Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1915, Page 2, Image 3

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I . L .HJU - JU .-HI -
Brilliant B2oiom"( Brighten Sick
Room. After Display Pleaiei
Many at Court Home.
rnnc flowee wins ithst prize
A display of more than 4,000
peonies, admired by thousands of
persons all day Saturday Ja tha ro
tunda of the court house, tb award
. Ing of cash prises for tha best blos
soms, and tha distribution of tha
1 flowers at the close of tha exhibition
to inmates of hospitals were the out
standing features of Omaha's first
annual peony prlia exhibition.
A marnlflcent pink blossom, "Souvenir
da Grsspard CaJot," entered by J, F,
Roeenfleld. peony specialist, was awarded
by the Judges the prUe of $10 donated by
R. O. Peters for the best peonr on ex
hibit. ,
As a result of Us euarcss and the en
thuslajsm manifested by exhibitors and
visitors at the brilliant flower chow, it
became evident that Peony day la des
tined to become a popular annual occa
sion, and that Its results will Include e
, tenslva be&utlfytnff of tha city by the
I growlcs; pf many peony buaho on lawns
and boulevard parking.
"We etaa to make tha Teony day dls
I play and pr'ae exhibit an annual affair
b) Oniaha," sale Chairman It C. Peters
i of the contest crmmlttee, "and we also
' hope to demonstrate that the peony Is
I the flower for be million, as welt as
for the millionaire.
Tic Wloaers.
Following era tha prise wlnnarat
Grand sweepslakes, for beet peony is
show 110, donitU-d by H. C. Peiurs, won
b J. f. Hoaeiifieia. peony specialist.
Uh his rfntlay pink blossom, ' suuveulr
s Oamard Calot."
For W white peony, K. donated by
Mra. T U Kimball, won by Wtliiavin and
Kennard Wallace, , grandsons et Frank
Kor let basket dlaplsvt First, IS, do
nated bv Mra. (Jeorse H.' Prlnz. won by
. Jolin beth; second. If, donated by Wr.
M. T. iiarlow, won h Urs. Arthur Crit
tenden p.niilh.
First, fs, sirs. Jtferaaret C J'rasca pf
Second, Mrs. William Anderson, 41M
Worth Fortlth irwl. Omaha.
Third. ta, K. C. I'eters. s Cass street,
uhnirman of t'WIc league garden contest
One award, U. for best ping peony by
professional. J. F. Koecnfl.lii, .
' Oenerfcl Collections Mrs. John W. Bald
win, for rfrnsrkaola collection I rare
varieties: Frank Kcnnurd, for remark
able collection; M. C. IT tors, for large
display: J. V. Roeenfield and Menerer
Nursery company, fur specie! displays of
1 1"0 bloe'onis each. Pix-oIhI coramenda
tluns weie also granted by tha Judges to
B. Bteaart for floral basket and Carl
derer for display of palme.
White Krre-for-All John Path. Mrs.
fohn K. ttnldwln, Rome Wilier, Mrs.
William Andcreon. Mrs. J. H. Msrnott.
Mrs. F. V. fcvlrk.ndall. Mrs. T. M- Orr.
Ura 1, J. Moore, Mrs. George A. Host
land !tfrs H. J. Hacbett.
rUutWot .sply-Mra..A. O. BsniMh, Mrs.
John.N. Baldwin. Mrs. T. JL Orr. Mra
Henry Wyman. Mrs. C. Chriaieneen, Mrs.
Tred Strombera;. " "" "",,. ....
Amateur Pink-Mrs. M. V- Bs rjow.M rs.
Henrv Vvnmn. Mrs. T. M. Orr , R. l..
P.W William and Kennsrd Wallace,
tills Margaret Wyman. Mrs. H. J. i k
"l Mrs Mvron lsrned. A., . Bauer.
VrofT;Mon.Vn"prrk-John .th. Mrs.
Money Creak WurseW
iornpan,-. franH Martin, J. V, Posenfleld.
Urs. J. II. Marnett.
" FLATTSMOOTH. Neb., June e.-ape
.i.i a Bond-talking young roan, giving
bis aane ss Hsns Jensen, worked ha
clothing firm Pf roller ft TMerolf here
with cba" for a tot ood jnount,n
. to I4.W and ths balance In eash. Ha then
passed a e c',eck c',h on Ado,pl
Seise, a saloonkaaper. ih ..v-
Arwn an a hank In Union and signed C.
IL Fsturson. Jsnaen made bis gct-awsy.
rll -Tha ciiy of Plattsmeutn. Mayor m
J. Rlrhty and forty-four othae residents
of this city ars made defendanta la an
ni.nv suit filed In federal court by ths
Burllnglon railroad. The complaint ta
msdo to quiet tha title of the property of
' the nurllnRton's nKiu-oi-wsr nrot.
Cssa county.
BF.ME WBfHK, D.. June .
(8t)clsl.-Oordon Tbomaa of Grand Is
land. Neb., claims tua r'rq ior wi- -Jn
i tha largest trout wlih liox.k and ltne
yet found in tt BlacH llilla. Ha hooked
one here which we'ihed eleven and a half
touwi'.s ftr a desrat fight In which
bis pule was broken nl e was forced
to gt latp tl(a irfra
Natra from l.yea.
1.TON8. Neb., June a (Special. r-Mrs.
I. i nier 1L Klefer died at her home hare
VH tpy evnlng. SSed 17 years, leaving a
hu;ra and a Uttie son s years eio.
1'iatu wgs cauaed by taking parts green
eiiUe lemporarlly Insane. Phe had been
ili for some time snd had Just returned
fiom the hospital at Walthlll. Bha was
ujfutrly Miss TlUls Anderson, and was
roarrWd to Mr. Klefer three years sgo,
Pr. C. W- Bsy sns; family hava gone to
Indiana to take their vacation. Ir. Ray
Is the Mtbodtat ntlnlsier at this place,
and his pulpit will be filled Sunday by
Uw. J. M. lldy of Omaha. Or. Kay
will aleo attend tbe flfleanth gnnusl re
union of his clasa In Pel's uw university
at Greencastle.
The Ili.GOO electric light plant for this
place la wall undo way and Is expected
to be completed by July L
Ira frwaa Polk.
POLK. Nb., Juue . (Special. Two
UUruu of the civil war, James Ureen
aod It- P. Meredith, answered the final
roll tall yeaterday. Mr. Omen paaaed
a tar at hla homestead, one mile east of
town, and Mr. Mvredith at hla residence
In this village. On the sail is day Mrs. M.
Uedlent died at her hoina, three mllrs
south of here.
The contract will ba let for the erection
of a auditorium and lodge ball at
this place June 11
A five-day Chautauqua will be opened
here June S3.
Tkteal aa LaaaT Troablaa.
'JuU-Jvly hniped by Ir. Klng'e New THm-
rtvery. In use over forty yaara. Pvary
ton, shouid keep a bottle for emer
ftmica. iOu. all drusglsls. Advertiae-
(Continued from Psge One.)
forces had to be auppllnl with necessary
artillery sad reinforcements to enabls
them to attack the Turks, who ycupied
very strong positions, and hava been de
livering repeated attacks en ths British
and Frsnch lines. Nothing official has
been received from either aide for sev
eral daya, but dlspatchea from Athena
state that the allies have repulsed all
the attacks, the last of which, against
the Australians and New Zealanders on
Monday, resulted hi very heavy Turk
ish loases. '
" Weald Glre rttnes Joy.
A successful ending ta these operations
would be Joyfully received here, as In
addition to ths heavy losses suxtained by
the land forces, the worships which are
supporting them are In danker from
(lerman submarines. This, of course,
would mesa an and ta Turkey, so far aa
Europe Is concerned.
Turkey Is reported to be near the end
of Its resources In the Caucasus, where
the Russians ars making steady prog
ress, snd ths Turks msy hava to meet
an Italian landing in Asia Minor.
The attempted Oerman effenslvs In the
west seems to have failed, as Berlin ad
mits today the loss ef the sugar refinery
at touches, which Is considered an im
portant position and to gain which many
lives hava been saotiflced. - Fighting,
however, Is still going en between the
Germans and British at Ilooga, first one
and then the ether taking the offensive
Hess Official Report.
PETHOORAD (Via Jondon), June t
The war office Issued ths following state
ment: "No Important chanss has occurred on
both bsnks of the N lumen rlvsr or on the
front along the Narew river and the left
bank of the Vistula.
"Our effenslvs on tha lower flan has
developed successfully. On June I aid 4
tha Fourteenth Austrian army corps,
which suffered defeat on preceding days
on tha, frost of Warohol, PodrvoHna and
BtrlUa, fell back on fortified positions
bstwean the rivers Lens; and Pan en the
front of ths villages of Staay and Jsta
snd the stations of Lentownla and ?ari
sins. Fighting far possession of this po
sition continues. We took evey 1.000 pris
oners in this region on June 1
'To help ths Austrtans, who wars herd
pressed by us, a strong force of Oerman
reserves concentrated oat the left bank
of ths river Long and delivered three
furious sttscks en ths night ot June M
on the front between Krowlca and
Burdsl, Thesaj attacks were rspuise.
On ths Hpht bsnks of the river Ran,
between the rivers Lubaesewka and kle.
our tpfgntry on June 4 captured ssveral
German trenches in, the region 01 the
Vlllsge pf Korienlce.
lllaae Centura.
The enemy eucceeded on June I in
sapturtng tha vlllsgs of Starsawa, whloh
is sltuatsd on ths left bank of the Wyes
nla. Our counter attack dislodged him.
from this village, but as holds tha around
In the neighboring heights.
The enemy on ths nlfht of June M
stacked our position bstweeq the vil
lages of Krukenlca and ths rlvsr Strwlas,
but was repulsed With rst losses. The
enemy on June t continued h attacks
on our bridge heads on ths Dniester rlvsr
between Tyamaaioa and "try ..and, ths
Nlkolaleff railway. We pulsd during
ths course e the day fous dssperate as
saults on our positions near Vvnrpberg,
we using (hs bayonet and bsnd grenades.
About noon cn. the following day on ths
whole ot tha above line the defeated
enemy began ta " nw frot
yond ths range of our artillery fir. Our
troops, taking the offensive, attacked the
enemy near Kryntca, The flhtln pen-
Joy at North Platte
On Cross-Country Hun
NORTH rt-ATTR, Neb., June 1 Spe-
clal Telegram.) President Joy fcf tbs
Lincoln Highway ao0Mmn passea
through here yftcrlav pn ei over
land tur of ths continent.
Mr. Joy has been deisyeq inia weea
because of rains and Is somewhat behind
his schedule. -
I find that much work bad been done
on the Lincoln Highway In all the steles
I have crossed." said Mr. Joy.
Ths party loft immediately fur Cheyenne
after buying supplies hare,
OOTHBNBima. Neb.. Juns (Spe
cial.) Roger Williams of Boston, Mass.,
snd Miss Caddie Winifred Jennings were
merrled Wednesday morning st the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. snd Mrs. J. J.
Jennings In this city. Ir. C. C. Wilson
ef ths Methodist ohurrk officiated, using
ths ring service. B. R. Bpauldlng ef
Omaha was groomsman, Mtas Carrl
Bpauldlng, bridesmaid, and Mrs. J. J.
Jennings, mother ef the bride, matron of
honor. The bride wsa gowned la white
embroidered net with tulle veil. Bha
carried a ahower bouquet ef white sweet
peas and Wes of ths waller. Mr. and
Mra Williams Wft to the afternoon of
ths asm a day for Boston, their future
home. Mr. Williams Is a member of the
faculty of ths Massachusetts Institute of
GENEVA- Neb . June .-(6pecll.VJdiss
Nell fleaa and Mr. Clark puncan were
m.rrt.d ITirt.v morntna at 1Q S0 o'clock
k. r.f th. hrid.'e Mretta. Mr .
and Mrs. N. Bwan. Ray. W. U Aualln
et the M.thodlat Epiacopal church of -
ticiated. They left for Fsrnam Immedi
ately, where Mr. puncen, Is In ths lumber
Notes frem North Platte.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., June 4. (Spe
cial.) Ira Trout, aged L a well known
Lincoln county ranchman, died at his
nome pear vicaena. inn weea,
ptomaine poisoning. !e ate a hearty
diuoeY Thursday and a few hours after
was a corpse. -annvq nam i inuugm
to bavs caused tha trouble- Tbs funeral
i m . . .w. 1 1 r V . k.
, ' " ,, 7 ' 'T
, V' "T'
Inss cluaed Hunday, June (, In the
tabernacle erected on Dewey street. Meet-
lngs have been held there for a month,
suiting m convru
worn oo mi uncoin mgnway onage
ever the Ilette river east of here la to
start Monday, June T.
N-Hh 1 1 ta ta celebrate this v.. r
on July $. Tbs chamber of commerce
today decided te put en a big entertain
ment for the people ef Uauola county.
Plans will probably be made fur a base
ball tournament.
Part of Tenth Bib of ConiUntine
Removed and Monarch S
, cures Relief.
LONDON, June 8. An Athens
dispatch to the Eichange Telegraph
company aaya that Prof. Elselberg of
Vienna today performed an operation
on King Constantine, removing part
of tha tenth rb.
Tha king felt some relief after the
operation. Tha treatment la likely
to cover a long period ot time.
The Klesr's Ailment.
Tha operation performed Indicates that
the' king probably Is suffering from
pleurisy with virulent effusion,, which Is
known ss empyema, the treatment for
which consists of ths removal of one or
more ribs snd drainage. One of the early
bulletins on the king's condition. Issued
by the attending physician May 15, men
tions ths presence of pus In the pleural
cavity, which accounts for the occasional
relapse which King Constantine has un
dergone. A favorsbls sign, however, la
the compsratlvely low temperature and
respiration noted In the latest reports.
Rabbi Wise Cornea
Thursday Morning
Babbi Stephen R. Wlss of New Tork
City, who will deliver a peace lecture st
the Brandels theater Thursday evening,
arrives Thursday morning from Kansas,
where he delivers ths commencement ad
dress at ths state university. Rabbi Wise
will deliver the commencement address
at the University of Omaha that sfter
neon. Habbi Wise's talk hare will be en "Is
Wn Cureleas?" Although one of the
celebrated spesksrs on peace In this
country, he aoespts no psy fos pesos ad
dresses, money received going to a spe
cial fund which he devotes to Institutional
At ths lecture the speakey will be In
troduced by Norrls Brown,
Boscs foe tha lecture have been re
served by A- W, Carpenter, F. J. Mo.
flhsne, C. T. Kountae, W. D. Hosford. Q.
H. Payne and Mtag Jeannstte McDonald.
Meningitis Cause of
, Lulu Shea's Death
- A coroner's Jury Investigating the death
ef Lulu Bass, Qsferd hotel, who died at
at. Joseph hospital as ths result of an
alleged attack by a robber yesterday de
cided that cerebral meningitis was ths
cause, and not an assault.
Ths Jury also sshonsrsted B. Fllegner,
clerk, who has been held as a suspect.
No evidence ot sn attack could be found.
uncle sam swoops down
on:chinese hop users
Federal authorities swooped down on
the Chinese population ef the Third
ward yesterday in an investigation of
suspected violation ef the Harrison antr
oplats Isw. 41
Inspector Hoist or ths local intern
revenue department and Petectlves Rich
gnd Pssanowskl of ths police department
arrested Wing fling, ill' North Twelfth
street, who had a "hc-P" layout and a
bottla ot "yen shl" (opium aahea, used
fpr smoking when mixed with other
substance), snd Los rong, 10U Capitol
avenue. Fong wag smoking rea,l opKim,
the officers sId.
Both are being detained at police head
quarters by the government officials.'
A Judgment secured In the Douglas
county district court for f2,S00 secured by
Michael Shannon aganat ths Bwirt rack
Ing company Is affirmed by the supreme
court, fhennon wag ordered to pour
rauatlo soda in a washing machlns while
the same was In motion and some of ths
stuff wss splattered In one of his) eyes.
permanently Injuring the same. The court
holds it was a matter for ths Jury to de
cide whether plaintiff knew the act was
dangerous or not
A paternity Judgment from Douglas
county hss been changed In tbs supreme
court by n order cutting down H.JOft.
payable In monthly Installments of US,
to $1,800 to be paid quarterly at the rate
of ttoa a year.
The case wss brought by Helsn 6cba
fer against Benjamia Teller. Tha court
holds that as Teller is only II years of
sge and receives but 111 a week the udg
ment Is eioeaalve.
What la believed to be ths first heat
prostration ef the year occurred yester
day afternoon. In spite pf the moderate
temperature, whan Oeerge Hamilton
Orelghloa student living at 1 North
Twenty-fifth, south side, toppled ever at
I He had Just been Informed tht he
I had piSeed SVSral difficult Seminations,
months of hard work. Police Bur
. " Illmmsrer aald the mental strain
contributed to the work of the beat.
Th uprnM ourt lias, cut th judf
av an ft asvlIM htf l.atMk ftatklmtck a. aT ft 1 Hit
tn- Packing- company from 7.k
u .u that the plaintiff
(B a UM hu trm M(I
lnJuw, th ,mploy th.
The verdict of the Pougleenounty dls-
, trlot court WSS "grossly cscesalve." sals
tk, guprwa. tribunal.
nrriPrQQ a DC ri CfTrn Rnt CLCLICU
The following officers weea elected at
meeting of the Nebraska Bmltb College
President Mra. Frederick T. Bouae.
Vt.-o Pvosidsnt Mra Harold k,rta
8ecretary Mia Msry t autiru.
Treasurer Vis A'l' S Wod worth,
r Mlas KrHle El sutler.
Livctura of Alumnae Trutees Mlas
Jaaet Wllsre. Mim larcUa Liouge aud
Great Production of Fun and Real
Merit to Ba Girts Tryout at the
Den Monday Evening.
With 1.703 members enrolled and paid
up, up to Saturday morning, the Afc-Bar-Bn
road show st the den will stsrt
off Monday eveninw with the blggeat
flrer-night membership the organisation
has ever had. Lat year there were
1,W members the Saturday night pre
ceding the opening of the show ths fol
lowing Monday.
B1nnlng Monday evening. June 7, the
big show and Initiation at the Den wilt
be on every Monday evening until about
October 1. Thousanda of visitors from
aH parts or the United States will be en
tertained there, as well as visitors from
foreign lands.
Tlte opening night this year, Congress
men I-ohsok and Mayor Dshtman are
to be the speakers. It will be Juet like
runntna? for office for these fellows to
get before this big audience to speak.
It will be Just like a campaign for the
audience to I la en to them. But there
will be one difference, fhey won't talk
Ne Polltlee at Den.
No politic goes at tha Den. It Is not
only the rules of ths Ak-Sr-Ben that
would prevent It, but It Is the very
deviltry ef the' audience that would re
fuse to listen to anything as eerloiis or
frivolous) as polltlca It any office
aecr thinks he can go to the Den and
gala votes by making a political speech,
let that hardy Individual try It The
beer has besn especially manlcurvd for
such fellows.
The show Is to start promptly at 113.
Those who have tickets showing thst
they have paid their HO to Samson wilt
be admitted. Those who have no such
ticket will, on payment ef that amount
at the Den to Bam son, be issued such a
ticket so thst they may got in, Sam
son wtil be in tha lobby with a boot
full of change for the $100 bills that will
be flashed on him at the last minute
for eleventh-hour admittance.
Vmm fos Oetaldera.
Aside from 1.000 or more Omaha mem
bers who will be Initiated Monday eve
ning, two distinct sets of out-of town
men are to be tortured- They are the
delegates to ths Nebraska Pharmaceuti
cal association which Ss to be in aeaalon
in Omaha during the first part of the
week, and the delneatee to the National
Association of Sheet Metal contractors
who are going to stop over night ta
Omaha on their way to Denver for tha
bin convention there.
June 14, which, will be the second night
of ths performance for this year. Is set
apart for the delegates) ta the National
AasooJatton of Travelers' Protective as
sociation, which la to meet bera at the
June a, which win be the third night's
performance for the year, Is set apart
for the Pouth Omaha candidates, of
which there ss a large delegation.
August is tbe date tor the Lsnooin
delegation, when a apeolal train to to
soma even from Lincoln, bringlnsT a large
delegation of boosters who want to see
the "Isls of Pep," and want to hear
tha bear crack nuts.
High School Cadets
Will Leave Monday
For Camping Ground
Omaha High school cadets numbering
ISO will leave for their annual encamp
ment early Monday morning. They will
spend the week at Malvern, la., where a
rine camp ground haa been secured.
Reatdenta of Malvern have made a num
ber of plans te add to the pleasure ef
their visit.
Major "Heinle" EDaasae will be oom-
mandaat. He Is major of tbs fourth Ne
braska National Guard. "
"Assembly" will be blown st the school
at f :M. and the masch down Fsrnam to
tha Burlington station will take place
shortly afterward. Ths camp kitchen
will already hava been Installed when
ths regiment arrives and ths cadets will
find dinner ready.
Vice Principal Woolery will accompany
the boya as faculty man and. Coash Mills
will go along to take care ef athletes.
Plan have bet made o organise com
pany base ball teama to conteat for the
championship pf the regiment-
The majority of the boys who are go
ing to camp have signed a card pledging
obedience to camp rules.
Sues Physician for
Operation on Wife
Isay Fiedler, t South Twenty-first
street In a suit ft'ed In district court
against Dr. John T. Mathews asks Hxi
damagea tor Injuries alleged caused to
his wife by reason of aa operation which.
he aaaerta, the physician performed upon
his wife.
Mrs. Fiedler, according ta the petition,
suffered a severe Illness following tbe
operation, necessitating) protracted snedl
oal treatment. Lose of her servioea and
companionship la a principal element in
Fiedler's claim for damages.
Refuses Employment;
Slugged by Mexican
A Mexican Who followed Welter Woodr
row up to the second floor f f the Car
penter Paper company, seeking a Jon.
suddenly sprang upon him with a club.
and kneckmg him upconsctoua with a
blow, robbed Mm of and fled.
Mr. Wood row had Just repeated that
there was ne work for htm when the
applicant made the attack.
Mr. Woodrow could give no deearlptloa
of nla assail nt,
Supervisor Ernest E. Psle of the school
garden clubs U locking fur adult leaders
to make fortolghtly Inspections of
gardens. AU of (he schools but six now
have such Wadcra, snd Dale hopes to find
volunteers to take charge of the gardens
In the beals. Cssa. Central Park, Lone
Clifton IIUl and g hernia a school districts,
and make reports on tbe condition, of
each garden every twe weeks. Any aaaa
witling te help In the work may enlist
by communicating with Purervtaor Dale
or Secretary R. 4 Flower at the Toung
Men's Christian aaseolatten buildln.
There are aa average of twelws er flfteea
gardens te be visited In each district,
i .
The Bee Went Ada Are Best Business
mm mm 9
Commencement Actiritiet at College
Include Interesting: Program
of Errata.
Commencement activities at Bellsvue
college are In full swing. Friday morn
ing the Impressive senior chapel servlcs
wss held, and In the evening the gradu
ation exercises of the Normal school and
Union High school took place.
Sunday morning at tha First Presby
terian church the baccalaureate sermon
was delivered by lr Mel'hen -1 1 - - ..
In tbe evening Dr. Frederick T. Rouse
of the First Congregational church ot
Omaha delivered the utlUrea lo tin.
Christian organization.
Monday evening tha 'Roguerles of
Scapin'' will be presented by ths senior
class in the grove. The last dress rs
heersal waa held Saturday afternoon.
The playera are working bard and a really
fine production to e pec ted.
Tuesday will be a full day. In ths
morning -ths annual meeting of the
trustees will he held In Clarke halt The
afternoon will be filled with the Alumnl
Varalty base ball game, and ths general
recital of the college of fine arts will
take place at the church In the evening.
Wednaaday Is the lest day of school.
Senator Gilbert M. Hitchoock will deliver
.the sommencement address to the senior
clasa at 10:10 o'olock. At I o'clock will
take place the alumn reunion and kusl
nssa meeting with an address by a mem
ber of the class ot 'Ot and at 7 o'clock
the big alumni banquet will he given In
Fontenelle dining hall, at which this
year's senior clasa wljl be the guests of
Mawy yiaMora tome.
Alumni are already drifting baok to
the old htll foy sommencement. Rooms
In Fonteaneile. Lowris and Hamilton halls
are all engsged - In advanee for the
visitors. The campus never was In
better condition, for this year great
pains have been taken to keep It well
mowed and smooth.
The porches of all buildings are re
ceiving a fresh coat of paint and interior
work la being done at all halls.
A large electric sign has been placed)
on darks hall whloh advertises to all the
country foy miles around that Bellevue
college la stationed on old EJlk hilt
One of the big events of ths week will
bs ths sale of the Junior Annual. The
first book cams from ths printer yester
day, and ths lot will bs brought down to
Bellevue Tuesday morning. This has
been advertised ss one of ths biggest and
best annuals ever put out and great In
terest is being shewn in Its outcome.
Bee Wapt Ada Produce Results,
Juveaiia authorities hare caused the ar
rest ot Ralph Van Ness, railroad flagman.
charged with contributing to the delin
quency ot U-ysar-old Gladys Duncan, his
adopted daughter,
They Look
The average cup of coi'fen contains about 2V?
grains of caffeine, a subtle, poisonous drug.
Caffeine is cumulative, and day by day pounds
away at ncrvee, heart and other organs, finally Bhow
Ing in biliousness, headache, sleeplessness, heart flut-
ter, nervous prostration, etc.
A cup of
has a flavor similar to mild, high-grade Java, but con
tains no coffee, caffeine, nor other harmful substance.
fofitnm made of whole wheat, roasted with a
little wholesome molasses is a pure food-drink de
cidedly American, and is taking the place of coffeo
with thousands, of people who appreciate health and
Post una comes la two forms:
Ppstuta Or reel -the original form requires thorough boil
ins to brlag out its flavor and food value. 15s and t&c packages.
Instant Poetunv-r-the soluble form is prepared la tha sup
lastseU with hot water. and SOo tins.
Both hiada are equally dllclaue-r-st par cup about tha
aasna.ii eald by grocers evsrywhere.
"There's a Reason" for Postum
Two Men Held in Xantai City Al
leged to nave Swindled Ranch
man Out of $3,000.
Omaha Sgaln Is headquarters for a gang
ef fake horse raoe swindlers. Is ths rhargs
mads by tha Kansas City police. At V-ast
two of the men arrested there for the
alleged swindling of a Colorado, ranchman
of $.nf on the old Mabray game, belong
here, they say.
One Is Walter Harrison, who they say
has been living st the Csrlton hotel under
another name, and the other Is W V.
O'Brien. HOI Fsrnsm, alias "The Jack
knife." Arrested Week Aae,
O'Brien, the Omaha police record's shew,
was arrested here a week sge, suspected
of being a confidence men. but ss no
direct evidence wss had against him, he
was tried on a vagrancy complaint In
police court and given a sentence of
ninety days In ths county Jail, He served
two days and obtained his release on an
appeal to district rourt.
He Is now held in Kansas City. His
wifs lives here in ths Fernam street
home, which he owns.
Chief of Detectives Maloney says he
hag been warned by police departments
In several cities against ths presence of
"Tha Jack-knife" and it wss on aocount
ef this thst he caused his arrest when
ha learned that O'Brien Intended to lo
cate here permanently.
The men arrested In Kansas City are:
Walter Harrison, Omaha,; I V. O'Brien,
Omaha, gnd Hairy Stanhope ot Phila
delphia but who la known here. Leopold
Seeds and his beautiful wife and a Mrs.
Ernest Bethel, ars being held In Denver.
Colorado Man Victim.
Ik W. Kllnkerman of ls Animas,
Colo., waa the victim.
He met the confidence men st Exceptor
Springs, Mo., and was Induced to bet
$8,000 on a "flssd" horse race. Later
ha auspeotsd that he had been swindled
and he notified ths authorities.
Ths Omaha police say that the methods
used In getting the ranchman's money
were exactly like those used by ths fam
ous Mabray gang, even to the faked
newspaper, clippings.
Beat for Coaatlpatlon.
The beat medlolne for constipation Is
Dr. King's New IJfe PHls. Mild snd ef-
I fective and keep you well. 25c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. June 6. Special Tele
gram.V Rural letter earrlera have been
appointed aa follows: James D. Ed
wards at Esthervllle, la.; M. U Lanyon
at Mondamin, la.; O. A. Burnian at
(Brookings, a D.; Charles Hollty st Wes
Slngton Springs, and A- I Lowery at
Wllmot. 8. t.
Gilbert B. Swan son was appointed
postmaster at Oshkosh, Garden eounty,
Jebraaka, vloe A. B. Wynes, resigned:
W. A. Holden wss appointed postmaster
at Creabard, Franklin county, Souih Da
kota, vice Edna L. Forsyth, resigned.
Civil service examinations will be held
on July 10 for postmasters at Spring
Ranch and Sparks, Neb.
Richard F. Lynan, Omaha, has been
appointed chairman; W. C. Forman of
Havelock, mechanical engineer In con
nection with the valuation of railroads
by ths Interstate Commerce commission.
PetrogTad Announces Appearance
Strong Naval Force in the
Baltic Sea.
PETROQRAD (Via tendon), June
6.An official statement Issued bj
J the war office says:
"A strona German fleet nae ap
peared in tha middle Baltic an ex
changed shots with the Russian fleet
near the gulf of Riga." ,
LONDON, June . Brief mention
I Is made In theelatest official state
! ment issued by the Russian war of
fice of the appearance of "a strong
German fleet" in the Baltic Sea,
which has "exchanged shots" with
the Russian fleet near the Gulf of
The nature of this fleet or where
it came from Is problematical, but
nearly a month ago several German
warships were observed cruising in
the Southern Baltic,
jfifae. 1
ff - '''xCa'J
'rT-i.' -tT .I' ,
it . . . - f t- V
For t?;i:5!rc.J
National Park!
In this tremendous out-of-door-land
a glorious vacation is await
ing you.
Vacations to suit every taste are pos
sible. You may tour the Park by auto
stage, on horseback, or afoot. You
tnsy stop st luxurious mountain hotels
snd delightful chalet groups, or in a
park sack you may "take your hotel
with you."
Vacations "over trails afoot need cost
no more than f 1 per day.
California fxpositlona via
Glacier Park!
fly everlsnd trsio, seme Rocky and Cascade
MoanUifw to Pacific Northwest enroute s tour of
Glacier Park aboard Mramahtps Groat Northern
sad Northers Pacinc to Sea Fraacieco travel thia
'Croat Northers way." Low Round Trip Fart.
dip the eotrpoa aad sead See are free Glaatsr
Park UterMore mmd Esfsiltiossi folder.
W, M. ROMINR. D. P. A.
IB Seventh St., Pes Molnea. la.
goad for OacJer Park peoka sad bpoauioea folder.
naaae ,tM,,, ..
Id's. zw
More Heat
Smoka Aek
Your Dealer,
All Under One Roof
?D3 iv -:' n.h,-:'
Ve nn.n.i i i'.. .nr u j , i i
lake tmwm
BaaciBS- (Artbar fctmltb' Orchestra),
BvatiUeT, Bolter Coaater, ateny.
i Go-B.ou4
and lfaay Otber Attractions,
rsee Adtutaaioo.
took Tour 11 on lea Vow.
Real Estate
Read the latest news alou real
aetata ua Uie steut to the) Last
fg. bm Intue-uiexi-wilevaeU-iaio
eutd you wtU be sbls to
tarewt yoar uonej snora tntnlU
geuliy nd suure proftuUly. .
S'.'J,,'iJLI.UM!a VY. M. Romlne. D. P.
BT-i 81 S Seventh Bt.
Brt! ea Moines, la.
a. HOiif I B. A. NOBLE
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Mrs. aui4 w. uoruon.