally gives you greater service, greater choice, greater value by far than the usual. SAT URDAY AT U- itirjtmt imiifci S-t.isL..lHniilllti,.i.lit III II ni. .l .ml I it !. .in. ill i..ij.,a.,ali,lli.. . ,,mMMmktMliMttm,mmltmtutJ The purpose of all special sales featured in the Brandeis advertisements is to introduce to new people the exceptional value to bo found in every de partment at Brandeis.' Our regular customers know these values. No Ordinary Sale of SUMMER BLOUSES It la an Annual Occasion but this rear It In of greater magnitude than ever before. And we ao not aim to be boast ful when we sr that we have never presented euch fine Blouse at uch mall prices SI. S1.95 to $10.75 F;rr-Like DIouseg of Organdy, Batitt and Voile Embroidery in the keynote of their beauty. Some of It la bo fine that It look like etched motifs on thin crystal. TaheU of embroidery are the most favored; some of the blousea merely have collars or Inset motifs of embroidery and some of them are embroidered all over. Yes, lace, too! Valen ciennes, Fllete Venlne and cobwebby Shadow Laces give those Inimitable touches of daintiness that these modes require. Offers In Hair Goods At liewa Than ONK-HALK IU.UIXAB PIUCE 24 -1 n c h 2 os. Natural Wavy Switches $4.00 val- (St O e ues Transformations made of fine 18 Inch balr. $5.00 vl- M O O ?JLea70 ues, 18 and 20-lnch Fluffy Hair Switches $2.00 values f" .... UliC 8 a n 1 1 ary Hair Rolls all style special at 25c, 35c and 50c 2 8-ln. Fine Hair Switches $10 values, specially priced 8 COS e- We dye switches. We' makes Tou pees. Swlt c h e s made from your combings. Hair Dressing. Manicuring, fthampnnlng and all Hemity Culture Work Second Floor and pompln Room. ...... UlftU WO .11. uv ''..$8.75 Coata and Suits of Fashion With Decided Price Changes One special lot of Sport Coats and Light Weight Wraps, author itative In every particular, for cool evenings,, auto and outing wear. Some or them nave sold as high as, $1.7. 60 ana we nave mem in i various assortment ot styles; Saturday Your Choiceof 140 Fine Suits at $10 We have brought together two racka of tailored suits in good smart models, but odd numbers, In serges, gabardines and poplins. Many that have sold f 1 r. up to $22.60. Special Saturday J 1 U New Silk Sweater and Kayser Silk Jersey Coats The season's very newest demand. Pretty color combinations and smart and effective for sport wear. Special at $14.73 to aVTYUsrC $25 We are Selling Nov Fine Low Shoes At prices lower than ordinary. We have some of the smartest new thinga to be had bits ot footwear that proclaim Its wearer one of taste and refinement. New Dreae Pumps .for Women !ull, patent and bronse kid, either Main or strap styles; French, leather heels. iMnd or short ef fects. liaht soles. Perfect flttlna patterns: s splendid array of styles. Every else. All Q QC at, pair "Mary Jane" Pumps for' Touna Women White Ivory soles, broad toes, flat bows arid low hels. All trimmed In white. All OB sines. Pair .0 "Trustworthy" . Oefords for Wen Ten or dull caifakln. Hutton or late. New flat .n ltsh lasts or hlah toe styles. Bolid selected leather through out, perfectly riniabed. Every sue. (Special, pair , $3.50 The "Tnwtwortny" Barefoot Sandals for Children hoft tan calf, luted with juniper soles, the most fJexlhle leather tanned. Meet styfi of footwear for summer. All aiaea, I to 8, ee S to U. $lMt sixes lid 11 H to 1 .ImJO Several Important Glove Offeringa for Saturday Women's Zl-lnch Long (turn the el bow) guaranteed double tipped, extra heavy quality, pure silk iclovea in black and w hite. Mhould sell at eon aliterably more. BaturUay, QSc U oiten's':-Vnr'h uila'ne'a'e' Rilk O loves of a fine lustrous arade, double tip ped, look beautiful, lilack or 7C whlia Very apex-inl, fir ' Kayser or tfreniieta Two-Clsan Ouar. iud Silk Cloves In black or white, with or without contrast barks, '.tuarantee slip In every cn. pair. Pair fiVC Kay see lfiBattoa Xnsrth Mil. aaeee sulk Uluvee tl.bu This is a muvn finer ariMVe tlian usually sold at this lrlo Ttny come in black or white; every pair a-uar-anteed by (he maker and 1 by ua. e)aturiay, pair ,"M A complete line of everything need ed for the comfort and welfsre of In fanta; soft, dainty little garments at very reasonable prices. Ruben's Bummer Welaht Vests 9C. i Kch S.OC -Fiach Little Prinreaa Vests neck and short sleeves, neck and short aleeves. Each Home hi eli others lo 25c Infants' Ixins; and Bhort Dresnea With hand-embroidered yoke. Cfle Hpeclally prlcedi ouc Infants' Lisle Hose White, pink or blue. Pair IOC Just received a new line of hand Sewed and embroidered Inn- and short dresses, skirts, pillow rases, rarrisae robej, bibs, bonnets and ki monos. Ions; or short, at various ipricrs. New Bits of Neck wear and Ribbons New Puritan Collars in em broidered organdie and voile, with the colored edges. Very popular. Col Up from DUC Dainty Lace and Swiss Em broidered Collars in flat and rolling effects, em broidered pique. Ea. 25c Special for Saturday ruffs, white with black chenille dots, at, each. new neck 50c Our Semi-Annual Sale of Our Entire Stock of TT 1 ii nmmect oais jr-v Your choice of any trimmed hat in the house, noth ing reserved Included are all tho chapeaux of the season Dress Hats, even those just received this week; all Street and Tailored Hats, some worth to $25.00 and $30.00; Panamas, Maline Hats, Leghorn Hats, Lace Hats, Milan Hats, some trimmed with Para dise Aigrette, Heron Aigrette, Ostrich Novelties, Etc. Choice $10.00. ' mm Any Hat in Our Entire Stock Selling for $10.00 or Less $5.00 One Day Only Saturday, June 12 New Summer Wash Dresses $5.00 A special showing Saturday of 00 New Tub Frocks In pretty. dainty,, plain figured and striped voiles; made with the pretty jacket affects and girdles. Every pretty color for summer wear. New Silk Dresses The amartnesa of the new silk, dresses for summer wear ia to be appreciated as & deviation from the cotton frocks so commouKy shown. An entirely new assort ment at 19.00, $25.00, o $29.00 and P30 New Silk Skirls at $6.93 Taffeta, the season's most popu lar fabric for skirts, is found in this special offering; plain and checked taffeta, tiers, accordlan and box pleatlngs, 93 Silver Hollow-ware Sale Sat'rd'y Bake DUhes, Casseroles, Tea Sets, Fruit Bowls, etc Less Than Half Regular Prices 8. B0 and $5 00 Cake Bas kets. Sandwich Plate. Bread Tra)a, Bewlng Trays, Krult Bowls. Pyrip Pitch ers, etc. All quadruple silver plated and a AO ffuu-anteed. at... WlsUO $2.98 $6 Bake Dish, quad ruple plated, special. $5.00 and $6.00 Quadruple Silver Plated Casseroles Three and five-pint capacity. $T.50 Bake Dish, Quadruple at $1.98 gSS ,. $2.98 Candies Special Fresh Vanilla Marshmallowa, pound. Fresh Salted Peanuts Pound Old-Fashloned Black Walnut Taffy Pound Our Delicious Cream Dip ped Brazil Nuts Pound. Fresh Assorted Cocoanut Kisses; vanilla, strawberry and chocolate pound Bperial Ijm Mario riiVAlaiuia.-t .1 hard and cream centers and Swiss Btyle Milk Chocolates and on Pompelan Chocolats Bitter 4i Sweets Box aWC 10c 10c 25c 39c Kisses; 15c Four Wonderful Bar- gaint in Wall Paper for Saturday Selling Room Loti icr Saturday. Enough paper to cover room 12x14x9 feet- high. Lot No. 1 Consisting of 10 rolls wall Paper. rolls renin pa- SyO per and 11 ar.:s of border. .lP Keauiar price 11.40, Saturday. w Lot No. 2 Consisting of 10 rolls wall paper, I rolls of celling; and II yards of or 11-Inch border to match; Suitable for parlor, dtnins; (J1 aa room and library. Worth I 1 IS. ruf ths lot ye-4s Lot No. S Consisting of 10 rolls wall paper, rolla of celling; and II ysrds border all new 1111 gn ft soois. Kegular price Jt I M Lot No. 4 Consisting of 10 rolls oatmeal papers In all shades with cutout borders to match each color. rolls roolre celling and As e ..e?J.lU II yards out border. worth IS 2. lot.... Drugs and Toilet Articles l. Blache Face Powder All shades. Box Roger Oallet Rica Powder 1 T 2&o slse Ponds' Vanishing Cream f (1 60o slse Jar .OB HMdnut'g Toilet Water KQt 76o slse bottle isru Graves' Tooth Powder At 26o slse can "k Halo Face Powder XlXfQt 29c shades. 60c slse. Ingram's Rouge 60o als box Dorln'e Burnetts Rouge ?r Bpeclai. at 'g Madame Ise'bell's Cold Cream 60c alse Jar , Melorose Face lewder . All shades. 600 else Aubry Sisters' Beautlfler (.Qn ll.Oi) aise VVC 471t Talcum Powder 1 Violet. Can 4711 Vollet Glycerine Soap 1 Q. I bars for IVC White Ivory Manicure Files t and Cuticle Af Health 60c 29c Tetlow'a Bwandown Powder Box Rickeecker's Cold Cream OQ 60c alma tar J & S Hays' Hair rise bottle floan's Mnlment (0c slse'Vft bottle XC Pur. Epsom Baits 1-lb. pacicase lilnkei'a Caacara Pllli 100 In bottle Pure Witch Haael full pint botttle Bromo 8eltier 50c slse bottle... i Peroxide of Hydrogen 1-lb. i i. bottle 4C I J lac Roae Glycerin. Soap As 10c cake OC JUauld Veneer tic als. bot-1 All Bristle Hair Brush worth 11 00. at White Ivory Dressing An Combs worth 60c. at 'a Eyebrow Pencil bltde 1 sieclal. at C White's Vaucaire GalegafVQ, Tablets 11.00 siae ...OSrC I0-Mu)e Team Borax 1-lb.oj. raukase J7w Thermos Bottle, quart also, ft 09 1160 value 4IJ3 A big aaaortment of Bathing Capa. Ac '21c 18c 29c :49c Great Hosiery & Underwear Values . The raluea listed below, and othera equally a'.tractive, are daily drawing hundreds of shoppers to the Hosiery and Under wear store. Many are buying a whole season's supply. ' Women's Pure Thread Bilk Stock- lngs All colors and black and white, r-uii raahloned. reinforced soles, heels and toea. Some all silk to the top, others with wide lisle garter topa. 11.00 CQ. quality, pair j WC Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk Stockings Plsin and fancy, some two-toned, others with striped . tops. All silk, full regular made: hlah spliced heels, soles and hZV .d..u.l!,.. .t.0.p.": $ 1 .00 Women's Thread Silk Boot Stockings All ahsdes: full fashioned, elastic garter tops; double soles, heels and toea Special Saturday, S0c Women'a Bilk Lisle and Fiber Silk Blockings In black, white and colors. Full seamless, double aolea, heels and toea Spa- OC. cially priced, pair Women'a Hale Stockings Black nd white. Some full fashioned, others seamless. All havs spliced soles, heels and toea. Regular and extra alses. 26c 1 quality, a pair '' aariT vwdkmwxam Women's Venetian Silk Un ion Suits With shield re inforcement; French band tops. , Cuff knee. Pink and white. A $5.60 Jrt q value, suit eela7 Women's Llale Union Suits In cuff and - umbrella knee styles; French band and cro chet beading- tops. Broksn lots and alses of a well-known brand, worth to 11.26. cn. Special Saturday. sutt...C Kayser Knit Vests Sarlas ribbed Hales, dainty hand crochet yokes In various designs. Pink and white. Sixes 4. a and I. 60c OQ quality, each , JjC Women's Tine Cotton Vests Swiss ribbed, in plain and dainty lace yokes. Regular all stsea. Worth to lie. Special, each I2'2C Mlases' Fins Cotton Vea'a Fine or Swiss rlbbedi umbrella knee pants to match. Sixes I to 11 years. 16a value. ft " Special, a g&mfeent iJC Women's Black Bathing Tights, at 50 and SI f)oT On sale In Knit Underwear Department Main Floor! I 1 1 T""T ' " 1 1 "-'"" ' Ty r i" v it t . , T7TZr"T TTSTsTT T"""" T"? q 8