( THK HKK: OMAHA. TUKSDAY. Jt'XK 8, 1915. FIGHTING BITTER AT DARDANELLES Britiih, in Reporting Advances, Tell How Strenuously the Tnrki Resist Every Advance. INDIAN TROOPS SHOW BRAVERY LONDON, June 7. Official an nouncement was made tonight that the British troops at the Dardanelles, as a result of their new offensive movement last week, captured two lines of Turkish trenches along a three-mile front. The statement fol lows: "Ob the night of June t-4 the Turk, having- heavily bombardc-d small f.rt la front of the extreme tight French po sition, which previously had been cap tared, launched an Infantry attack against It, which was repulsed with heavy loss to the enemy. At the same time the Turk sets fire to a scrub in front of the loft center of the position occupied by the British division and attacked, but met with no success. General Attack Order. "On the morning- of June 4 flr Ian Hamilton ordered a general attack on the Turkish trenches In the southern area of the Galllpoll peninsula, preceded by a heavy bombardment by all guns, assisted by battleships, cruisers and de stroyers. "At a grven signal the troops rushed forward with the bayonet. They were immediately successful all along the line, encert In one spot, where the heavy wire entanglements were not destroyed by the bombardment. ladlaas Do Well. "Indian troops on our extreme left rnade a magnificent advance. They cap tured two lines of trenches, but, owing to the fact that the troops on their right were hung1 by the wire entanglement, they were Obliged to retire to their orig inal line.' The regular division made good progress on the left center, cap turing a strong redoubt and two lines of trenches beyond It. about KW yards In advance of their original line. "The territorial division of our center did brilliantly, advancing 800 yards and capturing three lines of trenches, but, though the advanced captured trench was held all day and half of the ensuing night, they had to be ordered back in the morning to the second captured line, as both their flanks were exposed. i "The naval division on our right center captured a redoubt and a formidable line of trenches constructed In three tiers SOO yards to their front, but they, too, had to be ordered back, owing to the heavy enfilading fire. French la Gallant Attack. "The French second division advanced with great gallantry. They retook for the fourth time that deadly redoubt they roll Le Haricot, but, unfortunately, the Turks developed heavy counter attacks throuph parallel communloatlon trenches, and under cover of an accurate shell fire were able to recapture it "On the French extreme right the French captured a strong line of trenches, which, though heavily counter attacked twice during the night, they Still occupy. "We csptured 400 prisoners. Including ten officers. Amongst the prisoners were five Germans, the remain of a volun teer gun detachment from the Goeben (the Turkish cruiser Sultan Zellm). Tholr officer was killed and tho machine gun was destroyed. Make Xlffht Attack. "During the night Information was re ceived that enemy reinforcements were advancing from the direction of Maldcs toward Krtthla. Thereupon Lieutenant General Birdwood arranged to attack the trenches In front of Qulno's post at 10 o'clock, which was successfully carried cut and the captured trenches held throughout the nlgbt The Turkish cas ualties were very heavy. "At 8:30 a. m. the enemy heavily coun ter attacked, and, by means of heavy bombs, forced our men out of the most forward trench, though we atili held communication trenches made during the night. "The result of these operations is that we have made an advance of BOO yards, which Includes fWe lines of Turkish trenches along a front of nearly three miles. We are now consolidating our new positions and strengthening the lines." ssasnSBBaBBSssBaSBBsaSMaaBBBBBBSasssaa Traveling Men to Have a Busy Time Local members of the Travelers' Pro tective association are laying their plana for the entertainment of the delegates who come to the convention to be heM In Omaha June 16-18. There will be the routine business of the convention and In addition there will be numerous side features, In the way of functions and pleasure Jaunts. June 1 the women of the association will be entertained at the Carter Lake club at luncheon. A train of six special street euro will be put Into service to carry them to and from the lake. The following day. In eujhteen chartered street ears, the entire membership of the , convention will go to Bouth umana. Pinner will be served at the exchange, where tt Is possible a short business meeting will be held. In the afternoon the same ears wUl carry the visitors to Manawa, where during the evening they will be entertained at the club house of the Council Bluffs Rowing association. DRUNKARD LANDS IN THE BOTTOM OF GARBAGE WAGON Jack Kowski, who drives a garbage wagon. drew up in front of police head quarters this morning and aked assist ance In getting a drunken man out of his refuse bus. He did not know' bow the fellow got in the vehicle. When Kowski drove away from the river bank after getting rid of his load the wagon was empty. At Tenth and Jackson streets he looked around and saw a man peacefully sleeping In the bottom of his craft. Patrol Conductor Burn hard. Desk Ser geant Marshall and Offloer Francl In vited the gent Into the station house. He sat up and told them to take him out, and wallowing contentedly In the filth of the wagon, be proceeded to turn ever and go to sleep. After deliberating how to extract the stranger from the mesa, an amused onlooker asked why they didn't oaen the patent bottom. Willing- hands Biased the crank, the bottom of the wagon opened and the passenger waa spilled In the street He refused to talk when Vecked un and was booked as John Doe. Carver Prepares Trap for Boys Who Are Playing Hookey "My young friends, step this uay. tiather up closely. You are now about to witness the most thrilling, marvelous, en thralling, entertaining and Instructive ex hibition that It has ever been your rrlv lloare to witness. Come this way, boys and see a wonderful free show to be staged for your special benefit at no cost to yourselves." Two dosen small boys shortly before o'clock yesterday were astonished and entranced at the circus grounds at Twenty-fourth and Hickory streets, when they heard this announcement made In !s best manner by a leather-lunged "barker" who led the way to a sideshow tent. "Uee. I'm glad we didn't go to school." the boys exclaimed as they trooped after the clrcua employe. "Now, my young friends, stand still and don't be frightened. Tho show Is about to begin." ssld the "barker." Tho show began, J. B. "Dec" Carver, school attendance officer, who dally preys on boys who "play hookey" from school, walked Into the center of tho stage from a side en- I trance. His face wore a stern look. Horror fixed every young fare motion less with Its mouth open. Silence as In- ! tense aa that of death ensued. Then some lad sighed. The boy nearest me ooor turned as if to leave. "Run fellers," yelled someone and twenty-four small boys broke madly for the open air. The tremendous laugh of the "barker" Intensified the panic. The lads arrived at their respective school rooms with tongues hanging out and sldea heav ing and their teachers wondered as to the reason. The boys didn't tell the story. Carver, upon calling at the circus grounds had seen some of the urchins and arranged the rest of the events with the circus man. Omaha Good Roads Boosters to Make a Three Days' Trip A three days' Jaunt through the north ern and eastern part of Nebraska Is whst Is planned by the good roads commit tee of the Omaha Commercial club for the annual good roads and fellowship tour, which is to cover three days, on June 24 to 26, inclusive. Tho first day's itinerary Is as follows: Leave Omaha, Thursday. June H, at 2 p. m., visiting BJkhorn, Waterloo, Val ley, Fremont, Ames, Rogers, Schuyler, stopping at Schuyler for supper; then on to Columbus, arriving at 8 p. m., and re maining for the night. Second day. Friday, June 25: Leave Columbua at 7:30 a. m. Visit Monroe, Genoa, 8t. Edward, Boone, Albion, Lo retto, Petersburg snd Elgin. Stop one hour In Elgin for dinner. Neligh, Oak- dale, Tilden. Meadow Grove, Batye Creek and Norfolk, arlvlng at Norfolk at p. m. and remaining there all night. Third day. Saturday. June 26: Leave Norfolk at 7:30 a. m. Visit Stanton, Pll Ker, Wiener. Beemer, West Point, Crow all, Scrlbner, remaining at Scrtbner for dinner, visiting Hooper, Nlckerson, Fon tenelle, Blair, arriving in Omaha . at 6 or shortly after. WASHINGTON. June 7-Thn thirls. ninth battleship built 'or the Ameri.an navy since iw win take the water June W, next, when the suirrlra.i Arlsona slips from the ways at tl-e New ior navy yard. Compared to the first American battleship. the Indiana, launched In ISM. . the Arlintia w ill hi nearly twice as long, half urn In m. and of three times as great displace ment. Against the Indiana's four thlrteen-lnch guns and tiaht elshi-inoi. the Arlsona will carry twelve fnurleen- incn ana twentv-two u-lnch rifles, the same armament aa its sister ship, the i onnsyivsnla, recently la inched t N. port News. In addition to the sreat lu of tt .... - ship's main lattery. I he guns are of forty-five caliber, as against the thlrty fUe caliber of the Indiana's thlrteen lnch guns. Identical with those aboard ARIZONA READY TO LAUNCH Great Battleship Which Will Throw Shells Fifteen Miles Costs Six teen Million Dollars. BUILT BY THE UNITED STATES the famous old Oregon, which played ! their part In the battlA of Fantlaao. With the fourteen of the Arlsona In Its tur rets, the Oregon could have halted any cne of the (Irving iranish ships almost Witttout leaving its station. The Artsona'a guns have a range, even at the low eleva tion of American navy mountings, of fifteen miles or more, eitnlnst eight or nine miles for the old thirteen. The Arlsona will I the foiirt.i bsttlo ship built l the 1'nltrd Mates In Its own navy yard at New Vork. The others were the Connecticut, the drendnaughl Florida, and the suoeiilrendnaught New York, at present one of the I.Mirent, swiftest and most powerful of American flahting craft. Asalnit the New York's displacement of ?7,00 Clone, however, the Arlsona will displace M. loo tons, aid will measure & feet In longth and mnety stven feet six Inches In width. It Will mount twelve fot rteen-lnch guns to the tm fourtoens carried by the Texas, and they will be carried Ihiee to a turret, as aboard the Pennsylvania. The Ansnna will no sponsored by Miss Esther Rosa of Preston. Arts., nomi nated by Oovernor Hunt of Arlsona. As It looks In the water immediately after the launching, tho ship mill have cost the government IT,4:S,oan An even greater sum will go lor Its guns and the armor land other equipment find when it goes 'Into commission lis psl In the country I will have reached the huge total of li, 'onoxi or more. This ost represents a reduction of nearly LVW.KK In g ins and , armor, according to the Navy depart- nient. Under prices paid for th; Penu- j sylvsnla s offensive and defensive equipment. SAVI0GE IS ORGANIZING FUNERAL BENEFIT ASS'N Rev. Charles W. Hevlrige celebrated yes terday the thlrty-elghlh anniversary of his grsduatlon from the t'nlverslty et VI Innesota. "I went right to preaching then." he said, "and hav had charge of a church ever since. I have had over 4.0TO funerals. 1 have never been alck in that time, and for sixty years I haven't taken a drop of medicine." Mr. Pavldge Is organising a funeral benefit fund In connection with his church. He has noted the many who die and leave no funds lit all for burial of their bodies. The fund will be accumu lated by means of dues of 15 cents a month. Every member will receive a lino funeral. He experts to get at least 2.000 members without any difficulty. Weather Clear and Railroads Back on Their Schedules The railroads all report clear and rather cool weather tr tvs entire area of country between the Rocky mountains and the Missouri river. Apparently the weather has cleared. However, Sunday rain visited so many localities that'll aa pretty neatly general over Nebraska in the a-est and southwestern portions It waa heavy, the precipitation ranging from one-half to two Inches. In the southwest the Republican river again got out of Its banks, but is now rapidly running down. 1'p around Neligh the Klkhorn rose rapidly, following a rain thst appears to have been almost a cloudburst. Wagon bridges were wsshed out snd much of the land along the bot toms flooded. DR. PEARSON TO TALK TO AMES ALUMNI FRIDAY lia. Raymond A. Pearson, president of Ames college, formerly connected with the Jepartment of Agriculture of tho state ' t ILJiJ ' of New fork, will be hers Frldsy t ad dress the Alumni association of Ames at a dinner to be held that evening at the Omaha Field eluh. tr. Pearson retornei just before th. war from Europa, where he was gathering material for a book or, European agricultural organisations. He Is this year directing the expenditure ct about IWUMO In extension work. MONEY ORDERS GO FROM OMAHA TO WAR PRISONERS Five mom r orders were sent during May by Omaha ns to prisoners of war in Kuropean concentration camps. No fee a as "t aieed on these orders, the post master general having Issued an order 1o this effect May I. The forclsn money order business "at this office did not decrease aa much mm was sntlcipated during May. During this month this year 7M foreign orders were Issued of a value of llt.MKX compared with fc orders during the month last year ef a value of fcH.ajH. iHimestlc money 'orders Increased I" umber from 10.033 In Msy, 1M. to lfcSXJ during the same month this year, and the amounts Increased from ro.Vej to 12, m. The Bee Want Ada Are Best Business Boosters. Charter Committee to Meet Thursday A has Greater Omaha charter committee been constituted with Thomas E. Brsdy, chairman, and M. J. Greevy, sec retary. Thirty-five improvement clubs In all parts of the city have been invited to send three accredited delegates each to the meetings to be held, when the need" of a new charter for Greater Omaha la to be discussed. The next meeting is to be held in the council chamber of Omaha the evening of June 10 at S o'clock, John A. Rlne of the city legal depart ment has been invited to address the committee on the needs of a new charter for Greater Omaha. . The Economic league has also been requested to send a speaker for this occasion.' At the organisation meeting last week John P. Breen waa made an honorary member of the committee with all the privileges of membership, snd it Is ex pected he will reply to any adverae com ment made by the speakers at the June 10 meeting. Howard Declares Crops Best Ever H. B. Howard of the Burlington's land department. Is back from an extended tour over Wyoming and Nebraska and asserts that during his thirty years' residence In this state, he has never seen crop prospects so good as now. Said Mr. Howard: "There are some localities where the recent heavy rains have damaged the crops, but the area is so small, com pared with that benefited that the dam age Is insignificant. "tgmall grain never looked fco well. The cool weather and the ram has killed the Insects and at this time It looks ss if a bumper crop Is sbaolutely certain. Corn is a little late, but the stand is good and the plant has rooted thoroughly during tbe cool weather. With warm sun shine from now on. this lata corn will soon make up for lost Urns and the crop ought to be most bountiful." CITY DADS WILL DECIDE ON REPAYING THURSDAY Protests of cltlsens against the proposed repaying of Tenth street. William to Mason streets, prompted C. E. Fanning, paving contractor, to tell the city coun cil committee of the whole that the pres ent execrable condition of this streets Is due to care'essness of public service cor porations la replacing street euts and negligencs of city officials for not having required proper replacement of euta Superintendent Jardlne of the publlo Improvement deartment Is endeavoring; to have the sandstone surface of this street re laid under the new paving law. The commissioners will look over the street and decide the matter Thursday. -i I Te Well im Basasaer. Slight Inflammation ot the bronchial tubes causes a distressing cough and makes refreshing steep Impossible. Foley's I Honey and Tar compound covers rsw, In- flsroed. Irritated surfaces with a.sootb lrg. healing coating and stops that an I noying tfc kllug. relieving the racking. tiring cough. Take this splendid cough roedlc'ne with you on summer trips. It Is good for cough's. colds, croup, bronchial affections and la grippe coughs. Isold everywhere. Advertisement. In a Friendly, Good Natured Way A As One Citizen to Aeotlier V. IomasiaX rr KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE It BAG MANUFACTURERS Brans omaha bao co., Jackson sua., Douglas 1109. BOILER MAKERS DBAKX-WIUIAatS-MOUBT and Hickory, Douglas 1040. 11th aad OO, 13d CO, 1808 Cast Omasa. Wsh- we are telling you about some home-made products which are the best of their kind and which mav be purchased at home for less money than similar things made elsewhere. In most cases, the raw products used here are the same as those used in other factories. Our standards of workman ship and methods have been devel oped to the highest point. Our goods will stand up in comparison with those made anywhere else. If something made in an Omaha factory interests you, go to your dealer and ask him about it. Nine times out of ten you will find that he appreciates your interest in good Omaha goods and gives you a direct, personal service that is as satisfac tory as the value you get for your money. There, are many perfect Omaha kitchens that are completely equip ped with Omaha made articles and foodstuffs. There are many busi nesses that use Omaha materials ex clusively. Omaha products will stand the test. The more of them used, the more prosperity for Omaha as a whole and for each individual separately. BOTTLERS OMAHA BQTTX.IBTGI CO, SIS Mo. 11th ait., Douglas 1100. IOOT.Ml!T aOTTUsTd CO, Webstar ., Douglas 739o, BOXES PACKING Oklls BOX CO, st.r 413. EQOXBBI-0'rx.TsTO) CO., (Omaha fibre Corrugated Bos Co.), i.Sta aad Xisav.aworth. Dona-las 113. BREWERS tobs iBiwina CO., iait a.naa Ave., Webstev aal. - MKT isiwua oo., sth and isav.a worth, Douglas 14g. xxd nca ibswuo co, xta Av.no. aud Boulevard, Tyler 480. XXTTXm BBBWZBO CO, 30th aad T ts. (Mouth S). inuow strBuroa BBawuro co, 3d aad aUokory sits, Douglas 130. BRICK MANUFACTURERS aTTDBAtrUO FglRI BBICTK CO, 1303 W. O. W. Bldg, Douglas sua. BUTCHERS' and PACKERS' TOOLS O. B. IXTXB si CO, 1810 Capitol Ave, Doug las 01 B. CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS OXABA OOVCmm-TB BTOVB CO, ST. w. Oor. asth Ave. aad Bahles, Web ster & 301-11 Douglas Bt, CONFECTIONERY s. t. O'XBxmr co, DoOaTlaa S3. YOBQXX.S A DIXXTVO CO, 1810-13 Jones St, Dong-las 300. COUCHES AND MATTRESSES X.. O. DOU CO, 1301 Xloholas SU Douglas leOO. COFFEE. TEA AND SPICES rABMXB-OZ.BOB- CO, lit BO. 11U Bt, Douglas 8330. on Asia, st -a sex bio Air oorrva oo, 1117-1S Dodge St, Dana-las Tito. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS XTBB BISCUIT CO., Capitol Ave, lSU to 13th Bts, Dong-las 8133. CREAMERY COMPANIES kAXB3XOVT CBBAaCBBT OO, ltth aad Job. Bts, Deaglaa 1401. WATBBX.OO CSIAKIIT Howard Bt, Deaglaa 1403. CO, 1317 COMMISSION, PRODUCE, ETC. XXmOBBBAUsT BOB. ZBO, 130ft.ll Howard Bt, Douglas did. DISTILLERS XLBB OO. WILLOW BTBXsTQB 9XM. miMt, 831-3 Boward Bt, Dng las 334. s ELECTRIC COMPANIES Oaf ABA BUCTIIO UttBT B lOWXB CO, D. . Bldg, Doug-las IMS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND LIGHTING FIXTURES VBOBSB-OBABSBB Co, 1811 Kew. aid Bt, Vflmw SSI. ENGRAVERS ELECT ROTYPERS BAXBB BBOB. BBOBATIB OO, 1B1J Howard Bt, Douglas 8tAS. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS BTBXXxTT ' BBTBlVOra CO, 41T Be. IBia Bt, Sosgla Otl. FIXTURES OMASA TXXTVBB Sj BVmT OO, 414-10-13 Be. lath Bt, Douglas 8734. FLOUR MILLS OTDIXX KTZ.iaw0 CO, Ave, Webster as. 1813 aeramaa FURNACES BTAVSABD FTAW ACM 3) aad WaU llrMtv kU. i 1-1J BO. IVta II., DOtf lM 8007. (bit ell oust rurneeea.) ail steel "l'Mil- r f' ' MA OS. 'N IomahaX 3r- Do You Need Starch Today? Try the OmahA-made brand. It is said by many to be the best cold water starch made You get one-third more starch for the same money paid for other brands. It requires no cooldng, is ready for instant use. Here 1? a necessity which you can actually save money on. Then you have the satisfaction of know ing that the money stays in Omaha, thus contributing directly and indirectly to your own welfare. Defiance Starch Co. 2550 Cuming Street "Defiance Starch" KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE fur noons VATIOsTAX. TV 8j iiimji 183 So. 13tk Bt, Tela 130. OAS COMPANIES OMASA Oil CO, 1808 Howard Bt, ' Douglas 800. ICE DEALERS wnonx-u tarn oou btoaaob co, 1284 Chicago Bt, Douglas 80. OKAJCA ICB 3) COX.D BTOBAOB OO, MeOarus Blk, lota aad Dodg-o Bts, Douglas doo. . . . ICK MACHINES . . ' AXXB ICB atAOaTtsTB CO, ltth aad Bloholao Bts, Deua-laa 1M1. LAUNDRIES aroBTABxn lauway oo, irog wia- tea Bt, Douglas BSeo, . . XngBAU lAOBMT OO, leOT-OO-ll Jaoksoa Bt, Douglas 810. rv&iTi JUArra-pssT. tocd-ia a-araaai Bt, Baiaey. im. LEAD WORKS . &AWBXWCB SXOT A UAB CO, : terjr South Oaaaha, Doug Us load. LODGE SUPPLIES lDtTOT 00, 1111 rerae. t. MACARONI ro t04 Baiid BtUnrraOruaiBa nn . leth aad Jaoaaea Bts, jrie 1819. MONUMENTS OILS Zk V. BICXOLAB OIL CO, Bldg, Douglas 830. PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS BWI1T ABB COafVABT. South Omaha. South 8M0O, ABatOVB m OO, South Osaahe, Bouth 1740, MIRRORS and ART GLASS WINDOWS MZDX.ABD eLaS3) a FAIBT OO, 11th aad Howard, Douglas 7l. PLANING MILL AaTatXHS BBAI.TT tBTVBTWWsTY CO, Oraead JTloer Bee Bide, oua las atod, PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB OMAHA mtTOO OO, 18th aad Bag., earn, Beugiaa 844. OOBBT Si MoUHCXX, 140T Xaraey ft, Doug-las 8044. SADDLERY 7. R. KAHBT m OO, SIS-IT Beuth 13th Bt, Douglas 888. STARCH MANUFACTURERS SanABCB BTABCaf CO., B880 Ousslag Bt, Deaglaa 170. " SERUM MANUFACTURERS O. at SXmtTaf OO, 8838 & Bt, Beuth Omaha, South 403. AStBU BXHOM CO, Beuth Oamaha. South BBS. OMAHA BBBVX OO, 401 Bt, 884 Bt, Bouth Omaha, Bouth BOOS. . 8HAIsT BBI.T BUTVXVs OO, Dehhy Bu- ahaaaTO HldgT, Beuth Omaha Be. Bood.- TANKS, CUL-ERTS, GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS BnTBHABstA 8) IOWA 8TTBBX TAIK CO, 1301 Sprues Bt, Wehstei 878. TENTS AND AWNINGS SCOTT.OKAHA BBT AJTO AWVXWO CO, 11th aad Haraey Bts, Doag. gad. CRAVATS, BELTS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS and SUSPENDERS bxxtx, fcooxwooD bdfo. oo, bsbs South 13th Bt, Deaglaa 0301. . TTN CANS AND SHEET METAL OHDOhT uwuta oo, oth aad Dedgo Bts, Douglas 800, WOOD WORKS OMAHA WOOD WOBtmO) OO, 1801 fctarey Bt, Deuclao 8340. WHOLESAIB GROCERIES VAZTOsT B OAXIVAObTXH. TOl-11 Bouth 10th Bt, Doma-lao Bad, WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS KXB-WBB BHADB VAOTOBT. 0014 HasuUtoa Bt, Walaut 8101. Omaha Manufacturers Deserve Omaha Patronage .f. i 8. 0 II IIH ; t i