8 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE !, l'Ha. By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, June 8, 1915. NB of our very well known grain men was coming out of the Fonte- Onelle Saturday with two of his friends, deeply absorbed in conver sation. It was a very nice trio, and a Very nice day, but the wind a little extra breezy. In the midst of some interesting parley (likely' gossip, just coming from the grill) a real whlrler came up and enjoyed separating Mr, Promi nent Grain Man from his hat. It was a new, gay hat and it had the time of its young life sailing north on Eighteenth street. Mr. - was distracted, his friends surprised; thtn all became nimble and followed the receding hat. Around the corner comes one of our well known suffragettes, who !of the v.-iUy. Khe wore the aroo?n's sia arrests the offending hat in its course and nonchantly bestows it upon its nonplused owner. The trio was a little stunned, stood gazing attracted by the apt madamolsselle, who went composedly on her way. "By Jove." remarked one of the friends, "things have changed when a woman will run after a hat." Armour Institute of Teclinolos; jr at Chi rsf. where he has been studying archi tecture. Ms-ers-Ro. Wfldlns, Lest evening- at S o'clock the. mintage of Miss Mildred E'.tta. Rove and Dr. Lester Earl Myers of Blulr. Neb., was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hoee. Tlin 15'v. A. J. Xorrla, isntor of the Kmmanul Msrtlt church performed the ceremony In the llvina room bufore an Improvised sltar of palm, fern, brides roues and Granite blosnoms. Jllvs Mildred CUuson played the Lohn engren wedding tnach, accompanied br Mr. Richard Clark, violinist, and "O. Promlso Me" during the ceremony. 1 The Lllde wss gowned in white satin entrains. The bodice was trimmed with 'liantllly lce and seed pearlsT Her tulle veil was held In place with lilies of the valley and pearls and she carried aj shower houquet of bride's rows snd lilies i rnnwrti nnrrw riT sir-OlTl.TtTW ' WEDDED LAST NIGHT. At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. and Mra. Thorn J. Kelley will entertain at dinner this renlng at tlie Happy. Hollow club. The table will be attractive with a large bowl of deep pink peonies and strands of syrlnga blossoms. The guests will be the members of the U Mary's Avenue Congregational church chrrfr, of which Mr. Kelley has been or ganist and director for several years. Covers will be placed for: MUsea Mlsees--Fmma Itckmsn,' Myrta HnVder. LIUIiLn Empej. May Westherill, Vera lone Veats, Mahle Fsrker, Jeaale Carry, Claire lrawl-, Nan roster, Wllhelmlna Htodter, Bsplln. Iorothy Wrlsht, Orar North nip, Mildred Gardner, Amanda Ksrbarh, Martha Oran. kliri. Bolen. Eva Hethertngton, Measre. Mmisre. Martin Hush, Harry Hawkins, Walter Vlck, L.-1I. Pick. Watson, Arthur Jessen, Raymond Cox, lentils Ixrlns. Oatea, Wlnefleld 8hrum, Conrad, Frsncta Mesd. Ralph frrl?k, MMhleson. Mesdames MewVomes Osborne. Msrtln Mush. Judg and Mra. Irving Raster will have with them this evening at dinner! ' Mr. Abraham Purbank. Mra W. T. Burbank. Miss Burba nh. Mr. and Mra E. M. F. Lefleflir ener tstn Informally at dinner this evening In honor of their house guest, Mrs. M. K. House, of tievlngton. Neb. A large bas ket of peonies will be used as the table centerptoea and the guests entertained will include: ' Mesers. and Mesdame P. I). Weod. A. W. Homn. "Die members of the State) pharmaceu tical society were the guests of Mra C. TL Shcrmsn at 1 o'clock luncheon today. Covers were placed for sixty. - The real estate men attending the con vention next week will be entertained, at luncheon at the Happy Hollow club Tuesday. June 16. The Misses Hosel and Carol Howard will give a luncheon Saturday, when the guests will be the members of the Htory Tellers' olub. At the Field Club. ' Mrs. J. O. Hlford entertained at luncheon today for nine guests. Peonies decorated the table. One of. the winter's btidge c'l bs played together at the club this afternoon. Six tables were placed for the game. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mra. Walter Page will enter tain fourteen guests at dinner Wednesday evening at the Country club. On Satur day Mr and Mrs. Paul Oallagher will have twelve gusats and Mr. It. 8. Clarke, Jr.. will have sixteen guests tomorrow evening. Dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James It. O'Brien enter tained at dinner Sunday evening In honor or the Misaes Clark, who leiwve June IS for California via the rename, canal. The centerpiece was a mound of KUtar ney roses and covers were laid for evening of tntt. week. The next regular meeting of the club will be In two weeks st the home of Mrs. W. K, Newton. Paterson-PicXeni. The event of Interest today Is the mar riage of Miss Elisabeth rickons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chsrlcs Henry Pickens, and Mr. Kenneth Peterson, son of Mrs. George Psterson, which will be celebrated this evening at All Saints' church at S o'clock. The ceremony will bo followed by a reception at the homn of the bride's psrents on North Thirty-ninth street Lawn Party. Miss Lois Davenport gave a lawn patty Monday evening for Orace snd Kdward Gardner cf Uncoln, Neb. Thoso present Mlsees Orsce Gardner of Uncoln. Munch Wasner, Eve gtewart, Messrs. Edward Oardner of Lincoln, John nihson ot Council Bluffs,, Frank Newman, Mios Lola Alarth. Roue Dixon, Jane Shaffer. ftfesflrs Verne Iiavenport. Olrn Wharton of Lincoln, Ouy Haritmn. Jnn Butler. For House Guest. Mrs. C Louis Meycr gave an informal luncheon of six covers today at her home in honor of her house guest. Miss Phyllis I.utman of Salt Lake City, who has ar rived to spend two weeks. On the Calendar. The class of 11S of Crelghton university will holj their snnual banquet and class reunion at the Hotel Loyal an Wednes day evening at 7: o'clock. The Fortnightly Hrldge club will be entertained Monday of next week at the home of Mrs. Fred Wallace. Perional Mention. Miss Burbank of Ptttsfleld, Mass., Is the guest of her brother, Mr. A. Burbank, at the Fontenelle, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. B. Bhackleford re turned last week after spending the win ter on the Parlflo coast. Mrs. M. K. House of Lexington. Neb., la spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mra. E. M. F. Leflang. Mr. Warren Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hamilton, has returned from Sue a pesrl necklace. Miss Erma Btiilham and Mis I iawortit were the bridesmaids. Mies ftldhum wore a gown of pink charmeuce, elaborately trimmed with point la,?e. (The csrrled an arm bouquet of Killamey roses. Mis llaworth wss gowned in yellow crepe de chine, msdo round lsngth. The bodkn and sleeves were of CnantlUy lace and she carried yellow sunburst roses. The Mlnses Martha Songster and Helen 8tldhani stretched the ribbons, each wearing a dainty froca of white mull with pink eash and large pink halrbowa. Vt. I. Berton Mowry of Tecumseh, Neb., waa best man. A reception followed the wedding cere mony. The rooms were a-bloom with pink and whlto roses. The p, rrh wus enclosed and profusely decorated with yellow and white rose, Marguerites, ferns and palms. Here punch wss served by tho members of the bridal party. The dining room waa decorated In a color scheme of pink and whit carried out with a mound of Killamey and bride's roses as the table centerpiece and pink shaded candles After a short trip west Dr. snd Mrs. Myers wil be at home July 1 In Blair. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. I. U. Pickett. Orand Island; t and Mrs. A. B Olson. Wsterloo, la.; Miss Llssa Myers, Falrbury; Miss Jain David son, Wsterloo, and Miss Abble Gale, Sioux City, la. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Miss Bessie L. Bnldor of Somerset, O., and Mrs. Jessie Cole of Plymouth, O., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. De Lamatre. 1SC4 Spencer street. Original Monday Bridge Club. Mrs. W. A. Redick was hostess at the regular meeting ot the Original Monday Bridge club this afternoon at her home. Those present were: Mesd emeu Mesdames psgod T. Kastman. A. L. Reed, -oles. Charles T. Kountse. Arthur Remington, Joseph Barker. V Manufacturers to Have Big Meeting at Seymour June 24 The weather positively must warm up before June 24. It must wsrm up many days before that time. That Is, it just must if Paul Skinner, J. W. Gamble, F B. Knapp, W. A. Ellis snd still other lovers of squatlc sports are to take the I f wim the bunrh Is plsnnlng at Seymour lake for that dste. It is not a swim alone they are planning. It Is a general outing for the afternoon and evening for the Omaha Manufacturers' association. Swim ming In Seymour lake Is one of the sports planned for the afternoon. So all these, together with a horde of Omaha manufacturers who like to awlm, are actually longing for hot weather. Not that they have a corn crop that must have the sen. Not that they need It to dry the roads, for they are busy Manu facturing "Omaha-made'' goods rather than studying auto routes. Not thst thev have a crop of hay to put up. Rut then are other and more Important con-lders-tiona even than gathering crops thst make men pray for weather of a desired kind. Basket lunches, foot races, fishing, row ing, golf, and who knows what else, are on the program for this big outing of in afternoon and evening, but these lsds who want to swim are showing the resl concern P3EuTOOT W. A. Redick. W. R. McKeen, A. G. Beeson. BUILDING MANAGERS AND 0WNERST0HAYE PICNIC The Building Owners' and Managers' association Is to have an outing June 2 at Waterloo. The association has planned this aa a good fellowship day. when the ladles will be included in the festivities. They will leave Omaha about noon or ahortly after for Waterloo In automo biles and are to spend the afternoon and evening there. MRS. KENNETH H. PATERSON. DRUGGISTS IN ANNUAL MEET Mayor Dahlman Makes Addren of Welcome to Which A. V. Peae of Fairbury Responds. SIT IN BUSINESS SESSION Druggists of the state began their thirty-fourth annual convention at Hotel Fontenelle Tuesday morning, with over 2S0 delegates present' to hear Mayor James C. Dahlman make an address of welcome. A. V. Pease of Fairbury, a member of the execu tive committee, responded, and Pres ident Will Brookley of Edgar made hla annual address and report. The business session was continued in the afternoon, whllo wives of the visiting druggists enjoyed a luncheon, cards and golf at Happy Hollow club. Dr. F. H, Millener of the 1,'nlon Paclflo gave a lecture on wireless and X-ray at the headquarters building In the evening. P. B. Myers of Omaha, chairman of the local committee In general charge of the convention, with A. B. McConnelL treas urer, and J. E. O'Brien, secretary. J. H. Schmidt, A. C. Adams and Charles D. Beaton form the executive committee. The latter, king of Ak-Sar-Ben, has ar ranged the den festivities for the vlslUna druggists, and his portrait adorns the front cover of the convention program. Present officers of the state association are Will Brookley, president, Edgar; W. H. Clayton, first vice president. Grand Island: W. R. Wright, second vice presi dent. Callaway; Karl Thelen, third vlee president, Shelby; E. A. Belersdorf, fourth vice president. Emerson; H. A. Small, fifth vice president, Kearney; D, D. Adams, treasurer, Nehawka; J. O. Mo Bride, secretary. University Place. Nah. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Ad. Misses Anna Clark. Ronnie Foley. Margaret Clark, Mesara Richard D. O'Neill, Morris Klvnn of Ijon Angeles, Cal. Clarence everly DUlle At well. Mr. and Mrs. Jams H. O'Brien. Misses Msry McCaffrey, Agnes Clark, Marcsret Foley. Messrs. D. J. Foley, C. v. Ryan. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th Street A Sale of Summer Furniture Felted Cotton Mattress, $5.75 Tt. N. Club Party. The N. N. club gave a slumbering party in "Orib Harbor" cottage at Manawa Saturday and Sunday. Those present were; Miesee Misses Katherlne McMahooXIraoe Riley, Krsncls Rogsrs, Hannah Huck. Vranct Rutnhouse.Anna Boelmlng. yrmn C'hrlntte, Marssret Fisher, Km ma Pnnamors. Maanen Maynard. Mamart Prttchard, Marie Riley, Agnes PrlUhard. Change of Residence. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wslla ot Kearney have moved to Omaha, where they will reside tn the future. They have taken a house for the summer at U South Tthlry ixth street. Mr. Wells resigned front the headmasterehlp of the Kearney Mil itary academy to enter the offices of the Peters Trust compsny. Mrs. Wells at tended the Sacred Heart academy and Mr. Wells la a ptlutU... pf Crstrliton university. j Tieaio at Fontenelle Park! Mrs. T. W. Jay cox chaperoned a party of girls at Fontenelle park Saturday aft ernoon. Those present were: Mrs. T- W. Jarox,Hen Fullen. Vuth Rrineer. I.ucll Jce. riherln lvlder. Kvelyn Thayer, Jennie Hoell. Merlun Jacox. ituth Jsyuoa. Mra. Krng Entertain. Mrs. V. F. Krug will entertain th Omaha Whist club at her hqrae In Fort Creok tomorrow. Tta weather permitting A luncheon U1 be srvd on the lawn and the card gau alsa 111 be played out-ef-dors. The Invited guests Uciude: Mesdowee- Wtlbur. Morrison. Offering for a very Low Price many Extremely Attrac tive Pieces for Porch Use. The season is lnte stock must be reduced. Rustic Hickory Rockers and Chairs for $2.25 and $2.50 That were 3 and $3. SO. Chinese Reed Furniture 25 Off OTHER ITEMS An especially fin felted cotton mattress, tor a very low price, full else, elastic felt filling-, fancy art tick, aide stitched, fc75 o?J at special ton mattress, Best value, we know of on a cheap mattresa all cotton fill- 075 ing, roll edge, fancy tick vO Genuine Ostermoor Mattress at 15 $7.60 Rattan and cane tE75 settee J0 14.60 Rattan and cane Q25 chair $15 Natural willow rocker , $14 Reed rocker, at .. $10 ...$75-2 Davenport Sofa Beds A large and attractive showing in duofold and unlfold sofa beds in all finishes and genuine and Imitation leather. DUOFOLD SOFA BED, made In a very substantial man ner, golden oak frame, black imitation leather DUOKOLD SOFA BED. fumed or golden oak frame, genuine Spanish or black leather A few special pieces at greatly reduced prices. Mesdames John IiaMwln. I- ollMrr, .ry I'll-Ish, '. T. Coulan. tV. J. WroatcB, Thorns Oir, 1 u wards. If ull-r, Vumip Poltrr, f. 1-Ht,-rki. ChadKS, Ounthnr. 1 1. Y. Hnolss, Ooodrici. .ll.on, Hdnderlsul. 8rl. A rtliur Pit.to. Oeurg UatersUck, Fleaiures Past Mrs. Aies Jvtes entertained tie mem Iml of the Rummy club Monday srtsr i.tKtn at her hum. X buffet lum-heoa j.rereded the card gsme. The prises aere awarded to M-oain4- M. M. lwlin. L. y. Izie'y snd W. V. t-ort.-. Mrt. .'. A ;lfel was the U of the lub Mr. ai.d Mi . ) L- l"narwcod lll entertain ue luciulria aud Iturir hueltauds 1'ridsy Lace Curtains Odd pairs of a pattern at HALF PRICE Lots of (2) pairs of a pattern 33M OFF Lets of (3) pairs or more of a pattern, all broken lines at 20 to 25 REDUCTION It will j'flv you to come in and see them. $27 $39 Extra Wide Linoleum, sq. yd., 60c Cover your kitchen without seam, 12-ft. wide, attractive pat- (J( terns, a very good Quality, printed linoleum, eq. yd OUC 6 ft. Printed Linoleum, sq. yd. m Fine Quality Inlaid Lino leum, sq. yd 95 A big showing of heavy doiueetlc and Greenwich llnoleuma. Wardrobe Trunk, $25 A handsome linen lined ladles' or men's wardrobe with open top. fnr Newest design Pa0 During this Sale of Luggage we are offering Trunks, Wardrobe Trunks, Bags and Suitcases at Reduction of 25 to 50 We allow $3 for your old Re- ' frigerator as first payment ' on a new one. Refrigerators as Low as $8.00 We are sole agents of the 11ERRICK snd the OIBSON. ORCHARD (21 WILHELM CO. eeswssaswfsiwwissw.siisssailWiiie usiisiis ejni i m nip seysissjsssaswp smapiwi ssa inesim swi fi , P.aswssassMsssasssssswsj ii iws um isapiiswisff ipii. sessjig si i.iiiii iiS iiiiianiiiiaiiii Jj"i .ml n. ai.li.ii.m 1 ill imTT ' J- 1 - -- 'i r - 1.1.111111 i BiiiiiMiilim miMjMMM Charming Summer Waists Delightful, cool and dainty summer blouses, all that Is prettiest in recent fashions, and now being sold at exceptionally low prices. Dainty Lingerie Blouses 1,000 Blouses, lace and embroidery trimmed models, low "" or high neck, long or short sleeves, Values to $1.00, at yTV' v I 3 ij a I J 59c Crepe de Chine, Jap .?ncriris R!nt? Low neck models, Ion) short sleeves. White or color. Dozens of styles select from. Values to $2.00, at 1.00 New Silk Gloves the land that fit and wear ! Women's Two-Clasp, Double Silk Gloves "Run of the mill" of the regular 60c kind. Black or white. Limited quantity only. All pure silk. Per pair Women's 22-inch Pure Silk Gloves Heavy quality, double finger tipped. Black or white. Extraordinary values, at pair 33c h a tf im-u' if it'll il 65c We Are Headquarters fer the Famous KayserSiik Gloves Tears of experience have convinced tis that there are no better silk gloves than Keysets; for fit, quality and war they are unexcelled. The makers guarantee them and we f uarantee them also as absolutely per, ect. Our sssortments In long and and short gloves are complete, plain or fancy. Prices for Short Gloves 60c to $1.25 Prices for Long Gloves, 75c to $2.00 Tempting Lace Bargains j Rugs and Draperies Beautiful laces worth much more than tho prices asked in the Lace Store Supreme Wednesday. It-Inch Floe Cotton Allovers in cream and white. 1 86-Inch Shadow AUovers In cream and white. 18-Inch Oriental Net Top Flounclnas. 1 12 to 18-Inch All Silk and Cot- ton Shadow Flounclngs. 86-Inch All Silk Printed Chif fons In desirable colons. Worth up to So 35- A Yard ' Worth up to 65c 351 A Yard Worth up U 10c 5c A Yard One counter of wash laces. In cluding French and German ' Vals (edges and Inser tions). 'All Linen and Cotton Tor-V chon Laces. 3 to 5-Inch Nonnandle and Piatt Vals, bands and edges. Summer Specials 50-Inch Plain, Sunproof Drapery Goods; green,, blue, rose; value $1.00, for Wednesday, s n a yard ..4VC 86-Inch Imported Scotch Madras, cream -t n or white. Special tor Wednesday, a yard LiJC 45 and 60-Inch Colored Scotch Madras; ral- aq ues to $1 a yard. Very special, a yard. ...... 0"C ' Marquisette Curtains, Ivory or ecru, 2Vi yards long, very good value for Wednesday, a pair Si mi $1.98 Worth 10c 5c A Yard Rag Rug Special ' Now is the season for rag rugs. We have a large line, all colors. We will offer special for Wednesday 24x36-Inch Rac Rags .40o 27x 54-Inch Rag Rugs 79c 36x72-Inch Rag Rags $1.29 Kllil llSillliillllfflill nJieTiotWatQr Wonder Worker, You know how gas works QUICK, just light it. It burns in stantly. Touch a match or gas lighter to a Gas Circulating Water Heater In a few minutes there is hot water for all household purposes. The cost is very low when compared to the cost of heating water with other fuels. It works with or independent of any system you may now have for heating water. Connects to the same boiler. Our representative will call at your home and explain in detail this MODERN METHOD of heat ing water. Omaha Gas Company 1 509 Howard St. Douglas 605 lllllllllllilllllillllllllllllllllilllll