Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Thin People I
Can Increase Weight!
Thin men end tnmrn who would like
to Increase their sieis'it with 19 or 1
nun1s of heslthy ' ssv there" fst
rhouli trv entinc a IIM'e Sai-gol with
tlielr meals for a while snd note results.
Here Ik eoo.l tsl woiln trvt,i3. r irst
wrlh vouiself snd mces.iie yourself.
Then lke 8nrol one trl'let with everr
tnenl for lo weeks. Then weigh and
measure niriln. It Isn t a internum of
how Ton look or feel or wist your
friends sav and think. The scales and
the tane nr-ssiire will tell their own
story, and most anv thin man or woman
fun easily 11 from five to elsht pounds
in tha first fmirtepn dnvs Iv foliownix
this simple direction. And best of all,
the new f'csli stavs rut.
Parcel ' not of tief make fat. hut tiirna the fata,
sufrar and starches of what rnii have
eaten. Into ilcli, rhe fat prfxliiclns; nour
ishment for the tissues and blood pre
teres l In an easily assimilated form
which the hlood ran readily aeeept. All
this nourishment now rase from your
Ndv as wttte. Hut Hnrctd sto.'S the
waste and does It onlfklv and make
the fnt produilntt contents of the very
asme meals you are eatlnr now develop
p-t:nds and f ounds of healthy flesh be
tween Tour akin and bones, farsol la
sfe. plessnnt. efficient and Inexpensive.
Sherman McDonnell Prua: Store, and
other iradinit 'r"al' In Omnhs Neb.
and vlcln'tv a-ll It In la'e boxes fortv
tablets to a narknae on a snarantee, of
welRnt increase or moner lsck.
Special aaia of splsnuia must viv
meads, fins Watches, Jewelry, ailver
vm, Is wedding; ul a-radontion
Ar r wnntlffrlnir how In him thfc ipru
of m kuomm w1el Inaj or graduation glfif
Or 9rhap ynj ar thtnktlnc of th rlkmond
naanal rtng. Umkm yomr !, I o frm
er aajMrcial diaplar of oholo modi tin pr)o
pxmrm tjr er aura to hImim. All rou b
t 4a 1b to enn ft chart account with ua.
Th amftll nonttily ayniftita will nvr b
17-Jewel $in75
Elgin U.
Wo. IS Men's
Klfrtn, Wall hum
or Ha m p d n
watrh. In
2 5 year
inir in
teed dou
ble at rata
rtud filled
cuss, ad
luated to
tarn pera
ture. au
chronl a -
and posi
Cata Dtilf Till 4 t. H. Stlmhjt Till t:JO
' II r writs for Cstslog No. tel. Phone
Tvusls 1444 sad ssleaniaa will eall.
If Us
4' .. .
Stm, should b used very sparingly,
if ai all. If you want to keu vuur l,-klr, it best. Must auaa
and iripitrcd sLsuiuus contain tuo
mi on aiKa.l Tula driea tna n alp.
inukea th hulr britlU. and ruins It.
Tuo b' t t ln f. r steady uaa la
Just ordinary niulsifted iovnui oil
(h.Ic' ta purw and Kreaaeleasi, la
cheaper and better than auap or any
tuii,jf alsa you can u.
t.e or two teasixior.fula alll
citrus the hair and mp thoruuchly.
fciiii:iv inuisirn His tiair witu water
au.l tub it tn. It maun an abuui-aii'-a
if rleh. creamy lather, which
rinse out ettal'y, rtmovliiK every par-lt'-l
of di'st dirt, dandiuff and -caeutva
il. Tlie hhir driea guirkly
and oenly. aiul It l-avea tlm s a
M'ft. ami the bale fine and silky,
buxht. Ijslruus, fluffy antl eus t)
Ii csn r t mulsifwd roxanut till
at any pliaiiiiarv, at.d tew onu e
tll aupiily avery nie,b-r of the
fandly fur nioiitlis. Advertlsvmeiit
$50 $5
51 (Sp
A Uontk jv
p r 4
T-S !' j; '! .
Seasoned Railway Sham, Including
Those on Dividend Basis, in
Light Demand.'
NEW YORK. June 1 Interest In tr
dav'a stork msrke' would have fallen to
low c-bb but for the further advanee In
war and metal ahaiea. heaaoned railway
storks, Im.'ludlri the on an assured
dividend basis were In UsTht demand and
Invariably responded adversely to llgnt
press iro. This was esparlally true of
Canadian Pm-lfle and Ileadlna-, tha
fornvr aualn felnif ailbjert to foreign Itf
fluencea The Hnrrunan arroup and soma
trunk Una Issues also fell back, Southern
Pai'lttc deelltnnir abruptly on news that
the company had lort.a wilt brought by
the govet nf.cnt for possession of valuable
oil lands In Callfi rma.
ltethlehent Htel. whlr.h yeaterdav avo
signs of i on wakening, was the prominent
feature f Ihe session, rising 10 point"
1, whleli cxreedr Its previous high rec
ord by p ilnta. Oeneral Electric falld
to respond to unconfirmed reporta credit
ing the coripanv with further large war
eontrnete. hethlrhem flnolly .i't ovar
half Its advanie.
'oprr extended their recent advance
Itilte enaily, s.une aa much a o points.
'Ihe strength of this group eo-lnoldi-d
with trade reports which be upon tho
enormous domestic nnd foreign demand
for tha product. Bst grades of coppor
were quoted at a shade under 20 tenia per
oound. the highest figure In seyen years.
Obsc ire induatrlala and utilities, notably
Pnltrd Plates Alcohol, distillers' ' securi
ties, Mexican petroleum nd Pacific Tel
ephone n se I f ) 4 point
Lowest prices were registered In the fi
nal hour, tha decline following word from
Wnrminqton that the government's reply
to tlerrrnny probably would go forward
soon. Publication of official crop esti
mates. Willi n were fnvcrnble In the main,
brought iemporary recovery, but the doe
Ing was heavy. Total sale of stocks
amounted t. iVi,(n aharea.
The most lnteraatlnf item of routine
new wa contained in Washington' for
eign tr.t' figures, showing a hnlanc m
favor f'f thle country of $'sT7,(iOO,(KO tor the
half year endlrg May 31, laat.
J'.onds moved Irregularly within a very
narrow range. Total rale, par valus,
ware 1.T42,uiO.
I"nlt?d Mtstes bond were unchanged on
Number f'f sale and leading Quotation
on stocks war aa follows:
Sttss. High. Iy-w Clsss,
Alssks (Villi 1K) ltt lt M
Aeislssmstsd Cnppsr .... U.Kn 7IH "1
Amsrlrsa Beet Hugsr .... 41 S4 41 47
Aaiertrsa s 1.S0 41 40 40 14
Aarrloss 8. R tl.Hn 7iH H llS
Amsrh-an A. R. pfd 11)
Am. Ruaar fteflnfns 117
AsisHcsn Tel. Tsl Ks 134
Asvsrlosn Tobaneo ICS
Ansconda Mlnln I4."S MH 'S s'i
Atrhlsos Ino Ktl I0V tBn
Dsltlmars Oklo "iM f:Tj 714
Brnaklrs Rpld Trsaslt.. Um S KS
tslKornla I'ltrelMO .... 4(1 1114 It lit
'SDi1lsa Psnlilo l.(Ks Hit 14 IK jtnii
Wrsl Issthsr I.4U0 ItUj
rtssspeaks a OI1I0 nt4j
Chlnsaa Orsat Wsstsra lit,
('.. M. Kl. P M l u W
I hlrsfi a North wsslsra IN
Chins lloaner t SM 4't 4U( 44
(ViIofsso Fusl Ima.... I. MO II M tt'i
Colsrsdo ftonttisrn II
iMnrsr A. His Orsnde ... 7
fit nver a R. O. irfd 11
HUtlllsrs' Bscurltlss ..... Kl.tna US l?H O'i
Kris !. i, v. MH
Geiisrsl Klsctrla , IM ISA W
Orsst Nnrthsra rfd ro Hi in 1114
Clrsst Nortshrn ors rtfs. . too MH 14 tf.
Ouscstihsitn Ciploratlsn. 4.s 4H UH UU4
llllnsls tlsntrsl l
Interbomusll-Mst. pfd..,. IKK) 71 71H 7H
Insplrstlna (.lonpsr t.ono tt HH aiv
Intsrnstlonsl Hsrvstttr.. flno IM loH I01
Ksnssa Hit Mouthsra ... sno n'4 JM IA14
I.tlilsh sVllsy 4n 14M4 lit '4 141
Ixnilsrllls a Nsshrllls.. UTS4 117 174
Msxlran Pstralsum 1 ?oo TTH 7C 7f4
Mlatnl Copper 1.70 34 H r M
Mo.. K. T I.soo 1IH II 11H
Missouri Paolfle 10.300 1IH 1114 11
Nstlnnsl Blsrnlt Ill
N.llon.l Ul I KM) M14 14T4 nii
Nsnada Copnsr 1.400 l'4 U.t, uZ
New fork Ontrsl f,v) ni 171, irjw
N. V.. N. H a H 400 46 H4 4
Norfolk a Wsstsra IM14
Northsrn Pscltls too lot 1MH l'1
Pacific Mall low US I4H
I'sctric Tsl a Tsl ' ij
pennsrlxsnla to 107 10JH Va
Pullmsn Pslses Car lb'-,
Ksr tm. Coppar 1 70S t4'4 f4H H
Readln II. Dial 14LH I4.1H 1'4
Hepublle I. sV a 1,100 It St tJH US
Hoes Island Co
Rock Island Co pfd H
PI. I 4 a. p. Id pfd... KM 114 11, u
aoiithsrn Pacific I 10a II 17 17
Nnuihsra Kallwsy l.wo it4 M IS
Tsnnssaes t'oppsr Bis) S4 Mx H
Tsxsa iv ift
In Ion Pacific 11,101 U 1314 lasi
Pnloa Pactflc pfd ,, . . . sow
Isltsd mates Htsel 61. loo s 111, h
t'nllnl Mlslsa Hll pfd.. fOI 1)1 ioH 10BV
Vish Coppsr 100 ; 11V4 tH
f'absah pfd u
Wctrn I'nlon 700 H 47 17
Waatinshouse Klsitrlc ... W.100 7H xssi
Mnmatia 1'iiwcr mm ui, low it
Total sales fur Ihe dar. 4M.O00 slisrss.
With clear weather cvp tha territory
covered by the western line east of the
Rocky mountain, railroad men nr of
the opinion that aummer wll oon be
I. ere to remain for a tlm.
Out In the state, according to report to
the railroad, the weather waa cool Mon
day night, aeveral point reporting tem
peratures cloae to the float Una. In the
lHack Hill and In Wyoming, between
the Nebraska west tin and Lander, anow
flurries were reported, the anow, how
ever, melting almost aa soon a It fell.
F. I. Bchermerhorn, Wle Myrtle avenue,
discovered at S Tuesday morning that
Ma auto had been stolen. II w aa In
formed by the police that the machine
wa found at 7 30, stuck In the mud at
Tenth and Orace streets. Mrs. J. Jacob,
lo4l rVuth Twsnty-aixth street, also re
ported the theft of her car. which
! located standing In the center of
the street befor 3141 South Thirty-fifth
The recreation board of Thursday
evening will aelect a man to serve a
supervisor of the municipal recreation
system. It la practically agreed that
Assistant Aalibaugh of the Philadelphia
municipal recreation sttm will com
here at a salary of 12.600. at tha atari
and with expectation of building up a
system her and making a record for
Prompt tn'.'i Stop Tear
Ir. King's New IHscovery will stop
your coi gl . The first dose help. Good
for ilii'Jnn. 60c. All druggists Advet-
fJeneral Passenger Agent Baslngar of
the I'nlon Pacific went to f'hioago on
Monday night and will return Thuraday
morning, accompanied by the members
of the Western Passenger association,
who will bold a two days' meeting here.
During tha Omaha meeting, th Hotel
Pontenelle will be headquarters, but
most of the session will be held la the
conference room at Union Partflo head
quarter. ta 9 ark.
rani back Is usually due ta rheumatism
of th niucle t f the back. Hard working
ie-jile are mos likely to suffer from It.
Kelirf may be had by massaging tb back
with Chamberlain Liniment two or
thru time a day Try it. Obtainable
ry whore. Advertisement.
Nine Sweet Girl Graduates Given
Certificates and Pass Oat to
Combat the World.
Nine young; women received diplo
mas and were graduated Tuesday
from Brownel! Hall, , the oldest
church school for girls west of the
Mississippi river, at the fifty-first an
nual, commencement exercises, held
at the church of St. Matthias, Tenth
and Worthlngton avenue, before a
large audience of parents and friends.
Rt. Rev. Arthur I Williams, bishop
of the Episcopal diocese of Nebraska
and president of the chool, presented
the certificate to the sweet girl eradu
atcs, and wa aaststed In the exercise
by a number of other clergymen. In
cluding f(t. Rey. George Allen Beecher,
bishop of western Nebraska, and Very
Rev. Belden P. Delany. dean of All
Saints" cathedral of Milwaukee, who de
ll ered the commencement address.
The program was most Impressive, and
began with a procession of the church
choir, the graduate In whit gowns and
the achool faculty In black, headed by Mis
Kupht-nila Johnson, the principal; Trus
tees ('. C. Oeorge and Clement C. Chaae
and the clergy, from the hall campus to
the. church. After the graduation a
luncheon waa aerved to the graduate by
the Alumni association, followed by the
annual, buslneaa meeting of the associa
tion. 7 hose graduating were tha Mlsse Jacy
Mitchell Allen, Marguerite Vernetta
Brown, Alice Loule Frost, Genevieve
."anno Jlnrnbrook, Ethel Margarette
Lemen. Gertrude Emellne Atotit. Mary
Elisabeth Taylor. Marian Turner and
Helen Louise Walker.
1'brlatlaa Freedom.
In hla artlreaa to them, Iesn Delany
of Milwaukee took "Christian Freedom"
hi theme, and as hla text ha chose
John v 111. 3i; "If the Son therefore shall
mas: you free, ye shall be free Indeed."
He said. In part-
"There la a widespread feeling, espe
cially among young people, that to be a
Christian mean to live a hampered, re
stricted life. In a nae, non-Oirlatlan
are mora frea than Christians, but the
truest oonoeptlon of real freedom Is to
reach the highest degree of noble man
hood and womanhood."
Mis Frost Wise Mtlsl.
Tha Mary li. Cunningham medal for
excellence In Bible study, donated an
nually by Colonel C. G. Cunningham, In
memory ' of hla wife, waa awarded to
Ml Alice Frost Honorable mention In
Bibla study were given Miss Genevieve
Hornbrook and Miss Mary Taylor. The
presentation was made by Bishop Wil
liams, because of the Illness of Colonel
Oti of the graduates, Miss Alice Frost,
received her diploma from the hand of
her father, Rv. W. H. Frot, rector of
St. Jamea' church of Fremont, who at
tended the exercises and received his
daughtei'a certificate from the bishop,
then presenting it to her himself.
Other clergymen assisting In the pro
gram 'Included the Very Reverend James
A. Tancock, dean of Trinity cathedral,
and Rev. Carl M. Wordsn, who was or
dained last Sunday and will become
rector of Brownell hall.
One Hoaor atadeat.
Mlaa Marguerite Brown was tha only
member of the graduating class to win
tha distinction of being placed on the
honor roll for the year, Indicating a high
stsndard of scholarship. Honor roll pupils
of the other classes were named by
Bishop Williams as follows:
Claaa of 191ft Harrfatte Aahbrook,
Reul ah Clark. Alice ' Forbes, Henrietta
Fort. Oeraldlne Haas, Martha tavltt.
Ei 1 11a Mulligan, Helen Reynolds, Alive
Has of 1917 Emily Burke, Catherine
Hewett. Katherine Rickey, Charlotte
Knse water.
Class of lRtH-Myrtl Brown. Helena
Chaae. Marv Morseman. Elisabeth King
malt. Elisabeth William.
('las of ltilt Qliabeth Peecher. Kath
arine Penny, Joeephlnu Marple. Thede
Magney Will Look
. Up Charges Filed
in Damage Cases
County Attorney Magney la requested
to Investigate charg of perjury which
have arisen In damage suit brought
against the street railway company by
Alva Jaesson and Mr. Mary Pcottl, In
orders handed down by District Judges
English and Kstelle.
The case were tried before these
The county attorney said he would
maae an Investigation.
! Forty-Two Alleged
Vags Bounded Up
Vnder special ordera from the head of
tha departments, Detective lunn and
Kennelly, with Sergeant Iluaaell and Offi
cer I'nger. rounded up forty-two Individ
uals, whom they booked at police head
Quarters as vagrants. ..The majority of
this outfit, among which are several
women, were taken from hotels, snd ac
cording to the police have no visible
means of support. The recent number of
holdups, burglaries and petty thefts has
led to this move, snd those who can not
.give a decidedly good account of them
stlves will be given Jail sentence or
order to leave the city at once.
jfnTotel 'Designed
to Appea( to the
Summer Rates
Reed Visits. Malvern and Pronounces
It the Best Ground High School
Erer Had.
MENT, Malvern, la., June 8.-The Ml
cadets, officers faculty, supervisors,
"Y" men and all personages In any way
connected with the Omaha High school
encsmpment at Malvern arrived at that
town at 11 o'clock Monday morning and
marched at once to the camp grounds,
which are on the fair grounds. The
grounds are much better situated than
those that the cadets used for the last
two yeara at Missouri Valley, and the
cadets nnd officials are very much
pleased with everything.
The camp la situated on a gentle alope,
facing west, with the drill ground at the
bottom. There are plenty of big shade
trees, but not enough to make It uncom
fortable In case of rain. The Commercial
club of Malvern has done everything In
Its power 'to make the vlalt of the cadet
Ileasant. ' Two enterprising men of th
town even wanted to erect a merry-go-round
for the prospective soldier. They
were gently but firmly told that their
auggestlon' did not meet with the ap
proval of the officers' In charge.
By 1:3ft o'clock the camp wa pitched
and the first me aa served by Ser
geant Keating of the militia and bl roan.
It wa Just a lunch, consisting of ham
sandwiches and hot coffee. The boys
nn n
They Decay Your Tooth. Causo Pyorrhea.
RIgg's Diseaso and Undermine
Your Health.
Thirt It Only On Tooth Crtam That Will Lorn Your Tooth and
Mouth Absolutely and Intltantlcally Clean. That Is
Delicto! Tooth Cream
Tha trouble with all the tooth creams
and powders as well as the mouth
washes, that have ever been offered you
before Is that they are almost worth
less In removing the oanae of decay,
pyorrhea and other gum troubles.
This lias not been entirely the fault
of the manufacturer because there was
no germicide known to science that waa
strong enough to do any good and that
could at the same time be used without
harmful effecta.
l-'or example, you surely couldn't use
carbolic acid, . iodine or corrosive subli
mate In a tooth cream (in any appreci
able strength) no matter how good these
poisons might be for other uses. And
when you depended upon peroxide, or
any of the other widely advertised "an
tiseptics," you were simply deceiving
yourself if you expected any germicidal
But now comes BENETOL,
he most effective and powerful harm
less antiseptic and germicide up to Its
usable strength, known in the world;
Henetol makes possible a tooth cream
that will actually accomplish the clean
ing of the teeth, guma and mouth, so
thoroughly that tartar cannot form on
Ihe teeth, decay will atop, disease
germs cannot survive to cause gum
troubles, nnd your mouth la so autl
aeptlcally clean that dangera from con
tagion and cnlila are materially lessen
ed, anil your breath la sweet and tHtre.
Henetol la the one great Onverntnent
teated. moat effective qiiick-healing.
modern, non-pt'leonou anttseptlo and
germicide that can be use.l without fear
of harmful results, either externally or
All this talk about "acid mouth" and
Xi K silk
After the game is over you will find
that a cold bottle of Krug LUXUS
is most refreshing. .
Save the Coupons and get premiums.
Phone Douglas 1889.
And have a case sent home.
were perfectly well satisfied with thei
flintier that was served. It wa made up
ftf fried potatoes, hamberger. atewed
corn, coffee and bread and butter.
Aa yet only a few boy have reported
to Camp Doctor Fuller for any aliment,
and they were all cut or bruise. Still,
two boya fainted tn dress parade in the
afternoon. They were William Oeib,
color guard, and William Oreene of com
pany H. They soon recovered and were
able to eat as much dinner as the next
Company C. tinder Captain Walter O.
Johnson, won first in the line In dress
parade and Company F came next, with 1
Company H fo'lowlng.
Eight baby rabbits which were found
near the mess tables very early after the
regiment arrived were elected a mas
cots to the camp and a barricade waa
erected around them to keep them from
harm. John Taliaferro and Philip
Thomas were appointed a guard over
them, to feed them and see that no harm
came to them.
R. B. Flower of the boys' department of
the Toung Men's Christian association
came to the camp with the cadet to
have charg of the "T" tent.
Arrangement had to be mada at the
Inst moment to have tha Burlington
transport the regiment to the camp. A
special had been arranged for with the
Wabash, but because of complications
they had to go bank on their contract.
The fare via the Burlington Is 24 cents
more round trip than the Wabash, and
extra charge waa made for baggage. Be
cause of these extra expenses It wss
necessary to make a collection of 25 cents
from each cadet to make up part of the
Increased expense. The remslnder will
be taken from the camp fund.
n n
m Mis
various other clever catch phrases, used
by o many advertlaers, ar of no real
importance aa compared with the iimi
I clda) and antlaeptlo properties of Ben
tol Tooth Cream.
And with ail its other advantages
Benetol Tooth Cream la the most de
lightful and refreshing dentifrice you
ever tried. There is an entire absence
of grit nr other eroding material In
Henetol Tooth Cream, and no injury to
the enamel can result from Its use. Tel
the composition produces a wonderful
polishing result on th teeth. Tha pack
age 1 large therefor economical.
do to your dn-ugglet today and get
a 25 cent tube of this era am, and ask
htm about Benetol product. Or If you
prefer to try before you buy. fill out
the couoon or send u a postal for a
trial combination paokajr of Benetol
preparation. Thla trial package Is not
to be had from drtigglal. o you must
write to us direct If you wish one.
Benetol preparation are sold, recom
mended! arid erttaranteed tn Omaha by
Sherman McConnell Trug Co., 16th
and tKtdge: Owl Drug Co., Istli and
Hiameyi Harvard Pharmacy, !4th and
ramam ; Txtyal Phrmacy, 107-t North
Ith St., atvl other leading drus-aists.
Mad only bv the Benetol Co.. lit
Benetol Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
Free Trial Coupen
The Benetol Co.,
144 Benetol Bldg.. Minneapolis. Mbax.
Pleas send me without cost or W-
ligation, your combination trial
age of Benetol preparation
Name ...............
Atfdrees ............
Town State.
June Sates offer Splendid Economies
Men's 9IM.0O
and t20 Knits,
on sale at
Phenomenal Values in
Fine Embroideries
Four Biar Special Lots of Newest St. Gall Hand Loom Em
broideries at About Half Actual Worth.
1st Lot 49c and 69c Yard
Beautiful Galloons worth $1.26;
18-In. Flouncings worth $1.0C;
Combination Bands worth $1.60;
Fine Insertlngs worth $1.00; Van
dyke Flouncings worth $1.26; 46
ln. Voile Flouncings worth $1.60;
17-In. Organdie worth $1.00.
2d Lot $2 Embroid's, 93c
Including wide assortment of 18
In. and 27-In. Combination Lace
and Embroidery Flouncings, 45
In. Voile and Swiss Flouncings.
Applique Lace and Embroidered
Flouncings and New Medallion
designs In 18x27-ln. Flouncings.
$5 New White Trimmed
$2.50 values at 95'
$5.00 values at $2.75
$1.50 Leghorn Shapes -20
Don't Miss These Snap&
Women's Muslin
Combination Suits
Marcella or Open Samples and
Odd Lots, made to sell to $4.00,
four special lots, Underwear Dept.
39. 69. 98 "4 31.50
Women's Wash Dresses Kt $1.00
These are last seaaon'a dresses slightly mussed or soiled but.
the materials are beautiful and you have big range of white and
light colors for selection. They'll go quickly at thla clearance price.
Children's Wash Dressea AU
new garments, in fine Ginghams,
Madras and Oalateas, 76c values,
t 39
Bathing Suit Cases
Fiber or Matting, 76c values, 14
ln. long, Just the thing tor
lunches also, in Trunk i
Department IOC
Grace and Elegance
Comfort and Ease
mre feature b alwayt found in
The Binner Corsets
You will be glad to see and we
will be pleased to show you the
new "Binner Corsets" which em
brace all the newest ideas in cor
setry. The flattened back and
slightly nipped-in waist line pro
duce the latest effect that fashion
Miss Austin, Binner representative
direct from the factory, is with us this
week and will be pleased to give you
her personal attention in selecting the
corset model for your figure. Fittings
by appointment or otherwise.
$4.50 Auto
Gloves, $1.15
About 10 dosen Men's
fine leather gauntlet
Auto Gloves, black or
tan, also small 15
sizes, snap at. . X
Soft Collars
Big range of colors,
some with ties to
match, to
in Furnishing
Goods Dept.
Extra Special Flour Sale Wednesd'y
Aa a spacla.1 Inducement to housewives who are lovers of aood bread, castrv
and cs, we ere going to make a special effort to introduce Into evsrv
home our famous Plamond II flour. Thla flour In made from the beat No 1
eeieiieu wneai. noinma; nner ai any pries, t.vry sack a-uaran- gf. e m
'teed to rive perfect satisfaction or your money refunded In I K
It lbs. best pure cane aranulated
sugar (1.00
li bars Beat 'm All or Diamond C
soap too
10 iba beat white or yellow cornmeal
for 83
I Iba. best mixed chick feed B&s
The bst domestic macaroni, vermi
celli or spaKhettl, pks- f We
4 lbs. best hand picked navy beans
at 80
4 lbs. fancy Japan rice, 10c auaJlty
at 85s
SI-os. Jsre pure fruit preserves ..SAo
Larsre bottiea Worcester sauoe, pure
tomato catsup, pickles, assorted
kinds, or prepared mustard, bot. H
Tall cans Alaska salmon 10a
I cans oil or mustard sardines . .See
K. O. corn flakes, pkr So
Try W. O. C. or Krumblss for break
fast, pks So
MacliSren's peanut butter, lb. . .ISHe
Turn Yum snaps, siMuethlnar tasty
4 bar Cupid toilet soap . . . . .10c
Advo Jell for dessert, the fell that
whips, pkc .TV
T Iba beet bulk laundry starch ..8&e
4 cans Pet or Carnation milk . ..e
1-lb. pk. cornstarch 49
Th. ties' ts siftlnse lb 18Vto
Fancy Golden Pantos coffee, a fine
drluk. equal to lots of coffees sold at
He and sue 1U. our price 80s
Gret Barings.
In our
June Bale
Tci-Th and
I jivtn
3d Lot $3 Embroid's, $1.49
An exceptionally fl.e line of the
most beautiful 18-inch and 27
inch Novelties in both white and
colors, rich new patterns and ac
tual values to $3.00 a yard. You
can't afford to miss them.
4th Lot $4 Embroid's $1.98
A star assortment of the finest
18, 27 and 40-in. Novelty Em
broideries in Swiss, Organdies and
Voile Flouncings, qualities usual
ly sold at $4 yd.
Extreme Novelties of the highest
class greatly ur. jerprleed at $2.25,
$2.73, $3.50 and $4.00 yard.
150 Panama, "White Hemp and Vel
vet flanged "White Chip Shapes, ev
ery hat boautifully trimmed with
Fancy Ostrich Pompons, Bands,
Kid Belt9, Ribbons, Flowers, etc.
Remarkable bargains Wednesday.
Women 's
Knit Union Suits
Jersey Knit with fancy Crochet
Yokes or Plain Tops, ' to $1.00
values, at 19 and 39
la Underwear Dept.
Women's Spring CoaU, to $12.50
values. In Serges, Novelties. Cov
erts and fancy weaves, all col
ors and sues $5.00
Men's Automobile Hats
Caps, to $1.00 values, high grade
Bilk, la big assortment of colors.
all aises. Hat Dept.,
81.00 od
Men's Summer
Underwear .
60c values, Shirts or
Drawers, in fine rib.
bed or mesh, ecru only,
in Domestic OQ
Room, garment &C
26c values,
iiersneys breakfast cocoa, lb. ...toe
Batter. u rri. -' '
The best creamery butter, carton
pound ao
The beet creamery butts'r, bulk. 'lb..
at ' gas
Fancy No. 1 country creamery" but
ter, lb gs.
The beat dairy butter, lb, . B
New York whits. Wisconsin cream or
Youn America cheese, lb sOe
Jenny Bros, famous brick cheese.
pound got
The best strictly fresh ecus, doi.'aoe
ru y pineapples sow. I us
m seaaoa wtU sooa elose.
Wednesday, per dosen ....81.10, SOe
. XOa. sue
Per crate ta.tS
Tke Vee-eale liaks foe the lCrpL
xite oesi otu potatoes, peck of 15
New potatoes. Deck
rer pouna
( bunches fresh radishes
S bunches fresh onions , .
Yeeh aenarairus, bunch .
4 heada fresh leaf lettuce
Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb.
. .av.o
. ... Be
Fancy wax or rrssn beans, lb. ..loo
J bunchra homcvsrrown beets or car
rots s
New cabbage, lb Ui
miw juor lemons, aoa, 15a, Oa, 3-