Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 16

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191 a.
Many Farentt Journey to Eastern
Schools to See Them Receire
Their Diplomat.
flswlal Calendar,
H N DA Y a r. Jvre ratarson, supper
for Pelpraon-Plckena weddlna; party.
HoNHAV-orlulnal Mon1.jr Hrldua rluj.
Tuesday HrlciK rlub, Mn. Arthur Kaa
lina hotas. OaroVn pr'J' "t Frown-H
Hull. Ml Ellxabth l'ic. ens anit Air.
Karneth f'ntaraon entartaln Uirlr hrl
11 party at dinner at tha Country rluli
followed by ftinriil at All Kainta'
church. Mti Roland Pataraon Icnchcon
t tha Fontrnclle for tha Pataraon
Klclina brli'al party. Mm. Iamfn,
breakfast at Kontanalle for Rrowneli
Hall STaiuatlng; das
TIKSDAY WeddlnB of Mlas Elisabeth
Pu-kane and Mr. Kannath Patcraon at
All Halnta- church. Brownrll Hall com
maprarrant raarrlaaa at M.'Jft a. m at
frt. Mathlaa' church. Mn. C. R. Hhar
nan, lonchann at Happy Hollow cliih.
VEDVESDAY-Olaas of of Oateh-
ton unlveraltr annual banquet and class
ra union at the Fontanel!.
THTR8!)AY Omaha Woman' Press club
limrhaon at Hotal I-oyal.
XATURPAT Mr laaao Carpenter lunch
eon at Happy Hollow club.
Bride at Fashionable Wedding Last Night
Graduation exerrlae and future plana
of tha member of tba achool act la tha
general toplo for tha week.
By the laat of the week tlia schools
and collet will be etoaed for the aum
mer and many featlvltlae Incident to the
form cloning- will be thing of the paat
and the younger act on their way home
or to their reapectlve aummer haunta.
Of Interest locally la the commence
ment exerclaea at Brownell Halt
They will be held Tuesday at 10:30
o'clock at ft. Matthlaa' church. Follow
ing theae exerclaea the alumnae of thla
Institution will have luncheon at the hall.
The member of thl jroar'a graduating
rlaaa will be honor guest at a garden
party given on the grounds of tha Hall
' on Monday.
'' iraate la the Kaat.
Mrs. D. I. Vlnsonhaler left yesterday
for Boston to attend the graduation of
her daughter, Isabel, from Dana Hall.
Mr, and Mia Vlnsonhaler will remain
east for the summer, going to Kenne
bunkpurt. Me., where they were laat
Mr. C. W. Megeath returned yester
day from the east, accompanied by her
daughter, Mary, who baa Just graduated
from Briarcllff achool In New York. nd
by Mia Helen Eastman, who haa been
a student at the Art tnatltuta In Chicago
all winter. '
Major and Mr. James J. Hornbrook
arrived Tuesday from Galveston to at
tend th graduation of their daughter.
Oenevleve. from Brownell Hall on Tues
day. They re stopping t the Merrlam.
Mr. and Mrs. Jama C. Chadwlck Inav
FrWaT of Hi' tor It""'"" to
the graduation of their aon, John, at
eorntll. Mrs. Chadwlck will be r,ne of
'the four chaperonea at the Delta Phi
i fraternity house durinu aenlor week,
June 14 to U. whan eighteen or twenty
young girl will be entertained there by
I...- t..i. vuim nf whom Mr. John Chad
wlck la one. Another Cornell graduata
will be Mr. Ted- Millard, aon of Mr. and
Mr. Alfred MUlard., .
In Kaatera Scbool,
Dr, and Mra. IX. W. Connell left Thurs
day for Boston to attem th graduation
of their daughter. Beerlna, at Dona Hall.
- Miss Marjorto McCord wa the first of
'the achool glrla to return from th eaat,
having arrived last Katurday ' after
graduating from Mlaa pence's achool In
New York City. '
Mlsa Elisabeth Reed arrived hom
Thursday from school at Mtlfxrd, Conn.,
and her sltr. Mlaa KaeJ. comes
tomorrow from Vaaaar. where she I com
pleting her first year. .
Mia Adeyn Wood, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. N. Wood, returned Wednesday
from (Baltimore, where ah ha b'n
.studying the piano at the Peabody Corv
aorvatory of Music all winief with Mr.
Max Landow, formerly of Omaha,
Mra Thomaa Brown and Miss Dorothy
Brown Wave tomorrow for Racine to be
present at the graduating of Mra.
Brown' aon. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. F. K.' Tearc left thla
week foi Eoelon to attend the graduation
of their daughter. Helen, from Dana
Halt With their daughter, Mr. and Mr.
: Tearce will pnd two or three week
; trevellna In the eaat.
McFerron-Stewart Wedding.
i3t. PauJ' Episcopal church was th
seen of a beautifully arrangc4 wedding
laat nlghC when Mis Mart Stewart,
riaughter of Mr. and Mr. John Teat
HtewarU became th bride of Mr. Donald
McFerrun of Hoopaton, 111.
The ceremony waa celebrated at t
o'clock by Rev. Dr. Buck so m. and th
brld wa given In marriag by her
A color scheme of pink and lavender
wa followed at the church and the home.
where a reception followed to th wedding
Th chancel of th. church wa banked
with palms, ferns and quantities of KM-
larney rose and orchid.
The bride waa attractive In a gown
cif rose point lace, made with a train
five yard in length. Her rell was of
rose point lace end waa worn far back
from th face. A shor bouquet of
orVhld and lllle of the valley was car
ried. The matron 'of honor. Mr. Clifford
Wolfe, wore a gown of peach bloaaora
shaded chiffon, made with an overdress
of pink aoft eaUn, Th everdres waa em
broidered with tiny bow knot In the
pastel shade. The bodice waa of oriental
lace and chiffon trimmed with the tiny
bow knots. With thla waa worn unique
bat of ma line In the poach blosaom shade
and following the Lady IHif f-Qordon
model. tSUe carried a ahoaer of pink j
rosea and orchlda
The bridesmaid were the M tsars
Catherine Baker, of Michigan City,
IxtuUe Haa of Kansas City. Florence
Heya of Orange, N. J.; Elisabeth Oood
rV h of Chicago, Marie Ftlfel of Wheel
trg. W. V., and Mildred Butler of
They were gowned alike. In lavender
lallle with trimmings of real lac They
wore halt of th same material ea th
towns, trimmed with real roars, and
carried shower bou u t of lavender
Mr. Lucie n Dyer wa it man. and
the usher were Mesara Hard Bauld
lig, Uoyd lCvana, John Banks, Arthur
lx)Df and WHUara McFerroo. all of Chl
lago, and Mr. Clifford Wolfe.
A reception follow el the ceremony at
the borne of the bride p areata,
Th roonia were abloom with Killarney
icaoa and lavender orch'ds. la the dla
lug room a mound of orchid and pink
shaded candelabra decorated the tatrle.
The brlda go-away-aan was of black t
si.d while check allk. With this she wore t
a lery small blue Hat nnl a lar cor
aaee of orcliida.
Mr. end Mrs. Mi r'armq have gjtiw east
tvt -
Inn. ;
guests entertained
John McX'ague,
1'orla Handar.
Arthur Koars.
Frank Anderson,
for an extended trip and will b at horn
alter September 1 In Hoopeton, Bl.
For Contention Women.
A number of women Interested In the
coming Traveler' Protective association
national convention met at the Fontenelle
Wednesday to discus plan tor enter
taining the women who will be her for
the convention. George W. Long, chair
man of the entertainment committee, ad
dressed th women, following which a
delightful luncheon waa served. The fol
lowing women were present;
F. J. Huglie.
W. J. Hughes,
W. T. Lawrence,
('. O. Lobeck,
Ueorge W. Long,
H. It. McFadden.
Hugo Maichtur,
J. F. Meyer.
Page Morrison.
11 H. Nye.
Cart J. Ochiltree,
H. B. Patrick,
K V. Kelt.
A. V. Sl'olr.
W. If. klielberg.
W. F. 8'rohbehn,
W. A. Otone.
J. H. Pitine,
T'aul Themaneon,
n. 8. Trlmtla.
A. A. TVwnaiid.
W K. Woodward,
O. U Wohlford,
C. K. Allen,
O. Barker.
kL .r ro w,
O. Buyer.
b. Brown,
L. Carr.
8. Charnlaa
A. Countryman.
C t rump,
H. Oitotf,
If. l-itt.
1. Kck.
11. C. Kmpey,
F. U 1-Jnpkle.
J. a tirtffin.
J. W. Ua ruble.
K. K. Giimr.
J, R. UoMrii
V. 11. t'.rtffllh,
C, U Hopper,
If. U. Hoel.
A. l. lloa.
J T. HoKan.
C. K. Hughea.
Bertie lloag.
K. a Mar.
At Happy Hollo
Mr. and Mra A. O. F.dwerda enter
tained four guests last erninr at dinner
Vlr and Mra Bvron Clarke, two; Mr.
Howell, four: ie Hamlin, four, and Dr,
. C. Henry, aix.
With Mr. Henry B. Byrne last evening
Meed antes Meademae
Ella Byrne, W. . Byrne.
V.ara. Meaars
Walter U Byma, W. X. Byrne.
Mr W. 8. Wright and Mia Ada Wright
gave a dinner laat evening. Their guest
Mr. and Mrs. Olsna C. CVey ef Toprka.
M laara M laae"
Hln Treat. P-''thv Wright,
Cdarlfa Mattaon.
' Mr
Herbert KnalL
Wllliaiii WiialiL
and Mra. E. intdUt will enter
tain at dinner this evening, when cover,
will I lacd for Mesara. and McerUmj
L. M. tX'geriey, Donald Doutlas, F. A.
Alldrlge. and Bendtct, and Mesdamea
Kelaey Mid-H. M. Ooda.
Other dining at th club laat evening
were Mr. and Mr. Fred Hamilton, who
had two guests; Mr. and Mn. John Mad
den, two, and Mr. C. C. George, fbur.
With Mr. and Mr. R. II. Huntley laat
evening were Mr. and 'Mrs. Herbert
Wheeler, Mr. Helen Robinson and Mr.
John. Wilkes,
For Mm. Blakeney.
Mr. R, B. Condon gave an attractive
appointed luncheon Friday at her home
In honor of Mrs. James Blakeney. The
table wa decorated with a mound of
pink peonlea and mock orange bloaaoma
and those Invited to meet th honor
guest were:
Moetlumca Meedames
Thomas Hieehy, J. J. Casey,
P. J. Fheehy, Antlne Daly,
Mra James Blakeney of Kane City
was honor guest at a kenalngton given
on Wednesday afternon at the home of
Mrs. Henry Hamilton. The rooms war
abloom with Aire. Ward rosea, and the
.1. c, Wallop,
John Kearney.
J. J. C'aaay,
Arthur Daly.
Mrs. W. A. Welch entortalned on Sat
urday afternoon at her home, In honor
of Mra. Jamea Blakeney of Kanaaa City.
Mr. Robert Park . gav a bridge
luncheon Tuesday at th Seymour Lake
Country Club, In honor of Mr. Jamea
Blakeney of Kanaaa City. Mo., th guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daly.
TraTel Plant for the Summer. .
Dr. Oeorg Tllden left Friday to visit
hi brother, who live near Fulton, N. Y.
lt. Tllden will also visit nlevaa and
nephew In Ohio and Michigan on hi
way east
Mra Ueorge A. Hoagland leave Mon
day for Lake Washington, to Join Mr.
Hoagland, who ta enjoying a fishing trip.
Mlsa Louise Dinning . leave today for
pro month' vlalt In th east, going first
to Pittsburgh to vlalt Mr. and Mr. Rob
ert Hotetter and then to Woodstock. N.
Y.. where her brother. Mr, Robert Din
ning, 1 attending the aummer landscape
achool. Mr. Dinning la a member of the
Art league. Mlaa Dinning will also visit
Norwich. Conn., and ether plaoea I
for turning home .
Mr. Arthur Wetorgrd will return, to
hi bom In Omaha for th aummer,
Mr. Weetergard la In bustneaa In El
Peso, Tex., where) he haa bean all win
Mia Halcyon Cotton will leave th
first of the week for Boston, where alia
will Join a few of th Wtlleal girl
and take a motor trip through the atat
of New York. Later she will with her
friend vlalt in New Jersey and la'tr go
to the home f Mia Margaret Salad In In
the Thousand Island for th remainder
of the aummer.
Weddinr Plana.
The wedding of Mis Jessie M. Plerson,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. A. J. Ftoraon,
and Mr. Arthur R. Mitchell, will be cele
brated Tuesday evening. June IS, at the
Calvary (Baptist church.
The wedding of Mlaa Jennie Bernloe
Smith and Mr. Patrick Jam Do ran will
be celebrated Wednesday morning at
o'clock at 8t. Patrick' church. There
will be a reception that evening at the
heme of the bride' parent. Mr. and Mr.
Donald N. Fmllh. ItSX Yate street, be
tween the tour of MO and M M.
The wedding of Mta Mildred Roe.
daughter of Mr. and Mra C. C. Roee, and
Dr. Leeter Earl Myers of Blair will be
celebrated Tuesday evening at the home
of the ferlde, al I o'clock. Th Rev. a.
P. Norrie. pastor of the Immanuel Bap
tist church will perform the ceremony,
which will bo followed by a reception.
The bridesma'da will be Mlaa Kue Hay-
rJ iul Misa Irma rtl-iiiam. lr. Rit
l&ry of Tecuiuech will be beat man
Hh. Julian Ulsrxzm
will give their banquet at the Happy
Hollow club Wednesday, June 1.
The Omaha Woman's Press' club will
have luncheon at the Hotel Loyal Thurs
day at 1 o'clock. Reservation must be
made to Mlas Kern or Mlas MeHhane by
9 o'clock Thursday morning.
Mr. J. W. Parrlsh will give a dlnne.r
of ten covers Tuesday evening, June 15.
at the Happy Hollow club.
A special musical program will be given
Tuesday evening, June 1&, at the Happy
Hollow club by Mlaa Hazel Silver, so
prano; Mr. Edwin Clark, cellist, and
Mr Walter Silver, panlat.
Luncheon and Bridge.
Mr. Fred Bunch gave a bridge luncheon
Friday at her home. The decorations were
In Killarney rosea and pink peonlea and
the guests entertained were:
A. A. Avery,
J. M. Hoxan,
John Drexel.
Paul Oetshmann,
Oeorsa Urennough,
Madeline Krujr,
T. H. Bmlth,
Albert Krug,
Harry Hawke.
Arthur Tlmme,
Frank Creedon,
Uuv Purnv,
K. W. Amapach,
W. M. Phillip.
William Kidney.
William Hellen.
T. R. Tobln.
C. Lew la.
W. C. Fenwlck.
W. M. Rhyn.
K. P. Henney,
W. H. H Walker,
A. D. ridlne.
Oeore Plmanek.
Miss May Hantlng
Newi of the Wayfarers.
Mis Beutah Sharp returned Tuesday
from two month In the went, during
which time ahe wa In Idaho with Mrs.
F. M. Hall and In Seattle- vlnltlng her
Mlaa Mildred Onuses will play the wed
ding march and Mr. Richard Claik will
aooompany her on the violin.
A wedding of Intereat to Omaha peo
ple will b that of Mia Louise Fearon
of Panta Monica, Cel., and Mr. Robert
DrUcolL Jr.. of Lead. 8, D which will
take place June 14 at Santa Monica.
No card will be Issued.
Mlaa Fearon la tha daughter of Mr. and
Mra. Kdward Fearon. who made their
home In Omaha until their removal to
California a few years ago. She attended
the Sacred Heart convent and finished
at Rochester. N. Y.
' Mr. Drlscoll ta a gradual of Harvard
and I the eldeat aon of Mr. and Mra. R.
1L DriecoU. He U associated with hi
father In the banking bustneaa at Lead.
Th young couple will spend their hon
eymoon on th coast and before returning
to Lead will be the guests of Mlsa Fear
on' Bister, Mrs. Jamea P. Mulqueen, In
Council Bluff.
For the Future.
Th Omaha Woman' Oolf aaaoolatlon
wtil met for luncheon at th Field club
Monday at noon. At 1 o'clock th
monthly golf tournament will commence.
Mr. William Krett will nlertam
Thursday afternoon for Mlsa Jessie Pier
eon. Mr, it. 8. Hayden will give a
luncheon Saturday for tho same honor
Tuesday evening the La Plaaoma dub
will hold a meeting, followed by a fare
well receptiua to Paul Kuamiawt. who la
to leave with his parent for Manhattan,
Kan., where they are to raalda. Th
meeting will be held at Mr. Ruaralaei'
Mrs. Thomas Brown will give a tea
Monday, June 14. for her daughter, Mta
Dorothy Brown, lately returned from
achool la England. Mia Brown haa spent
moat of the last three years abroad and
haa devoted much time to her must a,
both vocal and instrumental.
Mr. Alex Jete will entertain th mem
bers of th Rummy club Monday after
noon at her home.
The senior of th Omaha High achool
Graduation and
Wedding Gifts
Will b found hare la rich
Many Inexpensive but dainty little
noveitle which make excellent gifts
will atrongly appeal to you. not only
from the point of quality, but price
a well. Ktt in, you'll have no
trouble choosing something suitable
and heartily accaDta)le.
Reliable Jewelry laata forever
that th kind w sell.
Thirty-five Dollar Diamonds
Our reputation a dlamomj mer
chant la baaed on over twenty year
of honest merchandising In Omaha
Bracelet Watches
Wa have the finest selections In
the olty. Prices range from W to 80O.
Bufor you buy give u a call.
Fritz Sand wall Jewelry Co,
308 South IStk Strttt
inter. Mra Vine Oaler. In San Francisco
ahe was with Mlaa Mildred Lnmax a
great deal of the time.
Aim. Kdwin 8. Cloyrr and her daugh
ter, M:1. Leater II. Drlshaus. who are
in Los Angelea. will leave shortly for
Srnta Bargara. where they will apiid a
few day before going to ban r ranciaco
to visit the exposition.
Ml Anna Bourke arrived Friday from
Moline, where lie ha been visiting .Mrs.
Ueorge Mlxter. Mlsa Bourke 1 wtth Mr.
Thorn Kllpatrlck for a few day and
in on her way to New Mexico from wasn-
Ingtnn, where ahe and her mother, Mra.
John Q. Bourke. iiari had an apartment
for the laat winter.
Lnncheons for the Week.
Mra. D. C. Bradford entertained at
luncheon at her home Monday In honor
of Mrs. Hoxie Clarke. The tabU waa
elaborately decorated with peonle and
covers were laid for:
Ella J. Squire.
W. J. Connell,
,T M MetcaJf.
of Waahln'on.
Tuesday Mr. Henry .Wyman enter
tained at luncheon at the Fontenelle,
when her gucata included:
Meadame Mesdame
Csaper Yoat, C. F. Mnnderon,
J. J. Brown, .lamea McKenna,
B. V. Chaee. B.F. Crummer,
C. J. Oreene, J. W. Gannett,
John C. Cowln.
Another little luncheon party at the
fontenelle Tuesday Included Mr. Hoxle
T. F. Kennedy,
A. V. Klnslor.
Hart are
of Kanaft City,
Jerome Magee,
H. B. Davis.
(Continued on Pag Four, Column Two.)
Have tone and grace
Are fair priced
Of abundant variety
Ju$t what people want
T. L. Combs & Co.
Seller of Cold and Silver
1520 Douglas St.
l 1 j
T TUNDREDS of new Ideas.
bVsbbA . I t I-
ner as well as the ex
perienced crocheter are collected
in the richly Dlustratedbooks.thatj
make-up the
Klostersilk Crochet Library
Shoppinar List
For Crochet&f
Randkarchtef edc
bill, insertions and
tatting, um Art. 803
Cordonnct fipecial.
Towel edinc. and
all heavy crochet. Art.
804 Perie. large balls,
or Art. SU2 reri. large
Boudoir caps, baby
boot tea. Art. U0 Satin
Gloaa, whit, colors,
infants' larkets. Art
752 Crochet rkache.
wtalu. balls.
For EaabtHaVIatiauj
Cmaa stitch. InluaU.
Art 757 Moulin, cut
on, white, skein.
French knot, heavy
initials. Art 80 Pert,
colors, white, ekdna,
Freocb embroidery.
white, ekdna.
E relets and Mose
grama. Art sua ftrodcr
Special, while, ekcina
Padding sad ootid
embroidery. Art 72S
Jeansatte, white, balla.
Miadow work. Art
nj Fleck white,
Vpwela. Wnow eaaea.
Art tit. Ivory Whita.
ekein or Aft. 842.
whMcT holders.
Colored embtoidery.
Art B41, India or Alt
841, Rose. boMets.
Anne) Warrfal Brown
A. W. a No. 1 Old
and New Deiign.
A. W. B. No. 2 Inser
tion and Bedspreads.
A. W. a No. 3 Edg
ing and Insertion.
By Antonim EMieh
No. 1 Edging and In-'
No. 2 Bedspraada.
B, thhS.JCins
King. No. 1 Edging,
Kings Na 2 D'Oyleya.
King' No. S Bed
spreads. King's Na' Novelty
By Cora Kirchmattr
Kirchmaier No. 2 FUt',
Kirchmaier No. S Cross
Stitch inaColor.;
By Sophit T. LaCrobt
LaCrois No. I Old and
New Designs.
LaCroix Nov 2 Edgingg
and Insertion.
LaCroix No. 1 Bad.)
pradL .
LaCroix Nof Tatting.
LaCrofat No. S ChrisV;
mas Novelties.
LaCroix No. 0 8mock-'i
KlosteraiHc, the smooth, perfectly twisted. .
lastingly brilliant crochet thread- is rec
ommended for all the designs illustrated
in these books. For tatting, edgings, in.
sertions and all fine crochet use Art. 805
ICordonnet Special For bedspreads, slip-'
jpers, etc, use Art 804 Perle.
Use the Klostersilk Shopping List as a
guide in purchasing materials.
Article 805 KJoaterailli Cotd'onnol Special
Made t Wlilte Shraat Colon-Slim '
I 10 40 M 80 70
S IS M UshtBme Red
0 60 DaKtBm YeUns
i SO 70 Pink Black
SO-100-lSO Uveader Creaas
Eara.alaa,3.S.I0. 1 B. 10, 30, 40, BO. go. 70
4Whit flat stays white colon thai luf1
The crochet books are 25c each at your,
dealer's or from ' ,
The Thread Mills Company
Thread Sal Dept. 219 W. Adam St Chicago
KIotrUk Crochet and Embroidery Cotton
for sal everywhere
Oriental Rug Sale
In anticipation of the summer sea
son, we have heavily reduced prices
for a great stock reducing sale.
Just come and Look.
That's all we ask. You will
convince yourself of the rare
bargains to be had at this great value-giving event.
Space hero too limited to list our tremendous stock.
It must bo reduced you will benefit.
The Home of Beautiful Furniture.
Get into business via the "Business Chances"