.irxR 1915. A Docs that furnished room of vours seem to be unrentable? If so it might bo well for you to call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Free Furnished Room Bureau and let us help you find a desirable tenant. THE BKE: OMAHA. ( i f t i ! - i I WANT ADS Wont ads receive at ny tim. but to Insure proper classification must b pr- ented befor II o'clock boob for evening edition nd IN p. in for morning and undar edition. Wsnt ads received after 'irh hours will b under tba beading, "Too Lat to Classify." CASH RtTSa . e-ven ronscutlv time, t eont a word earn Insertion. Three time within ono waok. f eanta a word ach Insertion. Odo tint, I cent a word. CHARGB RATES tsven connocutlv tlmea, casta a lino ach Insertion. , Ttirra time within obo weak. M eanU a Dd each Insertion. Ona Urn. IS cent a Una. , Count x avrg word to ft Una Minimum charge. St cents. An advertisement rnsrt4 to r" Mil discontinued muat bo topPd by written order. At! elalma for errore mnst bo mad ?rthln fifteen days after tba Ual lnr lon of the adTrtlrnni Ton ran plac your want ad la Tba Be y telerone TKtJCPHOHR TTLBR 10f. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column." ; Answer to Swappara ada will be held for a period of three weeks. Advertisers u-0 requested to kindly claim aama be fore that time. Toe following list la wfthln tnroo weeki time limit: r Ana. No. Ana. rf. i VI 1 7 J fSTeo )4U ! 6" 1 Sv4 1 " r i r?7 if fa m m i V4 rl 1 J $4 1 W J 67 1 14 f. i iom i M 1 1S J HI I I'W M 1 Km H I 10)1 1 9i8. ... ion. Wl 1 1017 1 ' ta i IlKATH AND FfJNERAIj NOTICES. ORA NTJohn, aged 76 yoar, Juno (, at Hot Spring. H. P. Funeral Tiuwdsy afternoon at I o clock from Masonlo tempi, Sixteenth and Cep- ttot avenue- Interment In Prospect Hill cemetery, Friends Invited. WT.LON A. IL. at hi resldenc. 4201 .Grand avenue, Monday, June 7. Bervloos to be hold at Dodder" chapel it I p. n. Tueedajr. Interment at Urtn xielL. la. BIRTHS AND DKATHI. Birth D. Perry nd Mabel Moore, ffiffl . podge, girl; F. and Beaele Kellemiaji, b.27 Ixctiir, boy; John and Kdlth Hamilton. fit California, boy: Jora and Carolyn Morton, 14M North Thirty-fifth, girl; Mr mnla and Jtuth Meadowa. 4124 marn, ly; Paul F. and Gertrude Klndel. ; North Thirty-third, boy; etam and Boa , Mi.glmn. 4 North Fifteenth, boy; 'leorge and Olive Hawkee. hoapllal, boy ; Jlarry U and Edith Edwarda, ROO North Twentv-flfih, boy; Vlnoenao and Hanta Conaoio, 1824 Bouth Twentieth, boy; Be ' laxtlano and Nunatalo Palermo, tli W'll- ''lieathaOeorg Comba. M. Mil Wabater; Atigelena Otgl lotto, , " Pierce; Bam tiel 8. Huntington. 6&, 1WT Jdartha; Mra. Ferena Jan Moarrop, , hoapttali An gola Perotta, 60. Ot Plerc. ' - . BVILDIlfO PKHMITI. C. Jf. Boatwlek. I7IJ Pewey avenue, alteratlona to brick dwelling, i0.or0; tr Olaon. 124 Doer Park avenue, frame dwelling, 12,000. TODAY'S COMTMTTB WOV1K PnOGKAMS ExclaslTly In Tb lie. LANTKRN altdao (or morles. Fnd your copy. to aa. Wo caa raproduco photo or'arll prpro your eopy. Wo wUl oolor a dlrootod. Boo Pboto XpU V Boo Bid. . Dowwtowaw rr.iTE no. a. uii rxruNAM bt. 1 be Qray Horror. !-rel. Itroadway Mar Feature. iyrt-ellg Current Kventa. FAUN AM. 141 KAKNAM. franuun 'i'heater Bpolal I Mutual nuu terpieoea a week. Thurtday and Sunday our apeotal daya. TUiCATt.ll, liTH AND HAitNJkT Uun ot Paramount Pleturoa, lUMAU h heir Hour, t-rel O. BeaL Matler of Parentage, power. bU'ler glmpeun a lauhtr. Joker com. PARK. U NUKIH 1TH lluo ot the rhlldren, I-revl Olaon. At Hta Owu Tcrma. Ilia U. Taking Her Uvaaure. Neetor eomedy. PAHU)H. 11 Lil GI.A3. The Awakening Hour, t-reel Kaaanay. y hen a Keller Noa la out of Joint. Vlinyraph- PniNC'EMS. iai7-l HOUUUB. The Hlaxk Box Myetery, 14th epiaoda. The KHend the lluralar. Ntor comedy. I.eteit Animated Wevtily. War Vlewa, FAa .Nrit, ALAMO: 24TH AND FORT ST. J1r' Duke. -reel N'lctor. ! 1 hey Were un Their Houeymoon, Nea. C Tli Pincn. lemmle. AT.HAMbKA. 1U4 NORTH 24TH. rH'lrtt of th BoO. I-reel Kay Bo Mutual Weekly. . The Bal.y, Rel. comedy. CUHiiN. Military Ave. and Uurdette. MiL. of Zuvder ' Dom. drama. The promotive Brlrlt. Rel drama. B-iiy Bunalert. Keyeton comedy . IjIaMOND. Ml LA KB bT. I Animated Weekly. W hen They Were Co-Fd, Neetor eomedy. Graud. "Theater Beautiful," 1 Blnney The Thief, featuring Dorothy Do noil y. The Creature of Madem X, I part. F KAN KIN. MTU AND FRANK-UN The Jy of the T.trhthoua. t-r, yita. Tli l'hoiiey CaJknlbal, Kal. FROLIC, 24TH AND bPRAGL'tC BTfl. Pi Prrkina In City of iJeluaiun. Joker com. Uunaway June, ISO. 14. two part. I MeiUMtiJ of Kate, Power Diama. L K!C. 117 VINTON. Arnied Weekly. 'I he (..oiden N i.l'.ng I.aemml Drama. f orrM ot tMample. Ra. JilrHuliROMH fcTH AND CCM1NQ Miurty Among th Caanibaia, Broncho 2-rtel comedy. I'oet of ti e Peak, I-reel American. 1VV. lbTU AND BUROETTH 6T8. I-iark Box Jix l-rel Hueotal. i'our Poiicy, LrXo oomedy. ' and Hnndcuffa, Power. l.iTAU 14 CAlJJWtLL BT. v.'hr vt th Wild, t-reel isieon. - M Awful iTedlrainent. Neator com. t lmtMle oreina. Ijjiiitvji', liTlUNU LOTHKOP tTH Tii'He and Old Put-h. flv reel of bl(h i romxiy. l-t inn loiucnt. t'At.Al F.. auut DAVKMI-iRT 8T. 'riln '. Financier, I.aemim drama Kol.uii but n.ni.iilic. L-Kg comedy. t i.ii'.ielrd Wrfkly. '"i-i.l KUAN, I4TH AM) .litS '!! 'U ivi.ynnl Pelndleie. J-r. KaU S l.;j. i y K) i i he, ly4ili. i i, nf ti, Caanp. SvL TODAY'S OOMrLETE MOVIE rROtiKAMS Exclnalvcly in Th Ilo. aeath. A!RDOfK FAVORlTK. 1TI VIVTON. antan M 'All luter'a Heir, t-rcel Horn. And Me Never Knew. Prln. lxve In Armor, Keyeton comedy. APi.u. zsu m:avbnworth ht. The Hox C:ar Trap, Kalem. Polaond by .lealoney, J-reel EdUon. Itwcedlo a ll-ro, Faanay. ARBOH a2l AND ARBOR. Tom Wle In a Gentleman from Mlaeie elnrH, In i rcele. Tonight only. OuLUMHIA, 1710 BOOTH 10TH. The Wild Vnre. Kalem. With Brldgea Burned, Edleon. COMPunT I4TH AND VINTON. 7 'he Old Bhnemaker. 2-rel Beltane. ova and Money, lhanhouaer. F.thel'a IHegulee, Komlc. FAVORlTK THKATER. 171 VINTON, The Tattooed Hand. 2-reel Kalem. Safety Flrat. Mlna. An Arlrna Wooing. Bellg. O KM THBATKIl. 13M B. UTH BT. t'nder the Creecent I-re Gold BeaL A Fireside Reallxatlon, Kes drama, Should We Eat lie 7 Power. IjX Hit? THEATER. 117 VINTON BT. Park Johnnie I-Ko oomedy. A Daughter of tha Nile, -re Victor, PASTIME. 2JI AND LEAVENWORTH. Th Ie I.lar Wlio Par7 Mavl of the Ulen, t-reef lAemmla. lovo and Hour Notce, 7 ree'.a. VENEtlA. UU MO. mu ST. Four rU ot JaotuaJ ptoturaa. writ. MONROR. 2MB FARNAM BT. The C'onfeaalon. t-reel Blograph. Fable of the Galloping Pilgrim Who Kept On Galloping. Ka. The Tellow Btreek. Bio. BeauMtau BENSON US MAIN HT. Baby (If. Myera-R. Theby) l-reel comedy. On Kind of Friend (F. FordJ. Utrnmla The Alibi. Imp drama. roaacll Ulaffa- ETITF, No. t, M6 BROAHWAT. Th Bnow-Burner, I-r. Uaanay Drama: The Convention of Bmlllng Tom, Hellg Drama: Boobley" Pnhy, Vltagraph Com, MCHOU?, M7 BftOADWAY. The Deatroyer, I-ree Kalem Drama. The Vanlehlng Vault. Vltagraph Comedy. KOPER. H7 BROADWAY. Grim Meaaenger, I-r. Rig V. Artlat and the Vengeful One, Vktor. Two Ilearta and a Ship. Netor Comedy. Sooth, OiMka. IT.flE. 24TH AND N 8T8. The Broken Train. Kalem. A IVrlnlon of the jurt. 2-reel Tuhln. J'lmp)e, the Auto Baleeman. Vltegrarh. MAGICS 24TII AND O BTfl. Broken Heart and Pledgee. K-Ko. com, Th Pureult Eternal. I-reel Imp. Vanaevllle. 24TII AND M STS. ORPHETJM, Th Victim, a Mutual Maaterpltc. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices . . For : HOT DAYS Bo Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort , . For Your Customers and Patrons , " , . by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Room lOl. Jnvatlgat Y.M.C.A. out g park, cummer. NOTICttV-I will not l reaponelbl for any denta incurred ry my wire, tin Ratella M. Banner. Frank Banner. AUTOMOBILES NEW Ford auto deliver bodies of all tyle. open or cloeed. alwaya on hand. Our price will av you money. Hee Johnnn-Innforth Co.. UH-31-& No ltth. HAVE) t-ryllndrr Rambler: four good Urea, enalne juat overnauien: juat the thins for a truck: traded real lata for thla car. Will trade for real cut ate r maJta ma raen viler, win coneidcr adv a diamond ring. Addreea K frvi, lip. 1915 Overland Brand new car. driven only 4S0 mllea will aell cheap for caah. Cost $1,130. Only uaed three weens, call lied bum and aak fnr Mr. Burna. iO0 REWARD for any magneto w can't repair. Coll repd. Bayedorfer, 210 N.la. o KR, expert radiator and lamp rapaira. iy. ivt. smii ieavenwoim. AUTO Clearing Houaa, li- Farnam, buys and eel la ueed cara. fnone uougiaa asm. Overton' for leaky radiator, too, dealer. Want an auto. C. J. Canaa. McCagua bidg. Industrial Garege Co.. Hh tc Harney Bta. (-PAHiiENUEH Overland car. tip-top condition, brand new urea; xoiirni lamuy car a bargain for Jitney Dullness; MV H 1 1 . iiwim in. iiiuuor in uijr buelneaa. Call Monday for demonatratlua, 0 Hromiey mag. Oil SALli Chalinera lourlna car. six cylinder. a)f-tartr and llahter: email tonneau; machtn run only J0 mllea; i,w tires: et covered: In perfect con dition: can be seen at IU4 Farnam and a amonauation arranged lor. f none 11. U14. ONE l.Ouu-pound truck, at a bargain; aitgmiy ua in r arnsm. NEURABKA liulck riervlc Htatlon, Ul4 runtra ht. flion Douglaa Til Maiosoyel. BARGAINS In used motorcycle. Flcaohar Motor Cycl Co., 1&3 Capltot. AMV8K.MENTS WANTEi M Elt K Y -UO-IU1 U N D AND GTMEK tNCKrlSIONH FOR BIG ClvLEUKATlON Saturday. July t, at l-teru. .cd. rirai wg olecranon In I year. Addreaa Adolph Maalalir, chair man conceaaton committee. WANTED Attractions for Fourth of Jnly celebration to be held th (d. such s Mrry-go-round, balloon, small ahowa, eta. AdUres K. t L)on. Becretary. Charter Oak. la. ItUHINEBS CHANCES TO GK.T In or out o busluese call oa OAMUBTAU. U4 He Bldg. Doug. Mi7. 3iia;AT.Hi buy. teas or sell your the ater, niachln and supplies through Theater Exchaag CoM Farnam St. Lou la lkI. felGNd. show cards. Clai k at aVa. It. li.H. COUNTY acat newsiaper for sale, south central Nebraska. fc.cllnt field, bwhI Plant, little coiuptltlon. Take i uuli to swing deaf. Address. Y tT, Bee WHY RENT? Will sen 14oscr isTnus la Red River valley (Minn.), rct build lns. supply cows and hoga on la'mat f $000, and 40 years la which l pay balane. This offer not good after Juu Iv. W. Q. Teuipl.ton. iui Be Bldg.. Omahs. MANUFACTURER wanting Illinois lo cation and financlag men with money wanting sound business advise want and et my assistance. T. L. O'NelU Ot tsws. 111. FOR eiALK A live buaiiuasa In Gklslioma tuwn of : In business renter of city: established nine yeais; business Includea itsblisiM'd coal and feed business junk, hi1ee and furs; good ofllie and store bixliJma, new warehouses; beet of rwf erencrs. Address boa 1st. El i.enu, Okl. niHixESH c iiact:s FOE SALE Large garage In a thriving Nehreka Ity; equlped to do extenelve repair work; anlnndid locution; on Lincoln high way. Addreee V M2. Be. L'.MliT:R varde: ! In H K. Neb , doing a buelnees from l:S,000 to tVO0 each pr year. Arthur OConnor, Bryan Hold, Atchleon. Kan. NBWBPA PER Country publisher, lis ten: I have aome Omaha nroncrty. but am thinking of re-entering country news paper work: moderate plant. How would oxrhango suit you' If Interested, write r reoiiiilette, 1M1 Willis Ave., umana REAL eatate Buelneee place aupplled or handled; all state. F. V. Knleet. Omaha. SALE OU EXCHANGE leaving Norfolk. Neb. Will sell my dear and billiard parlors, known aa the "Rest Haven. " this Is the finest layoot In th slat; don't Inquire unleea you mean business. Through C'ltlaens Nat'l and Neb. Hut Bank, or direct. K. is. Miller, Prop. FOR BALE Up-to-date blacksmith shop and tools In town 4K Don. Good Oer- man-Ameiiran trade. Munt be sold Boon. Addi-eeo A. J. Tlileseen, Jensen, Nelx DRT O BTORK FOR BALE; 8NAP. AD- DRESH T-tOO BEE. Roomlaf lloasee for Sale. Ft-'RNITURH of 7-room flat for al. Room all full. Bargain. Leaving city. Best location. Call Douglaa 7044. EDUCATIONAL FOR ele the following scholarships in a first claea Omaha Biielnesa College: On unlimited combination business nd shorthand routfie. una unumiiea eienoTTapnio cnurw. On three months' business or steno- grephlc course. win D cold at a discount at in oixic f The Omaha Bee. Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete bualneaa course, complete shorthand or tsnotyp course, complete telegraphy rouree, civil service branches and Eng lish. Student admitted at any time. Writ, phone or call for 115 catalogue. BOTLE3 COLLEGE, II. B. BOYLEH. President. Tel. T). 16f. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. GERMAN leesona taught, 2417 N. 27th St. we lister 7l. FOR 8AJLB Fnrnltajrr, lloweehold (ioodi, Kte. iKCLIPHE.gas range. No. ins, two oven and a warming oven: perrect conaiuon; one oven never ln liKhted; coat $4; wll aell for IIS. Harney 44ffi. k'Si bought and sold. J. C Reed, JLM0 Vln Karoam et. D. 14d. FURNITURE BARGAIN- bels at fl Inets, 54 Ice boxes, 38 gas atoves, 26 dress ers 1M N. 24th St Webeusr i!7. Horace aad VeBlelea. BOLD. FARM wagons. $W. btroud. 30th Ames. JM astro I lastromewts. FJR BALE Piano, best make; coat I4S0: utomohlle. Joseph Candloto, Hotel Keen. BpUniCIUB MUSIC STUDIO. DgUO- I,AH 2471. I'ooMry, Ra mum awaauea. STEREOTYPY matrlcs make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They s re 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora dorabl than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7&o a hundred at The Bee of f io. Bmal) wbeat. 100 lb. 12 25. Wagner. K01 N. I. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, re pair J. Central Typewriter Exo. IW6 Farnam. llaeellaaee FOR BALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinda; easy payments. The ttrunawlck-Balko-Colinder Co.. 407-40 B. 10th Ml. ONE Ediaon atandard and 40 reo.irda, perfect condition, IN; one Edison Fire side, new, 110. Brsndeis Vlctrola Dept., Pompellan room. Id-hand machinery. H. Gross, (1 and PauL TOOLS, shovels, picks, Jackscrews, win dow giaaa. I carpenter oenchea, ii eacn; 10 match machines, 60o each. 1 hot water boiler complete, 10; combination eieclrio futures 25o each; Iron beds complete. 2; fin aaddla and bridle, ". J. C. 18H. Tel. Harney I4X. 7(H S. 21st Ave. FOR BALlo RUKHEll-TV I'K AU I'REHSOOHAPH AM KV.UIPMENT. Machine with one 27-drawer cabinet at tached, and 2 extra cablneta with M drawers each and about 6.0U0 holder. Hiverythlng In flrat claea condition. Will ell at a bargain for cash. Address C (02, rsr Bee. SAFE, double flat-top desk, rugs, art metal filing cabinet, oak filing cabinet, rhatra; NO DEALERS. 43 fcaate Bank Bldg. ONE ful'. dress suit cheap. Inquire 4009 I sard HI XT 24-hand motors. dynamos, 1 PW magneto, etc., mechanical ,V'IT reoalre. La Bron Electric Works.SlS-20 S. ISth Bt. o ELKCTR1C VI BRA TOR-1 erf ect condi tion, cheap hammer and massage move ments. Harney 1024. 128 No. Slat Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical oael Of Ho. BOOKKEEPER $K iookkeeter, some stenog. wnrk i6 Hook keener, fire Ins. Exp t'f Kllintt-Fleher Operator Iu0 WATT3 RKr. CO.. Di-4-4; Brand The. BEE I'M FOR A POSITION. BUSINLtsS HEN'H REFERENCE ASS N., iai-x ooiinenor tno worta. Aaeate aw Balrswoaaea. EXPERIENCED CLOAK B ALES LADIES WANTED Good wsges; steady position. Apply at one. Orkin Bros., V. 8. National Bank Bldg. A fcPLENDID ouDortunltv for solicitors A Un of toilet preparation that sieil "Quality." Borne choice territory open In Nebraska. Call at 1622 Chicago St., or adJresa Hlkell bale Agency. 4JQ First National Bank Bldg. HeeirUeeiwn aaa losaatlc. RELIABLE! colored woman wanta work of any kind: acrubbing and cleaning a epecufcity. ivugias soio. WANTUD Woman cook. Detention Hos pital. Telephone Health Offlc or Dr. roniielt. WANTED A girl for general housework, Mra. A. T. Hanchett, 130 Bo. 4th Bt., council inuris. COLORED girl want chambermaid position. Call 11. WANTED Good whit sir! for aeneral housework, family of throe; wirt $Je a inontn I saiieiactory. iirs. ttors liorke, asm latayette. walnut 2H- WANTED A first class, reliable girl for general housework; email family. Wsl- l.ut v3. WANTED-Eaperlenced gtn for gnerml housework; no laundry w ork. US ttuuth Mtn nt. iiarney si. WANT lrl Ui do housework: no wash. lag or Ironing; good Wifw. Call Har ney 5744 WANTED A oomiient nurs maid to car for young babv; references re ouirrd Mr. Tom Mebhan. 141 N. 41t Bt. Itarney C41. WAN ;TEJ Whit giiH fur geneial house work; no w selling or cnoktiig. Call l a.m.1 Jk. K. 141k fit I WAN"TEl t nujetrnt while nmid ir teneial nuuMAork. ivi o. iiat tot. Harney 79"). JIELI WANTED FKM.4LR llweekeepero and Uiantln, WA NTKI A girl for housework. 1302 N 21o Ave. Phone Hernv Xa. BEST wages pakl In girl who want ol plsjce and Is comTx'tent to do gen eial hounework. WJ. XJ l2 Ixaid. WANTEI At once, middle-aged woman f'T general housework; no waahlng. jeiejinone II. 7IO. WANTED Good girl, undemtundlng house work, in good heme, smell fnm Hy; can attend school, '"all Florence m. WANTEI A romnetent white woman for general houeework In boarJins nouse: no cooking. 1ta B tirt. WANT a neat apiearlng, micldle-agel house woman, 14, board and room, ild SI .1. , - i ... GTRI, to aenlst with general housework M.uiry un. MM rr. sist ru WAN TED Young girl or elderly lady In a family of two. Position la In ths country. Call Doug. 4277. WANTED Young girl for general house work. 1704 I-e-ke Kt. Web. U). WANTED Girl for general housework In family of t. 845 Ho. 2?d Pt. D. 3125. CAPABLE white girl for general house work; thro grown person in family. Bef. require!. S4 f. 3ith .Kt. H. 43uo. WANTED Middle-aged woman for gen eral housework; care of 2 children. H. W IT rr .1.1 nJ 1 I 1. i. w .....'. eni i ui pnin ni iiuiiirenumi wilii no washing; care ot 2 children. Harney S3C4. Mlsrellaweoee. WRITE Motion Picture Plays. each. Experience unnecessary. Details sent free to beginners. Producers League, 132 Wainwrlght, St. Louis. ASSISTANT to dnvelop photoarephlo plates and prints; also to do typewriting; Mate salary and experience. Address Ii M9, Bee. DEMONSTRATOR. Wanted demonstrator for leather goods; on who has sold a patented article; must b neat; state experience when replying. Address F 6"4, care Bee. WANTED A few refined, neat appear ing ladles, to work tinder Instructions. Permanent position. No money required. Fair salary. Address Utopian Supply Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. WAJn'TKD First class Isdy spotter: one who can handle all kinds of fancy work: prefer ona who Is experienced ' In pressing; steady work: $15 a week. Bode- felt, 252 Broadway, Denver, Colo, TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building Bt Bt Mary's Ave. and lth St., where they will be directed to suitable boerd Ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at Union atatlon. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER, grain 75 Assistant bookkeeper $-0 Bookkeeper ii5 Iedeer clerk $t WATTP REF. CO.. 8.18-40-42 Brand. The. BQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. we una a position mat ins you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-1 City Nat. Bank. COME to tie first if you are looking for a nign grarto position. MIDWEHT BOND1NO CO., 312 Be Bldg. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGER REF. CO., 526-S State Bank. HfGH-QRADBl commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE ROND A'BSN. 7 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. Aaeate, Baleemea aaa Bolleltor. Auto Owners The Auto Tub "nicer Co. will demon strate "Splicer," the new Invention, at Horn office, 412 Fourth Bt., Sioux City) la. Agents wanted. WANTED Corporation stock salesmen for Nebraska. Address E 4.8, Bee. $6 TO $10 PROFIT daily selling our new household article: $2.(0 premium with each $188 sale makes quick profits. Mum- ford ft Larson, so walker Bank Bldg., Bait Lak. City. Utah. Very Desirable Space for - Printing Office Light, water and Janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 108. AGENTS wanted to aell Whit River Val ley land In Lyman county; lots of rain. big crops; will pay good commission. Ad- J n r 1 1 1 1 V" i . . i a 1. - t vmm tu. v . . ji.u, v iv tail, c, r. J EXCELLENT pruposltlon tor two good men In Nebraaka. Call or writ. Mutua. Prtveflt, Health and Accident Aaooolatioa trs-26 City Nat l xnk Bide. REAL eatate Bualness place aupplled or bandied; all tales. F. V. Knlet, Cmaha. COLORED boy with wheel to deliver and work inside, xieterencos raquirea. iH Douglaa rseten si4 1 rs4e. Drug tor snaps; )oba Knelst, Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition li. on account of big trad. Wage for and 10 cent work. Eiectrio luasaag taugnt. liyarauii etiati a. Catalog fro. 1124 Douglaa Bt. Omaha ONE flrt-class painter for country work; job for e l summer; meet m at th labor temple i uesday at m a. ni. HOR8F.SHOBR wanted to work at fir and floor. Musi nave recommenaatlun from aood firm; absolutely no us for boose fighter. Addres Y 560. Be, Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO fttS Farnam Bt.. Freo Catalogu COLLEGE. OMAHA, NEB, WE need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lately. Gat In. Learn by our method. Get on of thee Job Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraaka Auto mobile Bchool, 1417 Dodge St WANTED Men to learn th barber trade. Th world constantly needs more bar bers. Our gradualea earn good wanes. Few week completes with us. Preuar now for coming season' s rush. Writ Moler. 114 fl. 14th St.. Omaha. WANTED AT ONCE Two flret-clasa linotype operators fur book work. Pay union aval to th rlg-ht man. Mil burn Scott Co., Bealrio Neb. Mtliavaaa. WANTED Nans of man. II or over. wishing government Jobs. $66 month. No pull ncry. Aoare s n. Me. WANTED Railway mall clerk. $t a month: Omaha examinations coming sample questions free. Write immediately Franklin institute. Dept. ZL1. E. Hoc hex ter. N. Y. DELIVERY salesman, married men pre ferred ; steady work; salary and com mission; good chance for advancement: must come well recommended. A lamilo Dairy, ttn and iavenwortn ?!. WANTED Experienced grain man; must b good offlc and floor man; atat are, xpartrnc and former connection. Ad dres Y, fru6, B . WANTED LOW men to at hsjn and eggs, l&o. Coffee John ltth and Capitol. COOK with reference: American plan; wher second and pastry aro emp'oyed. Arlington Hotel. Sheldon, la. nrruATioNs wanted AMBITIOUS young man wanta to go to work; a scmki education; good at fig urea, also good penman: experienced in general office wurk. Telephone loug iil. Addresa. 1 632. Bea SITUATIONS WANTED THE fieivant Girl I'roblem rJulved. The Bee will ri.n a Servant tilrl Wanted Ad FKEK until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Klufla. Bring ad tu T'.e Bee office or telephone Tvler l'.o. 'V ANTED Job as chauffeur. Atliircs A ttfo. nee. EXPERIENCED yaung mun wants steady work In private family house cleaning or gardenings; porter janitor; honest, sober and willing to work. Ad dress, A 47, Hee. POSITION wanted by trustworthy and energetic young mail. Best, references furnished and not afraid to wurk. Phone Douglas (M."il. AN ENGINEER attondlm; the state university wishes to relieve or assist some county surveyor or engineer for the summer. Address G-641, Bee. SITUATION as head miller In 75 to .su btil, mill; over 8u years' experience; best or references. I. O. Anderson, 3208 diaries St., Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED colored K'rl wants posi tion as chambermaid. Weheter LADY living In the vicinity of 26th and Farnam desires to care for children during the afternoon or evening or to read to Invalid'. Phone Red 728. CHAUFFEUR wants position; 3 years' experience. Phone Web. 4752J MAN and wife with two children, aged 10 and 1 years wants position on farm. Experienced. Address P 648, Bee. WORK wanted by a colored woman; acrubbing. and cleaning. I ). 6.172. BUSINESS men: Young !ady. aged 21, desires position; capablo bookkeeper, stenographer and offk-o clerk; also some eetllng ability; earned 8 promotions last Job; good reference; will consider any thing above $9. Answers confidential. Ad ores E 8, car Bee. SALESMAN and office man, married. a?ed 22, employed, wishe to inak a ch:uige. Fair typist; 1 year experience aa office clerk; IVj year a auoveasftil specialty salesman. Intervlow requested. Aoarees u tz, nee. AMBITIOUS young man wants position In business where advancement la good. Has had 34 yeare banking experience and Born In auditing offica. Can do some stenographic work. Best of refer ences. Address 8. B47, Bee. CHAUFFEUR and mechanic wishea posi tion with wholtsalo hous or private family. Douglas 762t. A RELIABLE woman wart P ltlon as housekeeper. Phone Web. 1?84, or ad dress 8702 Florence Boulevard. WANTED Farm work by an experi enced farmer with good team: wages, $5 per day and board for both man and team. Address TC (45, In car of letter to The Omaha Bee. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up the offlc of th Omaha & Council Bluffa Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restoro them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST A cameo stlrk pin; return to 8J0 city is at I bank and re-etve reward. SEVERAL days ago a sum of money waa found on one of th cars of this company running between Omaha and Lake Manawa. Same will bo returned upon Proof of ownershln. AddIv to office of superintendent of transportation In Merchants National Bank Bldg, Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Sunday night between 24th and Brown and 41st and Jackson, a brooch of pear's: half moon shape design; finder Please call H. 4XH8. Keward. LOST Eastern Star pin; reward. Phone lJOU. tBUO. LOST Gray horse. Call T. 12(X 4th and uancrorc ts., (miiKmani. cnnsi Tsn. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger re Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our traveler a aid at the Union station. REFINED young man keeping beauti fully furnished high class bachelor quarters within walking distance of busi ness district would like to hear from on or two young men desiring to shar same, noom ivi. Be ttiag. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maaa- flnea. W collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will ca'l. t an and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112- 1114 Dodge St. S (I "R1 For God's sake write. I can't k7. j. x . ,Und We ,H -;iady forgive you. OPPOSITE BOULEVARD. GORDON, th Magasine Man. Phon Lugia ilia. SWAPPERS' COLUMN 40 ACRES school land In Howard county. to trade for good used auto. Address Y 663. Bee. AUTO Have a good Jitney auto for clear lot, or what have you? Address, B. C. 10M. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargalna sea th "Automobile" class! fl rstlon. A PEN of Buff Leghorn chickens, "prlxe winners," want a good ball-Baring lawn mower or 160-egg Incubator. Ad dress S. C. 1078. Be. BOYS! Hera's your chance! Hav two 6-ft ateering aleds, both alike. Will trad for bicycle. Addresa 8. C. 107. Be. FINE bay horae, weigh about 1,100, fine drivers afraid of nothing; buggy and harnooa If desired; would trade for cheap auto or truck. Tel. South UM. FIRST-CLASS uptight piano; might put In aome cash; want lot not to exceed $300 or small cottage equity. Address S. C. 108. Be. DIAMOND 88-100 karat diamond in ladies' Tiffany mounting, gold ring, platlnntmhead; price, $150. Want motor cycle or piano, or offer. S. O. 1071, Hee. FOR SALE Cheap, whole or controlling Interest in cld-establlshed manufactur ing business; now running aid dot mi good business; includes patent and good machinery; Invoices $.0uu; will trade. W. M. Pierce. Superior, Neb. LAUNCH Have 18-foot launch, cost $li0 new, will trad for seccnd-liand auto. Addreaa S. C. 1053. Ueo "INDIAN" motorcycle and new aide-car; late 114 model, twin cylinder, two sped, complete electric equipment, I91J Improved kick starter; new tires; all per led condition. Cost tT,D. Want Ford or liKht roadster; no other propositions con sidered. Address S. C. 1072. Be. MOTORCYCLE 1S15 model 12 H. P. twin c tinder motorcycle in A-No. 1 condi tion, aud has been run lesa than 600 mllea. Will trade for Ford or light car. Address R. C. 13. Bee OLIVER Typewriter (visible), worth $J cash for motorcycle accessories or any thing of equal valu 1 can use. Addreaa S. C. 1071. He. PHONOGRAPH Edison, 60 records, in good condition. Will swap for chicken, duck, etc. Address. S. C. 1070. Be. PI A NO One new mahogany uprlxht piuno. beautiful rase, bench and svsrf to match. A iisrgalu, or wrist hav you to offer me. Address. S C. 1074, Be. PIANO Fumed oak layer piano, used on year, cost $u0; &t rolls best music. Would trade this for automobile, or what could u offer aud could use. Addresa, H. C. 1076. Pee. PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or lota; will par difference; If you have anything get In touc'i with m. aa I b.iv other stuff to exchange; give cinp'.et description. Address H. C. 103. Bee PIANO A d'indy Pecker Bros, square piano, fin for starting to learn. What could you offer me for thla. Mak offar. Allre.. B. . H'70, Be PIANO Elegant piano: swap on auto: will pay rash dinerenc for good trade or will sar piano for a lot or equity In a well located lot. Address 8. C. 1A2. Be. Ready IMerence Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Till Guarantee snd Abstract Co., a modern abstract oiflce, 806 So. 17th St Phon D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract offlo In Nebraska. 70S Brandela The. .lessen Si Morrell S01-8 State Pk. Bldg. 1). KM- A C'l'U I. M A, M s. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A .. Address 4U Ram IIM. Phone Do.iglns "40fi. ADD1NU MACHINES. Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6338 A MAI EL H t l.MSIIl.Mi. FILMS devened free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg Dept. L. APPRENTICE GIRL. APPRENTICE girl. Oppenheim Hair Drefslne Parlors Alton rut'i . Everett P. Dotlds. iT Paxton Blk. D. 5!l. AlC I IOEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W. O. W. R. 32S5. Nat l Sale A Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. AITO INSURANCE. 40 saved on your automobile Insurance by patronising a home Co. Doug AUTO RADIATOR HEPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2026 Far. D 2001. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER. 1508 N. 18th Web. J297. BEDDING. 0AHA PILLOW CO.. 1807 Cuming, pougla 1487. Renovate feather , "J mattreeaes of all kinds, make . mattresses and down covers. BLUB PIMNTIKG. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 30! Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS ASD IKOJf FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha St. Keb. Fdry. A Mfg. Co., 1113 y. 12. Web 730f BUILDING WRECKERS. LFS.R "l? brick buildings wrecked anywhere. bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 4R0H. CARPET RUG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVEN8QN, 821 s. 22d. Douglaa 6630. BURR ELL JOHNSON, general repair ing. Webster S24. Harney 2634. Issard Bon. 1808 Cap. Ay. T. 1S33. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J.. Burford, 630 Ft. Blk. Rd 4687. CIVIL KNGINEERS. M. J. I. ACT, 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 4715. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's Pantalorlum. 820-2 a 16th. D. 647 CONCRETE ' CONSTRUCTION CO.'S Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. 1NVESTI- uaie 811-12 city Kat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1671 COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. M"rn ac pon, ion nowarq, u. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1871. Try Mackle's first. 1816 Harney, Doug. 6448. DOWN TO WAL. RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night. 1718 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresamak'g college. 20th at Farnam. SUITS, gowns. In home. VPal. 2267. DRESSMAKING. 1717 Chicago. D. 8128. MISS STURDY. 2416 CASS. RED 7320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 130 N. 12th. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Evl- recureq in ait cases. Tyier 116. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 21S8. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freipht paid on tit orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 118 N. loth. Term. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 824 Bee Bldg. Red 3055. EVER Y Tit IN a rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, ail sixes and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. tuP Douglas Block. D. l'J3t. NEW YORK sample store. Muat vacate, building coming down; cloaks, auita and dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 18th St HEMSTITCHING and peco edge on all Kinds ot material uone promptly at Mn r Sewing Machine Co.. 24 N. 16th. , ge' EVERYTHING FOR MEN. JOIN T. M. C. A. on aneclal summer membership plsn. Then use It. $o.60. FURNACES AND TINWOKH.. HABERSTP.OH" !: 1 1 amllton. Wal. 2871. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1604 Farnam Bt D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1S1 Farnam. D. 1268. Member Florist Tlesraph DL Assn. HESS A EWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1822 Harney. Dcug. 100L 8WANSON, the florist. Web. 4S28. So. 701. HAT I LEAA 4NU. Fansmas cleaned. D. Elsel. 11M City Nat ALL kino hat cleaned. 1510 Harney Bt AMKPICAN Hat Cleaners. 1616 Hsrney. ICR. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOk'I WEBSTER 6Sit General Offlc. Uth and Manderson Bta 8WAPPEIW COLUMN WANT to twsp diamond ring for hous painting. S. C 621. tar Bee. TYPEWRITER Hav nea.ly new viMnke tvpewrlter to trade for small m'o, typewriter desk, brsss nffie raiinirs cr curtain railing iv, diameter, or will pay ci.h. 8. c Iflel. Bee. REAL tJsTATE contract, ti.t), for lots or auto and lots. Web. iiii. GOLD AND SILVER PLATIXG. WE replnle everything of raftjl. mn I'latlng t o.. 1-iU nai lie - - JEWKLEMS. LUCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard'a Jl STICKS 4F THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 613 Paxton Blk. R. 4"1 Notary pun., oeposmon wit-im,. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CROP C.Echsjige JldgN ' L IUI1 TING "i IXTU Ra.3," WIRING. TVPTJrnV Thomas. Dougla 1611. LUIlivUX 4i Cuming St. M ASSUESE9. Ti VTimnd mass., alcohol rub. Iura i - lllowlon 1802 Farnam. room 1. Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Bunday. Mass. Sauiiders-Kennedy Bldg. D. 711. Open eve., 9 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 2. 1 Douglaa 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. B.Brugman, mass., 203 fCarbach Blk. R. 272? MASSAGE 620 Be Bldg. Douglas 8172. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglaa 875L BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. M. HALLERON. Baths. 223 Neville Blk. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 for appointment. MASSAGE, 1771 Dodge. Miss Bteele. MISS GILBERT, massage, 109 S. 17th St' Miss Walton, Mass. R. 224, Nevlll Blk.' MI'S JACOBS Mass., R. 224, Nevlll Blk. MINING ENGINEERS. WIL7., pay to consult W. H. Godfrey oil mining business. 207 State Bk. R. 4841. MOTORCYCLES. H A RLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCTCT.ES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roo. "The Motorcycle Man." 2708 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. Hth and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna We rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrlcnl Exchange, 640 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES. Harp A Piano. SOS Lyric. D. 8704. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUG LAS 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR SALE Extra flno can seed at tl per bua., sacks H)o each. Write for ample. J. J. Funk, Fremont. Neb. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Petorson, C03 Brandele Bldg. D. 3148 JOSFPHIKE ARMSTRONG. 618 Bo Bid-. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH WMANUB. 41?" N. 40th. H. 878. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machtn Co., 110 B. Hth St. PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. TL Red 7117. H. A. Bturges, 636 Brsndeis Th-tr Bldg. PIANO REFINISHING. GENERAL overhauling. 80 year, oxn. References. 702 17th. Red 68S0. John Baer. PLATING. P. 6277. Acmo Plating Co., Hi R 16th St. o PRINTING. WATER8-BAP.NHART Pt. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTING CC POUG. tlH. DOfGLAB Printing Co. Tel. Pougla 844 SAFE AND TIMB LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES KJX JKJ port. 1404 Dodg. D, comb. Daven- 1&2L SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Seal Co.. C13 S. 12th. P. 8911. SHOE REPAIRING. " FRIEDMAN PROS., shoo rapalr. Ill S. 11 Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R.8440 SEWING MACHINES, rent repair, sell needles and part We ivi wii snwniK. mnumnes. "MICIvEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., liith and Harney. Doug. 11 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, HQ B. 1. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. g?l STORE AND OF ICE FIXTURES." naeie"!?!- ca", howcases, ,heI. TOWEL SUPPLIES: " OMAHA Towel Supply 307 B. Ilth. P. 6-8. TA 1LOUS. " CHAB. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. Uth Bt Palm Beach suits to order. 1816 Farnam. nL,.n.a jsnu SUITCASES. FRELINQ A- BTEINLE. 18C8 Farnam Bt FKW Kl'l ERS FOR RENT. RSiN.T ?. ol,vr Typewriter I mo. for 11 Diner Typewrite Agency. Wue hZtm. Butts Typewriter Exchange. 316 8 18th Bt Ah makes fur sal or rent RENT a "Remington." not lust tvne. writer, low rent. Call iV",?. WATCH fePEtlALISI. Christiansen, Id fl. PaxtonBk.. 18 yr. ex p. WEDDING STAlIOAER; '" Wddlng aiinouncincnts. Doug. Ptf Co. WINES AMuluUivUHmT" ALEX JETES. 201-1 8. Uth Ft. Wine, liquor, cigars flat dinners, li to 8. lo5 Gwm.lliiJ2rJtK,,,M-.4::4,.: 6,h: California win. $l.2a per gal. Writ for prto lut Hn,NhRZ,dP?"?K. . - HOUSO. e..w, . r. na-nni luncn. BUT your family Hniior at Uiiuor H.uae. $j jj ,Mh. Doug! Klaln'a las mi. SWAPPERS' Ct)LUMN STF.NOTYIB-Pra .tlcal.v n.w 4 less than a month. Will trade for anything I'NL'SED Amorl.n li -Jji . . V.'V1.; ''P f"1 vAm cunt fox ord car or loadstar. S. X fix. Beo. 1 1 I f