1015. -"evxvarwr n ii it t i ii in) 5 M m i i i ;' '! J I J-Li!iii-U J''' VI o JL.el wmaow Qjarci is Advertising, 01 course, dui 11 is averutiiuy 1:5 JlefA(ilijsjJCrt II II If II W 9 9 9 f ft ft f If I? f If If IT If II . 9 I 7 II n M . H I n o t J ti if fl f M M i'l i TTIK r.KF.: OMAHA, WANT ADS Vvant aria received at en time, but to tnaure proper classification must be Pr" ented before It o'clock noon for -renin edition and f 31 p. n- for morning eno Aindar ediUnne. Want ade received after ic.h (tour will be under tha beading. "Toe Lata to ciaae iry. CApH RATES. . Seven consecutive Udim, 1 eant a wttra erh Insertion. . Three times within on week, 1 tsent word each tneerrlon. Om time, I cents a word. CHARGE RATE ' tut- coneecuUve tiroes, cents Una ach tneertlon. . . Three tlmee within one week, IS eenta a Hoe each Insertion. On ttm 15 ranta a Una, Count al avaraa wnrfla to a una. Mlnlmun charta. canta. An BflTrt!amatit Inaartad run tit II dlacrtntltiuad muat ba atoppad ey wrHtaa ordar. ATI eJatma for armra wiat. ! ."'' within tlftao 5a af- tba Uit, lnr Uon of tba adTartlaamani. Too ran laoa your want td la TTia by talaphnna Unclaimed Answers to the : "Swarrers Colomn." Anawara to 8waprr for a partod of Uirua waaka. Advartlara ara raquaa5d to kindly claim aama ba ttr tht tlma. Tha following lt la wutn Uiraa waaka' tlma limit; 'o. Ana r x l 41.. I ?"j f4 Maa I 9"4aaaaaawwwaaaa I i !& .19 fil7oawaa4waawalKa (aaaaaaaaaa X tn l us 1 94aaaaaaaaaaaa 1 tun. Ana : 7.... 1 949 91 ; 9M 9fH 1 9TI r fo - V7 J lOol id - J i vn. J 101. 1 101. J 1U7 1 J tttalt I hi 1 DRATtI AND FtJJfERAI. ffOTICBS. IC1 1 A IX. J S-IUrvey, died Wednesday, Juna . aaed M yeara. Funeral aervloea Friday, 1 o'clock, at residence 4U8 North vententh atreot. Ilend ara wolooma. Interment Proapect lllll oemeterr. TRUMBUIle-MraAd"elal(1 t. aired f$. died J-Ki at 1314 Bouth Twenty-fifth Ave. Wife at Oeorj-a 1. Trumbull, aon, John F. Trtimbull. ' BIRTHS AND UKATIIi. Rlrtba Joaeph and Anna Holonbek, 1314 Martha, (Irlt Alfla and Nunlata, ft Plnrce, ,-jlrl; Joaeph and Antlonetta ft. L,,cjj. t North Twenty-fli-at. boy; O. 51. aad Alice M. Waairenaeller, m North Thirtieth. boy; Charlea and Clara rkhwalin, r Bouth Twentieth, boy; ( arl and Alma Hohnbanj. 4:01 He ward, bov: John Jlenrr and Carrta . Johnaon, iMJS Cuming, girl, i Ieatha Jaoraa Olaen, 74. hoapltal; J. B. Rnyder, 49. TiV North Twenty-fourth; John Moran. 67. hoapltal;, 'anola M. .Young. ), Cuming I Harold Ray 'lamiton. 15. hoapltal; Herman J. Meyer, 71 MO Boitth Twenty-aeventh. MtHKIAUH lacuNstca. Tho following permits to wed have been issued: ' Nsma and Address. ank L. Hoover, Omaha 21 Almeda Louisa Jonea, Omaha. 1 irlars F. Young. Omaha iKdith M. Hansen. Omaha H Charles Friedman, ft. IuU, M Myrtle Chutilng, Crals, Mo raul K. Falrchlld. Belolt. Wla il Barbara. C. Kennedy. Nebraaka City... If Ir barlea K. BIsUop. Omaha.' S5 IajIu M. Clay. Omaha SS BlILDINO PKRMIT. . Caaael Realty Co., 92-4-t Douglas, flora Vutlittng, $','; William Oennert, fl anci, retttr frame dwelling, tl.oou; Fllaa P. Woolf, 1NOI-4- Cass, store and hotel building, iu.otrt; led J. Offerman, Jin Jackaon, factory, l,0o0. TODAY'S CXJSn?LETB MOVIB riUXJUAMS Excluslyely In Tba Ilea). LANTERN stldea for movies. Fend your copy to ua. Wa can reproduce photos r will prepare your copy. Wt will color aa directed. Bee Photo PepU JM Bee Bid. DlWIIDWI. F.UTW NO. !. Xitl FARNAM. Into tha Nlaht. Luhln. Above the Abyaa, I-reel F.sa. Clipld Puts One Over on ina tnai nen. Hnrpn. , FARNAM, 1416 FAHNAM. sarnum Theater Special I Mutual mas- terplecea a week. Thuraday and Sunday our special day a. Uli-P XUiiAli-ll. liH AND liAAtNJ.T Uoma of Paramount Ptctureav 1DKAL Their Motir, I-reel i. Real, 'atatiar of Parantace. 1'owera ekljiper impaun a Daughter. Joker com. PARK. 61 XtOUTH 11 H 6i 1 Ivxj. of the Children, I-reel Ailsoa. At iiis Owu Ternia. Ulg U. a eking llr Measures. Nestor comedy. I'ARLOR. - 14tTOi:ULAI. I Who Milates the Law, s-r. Lubln. 'J he Kalile of "The ltiglirollr and the Buulnl Hlondine, ' fcas. PR1NC !. 1117-1 lKJl'OLAS. lull s lii.hted Career, 2-reel comedy, l'auline liteh In Tha Kttuggle, drama. From the Shartowa, Atyatcry drama. Jtwrlfc. ALAMO, 24TU A FORT. An of Hearts, powers dr. olive's Hero, rHerllng n. .-vd By a Dream, 8-r. Vkl Nothing Ever Happens Hlg-ht- 'aTH LTm brX x&i n oktTi" wtTT Jler Alitl. I-reel Dom. llcr Grandparents, Ms, drama. t.uiflle lt-i to Trouhla, Kay. comedy. 4 LIKTON, Military Ave. and Burdelle. Milis f Zuviier '-ee. Dom. drama. 'I he Promotive Bi trlt. Rel drama. I. ulv liimtrlert. Keystone comeily , .DIAMOND, i0 1-AKE. lionae of a Thousand Relatlcma, I-r. Vict. com. Tba Alilt. Imp. drama. A Buried City, Dig V. ;llAM "Theater lwrauiiful," le-Htnney. New Exploits of Elaine. Episode, No. Ii '1 l.e Man of It, t-twl drama. C.ihkI comedy. H. ANKL1N. 24TII a HUNKUS. 1 he ilrvoyant Swindlers. KaU Ttie V n) I nln, Kal. f. I,lly H Bolienila. Vita. fU'tlA i '. SiTlI A. blilAOLE. A M.Mlm Fnoch Arden $-r. Big V feat. N i' It iom re of a Movia Fan, 'r.toirf-om. I. V h l 1H7 VINTON. An iimii j Weekly. IHa Oui.lrn Wr'idlng Ijwwnmle Drama, lone f l-:xami'ie. lex. li I ! il ;u SiTH A Cl'MING. MaMnet of Dent ruction, i-reel. 1 ha A nut's Wife. MaJ. drama. ' IM-Uei ut, foy. ooim-dy. I V v" U.THat BL'RDETTE. NalilM-d, I-reel iilaon v 'luaj 1 a v i. Jok-r comedy, ro'irasf. Bit.' C drama. . i CAlJWKIJ.. , i-.iuiK -d V e'klv. Ts. - llclifes. Nent. oinedy. du Can a Always Tell. 2- r-el Imp. TODT'8 COMrLETE MOVIE riUXiltAMS Esclualvelf la Tha ne. Mort h. S4TII AND liOTHROP STS. lonniop, ticlla and Old rutrh, fivn rarla of high cla romwlt. Iat tlma tonlaht. KAI.ACK. S UAVKNTUBT. A allxnp at Mftllna. Neat. fonwly. When tha Pptdar Tora looaa, Un. dr. Unrtar tha. Tahla, t-raal I,. Ko. romadjr. Sl'Bl KHAN, 24TH AMM. Tha Jarra Vlalt Arcadia. Hant-fWM Kwm IMrtortaJ ftn. JH, fHfl. Tha Htnmitla lipward. J-ral Bd. ftnath. AlnDOMB FAVORITK. 1T1 VIVTON. fjin MrAlllatar'v Hair. 1-roal Pom. And Ha Navar Knaw, Prln. lxva In Armor. Kayatnna comady. C4 LijVVENWOKTIL Mr. Jarr and tha Dachahund. Frnucla, Eaainar. ARMOR 21 A NO A H BO II. Tom Win In a Gentleman from Mlaala- "ll'Pl. In t reela Tonight onljr COIA MRIA, 1710 S. llTH. Thirty Iart, 1-real F.aa. The Fable of The Two Henxatlonal Failures. Kaa The Revenue Agent. Kaaanay. COMPORT, 1 24TU VINTON. Her Kau Hat I-reel K. B. The Cliff Olrl, Rellanee. The F'ace Moat Fair. Heatity. FAVOKITK, 171 VINTON. Tha rteatroyer, J reel Kalem. Roobley'g la l y, Vltairrwph. iVM. IX BO. 13TH. Ulack Hot . 1.1. Z-reel Mpectal. Heart of the itrndya. HI TI. W'hen They Were Co-eda. Neator com. I.TRJO 1U VINTONfT Tha Amber Caae, Powara No Roup, Joker comedy. Waclc n No. 12, t-reel PpeclaU PAflTIMH 231) A I.EAVKKWORTlt Mack Hog No. 11, a-reel Hpeclal. I.ova, Flieworka and Janitor, Joker. Framed, Powers drama. . VKNKZIA, 1UU wO. UTH Wt. Toot reels of WntuaJ piotaraa. Wlt. MONROa KCS FAKNAM. Clara Kimball To'inf. In tha fira-reet Hhubert feature, Hearts In Bxlle. (Ma. mW!40N, KS36 MAIN. Tba Iaddar of Torttina, t-t. (Ben Wilson). Judgment of Men (Mary Fuller). They Were Horoea, Neator comedy. Caaa.aU Ulaffa- EI.7TR No. S. Mft BROADWAY. Tha Snow-Burner. 8-r. Kssanay Drama: T)ia Conversion of Hmlllng Tom. fell Drama; Booliley's Fnhy, VKaaraph Com. NiClioXjfi, M7 BROADWAY. Tta Dentroyar, (-reel Kalem Drama. The Vanlnhlng Vault, Vltagrnph Comedy. ROPER, M7 BROADWAY. Urlm Messenger, i-r. Plf U. Artist and tha Vengeful One. Victor. Two Hearts artd a Phln. Nator Comedy. Soatk Omaha. BBSHB. S4TTI AND N. Mr. Jarr Visits His homa Town, V'.ta. Rivals, t-reel Kalem. The Jaguar Trap, Bolem. MAGIC. 24T1I AND O. Black Box No. 14, l-reel fSpeclttl. Tha Golden Wedding;, .aemmle drama. ltn r"Btners eij, rweator comeoy. vaaaevtile. ORPKETTM. MTH AND M. Flooey Axel, Komla romsdy. Corperator of Big Mandy, 2-r. Br. dra. Fairy Fern Beea, -reol Than, drama. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS He CoinfortaMe Yoursolf ami Furnish Comfort For Your . Customers and Patrons by locuting in ' The Bee Building Runerlntendent'g' Office Room 10S. Investigate Y.M.C.A. out g park, e.immer. NOTICI -I wTll not be responalbieTiiir any debts Incurred by in v wife. Mrs Kstella M. Banner. Frank Banner. ATJTOM01ULE9 NEW Ford auto deliver bodiea of all style, open or closed, always on hand. Our ityloes will save you money. See Johnsun-ltonforth Co., l&.1l-Sl- No. 16lh. HAVE 2-cylinder Rambler: four good tlree, engine Just overhauled: just the thli:g for a truck; trald real estate for 1Mb car. Will trade for real estate, or maite me cash offer. Will consider lady's diamond ring. Address K 643, Bee. 1911 PIERCE. $v;: 1910 Velle, $:rtf; l-.iis Marlon. $76: lttll Buiok. $J76: 1110 Cadil lac, lull Kurd. We buy, aell or exchange. Brine tie your car. We will sell It fur you. T11W AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, A. A. Aiilinan, Mgr., t20Taniara St. Tel. Doug. $310. (Too REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Coila repd. Bayedurter. IIP N.U. o SrELSAStjEU. expert radiator an. I lan"- re pairs Y- iOj- gad i-avenwoi th. AUTO Clearing House, 2i' Farnam, buys and sells usvd cars. Phone Duugiaa Uia Oversuu a for Ivaky radiator. 60i!, dealeia Want an auto. C J. Canao. McCague bldg. 1 ndntrlal Oarage Cv,Hlia Harney Bt Z oil SALE Clialmeis loiiiinu car, six yllnUor, selt-sturu r and lin'er; small toni.eau; machine run only .' nillia; I. jw tires; seata covered: In in-ifect cou- UliliQ; can be seen at i--4 Faruain and a gtMimnstratlon arranged for. 1'lume 11. I;;i4. ONIv l.OuO-pound truk at a bargaiu; slightly used. 111 Farnam. M'.HitAhKA l.uuk btrviie Station. Lit Ixnum iit. phone liouaiaa ":1 Motoreyelea. "FI.FfCWER FLYER" 11-KASE8 THE BIIYE1C Fleecher Motorcycle Co loja Capitol Ave. AMt'SKMENTS W A N T E D M K 1 1 K Y -til e-RO U N D AND 4 ITU Kit CONCESSIONS FOR BIG CELEBRATION Saturday. July 2, at Pierve, Neh. First big relebaaOon in I years. Addrvsa Adolph Maatalir, chair man conceaaiiiti cuiiuulttee. WANT1.1 AUractiona fur Fourth of July celebration to be held the Sd. eu -h Ss Merry-go-round, balloon, small ahoa-s, etc. Addraa E. L. ions. Secretary, Charter Oak, la. KISINEH CHANCES 0 HKT In or out of busiueaa ca;l oa G ANGESTA I). 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. i;j. t J 1 1. A 1 h. Ho buy, laaaa or sail yuur tba alar, uiacblne and eupplies throuaa Tbaater Exchange c itua Faraaia kk iM-ualas ltvl. WHY RKNTf Will se't lno-acre farms In Red luver valley (Minn ), erect build ltia. supply cowa and hogs on paynimt of MO. and 40 yuua la which to pay balaixe. This offer not good after June lo. W. U. Templvtuo. M lie . Bid.'., Omaha. REAL eatale Boalnea plates supit'tt-d or handled; all state. K. V. knlnl, Omaha MAM FACTI'RKK wanting llhm.ia lo- ailon and f uin Ing me-i Willi money wanting sound biiaiui-? ulilae wDta and kei my aaautante. '1'. L. O'NiTl, Ot tawa. J U. IllHIXKKH CHAXCKS Kfll FAI.lv A live hiialnnaa In Oklahoma town of ,; In bualnaaa canter of cli; ratahhahad nine yaam; hualnaaa Inrlndra rHHhllhl cnaj and ford bimlnean, Junk. hld- and fura; aood ofllia and atore building. ; m-w warahouaa; beat of rf arani'aa. Adrlraaa Ho IKS. El llamvOkl. BIONH. ahow tarda. Clark A Bon. D. 171. PiCTI RHJ MIOW AT AI'CTION. On Friday. June 11. wa will aril tha Frank theater, located at 4 F:at Hroad way, t'onnill Hluffa. All tiaw equipment, up-to-date flxturaa, ahould ba a-an to be apprrclatad. located on tha main street, fine building; corner location, rent only $.'I5. optional leaae, ahowlna every day and a money maker for a llva ahow man. Owner a nonrenldent reaaon for aellinf. Tarma. one-halt cah day of Bale, rea sonable tarina on balance, for further In formation write or t'hone. C. A. Whar ton, maniuter. Red Vni. If. i. McMurray. auctioneer, Conn c 1 1 HI u ffa. la. FOR SAL Inrge garage In a thriving Nebraska city: equipped to do extensive reoalr work; splendid location; on Lincoln high way. Addreee Y bH. He. LIIMHK.U varda; 2 In a. F. Neb., doing a business from IS.OOO to l.olv earn per year. Arthur O'Connor, Bryan Hotel, Ati-hlson, Kan. CbMKNT lant for mle. well e'lulppel. only one n town of fifteen hundred. Write Y M9 Bee. . FOR HAL, 10 Soda fountain. Snap price. Tables, ateels. chairs, silverware and glnssware Included. A bargain. Address V'.'llhur W. Anncss, lunbar, Neb. DKCO 8TORB l"f)R BALKl SNAP. AD DRK88 Y-f60 BEHJ. . Room I a at llonaes for Sale. FURNITURH of T-room flat for sale. Rooms all fulL Bargain. Leaving city. Best location. Call Douglas 7046. EDCCATIONAL FOR sale the following scholarships in a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand roujw. One unlimited atenographlo course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. Will be aold at a discount at tha offloe Of Tha Omaha Bee- . Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete bualneas course, complete shortiiend or stenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Kng llsh. Students admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1916 catalogue. BOTLF.H COLI-KXJK, H. B. BOYLEM, President. Tel. P. U. Boyles Hldg.. OmahaJgetfc GKRMAN lessons taught. 17 N27th St. Webster 71. FOR 8AXJb Karaltare, llowsehold Goods, kite. ECLIPSES gas range. No. 106, two ovens and a warming oven: perfeot condition; one oven never been fighted; coat 640; wll aell for $1H. Harney 4-W. 1 ll'C IJ" VI bought and sold. J. C. jair; Karnam at. D. 1. J. C. Reed, FUKNITCRK BAROA1N8 60 beds at tl each: tables, kitchen and china, cab inets, 64 Ice boxes, 8s gas stoves. 25 dresa ers. yiiaJ N. 24th Bt. Webster 1H07. FCRNITURK and rugs for sale. D: liaraea aad Veklelea, BOLD. FA RM wagons, 460. htroud. 30th A Aniea Maalcal latatraaaeaita. FOR 8ALK PUnOf'beat make; cost $460; never used: will trade for diamonds or automobile. Joseph Candloto, Hotel Keen. , . aaMia. 8TERKOT Y PH metrics make tha best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are Ux2 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically f Ireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. Email wheat. 1(10 lb. 67 26. Wagner. HOI N. H T y p writ ere. ITI'EWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Ee. W Farnani. M lace I la Meows. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom - .. A KAi,. Vm II 1 . r.1 Hl,lAa f. n.l Itowllntf alleys and acceaaorles; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments, j no oi unawiwa- . . . . .. . jf . ... . . v. . . j a .... .. . T iJ-liand motors, dynamos, l fXX7 magnetos, etc.. mechitnical A'vTI Kiialn. La Bron Eiectrio Works,Slt-20 B. 13th St. -O ONE full dress suit cheap. Inquire 4uo Ixard St. ELECTRIC, V1BRATOR-I erfect condi tion, cheap. Hammer and maanage move menta. Harney UK. 1M No. 31st Ave. TOOI, shovela. picks, Jackscrewa, win dow glass, 2 csrpenter benchea, $1 each; 10 match machines 60c each, 1 hot water boiler complete. $10; combination electric fixtures 2&o each; Iron beds complete, U; good horse, $J0; harnei.; $10; good ex press wagon, $75. J. C. I8H. Tel. Harney 143. 70J 8. Set Avo. HELP WANTED FEMALE clerleai aa4 Offloe. 8TKNOGRAPHER and private sea.'retary. excollci.t position, salary for first I months. Apply at once. 131H-30 ood mun of World. BOOKKEEPER, retail Exp $I6 to $7" Bookkeeper nd Bteno $.j Sollrnnr Salary and Com. WATTS REF. CO. 1TK--4j Brand. The. liwwaekeeitrta aad Domestics, WANTBI Woman cook. Detention Hos pital. Telephone Health Office or Dr. Connell. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mre. A. T. Hanubett, 1J0 So. 6th St.. Council Bluffs. Sv ANTED A competent cook; references required. Apply Sal S. Kd Ave. Phone Harney to. W A NTl.l A girl for general housework. 3M7 rarnam m. CAPABLE! while girl for general house work, $ grown persons In fHmlly; ref-ei-ence required. frM So. SHth St. li. M. SIA1D for general liouaeworV Sharp. 311 N. 4lwt St. Miss Yol'Ntl rlii to assist with tare of three children. Harney (.-'. 11 S. ar.tli Ave. WANTED Good girl. iindeittiidlng l.ouae work, In good home, small fam ily; can attend school. Call Floie nee 1M. WANT a neat appearing, midillp-agrd house woman, $4, board and room, ait south lutti St. GIRL to esxiat with general houauwora.. t-iarney iiv, nja n. ainr ni. WAN l'Ei Young girl or elderly lady in a family of two. Position Is in the (Oiimry. i ail l"ii. ii. WANTEI Young girl for gener;il houae- ''I . . I ' I Iff... t i . -' T ' " . ' I WANTKl Girl for general housework iu family of I. 64a So. TUl St. D. SIJ.V WANTE1) Girl for general htuaewoik, two in family, t all louglas KJ before 9 a. in. or after p- in. DISH woaher wanted at the Newuieyer Hotel. Council Bluffe, la. CAPABLE white tri for general houae work; three ron persons lu family. Pef. refiuire.1. D4 Ho S-.th St. H. 4.4w. ANTEl Miil.lle-aged woman for p n eral housework; care of 3 children. H. IK it 'SEK KKPKH wanted on fa, m; no ehlliiren. AdJrens Y fxS. Bee. WHITE girl for general housework, with no waaiung; caie of I i l lldrcn. Harney $3t. WANTED tiirl for general houaework; reference. Hi N. Ave. Harney IT.'ti. WHITE girl for lu 14 aKi. general bouaewutk. WANTED Good cook and general hnw kn'IKT at une; good wagta. Apply K-4 Lothiop ur pluiie Web. v. or 1 ir ivii. HELP WANTED FEMALE lleaaekeepere aad Itameatlpa. WANTKIe-OIrl for housework. IW B 2Wh Ave. I'hone Harney It. OIRL for general housework, t In fam- ly. Harney hk. WANTKD A cniietent cofk; references required, I In family. 607 So. 3th SL H. WANTEI ;ompctent girl for general hniiaework; no laundry. Mrs. H. A. Crelghton, ll Bo. Wtli St. H. XL JM laeellaMeoHa. 1" WEEtK, exnensew advanced. Women to travel ana appoint agenta for con centrated food flavors In tubea. Reliable Mfg. Co., 64 Como Bldg.. Chicago. DEMONSTRATOR. Wanted demonstrator for leather goods; one who has sold a patented article; must neat; state experience wnen replying. Address F 6"4, care Ree WANTED A few refined, neat appear ing ladles, to work under instructions. Permsnent Dealt Ion. No money reouired. Fslr salary. Addreas Utopian Supply Co., cniiaoeiphia, ft. WANTrlD First claaa lady spotter: one who can handle all kinda of fancy work: prefer one who Is experienced In preaslng; steady work: 1 16 a week. Bode felt, 262 Broadway, Denver, Colo. IOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 8t. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to aultable board Ins; places or otherwise aaelsted. Look for our traveler's guide at Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. FOR all llnea Of high grade commercial positions see us first. Midwest Bonding Co., 112 Bee Bldg. COM PKTJJN'T STENOGRAPHER. ONE WHO 18 LOOKING FOR PROMOTION, ITS. CO-OPKRATIVH REFERENCE CO., M15-H; CITY NATIONAIa SALESMAN, city Salary depends Credit man, retail experlenoe ,....$100 Aun t bookkeeper, Bldg. material erji..$t0 Watte Ref Co., M8-40.42 Brandels Thee. URRAND AND OFFICE BOY: MUST BR NEAT, AfTPIVFX COOPERATIVE REFT5RFNX:m CO., 1015 CITY NAT' I BRIGHT, well educated young man, gen eral office experience. Stenographer, experienced. $75. Rogers Ref. Co., 60$- Btate Banll. BOOK KEMPER (Invest.) 15.00 CITY SALESMAN (Invest) $100.00 THE CANO AGENCY, i0 Bee Bldg. HIOH-ORAriB commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A'83N. 72 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ageata, sjaleatnea aad Bollcitors. Auto Owners The Auto Tube Splcer Co. will demon strate "Splicer," the new Invention, at 1113 Capitol Ave., Omaha, ' thla week. Home office, 418 Fourth St, Sioux City, la. Agents wanted. WANTED, AN OIL SALESMAN to sell to the consumer in an eastern Ne braska territory. Twenty-five per cent commission paid. Goods sold on trial and credit. Only experienced men neod apply. Address, Y 671, Omaha Bee. WANTED Corporation stock saleamen for Nebraska. Addreas E 47. Bee. $6 TO $10 PROFIT dally selling our new household article; $2.60 premium with, each $1.98 aale makes quick pro tit a. Mum ford A Larson, MW Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent'a Office, Room 103. EXCELLENT proposition tor two good men In Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association. 421-28 City Nat'! ank Bldg. SALESMEN WANT MO To fell our up-to-date and extensive line; outfit froe; cash weekly. Addrea Capital City NJrs cry Company, Salem. Ore. Ksctsrt taU 1 rates. Drug gtore snaps: )oba Knelst. Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition lib. on account of big trade. Wages for 6 and 10 cent work. Electrlo message taugni. jnyarauiio, chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas St, Omaha WANTED A good auto repair man who an furnish ins own tools, rvo Dooxer wanted. W ill rent aaraxe room: no on- positlon. Write P. O. Box 21. Atheiatan. la. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO 2G,V. Farnam Rt.. COLLEGE. OMAHA. NEB. WE need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of these Jobs Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School, 1417 Dodge St WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. The world constantly needs more bar riers, our graduates earn gooa wages. Few weeks completes with us. Prepare now for coming season's rush. WU Moler, ID 8. 14th St.. Omaha. Mlscellaaewaa. WANTED Nan.is of men. II or over, wlahln aovernment ioba. $66 month. No pUll necessary. Address Y 460. Bee. WANTED l.fto men to eat ham and eggs, IV. Coffee John. 14lh and Capitol.' WANTED Railway mall clerks. $76 a month; Omaha examinations romlnir rsnu'io questions free. Write Immediately Kratikim institute, uept. Z-l. t. ivochos ter, N. Y. COOK with reference; American plan; . where second and pastry are emp uyed. Arlington Hotel. Sheldon. Ia. HELP. WANTED a ALU AND s:jai.a. SALESMEN or .saleswomen, investigate our proposition, introducing our ' dally expense record;" good salary easily earned. Write The Russell .;0., Tebbetta, Mo. o SITUATIONS WANTED AMBITIOUS young man wanla to go to work; a good edurailon; good at fig ure, aiso good lieniiian: exMrinced in general off We work. Telephone Doug. 6461. Addieas. K Bee. I-A1Y warns dav work. liou. 4..-vi, TRAliK. nood note, I .11. for dl or motorcycle. Guy V. Dudsou. Neb. ainomla Stella. Itl.nioN wanted by tiualworthy and energetic young man. Best references furiilliei and not afraid to work. I'hone Douglas M.i I. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Pee will run a Servant Ctrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. 1 Ins applies to ruaidrnta of Omaha. South Omaha and Coun.'il Bluffs. Bring ad to Tha Bee office or telephone Tlr Inoj. EXPEKlEN'CKD saleslady wants posl tl.ir In rlotbti.g. Address G 64. lU)KUI MAN wants to go to work. porter work, private family, or any kind of work. Andrews K t'i. Hee. CHAl'KFEl'H wants ptaitlon; $ years' expenence. I'hone Web. 47il. WANl' Cure of a feeble-minded patient. Address, A. 5fr, llet. MITUATION9 WANTED Bl'SINKMet men: Young lady, aged 21. dxsirea pcwltlon; capable bookkeeper, stenographer and offWe clerk; also some selling ability; earned I promotions last Kb; good reference; will conalder any thing above s. AVawerg confidential. Ad dress E 3f, care Hee. ' VANTEI Position In garage, auto re pairing and driver. Am a graduate from Slto school Stale wayea. Address Ala K. Smith, Ftlllerton, Neb. e CHAIKKKI'H and wife want position; five years experience. f.12 6th Ave, Black y.m, Coun'-ll Bluffs, la. HA LEHMAN and office man. married, aged Xi, employed, wlshea to make a hrtnge. Fair typist; 1 year's experience aa office clerk i IV. yeara aa suoreasful specialty saleaman. Interview requested. Addreee O 629, Bee. YOUNG lady stenographer desires posi tion at reasonable salary. Have had year and half experience end can take dictation rarldly, also do bookkeeping. Addreas, K 6fft, Bee. AMBITIOUS young man wante poeltlon In business where advancement la good. Haa had S veara ban kin experience and eome in auditing office. Can do some stenographic work. Beat of refer ences. Address S. 647, Bee. REGISTERED chauffeur In state of Mis souri and Lincoln, Neb., desires position wl.U n 4 e,mllr ham hontlfld heat cars made; five years' experience; Japan ese, goon nsDiis; aon i emime wr unun, careful driver. Will do an me other work. Address E Bl. nee. CTIACFFeTjR and meehanlo wishes posl- tion who wnoiffsio noun ui jjuvniw t 1 1 t.... i -r 'i .) A RELIABLE womnn warts r sltlon as housekeeper, phone Veb. lHgl, or ad- . . . V.. , . I . oreaa V4 ricrrnre jwuir,ru I AM a good stenographer; rapid at dlcta- itnw m , i Vi , uHt.r aaa 9X vuri! good education. Will start for $5). Ad- dreas. M 557, Bee. COMPETENT. steady iMnlsh man. speaks some English, wants work of any kind at once. Call at 13th St., 607. between and I In the evening. Hans Christen sen. WORK Wanted University man, a rank failure as beggar; too cowardly to steal. Anything at living wage, quick. Address, O 662, Bee. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in snd the company Is snxloua to restoro them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4.1. LOST Deed of out of town lots. D. 6463. Call LOST Auto crank, Sunday, W: Farnam or Dundee. Phone Walnut S23. LOST Platinum bar pin act with sap phires, diamonds and pearls: liberal re ward. Return to 208 S. 32d Ave. AUTO crank. Sunday morning. West Farnam or Dundee. Phone Wal. S2t3. LfWT A cameo stick pin; return to 830 city Nat I bank ana receive reward. LOST Eastern Star pin; reward. Phone Doug. twuo. LOST Gray horse, trail T. 129S. 4th and liancrorc Bt., irmiKmani, ennst Tan. LOST Silver mesh bag, containing- check book. Return to Mrs. C. C. Logan and receive reward. Phone Florence Xll. LOSTV-Long haired white dog, June 9. evening. In the vicinity of Z4th and Lake Sts. Return to Hugo Bros, show and receive reward. Thutsday. 24th and Larimore; Friday, 20th and Burdette. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture. maga lines. We collect. We distribute. Pione uougina iJO ana our wagon win ca't. Call and inspect our new borne. 1110-1113- 1114 Dodge Bt. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to vlalt the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will- be directed to aultable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. GORDON, the Douglaa 7163. Magaxlne Man. Phone SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTO Have a good Jitney auto for clear tot, or wr.ai nave you: AQQress,- b. c. 1W4. P.ee. I WANT automobile. What do you want In exchange for It. Address, 8. C. 1W1, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. A PEN of Buff Leghorn chickens,' "prlxe winners." want a good ball-baring lawn mower or ISO-egg Incubator. Ad dress 8. C. 1078. Bee. BOYS! Here's your chance! Have two 6-ft. steering sleds, both alike. Will trade for bicycle. Address 8. C. 1079. Bee. FINE bay horse, weighs about 1.100, fine driver; afraid of nothing; buggy and harness if desired; would trade for cheap auto or truck. Tel. South 14!aJ. DlAMONI-68-100 karat diamond in ladies' Tiffany mounting, gold ring, platinum head; price, $160. Want motor cycle or piano, or offer. 8. O. 1077, Bee. FOR SALE Cheap, whole or controlling Interest in cld-establlshed manufactur ing busineas; now running and doing good business; Includes patents and good machinery; Invoices $,000; will trade. W. M. Pierce, Superior, Neb. LAUNCH Have 16-foo: launch, coat 10O new, . will trade for aeccnd-hatnt auto. Address S. C. 1053. Bee. "INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car; late 11)14 model, twin cylinder, two spd, complete electric equipment. Iai6 Improved kick starter; new tires; all per I cit condition. Cost $370. Want Ford or iixht roadster; no other propositions con sidered. Address S. C. 1072. Bee WANT to kwap dlumond Hug lor nuuau painting. S. C. Kll, tare Bee. K" 1A K "Anaco" folding pocket, slxe $Ux4',4; double lens automstlc shutter; rising, lowering and laterally shifting front; Hke new; together with compleUi outfit, including new $5 developing tank, printing trame, tray, carrying case, etc. Want visible typewriter in good condi tion. Address S. C. He.',. Bee. PAYING clean business, well located, fine chance for tailor, will awap for anything can get $-', on, i.o business chances sgents need answer. Addreas S. C. M. Bee. MOTORCYCLE 1916 model 12 H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle In A-No. 1 condi tion, and bus been run lesa than 600 miles. Wilt trade for Ford or light car. Address S. C. b3. Bee. TOOL GRINDER Heavy. substantial grinder, hand power, for bench work; never need;, has ball snd socket Joint, permitting wheal being adjusted to any poxltlou. Will swap for anything1 of value. Addrexa 8. t . lOsii. Bee. HAVE a good Concord top buggy in fine shape to trade. What have you to ex change? Address. 8. C. 1. Bee. CHICKENS Thirteen thoroughbred Buff Orplnrton hens: one prise eockerell for bany cab or "cwlng machine. Address S. UiMi. Bee. A t-'." AVllNv) and iialing inaihine in good working order to exchange for a Hunt aut.imnhlln. Addreas 8. C. :'(7, Bee. PIAN A uamlv I e ker Brca. aqiiarv piano, line for starting t learn. What comd you offer me for thla Make offer. Addreas S. O. I07B. Ree. E1IS4N plioniKraph nod .-l recoioe. tloa condition, coat new 5. What have you to trade for this? AAMreas 8. C. Bee. PIANO Kunud ak player piano, used one year, coat $vM; .10 rolls ta-st music; would lr.de this for automobile, or w lit i-ould mil offer and oould uae? Addrest S. C. o7S. Bee. ' RKAl. KftTAI'K contract. $i ii0, fur lots or auto and lots. Web. il'Ji. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLK. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, $06 So. 17th SL Phone D. 647. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract offloe In Nebraska. K Brandela Thee. At CO I' .'VIA NTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Add 433 Ramere Bldg. Phone Douglne 740S. ADDING MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 633$ AMA1ELR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from rnoio crart Shop, 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. v. APPRENTICE UlRL. APPRENTICE girt. Oppenheim Hair oreseing Parlors ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodds, 12 Paxton Blk. e D. 29S1. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-18 W. O. W. R. 82fi3 Nafl Pale A Auction Co.. 1127 W. O. W. auto insurance:. 40 saved on your automobile Insurance by patronising a home Co. Doug 2S19. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 1026 Far. D.3001. BAKERIES. Z. H. RF.EDER, ivxi y. igth. Web. Svrj. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. MOT Cumin ulaa 47. Renovates featb.fi faath. mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down oovers. BLUB PRINTING. HgRNBT BLUE PRINT CO., $02 Omaha National Bank Bid. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. nth and Martha Sta Kb. Fdry. A Mfg. Co.. 1125 N. 22. Web. 7300 BUILDING WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked . anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web 4808 CARPET HUU CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug, lsn. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. $23 8. 22d. Douglas 620. Lessard A Son, 1906 Cap. Ave. T. IfBI. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 20 Pa. Blk. Red 4687. SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. $4U. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. I.ACY. 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG! 4716. CLEANERS AND -DYERS. Howard'g Pantalorlum. $20-2 B- 16th. D. 6407 CONCRETE CONSTttUCTlON CO.'S Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVE6TI GATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Liebcn A Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1571. Try Mackle s first, 1616 Harney. Doug. 644ft. DOWN TOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night 171$ Doug. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 2oth A Farnam. SUITS, gowns. In homes. Wal. 2267. ' DRESSMAKING.. 1717 Chicago. D. $128. M1S8 STURDY. 2416 CASS. RED 7320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. BTATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 811 Neville Block. Evl- qem--o recureq in all casej. Tyier 1156. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W, o. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea.' Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglaa D. 218$, DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $19 orders ; catalogues rree. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 11 N. loth. Terms. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 6?4 Bee Bldg. Red 80R5. TEVERYTHINa FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating:, covered buttons, all sues and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. l'JJ6. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 16th St HEMSTITCHING and pecoe edge on all kinds of material done promptly st Sin ger Sewing Machine Co.. 204 N. 16th. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. JOIN Y. M. C. A. on special summer membership plan. Then use it. $V60. Ft HN ACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 4QL-6 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, f lortste. 1W4 Farnam St D. 8O00. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 113. Membei Florist Talugrapb. DeL Ass n. HESS A SWOBODA, 1418 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 122 Harney. Doug. 100L SWAN SON. the florist. Web. 4. So. 701. HAT CLEAntNU. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele. 1171 City Nat .MX, kinas hats cleaned.- 1620 Harney St AMKP1CAN Hat Cleaners. 1616 Harney. ICR. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'VIIOA K WEBSTER 691$ General Office. Utu and Manderson Sts. HWAPPKIUi' CXI.CMN PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or lots: will pay difference; It yo.l have anything get in tour'i 'vlih me, aa 1 have other atuff to exchange; gw., c in'.;te description. Addrcsa S. C. i, Bi PIANOElea-ant pisr no; snap on auto; will pay cash difference for good tiade or will " piano tor a lot or equity In 1 Will lixstrd lot Addreas 8 C. Be. WANTI-.D-Saxaphone. AdOns.. 11. IU. HcK-lus. Neb. quality and expert service that COLD AND SILVER FLATIWO. WE replete everything of metal. Omaha I Mating I.O., izao iiarney m. r JEWEL.EMS. LUCKY wedding rtngs at Brodegaart'a. JUSTICES OK THE PEACE. H. II. CLAIBORNE. 618 Paxton Blk. R. 7401. Notary pub., deposition steno. C. W. BRTTH. 801 Barker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CR09. A CO.. Exchange Blag. LIGHTING FlITtHbs, WIRING. TilTPTTlXr Thomas. Douglaa 251$. omas. Douglaa 141 Cuming St. MASSIESE9. T? A TTTRsnd mass., alcohol rub. Laura iviiiW((lIli F(irnam ,,,, j Douglas 875L Open evenings and Sunday. Mass. Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. D. 718. Open eve., p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 B.Brugman, mase.,203 Karbach Blk, R. 2727 MASSAGEe-620 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6372. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas 8751. BATHS, 274 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 for appointment MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Miss Steele. ' MISS GILBERT, massage, 109 S, 17th St Miss Walton. Mass. R. 224, Neville Blk! MTP? JACOBS, Mass.. R. 224, Neville Blk. MINING ENGINEERS. WILL py to consult W. H. Godfrey mining Dlisiness. Ml Btate tlx, K. 4341. MOTORCYCLES HARLET-DAVIDPON MOTORCYCTE9. Bargains In used machines. Vlotor Rooe. l ne wioiorcycie Man." ys L.avewortB. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains, W)53 rent moving picture machines, star Theatrical Exchange, 640 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES, Harp A Piano. 806 Lyric D. $704, BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO, DOUG LAS 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR SALE Extra fine cana eeed at $1 per bus., sacks rvo each. Write for samplea J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, ray aa yott can. Drs. McCarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson. $03 Brandela Bldg. D. U4f, JOSEPHINTB ARMSTRONG. 616 Bee Bids. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANTJS. 417" N. 40th. H. 672S. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co, Red 4S. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Bturgee, 63ft Brandels Theater Bldg. PIANO KEFINISHING. GENERAL overhauling, 80 year, exp. References. 702 17th. Red 6830. John Baer. PLATING. P. 6277. Acme Plating- Co., Ill S. 15th Bt.- PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART rtg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8731 DOUGLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 41 SAFE AND T1HB LOCK EXPERTS. r A TTT7trt Opened, repaired, comb. P r,k?i changed. F. E. Daven- port. 140 Dodge. D. 1UL BCALE REPAIRING. Om, Standard Scale Co.. C18 B. 12th. D.1911. SHOE REPAIRING. " FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe repair. 2U S. 14. Harley 8hoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R.8440 SEWING MACHINES. rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. AfTnrVT K2 l We I II) NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Dougf 1661 STEEL CE1LINUS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. HQ 8. 10, SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. S1 XTllDu . . . . . . . . aau vrtltu FIXTURES. TO W EL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. afJ7 B. Hth. ' D. 6. . TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 15th Bt Palm Beach suits to order. 1815 Farnam.' TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FBELINq' A STEhTle. 1S0 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. ROhl.'nilv'r.T)rp,wrlter mo. for $4, Oliver lypewrlter Agency, Isajb Fariuuii BENT a "Remington," not lust a tvna. writer, low rent. Cal. n'.L WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEDD1NU STATIONERY. Wedding announcements, Doug. PtV Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, l-3 8. ISth Bt. Wlnea Wwore. cUtars Plate dinners. U to $, 10c. GwmVlli'i r .OUM'. i2 N-"h: California wine, U.a per gal. Write for price Hot. Hn:rT POLIXKK LIQUOR HOUSE! 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent luuc SWAPPERS' txilA'MX TYPE WRITER Have Mealy n. w tin.l typewriter to trade for small wif. ..earner oesa, tiraas offfe laliin.'i curtain railing IVi dlamcier. or will pal r cab. pay d. i . 1UH1, nee. UNUSED Amerlan ti adding machine tor trade. U14 aell cheap. Address WILL swap $irj git fd4e sccrKv for i Ford car or roadster S C..IZI. Bee.