THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1915. Docs that furnished room of yours scorn to bo unrentable? If so it might bo well for you to call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Free Furnished Room Bureau and let us help you find a desirable tenant. 6 I WANT ADS Wtnt eds received at anv time, but to ' tnaure proper classification mutt be pre- aented befo i 11 o clock Boon for evening ' edition and T 10 W p. m. for morning ana 1 Sunday editions Witt a rerlvd aftar snich hour will be under tba beading. "loo UU to Classify" CASH RiTES, . Seven consecutive times, 1 cant a were each Insertion. . Thr-e time within one weak, IVi ent word each Inaertlon. Oa time, I canta a word. CHAROB RATES ,, Seven eoncutlv tlmea. canta a im each Inaertlon. . Three tlmea within one week, 10 cenU Im each Inaertlon. One time l renta a Una. CVunt 1x average worde to line. Minimum charge, 3 eenta. An advwrHsement rnaerted to bo. run wntll discontinued m be lopped by wrttten enter. All claims for errora must be made within fifteen dare afte- tba Ut lnr tAoa of tba advertisement Te ma place your want ad la The Be by tlpr.or TKLBPHOIfW TTLER 1008. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Colamn." A newer to Swapper! adi will, be held j for a period of three week. Advertisers ' are requested to kindly claim earn be- for that time. The following llxt la within tore week' time limit: . No, Ana. No. Ana. r , I r .... 1 .... 1 ....11 .... 1 .... 1 H4... rr... m... 12... ..., ST!... r... o... wi. MA. W... (II... 817... EM... ter... a... 847... 19 ... m.. ... 1 I ::l 814 1 n i in.. ft 1 1012.. ?M. .. I 1118. . va i ion.. an , i ion.. .. 1 :::::::: f i i 1 CARDS OP THANK. WE wta'.i to extend our heartfelt thank to nil friend and especially to Mr. Henry Cox and hi orchestra for the f'nanclal help and ktr.lneas ilmwn during the lllne and at the death of our beloved brother. KrlcK llrlckson. K A HI. AND HKDDA HOAGLAND. TOiATB COMW.ETB j MOV1K PKOXJHAMc) , Fxrlnaively In Thf.llew ! , LANTERN a! Idea for movie, fend you eopr to ua W tan reproduce photo r trill prepare your copy. W will eolor a directed. Be Fboto Dept.. 101 flee Bid. -i Dowilttnt. ELITR .V(l t, 111 FARNAM STREET. Mr. Harr rnrt the Dachshund, Vitagraph Comedy The Awakening Hour. 1-reel Eawanay Drama, featuring Nell Craig. fAKNAM. IK XpoUiJUAa arnam Theater J Mutual mas terpiece a week. Thursday and Sunday our apeclal day . HlrP IHKATKII. 16111 AND HARNEY Ham of Paramount Picture. Their Hour, e-real J. Heal. Hatter of Parentage. Powera. Skipper Clmpeon a Daughter. Joker com. PARK. kit NORTH MTU if. iiiooo oi tna Children, 1-reel Bison. At HI Own Terma. Hlg U Tsylng Her MniuiH, Krit tor comedy. PARLOR lw DOUGLAB BTKiiT The Wild Engine, KaJ. drama A Child of the North, S-r. Vita drama. who Btoie the Uogglo. I.ubln corned y . PRlNCIjMM. 1. IV-lll IHJI'ULAS STREET. Oene Ctler in th Hmurgler'a la, 1-r.; The Toy maker of Lydcn. heart In terest drains- 'Turk Johnnie" Screaming, L. k Comedy. Ken a. ALAMO. TWENTT-FOURTH a TORT Exploit of Elaine, No. I. Two allicr reela. ALHAUbKA, 18M N. 24TH ST. The Wlf. -re Domlno, Horn Lavra. Kel. drama. A Bear Aftnlr. Keytone comedy . CUPTuN, Military Ave. and BurdetuT 5!.i. of Zuvder .ve. porn, drama. Tie Promotive Krlrii. a drama. Beumy Hunrlert. heytone comedy . PIAMONIJ, 2410 LAKE 6T. Modern Enoch Arden. I -reel Big t No Koup. Joker comedy. , hi l.N. i H A .N 1 . KHAN KLIN gTH. A K.Ji.-iuico of the Navy. 1-reel I.ubln Iirarna: The Sort of a Girl Who Came fp;nHceven, llej.rnph cmedy. FKOLJC, HTH AXIj BFRAUUlTiTa Hin Huge. lm; drnnia. Lady ICHtor of Uiuly. Vaudeville. peupie. LYRU!' . it, , 1417 VINTON. AnmaleJ Weekly., The liol.lrn Wehling. LaemmU Drama. Koice nf l-:xmnlc. Rex Grand. "Theater Beautiful, ' It A jblnney ChKB. Chaplin In hi muatcal career. The Man from Now here. 1-reel drama Mutual WeekW No. 1 HIPPODROME. 26TH AND CUMlNa The Derehrt. fonilno drama. Bubbling Water. 2-ree feature. RL dr. A Bear Afialr. Kevtne comedy. ?Vf-. . - "TH anTT-kdettk. ladder of Fortune, t-reel ReK. Fear Wlihln. Big I. HI Pmajhlng Career. Sterling comedy. LOYAL. Hut CALDWCUi BT? Hack Box No It J-r.el aiolal. ley at htn Ilexo Fair. Joker comedy. In the Hill Beyond. Power. LOTH Hop. HTH AND LOTHRoP tS" The Portrait In the Attic. Ediiran dra. vto VHimu the Uwt -r. Lubln drama, Ptrictly Neutral. Vltagraph comedy. PALACE, 1301 DAVENPORT '"b Th Durheea. 1-reel Onld Seal. Over th Hounding Wave. Joker com M'hl'KHAS. HTH AND AUIX avi: The Wl d Enetne. Kalem drama. I'oiaoned jeelouay. t-r. rll. drama. Tl:e oHerdlng Houe PVud. Vita. com. luslk. AlftDOMK FAVORITE. 1718 VINTON. t-mn M. Allieter' Heir. Vrcel Dor. And He Never Knew. Pria. l.o'e tn Armor. Keytone comedy. AKUi'.R. S21 At ARBOR. The Itdy of th Snow. 1-r. Easaiay Dram. Mis Murphy' Cooka. Sellg Comedy. Columbia: moTim?: Drama. The Otxtdea. 1-r. Vila. Kuch Thing Really Happen, 1-r. Lub. Dr. Lotta Coin a Ohtel, Kalem dim. APOLLO, iM LEAVENWORTH. Into th Night, lubtn Drama. TMIrv, t-r. Eesanay Drama. Bussing th ljjnch Countrr, Kal. Com, r il rOHTT MTH ANrTviMTOj Runaway June, F-rlsixie No. 14. 1 lie Man from Nowhere. Tiomeatla. MrM-l W l fn Way. Keyalone. fAVohlTK. 1T16 VINTON. lie Itoa ! Trap. Kal. Dra. The Lady if t"e I J sli i houae. t-r Vila Lr. The l'nier!kr'e f'aughter. I.ul In Com. G1.M, Kj 0. UTH. f'n. Kind of a Friend. lammle , Drama. itu k ih-f 'i Heip, N-lor I'umcujr. today's complete movie programs Exclusively la The IVee. oath. LTRIC. 117 VINTON 8TBEET Hlof.d of HI llrr.thcr, 2-r. Klaon. Kit.-- In th Night. Hex. Fifty-Fifty, Imp comedy. PASTIME. D A LEAVENWORTH. The Jungle Queen, 1-r. Bison. A fJtranger In Camp, Victor. A Fatal Klea. 7 reel of picture. VK1XE41A. UU MO. UTH T Fenr reek of Mutual plot ore. Weat. MONHOE. Vf FARNAM STREET. i iiv av v. viifa t ii vi mjh Carlaon of Arlxona. 1-r. -Iv-ib. Dra.; When Fcllor' Noe la (Mt of Joint. Vita. C. i. Ben fftrateivt at a a a w atwr rw P nrnm , dud rajiiii p i nivn & . WsjnUd, . CT4,rtronr 2-r. frtmnr Comedy. (I-yon-Fori1t Moran) Clt. Big U. tr - a i t-j i Win w. lll'l I y 0TIIIII lJ aVillal. CotJwiell DlMff ELITE No. 1 64ft BROADWAY. The Convention of Bmlltng Tom, Hell: urama: Hootnejra Many, vitngraph com. NICHOLAS, M? BftoADWAT. The Deetroyer, 1-reel Kalem Drarna. The Vanlahln- Vault. Vltagrnph Comedy. ROPKH, Ml BROALWAI. Orlm Meaaenger, -r. Pig U. Artlat and th Vengeful One. Victor. Two Ilfiiit and a Ship. Nevtor Comdy. oath Oaaaaa. BE.WE, 14TII AND N STREETS. Th Awakening, I-rrol lourraph Drama. The f lberty Party, Kalem Comedy. The Revenu Aigent, Fueanay Drama. MA 31' 14TH AND O STIIEETH. The Silent Command, e-renl Unrnnln Drama: Hlram'a Inheritance. Joker Com- dy; Wild HVd, Imp Drama. aaeTllle. ORPHEL'M, MTU AND M. t'r.cU Sam at Work. In ntn reel. AXJTOUJICEMEXT9 Cool Offices For HOT DAYS He Comfortable Yourself ami Furaiph Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Room 10S. TRI'STEWg SALR I will eel I at private aale th atock nnd fixture of the BBLMONT KICaTAl'. RANT at IfilK Itodg treet to tn hlK'ieat bidder for raali, on Tuacday, J.ine , at t o'clock p. m., to b aold In parcel or ei a whole a to th truate may aeeia moil deilrable. WILLIAM L. RANDALL Tr it. t Flrat Nat. Bank HI Ig. Inveatlgate T.M C.A. out g park, tumnur. NOTIC1 I will not be rponlble for any debt Incurred by my wlfa Mr Eetella M. Banner. Frank Banner. AUTOMOBILES NEW Kord auto deliver bod lea of all tylaa. open or cloaed, alwaya on hand. Our price will aav you money. 8e Johnaon-Dnnforth Co., ir-ll-.H No. 16th. HAVE 1-cylindar Rambler: four good Urea, engine Jut overhauled; Juat the thing for a truck: tra'lcd real eaiate for thla car. Will trade for real eatate or mk m cah offer, will ccnatder lady diamond ring. Addre K 641, Hee. 1U RKWAKU for any magneto we can't repair. Coll repd. Bayadorfer, lift N.1S. o C. ELSAfiSKK, expert radiator and lamp repair. Ty. 709. 2M1 i-avenworth. AUTO Clearing Houae, t" Farnam, buy and aella ued car. Plion DougiaaSllO. Overton for leaky radintor. 6ou, Uealara Want an auto. C J. Ctiun. MvCagua bldg. Indutrlal Parage Co.. Ann as Harney Bta. i-PASSKNUfcilt Overland car tip-top condition, brand new tire; excellent lamlly car a bargain for jitney bualneaa; Uttt takea It: need the money In my hualnaM. Call Monday for demonatratlon, Bromley Bldg. NEBRASKA Eulck KervUa Btatlon. m Farnam Ht. I'hone Dnuglaa T-'l Motoreyelee. BARGAINS In uaad . motoreyelee. Fleacher Motor Cycl Co.. Kit Capitol. AMV8KMKNT8 WANTKU-HKHRY-UD-UOLNl) AND OTHfclt tX)NCE8MON8 tm B1U CK.LKUHAT1UN Saturday. July (, at Plerc. Neb. Flrat big celebration In 1 year. Addreaa Adolph Maatalir, chair man eonoeaelon commute. ni 8XEB8 CHAXCK8 VliATa:K.4 Buy, leaae or aeU your tba eter, machine and auppliea tnreuia Theater Exchange Co.. 1W Faraam at. loulaa lurl. aUG.NS, atiow carda. Clark A Sin. D. lf.k. VO OICT In or out o' tuiiuM caU oil OANUESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Doug. 1177. COINTI' eeat iwapaier for al. aouth cenuni rei;raxa. excellent field, guod Plant, little competition. Takea II bO caith tolng deal. Addreva, Y 647, Bee. WHY KKNTT-Wlll nert llW-acr farm In Bed River valley (Minn. I, erect build lng, auppiy cowa and hoga on paymeat of IM0. and 40 yar In which to pay Laluino. Thl offer not good after Jun 10. W. C. Templeton. ul B-e Bldg., Omaha. . MAM'FACTl'RFR wanting IIMnola lo caiitiii and financing men with money wanting aound buslnes advlae want and ri )n aaautanc. T. 1 O NelL vJt- wa. 111. FOR sai: Ijtrgc garag In a thriving Nehraaka H) . egulpped to do extenslv repair work; ileiidld location; on Llnooln high way. Addreaa Y b-i. Hoe. ', Ll : M I H vaids. i in 3 K Neb., doing a bualneaa from $-6.(00 to $&,0u0 each per year. Artnur O'Connor. Bryan Hotel, Atchison, Kan NEWSPAPER Country publisher, lis ten: 1 have aome handsome Omaha prert)'. but am tmnklng of re-entering roi-ruiy newspaperwork. How would an esvhan,e ault you? If Interested, write Fred Ollletie. Itol Willi Ave.. Omaha I 1 1 T Foil SALE faloon VV ' thnae lor y, ar I ' JIM vhay. hqitx 1-Vill SALE faloun. Neb. Iowa Prto tl.uu). CITY. FtR SALE Pest millinery and fun. y work slock In splendid buoinet eer-ter. Will sell at rorlfce If taken at once. Aildreae, T 667, Bee. FOR eiikLI'V-Th verv best UMo-dte confectionary and cafeteria In the atftc. Coat to eiulp over lio.isji ftna. new. bct of proopccia. Reason for selling. Act quick. Acdrees, Y (-. Bee. HEAL estate Buetnraa raa supplied or F. V Kniiwt, Omaha. handled; all slates. SALE OU K-X CHANG K Leaving Norfolk, Neb Will sell my clxar and billiard parlor, know aa th "heat Haven," thla la th finest layoat In the slate; don t imiulre unlea uu niran business. Through Cltlaeii Nat I and Neb. dial Bank, or direct. E. E. Miller, 1'rop. Bl'HlXKSH CII.Xt:K8 DRI O STORE FOR SALE; SNAP. AD DRESS ' Y-fift BEE FOR BALE I'p-to-date blackamlth ahop and tool In town Vl pop. Oood German-American trade. Unit be aold eoon. Adriren A. J. Thleen. Janen, Neb. w FOR . SALE Only variety ator. town l.sno. at half Involo price. JIM WRAT, SIOUX CITY. Rooming llet,ea for Sale. FlTRNITl'RE of 7-room flat for aale. Room all full. Bargain. Leaving city. Bet location. Call Douglaa 7H. Ill ROOMS, fine furniture, clearing over WO per mo. 2017 Pouglaa St. NINE-ROOM fumUhed houee; bargain if taken at once. Telephone H. 4W1. I ROOMS, miat ll, 1X0. 11S Chicago. EDUCATIONAL FOR eel th following acholarahlp In a flrat claaa Omaha Bualneaa College: On unlimited combination bualneaa and ahorthand rouraa. On unlimited atenographM eoura. One three months' bualneaa or teno- graphlc coura. W III b sold at a dlacount at th offlo f Th Omaha Bee- Boyles" College Day School, Night School, oomplete bualnea courae, oomplete ahnrtnand or atenotype courae, complete telegraphy eoura, olvll aervic branches and Eng lish. Student admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 116 catalogue. BOYLF9 COLLFME, H. B. BOYLES. President. Tel. D. 1666. Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR 8AXJ Karaltare, lleaaehold Oowela, Eto. nPrH Bf'H" nd old. J. C. Reed, JIjOrkOmjrj i,-,mam t. D. M. rUHNlTl'HK BARUAINS 60 bed! at 61 eaoh; table, kitchen and china cab inet. H Ice boxea, 88 ga atovea. 36 dreaav r. 1WM N. 24th St. Webaler lfWT. ECLlPiiE ga range, No. 108, two oven and a warming oven, perfect condition, one oven never been lighted, coat $40, will cell for $1. Harney 4467. Hot and 11. , SOLD. FARM wagon, tap, fctroud. ttth AmeX Maaleal laatraaaeat. B0UR1CIU8 MUSIC STUDIO. DOUCr LAH 1471. I'eallrr. Kara Ml agpi. STEREOTYPE metric mak th beat and cheapeat lining for poultry houae. They ar 17x23 Inchea, etronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76a a hundred at The Bee offlo. Small wheat. 100 lb. U K. Wagner, Wl N. 11 Tyxteweltee. TYPEWRITERS aold, rented, repair! Central Typewriter Kxc. 106 Farnam. Mleeellaaeoae. FOR BALE New and eecond-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alleys and accaeaorle; bar fixture of all klnda; aay payment. Th Brunawlck-Balk-Collender Co., 407-409 8. 10th St. ONE Edlaon standard and 40 record, perfect condition, $; one Edlaon Flre Id, new, $10. Brandeia Vlctrola Dept., Pompellan room. , fd-hand machinery. H. Gross, 11 and Paul TOOLS, ahoveli, pick, laokccrwwa, win dow glaaa, t carpenter bench, 1 eaoh; 10 match machine. 60o each, 1 hot water hollar complete. $10; combination ejeotrio fixture t&o eaiiti; Iron bed complete, 12; fin aaddl and bridle, $6. J. C. 18H, Tel. Harney 141. 701 8. ' tlat Ava. FOR SALE RCBBEH-TYPB AD. DREHSOGRAPH AND EQUIPMENT. Machine with on 17-drawer cabinet at tached, and 1 extra cabtneta with M drawer eacji and about 6.000 holdera. Everything In flrt cla condition. Will sell at a bargain for eaoh. Addre C 603, rare Bee. SAFE, double flat-top dek. rug, art metal filing cabinet, oak filing cabinet. Chair; NO DEALERS. 438 Stat Bank Bldg. XT,,- KJ-hand motors, dynamo, i fiW magneto, etc., mechanical ' w " rcoatra. L Bron Electric Works.S1-H) 8. 13th St. -4 ELECTRIC VIBRATOR-rerfeot condi tion, cheap hammer and massage move ments. Harney 10C4. 128 No. lt Ave. HELP WANTEIWFEMALB Clerleal aad Ufflae. OIRL to do filing. Salary $26 to 130. Apply at one, 1311-SU. Woodmen of World. EXP. bill clerk, rapid, operate Smith Premier machine. Roaera Ref. Co.. 116- Stat Bank. sbLiriTOR-eialary and commlaalon. Watts Ref. Co., MO Brandeia Theater. Aaeata autl Baleavroaaea. A SPLENDID opportunity for aollcltor. A tine of toilet preparation that apell "Quality." Home choice territory open In Nebraska. Call at 1K21 Chicago St., or addreaa Hikell Snlea Agency, 420 First National Bank Bldg. lloear keepr ; a anil Uoiueetlea. RELIABLE colored woman want work of any kind: acrubhlng and cleaning a specialty. Douglaa 1371. , WANTED-Woman cook. Detention Hos pital. Telephone Health Offlc or Dr. Connell. WANT1.D Competent girl for general houarwr.rk. l'Ot Park Av. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mr. A. T. Hanchatt, 130 So. th St., Council Bluff. COLORED girl want chambermaid position. Call H. 366. W ANTKO-Ulrl for general housework: mall family. Harney 204. 133 South win Ave. WANTED A flrat claea. reliable girl for general housework: email family. Wat- nut eu AN experienced white girl for general housework. Small apartment' three In family. I'hone H. 4MW or 1U S. 4.M St. COMPETENT white girl for general i ovisewor; I grown peron In family; reference required. 804 B. Wth St. H. 44 EXPERIENCED 'maid for general houae erk; good wage. H. 73S4. WANTElv-Eixperienced gin for general nuunwvri, no utuiiury wore. UL ooutn win et. narney i. WANTKli A girl for housework. 13u3 N .Hih Ave. Phone Harney WANTEH Good whit glri for aeneral housework, family of thiwe; wgva 6e R month If al aractory. Mr. Oeorge orke, ji.. K3 Laiayett. Walnut iU WANTElk A competent nure maid to tar for young baby; referenoe re- Sulred. Mr. Tun) McShane, 141 N. 41t t. Harney 1341. WANT girl Ut do housework; no wash ing or ironing; good wage. CaU liar nvy 574 W ANT EI-White girl for general house. work; no wsWilng or cooking. Call Webster ! .J6 N lwh St. WANTED Competent whit maid lor vnral housework. 1016 8. list ft. Hurm-y 70'). IK.sT wagve paid to girl wli wants rfood pla. e and is competent to do geu oisi houeework. Wal. li 4U11 Iard. WANTrUi A young girt to JtaUtwlh the twre of two chliJrea I'hone Wal nut (ua. Mlaeellaaieeea. WRITE Motion Picture Playa. 6M each. Esperienre unnecessary. iH-lalla cent fre to beginner. Producer league, l&l ainartglit. M. Ixmls. , WANTEI A few refined, neat apiwar Ing laulva, to work under Instruction. Pi inatient No money required. ,alr salary. Ad Ireta U','e, ".'- I I'l lle.attpl.U, 1'a. HELP WAXTE1 FEMALE M tseelle nrona. TOUNQ women coming to Omaha as Mrungeia are Invited lu visit tue V-.'U.ig Women's Chriatlnn aaaodation building at St. Mary' Av. and 17th St., where they will be directed to ultable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Lock for our traveler' guide at Union station. HELP WAXTED MALE Clerleal a ad office. STENOGRAPHER Bright, clever young man, who can qualify for reaponslblo exploitive position; must have brains. xperlenoe, good, elee.n personality; Al reference, oive age, experience, salary. etc. Ad drees P 64, Bee HIGH-GRADE commercial position. WEST. REFERENCE AV BONO A'SSN. 7J Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg COME TO us first If you ar looking for a high grade position. MIDWEST BONDING CO.. 112 B Bldg. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position tht fit you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 101S-18 Cltv Nat. Bank Bldg SALESMAN, city, aalary and commlaalon. Watt Ref. ("o., MO Brandel Theater. A goats, galesasea sa Solicitor. I ARE TOIT A MAN who I ambition to mak a PERMANENT connection with a trong, national selling organisation. where your earnings are In proportion to your ability; where, steady, persist- ent, result-brlnglns; work mean sure ad vancement? If you ar capable of earn ing at leaat 16.000 per year a a high- class salesman, and can furnish good referenoe, phone Douglaa K0 for Inter view. I. Auto Owners The Auto Tub Bplcer Co. will demon strate "Splicer," the new Invention, at 1M2 Capitol Ave., Omaha. thl week. Horn office, 411 Fourth St., Sioux City. la. Agent wanted. WANTED Three experienced news paper or magaslne salesmen for city and country work. Call Sunday from 10 a. m. to 11 m. Room $33, Brandeia Theater WANTED Experienced traveling shoe salesman for northwest Iowa who la acquainted with the merchant In that section. State age, experience and refer ence. Address Noye-Norman 8 hoe Co., et. joaepn, mo. WANTED-Corporation atock salesmen for Nebraska. Address E 471, Be. $5 TO 110 PROFIT dally selling our new household article; $1.60 premium with eaoh 11 M sal make quick profit. Mum ford V Larson, t09 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lak City, Utah. Very Dirable Space: for Printing Office Llgtit, water and janitor service fr. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Of floe. Room 101. EXCELLENT proposition for two goad men la Nebraska. Call or writ. Mutuai Bene fit. Health and Accident AaaoOlaUoa 4n-26 City Nat'l ank Bide RBXAL eatat Bualneaa place upplld er bandied; all atatee. F. V. Knloet. Omaha. HELP WANThu MALE COLORED boy with wheel to deliver and work insla. Jtteterenco required. 1404 .Douglaa. factor? s6 Iraele. Drag ator ana pas Joba Knelat, Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber Collega Tuition 616. on account of big trad. Wage for 6 and 10 cent work. Electrlo lueaeag taught. Hydraull ohalra. Catalog free. llA Douglaa 8t, Omaha. H0R8EBHOER wanted to work at fir and floor. Must have recommendation from good firm; absolutely no us for boose Fighter. Address Y 566. Be. Position Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO F Farnam St., Free Catalogue. COLLEGE. OMAHA. NEB. WE need men; had to turn down two job per week lately. Oet In. Learn ty our method. Oet on or these Joba Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge St WANTED Man to learn th barber trade. Th world constantly needa mora bar ber. Our graduate earn good wagea. Few week complete with us. Prepare now for coming aeaaon'a ruah. Writ Molsr. lb) S. 14th St., Omaha. WANTED A 1 blacksmith and on painter. 26th Ave. and Davenport St. WANTED AT ONCE Two first-class linotype operator for book work. Pay union aoel to th light man. Mllburn at Scott Co., Beatrice Neb. WANTED Nanw of men. II or over, wishing government lob. 666 month. No pull Bwceaaary. Addre T 40. Be. WANTEI-RaUway mall clerk: "176 a month; Omaha axamlnatlona coming; sample question free. Writ Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 1U E. Roches ter, N. T. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg. 6c Coffe John. 14th and Capitol. COOK with referenoe, American plan; where second and paatry ar emp'oyed. Arlington Hotel. Sheldon, la. rJITTATIOXS WANTED STRONG and competent woman wishes work. Douglaa Dui. AMBITIOUS young man aanta to go to work; a good education; good al fig ure), also good penman; exjierienoed in general office work. Telephone Doug. iM. Addree. I.. 642. Bee, THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will ruu a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th dealred result. Thl applies to resident of Omaha. South Omaha and Council RluLs. Bring ad to The Bee offlc or telephone Tyler UOI. A WELL educated, ambltloua. aUady, hard working married man, temporal, beat of reference, with wide rang of mercantile experience, with business and executive ability, desire a permanent position at living salary. For interview, addreaa 3114 N. 67th St.. Benaon. Neb. EXI'EHIENCED yaurur man wanta steady work In private family hotsse cleaning or gardening; porter Janitor; honest, sober and willing to work. Ad drees. A. JT Bee. POSITION wanted by trustworthy and energetic young man. Beat reference furnished and nut afraid to work. Phon Douglaa 6461. LADY atonographrr, P. B. X. operator; general olii girl; 1 year experience. Referrn'-ea H. MS7 AN ENGINEER attending the atate university wishes to rvlicve or assist some county surveyor or engineer tor th summer. Addreaa) G-641. Bew 'WANTED Job as chauffeur. Addrcs A 6M. Bee. SITUATION a head miller in 76 to S0 bbl mill; over 30 years' experience; bret or referencea P. O. Anderson, IjiM i.narles rt.. Cmaha, Neb. EXI'ERlLNt'ED colored girl wants pual tion aa rhambermaUI. Webetrr 7'J. LAl'Y living in th vicinity of loth and Farnam desire to rare for children ; during the afternoon or evening or to I rvad lt Invalid. 1 boo Red 7.4. LOST AXD FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL, BLUFFri UTKEET RAILWAY COMPANY. Tersons having loat aome article would do well to mil up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It In th street cars. Many article each day ar turned In and the company la anxious to reatoro them to th rightful owner. Call Doug. 4:1. PF7VERAL day ago a um of money was found on one of the cars of thl company running between Omaha and Lake Manawa. Same will be returned upon proof of ownership. Apply to office of superintendent of tranaportaton in Merchants Nations! Bank Bldg. Omaha. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers sre invited t visit tb Young Women Christian oclatton building t 17th SL and St, Mary Av , wher they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise slated. Loo for our traveler' aid at the Union atatlon. REFINED young man keeping beauti fully furnished high claa barhelor quarters within w I king distance of busi ness district would like to hear from on or i.wo voung men desiring to hart an.iie. Room 104. Bee Bldg. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga line. We collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4115 and our wagon will ca'l. Tall and Inspect our new home, U10-U11-1114 Dodge St. S fl P For God's sak write. I ccn't k-t. j. x . BUl(J u We al, forglv you. OPPOSITE ROTTLEVARD. GORDON, th Magasin Man. Phone Douglas 7162. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ANGELUS PIANOLA. with 4-red oigan in It, also over 100 records; will trado for Vlctrola. Phone Harney 2101 1020 8. 35th Ave, AUTOMOB1LUA For other automobile bargains so th "Automobile" classlfi rstlon. A PEN of Buff Leghorn chicken, "prise winners," want a good ball-baring lawn mower or 160-egg Incubator. Ad dress S. C. 1078. Be. BOYS! Here' your chanuel Have two 6-ft. steering sleds, both alike. Will trad for bicycle. Addreaa & C. 1079, Be. FINE bay horse, weigh about 1,100, fine driver; afraid of nothing; buggy and harne If dealred; would trad for cheap auto or truck. Tel. South 14e. EASTMAN l-A Kodak; extra lenae; case; tripod: film; plat and portrait at tachment; holder; daylight developing outfit; S and 10 enlarger; above coat about 100, and large trunk: exchange tor wardrobe trunk. Address 8. C. 1U63, Bee. FlRST-ClaAKS upright piano; might put In some cash ; want lot not to exceed $3u0 or small cottage equity. Address 8. C. lOffl. Be. MOVING Picture Theater Sale or trade, at 02 E. Broadway, Co. Bluff. Phone Red 2011. E. A. Wharton. DIAMOND 68-100 karat diamond in lad lea' Tiffany mounting, gold ring, platinum head; price, $160. Want motor cycle or piano, or offer. S. C. 1077, Re. 'INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-can late 1014 model, twin cylinder, two speed, complete electric equipment. 1016 Improved kfck starter: new tires; all per fect condition. Cost t370. Want Ford or light roadster; no other proposition con sidered. Addre 8. C. 1072. Bee MOTORCYCLE 1916 model 12 H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle In A-No. 1 condi tion, and has been run leas than 600 miles. Will trade for Ford or light car. Address 8. C. 1083. Be. 1911 MODEL Overland. Will trad for alngle or twin Indlau motorcycle. Ad dre, 8. C. 14. Bee. OLIVER Typewriter (visible), worth $2 caan tor motorcycle acceaaaorle or any thing of equal valu I can ua. Address 8. C. 1071. Bee. ONE 100-acr farm, one (0-acre farm, both In South Dakota, both $12,000; ten acre . and two lota In Francltaa, Tex., $1,6X; thirty aoree In Sacramento valley, California, on th state highway. Inter urban railway, and fronting on main line Southern Pacific, railroad, $9,000. This place Is three blocks from station and has a greet future. Ail above property la clear. Will trad for good olear Omaha property. Addree F-640, Be. PHONOGRAPH Edison. 60 record. In good condition. Will swap for chickens, duck, etc. Address, 8. O. 1070, Be. PIANO One new mahogany upright piano, beautiful case, bench and scarf to match. A bsrgaln, or what have you to offer me. Addreaa. 8 C. 1074, Bee. PIANO Fumed oak rlayer piano, used one year, cost $850; 50 rolls best music. Would trade this for automobile, or what could you offer and could use. Address, S. C. 1076. Pee. PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or lot; will pay difference; If yoj hava anything get In touch with me. a 1 have other atuff to exchange; give complete deacriptlon. Addre 8. C. 103, Ben PIANO A dandy Decker Bro. squar piano, fine for starting to learn. What could you offer m for this. Mak offer. Address, S. I07i,, Be. ROOMING house. t223 Farnam St, to trade for an automobile. Drive ud with your car and mak a quick deal. PIANO Elegant piano; swap on auto; will pay rash difference for good trad or will swap piano for a lot or equity In a well located lot. Addreaa B. C. 1082, Be. REAL EWTATE contract. 61.600; for iota or auto and lota. Web. 4193. ROTARY, Neostyl copying machine typewriter, accounting system comput ing seal. Will trade for groceries, meat, or what have you? Addreaa S. C. 1OJ0, Bee. BABY BUGGY Large wicker buggy and reversible wicker top. cost thirty-Civ dollar, used on year; fifteen dollar, or what have you T Addre S r, H-Q. We. TYPEWRITER Have nearly new tixihle typewriter to trad for small vh'o, typewriter deak, brass office ralllnrj cr curtain railing 1H diameter, or will pay cash. S. C. 10R1, Bee. WILL swap $- g'lt edge security for Ford car or roadster, a. c 13, Hee WANT to swap diamond ring for nous tainting. 8. C. 821. car Bee. STENOTYI E Practically nw, teed less than a month. Will trade for anything of equal value. What do you offerT Ad dress. 8 C. 1073, Bee. UNUSED American $36 adding machln for trad. Will Bell cheap. Addreaa Y-!. Be. WILLtrad 1914 twin cylinder H. P. motorcycle. In A-t condition, for prop erty or dlamonda to value of $2u0. Ad dre 8. C. 107. Bee. FOR RENT AsarlaaeBla aad Plata, t fiOUOLAl ST., room 6? so up- COOL ROOM 9. $1 week. Ogdea Hotel. Council Hluffs 6-ROOM apartment, fin location; front nnd b"k ij"2 Harnry. 1 Q and up; modern apartment, near '1:'lotofffc. O. P. Btebblna. PIKAHANT 4 room and bath apartment; walking distance; newly decorated, wl N. i4th. CENTRAI No equkl in price ornuality; 7 -room house; 4 room flat. IJO N. i3d. 7-R60Mlal.Bt7icUymodtrn. 1122 CuaZ Walnut Wtt ST OEORiiE 6-ruom apartment, rvdeco rated throughout 111 N Hat Ave., se lect West Farnam district i'aon Wi. ater 14, 4 . . FOR RENT Five-room apartment la lb Woodland. Call Harney 4141. KIVE-K'HjM &tam-hialed apartment. Very desirable location, Chuia Vista, th And Poppleton Ave. Ponied Youug, VI Brandel Theater. Douglaa 171. iu8-0 a. loth. 4-r. and bath. $14 to $14.; newly reuiodi4; also store room. Rd S657. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that ill please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 106 Bo. J7th St. Phon D. 6467. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract offlo In Nebraska, to Brandeia Thee. Jessen & Morrell fOl-S Stat Bk. Bldg. D. tS9t. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. Addreen 433 Ramge Bldg. Phon Do J gins 7406. ADDINU MACHINES. Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6338 AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed fre If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Be Bldg. Dept. D. APPRENTICE OIRL. APPRENTICE girt. Dressing Parlors Oppenhelm Hair ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodda. 812 Paxton Blk. D. JP81. i AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-16 W. O. W. R. 1265, Nat'l Sal at Auction Co.. 137 W. O. W. AUTO INSURANCE. 40 saved on your automobile Insurance by patronising a home Co. Doug 2S19. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. Mt Far. P.tOOL BAKERIES. g. H. RttEDBR, isng N. 18th- Web. SWT. BEDDING. 0Kr PrH'ow CO., WOT Cuming Douglaa vr7. Renovate feathe'a leather mattree and down cover. BLUB FRINTINU. HNrs,BBkB ess -m BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchsll Co.. 17th and Martha gu. Kf b. Pdiy.' A Mfg. Co.. 1116 N. tt. Web. T300 BUILDING WRECKERS. I?. and brick buildings wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 480".. CARPET RUG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. M71 CARPKNTERb AND CONTRACTORS. 6TEVKNBON, 82SB. 22d. Douglaa 66XX BURRELL JOHNSON, general repair ing. Webster 6224. Harney 2634. Leasard A Won, 1908 Cap. Av. T. 1831. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 830 Pag. Blk. Red 457. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. I.ACT, 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 7Uv CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's PantaJortum. 820-2 B. isth. D. 6407 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'B Weetern representative of VELVETIL COMPOSITION flooring. INVEflTI OATE 811-11 City Kat Bk. Bldg. D. 1871 COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. kiPO. of lodg regalia and eoattune. Theo. Ueben A Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIEB. CHAMBERS' Academy, claaalo. D. 18TL Try Mackle' flrt. WIS Harney. Doug. 6448. Down town restaurants. Douglas lunch, day and night 1718 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Tarry Dressmak'g college, 20th a Farnam. 4 SUITS, gown, in home. Wal. 2267. MISS STURDT. 2418 CASS. RED 7m DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. D. 6071. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Nevill Block. Evt duoco recured In all cae. Tyier 113. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. (21 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. CTckea. 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Room. 1617 Douglas. D. KM. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on TlO order; catalogue free. Sherman a Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. lit N. loth. Term. ELECTROLYSIS. TJloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. EVERY Til IN rom WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating:, covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 2u0 Douglaa Block. D. lwt. NEW TORK sample store. Must vacate. building coming down; cloak, suit and dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 1Mb. St HEMSTITCHING and pecoe edge on all kinds of material done promptly at Sin ger Sewing Machine Co.. 204 N. 16th. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. JOIN Tr M. C. A. on apeclal summer membership plan. Then ue It. $.50. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 402 Hamilton. Wal. tl. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. 1304 Farnam St D. 1000. L. HENDERSON. 15l Faraara. D. 1254. Membei Florist Telegraph DL Ass n. HKrJ8 tt 8WOBODA. 14U Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Dcug. 100L SWAN SON. the florist. Web. 4W. So. 701. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replat everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co- V20 Harney St. Est. 1S9H. II AT CLEAJtlNU. Panamas cleantxl. D. Elsal. II City Nat ALL klnos hats cleaned. 1520 Harney St AMEPICIAN Hat CU'Mnei. 1616 Harney. ICB. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE PHO. E WEBSTER 6l Geaeral Offlc. Ulb and M-nderson Sta FOR KENT Awartwteata and Flat a. i FIVE-R.o'. eteem-heated apartment. Very deairMe, The aiaaon rial and Mason 81a. Com ad Young, Brandtis Theater. lougli 1&7L NEW modern 4-rucra Bteaui flat i1-'? Iavenwrth 84 Conrad Young. 32J Braudel Theater. Douglaa 167 L Rant 6 . JEWELEHS. LUCr T wedding ring at Brodegaard'a. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 613 Paxton Blk. P. 74i. Notary pub., deposition steno. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CRQ9. iEJ5.h"i,-51fi 'LIGHTING FIXTURES: WIRING. mTT?TnJ Thomas. Douglaa Kit, JJXVlVJ.n t41 cumlng St MASSUESES. Ti ATTTRnd masa, alcohol rub. Laura Wllson. 102 Farnam. room Douglaa 8761. Open evenings and Sunday. i 'Mass. Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. D. J1S, Open eve.. p. m. Sunday. 10 to J. I i Douglaa 87CL Open evenings and Sunday, MASSAGE. 1721 Dodg. Mr. Steel. B.Brug an. maas.,203 ICarbach Blk. R. t!B MASSAOBV-620 Be Bldg. Douglaa 671 Clara Lee, bath and massage. 05uglae 871. BATHS, 114 Batrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. M. HALLERON. Baths. 221 Nevill Blk. MASS AGE Call D. 8217 for appointment. MI88 OrLBERT, massage, 108 S. 17th 8t,' Miss Walton. Mas. R. m, Nevill Blk." MISS JACOBS, Mass., R. 124. Nevill Blk. MINING ENGINEERS. AVILTj pay te consult W. H. Godfrey en mining business. 7 Stat Bk. R. 484L MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDPON MOTORCTCTJT.S. Bargain In used machine. Victor Boo, "Th Motorc yol Man." 38 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film E-., 14th and Doug. Motion nins via nuo wtrgaina wS rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Kxchang. 640 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELXVE RED: work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 74M. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES. Harp Piano. 808 Lyric. D. 8704. BOURICTUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUG LAS 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANT, FOR SALE Extra fin can seed at $1 per ou., sacKs 7Vc each. Write for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OCUE1STS. Eye examined glasses fitted, pay as yott can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OBTEOPATMIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, B08 Brandeia Bldg. D. XL JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 818 Be Bid PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANU8, 417 N. 40th. H. 87a. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AXIFRICAN Machln Co., 118 g. 11th St. PATENTS. D. O. Bamelt Paxton Blk. TeL Red 711T, H. A. Kturge. 838 Brandels Theater Bldg. PIANO REFIN1SHING. GENERAL overhauling. 80 years, exit. References, 702 17th. Red 6630. John Baer, PLATING. D. 6277. Aetna Plating Co.. Ill 8. ISth St o PRINTING. WATERB-BARNHART Pt. Co.. qualltw printing. Tel. Doug. 3180. 624 8. Utfc Bt, CENTRAL PRINTING CC DOUff. t7Jli DOUGLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 444! SAFE AND TIMB LOCK EXPERTS. I A T T-r-4 Oond. paired, coml ?N M P r'.C'l changed. F. B. Daven- SCALE REPAIRING. Pro. Standard seal Co.. 611 8. 11th. DJffll SHOE REPAIBING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. til 8. 14 Harley She Rep'r Co.. 1004 Farn'm . R.144 SEWING MACHINES. TTT ' rant rapalr, ell needle and parts VV F for all sewing machine. VC ''MICKEL-S,'' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Doug. 168 STEEL CEILINGS, CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 B, 1 SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. 4SM STORE AND OF ICE FIXTURES. DESKS, aafes, scale, showcases, shelw. Ing te. W buy, K1L OmIh7Flir, nd Supply Co.. 414-16-U B Uth. Dougfic TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. p. 428. TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU, 108 N. 16th Bt Palm Beach suit to order. 1816 Far-am. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FKELINQ e BTEINLE. 1S08 Farnam St TYPEWRITER t'uk RENT. RKNT an Oliver Typewriter 8 mo. for K Oliver Typewriter Agency, likj Farnam. T1?wrte' Exchange, 316 & Uth fit Ail make for a-le or rent RENT a "Remington," not Ju.t a type wnter. low rent. Call Dougia viX. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrltlanen, Id tl PaxtonBjj:18-T -xp. WEDDING STATIONERY, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Ca. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETK3. 201-8 8. 13th 6t Wine, liuuora t-laura Plate dinner. U to , Gkjb liquor hou. 434 N. 16th; California wine, il. pei guL Write for price lUt HENHY POLMlTTlQUOR HOUSrl li.lh and 1' A V... , ' t.irvTin IUUOQ. BUY your funilly llijuor at Kl Li.iuor Jiuuac. 6l N b.lh. Douglaa at Klein's Uui. FOR RENT VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam heated, a?rtmeiit on West Karnsm St JOHN W. BOBBINS, lttrj FARNAM ST. I'sriUkr 4srlMu, FIKST-Cl-ASS 6-room. mod. apart ent. rwmr.iM.rnooq. s mu rlWMy k7. FoUR nlo ruoius. tlnaa In. 2viA4k