iiilj u.u.uiA IS i iAi iA.t.: ji'.Nfi i, i.tui, L GERMANS CHARGE CRUELTYBY RUSS Memorial Record Given Oat by Am baisadcr Alleges Wanton Mur der and Pillage. MAST INSTANCES ARE CITED WASHINGTON. June 4. The German ambassador. Count von Bernstorff. today gave out for pub lication tbe "memorial record" and accompanying affidavits. Issued by the German government as a White Book of March 25. last, relating to "atrocities commuted by Rumian troops on German clviiinus and Ger man prlaonera of war." The am baaeador also announced that copies of tbe document bad been delivered to all the neutral governments, in cluding the government of the United 8tates, and that other copies would be open to Inspection at the German consulates of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and San Fran cisco. ' The "mamerlel record " summarlre. the acts t torth l the eighty affldav.i at tached as eihlblts. each eccuatlon being accompanied br a reference to the .mm bered affldavU eivtne details -f the chert;- "The memorial record" soy: "The Russian troop have com 'nit ted sjtreeltlee during the present war which are taootnpaUfcl with tha laws of hun.an tty and Om customs of civilised naton. and which eeldenee the etter bsroerism ot their warfsre. These atrocities wsro directed ssslnot the peaceful Inhabitants f the eoetipled Oerman territory, as well as against those Oerman soldiers whe opposed them tn lawful combat anl .who had the misfortune of being taken pris oners by them. "The adjoining' documentary marertal shews that these are not Isolated cases of cruelty and deeds of vlolenoev for atrocities of the most besUal sort have been cojftrnltted In so many plaoes and by so many different divisions of troops that undoubtedly a very large peit f the nusstan army Is permeated by a spirit ef Inhuman savagery. A lane num ber of cases is already well known, but In the supplements only such esses will be found as have been Ineontrovcrtlbly established by official testimony, partic ularly testimony on oath, or by official report. These cases must, however, be .retarded as being only a selection ef the Innumerable atrocities actually com mitted. N "The whole world knows that, owing te the barbarto method of warfare em ployed by the Russian. East Prussia, once a flourishing coiratry, In parts now presents a picture of hopeless devasta tion, and that the peaceful Inhabitant wre forced to. nee and leave all their belongings In order to - savs themselves from assault and murder. It has been of ficially ascertained that at . the time of the first as- well as ef the secind In aston of East Prussia by the Ruselans, thousands ef men, women and children were carried off, thousands were' mur dered, akeufc W.fflO buttings were' demol ished or burned down, end that during , the scoond Invssion alone, about to.ono homes were plundered and destroyed. The last Russian expedition against Msmel , likewise was nothing more than a savage raid, accompanied by atrocities of every description. The depositions contained tn tha supplements give an eloquent but ghastly proof of the ects ot violence and cruelty which Individual Inhabitants suf fered at the hands of the Russians. Property stolen and Destroyed. "The movable goods of the poor as well as ef the wealthy. were destroyed, looted or wantonly destroyed by the Rus. sian troops In every conceivable way. fettle and provisions were taken without payment or promissory certificates. Men and women had to give the covetous sol 'tilers their last coppera The dwellings went searched often by one division of troops efter the other, each soldier tak ing whatsver took his fancy. Finally, homes, farm building : and - provisions ' were, without reason or purpose, de stroyed by ffre. The population. Includ ing women and children, were Ill-treated an empty pretexts or without any reason whatsoever, although they did every thing to satisfy the desires ef the Rus sian soldiers as to lodglnge and food. This lU-treetment wae partially ehereo terlsed by exquisite cruelty; for Instanee, the male population ef an entire com munity, the judge not excepted, were beatea with whips and threatened with death. PuglUva were ehet dowa' with out further ado. - "Above all. however, numerous cltisena were murdered without any cause, often under terrible tortures or In presence of their relatives. Toung men were shot, not because they had committed some thing, but because they were liable to military service. A transport of fuel Urea was suddenly attacked; the men ware separated from the women end killed without procedure ef any kind. A chief forester, escorting a troop of Oerman cenvicta. was taken prisoner by Russlaa troops, brought before General Rennen ketnpf and, probably. In accordance with that general's Inftmoua order to kill all Oerman foresters, deliberately shot. The brutal lust of tha Russian soldiers for murder did not slop even at eld men. women and children. The murder of a little girl about 1 or I year old. Is a particularly horrible Instance. Revolt I n also la the case of an entire family, mhl-h fell victim to the lust of murder of Rus sian soldier. The man was spiked to the table, the child te the door, the breasts of the wife were cut off and her body evlncerated. In another Instance a man and 1.1s 1fe were nailed by the tongue to a table. In which poeiUon they perished of hunger and loss of blood. Many Attacks Went. "Innumerable are the rases ef bestial attacks upon women and girts. Very often these pitiable victims were violated by several soldiers In succession, who. In cases, Infected then with venereal diseases. Women In advanced stages ef pregnancy were also abused by the bestial soldiers, even women ever 7 yeare ef age were not spared. -A little slrl g years old was violated by two huastaa soldiers. Officers also gave them selves Up la such misdeed. "Other supplements disclose the a't ci ties perpetrated on Oerman prisoners of sr by Russlaa troops. Frequently tl.ose German soldiers uken prisoners were rooted, spat upon or atherwte? snls treated. A Russian officer threatened Ormaa soldiers who refused te betrer tiu lr roraredr with death aad actually eid-red of them shot. HossLsa troops placed German prisoners In narrow pita before thir artillery positions with the r , evident intention of allowing them to be e-J-ed by German fire. Cossacks In rid- FORMER AND PRESENT FIRST LORDS OF THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY, Latest picture of the Hon. A.J. Balfour, first lord of the English admiralty and Winston Churchill, who recently resigned that office. ill GRIDIRON CLDB HUNTS CROOK Washington CorrripondenU After Man Who Is Selling Bogus Memberships. V I Vila. Mm MA UYv; f--f a.rv ASKS VICTIMS TO ASSIST WASHINGTON. June E. (Special. ) Kdgr C. Snyder, president of tha Oril Iron club of this city, in view of the continued operations of a gang of win- idlers, who are engaged in selling asso ciate memberships In the club to prom inent perrons throughrtit the country, warns tle public, against theea lmposters and roll upon the victims of these clever I crook to assist the club In bringing them j to Justice. i " The flrldlron club is in sll essentials a dining Hub." said Mr. Snyder. "It has ' never contemplated building a rltib holme : nor has It nt any time considered the en Is rgemcnt of lta sso late membership (llst. l.'nder the constitution of the Qrlcl ;lron cluh Its active membership Is llm- ,itid to fifty, the prerequisite qualifies lon for active membership belns thai i flie appH' nnt r, be an accrpdlted news paper correspondent with actual service I In Washington for a period of two yare (immediately preceding his nomination. .The associate membership "list is made up solely of sctlve members who have I removed from Washington. The club I has no honorary members. The entire membership of the Gridiron club at the present time Is eighty-one. divided as fol lows: Active members, fifty; associate members, twesity-ono; limited members, ten. "In viow of the wholesule character of the frauds perpetrated snd the further fact that the swindlers apparently are operating In all sections of the country, having secured Victims In Cleveland, To ledo, Dayton, Omaha and Denver, and having attempted to defraud people In the east, the public Is warned against these lmposters. One of them. Jules Water bury, alias K. Breese Stevens end other fictitious names, haa a penitentiary rec ord growing out of a proaecutlon lnatl tutcd by the Associated Press." (HAIL STORMS FOLLOWS I TORNADO IN CLAY COUNTY UArtVAlU'. Neb.. June S. ?peoial A .devastating hailstorm followed the report of a small tornado Thursdsy even ing. A strip of country from half to a j mile wlda In the northwest comer of I Clsy county and extending north Into me soutnwest corner oi Hamilton county, was pretty badly hit with the hall. The loss Is estimated at from one-half to three-quarters. The fsrm of Peter Blsh, just across the Clay county line, was also struck by the wind, several of his out building and his windmill being blown down. 'I" DEATH RECORD. i Pulley service means topnotch dentistry Frank J. Kombrlnk. CENTRAL, CITY, Neb.. June 5. (Ppe clal) Frsnk J. Kombrlnk passed away at his home In this city Thursday after noon following an Illness covering a period of many months. He was 42 years old and may be said to have grown up with tha town. Following tha death of his father, he was engaged with Ms brother, Kay, for eeveral years In the furniture business, and later confined his attention alone to his profession of undertaker. I He was a great lovar of snorts, being enthusiastic over base bail and hunting. I and as a direct result formed a state. wide acquaintance. The deceased Is "tir ! ylved by his widow and five children. The funeral waa held from St Michael a church at V o'clock Saturday morning. Mrs. Dora Frits. ' FALLS CITY, Neb., Juno S. (Special.) The funeral of Mrs. Dora "frits, wife of William Frits, was .held from the family home Friday, June 4, Rev. Wr. Ousschke. pastor of Christ's Lutheran church, officiating. Mrs. Frits was born In Germany on February M, 1812, and three years fater came to this country and located In Richardson county. Be sides her husband, she Is survived by two sons and three daughters. Mrs. Anna M. Fisher. PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. June 5.-( Spe cial.) The body of the late Mrs. Anns M. Fisher was brought to this city today from Omaha and burled by the side' of her huaband, who died two years ago. Rev. Harry O. McClusky of the First Presbyterian church conducted the services. 15m A.. :-,iji'fWJ HOH-AJ- JUrt)UJ. AND HON". WlfSToW aiuruvj off their heads, or wounded them, or by chopping off their limbs mutilated tnetn. A Oerman prisoner waa cruelly bound to a sort bf treadmill and left to starve. Three hesaars were found hanged tn a bare with their heads down and their noses and sars chopped off, so that they must have died in frightful agony. Bandages Torn from Woaaded. "Neither did the Russian hordes hesi tate at the mutilation and murder of wounded Oerman soldiers. Thus they tore the bandages oft the wounded so that they would bleed to death; pierced out their eyes, out off their tongues, ears, fingers and feet of ethers, or smashed la their skulls. In many Instances Uie atroci ties took en the very character of fiend ish torture. Thus a prisoner slightly wounded, who we pinned, to the wooden floor of a verandah bye sword, which wsnt through his mouth, had the flesh stripped off his entire Jereerme from the elbows down,' while , his . fingers were cloven to the wrists; another, who nad a fracture of the rtull, was bound to a calf In a stable In such a way that the animal would have to touch tha uncov ered brain with its mouth at every least movement "The most terrible thing of all, though, la an order from tbe Russian general staff, found on a Ruaalan oftloer of high rank, which oommanded that all the male Inhabitants able to work, from bya of IS years upward, to be driven before the storming columns. This atrocious t-rder, whereby tha- Rusalsn commander-in-chief has placed his name on the pillory for all time, was evidently made with the Intention that the Oerman soldiers, la order te meat the attack of the Russians, should have te shoot dowa their owa compatriots. "Thg Imperial Oermaa government be llevos It should stlgmetise before all the world this barbarous behaviour ef the Russian troops, defying as It doea every law ef warfare and humanity, and It hereby most vigorously and aolemnly Is sues protest against these atrocities, whlea are. Indeed, the diagraoe ot the twentieth century." WORKING ON DETAIL FOR GREATER OMAHA f Continued from rage One.) triisstoovrs ate making tentative plana for the future Greater Omaha. Soma, conslde-atlon has been given the matter of redisricting of tha consoli dated area of Omaha and South Omaha, in view of the fact that a police station. Jail and police court will be maintained In Bouth Omaha. It Is piobable that ffr polic purposes the dividing line will be established at Vinton street, and It Is equally probable that the same division will be made for the fire department ' Kenamaerlag Streets. Reauroberlng along the north and south streets will be necessary. It Is stated. It has. been suggested, for In stance, that Twenty-fourth street might be numbered south f rem lodge street to the present south limit of Houth Omaha la the same manner that thla thorough fare la numbered to the north limits of Omaha. Commissioner Wlthnell says h hopes tu Increase the South Omaha fire de partment companies to four meu each. Commissioner Kugel has expressed himself with reference to the police de partment, his position being that he doea not Intend te disturb tbe personnel of the Mouth, Omaha department, although a roarrangameet of the system will be necessary ta conform with the Omaha Systran. Commissioner Drexul haa - an eye on the street Cleaning possibilities In South Omaha and Dundee. Cty Clerk Flynn believes it would be batter to have one general department in the Omaha city Du tar hi work, rather than attempting to transact part of tha work In South Omaha. Frank Owed, formes city dark ef South Omaha, wants to be" elwk of the South Omaha polloe eourt, and Dr. K. F. iihan ahaa Is after the position of assistant health eowmlasloner. with Jurisdiction ta the south territory of lireater Omaha. Fleet Will Not Be Sent to Exposition "WASHINGTON". June 6. President Wil son haa agreed with Secretary Daniels that It will be unwise to attempt to send ! the Atlantlo fleet through tha Panama canal In July as had been planned and a formal announcement may be made soon. Governor Ooethals has reported the con dition of the slides In Oalllard cut - aa yary Indefinite. ' HYMENEAL i' - ( Ilarpster-Martln. CENTRAL .CITY. Neb.. June B.-Srje- clal)-Mr. Walter C. Ils-ni ter and Miss Sadie M. Martin were married at the home of the bride's parenta Mr. and Mm J. C. Martin, Thursday morning at cioc. in ceremony waa performed by Rev. Bryant Hows of tha Methodist church in the presence of close friends and relatives. Following the waddlna breakfast tho bride and groom departed for Lincoln. Miss Martin had luat com pleted the year's work as principal of the norm side school and Is recognised as highly proficient In her work. Me stsr Is principal of the .Central City schools and his rervlces have been re tained for the coming year. They will be at home In Central City after September 1. Romaae-Ladd. ALBION. Neb.. June g-rttoeel! ) Mr. Warren Romans ot Lincoln and Mias Delia Ladd were married Friday evening at tha home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra Arthur W. Ladd Rev. Herbert J. Htnman, pastor of the Congregational ohurch, officiated. The bride waa born la thla city, graduated at the University of Nebraska and is a member of the Kappa Kappa Oamma sorority. The groom was educated at the University of Nebraska, la a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and Is cnesssd In business In Linooln, where they will make their ruture home. Falter-Dovey. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., June 8. Spe dal.Wn St Luke's Episcopal church this afternoon at 4 o'clock John Falter and Miss Catherine Dovey, daughter ef Mr. and Mra. George B. Dovey, were mar ried. Rev. W. B. Leete. rector, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Falter departed en an even ing train for tha Pacific coast. They will be at home tn this city to their friends after July 1. The bride Is a slstsr of Miss Alice and Ethel Dovey. well Known on the stage. Bee Wsnt Ads Produce Results, lie Want Ads Produce RnsOita 4 Have, You Good Teeth? ' i Without good teeth It Is Im possible to msallcate your food properly therefore your dleeetion causae poisoned blood- poisoned Wood causae pimples, headaches, drowsiness, rheumatism, kidney trouble and general tearing dawn of your system. PAIM.KMH EXTRACTION BY VITALIZED' Alii. TaiYs Dental Rooms IB17 DOUGLAS HTREET. No 171 oro Dosiro for Tobacco Arthur Kroua la a locomotive fireman who had been usinif tobs.cco in h. u . . a boy. About two years o he besan to ist speua or iiiness. ills memory waa getting very bad and his eyes bo(herd him a good .deal, tie had tried tn vain to conquer the habit until he got a certain book and now he la free from the tin sJ dom of tobaeoo and hia health ia won derfully Improved. Anyone who desires to read the bwok ran obtain It absolutsiy free by writing to Edward J. Woods, T C. Station E. New York City. It telle how the hatdt of smoking, chewing ar snuff taking can ba conquered la three days. The TFTOMFSON-BELDEN STOIE HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS Silks for "Wedding Gowns Soft Bridal Satins from America and Rome from Switzerland: they uro 36 to 40 incboa wide $1.50 to $2.50 a yard Oftentimes one of the new soft Taffetas is nped for the gown; 36-inch chiffon fin ish, very special qnality, $1.50 a yard. . White All-Silk . Mar quisette, with'Satin or Taffeta, make a very pretty combina tion, 40-inch, $1.25 a yard. Bridesmaids' Dresses aro mostly of soft Chiffon, in plain colors or changeable ef fects, 36-inch, - $1.50 a yard June Clearaway of Suits $1115; $14, $2111 Uotb, tailored and novelty styles; every ; - one a lRte model. The tailoring and fabric? Thompson & Belden standard. ! - ' Colors: Blue, Tan, Black, Gray and While . Check and White. A seasonable sale for those who wish a '. stylish suit for travel, outing or exposition wear. $11.75, $14.75, $21.75 Because of these decided price sacrifices, we are compelled to make a charge for alterations. Dainty Summer Cottons PKINTED RICE VOILES White or tinted grounds, with pretty floral sprays; WHITE VOILES, with dainty embroidered figures in pink, blue, heliotrope; WHITE ORGANDIES, in pretty floral effects, - - - - - - 35c to $1.25 a yard Dress Ooods Section Main Floor. New Laces Beautiful, fine net top laoes, 24 and 45 inches wide, $1.25 and $2 a Yard. Shadow laces of exception ally fine quality, 29c a yard New Val and Torchon laces at ------ 5o a yard Dainty Irish Linen Dresses At $7.60 and $1.50 these little frocks are really very moderate in price. Come in Monday and get acquainted with the most up-to-date apparel store in Omaha, Women's Gauze Underwear for Warm feather Wear Women's Gauze Lisle Vests, plain or fancy tops - S5c Women's Lisle Vests, plain ' or hand-crochet tops, - 50o Women's Lisle Union Suits, fitted or wide knee, $1.00 Children's Vests and Pants, odd garments, regularly 50c and 25c, special Mon day at - - - 15c and 10c Vadsrweav Seotloa Third oer. The Store for Shirtwaists No matter how little ' you pay for a Blouse, it's bound to be fine and dainty if you buy it here. What Shall Itlte To choose not to find -is the problem ". that confronts the seeker of Bloises who ' " . visits this charming .. . section the Store; for... Shirtwaists. - - ; v ? Every Day New Styles Arrive So every day the dis play is new, and al ways interesting and beautiful. Prices Are Most Moderate Special offerings of Wash Lawn rmd Voile Waists $1.00, $L25f $1.65 and $1.95 Others priced upward to $19.50. s La Gr ecque Corsets and Tailored Underweai 1 Sold By Thompson-Belden & Co. Exclusively I La Grecque Corsets A Line of Unusual Merit Jit When you wear a La Greoque Corset you at once realize the satis faction it gives in its wonderful, uplifting, buoyant support and graceful long figure lines. fou are confident that your appearance is smart, and after much wear you learn that La Grecqne materials and work manship mean permanency of fit and shape. Let us fit yon to your modeL and make you a lifelong patron of La Grecque Corsets. Modth to Pleate Every Taste dud Fancy. Priced From $1.00 to $10.00 Corset Section Third Floor. The Return of Lingerie i -. Practically banished from the realm of fashion for several seasons, lingerie has re turned daintier, lovelier, finer and more cap tivating than before its temporary exile. With the return of full skirts women can wear all the pretty, lacy garments so dear to the feminine heart, buW They Must Fit La Grecque Tailored Underwear excels in that it fits perfectly. The La Grecque line includes Gowns. Skirts, Combinations, Corset Covers, Short Skjrta and Drawers, all at moderate .prices. Thompson-Belden & Co. HOWARD AN.D 5.IXTEEKTH S.XREEIS 1