Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1915, Page 12, Image 14

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THK BKE: OMAHA, FU11UY, JL'XK 11, 1915.
Declares Lydia II Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
Shamrock. Mo. "I feel It my duty
to tell the public the condition of my
i -
I health before using
your medicine. I had
falling, inflamma
tion and congestion,
female weakness,
pains in both sides.
backaches and bear
ingdown pains, was
short ox memory, j
'4 ' UQl nlKb.ts.and h.d
I ' U'l ! ,11 neither strength nor
energy. There was always a fear and
dread in my mind, I bad cold, nervous,
weak spells, hot flashes over my body.
I bad a place In my right side that was
so sore that I could hardly bear the
weight of my clothes. I tried medicine
and doctors, but they did me little good,
and I never expected to get out again.
I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer
tainly would have been in grave or in an
asylum if your medicines had not saved
me. Cut now I can work all day, sleep
well at night, eat anything I want, have
no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells.
All pains, aches, fears and dreads are
gone, my house, children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I am almost
entirely free of the bad symptoms I had
lefore taking your remedies, and all is
rleasura.and happiness in my home."
Mrs.-Jobib Ham, R. F. D. 1, Box 22,
Shamrock, Missouri.
I f toh want special Advice writ
Lydia I Plnkliam Medicine Ck,
(confidential) Lynn, Mans.
( 1 UNI
bueciaJ sal of sulsodid ganulna iila-
moud, fin Watalisa, JswsJry, Bllver-
wars, for
An yHVj ondsrlpg bow to mt thm sputa
of a ban 4 torn veda ln or ft-ftd nation ftftt
Or CMrhM- Ar t biitklDS of thm rimoni
nKH.cmtni rlfiR. M k your tsfiAtrtloa from
our shi1 display of choir maxtttini prlood
p ) hmy mrm mttr tm pi &-.. All ftm hv
(i do is to ftpwn t tiara acaoant with it.
Th email mt nililr aamnu viii aTr fc
atisrsrtl. ,
17-Jml $in75
ITo. It Men's
Klgln, Walt li am 4
or iam pa n
watch. In
ft 7 iw
u a r tJn
td dou
bis strata
gold mi. J
ruse, ad
justed to
t in pera
ture. lo
chronl i
and posi
Cits toll; Till I r. N. Sstariiri Till 9:10
C.M mr vrlts for f'ulo No. . Phea
DikisIm 1144 soil MlMiuaa will call.
Motel Lenox
i w m mi
! I r , J,
One block from Copley Sq. and
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping nd Theatre District.
All Outside Rooms. Excellent
Biii Rooms J, with Bath J.SOsnd oi
l-toubls " )J.50, " " " '
(Good Oarages 2 minutes' walk) -L.
C. PRIOR, Manas
Two minutes from Beck Bay Siatlao'
Tea minutes from North Station
Safe and Sure
thould be your relief from Indi
gestion, biliousness, or consu
ltation. Known to be reliabla
tnd famous for their prompt
and certain efficacy are
Luiu Ulm mi Kmi Mki km (ks WiL
. riiek-e. la buat, 10c St.
$50 f $5
no. ess IV J Ky
Misgiving Called Up Day Before on
Exchange Largely Dis
NFW TORK, June 10. fuch mlsalvlnss
a Wall street conjured up yesterdar In
riinnecllon with the retirement of Mr.
Hryan were largely dispelled txUy. The
latmk market opened with a firm under
tone, the movement soon rlnlns to one 01
all-around strencth. Trading pro-eded
at a leisurely par In the early session,
later becoming apethetk-. There waa a
feeling that the Washington not to Ber
lin would go far toward clearing up th
political atmosphere.
Oalns embraced all part of tlie list,
hut copper and affiliated ahare wer
the rhlef feature, a InglraJ reault of th
remahable trade condition. topier aold
aa high a 2Hc today. It beat pi Ire In
eight yesra, and lead, wh'rh alao enter
extensively Into the manufacture of war
munition, waa quoted at Ho to 7c, the
hlKh-waler mark for thla product In
about thirty yeara. lnclilntally, one of
the large copper produrlng cnmpanle to
day declared an extra dividend of 1 per
cent, agalnat the previous almllar dis
bursement of 1 per rent
War aperlaltlea again oerupled a posi
tion of prominence, with gain of i to
'- point, General Kleclrlc scoring th
maximum rlM. Bethlehem Hteel failed
to make a new high record, but th pre
ferred stork sold at IIS. th highest quo
tation In It history.
I'nlted Mates Hteel wa I ha most active
stork and In fair demand at steady ad-
vanrea. The corporation May statement
showing an Increase of over 100,00 ton,
gainst a decrease of almost a much in
the preceding month, confirmed recent
report of trade betterment. Motor storks
gained I to I point and Pacific Malt
nee of SS waa aaaoelated with the re
ported early severance cf the company's
relations with Hon t hern Parlfln and the
advantageous sale of It properties. The
. -.n ... viu . m vr iK,r un.i, girlies vi
the day.
Total sale amounted to 492.O0O ahare.
Another large Installment of gold was
received from Canada, making a total of
t2V.W0.UJO received from that aourr on
ihe current movement. The Bank of
Kngland Increaaed It gold holding bv
about, i.1.7,un0 during the week anil
strengthened it reserve liabilities by a
small margin.
Bond wero firm, but without especial
features. Total sales, pnr value, aggre
gated U.fcVi.Ott). I'nlted -lales bunds wen,
unchanged on rail.
"few York Moaey Market..
PAfKK-Ht( Per rent.
BTKHMNtJ fexCHANOR Flxty - day
bill. I4.7k; demand, H.7WA; rabies. $.7.
HILVJUl-Bar, 4fl4e; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
firm. i
T1MB LOANS Raay; sixty day. t9
2S per cent; ninety day. tuli per cent;
six months, I per rent.
' oiKI-n itflr: h hrh. I ner
rent; low. 1 per cent: rulin rte t ner
iui. imm loan. X ner rent: rln, n hlfl
1 per cent; offered at I per cent.
Cloalng quotations on bonds todar ware
V. S. rsf m. rsg.... ST ). Pan. ev. is 4
(Is coiitxm rr n T r - iu. . tu.
V " T. tltr 4W......104
iO OOUDOA IO0mN. V flh-f- lu. in
C. a. 4s, rg lot h. Y.. N. H. it.
sausoa in ev. ts Ill
Psnsaw ts. eour..l04)N... I'ullla tm. liv
-nmmr. r m i imr a ,
A T. T. v. HvMIMr A, u ref. 4.
Arrnmr A Co. 4Vta.. 1 'Pad. T. A T. a
Atrblna aa. 4.... MttPvaa. coa. 4s
Ohio 4 MV ens 4Ue
.. t
ChM. Ohls 4m.. M nsaias sea. 4s..
n. i. 4.... tR. u a a. r.
4s 47
c m a a p g t i a. . v. 4a..
o ev. ts. ioa rw. -
C. S. pf. II tv. Is
P. a K O. rsf. .. 41o Raiir la....
Kris sea. Is f7YUnlaa Panirls 4,..
!. Klsctris la.. ..10 a my. 4W
lit Ho. Ul 4US.... I V. . RtiMwr ..
III. Cm. rsf. 4a... HliC S. Stsel Is
K. C Be. ref M. . M W.hs.h lat mm....
I . A M. Mnl Am HUWim I'.u. iu.
M. K. T. 1st 4S.. 7litWssL ZHW. mm'.'.a2
I.oeal Stoeka mm4 Bow da.
Qsntatlos ninilslisd br Bsras, Brisks A Cm.
U) Omiht Natleaai ka ull4ln(:
in. .
wilsr Bra.
peers A Km. ml . SI-4IT
rslrawnt lsairy T pmr ssat ft...,
(heal Wseters f usr pC4
MollM Pio f'4-
Stbunula Mtsla Tsl
A C. B. Bt. Rr. t
(la lbs C. B. H. A B. ft
Piters Mill I4 ssr eest ,.,
6tilkrsr A Baas f pr ssat B44...M
Atimis Os'eniinsnt Is. 1M
Alms. Nsb.. Water Works la. 111...,
Brsslaf. Nsa., Watar Wk. 4: U4
lUouialuxtea. Nek. Biee. Is, 1M ...
J I. CMS Thraahta Mrh. Is. MM.,,
Oolumbiu, Nek., Bleo. Is. 1M4 ,
Iki4m Kealtr Oe. sa. ltrl ,
Itsrtoa UhllM 0. . 1I7
Wntola, Meb., 4W1, 1M0 ,
Ooieba B. U A P. la. ISM...,
Oateha Kwe 444. ISM
Omsk Water 4ta, 1M1
tbJU A B. St. Rr. Is, IMS
peamrlvsal k. H. 4m, 1X
KmI ClovS, Neb., 1IM
ewin a co. u, iM4
KKis of Utth 4Hs
I'nWvrsitr Plaos. Net), 4 We, HIT..,,
Wliklt l)toa aXoek Tarda la, 1114.
101 H
ICvasrat Avplea sal Dried !
Arrur.o i'uii.
1RIKD FKUITS-Apn), dull. Prune,
firm. Apricot and peach, dull. Raisins,
HrlV, VDU,
Orelee fee Bteel I.eeeu...
NEW TORK, Jun lft-Th unfilled ton
nag of th I'nlted State Hteel coruore.
tion on May St. totalled a.Ud.SM ton, an
Cadets All Ready
to Enjoy Visitors'
Day to the Utmost
MALVERN. Ia Jun 10.-Spectal.V-
All drills, with th xoDUoa of th two
undress parades In th morning and vh
regimental parad in th vnlng. will b
omitted at th cadet encampment today.
Till Is to permit th cadets ampl tlm
to enjoy th company of th flock of
vUltors who com down on th special
irom Omaha. 1
Th best ltnss in troop parad Wednes
day wer awarded to Companies D, C
and A. respectively. In regimental Com
psny A wa first. E cond and A third.
Th second battalion again waa first
with th best street, with the Flast bat
talion' second and th Third last Th
order of companies waa 13, 1) and B for
first. svon4 and third.
Sixty noncomm!ae!on1 officer and
private llglbl for commissioned office ;
next year were put through an examine- j
Hon drill by the commandant and the
lieutenant colonel during th afternoon.
Tuesday evening ten of th boys wer
given permission to coin Int camp
after tap. They had been Invited to
attend a da no at th horn of on of
tit girls of th town.
Thos present wer:
Mtes Mtsaea
Rum lleedman, Iowa Ltoardorff,
tleanor Mellor, Kaiheruie Meilor,
Kalli. Mulholiand, Marian Kntht.
(iladva Knlaht. Mildred Mc Nutty,
Frances btraJian. Helen Kneeiand.
M er.-
1'iivat Ititllp Thomas.
CapLalu Paul Ftolhow.
t'aptalo Kalph heoedict.
Private Hurtoti Howard.
Irlvate L-wight I'mforih.
ftsrgaant Ma lor Howard Douglas.
Msjor liob tdwsrd.
Captain Russell Irmon.
f'aptain tdward Parley.
Lieutenant Charles Petersen.
Tbe regular number of lck men turned
up at th hospital quarter, but nothing
more serious than sunburn, aad tint ta
very popular. Ray. burses, who t-ad
been hit la th by aa egg aad th
pupil cut, I very much Improved and J
the doctor has allowed rim his freedom j
again. j
Budget Situation is All-Absorbing
Topio Since Governor Issue
News that tbe governor's Greater
Cmaba proclamation was mailed to
the city clerk had the effect of stir
tint the city commissioners to In
creased Interest regarding the con
solidated budget situation.
Superintendent Butler of the de
Iiartmeat of public accounts and
finances conferred with City Attor
ney Rlne) on the subject of the forth
coming levy. While the city officials
bav a general Ides as to the opera
tions of the merger law, there are
some details not yet definitely de
cided. On the fa of thing. It appear that
South Omaha will escap taxation fof th
last five months of thla year, as the levy
which South Omaha would hav mad
next month and which would hav been
available to the extent of (0 per cent
on August 1 will not be mad under the
larreas tm Levy.
Within th next ten day the regular
Omaha levy to rover the 181 budget will
be certified to In the regular way. The
merger law provides that tht certifica
tion may Include amount equal to th
existing maximum levies allowed In South
Omaha and Dunde. Under a recent
legislative enactment Omaha may levy
up to 11,110,030 for general purpose, the
Increases being mede over the last allow
ances: Police, 130,000; parka, 130,000;
library, $20,000; fire, $20,000, sinking fund,
25,ono. it I probable that the full maxi
mum will be made for the Omaha levy.
At the as. me time, the commissioner may
certify , additional levies to cover South
Omaha and Dundee to th extent of 1317,-
WS.l for the former city and Rllt.SS for
Th general fund levy for South Omaha
lart year wa 13 mills, applied to a valua
tion of $2t,477,40, and In Dundee the cll
lag tax was 17 mills, applied to a valua
tion of f53t,20B. It th city commissioners
dtcld to tak advantage of the maxi
mum In ach case the total for Greater
Omaha will be, thla being for
general city purposes.
Mar Werraata.
U Is the present opinion of th super
intendent of th finance department and
the city attorney that warrants which
may b Isaued to cover South Omaha ex
penses for the last flv months of this
year may b provided for when th levy
la fixed a year hence, although there waa
in expression that it may be possible to
mak thla provision In th forthcoming
Commissioner Butl&r favors' th Idea of
th city council convening soon as a
tudget board for th purpos of going
over the Important mature.
Th superintendent of th pollc de
partment must fac situation wherein
salartea of all policemen ar Increased be
ginning July 1, with no additional funds
for this year to meet th rat. Mr.
Kugel believes it may b posslbl to
overcome this situation in a way by de
claring an "emergency," by reason of th
Increased fore In th annexed territory.
and In that manner divert om money
from th miscellaneous fund to th po
llc fund.
Ls4a Stock Harfcet.
LONDON. June 10. American aeeurltUa
opened ateadr today, hut eased off later
on th uncertainties of th political aitua-
Got Larger. Hair All Came Out.
Cried Terribly. Could Not Sleep.
Had to Walk Floor to Quiet Him.
Used Cuticura and Now Well.
' Lb Crosse; Kansas. "When my son waa
mm day old he began breaking out on his
faoa la tiny red plmplea that seamed to Itch.
aa h wa uneasy and couldn't
I p. . Th plmplw got larger
and changed to water busier.
They would break and run and
3aus new one to break out
until b wa covered all over
with b thick crust. His head
was so bad w war afraid to
wash It almost. All ls hair,
cam out. W kept htm on a
pillow lor fear of breaking th bUatars,
Every tlm they broke they seemed to
mart and burn, aa ha would cry terribly.
The eruption disfigured th baby. Wa had
ta walk th floor with him to quiet him.
"When a was four weeks old I bought a
caks of Cuticura Soap and box of Ointment.
Th first tlm I used them h alept better
thaa be had for a long Urn. II Is now. at
th ag of nln month, wall." (Hlgnad)
Mrs. John W. SutcllfT, Jun3Q. 1914. ,
Sample Each Free by Mall
With t3-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Cattcitre. Dept. T,
tt.M Sold throughout th world.
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, th lee aoap you us
th better.
Moat soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkalis. Thla dries
the scalp, make th hair brittle, and
la vary harmful. Just plain tnulalflad
rocoanut oil (which I pur and en
tirely greale. I much better than
soap or anything els you cen us for
hampoclng. a this can't poaelbly In
jur th hair.
Wmply moisten your hair with
water and rub It in. On or two t
ponful will mak an abundance
of rich, creamy lather, and cleanse
th hair and scalp thoroughly. Th
lather rinse out easily, and removea
very particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excetalv oil. Th hair dries
Qutcktv and evenly, and tt leave It
flit anj silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage.
You ran get mulslfled coco nut oil
at most any drug store. It ta tcry
cheap, and a few ounces I enough to
Isst evervon In the family for
month. -Advertisement.
tlnn. Canadian leauea ruled steady, but )
the general rioalng waa quiet.
H1LVKII Mar, Z3-1Hd per ounce.
MONKf-IVn'S per rnt; discount
ratea. short Mile. 2 per cent; three
months, 27 per cent.
The health deriartnunt report that
forty-four scarlet fever ptlcnt are be
ing cered for at the city emergercy hos
pital on Douglas street. There ar fifty
even houses' under scarlet fever quar
antine. leffre Market.
NKW YORK. June 10 X)FFEK The
market for coffee future waa lower to
day under realising and a little trade
selling, which waa accompanied by
rumor that some of the coat and freight
offer were eaeler. Th demand from
near month shorts wa not In evidence
after the covering of the lint two or
thre day and there appeared to he very
few buyer around the ring. The market
opened at a decline of t to 4 point and
closed & to IS point lower. Balea were bars. June. MtOc; July. .8.c; Au
gust, S.iHc; fleptemher, S.7c; October,
79c; November. .7c; December, .Oc;
January. S.Mc; February. .fr?e; March,
April, S5c; May, 7.00c. Spot, quiet;
Rio No. 7. 7ic: Bantoa No. , Sc. Hantoe
4a were reported In the coat and freight
market at Sc. Mllrel prices were un
changed and no change waa reported In
the rate of Rio exchange on London.
It's Free and Will Save
Money for Any Ford Owner,
We SHI Direct, No Long Profit
At Your Expense.
Kord Sopptie Exclusively.
Auto Accessory Co.
2003 Farnairi, Omaha, Neb.
Formerly The Ford Supply Co.
Money-Saving Specials
Furnishing Goods Dept.
Men's Summer Shirts To
$2.00 values, in percales,
penangs, madras, French
satinettes, etc, most desir
able styles and colors. .69
25c and 35c Wash Ties 100
dozen of them, Bilks and mer
cerized fabrics, in all colors.
Mra'a l'nion Suits $1.50 t $3
ralueg . .oSfi nr f
Ribbed, ' balbiiggan, n&AUsook
and mercerized fabrics, all styles
and sites.
Outlns;' ami Auto Hats To $1.00
Blues, all colors, men's and
UdiM' 45
Boys and Children's HaU Silk
and crash, all colors and sizes, to
78c values, choice ....... .45
Red This Big Special
Price Cutting Grocery
Sale for Friday
Quality good and a savtaff of $
. to 80 a ta oot of Uvtag. .
1 lbs. best pur ran granulated
"-. gi.00
8-lb. sacks bst high graxl Diamond
uvvinti iinvr ior bread.
Plea or call, aack . . ..axeo
IB lb, best white or yellow corn meal
' or 3
It bara Beat 'Em All or Diamond O
"'P go
lb, beat mixed chick feed ....Bo
cana oil or mustard sardine
larg cana condensed milk . ...B6
small cana condenaad milk en.
Tall cana Alaska aaimon in.
The bet domestlo macaroni, vermi
celli or spaghetti, pkg !..7tvi
K. C corn f lakes, pkg. a
14-os. pkg. condensed mine meat B
Lrg bottle Worcester auc. our
tomato catsup, pickle. assorted
kinds, or prewired mustard, bot.. SVk
hanojf Quwn Olives, quart . . . aft
l"0";.r Ru fru" Prarra .'.B6
Try W. o. C. or Krumblea for break.
fast ,
Adyo jell for dessert, th Jl that
wh pa. pkg.
4lba. fancy Japan rlc. 10o quality
4 Iba. beet band picked navy beans
Veaet Foam, pkg a
iiershey'a breakft cocoa, lb. ,.B6o
Th beat tea siftlnxs. lb I
Golden Panto coffee, lb so
I to boxes parlor matcliea .!.... ISO
Th best creajnary butter, carton,
per lb. go
Th beat creamery butter, bulk.
Per lb. gg
r'ancy Ne. 1 country creamery but
ter, per lb goo
Fancy dairy Utile butter, lb as
Th beet full cream New York White,
Wisconsin creaJit or Young Ainerl
cheese, lb ao
Jenny Bros.' famous brick cheeae.
Per lb. aoe
Tbe beat strictly fresh eggs, pee
dossn BO
ut ap your Plaeapplaa bow, 'ta
MM WlU BOOB olo.
l-'er doaen 91.10. BO
F.ach 10a, SU
1'er crat B3.U9
ni traoBTAax-fl msbkbt vob
Tava J-1.JS
Th best old potato, peck of IS
lb., fur Boo
New potatoes, peck of li lba.... 46
New potatoes, par lb,
( bunchea fresh radishes ........
bunch freen onion ,.....
I-'reeh asparsgua, bunch
4 bead frewi leef lettuc . &e
fancy rip tomatoea. lb. ., loc
r'resh apinsjuh, peck ...lo
Kancy or grasn bean, lb. ..10
I bunch - boiu grown beet or
carrot B
New cshhsge, per lb ''Ll
Iarg faaey lew en. Aoa. IB BOo. S&o
Try 51flYCE!l'S First
onoy Saving Friday Sales in Domestic Rcom
Special bargain offerings from nearly every department, every one of them money
savers or they wouldn't be listed here. You'll find twenty-four hi? squares and thirty
tables piled high with an unusual assortment of goods that you want right now priced
greatly below cost.
of all kinds, full size; pretty
patterns, regular value to $1
pair, all on sale, Do- QQ
raestic Room, pair OoC
Amoskeag Apron Check Gingham at 5c Yard
10 Yards to each Ouotomer No Mall or Phone
Orders Killed,
t'tllitjr Brand lAc Irretm GlnRhain at yard. . . .QHt$
Bleached 4-4 9c Mualin, an extra good quality, per
ynrd OHs
niearhed French Seamed lied Sheet, 81x90 size
each 50
Bleached 10c Bath ToweU, hemmed or fringed, at
each 7Hs
Amotikeag Daisy Cloth, 12 He Shaker Flannel, per
yard 9H
Cream Word Flannel, silk embroidered, for Infant
wear, yard 30
Voile, BatUte, Swles and Crepe 15c Waoh DretM
Fabric, yard ". 10
Wash Cloths, knitted Oc kind, 3 for ..-5
Infants' 43c Blanket, 30x40 size, pinks, blues, and
gray, each 25
Jtentnant Lengths, Wuh f roods and Lining, yd 2 -
Simpson' "Fame" lresa Calico, all colors, yd., 3 He
I'nblearhed 40-ln. Sheeting, mill remnant lengths, per
yrd 4
; In Domestic Room .
Women's and Children's
Cotton Hose, I2V2C quality,
black, white and tans, me
dium weight, all sizes,
' pair 5Va
Women's and Children's Hose,
15c quality, lisle or cotton,
black or colors, light and me
dium weight, all Bites, at.
Pair 10
isscs9 and Girl's Orcsscs
Values from $1.25 to $2.00, sizes 13 to 18
years, in pretty ginghams, lawns, madras,
some lace and embroidery trimmed, on
sale at, choice .69
Women's White Wash Dress Skirts, to
$16.00 values, in linens, piques and fine
ratines, last season's stock, but great snaps
at, choice ' .98
Women's . Wash Dresses, made to sell to
. $3.00, in stripes, voiles, "batistes and mad
ras; prettily trimmed; great snaps Friday,
choice .$1.49
Women's and Misses Tailored Suits To
$12.50 values, with 'messaline lined coats
that can be worn with other skirts; choice
of lot ..$3.95
Women's and Misses' Dress Skirts Made
to sell to $5.00, in wool poplins, gabardines,
serges and striped and checked styles; for
selection at .$1.98
In Bcsntttic Rccrn
Hen's Knit Onion Soils
Ribbed or mesh, in ecru only,
values to $1.00; Friday 49
Men's 5Cc Work shirts In
blue only all sizes. . . . .35
Men's 10c Handkerchiefs in
blue, red or white ; in Domes
tic Room, six for:. . . . .25p
Boys' and Children's Hata,
cloth and straw, values to
50c, all colors and shapes,
two lots . . . .25 and 10
75c Suit Cases, 45c Fiber,
or matting, 14 ins. long, fine
for lunches or carrying
bathing suits.
Domestic Rood Friday
sod Saturday
Roys' $125 Indian Play Suit. 75a
Complete suit with long feather
head-piece, made ot food, strong
khaki cloth, trimmed with red
fringe, sices 4 to 12 years, on Bale
In Domestic Room only, $1.25 In
dian Suits 75
Hoys' BOo Knickers, 5 years to IO
year, only SOo Only a limited
quantity of these BOo Knickers
left, while they last Friday. 25 f
Roys and 93.60 Suits at
9IJ5 Ages 7 to 18 years, in all
colors. Norfolk style with stitch
ed or belt all around. Blue serge
and fancy colors. Pants are cut
full with new pattern buckles, on
sale Friday and Saturday, only,
t; 81.05
Cooestic Roon Friday
and Saturday
70 Suiu that Bold at 910.00 and
912JVO, S5.00 Young Men s
and Men's sises. Only 7 6 suits In
the assortment. Every one made
of all wool fabric and nicely tail
ored. Here ts Just the alies we
have when the sale opens: ' .
Sises .13233!34)6!Sl37l38j39j0
Qu'tis. j Sl2ll9!l$lu 2 : 3 3
No C. O. D.'a, Iy Aways or
Mea's 915.0O Serge and Fancy
Suite, 97.50 A complete assort
ment ot site. In the mot desir
able colors and fabrics. Fine tail
oring and good styles. Make your
eelectlon. Friday if. peaalble while
the aaaortment 1b at Its beat.-On
sale- 2 caye only, $16.00 suits
at ...........87.50
I 'U" ' I JM JUS JLii
rj j
In Domeetlc Room.
Rhinestone Set Jewelry, to SOc
values. Including cuff links,
bar pins, brooches,
la vallleres, small hat
pins, etc., your choice..
Fancy Rhinestone BarreUe anu
Rrald Tins, regular values up
to 60c, on ale Friday at
choice) 10
$1.00 Alarm Clocks 49
Hotion Specials
Coats' Thread, per spool . . .
Coats' Darning Cotton, sp'l, l.Hg
Pearl Buttons, per dot 1
4 cards Nursery Pins .- 5
20o Hose Supporters, palr.,.5
25c Purses, each 10
Dress Buttons, per doc.... ,.54
Many Other Specials.
Drug Dept. Snaps
In Domestic Boom
10c and 15c Toilet Soaps
some 20 different kinds, in
cluding Dr. Mann's Health
Soap; slightly soiled, at two
for... 5$
10c Jap Rose and Palm Olive
Soaps, per bar ............. 64
60c jar Mentholatum at . . . .29
25c can Williams' Talcum . . 10
And Many Other Items.
If If prnv. r. j
500 Untrirnmed Hats
Four Housing Silk. Specials
3,000 Yards of Silk Remnants, lengths from V to 15 yds.,
20 to 36 inches wide, Messalines, Taffetas, Pongees, Tub
Silks, Foulards,' Novelties, etc., to 59c yard values, on Silk
Square, yard , ,28
85c and-$1.00 Dress Silks, including 36-in. Striped Messa
lines, 36-in. Poplins, 27-in. Satin Messalines, Tub Silks,
Crepes, Jap Silks, etc., on Silk Square, yard .C8
$L25 All-Silk Crepe de Chines, 40 inches wide, and 40-in-Silk
Poplins, all colors, on sale in Silk Department, yd, 88
$1.25 Black Silk Chiffon Taffetas, 36 inches wide, rich,-lustrous
finish, on sale in Silk Department, at, yard....88
.. .'J 'E
of all kinds, to $2.03 pair
values, pretty patterns, full
size, on sale Do- QO
mestic Room, pair....wilw
Shoe Specials Domestic Room
(No Kxchange or Ilefonds.)
Women's Small Oxfords, sizes iM, 3 3V CO
and 4. values up to $3.50 sJUi
Children's While Canvas Button Shoes, p7tZr
values up to $l.S5
Women's Serge Slippers, In sizes 4 and 5. and
broken sizes in children's .barefoot san- nr
dais, regular 60c sellers adsJle
Two Rousing Glove Specials
In Domeellc Room Friday
Women's lnng 811k Gloves, black only, OKf.
made to sell at $1.00. choice, pair.. UJ
Women's 2-lltlon Silk Gloves, In Taffeta -f
silk, made to sell to 60c, at XJy
Children's l'arasol, all colors, 25c values, Q
each i7'
VVcmcn's Underwear
In Domestic Room.
Frotty Muslin Combination Suit,
Skirts and Gowns, lace and em
broidery trimmed, up to ftf
$1.50 values, samples gflUC
and odd lots, choice w
Women's Knit I'nlon Suits, all
sizes, to 50c values, Friday at,
choice i.......l0
Comet Covers and Drawers, to
r0c values, choice 15
Lisle and Cotton Vests, in all
sizes, to 25c values. ..... 10
Up to 10c -yard values; Friday, yard, 2Vfc
A big line of edges and inscrtings, also
Cluhy and Torcheon Laces. Wonderful
values Friday in Domestic Room.
Fancy China Cups and Saucers Regular
25c a pair values; on sale Friday in Domes
tic Room.
Fancy China Powder and Hair Receivers
Plates 7-and 8-in., gold band, semi-porcelain
plates; at, each 10
Salad Bowls, Pitchers, Sugar and Creamers,
Bakers, Platters, etc.; to 50c values; Fri
day, each 19
10c Glass Berry Dishes Each ......... 5
Celery Trays and Vinegar Cruets To 20o
values; choice, Friday. 5
75c Corsets Medium bust, long skirts, Do
mestic Room 49
Boys 75c Wash Suits Slightly soiled, 25
35c Brasieres Nicelv trimmed, at . . . .19
Children's 15c "M" Waists at Qt
Ths Aluminum Ware Bargains of
the Tear in Domestic Rcom Friday
A special purchase' ot heavy,
best grade aluminum ware, enabl
ing as to offer some rare bargains
Friday aa long as the lot lasts,
tf-qt. Berlin Kettles, complete
with cover, regular $1.39.
6-qt. Berlin Sauce Pans, complete
with cover, regular price $1.19.
8-qt. Preserving Kettles, regular
price $1.39.
2-qt. Coffee Percolators, regular
price $1.98.
Three sites In Cast Aluminum
Cake Griddles, worth to $1.98.
Site No. 8 heavy Skillets.
2-qt. Rice Boilers, regular price
Choice 98c
Extra Special A 8-piece aet, con
stating of a 8-qt. Preserving Ket
tle, 3-qt. Berlin Sanre Pot and-2-qt.
liipped Sauce Pan, these
three for . 1 . . . -08
Shapes made to sell at $1.29
and $1.98. Over 50 flA
different styles ; at, aC Q
Sailors, Tricornes, Turbans,
Leghorns, Milans, Hemps, Pan
amas, etc; black, white and
$1.00 Ostrich Pcx;sr.3
Very beautiful large and grace
ful, both white and t V
colors ; your choice, I t j
at W
1 e .
Both Items In iXumesUc Room.