THE HEE: OMAHA. JfOXDAY. .TTNT) 7. 1015. Mr. Jack Has His Own Opinions of the Cabaref Drawn for The Bee by Swinnerton Copyright. WS, International New Service. 7 iiii.iu llHIItU fillip 61 MA-A-ADE ME YOU MAfcE MV LOVfeTOU. ANfc PiDN T WAMT TO DO T HEART 52 G-AAt 1 1 I ft ,;?.r... 7 tri . a 9 "x i rj A J li.ilililllilllilifTiiliil.iili'AiiillaJlllllllMihMUIi'M iW) hSAas E mSSBWBS ft . . i I I It. I 111 I III 1 - ! J J I r ' i I I W V M l II II II l I III I I, ' "Ml (I II. II. Jill II I' I I M M I I I I I I I 1 1 I lll . ulifVv jj m i h x na il v i & 1 ri w m - w ' - maMMk v a k s ar h ar am a i r 11 m r a . ROURKES TRIUMPH OYER THE WICHES Score Early in the Game Enough to Win Before Southern Tight ens Up. SOUTHERN IN FUtL FORM WICHITA. Km.. June .-8pciJ.) Omaha won the second game of the series In the flrat three Inning, when poor fielding, two errors, two walk and three 1 hlta were mined for four run. Not a hit waa made oft Southern after the third Inning. Johnson waa hit hard .at times, but he waa tight in the pinohea and waa given errorleaa support. All of the hits but one were made after two were down. In the fourth. It loked dangeroi for Omaha, when four clean stnglea followed in aucceasion. But one acored, however. All of the hlta were made direct at some outfielder and Vere hard, drives. With the bases full mid one run In and two down, Johnson caused Manager Wares to hit a weak one at him for an easy, out at flrat. Breta Scores, Breen atarted the game by drawing a w alk. Forsythe hit his to third ' on a single to right. Krug waa out on a short fly to right. Kafora alngled : between third and short, acortng Breen. . . Smith walked in the second, and scored when Southern threw Whelan's aacrifioa oxer flrat base. Forsythe walked in the third. Krug forced Forsythe at aecond. Kafora waa safe on Charles' error. The runners took aecond and third on a pased ball. ' Payne hit to Wares and Krug beat the ball home. Schlelbner hit one to Southern too hot to handle and Kafora scored. Score: WICHITA. AB. R. H. a A. B. Wares. 2b. 4 0 0 1 0 Nicholson, If 4 0 0 1 0 0 Hoap. as 4 0 1110 Fisher, lb 0 1 11 0 0 Tydeman, rf 4 0 1 I 0 0 Golst. cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 Charles, lb... 4 0 1 1 1 Gray, c 401610 Bout hern, p. S 0 10 8 1 iTotala ..14 1 l .ii 16 I OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Breen. 2b I 1 0 S 2 0 Forsythe, rf 2 0 1 2 0 0 Krug, 2b. 3.1.0 1 3 0 Kafora, c 4 1 1 0 0 Payne, cf I 0 0 1 0 0 Schlelbner. lb 4 0 110 0 Pmlth, if 2 1 0 4 0 0 Whnlen. aa 4 0 0 1 1 0 Johnson, p. t 0 0 0 I 0 Totals 28 i I 27 7 "o Omaha 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 .Wichita 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Lett on baaea: Omaha, 3; Wichita, 7. Sacrifice hit: Schlelbner: Stolen base: I'ayne. Double plays: Charles to Gray to Charles; Breen to Schlelbner. Struck nut: By Johnson, 6: by Southern, a. Basea on balls: Off Johnson, 1; off Southern, . Pased ball: Gray. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Van Sickle. BOO SCORE FAST AT BREAK Standing of Teams WEST. LEA QUEL W.IPot Pes Moines.M IS .032 Topeka ...,H Omaha 20 18 ,f Denver ....17 16 .6X1 Uncoln ....16 17 .46 8t. Joseph. .14 18 .471 Sioux City. 16 10 .420 wicnita .... a a .a7, AMER. LEAGUE. W.LPct.l Chicago ...28 16.SM Detroit ....29 17.630! Boston 20 16 .561 New York.. 19 20 .487 Waahlngton.17 20 .4f! NAT. LEAGUE. W.LPct Chicago ....13 14 .22 Brooklyn ...21 20 .613 Boston 21 20 .612 Phlla 23 22 .6111 St. Louis. ..22 22 .600 Pittsburgh .19 21 .477 Cincinnati .17 12 .430 New York.. IB 21 .432 AMER, ASS N. W.LPct. Indiana polls. K 16 .644 Louisville ..24 18 .671 Milwaukee .24 20 .646 Kan. CUV..22 20 .624 St. Paul 22 21 .612 Cleveland .18 22 .4M Cleeland ....17 2 .436 St. Louis.. .17 26 . 4( ColumbUB ..16 26.31 Phlla. U 27 8t7 26 .266 KD. UCAGLiK. I BTAThi L-Aoca. Pttteburg ..26 18 .601 Beatrice 11 6 .M New York .24 IS .671 York 8 7 .634 Kan. City .. 19 .664! Norfolk 11 R 6M St. Louis ..22 18 .6V Fetrbury ....10 7 .Ks8 Chicago ....24 S3 Ml Hasttnav .... 8 8 .6"0 Brooklyn ..20 22 .4761 Or. Island .. 7 0 .437 Baltimore ..16 24 .400 Buffalo 16 81 .326 Yesterday's Result. WESTERN LEAGUE. Pt. Joseph-Denver, rain. Pes Moines, 6; Uncoln, L Sioux City. 10; Topeka, L Omaha. 4: Wichita, 1. NATIONAL LEAOUHl . Philadelphia. 1; St. Louis. 3. New York. 6; Chicago. 8. Boaton, 6; Cincinnati, 2 (ten Innlga). AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit. 6: New York. 4. FEDERAL LEAGUE. Baltimore-Brooklyn PltUburgh, 6; Chicago, 10. Newark, 8-2; Buffalo. 6-4. Kansaa City, 3; St. Louis. I AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus, 8; St. Paul. 4. Cleveland, 6; Milwaukee, 6. Louisville. 4: Mlneapolla, 3. Indianapolis, 3: Kanaaa City, I. STATE LEAGUE. York. 4: Falrbury 6 (ten Innings). Grand Island, 0; Norfolk, 6. Games Today. Western Lettgue St. Joseph at Denver, Dea Moines at LlnArin. Sioux City at Topeka. Omalia at Wichita. - National League mnafleipnia at bi. Louis. New oVrk at Chicago, Boston at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Pittsburg. American League St. Louis at Phila delphia, Cleveland af Washington, De troit at New oYrk, Chicago at Boston. ' Federal League St. Loula at Kansas City. CUBS POUND GIANT MOUND JEN HARD Force Tesreau and Schaurer to Retire Before Continued Fusillade. VAUGHN HOLDS 'EM SAFE Claaa Weakens la the Sixth asl lewaas Wla. TOPEKA, Kan., June . When Pitcher Clunn broke In the sixth Inning ttioux City amassed four runs and a lead which finally ended in a victory for Sioux City. -.w --. ' www, a. a. w ki. O. A. K. Cochran. U v t a t it ixMiK., a b v i i i i ai, m 4 v v a X H Lut.LUl.Olt;, ii V V 4 3 W dfeCKkull, Ct H y a V d nocue, if 4 ' v u v o itkLun,; i t 4 V I 1 0 V McmivK, c 4 o 14 3 i Jui,u, i) ! 2 1 1 v 3 V uioor 0 U V V 0 0 Totals ....2 1 6 il JU - oiUOJk. Cli'Y. A.H. ti. H. O. A. H. Cooney, 2b- 4 4 33 Laviuitun, It t i i u' u Anue, iu a 4 4 ll W 1 L uua, ct It 4 ' V 1 v cnlluhuu, m 2 8 1 1 ' V iiuiiauua, u 1 a i 4 1 1 uuiik, as V 4 1 4 V OMti, O 4 V 1 o u ouiar, p ., 4 U V V 4 Totala 36 10 13 27 13 i united lor Ctuiin In ninlo. Toirt-Ru 0 0 0 v 1 0 0 01 City V V 0 tf V 4 3 0 4 1 iu.'i't.j hlta: Davldaon (.2). rtaenfice liy: jiauioi, LeJeune. biulen baae: i.. ii.hIIi.k. oases on bails: utf Clunn, oik uuapur, a. btrucx out: Uy CI u nil, S; i.y tiuxpar, 6. Passed ba i; Crlap. int by puttier: tiy Clunn, 1. ilrae: Ci-pue; iiarnet. BOUSTfcJRS HIT POWELL HARD Urs Molars Wlat (iasne by Laadlag Hard la Tvrs Jsaiaui, LINCOLN, Neb.. June 6. Dea Molnea bu'.ters landed effertWslr on Pitcher Powell In two innings, winning the aecond game of the serlee by a score of 6 to 1. fccore: LINCOLN. .... AB. H. H. O. A. B. W olfe If 3 0 1 S3 0 McGafflgan, ss 4 11110 Mllama. lb 4 0 0 8 1 0 Mrlnlyre. rf 4 0 0 1 1 0 , Daley. 2b 8 0 1 1 Schrelber. cf v. 4 0 1.11 Lloyd, 2b 10 114 0 Powell, p. 3 0 113 Yants. c... 8 0 0 7 I ToUla . 1 4 27 15 0 DCS MOINES. AB. R. H. O. A. K. himi. rr. , o Lincoln 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Des Molnea 1 o o o o i u v -o Two-base hit: Breen. Double play: . , i . r. T " " K n oh- UnrvJn 6: Des Moines, 9. Earned runs: Lincoln, 1; Des Molnea. 5. Stolen baae. Daley. Struck .out: By Powell. 6; by Muaaer. . t . k.n. nnwai 7. rtf Vfita aer, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Powell. a titiij i.e-., Daw1I Miiaaoai T-aa a-Sjakfl Kakiiai Prson (2l Tim: 1 .its. Lmuires: CuMkCk and Myer. Robber Saws Off Board to Get Part Of Rourke Receipts WICHITA, Kan., June 6. (Special Telegram.) A robber aawed a board off the bleacher ticket office before the game I today between Omaha and Wichita and aome time aurinK tne latter part ot me game made away with 1118 of the re ceipts. The paid admlsalons were a little over 1,800, In spite of threatening weather. Oakland Trims Fontenelle. 1 to 0 OAKLAND, Neb., June .-(Speolal Telegram.) Oakland defeated Fontenelle on the home grounds 1 to 0. The game waa finished In a row, but was the beat game aeen here for a long time. The game ended in the last of the aeventh, the umpire celling Fnrwt safe because the catcher pushed Holmqulat, who was batting out of the box. Up to this time It waa a pitchers' battle between Cook and Brown, the latter having the beat of it because he allowed no hits and struck out 11. Cook struck out 13 and allowed 2 hits. FALLS CITY GIVES BLANK TO HIAWATHA INDIANS V FALLS CITY. Neh.. June . (Special Telegram.) Kails City eaelly defeated Hiawatha todav 6 to 0. Salabury stole a run in the fifth Inning. Score: - R.H.E. ti..wr,v, ..noftftOOOO 00 6 4 Falls City ...0 001 3 0 0 1 -6 10 0 ', Two-biuio hit: I'oteet. Three-base hit: "ckllri. StmeV out: Br Pot4. 6: by t Rlloy 10. HfitteHee: Hlawstba. Rlle.v I en'. McDowell: Falls City, Poteet and J Poteet. Atteden-e: 600. Time: 1:27. umpire: vanuernii. WHALES. IN BATTING FBAY. POUND RFRELS INTO SOD A aa . s aa liiiiiii w V M V M Hunter, cf 12 110 0 Jons. lb t 1 13 Bill. If 4 1 Sawyer. 2b 3 10 3 16 Hartford, as 4 1 1 0 4 Tannchlll. 8b 40010 Breen. o 4 12 3 8 aluuer, p I 0 1 1 4 0 Totals ...JU 1 37 14 rHTCAOO, June . TJslraao outalueged PIKshnrah and won a hard-hitting game torfav. W t 5. Knetaer"a lack of control snd inability to bffle the home team caused his withdrawal, and Dlckann. after three hlta had been made off him without hla retiring anyone, gave way to Le Clair. MrConnell alao waa batted hard, but Hendrx. -who took Ma pises In the sixth, manaaed to atop the visit ors except in the ninth fnntng Score: R H E Pittsburgh in t t Chleaao 8 1 2 3 1 16 t "Batteries: IMttshurgh. Knetser Dick son. Le Oslr and Berry. Kerlln; Chicago, MrConnell. Hndrlx and Wilson. Fischer. mm Ntraaar vvrf Cause Nraralala. Don't suffer. Get a Sc bottle of Sloan's Ltnlrxent. It penetrates to the painful part at ores. Kills ths pain. All drug gists. Vdvertts ement CHICAGO. June . Chicago's heavy hitting defeated New York today, 8 to 6. The locals forced Tesreau and Schaurer to retire. Score: NBW YOBUC. CM1CAOO. A&.H O.AX. AB H.O.A.B. fhxxVrmin. et t I "Oona, rf t I 6 t Lobert, lb.. I I Flhr, .. 4 1 1 Dajrls, lb... 6 13 4 Osehulls, If . . . 4 1 Burns, rf.... 4 4 4 0'msn, lb 4 1 8 8 6 Brslnsnl, s 2 0 1 1 0Mfr. lb.... 4 3 10 0 Rnberuon, III I I CwillWm of 8 3 I 0 Morklo, lb.. 4 1 M 0 Ollrmnahan. e 4 1 I 1 1 MrLran. c. I 1 I 4 tiphelan. lb.. I I I I 0 Smtth. .... 3 1 t 4 OVaughn. p... 4 14 TMraau, p.. 16614 Srhaucr. p.. 1 0 0 ToUls M II 27 10 3 Murrar ..11600 R1itr. p.... 6 4 0 0 0 M.j.r. .... 140 Scharupp. p. 6 4 6 1 0 Totals N 14 14 10 Batted for Schauer In seventh. Batted for Kiter in eighth. New York 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 Chicago 0 1 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 Two-baae hits: Saler (3), Doyle. Vaughn. Three-base hit: Smith. Home rur.a: Bresnahan. Zimmerman. Baaea on balls: Off Vaughn, 1; off Schauer, L Hlta: Off Tesreau. 7 In three Innings; oft Schauer, 6 in three Innings; off Hitter, 1 in one Inning, Struck out: By Vaughn, 6; by Tesreau, 1; by Schauer, 3; by Schupp, 2. Umpires: Byron and Orth. Chalmers Hit Hard. 8T. IXJUI8. Juno 8.-St Louis hit Chalmers hard and scored three runs In aa many Innings, but this waa enough to give the local team the game in aplte of the fact that Demaree failed to yield a hit for four lnnlnn Philadelphia waa saved from a shut out by Luderua, who after hitting for three bases, scored on Welser'a out. Score: PHILADELPHIA. 8T. LOUIfl. AB H.O.A.B. AB. H.O.A.B. Bancroft, m. 1 0 2 4 lButlar. si... 4 4 0 8 1 Brra. lb.... 141 IBMrhsr. If.. 41800 Backar. If 4 114 SMIIIar, lb... 4 6 11 iTavatn. rr.. o l oiyn, rf x I s s Nlahnrf, lb.. 4 4 t 4 ODoUm. of.... 4 2 2 6 Luderua, lb. I I 16 I OHyatt, lb... I 1 14 0 Wlwar, ct... 4 0 SBetaal. lb... 81430 Kllllrtr, e... A 14 lSnjrder, c... I 131 Oialmara, p. 1 0 0 OlJnak. p I 1 0 I 1 ! rimar, p.. 21006 'tnoca i o o 6 Total II 11 17 11 I Totala II 4 14 U 8 Batted for Demaree in ninth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 St. Louis 10 3 '0 0 0 0 0 8 Two-base hits: Mller, Doak, Bescher, Becker. Three-base hlta: Long, Luderua. Double play: Nlehnff to Luderus. Basea on balls: Off Doak, 8. Hits: Off Chalmers, 6 In two innings (none out in third): off Demaree, 6 In alx innings. Hit by pitched hall: By Doak (Byrne). Struck out: By Chalmers, 1; by doak, 2. Um pires: Wulgley and Eaaon. Braves Win la Tenth. CINCINNATI. O.. June . Boston's bat ting rally In the tenth inning, assisted by two errors by Dooln, defeated Cincinnati today, 5 In 1 Score: 1IOSTOJ CINCINNATI. ABH.OiJ. AB. H.O.A.B. Mnran. rf.... I I 0 01x-h, ef... 4 6 2 1 0 PltiDS'.'k. 2b i 8 2 4 OHarioa. as.. 4 4 14 Connolly, if I 1 I 1 Kllllfar. If.. 4 Oil '.Mam. cf.... 4 110 OOroh. lb.... 8 18 4 0 I Schmidt, lb, I I M Orirlfruh, rf.. I 1 6 0 Kmith, lb... till OOlnon. lb.... 481 Maranv's, ss 4 I 1 4 SMollwHa, lb 4 1 11 Whaling, c. 6 1 4 I OIKmln. o 4 3 111 Rasn, p.... 4 0 2 1 ILur, P 1 1 Total! 84 11 10 11 1 eTtale II 80 14 8 Bofton 2 00000000 86 Cincinnati 3 00000000 0-2 Two-base hits: Griffith, Fit spat rlck, Maranvllla. Baaea on balls: Off Ragan, 2; off Lear, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Ragan (Groh): by Lear (Maranvllle). Struck out: By Ragan, 2; by Lear, 1 Umpires: Rlgler and Hart. Pitchers' Battle Goes In Favor of St. Edward PETERSBURG. Neb., June , (Special Telegram.) St. Edward defeated Peters burg in a pitchers' battls, the score be ing 1 to 0. The feature of the gams was the pitching of both James and Madden. Score: R.H.E. Petersburg ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 S St. Edward ..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 0 Batteries: Petersburg, Madden and Wilght; St. Edward. James and Fisher. Struck out: By Madden, 16; by James, 7. Umpire: Wright. Freanoat Has Clear Record. FREMONT, Neb.. Juns .-(SpeciaJ.) For the flrat time In the hlatory of the Institution the Fremont High school base ball team won every game it played this season. By cancelling the Omaha game Friday afternoon, hlrh waa conneded the hardest match of the schedule. It completed the schedule without a defeat. The Omaha game had been acheduled for four different occaaiona, but rain Inter fered each time. Fremont has defeated Wahoo twice, ricbuyler twice, Arlington once and Blair once. Glrawood Defeat a Red Oak. OLENWOOD. Ia June . (Speclal.) The Glenwood Merchants defeated the Red Oak Uraya here yesterday afternoon. Rain stopped the game at end of seventh Inlnv rrtr: Grays 1 0 0 3 0 0-1 Merchanta 3 1 1 4 0 0 214 Haterlee: uraya, c. Hobba and G. Hobba; Merchanta, Stlmson and Mann. Umpire: Ballance. Soathera Aaaoelattpa. Nashville, 8; Birmingham, t. Memphis, 12; New Orleans, 3, Other games not scheduled. Hew Mrs. Marred Uot Rid ef Her Stoaaaeh Troeble. "I suffered with stomach trouble for yeare and tried everything I beard of, but the only relief I got was temporary until last spring I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and procured a bottle f them at our drug store. I got Immedi ate relief from that dreadful heaviness after eating and from pain In ths stomach," wrltea Mra. Linda Harrod, Fort Wayne, Ind. Obtainable every. here. Advertisement THIESING SAYES DAY WITH HOMER Fairbury Centerfielder Baps Ball Over Fence, with Score Stand ing Against Hit Team. FANS WILD AT STAR'S PLAY FADtiBURY, Neb., June . (Special Telegram.) Thlealng. centerfielder fer Falrbury, hitting a home run over the left field fenoe In the tenth inning of one of the moat spectaouiar games played on the looal grounds, took the aecond game from York Phohlba today, 6 to 4. Thing looked gloomy for Falrbury when the dramatic moment came aa two were down and ITmptre Shunter had called two strikes on Thlealng. Brown waa on second base, having slammed out a two-bagger a few moments previously, scoring Lamb. Thleslng landed on the ball with a powerful rap and sent It over the fenoe Into a neighboring plantation, scoring Brown. It was anybody's game after the fourth Inning, but each team made a batting rally in the tenth. Falrbury outhlt fork, registering nine safe connections. Skyrock. Hurler for York, had the beat of the pitching deal, registering eight strikeouts, while Sholl, for the locals, was credited with four. Fnlrbury fans howered Thlealng for hla splendkl work. Umpire Shunter fined Third Boman Totten $8 for back talk in the sixth inning. Score: TOF.X. FAIRBfRT. AB. H.O.A.B. AB. H.O.A.B. Rio. b 6 18 0 lHllneb'dt, rf I 1 1 0 4 riaas. St.... 6 60 llmh, lb... 81366 Tottan, Wl... 6 1 1 1 OConlsy. lb... 4 1 14 Murphr. f.. 416 1 Brown. It... 1 8 4 6 Wi.l, If... 4 1 4 4 OThlMing, cf. 6 14 0 6 Pleres, rf... 4 11 OParton. a .. 4 181 IRalnaa, ....! 6 1 OOonhnr. lb.. 4 1 1 1 6 Boekow's, lb 4 8 6 lro, a 4611 Skrroch, .. 4 1 boll, p 4 1 1 Total...'. .87 ID I I Total ....40 2 tA York 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 I . Falrbury 1 01 0. 00000 36 Home run: Thlealng. Two-baae hlta: irildebrandt, Bockewlts, Conboy, Brown, Totten, Murphy, Htolen based: Brown, Lamb, Conboy. Struck out: By fcMioll, 4; by Skyrock, 8. Baaea on balls: By Schoil, 8; by Skyrock, 2. Tune: 2; 1(5. Umpire: Schuster, Blank for Grand Island. NORFOLK, ,Xeb., Juno 6. (Special.) Grand I aland waa shut out 6 to 0 In the last of the series with Norfolk this af ternoon. Corry. who was bounht by Norfolk from the Columbus club, pitched a great game, allowing three hlta. Hoff man, who Is acheduled to go with Pa It-Mirke shortly, was given very poor support. Score: OKAND ISLAND. KOnFOIK. AB. H.O.A.B. AB. H.O.A.B. Room, lb... I 1 I I lRrodarlek, 2b I 6 6 6 4 Doarnay, rf. 8 6 I OOya, as 1146 ftrnak. lb... 6 42 OOampb!!. ef 8 1 1 0 Varn.r, It... 4 6 16 Kampra, If.. 4 4 Ooabr. e.... I 18 IMalkar. lb.. I 111 Orlmoa, ef.., 116 0B Brows, lb. 4 1 10 6 0 Clair, lb.... 8 4 7 8 OR Brow., rf. I 8 I 6 Balk. ss. 8 4 11 OHmlth. .... 1480 Hoffman, p.. 8 48 Oorj. p 3111 Millar, ....! 4 14 Totals IS 17 11 Total 17 INK I Grand Island 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0-0 Norfolk 0 1 8 0 0 2 0 0 Stolen bases: Qrlmm, Dye, Campbell, Melker, B. Brown, R.' Brown. PJaaes on balls: Off Hoffman, 8; off Corey, 6. Hit by pitched ball: Melker. Hlta off Hoff man, 8; off Corey, 8. Struck out: By Hoffman, : by Corey, 0. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Mulr, Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the United States for the week ending June 8, aa reported to Bradstreet's Journal, New York, aggre gate 33.O70.446.0i 4. agalnsf 38,001,672,000 last week and 13. 18, 27 K, 000 In thla week last vear. Canadian clearing aggregate till. 272,000, as against 81C6.tr74.000 last week and I146.88P.0U0 In this week last year. Fol lowing are the returns for this week, with percentages ot change from this week laat year: Cltjes. Amount Ine. I Dec, New York Chicago Philadelphia Boaton St, Loula Kanaas City. ...... Pittsburgh San Francisco Baltimore Minneapolis Detroit Cincinnati Cleveland Ia AnKelea New Orleans OMAHA Milwaukee Atlanta lAulavllle Seal tie Buffalo St. Paul Portland, Ore I Denver j "Houston Richmond Indianapolis Providence Fort Worth Washington, D. C. Memphis St. Joseph Columbus Nashville Albany Salt Lake City.... Toledo Dea Moines Hartford Duluth Rochester Savannah Norfolk Spokane Wichita Macon Oakland fV ran ton Peoria New Haven Sioux City Grand Replda Hyracuae , Jacksonville, Fie.. Lincoln Fremont II, &, 449.0001. 2fi9,2M.(t.. W2.:tli.Oli(il 126,U1.000j. il.tai.ouj. 67.270.OM 4J.fW4,0OoL 42.013,0(0 20.131,000 lO.Ve.Ouo 21.7O3.0uO 10.846.OW 22, 71. 000 16,( 6.00 l2.M7.0OUl 15.78,0I.) 12.7tl6.OH'. 8,H6,tO0. . 12.0tW.0U0 ii.i;,oipo . 10.24V.OiO . 10.4X,0"0. 7,(xn,oo) . 8, ,267.00i) . ,MH,0ll01, 6.706,010!. l,7.OX) 0. 2.(Of. 3.643.001 Ij. ,8r2.00; 6,l.Ow. 3. nl7.(iO. 4.374.01W . 472.0nu 4.7V2.OII0 . 1 1W.WJO 6.6UI.0OH 2.t4.0" . 4, t4ii.f;., 2, K64.0io;. 3.4o2,Wi(. , 3,37,w!., 3, (tJ.ti0 1, '.O1.0f(.. 2 ahS.oW'., J.23.0U)'.. 3S.0iXt.. J.6?2J; 2,7(,(K.. 2,16.00.. 2.774,0' .. l.M2.til.. ('26uoi 2I8.0UOL. 1.6 34.61 1.8 "s.'i 1.4 7.0 "if.i 14.8 'io'o 4.7 24.8 28.6 4.0 6.0t io.6 io'.i ""i "i'.i "i'.i "i'.i T.7I 'i'.i is 6: 4.7 r.i 3.8 "i'.b IS. 2 irj 4 7 s i 13.3 4 6 18.4 10 0 "i'.i 30.6 Hi 21 6 12.7 18.7 7 31 4 23.7 17.3 ii'.i IT 8 8 19.6 19 0 1.1 17 8 30.1 'io'i "WILD BILL" FAILS TO TWIST TIGERS Donovan Makes Effort to Pitch Yanks to Victory Against Former Mates. GAME IS SLUGGING MATCH mt.toiHT. Mich.. June . "Wild Bill" Donovan, for years the Wol of Detroit MmA tnrlAv to show hi New oYrk olub" the way to victory against the Tigers. He failed. I to t Cheorea ny thvuiMnrfa of old-time frlonda, the man ager opposed Cavet for seven mmnars, during which the contest was a Slugging match. Score! NEW YORK. DaTrnOIT. AB. H.O.A.B. AH.H.OAB. ... . An..., a a 1 I l Paeklnp h. ss 4 I 4 I OVut. b 4 I 1 J Crwa, cf 6 8 4 0ibb. ct.... 4131 Pipp. lb 4 1 Kwfor4, it. I I I J Cook, rf 1 1 1 OVaao. It... I 8 0 4 4 Hartiall, It., Slaw unaTwna n. m " r Boon, lb... 618 SYouni. lb... I t 8 Nunsmskar e 4 6 3 1 OMi.Kos, o ... 4 8 4 1 0 Donorsn p.. I 4 1 I OOavwt. P 8 1 Uourwll, p..44 ToUls.....Sl 13 V 17 S Total 1I14U. New York 1 10000110-4 Detroit 0 0410010-) m t . t. a . AKh VaawfVi . 1 Wlr irnjaag II 1 U . V I XTt Hrwa1 . '""I McKee (2). Three-base hits: sJCvanaugh. MHisei, i rawiora. nuwa ue. ' Cook to iKMiovan to Malael aTaaee on halls: Off Donovan, i: orr ime, off Oottrell. 1. Hits: Off Donovan. 11 , MM rv.Mll 1 In nn in wvt;il liiiiiliSB, vi v w.. ,.-, Inning. Struck out: By (txefl, 0; by ("nvet. 1 Umpires: Hlldebrand and iNainn. HEAVY HITTING IN THE PHELPS-GOSPER LEAGUE HOLDREOP3. Neb.. June . Bpeelal. Games this week In the Phetpa-Ooaper league were characterised by heavy hit ting. The Thursday Holdrege-Loomls gams was postponed on account of wet grounds. Elwood took botff game from Bertrand, ths first by a score- of 18 to 8, and the second 16 to . Loomla defeated Holdrege Tuesday, 18 to S. Charlaton, for Loomls, struck out fifteen, thereby es tablishing a league record. Holdrege won an exhibition game from Lfiomis Decora, tion day by the score of 8 to L Standing of the teams: Played. Won. Lost Pet. TiOomla t 6 1 .88,1 Flwood m 7 S S .714 Bertrand T S 4 .428 Holdrege 6 .000 Games next week: Tuesday, Elwood at Holdrege, Bertrand at Loomls; Thurs day, Holdrege at Bertrand, Lomls at El wood (double-header). Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Hoaey eaaea your onugh, loosens the mucous, strengthens ths lungs. The first dose helps. Get a bottle today. Orfly 25o. All druggists. Advertisement. Sioux Will Resist Program of O'Neill TOrEKA, Kan.. June 1 -Members of the Sioux City Western league club at a meeting tonight decided that they will resist the proposed cut in salaries urged by President O'Neill in an effort to Im prove the financial condition of the league. A letter was pent tonight to O'Neill notifying him of the decision. The Topeka players have taken no action on the matter. GRAND ISLAND PITCHER TO BECOME ROURKE SOON Guy Hoffman, pitcher on ha Grand Island State League) olub, is soon to la-' come a Ilourke, according to reports from Grand Island. Rovrkaj had hla v on the third city product laat year and dfd Intend to sign, him at ths first, ef ther year. (Hoffman's work In the state loop this spring attracted the attention of the Omaha magnate once more and this time he decided to buy him. 1 The Bee AVsnt A as Are Best Business. Boosters. rtSAMk TheiGreenLabcl Triangular Corner Hasrthaf V snappyjtflavof r one sets m imported Beer If iiVidoubta TryJttiout, O.RriUMM1 BRWI!(0 CO. tit CKOSS& tvtS. O. B.'iL s . i a. LERCH & UArrSANDT.'Krori.f, 311 South I7tb Sireet. CMrtHfl. r.ES. Phone. . fDoue,as,2,5S f gf (fie Season Will be in your favor if you use 3 It keeps repair bills light. It reduces wear and tear to trifles. It makes carbon trouble insignificant. It makes motoring a pleasure and gives long life to your car. Polarine is the one oil for all motors carbon free friction free, clean burning, free flowing. Try it and know motor satisfaction. Use Red Crown Gasoline most miles per gallon. Standard Oil Company (MiaiUSIM) Omaiia. Last week's. 'I