1 -" I ail I ..i. . .... ii,.. Gossip Along the Automobile Row I- Ia Ireland of Ireland Bros, bases h'.r prediction for a tjood 1915 season en tirely upon the crop condition which h liart occasion to observe laat weak. . Tho contractor la now busy with th Interior woodwork, at tha new Flr.aton. hulhlfng, whlrh Manager T. C. nudlsell experts to occupy within tlio nest tow weeks. .1. II. MaoAlman, the Boaton Stcams Knlht dealer, has let a record among; eastern dealors by wiling a haJf-mUllrn dollars' worth of Stearna-JCnUtht cam since January 1. Tom Bottcrtll of Denver and Ed Bot inftl of Fait Lake City, cn route to Buf falo, X. Y, In Fierce-Arrow, stopped liero with the Ptewart-Toozer company last Thursday nnd Friday. Manager O. A. Olson of the Pennayl vanla Rubber company's local branch announced last week, .that, beginning June 1, ills company would extend the guarantee on tho Vacuum Cup type of tiro from fjoo miles to ,000 nilles, Thl is welcome news to motorists. E. I Doty, the Reo and Chevrolet dis tributer for this territory, hita Just re turned from a week's visit to his fac tories nnd he is able to verify the report that both factories are working to their utmost capacity and are still unable to meet the demands of the dealers. A recent letter from the Federal Motor Truck company to E. E. Moser Co. of this 'City states that the result of an In vestigation of the type of delivery trucks used by furniture dealers shows that there are almost 'twice the number of Federal trucks used for this purpose than any other truck of similar capacity. Lee Huff of the Ncbraska-Bulck com pany bait been spending the last week at tho Bulrk factory at Flint, Mich., at tending a convention of Bulck distribu ters. Coincident with thia meeting- the Bulck Motor company announced it a in tention to build nothing1 but six-cylinder cars for the 1916 season. There will be two models, one a light alx and the other a larger oar. No announcement of price i has been made aa yet. The tet evidence that Tom O'Brien and Bert. Murphy have returned from the Dodge and Paige factories Is the pres ence of Mime cars on their salesroom floor whlrh haa been unoccupied for the last few week. The shortage of car ha been so (treat that as aoon a some were unloaded they were quickly driven away ty dealers and owners. d. W. Bruce, the local Lexington dis tributer, was badly bruised last Satur day near Conneravllle, Ind., when one of the factory test cara In which he was riding with a tester struck a bad hole In th rond while traveling at a hlirh rate of speed.-He wea thrown from his seat and alighted at the side of the rond, but neither the driver nor the car were In jured. Thla year, It apems that the manufac turer have tried to exceed the dealer's fondest expectations not only in tho con struction of care, but in the price as well. Many ran easily recall the day when It wa Impossible to get a aeeond fcand car for much less than fl.OrtO. This, compared with, the present prices on some of the popular cars, which are 1750 or very cloee thereto, should convince the new buyer that they are getting more for their money than ever before. Jo Dine, Goodyear branch manager, I Just back from a trip out through the tate and bring with him the pleasant recollection of spendfhg thirty minute driving jone mile In hi car. Joe eay It certainly rained outside of Omaha during the last ten days, but that the farmers were glad to get It. "We don't doubt it a bit, fir the more It rains the better the crops. Tho better the crops the bet ter the automobile business and Inci dentally they both make goed Goodyear bualnea." Henry Nygaard of the Omaha Tire Re pair company ,1 justly enthusiastic over the showing, made by tha Goodrich diver-town tires used on the racing cars during the Indianapolis race last Mon day. The first ten cara to finish, were o equipped. It Is expected that thla fact will stimulate the demand for Sllvertown Cord tires throughout the country aa It ha In Omaha. Mr. Nygaard Is also for tunate In handling the new Goodyear Cord tire and It was Interesting to note that the Twin-Six Packard which wa driven through Omaha last week by the president of the Packard Motor Car cem pany was equipped with Goodyear" Curd tires containing Ietrolt air. An exami nation of the tires showed rrartlcally no wear In spite of tho f.irt that the entire trip from IHtrott to Omaha was In a steady downrour of r:ffl and through road that would have seemed impassa ble to the average car. Oeorge O. McVlcker, manager of the Jef fery-Omaha company, made an envia ble record laat week by delivering thir teen of the lPlfi Empire cars, five six cylinder and threo four-cylinder models of the Jeffery car. Most of these deliv eries have been made In the central part of Nebraska, as the roads of that vl' lnity tr of a sanlv nature and have rot ren affected by the rain as they have adja cent to Omnha In both Iowa and Ne braska. This Is an enviable record In view of the fact that the r?l Empire wa onlv announced two weeks ago. Auto Club to Have New Tourists' Mcap At the Club Rooms The Thomas Cusack company Is now working on one of tho most complete combination highway-weather maps for the club room of tho Omaha Automobile club. Thi man will cover tho entire wall and show the club member and tourist at a glance the principal highways be tween Omaha and Davenport and De Moinea on the east, Kansas City on the south, Denver on the west and Mlnno apolla and ft. Paul on the north, and also condition of ronds. which will be Indi cated by colored flags. Tour slip to all point out of Omaha are now ready. An exceptionally fine automobile high way map Is now being designed, which will cover most of Nebraska and as far east In Iowa as Des Moines, showing the roads and the cities In red outline.. Clarke G. Powell, the new secretary, I transfusing some of hi famous "pep" Into club actlvltlea Club members are going to get this year the biggest $5 worth of benefit they ever dreamed of. Aladdin's lamp was rubbed pretty briskly at Wednesday's meeting of the board of director, and the club has tho coin of the realm on hand to follow out the "ervlce first" plan li club members. Every motorist who reads thla ahould Immediately "com In and get under" ana snare me gooa minus u am uuien out for a paltry ear dues. Room for Parking Autos at Krug Park Has Been Extended While an amusemont vnlerprle de pends on publlo favor. Its patronage de pemla on the many things Intended to please and be of pleasure, convenience and comfort to it many patron. Th popular Krug park' open air garage haa been found Inadequate on several oo easlona and It haa now caused th man agement to demolish fences and take up beautiful flower beds to provide sufficient space for the many automobile that Journey dally to thl popular reeort. No doubt thl meet with the approbation with some car owners that have fqund It necessary to let their ear atand out side of the grounde when the garage had been to capacity. The n any riding de- vice appear to be the extreme pleasure of the grownup a well a the children. The large dace pavllllin la aio a very popular feature. Tom Mickel Will Select Motorcycle Riders for Relay One of tha big thing to take plac In the motorcycle field 1 th transconti nental relay dispatch, carrying meaage from coast to coast by motorcycle. Arrangemcnta have been perfected and the route selected. T. K. Mickel of the Nebraska Cycle company ha charge of eelng that th message I handled lrom Omaha to Columbus. The election of the threo rldeia to carry thia message wilt be made this week and will be handled over this part of the route on Excelsior motorcycles. Tho route selected by the committee starts at Washington, then to New York, then by way of Chicago, Omaha. Salt Ijiko City to San Francisco. Douglas 4401 Ream Bros. First Class Auto Repairing and Machine Work North 1Mb St. - 5. ' 'TWIN-SIX A TWELVE-CYLINDER CAR Which has a remarkable range of ability combined with almost complete absence of vibration at all speeds. This result is due not only to the continuous smooth application of power from the twelve cylinders, but also to the fact that the small bore of the cylinders and the use of a spe cial Packard aluminum alloy in making the pistons has reduced the reciprocating weight of the twelve pistons and connecting rods to ap proximately half the weight of the corresponding parts in the previous Packard model. .The superior smoothness of operation, which is in herent in this Packard Twin-Six motor insures longer life to the bear ings and effects an economy in oil and gasoline. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414 -"e aa-j, Lu ; 1 ,jr- (t)M.MtlU'K TRUCKS, $073. Khaft-rtrlve, eliding gear trans mission. Continental truck motor, KtHoinan nuigneto. special truck rear axle, large tire, choice of three bodies, geared six to on. Built for a.rvlre. Not a pleassiire riiaaala converted Into a truck. Papacltv 1.1100 pounds. Talk with us about trucks. E. E. MOSKK CO., 808 rarsam. Souffle 8800. Positive Experts On All Self-Starters. Strahlc & Anderson Red 4473. 2059 Tamam. Call Tyler 1000 It Tow Want to Talk to Tb Dm mr to Aaron Oonm"to4 wtth Tko Oat. nt it S! W f cat u3 WILL you get delivery of a new Ford this Spring? If so,' here is a suggestion: For your first spin bring the car to us. See the Gray & Davis Starting-Lighting System for Ford Cars. In a few hours time, if you desire, we can add to your car the services of electric starting arid lighting from a battery. The fine-looking 1915 Ford deserves this equip ment Gray & Davis equipment For, since 1908, when Gray & Davis produced the first successful electric lighting dynamo, their name has stood for the top-notch of simplicity and i efficiency. Owners of Used Fords: You are not barred from this equipment. The System is made a part of any Model T with equal ease and certainty of results. ' ' Drive around and find out full details. . Installed by. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE Twentieth and Harney Streets, Omaha HKURIXG MOTOlt OOMPAXT OP DES MOIYES, Dlatrlbntor fop ThU Territory. PRICE COMPLETE '73 System as supplied Includes motor gen erator, 6-volt battery, enameled steel bat tery box, starting and lighting switches, regulator - cutout, all necessary wiring, chains and sprockets. F.O. B. BOSTON VfBBBBBBBBBaBaBBBBBBagSBnK AUTO SUPPLIES a.