I III., AJ1,j t.i.lll.i, tt....'A I I. y E BWATTER3' COLUMN ROOMING house. 222 Farnam St.. to tre1. for an automobile. Dilve up with Jrour fur and make a quirk deal. . ItABI BuarTLa7ge"wi ker buggy and reveratble wicker top. cost thirty-five dollars, uwd one year; fifteen dollars, or what have yout Address s '. ;. Ut. t on RENT AM'tmrili Flats. COOL. ROOMS. U week, Ogdn Hotel. Council Bluffs 3203 N XI ST ST. -3-room flat, modern; water paid. Brick building. Block from rar. New ly decorated. Only 10. for BTH AYF.. Very desirable l-rcom flat. FJvery convenience, Doug, mw. THFS THoRVALD 6-room apartment, t:24 Park Ave, will decorate to eult p.,frnr Harney trtlO. TWO 6-room modern apartments, off of Farnam, tn th "Page" high claaa, fireproof building. Hamer W- tm-9 8. 20th, 6-r. and bath. $14 to 111; newly remodeled; also storeroom. Red 9657. THE NATHAN apartmenta. 8hermn.n Ave. and Spruce St. Elegant three and four-room apartmenta. nearly new build ing; large rooms, oak finish, artistically decorated. Fine screened porch. All eon venlencea. Splendid surroundings, very reasonable rent, only a few minute ride downtown: also beautiful five-room apart ment In Harlan Apta., ona-haif block aouth; oak finish, flrtplace. screened porch, very reasonable. See Janitor Apt. No. L Nathan, or call office. SCOTT 4k HILL. CO., )7 MeCsgiie Bldg. Douglas 1008 . SF.VEN UOOM flat, atrlclly modern, 81.M Cass, Walnut 2062. CT GEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. 11 N. Slat Ava., se lect West Farnam dlatrlcu Fnene Web- eter 1674. HOOMd, new Flo-Iee, 20th and Capi tol Ave. Light and coal, $35. PETERS TRUST CO. 1. 898. -o ,VKRY choice 4 or 6-rooin ateam heated apartment on West Farnam 8t. JOHN W. ROBBTNS. 1X03 FARNAM ST. Famished Apartmenta. RPLBMDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent In tha Naw Traverton FIREPROOF. I4TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering- to people of refined tastes. (Apartment completely equipped for housekeeping, up-to-date and comfort- '"' TRAVER BROS.. Phone Douglas 115. 76 Omaha Nat. BK. yURNUiHRP apt., mod ; private. H. Wl. FOR RKNT 6-room modern apartment. furnlahed. June ) to Sept. 1. Tel. Doug. Vtm or call Helen Apartment Office. Buar4 am Room. (A tiAROU aoutheaat room, aultable for two; table unexcelled; beautiful lawn. B24 Bo. Mth St. fvSJUH'STh.R. 2013 Walking distance; i week. CdouoET 'UX J5a Table boarders. Harney Wrxlern. suitable for couple. Web. TJ. TWO front room with board, single or together; home prlvllegee. Web. 1AM. EIjMWOOD PARK suburban home, block to car, oool rooms, excellent ooaxa; tree, lawn, borne privileges; reasonable. 'Walnut 1778. 62 ST. MARY'S AVE. Walking dls. tance; home cooking; 4.60 to 16 week, BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large aloaeta, in a West Fa.man home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney 4881. Fmralehed Raoma. Nicely furnished rooms, close Web. MM. CARS, 1710 Modem, cloae In; $2.0 up. CABB ST.. 2 Nicely furnished, in mod ern private home; reasonable, n. xs,s. IDTViTV f.mllir hMl Inaction, welkin PBIVATlfi family. Deal location, walking distance, every modern creraence. Nice home for right parties. S3. N. 22d St. Phone Douglaa 6761. LARGE south modern room, with bosrd; private family; fine location, H. OOiit. Blarka swewfaa rU TV-! I 09 SO. 1STH ST. Also housekeeping rooms, 1821 Leavenworth. Modern. Car line. NEWLY fumiahed rooms with board. Private family; walking distance. TsL Douglaa 7961. 2124 CABS Irge, cool, rooms. Porch, lawn, garage, no signs In windows. TWO exceptionally nice large rooms In private family for gentlemen who can furnish rsfersnces. Every modern con aenience. 1604 Bt Mary a Ave. Tel. Red 1 DOUGLAS; ta.60 up; keeping. also house- tog NORTH 21ST ST. I-arge front rooms, - nicely furnished. Walking distance. Douglas 6707. HARNEY, 20S7 Coel rooms, nicely fur nlshed. NICE rooms, close In. Phone Red 4908. FARNAM Extra nice, large, cool, front, modern; walklag distance; meals It de aired. Call mornings or evenings. H. IW. Faratsked HssiekMslsg Rooams. ROOMS for housekeeping: strictly mod ern; for adults only. Tel. Webster 1654. DAVENPORT 2616; two -room apart ment furnished oomplete with gas and light. DO DOB. S601 Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, $3.60 per week. II. 602S. SOUTH, I4th Bt,TU6. Housekeeping rooms. XJafaratekeel lleasekeeplnsT Roams, CASS. tell. Nice, clean, two. three or four room Reasonable. Car line. 04 SO. I7TH ST. J or S for housekeep ing; everything furnished; summer rates. - Hssiekeegug Rooms. tS3 FARNAM Nlca housekeeping rooms, reasonable. BTVENPORT, 2018, TWO OH THKEM FRONT HOUSEKEEP1NO ROOMS. 1 t t HauckMtlu Roams. COOL rooms, with aloove, kitchenette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. 6U SO. 30TH ST. Light housekeeping, D. 8215. . as4 Cottaaa. Nsrtk. E EVEN-ROOM modern cottsge, 2209 Bher- ut.n. Vnnnar Wb. 1R43. DIM ' i v w v.".- ct. ' ' FIVE ruuaia, modem, adults, fin; good location. Webster euz oath. For Rent South halt of double brick house T rooms, 4 bedrooms, all modern, at 1611 South 29th Ht., near Park school, one block east of Hsnscoro park. Tel. Harney 1509. JrTH AND LEA VEN WORTH. . FOR ROOMERS. U-r.. extra modern, 6. ri'KFKFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omal.a National. Doug. 2716. 8-ROOM houae. 811 B. 26th Ava West. WFHT FARNAM. 7-R.. 845. 118 M. tkth At., near Dodge: very choice. handsome finished brick; sleeping porch and sun room. iPuSTHONQ-WALilll COMPANY. Tyler 1636 State Bank Bldg. Mlaeellaavaiaa, FOR RENT ' H'a hv a complete list of all houses, apartments and Hats that are for rent Thi. iim, tM n be seen free of chaige at Omaha Van A Storage Co.. M6 8. 16th St. KE the Central Furniture Storea FREE RK.NTAL UtT. Gordon Van Co. Moving. Packing. 319 N. lltii at. Tel. D. 894 or Web. U3. Vf J.CReed Exp. Co., moving, racking i storage. la7 Farnam. (. 14. ALL siaes, $8, per month up. 607 Paaton. FOR RENT llaaer. and t otteaee. Mleeellaaeeaa. TTrmcnv frelgh Sons A Co., Baa Bldf. lu"&t" In all parta of tha flty. I ROOMS and bath, modern: barn, atorm ahalee. large lot: block from car. Cl Blnney. Wehrfer 62. FIDELITY sai FREE Thona Douglas fSS for corn plot a Hat of vacant houses and apartments; alo for stoisge. moving. I8ih and Jackson Sts. 7 ROOMS, n rood.. Heniis park. H. 47 Maggard'sSs rasa es- mnv- Ing. packing, ahlpplng. 171S Webster St. i 'ougnie Globe Van & Storage Stores, movea. parka, ahlpa: $-hnre van ana i men, u.re per hr.; storage $3 per mo. Satisfaction guar. l. 4.V3 ft Ty. iw. teres ail tlleeo. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Liht Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. Nirts ! Office. A nice office la a good location, make your business plans successful. TIIE BEE BUILDING . "THE BUILD1NO THAT IS ALWAYS NHW" furolshea Just such comblnatlona. Office Room 103. MODERN store, 16th St.. low rent, near pontorr.ee. u. P. Stebblns. 001 !ATlON. 1SV. ?4th, lSxflh, mod. ax. furn.. ta.K). 3521 N. 24th. IMxHO. mod. ex. furnaon. f&. being 14th and Lake, good transfer point ana two car uiiea. Key n N. 34tB. WANTED TO BUT Tale buys everything 3d hand. Tyler 1418. OFFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 14 Slightly used high grade Diane. D. KU7. WANTED TO REXT YOt'NU man wishes room and board in atrictljr private family. Address, 681, tee. REAIi ESTATE FARM A RANCH IKXDU FOWL lALB, Callrornlaw Llve Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co . 14 City Nat. Bk. T). Ru Iowa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, ' lowa a Most powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and .very Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ais on, V)V. 4lfttmnl Auvm tnm t9 n- Kit 14 : or 76 words. S6. ?. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, tcO.000 readers dally In four great states. Idlohlgaa. $8 PER ACRE June Hth ONLT. Great opening of Swigart'e Dickson Townahlp Tract of 6.000 acres In Manistee county Mich. No land reserved or for sale until excursion arrivea on ground. No less than 40 nor over 160 acres to one person, because of !'"'""'. ' mummy on ,.en forty or annual Davmenta. Nn lend , thi. oDeninif price after r.heeo rat. - . . r " . . " ' ' excursion, which leaves Chicago Tuesday, June 16. 11:30 a. m. Round trip, Chioago Wellston, 18.30. rebated on purchase. En tire expense from Chicago, Including board, about 112. Write Immediately for map-circular giving all particulars. These are choice farm lands, sdapted for gen eral crops, stock. dairying, poultry, truck, fruit: near towna, railroads, mar kets and adjoining gooa farms; quica ranaportatlon by boat or rail to Chi cago, Urand Kapins. Detroit. oppor tunity of itretime ror wage earner, farm renter or farm hand to get a farm home. (1F.OROK W. SVIORT. Owner. Q-1260 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, III Mlmaeaeta. RED RIVER VALLEY bargains 320 acres and 360 acres adjoining on the banks of the Red river, with natural timber mirroundlng buildings: best of soil. Both Improved snd under cultiva tion. Price, 140 per acre. For terms and particulars, write Ulland Land Company, Fergus fans, Minn. 40. 80 OR 160 ACRES, good heavy soil, In well-settled part ot Todd county, iinn.; good roada. schools and churcJaes; price. $13 to $M per acre; terms, $1 per acre caeh, balance $1 per acre a year until land Is paid for; 6 per cent interest. 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. MINNESOTA WHEAT FARM. Owner will exchange this 660 acrea for Iowa or Nebraska 80 or for Lincoln or Omaha Income property. Deep black soil. well drained, and level. Adapted to wheat, corn, alfalfa and potatoes. No Improvements. Half In cultivation, half In hay and pasture. Every acre could be cultivated, , . v k' f Tvirraipurvs rsri Ware Block. Omaha. Mlssoarl. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $6 cash and $5 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land, rlose to three big markets; write for photographs and full information. Munger, K. in, ti. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas city. Mo. - Nebraska. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. $11.0(0 buys a highly improved farm. consisting of about 61 acres located on one of our boulevards out from ths city. only a 40-minutes' ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, soms alfalfa, tame hay; nice, large, beautiful shade trees and all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres ot natural timber, making a beautiful park. This Is an ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of any xina. uving spring in pasture. C. R. COMBS. C16 Brandels Theater Bldg.. Omaha. D. 3614. GET ON THE SAFE SIDE OF THE CATTLE GAME. Exchange your corn farm for this 1.200- acro ranch and ship feeders at a profit Instead of raising corn to feed at a loss. There Is no better pasture and hay for the purpose than that Produced on this ranoh. It win raise aflafla too. and plenty of roughness. It Is located well only 12 miles to good town on the C. gc N.-W. R. H., in tmeridnn County. Ne brasks. Fair Improvements, two wells and windmills, snd plenty og geod water PAYNB l.NVtiSTliraT CO., Ware Block. Omaha. FIN El FARM ADJOINING TOWN. A nice 60-acre. level farm, adjoining the town of Keystone on U. P. R .H. 90 acres In corn, 20 acres in alfalfa, vine sugar beet land. All Irrlgatea with paid-up water rignt in Keystone Lanai Plenty of water. Price W per acr Easy terms. PAYNB INVESTMENT CO.. Ware block. Omah ELKUORN VALLEY bTOCK FARM. $46 acres, only 2 miles from towns of Waterloo and Valley. Most of the land Is second bottom and la A-l for corn. 44 acres bottom pasture and 18 acres timber. Improvements consist of a 10-roomJ house, barn 40xw, granary, well and. windmill. The nearness of this farm to the great South Omaha stock market, adds greatly to its value. You can buy It, today, for $130 per acre on gooa terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block. Omaha. stleeellaaeoas. RANCHES for sale; from 320 acres to 2,W0 acres. Price depending on the Im provements. Fine hay, cheap grailng; one section make you well off; four sec tions make you Independent; fins cli mate; land from $12 to 23 per acre. C. N. Carter, Urant, Neb. Wtikiagtss. FOR 8 A I. B By owner, two fins fmlt and dairy ranches; a bargain, slp and see them on your wsy to th fair. O. E. Folmsbee, Okanogan, Wash. RKAL ESTATE 1X1 AN S FA KM lIANS, fi PER CENT TOt.VNn A TRt'MBfl.I. Bee RMg. $liX TO tl0.(KH) made promptly. A 1. Wnil, wead Bldg , IMh and Farnam Fta CITT and farm loans, a, V per rent J. M. Pumnnt Co , 418 state Hn WANTED-ood farm and olty loans at lowest rates. PKTKRS TRUST CO.. Farnam. WANTKD "Y loane and warrant. W. Farnam Smith m Co.. 1SJ0 Farnam St. CITY property. Large loana a specialty. V. I!. Thomas. 21H State Bank tlldg. MONKT on hand for city and farm loana. II. W. Binder. City National Bank Bll. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farma. O KF.EFK REAL KSTATH CO.. lOlf Omaha National. Phone Douglas 1716. 8KK Us first for farm loana In eastern Neb. United Statea Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg, IfcMI Brandele Theater Bldg. RKAL ESI Alt: WANTED LIST real estate and rentals with DON- ELSON R. E. CO., 301 Om. Nat 1 Bank, REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 8ALH OH TRADES. Combined farm and ranch, situated m lea from Fulrfax. county seat of oreg ory Co.. s. l.. l.eio acrea: 200 ae.es or choice farming land In high state of cul tivation, balance rolling pasture lartl: well watered and good graee; no aar.'l; Improvements fair; incumbrance, Jli,O0; price, $26 per at-re; will consider choice residence In Omaha or an Improved farm In eastern Neb. This ranoh will run MM head of cattle. An excellent opportunity for a stockman to exchange IU0 acre farm for a ranch that will produce as much oorn and pasture SOO head of cattle besides. Address Owner, Box 126, Fair fax S. D. o A GOOD TRADE Will trada Caaner. Wvn . lot for ladlea lamond ring or A No. 1 Remington typewriter and caeh. None but Omaha I lk l l.aea In ikia aJltlnn V. as lv las wms W fuvvsa aig u a cy muuinviii me gw ssi w w i v sa fKO or more. Taxes paid, no Incumbrance. Aanreea u , Dee. WHAT have you for good Colorado Springs residence? Address, A 600. Bee. FOR Exchange Quarter section eastern central Nebraska land. Level, smooth, no waste, alkali or gumbo. Six miles county seat. Main line Union Paclflo railroad. Want merchandise or Imple ments. Postofflce Box 7UJ, Central City, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 40 acrea of choice wheat land, five miles from Venango, Perkins Co, Neb.; no incumbrance; about 100 acres In cul tivation; poor Improvements; good well water and windmill; prloa, fU.80t; good oil, no aand; will consider t holes resi dence property In Omaha or Lincoln, cr a small Improved farm near Omaha; If any equity will carry pack on laud St low rate of Interest for long time. Ad dress Owner, Box 33S, Fairfax, S. D. -o REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Bargain SmallCashPayment A beautifully finished and decorated ome. Oak floors on both first and second loors. This home has reception hall. living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry nd rear entry on the first floor, with two araa bedrooms and bath on seoond floor; large closets; furnaoe guaranteed to heat; screens. Including screens for front poroh; 50-foot lot by 110 feet deep; paved street; only one-half block from school. Price td.MO. Very easy terms. Located 8331 Ames Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 470. Kountzo Place Uorner Lot 50x124 Ft. $1,350 Owner baa Instructed us to sell one ot tha beat corners In Ko untie Plsoe, with paving on both sides all paid. Big shade trees: in one or tne nesi lorauona in una desirable addition, for $1,260. This Is about 8608 leas than other corners are selling for in the same locality. Bee us about this at once. HASTINGS I1KYDEN, 1B14 Hsrney St. 1 ELEQA NT BUNQALOW8 2 At bargain prices, 1828 Sahler: -r., being finished. 1714 Sahler, i and dining room porch; finished In oak and white enamel. bometning inai muet uv trail w no mv p re oiated. Call Owner, Webster 4193. BARGAIN BY OWNER a Keautlful 8-room. strictly modern hnma. in splendid condition; good loca tion; elegantly finished inside; as good as new: large lot; clatern. Price 88.700. Call 2611) Wirt Phone web. zsw aner a. m. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC AUCTION 8-ROOM MODERN HOME 1309 SO. 27TII ST., OMAILA SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH, AT 2 P. M. we ' will sell at Public Auction to tne highest bidden on above date on the premises, the above mentioned a-room resi dence and lot 60x147 ft. This home is In one of Omaha's best residence districts, nice lawn, trees, cistern, garage, paver streets, house equipped with electric lights, gas, olty water, bath and toilet. Good furnace. An Ideal home. And will absolutely be sold on above date to the hla-hest bidder. Term of sals: iloo casn on date oi sale, to be r laced In hands of auctioneer In escrow till abstract and title has been found to ne merchantable, then balance to be oald In cash. There Is now an eastern loan on property ror due in about four years, that purchaser can assuraa if he so desires. For reasons he doe aot wish to ne published, the owner of this property must sell regardless of price offered. Don't fall to attend thle sale. Saturday, June 12th. at t p. m. sharp. JAMW8 I DO WD, Auctioneer for Dowd Auction Co. For Auction Sales dates and terms. Phone Red 82X6. Hanscom Park Modern Cottage 7 Large Rooms Only $3,500 No. 1117 S. 33d St. fthe large lot with beautiful shade and shrubbery; houss Is old. but mighty well built and a delight ful horns. It Is the cheapest property In the district; $1.0u0 cash mqulred. bal ance Building and Loan company mort gage. Don't disturb the tenants, but make appointment with us to see ths place. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1638. State Bank Wdg. 7 ROOMS - IN HELD CLUB DISTRICT Strictly all modern, aouth front lot, good location, nose to scnooi. price only 62,uo. C. (J. CALR13ERO. 31 J Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR SAI.K or rent. T and 9-room house; easv term hji n i. walnut 7a. FINE HOME i FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. NEW HOUSE. Oak finish, large living room across front of house, sun parlor. Bleeping porch, well built and up-to-date; four sleeping rooms. Owner very anxious to W. H. OATE3, 847 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. REAL ESTATE VACANT LOOK BARGAIN- LOOK. If taken at once, equity in two lots. ronteneiie rarr Aoomon. snap lor im mediate sale. Call Webster 4. 4 Add For sal R B RKAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Do You want to buy home at a lower figure than you ran build the house for anil nave a rina lot thrown in freer nere is a chance to get a modern 7-rooin house, with hot water heat, full oemented base ment, with iaundr), rweptlon hall, par lor, dining mom and kitchen on first floor: thrrc bedrooma and bath on second fbtor. Full etsed lot on grade, wjth fine sbsda and lawn, ahrubfovry and fruit trrea; one block from Saunders school; three blocks from Farnam car line. Have cut prl.M to $2,i0 an,i will make terms. Owner leaving city and must sell. W.T. Smith Co. Dentins rl City National Bank Bld S3RD AND CALIFORNIA. A S-Atiartment fllrnlhtft riwltln ml. weva rntd fnr IM mnt.u . only $aw. A amall payment down. a nee can be Paid out of the rent. PAYNB INVESTMENT CO., Doug. 17K1. Ware Block. REAL ESATE INVESTMENTS no Guaranteed 0 Investments For Smaller Investors Profit Sharing Plan We are offering a limited number of shares preferred stock In t-ur company paying 7 per cent eemt-annual guaranteed dMdont earrings and a division of the profits on the first of JJly and January ...t. ,. ... . ' l"r' m," "" DOBl and safest ;rmanent Investments you. can get. whereby you are assured at lesst 7 per cent dividend earnings and a division of the profits, which together have paid not less than 10 per cent for a number of years. Shares are tiw each and are secured by all real eetAte, mort gages and contracts owned by us. Authorised capital I3M.000. Hastings & Heyden MM HARNETT ST. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daaaee. Dundee, $5,250 Owner Left City and We Want an Offer On his 7-rooni. all modern home, rnnslal. ing of large living and dining room, fire place, Deameu oelllng, built-in bookcases, well arranged kltrhen, pantry, loabox rooms and ooat closet with recent Ion hall on first floor. Fwir bedrooms, one oombined sleeping porch and aunroom. A beautiful view overlooking Happy Hol kiw Circle. This houae Is w.-Tl built, nirv.lv decorated and In good condition. GARAGE and DiHVEWAi, Price reduced 8M0, , Glover & Spain : Douglas 3861 919 City National. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Two Beautiful New Homes On Easy Payment Plan See Tliem Today Sure One is a 8-room bungalow, brand new and modern throughout, with oak In principal rooms. This house only H block from car line and in beautiful location. Terms, $.3100 Cash and Monthly Payments to 8uit The other Is a large 7-room house, H block from car line, In beautiful new ad dition; house Is all modern, with oa in living room, dining room and sun room; there la a large brick fireplace In th living room and there Is every de sirable built-in convenience. This beau tiful horn csn be bought on th follow Ing terms: $500 Cash and Monthly Payments to Suit Telephone Walnut 882, after 7 o'clock tonight, and we'll be pleased to send auto for you to come and make an In- ranectlon. E. P. Wright Residence 'phono Walnut 8X Office 'phone Douglss 3924. Price $2,750 $250 Cash $27.50 Per Month will buy a brand new all mod., 6-r. bun galow; rooms all large, living room, din ing room and aun room finished In oak, with oak floors throughout house; dining room has window aeat. plate rail and paneled wall; colonnade opening between living room ana aimiuj room; targe kltrhen with pantry and Icebog room; bathroom In enamel and tile, with high grade fixtures; full foundstlon; base ment rementefl; noor a rain. lurnac neat; hot water connection; fine south front lot on grade; block to car. You should sea this wonderful bargain. Rasp Bros. 106 MoCagu Bldg. Douglas 1658. Inside Lots $ldown $1 a week We offer four lot near tfth and Char lee and Heward gtreeta, $376 aob; trading, water and gas, an in and paid or. They are on grade. Also, two lots west of above on Charles street. 200 feet east of th city limits. We offer these two for $378 each, $1 down, $1 per week. The lots are known as lots 8, 7, 33 and 26, block 4, and lots 16 and 18. bkxik 6. all In Saunders tc Htmsbaugh'g addition to Walnut HIIL A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Doug. SO. 1607-8 W. O. W. B.d. CAT HtDRAI. DISTRICT. New, modern, six rooms and sleeping porch, preaaed brick foundation, paneled walla. - heaiiwd celling, bullt-ln buffet. beautifully deoorated, one block to car, tan minutes to 14th and Fan ain Bt. An Ideal home cheap and easy terms. OWNR'K. Doualas 163 CHAg. K. WILLIAMSON CO., Psi'un Bik. Doug". HOT. i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Producer! of Wheat Content to Take Lower Price and Market Falls Four Cents. LITTLE DEMAND FOR FUTURES OMAHA. June 10. 1!15. The producer of wheat continues to follow the price downward and Is will mgly accepting the lower values tor his frain. The raah wheat market dropped rem I to 4 cents lower today. Corn ell ic higher to V lower, the better grades selling ic hlvher, but the most ot It going t V'. lower. Oitts remained unchanged The con tinued declines established In tha niar- ael Illustrates the almost complete lai k of demand for tha fuluree after tho bal-,."''u n"v1 bn tilled up The outaiiler la not to tw. founit In wheat for the simple reason that conditions liKk bearish to him. and the public never known to take kindly to a bear market. Many points In the winter wheat belt wre easing Chicaso rash handlers to I make bids on small or reund iota, and , the purchases were made at July prices I for shipment by July 20. v , ,!, rm vi wt III, I IIIUI " ' , equal to l.WT.twu bushels; ivrn, a.0iX bush els; oats, 161.00U bushels. Liverpool spot nutrket: Wheat. S4j4r lower, corn, He lower. Primary wheat . reoelpts were 602,000 bushela and shipments Ml, 04) bushels against receipts of 3D4.00O bushels and shipments of 41K.UU0 buahela last year. Primary corn receipts were 6I0.0W liusn- els and slilpments Ml.rttO bushels, against receipts of k.t. nushais ana siupmnnis of TWt.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 411.1WO nusn- ela and shipments 4M1.000 bushels, against leceints of 7a.Oiio bushels and snipments of tkUl.lOO bushels laat vear. CARLOT RM'Kirrn. Whest. Corn. OgtS. Chicago Minneapolis Duluth 89 91 19R 14 101 M 64 were reported Kansaa Cltv ,. St. Ixiuls Winnipeg Thse sales todey: Wheat: No. 3 hard winter, 3 cars, i. is. No. 3 hard winter. 1 car. i.i. ro. s mixed, 1 car, $1.14. No. 4 mixed l car. $1.14. Sample. 1 car (smutty). $l.' Rye: No. 2. I car, $1.08-4. No. i. 1 car, 81.09, Corn: No. 3 white, 3 cars. wrc. r.o. j while. 1 car. mc; l tar. ov". co. yellow. 2 cars, c. No. 8 yellow, J csrs, WVfco: 4 cars, Wc. No. $ mlsed, 1 car, C7V, No. 3 mixed. 3 ears, esc: i car, g7o; 1 cars. 87V. Sample. 1 car, 84c. Oats: euamiaru, i car, -i'. cars 43c Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. turkey, $l.ltfUH: No. 3 turkey. M.lMk ttl.13; No. 3 hard. $1.14H! liW. No. 8 hard, tlinMPl.la; no. nara, No. 8 spring. $1.0fl.l4; No. 3 durum, $1 17 fl1.l7V; No. 3 durum. $1 ,ll.UUV otn: ki- t fcu. anuiXtWitr: No. 8 white. Mjp o; No. white, 6SH4irc: No. 8 white, 6Hec; No. 3 wblto, aMS!', No, 2 yellow, mel No. 8 yellow. 6Srmc; No. 4 yellow, iH'iw; jo. j"""", tf7ic; No. 6 yellow. 74t7M?i No. 8 mixed. 874Jc; No. 3 mixed. 67HpWc: No. 4 mixed. enHicnnc: ino. d mi, 0Wlc: No. 6 mixed. nHc. tiats: no. 3 white, t(pM'; atannsru. , No. 3 white. 43Hi44c; No. 4 white. 4 43Vic. Barley: Malting, 6(fi70r: No 1 feed. WK Rye: No. 2, $10Mfl.08'4; No. 3, $1.073'1.0g. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featare ef (he Trading; and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June lO.-Wheat prices tumbled today to the lowest level yet for the 1916 crop. The chief reason given was ths non-com petition of foreign buy ers, Transatlantic dealings for the time being apparently having all gone Into the hands or rctu-opean govenimema. Closing quotations were steady at lVMUHo under laat night. Corn finished with a gain of 'o to lc, oats Ho off to So up and provisions varying from Stodcc decline to a rise of a shsde. . Independence shown by foreigners In regard to wheat . shipments from the United States seemed to be baaed mainly on the fact that 10.000,000 buahela were represented as being on the way to Oreat Britain from India. In this connection reports were current that Europeans were, cancelling recent purchases of American new crop wheat and wero sell ing new crop futures In the Chicago market. Under these circumstances hedging operations acted as a weight on the market. Sentiment that wheat prices were low enough had much to do with a bulge in the market during the first part of the session. Besides, the weather waa rather unfavorable over the greater portion of the domestlo winter and spring crop belts. Prospects of clearing weather, taken with the weakness of wheat, made corn lose some of an early advance. Iowa crop conditions, said to be the worst In years,' waa responsible for most of ths bullish feeling In the market. There were also reports of frost damage In Bouth 'Dakota. Oata ewayed mainly In response to the course of other grains. Field ad vices were against the bulla. Provisions failed lo retain upturns scored at th start. Belling by packers was a handicap on values. Futures ranged as follows: Article Open. High. Low. Close. IVes'y. fWheat July. 1 071 1 094, 1 04'i 1 06 1 076, 1 07 W 1 02' 1 04 1 ObV 78H 71 71 70 73 71 714 70 44 44, 44 43 40 S9 39 39 17 90 17 82 17 85 IT 83 18 30 18 30 18 30 18 30 66 9 90 880 2 92 8 86 9 85 3 87 10 60 10 45 10 46 10 47 10 sV 10 77 10 77 10 77 Sept. 104H Corn. July. 71 Sept. 71 Oats. July. SepL Pork. July. Sept. Lard. July. 4MI Br I IT 87H 18 taSVfcl elept. 90 Ribs. July Sept 10 4TH 10 771 Chlcaao Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 red, nominal; No. 1 hard. $1.2A'irl.. Om: No. 3 yellow, 72U7Zc; No. 4 yellow, 1WVi2e. Oats: No. 8 white, 47a:c; atan dard, 48uo. Rye: No. t, $1.1. Barley: 7m'7e. Heeds: Timothy, $6.00'(4b0; clover, $Wl$60. Pork: $17.72. Lard: $9.42. Ribs: $.76Sl0.2o. New York. Geaeral Market. NEW YORK. June 10. 8UaAR-Raw, lulet: centrifugal, 4Dr; molasses, 4. lie. Refined, steady. Sugar futures ruled quiet and unchanged during th fore noon session. BUTTER Firm; receipts, lo.tss: c xo c higher. BOG unsettled; receipts, xs.tns cases; fresh gathered extras. KHfriCHvc; extra firsts. Zl'iWer; seconds. 1i1Hc; flrats. 19uoij nearby hennery, whites, fine to fancy, Z4toUrAC. nearoy Deanery, Drowns, 32a2Sc. CHhiEHIO unsewea; reoeipxs, ii.vw boxes; state whole milk, fresh specials. lc; state whole milk, average fancy, Lo. POULTRY Alive, strsay; cmcaens. broilers, tVa'&c; fowls. KkJ'16c; turkeys. lt'tflSk-. Dressed, quiet; wsstern frosen chivkans, loi2c; frosen fowls. 144tlc; fresh turkeys. Iced, IWUC. Kaasaa City GraJa and Prevlalowa. KANSAS CITT. Jun 10. WHKAT N. 9Kc; Septenilier, W; September, vie; D ceinber. $l.W). CORN No. 3 mixed. TQV.C; P.O. wniTe. REAL "lTATli--MlHCi:LLANi:oC8 FINK, strictly modern collage of t rooms and reception hall, finished In oak; nice sised rooms, full cemented basement; A-l furnace, south front lot, paved street, pavmx paid, good neighborhood; near car and only, a few minutes' rMs down town. Price and terms right. Call Har ney 1307 after 8 p. m. HERK'S A SNAP. Ixt In Mornlngslde addition, $8B. Ixit in Honiestead add. to 6o. Omaha, Cost $0. new $176. l-ot In Pullmaa place. Cost $70 now $160. PHONK l01OIk9 rW. FOUR-ROOM house, alinqst one acre, 11th and M. Bargain. Alan 4-room house 1 acres, on Fort Oroek Blvd. City water, eleotrtn light, doe in. A. W. Jonas, South Omaha. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURKO. Dr. HI R- Tarry cur piles, fistula ad other rectal d'seases without surglcml operation. Cur. guaranteed and no money paid until cured Writ foe book! or rectal diseases with testimonial. LK. K. H. TARKV. 340 Bee Bldg RUPTL'nK cured In a f.w days without nln. Call or write Dr. WraV. Bu Bea Efdg , Omaha. Established 1894, jui. i,rvptembr!'c,i! i ember, IIATS-No 3 nlle, WKiv: .o. 3 white, ti.'.jlhUc: No 2 mixed. 42iff8c. HI'TTKR-fieamen-, I7c; firsts. 26c; ecomis, flc; parking. 19rr KUils- Firsts. Ilk', seconds. 13c. t'ul'LTRT- Hens, He; rooafers. 8e; biollers. lMyJOc. DM4II4 UK.HRRAL MARKKT. Bl'TTF.R No. L 1-r cartons. Ha; He, I awib. tubs. 39o. CHh-KSB imported Bwlea. 37c; Amer trail tUa, 36c. block Kwiss, I-; twins, lc; daisies. 17c; triplets. 17Hc; Young America, 18c; blue label brtrk, lo: llm buigrr. 81b, 8Tc; New York white. Wo; imported French Hoquefort, 40o. F18H Trout. 14o; large crappiea, 14c; ballbut, 13c; channel catfish. 14o; herring. If, codflxh, 14c; mackerel, 16c; aalmon lxo. SWKJ'.T POTATOES Kanaas. $87 WU Wholeaale prices of beet cuts attentive April N are ss follows! I'KKF Cl'TK Ribs: No. 1, 18; So. 3, lliV; No. 3. 11V. Ions: No. 1. c; No. I, v. No. , l!'c. Chucks: No. 1 llv; No. 2. 11V: N. 3, Ho. Rounds: No. 1. 1Mc; No. 1 16c; No. 3. V. Plate.- No. I, 9V-. No. -. 94c- No. 3. r. POUI.TRTBr.l.erB, 30c; spring rhlrk. ens. 16c. hens. 140 : cocks. 8'; roestere, 6Wo; stags. 8c; ducks. 16c; geese. 10e; turkeys, UiTlf; pigeons per doa. ai ducks, full featheid. 10c; ifeeea. full feathered. 8c; squab. No. 1, H.89; No. 3, )Oe Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by Cii 1 1 1 ... 1. 1 tTvi, 1 1 Aimunff! I, lit 1TH Oranges, fancy California v.i.nni.a tne. l's. Una. 324a and 300a, 83 26 per box; ns, . per dm; isn. y California Navala, 80a. 94s. 100b and 188a, 82 75 per box. Iemons, extra fancy .. .. i , w .1 hiA. Sit SO rm9 luiC ' fancy Sliver Cord. 30e and 3w, 64 0D per box; fancy Justrlte, Sorte and 3rtrts. 4 00 per box. Grapefruit, celebrated Chase brand, 9a, 8400 per box; 4fla. 84.60 per box; 64s. 16.00 per box; 84s. $6 00 per box. Plneap plea. extra fancy Cuban, 24a, 80s and 3a, '1.W per box; extra fancy Florida, 24s, 3oa and 3Ka, 32.76 per box. Bananas, me dium else. $3 0088.2& per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changulnola and Port Imon. 4c per lb. Strawberriea. extra fancy Mle sc.url, Quarts. $126 per case; extra fancy Taroinas, $360 per case. Ieclduous fruit, peaches, plums and apricots. $3 00 per box: cherries, 31.7M1IOO per box. fCOKTABI.ES-Cahbage, new Califor nia 86 to 1(10-1 b. c rales, lo per lb.; south ern, 146-lh. erste, tS4o per h. Head let tuce. $1.09 per doe. ; leaf, 40e fr doa Pep pers, 60o per basket. Tomstoes. fancy, hrJi nee crate: rholca. $! 00 per crate. Artichokes. $1.36 per dog. Fmdlve, S6o pet lb Onions. Texas wnire, gi.n per crmw, Texas Rllverskln. 11.6 per crsUe; yellow. 61 26 rer crate. Potatoes, Minnesota white, 76c per bu.; new, Texas Triumphs, ifKV-ih sacks. SVc per lb.. Asparagus, hnma-aroan. U-lh. bunohes. msrket price. Cocoanuts, $36 per sack 0a per doa Nuts. No. 1 California walnuts, 18c per lb.: filberts. 1" per Draslla. 12Vo per lo.; peoana. 18c per lb.; eugar wal nut dates, $1.60 per box; almonds, 20c PMIHCEIJANEOt'S-fihelled popcorn, io per lb.; orarkerjack, 88.60 per oass: half esse, $1.78; limes, $1.76 per basket, check ers. $3 60 per caae; half case, $1.78: pea nuts, raw. 7c per lb.: aack Iota, Jumbo, 8c per lb.; roasted, 8H0 per lb.; salted, $1.60 per can. Cera and Wheat Regriaa lletlsu At Omaha. Neb., for th twenty-four hours ending at 6 a, m., 78th meridian time, Thursday. June 10, lll STATIONS OF OMAHA DISTRICT. -Temp. Heln- Dlstrlc.t. High. lxw. ran Sky. Cloudy dear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Ctoudy Clmajy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy noudy Cloudy Ashland, Neb.. 7 ft2 .1$ Auburn, Neb... 72 48 10 Broken Row.... 87 I .TO (Yilumhua, Nb.. 74 44 .18 Culbertson. Nb. 83 67 .09 Fairbury, Neb. 74 68 SOO Fairmont. Neb. 71 4 1.13 Or. Island, Nb. 70 84 .90 Hartlngton, Nb T1 41 .09 Hastings. Neb. 70 61 1.88 Ifnldi-KBA. Neb 71 6$ .06 Lincoln, Neo... 71 ss INo. Ilatte. Nb 70 68 OR Oekrtale. Neb.. 71 69 .00 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Omaha. Neb ... 71 v . Tekemah, Neb. 74 46 . 06 Valentine, ND. t iw Alta. It 88 41 .00 Carroll. Ia 44 .11 Clartnda. la.... 70 46 .73 Sibley, la....... sr . IBIoux City. Ia. 88 J .09 w included In averaares, Itxrwest temperature for twelve-hour period end Ing at s a. m. The weather Is much warmer In th western and central portions of the com and wheat belt. Heavy rains were reo eral west of th Mississippi river, and falls exceeding one Inch occurred at sta tions In Kanaa. Nebraska snd Mlnne ota A. wm4H, Ijooal Forecaster. Weather Bureau, Mlaaeapolte Oral a Market. MINNRAPOLIB JnM'9-w"BtAtr July. S1.S1 ; September, 81.08; No. 1 hard, 61 29; No. 1 northern. fl.Utgl.; No. i northern. 81 184rl 2. FLOUR Declined; fancy patents. $176; first rlesra, 86.00: second clears, 14.30. BARLF.Y-4MW70C. RYB-$1.11W1.U. RRAN$a.&0. CORN No, 8 yellow. 67CT0. OATS-No. 8 whlt. 44a4c. FLAX-81.70C1.73. Liverpool Grata Market. i .nnlvinT. Ttand, 10 AVJO? A T fTOot. i- i M.nitnhal 12a 4d i No. t. 12a Id; No. 8. lis lid; No. 1 northern Duluth, 13a 3d; No. 2 hsrd winter, m iia. CORK SPCI American iiiiim. new, 8s Id. I. I.eala Grata Market. RT LOUIS. June w wtiKA-r nom- nsl-.'july, 81.01m.01: September. $1.01. OtlRN No. 3. 72c; No. white. T4c; July, n"tfTlo; Beptemoer. iw-ao. TJATS-No. 2. nominal; No. whiu. 48o, CHICAGO 3MV38 iTOCK MARKET tattle yii sa Hogr VasttlsV beep Slow. r-urr" i nn Juna 10 OATTI.E Ra- uin. iftio head: market firm; native beef steers. ' 36.86014.60; western steers, 3d 9040 8 16; cows and heifers, $30tl8.H; calves, t7 t6 HOIto i-leceipis, v,vt nwi; iiii .pi ' . , A AAA , A . . i aiivtnr. inn m nnui canes amounted to 10o failed to hold: bulk of sales, $7-6V37.80; light. $7.6W7 90: mixed. $7.3fi?.80; heavy $7.10iaC.6.; rough, 87.100 7 r xlas. M.OM.60. 8HIC16P AND ijASttM sveceipra m.-wj head; market slow; aneep, anwsn.w; lambs, $7 7urio.B; gpnnga, s.uutiui.eu. Cottoa Market. nfjw tork. Jun io. tryrroN spot quiet; middling uplands, 9.70o; sales, 178 Cotton future pond steady; July, 343c; October, 9.7Jc; December, 10.02c; Jinuirr. 10.070: March. 10.30a. - Futures closed firm; JUiy, i.m: ueoenv ber. 1011c: January. 10.16c: March, 104"io. l.TVFJRPfJOL. Juns 10. COTTON-8jk4, easier; good middling. 6.87d; mlddllns;, I Sid; low middling. 4 17d. SaUs, 10,000 bThe cotton market closed firm at a net advanco of u to it points. loax City Hv 8tek Market. SIOUX CITT. Juna 10. CATTLB-Ra- . . . t . . . 1 . , A . klAk.M ceipts, wj nwj , nwrv r i 85.0i0.00: western steers, $7.2fyfj80: cows m.n Walters I6.lfnit4.46: can nara. 84.00H6.26; calvss, $7.00ft9.6O; bulls, stags, etc., $6.00 m oo. HOGS Raoslpt. 8.000 head; market weak; heavy, $7.467.66; mixed. $7 36U7.46; it. ht 97 'ludft 35: bulk of sales. $7.30717.60. KHEEl' ahu iiAaw- neceipts, sue head. Mta Market. NEW TORK. Jun 10. METALB Lead. sl.. kid. Huelter. unquoted. Sale ol wer reported In th outsld looal market at 8o. Copper, firm; electro lytic 120 00690.36. Tin, firm; five-ton lots, I to u6141.00; twenty-flve-toa lots. $89.T6 40.76. Iron, steady and uncnangeo. at London: Spot copper, tLU 10a: fu luree. as ivw- pi i 164 6s. Antimony, dttufflN. Lead. 21 . . . ., . . C . . f 1 I ...... led. SpelUr, a 107 10a. Osaaka Hay Market OMAHA, Jun I. 1916.-PRAIRIB HAY -Cholo upland, $lX6n14.03; No. 1, $13.00 'UU); No. 3, $11.0(nfi2.00; No. 1. $8.tt3 10.00. Cholo Midland, sitae; jmo. $13 6mrU0O; No. 3, $U).6oyll 60; No. ruOvalOOO. Cholo lowland. $13-00; No. Ill Owd ll 60; No. S, ll4.0OUHl.se; No. $7.so.00. Dry Good Market. NEW TORK, Jun 10 DRT GOODS Raw silk market waa firmer today, wttn buying more active on the part of Ameri can manufacturers. I otton gooo were steady but quet. Tama were dull. Dress goods wr,ln light demand OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Continued Strength in Cattle Trade Hear Hoga Axe in a Bad Slump. SHEEP RECEIPTS VERT LIGHT SOUTH OMAHA, June 1", 1913 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 4.0S8 T.4 3.301 .. 4,6.'H 10, m l.esn .. 11,023 $1' .. 2.&00 12,700 75l Official Monday ... wrriciai Tuesday ... official Wednesday Estimate Thursday . Four days' totals 16.91 Kamo days laat week. .14.7S0 Jatne weeka ago 19.101 Heme 3 weeka ago 18.17 Same 4 weeka ago 17.178 Same days last year.. .10,814 41.670 49.400 na.ssr 47, 437 g?,044 37 .03 6.41' 7.017 11. W4 9.KI7 11.S 12. f3 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Bouth Omaha live stock market for the rear to date, as compared with last year: 1916. 1914. Inc. Dec. Cattle 467.k2 t.4nn .2 Hogs 1.473.8K9 1.310.MW 3(3.094 Sheep 941,884 1.013,103 71,219 The following table shows the average Irtce for hogs at the rtocth Omaha live Block market for the last few days, witn comparisons: Date' 1916. 1314. 11918. 1918.8U. 1810 (10 -w. May X. May 34. Mar 87. 7 7 3rt j 41W 7 4 T 49S 6 ;( 9 191 7 I" t 871 8 46! 6 8i 9 !( 7 H $ Oil 8 tf T 80 8 OBI $ 171 7 Ml t 84 8 37 1 I 14 39i 7 I'J a I 7 08 May 38 si ay 29. May 80. Mhv II I ! 8 4ll T 8i I 88i 8 4 I 1 ti $ 36, 1 8 6?i 7 6 74i 9 7 II f or a 1 1 nl I 7ii l in 7 14 7 47U Jun 1. T S8SI Jun 8 Jun 8. I l f 'l K I l 1 J Idid aea-Sls 8 04 6 al 7 ( 6 Mt I 01. Juoe 4. Juno t. Jun 8 Jun 7, Jun 8. Jun 9. 1 49A T 8A) I t 44) 6 81 M 1 8 T 42 I 7 901 $ 371 U 89. M T 37 t 41 1 87 8 Wl T 46 8 991 3 3al 7 40 Jun 10 CATTLE Receipt were about up to the average for a Tuesday, but the tour days' supply ha been fully 1,"0 hort ef a week ago and underton to the market has been distinctly stronger for good t ehotco beef of all weight. Today there waa very little choice yearling Stock here, but prime heavy beevea sold as high as $9, which Is the high point of tho season, snd th general market was anywhere from strong to lOn higher than Wednesday. Both choice beavie and cholo yearlings ar now selling th high est of the year, while It has been a very uncertain and uneven market H week on medium weight and quality Bluff. Gen eral demand was healthy today and the movement free throughout, so mat in moderate offsrings wer all cleaned up . In very good season. Thar was no particular change In th market for cow, and better and for the moei part prtoee were in about th asm notches as yesterday. Desirable heifer and eornfed cows met with an active de mand at strong price, arhtl th half-fat and Brassy stuff waa hard to move and old very unevenly. Cornfd stock Is somewhat stronger for th week, whfl grass era ar la th neighborhood of 100 lso lower. Vesl calves, bulls, stag, ate., found a fair eutlt at fully steady f iguree. There was not much trading tn stock cattls and feeding steers for tha simple resson that there was oompartlvely little stock of that kind here. Underton to the market has been strong all week for good to choice stock of all weight, but common stuff has been more or leso neg lected at stesdy sale. Vjuotatlona on rattle; Oood to choice yearlings. $x 4f"u4 16; good to choice corn fed beevea, ,8.W: fair to good corn fed beevea. $tt.hm36; common to fairs rornfed beevea, $i.60iu8 80; good to choice heifers, $7. 0167.76; good to choice cows. $4.80ti7.60. fslr to good rows, Sft-TtW 90; common to fair cows, t-,n4.7l: good to holoe Blockers snd feeders. 87.60t&g.lO: fslr to good stockers and feadrra, 37.OfV to; common to fair stockers and feed- rs, 3.00iq7.09; slock heifers. 34.00ft 7.00: stock cows, $6.7648.76; stock calvea, $6,603 au; veal calves, isoociio.al: rat bulls. stags, etc, $6.6007. 36; stock bulls. $0,003 ,w. HOGS Receipts overran all early esti mates and ware the heaviest of tho wek to date, totaling somewhere around 187 cars, or 11,700 head. For th four dsyi AM.Iula a. , . At IW i. A . ..., . . . . ui ,." ii.. , niii.i 40,400 last week and 27,02$ head a year ago. Advices from other points wer encoiir- , sglng and shippers and on or two ol the packer went out early and bought good lights at price that wer steady tc strong and In some rases as much as s nickel higher. Bulk of these early sales landed at IY.4oC7.66, th latter price being ne aay s top. Th discrimination against heavy hog continued t be the feature of the market and were, if anything, more exacting than at any tlms earlier In th week. Packers bought some of th butcher weight hoai and mixed kinds that didn't show too much weight at pretty cloee to steady price, out mon anything like a clear ance was made the thins- flattened out and heavies found the sailing a good deal rougher than they did yesterday.. It Is eef. to eav that th cloee waa 6c lower, and moat salesmen ware auotinar tha late trade anywhere from weak to as much as 10c below yesterday s prices. Th finish was extremely draggy and quit a num ber of hogr were still unsold at noon. The spread of prices continues to widen out. and today's bulk landed at S7.ft 7.60, with heavies as low as $7.36 and tops at fi.ao. it baa been noted all week that tne low pnoes wer not as wall represented In th sal column aa thev should have been, and thla can onlv be explained by tha fact that th low-priced hogs, which sold largely on tho tall end of th market, were weighed too late t ne Quoted. Thi condition will probably continue as long as packers ar bearing down on the heavy klnda. HllKh.f-Keo.ipta contlnu to dren aff. and today's supplies were th smattost ef spy day so fsr thla week, only three cars, or about 760 head, showing up. Total ror tne we. a to aate la only 6.419 head, being 1.6U0 amall. r than last week and less than half as large ss tor the same days two weeks ago and laat year. To find an qual for this week' light supply one has to go back nearly eight years, whsn onlv 3,348 head were received dur ing the first four dsy of the last week of Deoeraber, 1907. Practically the enure supply waa made up of clipped lambs. Buyers went about trading in a very deliberate manner, and after dickering around for the best part of two hours finally bought the three cars on hand at about steady uricea, paying as high as $10.6 for two bunches. and $10.40 for another load. Current prices iook luuy a quaner nigner mart at last week's close, and the quotable top of lie. 70 is Just 80c better than the high price last Friday. There wer no aged sheep of any sort here. Ewes nave strengthened up a little during the week, and yesterday moved at prices tnsi anowea a z&tfjui advene over last week. liuotaUons on sheep and lambs: Iambi good to choice, $l0.8txglU.h; lam be, fair to good, $9.6util0.3a; lambs, spring, $lVO0nj U.7i; ewes, good to chore. K.bun&iO ewes, fair to good, $460JV3.H. NO. Ay. Pr. spring lambs 63 11 60 t. Laata Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Juno 10. 47ATTI JiR. eel pis, $.eu head: market higher; native peer steers, f.Jj z&; yearlings steers and heifers. $8.0urf9.3u: rows. a6.0o7h: stockers snd feeders. 88.0WS.J6; southern steers, 8b.Zju.; cows and hollers, 84. 0i tj60; native calves, W.OVu'lO.Ou. tiuua- neoeipta, T.NOU head: market steady; pigs and lights, $83Kf1 83; solxeU and butchers, 37.6ufi7.86; good heavy. $7.70 jS-T CA ' SHEEP ArD LAMBS ReceJnt. 1KM head; market slow; clipped muttons, $6.60 C4.00; dipped lambs, $.0uoo0., spring lambs. $l0.0ujll.W. Kaaaaa City live Btoek Market. KANSAS OITT. June lO.-CATTLB-Re- celpta, l.r4)0 head; market strong; prime fed steer. $6 ft. 08; dressed beef steers. $7odsJ0; western steer. $7.S&sdO; stockers and feeders, 66.4u.09; bulls. V6 0Ofj7 00; calves, $6.kri.20. HOas-Racolpta. 6,6uO head: market higher; bulk of aals. ft.axafl.TO; heavy. $7 M(7.T: packers and butchers, $7.4 7.80; Hght, $7.MJ7 80; pigs. $ 9u7 KX SHKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.20 head; market lower; Umbo, Ootfll.U: yaarllnga 87.604j4.60; wethers, $6.ic.0; swea, $i.0w.lu. t. JMtk Live Jltook Market. ST. JOSEPH, Juno J. C ATT LB Re ceipts. l.OuO head; steer. $7.60io6: coas and heifers. $4 k-3.; calvea. 86,0f 74. HOGS Receipts, 7.0i)0 liesd: market, higher; top, 87.77H: bulk. 49.66-6e.75. rHEF.P AND IAMBSReivI-Me. i.30 head; market steady; lambs, $ia'!.:a,