, t THE HEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. JUNK 7, 1015. 77 VfRy desirable 4-room apartment In The Roiirl aa Rsom, ST. MARY'S. tT11T. HUM. HAN 4 nice single rooms; lola of light and fresh air; homa rooking; gentleman pre- lerrea. uougia WITH '" board. suitable (or couple. W ..hater H4. Voiiern, autiabia for roup). IVrb. aV'JB. TWO front rooms with board, alible or ioetner; nome privilege, web, lays. LaROK rooma; single or an Bulla; Haaa coni Park dmtrlct. Private bath: good poor j Harney wo 7m s. ch ft l.Ah(lH front room and board fot two gentlemen; walking distance; private family. t424 Jonea. Douglas 8122, El'MWOOD PARK suburban home, block to car. cool rooma. excellent board: treea, lawn, home prlvllegea; reasonable. walnut I7TB. ltrahle rms. with board, 18 B. 10th l ST. MARY'S AVE. Walking dis tance; home cooking; 14 BO to 16 week. BKAUTIFUI room, with two exception ally large oloaeta, tn a Weat Kamera home; large porch and yard: good board; young nmi preferred. Hrny 4W1. warnlshe Kooae FOH RENT Three large front room: electric light; all modern; privilege of house and piano; private home; rates roa st nnble. Call Douglas 41 FURNISHED rooma, large den or sleeping room. $6. 2916 b. 24th. Cross town car CASSeT., 20 Nicely furnished. In mod ern private home; reasonable. H. o75. Nicely furnished rooms, close, Web. IXt. PRIVATE family,' bast location, walking distance, every modern convenience. Nice home for right parties. Ml N. ttd ft. Fhone lougias total. PfBASANT. modern room In cottage to tei to respeciame laay; waising tanoe: private home. Harney 4W. dls- LARGE south modern room, with board; private ramwy; Tine locstirvn. m I NEWLY furnished rooms with board. I Private family; walking distance. Tel. J'OUglaS TObS. 2114 CAS9-t rge, oool, rooma. Porch, lawn, garage, no signs in winao-wa. TWO exceptionally nloe large rooms in private family for gentlemen who can furnish references. Every modern con venience. 2664 Bt. Mary's Ave. Tel. Red sliO. 1809 DOUOLA9; iW up; aUo he keeping. 608 NORTH" AST ST. Large front rooms, nicely furnished. Walking distance. Douglas 7 REFINED young man keeping beauti fully furnished, high claas bachelor quarters within walking distance of busi ness district, would like to hear from one or two young men desiring to chare same. iwpin iw, rew riap. , JLARNBY, JKJ7Cool rooms, nicely fur- i 2604 ST. MARY'S AVE Pleasant room; private family. piiv. STRICTLY modern furnished room on Prettleat Mile. Florence Blvd.; private family; no other roomers; 2 blocks from Miller Park. References required. Ad dress Box tul. care Bee. private family. Red Bliu. MODERN ' ROOM Gentleman? private family, breakfast it desired. West F- nim. walnut nww. LARGE front room end aloove; newly furnished; ideal place for I gentlemen; fine residence district; walking distance; also large, eheerful south roonvl reason able. Harnev 1 Park Ave. THE OLflA. 1910 Dodge; large, cool rooms; beauti ful lawn, board if desired. Home cooking. D. 8438. NICE rooms, close lm Phone Red WH. Parallelled Uoim. A NICE, clean, all modern south room In private family; suitable for young men) Hi a month,; break fast if desired. Salt Bt. bii v KN-KOOm"1 furnished house lor rent. 4116 Dodge. Harney 7i. DUNDEE home for rent ood ocatlon, no children, nicely furnlBlin;d. Wal. lUt. FINE-house, for summer. 6-r. furnished. Wal. 1370. 4012 Nicholas St. References req u I red. Pnrnliel I .- nlnst Rooms ROOMS for housekeeping; strictly mod ern: for adults only. Tel. Webater W64. DAVENPORT 2518; two a-room apart ments furnished compete with gag and num. -JJulxih.. l'il Nicclv furnished house- i ti Unsr uAttU 11 fiV?S- I-i;i.'illl iu"ni", g....FVK- ........ ... . SOUTH, 84thjgt:;ji.Housekeeplng rooma. . . . i . ,.... iiniiwb.iilMi Raonu CASS. 2412. Nice, clean, two, three or , four rmaJRcasonable. Car line. l 1.822 1'AUN'AM Nice housekeeping rooms, ivieonable. HACKNEY ST., 2208. Housekeeping rooms; strictly modern; every convenience. I lul,i Hoaelteta ttooaaa. TOOL room, with aleove, kltohenetU . fiirninhad. Oaden Hotel Co.. Council PIUI1I, At. . . 616 6, 17TH Two rooms 'tor light house keeping, modern, newly papered. Xaoetaee aa COt- Horth. ALL molr -roon bungalow, on the W ttei la T Florence. u0 Main BU TeL Florenoe . tROOM cottage, part modern, t good tenant, ait.wi. miw it. ru. g-ROOM house. Ill aV th Ave. : Wmmt. WEST FARNAM Dlstrlet, 7-room mod ern hou, 1(4 8. .tt-Bt- MIMisssa, 99S0 POPrn.frrOjri rooing. Douglas 61. SEE the Central Furniture Bloreg. FRES HENTAL L.1BT 6-KOOM modern cottage. Harney 11U, GOOD HOUSES FOH RENT. Nearly new, -r. bungaWw, -UUr fully decorated. 7U) fl. l,th Ave....as.00 Vary deslrcOle 7-roora all modern house. I0 N. Mth St .80 t-r mod. house. I60T HamHton pt. . .0o t-r. houavs, newly painted aad pgpered, in N. th ft M hQUM. WJn N. th Pt JOHN W. ROBBtNaV U0I FARWAM BTT. MODERN S-rra. cottage; near car. W. 74. MODERN cottage; scrtsned poroheei nire lawn; cement cellar; rS J.' with good stairs; near car line. eb. LrT inV-aTRICTI-V nvodjm seven-room nouta sa t" w..- . r-. . FOUR rooms, modern, 1111 fl .tn Ave.; good location. Call Tyler tu2 F1VB rooms, partly niodorn, 1714 Wll 'llamfit. Callvler 4li2. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, spsrtments and flats that are for rent . ... a-. ..n e-AA nf nnal Its at V 'p- ' i -v J Exp. Co.. moving, I I l MHl 1 packing Jfc storaas J, W. VWWM M fan I Farnam. fi. '. i - . ' . . u .... KA7 ,ln. SU''S. IT lliuum ui' . Hnncnt: Crelgli Bona at Co., Bee lildg. JlOUbt'h lo ,n ptrts cf the city. COTTAliE. modern except heat. 11. It- Gordon Van Co. Moving Parting, htoiaae. 219 N. 11th St. Tel. D. 34 or Web. 1. irTir.'T i'PV rUJNTAL TTUVV Pbon Douglaa 282 for complete list of vaant bouse and apartments: also for storage, moving. lth and Jacksoa Sta. T ROOMS.' all mod., Bom Is park. H. Mt7 Maggard's Vaa and Storage e-l ing, packing, shipping. 1712 Webster St. IiolIirlHS 14Wi. GlobeVan & Storage - Store, moves, packs, ships; 2-borse van nd 2 men, fl per hrj storage 22 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. tii A Ty. JX ROOMS aad bath, snvdnra; bare, storm shai.a, large iutl W Moek frutQ oar Cut Bitaaeg'. K'rtso . I FOR KKXT I fsrea mm UKIrri. Nice Cool Office With .Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. 8upiintnInt'g Office. Room 10S. A nice office tn a good location, make your business plana successful. THE BEE BUILDING THE BUILDINO THAT 18 ALWAYS NHIW11 furnishes Just such combinations. Office, Room 108. MODERN store, lth Bt., low rent, near poatofNoe. O. P. MtebMna. STORE end living rooms. 41D1 N. 24lh Kt. PTRtCTIT modern, new store. It 10 Caea. NlEw modern storeroomT1 N. lth St. Conrad Young, to Brandela Theater. imugiaa ih.l. (22 B. JTH--r. all modern houae, 140. KASF BR08., DOUGLAS l. KEW" mndtrn storroom, VJ Leveo worrh Bt. Conrad Young, &2t Prandels Theater Rldg. Phone iKuigla 1671. WANTKD TO BCT Yale uya, everyt hlnjrM hand. Tyler 1418. OFFKICB furniture bought and solj. J. v. Keea. inn Kiraun, Doug, eivi r Charles Bchwenck, R. No. i, Bo. Omaha. Slightly used blgn grade piano. D. 2017. WASTED TO RENT TWO nuraes desire board and room tn Bemls park district: prefer private fam ily. Address C 6li, Bee. REAL ESTATE) FARM RANl'H LAHUI rOR gALK. Calitwraia. Lve Oak Colohleg, none better. W. T. Bmlth Co.. 1-4 City Nat. Hk. D. Ifflm. CATTLE RANCH-Forty-four hundred aores near Oranada, southeastern Colo rado. Good Improvements; lots of grass and water. For price, terms and descrlp- tion write n. at. Liggett, btanoerry. aio. Iowa, HAVE YOU A FARM FOR BALRT Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa a Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words gvery Friday evening, Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads oa twelve different days tor $2f or M words, 1 4; or 7S words, $d. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, AM.OUO readers dally in four great Siattts. 40. 60 OR 160 ACRES, good heavy soil, in nvu-Miiim mi v ui ivuu cpumf, 1 111,1. , food roads, schools and churches; price, IB to t0 per acre; terms,' fl per acre nn. lend la paid for; 6 per cent Interest. cin a d pnAjm., V!A Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. HlaaMsu. ORBAT variety of Minnesota corn farm otierea, ana at price that win save you money. Free fare to burere. Com now. See he crops. Write for Hits. Highest references. Bt. Crolg Valley Land and Loan Oo Drawer H, Rush City, Minn.' Nebraska. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. $11,000 buys a highly Improved farm, consisting of about h acres located oa one of our boulevard out from the city, only a 40-minutes' ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay; nloe, large, beautiful shade tree and all kinds of shrubberv and about 10 seres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This is an ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock; of any kind. Living spring In pasture. C. R. COSlBS. CIS Brandela Theater Bldg.. Omaha. D. 2916. Booth Dakota. 23 TO 112 PHJR ACRE. Deeded Indian lands, dlreot from the government. Finest lands In northwest. fcay terms. For par;ioular address UCIUUJMAIN, UNITED STATBS COMMISSIONER, MOBRIDOK, 8. D. W FOR BALE Improved 480. ' Hnl Co., South Dakota. $60 per acre. Terms. JIM WRAY. BIOUX CITY. Bargain Quarters I have a few anan Quarters of eholre deeded land where eyjlties can be bought front lluC to 6-ri0 cash. Full information on request. Address, John McPherson, Fort Pierre. 8. D. w FOR SALEJ-160 So. Dak. rich solC near railroad, schools, churches. years. JIM WHAT, HIOUX CITY. AN OPPORTUNITY TO OET A FIRST- CLASS BOUTI DAKOTA FARM. A section or less of land 2 miles from r . Vnllllr n... , n O ..... Tl 1. M sale, will take part In trade. Will sell only one or two guarters If no more de sired. Good level land, black loam eoll, no sana. uuuaings cost n.ouo. corn, wheat and alfalfa country, too acres cul. tlvaud. Henled for this year- Prloe t3o per aoro. Terms: IS.oAl cash, ,0U0 mortgage at 6 due in 1929, balance of 210,400 taken in trade or second mort gage at 6 for 10 years. The quality of this land and the price aaked ana guar gntesd to be right. Write or call on Arthur J. Eaton, ' Faulktea, Soutlj Dakota, owner. REAL ESTATE LOAXB WE ARE; always in funds to make goo farm and city loans. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 I srnam St. V. M. PJCNNKY, 630 City Nat l Bk. bldg. FARM LOANS. F.M. PENNEY. 220 Cltv Natl Bk. Bldg. t arm loan bought and sold. TO LAND A TRUMBULL. 448 Be Bldg. 100"TO' 110,000 made promptly, rf. D. Weed, wead Bldg., isth aa r'arnant et. and farm loans. . m. ( per cent . Dumont A Co., 412 State ban. WANTED City loan and warrant. W. Farnam Bmlth ft Co., 1420 Farnam St cTtY property. Iarge loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 2JI State Hank Bldg. MONEY on hand for clty.and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. lOlf Omaha National. Phone Douglas riS. BEE us first for farm loans in eastern Neb. United states Trust Co.. Omaha. 6o CITY LOANS. C. a. Carlbera. 310-12 Brandei Theater Bldg. RE A Li E81A1H WANTED Investment Properties . Wa have a number of clients who are In the market for properties rana-liur fmm 110,000 to tlS.Ouo. phone Douglas hi and we will call and inspect your prop erty. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. WB ARE In the inarket for soras well located lots. Will pay caeii and build homes that are real home en unusually attractive term. Saunders Co. 121M2 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 2622. L1HT real estate and rentals with DON tl.SoN R. E. CO.. t'l Uin. Nat l bank. REAL ESTATE "-FOR KXCUAXGK "FOU SALE Oli TKADE" 160 acres. Tripp county. South Dakota, f miles from Dallas. M aflra under plow. Wui coaaider good drug siwca. WUliauig Drag Om.. WaaoaaA. LP. HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Man Arretted u 8utpect Correpond2 Closely to "Man in Blue" in Swan son Case. HIGH SCHOOL CEREMONIES START Police officials hava Investigated Lewis Karshner; arrested hy Detective Sheahan on susrlicn of being implicated In the big Omaha safe robbery In the Bran del building several weeks ago, but. ar riving at no definite clue, postponed fur ther examination until next Monday morning. As the man wore a blue suit and corre sponded very eloaely to the description cf the "man In blue" In th Swan eon murder case, witnesses who took part In tho inquest of the Bwanaon murder will b called to fouth Omaha to Identify him if possible. He appear to be vy ner ou over something, but will tell noth ing of himself. Baaqoet Is 9aeeafal, The Junior banquet to senior graduates at th First Christian church Saturday evening turned out a tremendou success. Over 139 guest attended and the. whole evening from 7 until 10:20 w passed In giving th program of th evening. Among those who gave toast are Su perintendent N. M. Graham, Principal a W. Moor and Emmet Hoctor, president of the outgoing June class. Miss Eleanor Alexander won repeated applause In her singing. I.la-ht Hmm of fthern. Th week' review of the sheep market hows a total shortage of over 7,000 head compared with that of a year ago. Thla la the lightest th market In sheep ha run sine th winter of im. Packer have been buying all th finished lambs on th market and th price paid are enormous compared with those of prev ious year. Beoaus of th rigid shortage of th ew product at th yarns, there he been an Insistent demand among Colorado feeders for the rang product. It la reported that more wool buyer are working on the range thla year than ever before. Beveral leading eastern mill have sent out their buyer to work constantly on the rang for the first tlma in the history of th Industry. Teauala Clot Entertained. Th Highland Tennis club wag enter tained at the homa of Miss Ruby Hlatt. 2712 Monroe street, last Friday evening. Th evening wa passed In game and dancing. A luncheon wa prepared and served later. Those who attended were: Margaret Fennell, Maude Lauderback, Mary reiver. Lena Bmlth, Ruby Hlatt, Freda Harms and Frances Ham. Dally member of the club occupy the club courts at Twenty-sixth and Jeffer son street when th weather permits. Ml Maud Lauderback I president of the organisation. Workmen Elect Officer. Nebraska lodge No. 227, Ancient Order of United Workmen, held its annual HEAL ESTATE FOB EXCHANGE WANT LAND Will trad my Omaha flat; rent for 2122.60 per month. Permanently rented. Price ilo.OOO. Mortgage SS.OOO' straight lean, due ia years; equity 19.000; prefer cheap western land. Want quick deal, as am leaving city. Prefer dealing with own era. J. A Flynn, 1116 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Red. 2286. A GOOD TRADE Will trad Casper. Wye., lot for ladle diamond ring or A No. 1 Remington typewriter and cash. None but Omaha 2100 or more. Taxes paid, no Inoumbranos. Address L 644, Bee. FOR Exchange Quarter aeotloa eastern central Nebraska land. Level, smooth, no waste, alkali or gumbo. Six miles county seal. Main line Union Pacific railroad. want nierenanaiao or imple ments. Postoffio Box 718, CenU'al City, Neb. REAL ESTATB NORTn SIDE BIOHT-ROOM modern nouse, practically new; on paved street nnd car line. IfcJS North 23d St. Ownr leaving city. -ROOM all modern house on paved street. Webster W. BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful S-room, trlctly modern home. In splendid condition; good loca tion; elegantly finished Insider aa good a nw: large lot; ctotern. Prloe 23.700. Call 26VJ Wirt. Phone Web. 29S after a. m. TWO FINE BUILDING LOTS Southwest corner of 27th and Burt (Ms. WIM sell for caah or on reasonable term. Corner lot 21,100, lot next to cor ner 21.000. WALLACE BENJAMIN, Room 1 rirst National Bank Bldg. Phone 203. Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST JbuO Bl'Y3 a good three-room house i electi-io light Call after 2:20 p. to., o Sunday. 201 Uurdett. REAL ESTATE SOUTH ' SIDE -R. HOUSE. Just finished. Modern, oall iimsn. nig native sr.aae tren. on boulevard. 2U4 cash, aalano like rent. Call Q. A. tckles or i Paul Bckle. MUST aacrlfio 2300 equity in T-rootn house; soutn aide. Make offer. D. 7MH A BAHUALN In Weat Hanscom Park, bungalow, I rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finish first floor, pine and birch finish second floor and fire plane, house all complete with storm windows and screens ajid. lighting fix tures, for 2.1.200. Make an appointment with owner and builder to aa It, Harney IS12. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE $5,300 2402 California 8treet. 16,200' by owner: new eight-room, complete; all hardwood; modern home. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Money to Loan Have beautiful building lot which I will furnish the inontv and build a modem house to eult. Smnll first payment; bal ance ou easy monthly terms. P. WhlilHT. Telephones- Iw.uglas '-. Walnut . I j o will buy for good man a bungalow, 6 rooma and bath, almost rew and mod ern e-ri. rurnai-e, near -llllr ara, then 26.40 monthly and no more. If smaller I wanted, I have 2-rom plain hoUM wilh 1 to 4 lota U 14 un Tl Tl.iiir- las HOT. Kvnninge, Walnut '-87. CM Ad. K. WILLIAMSON Co., PaxLun JIK. UOUf. X1U( BUY thU iuiina; 100 down. Oouglas 424. MEDIUAL PlLErf 't8Tl'f-A CURK15.' Dr. G. H. Tarrr sures piles, futula aad otker reeial dlsoaaas althout urgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book oc reetal diseases with testliaonlaia ttt. U. R. TAJUtx-. 2 bo Bldg. election of officer at McCrann hall laat Thuroday evening. Th new staff will enter tipon the new term of office at once. Those elected are: John P. Malnolll, past master workman; Charle Kerad. master workman; Jam J. Wa recek, foreman; John ' Cole, overseer; John J. Nightingale, recorder; William MoCauley, financier; Thomaa E. Rhoa, treasurer; Harry Bachmann, guide; Frank Johnson, Inside watchman; John Brennan, outside watchman; George Hauptman, trustee elected for eighteen months, and Dr. W. J. McCrann, Jr., lodge physician. Stroot Wot Yet Opened. The women of tho Indian hill d'strlct are becoming romewhat discouraged In, their attempt to persuade the city coun cil to open up Thirty-fourth etreut from U to T street. At the last meeting of the council the matter was brought up tor discussion, but th city fathers re fused to do anything. It appear that two lots, owned by resident of th dis trict, must he bought ?y th city be for the street can be opened to traffic. Th council. It appears, la willing to purchase the lot themselves, but refuse to pay for a house that stand on on of them. It 1 probable that something will be don at the next meeting of th council. Olnock-Denavett. Mis Vera tennett of Xlrkwood, lit, and E. D. Plmock of South Omaha were united In marriage at th horn of th bride In Klrkwood laat Wednesday after noon. Rev. W. P. Nicholas of tha Klrk wood Presbyterian ehurch performed the ceremony. Miss Mildred Farrcll of South Omaha played th wedding march. Th couple are now enjoying a two week' honeymoon trip to Lakewood, Chicago. They will mak their perma nent residence In South Omaha. Mr. Dlmock 1 a teller at tha Omaha National bank. geeklag Medal for Cograa. The failure of th ffort on the part of local oeonle Interested to secure a Carnegie medal for Barney Oogan, South, umaha policeman, who fought and mas tered an escaped and Infuriated bull from th Armour bull pen at Twenty, seventh and Q streets some time age, thus probably saving tha lives of aeveral women and children who were atandlne helpless nearby, ha caused Officer Co- gan many mend to mak a aecond ef fort to eeovire recognition from tha Cap. negte Hero board for tha policeman. Dlnaer and Dance. Ralph King entertained at a danoa and dinner party laat Monday evening at rh Seymour Lake Country olub at tUlaton. Those present we re I , Messrs. Messrs. Paul McBiide Paul Monroe Con Heafy George Parka Harold Monroe Lou la Foley E. Russell Frank Orchard Paul Jordan. Mlsses Mlna Ames Mario Williams Anona Maurer Marie Bell Helen Lichlnovaky Lalllng F. . Miller Eiinloe Mangan. Ralph King Ralph Henry Virden Clark Bud ChrlKtenaon Raltih Iauh Teddy Korbmaker Cyril hchy Leo Hannon Paul Orchard Anton BransUad ML.es Cathrine Crawford Lucille Nltsch Abbott Corcoran Louise Watkm Badle Rothholts Margaret Car ley Kuaehla Mangan ttisie bmun Told by th Police. ' The restaurant aad confectionary store of former Mayor P. J. Trainor at Twenty sixth and Q streets was broken. Into last Friday evening, th safe pried open and $36 taken. Beside this th thief took. 2,000 cigar f various makes. Cyril Berry waa robbed of 226 last 1Y1 day evening by Delia Patterson, a col ored woman, whll wandering about a. rooming house at Twenty-aixth and K street. Chief of Dotootivea James Shea han arrested the woman yesterday noon and the money was returned to Its owner. Pot Vokovtgch, Austrian, and Reddy Student got into an argument over the wife of the former la the basement cf the Aadersoa flats at 2714 Q atrset, whieb finally resulted in the heaving of a red hot Iron at the head of Vokorlach by Student When the police arrived the man had fully recovered, but waa placed under arrest. Officer Dworak handled the case. Crowd Bee Clrcos. South Omahan enjoyed a one-night performance of Hugo Brothers' Modern United Shows last evening on tho aajvl val grounds opposite the city hall. Miss Rosalie Belew opened the enter tainment with a. olb while riding about th circus ring. . Ray Thompson led twelve trained hnrsee In a military drill that received dearenlng applause from the 2.000 or more people who attended. Tho Pachee Family, gymnastic wire walk ers, did wonderful stunts on th wire, while Mr. Brady, gymnast, executed some brilliant trapese work. The hit of the evening wee the music offered by- the concert band led by Prof. C. T. .Brown. The band pisyea witn such finesse that when the allow lied closed down a call arose from all aides for an encor. Red Men Electioa. The local WersbeiWle tribe of Red Men will hold their annual election of officer next Thursday evening at their hall at 212 North Twenty-fourth gtreet. Noml nation are aa follow: Prophet, C. J. Southard; saohem, C. A. Brtgg; eenlor sagamore, George Wllber; Junior saga more, J. J. Humpal and F O. Beck; trustees, Fred Pero and William Corns man. Refreshments will bo served and. all members are requested to be present Hagle City Goeelg.. For Rent 7-room, all modern houaa, Kit N. Phone South 1262. For Rent s-room modem cottage, Vth and J Bt. South 2377. Mr. H. O. McCunkay la visiting with relatives at Ottumwa. Ja. For Rent-) North 21st St., 2-room, all modern except heat phone South tiU. Office epace for rent In Bee offlii, 2212 N street Term reasonable. Well koowa location. TeL Boulh 27. Th Merrymaker will give a dance next Wedneeday evening at th Mooae hall. Twenty-fifth and M treats. For Sale 2 sU-room modern cottages en K and B Sts Party leaving towa. Address B, Bee office. South Omaha. Anita Stewart.- Karl Williams, O. M. Anderson, Ham and Bud appear today at the Bease. Send the children thla afternoon. Miss Helen Blake, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Lyle, of this city, returned yes terday to her home In Blakesburg, la., after a year's study at Omaha university. The Mystic Workers of the World will meet tomorrow evening at the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows' hall at Twenty-fourth and M eUeeU- The Ladles' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will meet next Medutaday afternoon at the church. This will be the last meeting before the summer Intermission. Whoopru- Cvwgh. "When tuy daughter had whooping eough she eoughed hard at one time that she had hemorrhage pf the lungs I waa terribly alarmed about her condi tion. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy so highly recommended. I gut her a bottle and It relieved the cough at one. Before t had finished two bottle of this remedy, h wa entirely well," write Mrs ' S. F. Grimes. Crooksvllls. Ohio. Obtainable every where. Advertisement STORZ BURY THE ALL-STARS Hurry Welch Securei a Pair of Doubles and Homer Daring the Afternoon Contest. BREWERS HAVE EASY GOING The Store won handily In their first game of the eerlee at Rnurhe perk Sat-1 urday, by pounding the slants of Neace when the occasion required. 7 to 1. I The opportune stick work of Harry Welch rlnced the Brewers In the lead In the beginning. H. John elifpad out a pair of doubles and a circuit clout that were responsible for a majority of the Siora runs. Olson, on the. mound for Bradford's mn, waa In good form and practically toyed with the colored stare until th final round, when the visitors collected two of their four safeties that resulted In their lone ecore. Neace began the fray for the Chi cs goans and waa driven to shelter - In the third. Williams held tha Stora after relieving hlr colored brother. Thla afternoon the Stor will play the All Stara In a double-header. First game called at 2 o'clock. Sam Crawferd. the colored marvel, will twirl both games for hie men. Hayee and Gray will be In the points for the Btori. Score: ALL TR. VTORg. ABHOA.B ABHOA.B. Lovia SV.. 411 IPts. of.. 0 Uii4mt. aa., 4 I I AtmrkM, 4 12 1 Homir. ef... Silt swowir. as... Still TwfnM, mill lWlk. if .. 4 I I i 1 rvwbr. If... 4 lvue. rf.. 4 I Hay, 242 Va.Ma, lb . 4 I e W ilms, ef-p I t I eoondlBS. I.. I I I I I Ktr, e-lk. I ID IKup, th.... 1 S Mnrta. Ifc-cl 114 oia, 4 1 I Totals ....M IM 11 I Totals ..,.M is tt U I Btori t 4 v 1 0 0 0 -T All Ptat 10 I I I li l-l Newark Loses Both Games of Double Bill NEWARK, N. J., Jua 1-Newark lost a double-header to Buffalo today. Score, first game: RUE. Buffalo t 02000 l- 20 Newark I M 4 I I I M I 1 Battriia: Buffalo, Bedlent and Hlair; Newark. B random. Moaely and Rartden. Koore, second game: K11S. Buffalo 0 0 2 0 2 04 lo a Newark 1 00001.21 Batteries: Buffalo, Schulta and Allen; Newsrk, Reulbach, Falkenberg and Rarlden. IMMACTLATE CONCKPTION. Bishop of Lincoln Dellrere mrseeatrsi Address at Haetlaare, Aa audienea Af nilmni Atii4 Manl. Ae the Immaculate Conception academy, Hastings, comfortably tilling the Krrt opera houae, listened to a moat enjoyable commencement program by the graduatee 1 and student ef that school last Tues- day at I o'clock. The fourteen gradu-l atoa In white cap and gown with ai background of academy girls presented J beautiful picture when the curtain went' p for th opening choru from the "Rose Maiden." The salutatory by Mis Bonnie Ilussey aad th valedictory by Mis Beasla Cheney were well presented and showed , careful thought "A Perfect Day" given by a double quartet and a aolo by Misa Mary May were tw musical cumber which were well received. The apeaker of the evening. Right Rv. J. Henry Tihea, bishop of Llnooln, Waa Introduced) by Mayer Madgett. i The mayor , aocorded 'the academy sisters high praise for 'the work accom plished. He declared that their teach ing waa of a high standard mentally, morally and religiously. The bishop opened with the declaration that all the new ideas come from -young people. He advised them to blase a new path for themselves, but admonished them not to forget the teachings ef the past. He eald they had been taught the fundamental principles of morality an2 spirituality and that It wag now their duly to exemplify by their Uvea the education they had received. "Tho tendency of the age la towards ease and comfort." he declared. He held that edu cation today tend too much toward ac complishment and too tittle toward the building of character. "The tendency of the day," asserted the bishop, 'ia to allow children to do en tirely as they wish. It Im dangerous to remove all restraint from children, for human life 1 too valuabl to experiment with. They should be aafeguarded with the experience of the peat and the cul tivation pf education." Academy diplomas were conferred upon Mtssea Bonnie Hussey, Nora Pwyer, Varna Plokerann, Ros Cahlll, Agnes Frailer, Margaret Halloran, Marie Black, Fere Jlawea. Fauces Thels, Badle Ward, Bernlce Hughes, Mary May and Jessl Bcherlngel. Th following received teacher' certi ficate: Misses Bessie Cheney, Nora Dwyer, Varna Dickeraon, Rose Cahlll, Agnes Frailer, Mart Stack, Fern Hawes, France Tbela, Aad is Ward and Mar garet Halloran. Kntranoe card to tha university were give to Mlsaes Bessie Chancy, Nora Dwyer. Rose Cahlll, Ague Frailer, Mar garet Halloran, Marie "tack, Fern Hawee; Frances Thels, Bonnie Huesey, Badle Ward, Bernlce Hughe, Mary May and Jessie Schwlngel. Palmer method penmanship diploma were given to Misses Oertrud Lerg, Ida MHgert and Nora Qulnn. ' The week areoedlng earn manes men t wa filled with activities. Class day was May 2. The Junior-senior reception and ban quet waa at the Clarke hotel the next evening and the claas play, "Evarymald," wa presented In Kerr opera house Fri day evening. Saturday was Ivy day. Th eenlor oration, planting of )vy and crowning of the May uuesn took place on the campus Guaday alter solemn high mas. Rev. p. Fttagerald preached the becetaurao ser mon et hit. Cecilia's church. Monday wai alumnae day with busies meeting, ban quet and ball to fill the day. Everybody, - vn tho who bellve they ara rich ahould have a aaviBgg account Wa know o( no other 4 par cent investment ao ronvenlent and aatla fartory, nor ia thr njr other where you can get at your money ao Quickly when you need It. Cullop Outpitchcs The Veteran Plank KANA8 CITT. Mo, June .-P1ank, followed by two other St. Louis pitcher, went down to defeat today at the hands of the youngster, Nick Cullop. who, elded by good support, pitched Kansas City back to a tie for first place In the Fed eral league. The ecore wa 2 to 2. Score: R U.K. St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0-2 t Kanaaa City. A 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 Batterlra: Bt. I,otila, rlank. Herbert. Watson end Hartley; Kansas City, Cul lop and Enxenroth. ort bweaterti Lrasae, Seattle, 4: Victoria, 0. Tacoma. 2; Vancouver, 2 (eleven ln nlnga). Aberdeen 12-1: Spokane 8-0 (aecond game called at end of seventh.). Defeat for Plow Makers. rLATTPMOCTH. Neb., June . (Spe cial Telegram.) Plattamouth defeated the Omaha John Iere Plow company's team here this afternoon. 2 to 1 M'MILLEN GOES TO ENTER COAST-TO-COAST FLIGHT Ralph McMlllen. the Omaha aviator, will leave tonight for Hammondevnrt. N. T., where he will get hla big Curtla machine, which he will pilot In the coast- Nhiix T CAS STOVE J Aal jpNX iC COMFORT WITH Yte ; FIRE1XSS COOKING-RIGHT IN THE OVEN SUPPOSE jrour fircl2 The oven of the NEW PER cooker were just part of FECTION OIL COOK your cookstove. A STOVE hectmtt er How much more you .jf would use St. How many steps you'a be aaved I PERJ&CVTION oiu!:ctoit5Ttvt AUsJ The NEW PERFECTION light at the touch ef a match, and is reg ulated bv merely tailing or lowering th wick. Hold ia 1, 2, 1. mod 4 burner siacs. STANDARD OIL. COMPANY (N.hrae . . OMAHA I't11'S?4h?''$& forthebeer and JLM 4g JJS' save the coupons mv . ko. re'epAone Domglat H89 LUX US Mercantile Co., : Distributors r "Isn't this refreshing And the Flavor! Well, it's a pleasure to drink Ask Sin Tea V first A J I. J. Hughe Co., Inc The Stiltf for Last Vlggo Jensen, 3H07 Burdetta Everett Lka. SO Iarltnore Oeorp Beat. 1816 North ZSth Raymond Prohaaka, xziu Soutn lm Pick Bland. 2010 Miami Paul Llndberg. 3342 Meredith Avenue V. W. Banner. Barnard Apt. Kenneth Hampton, 621 No. 41st Busy Bee Boys Do You Like to Coast? Here is your chance to (jet a fine Coaster FREE. We Will Give Five Coasters to the five hoys bringing ui the moat pic tures ot the coaater before 4 P. M., Sat urday, June 12. This picture of the coaster will be In The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and auk your friend to save the pictures In their paper for you too. See how many plcturea you can get and bring them to The Bee Of fice Saturday, June 12. The coaatera will be given Free to the boya or girls that aend us the most plc turea before 4 P. M., Satur day, June 12. tn-ooant contest, which will start July 4. Omaha will bo cne of the checking sta tions In this oroes-ro'intry fUgHt snd Mo Mlllen as well as the other aviator will all atop hero rn route. The Bee Want Ad Are Best Bualneea Boosters. (WRELL a co. NEW YORK CHICAGO Stocks Cotton Grain-Provisions KCK1EBI. W Terk tHook Xsohange Wew Tork Cotton alxckaag Chicago Beard et Stage St. Lonta Kerehaata' Bzeksnge Kansas City Board of Trade Klnaeapolie Chamber of Commerce Oman' Oral Bxcheoge 711-15 Orandels Oldg. W. C. FULLER, Mgr. firtltss cotter mmh Jf puUini t damper. BkkJkJaVaa Tea like this your grocer for Wholesale Dietiihutor. W 21 ' wfrmawsleal . (28) . l Week Were Won By Street. Avenue .171 .let! .IIS .112 JIA . til . 7. . 75 eeaeaaaee Street, Bouth Omaha No. 8. Avenue I