Sunday, Juno 6, 1915 A SPECIAL HAIR GOODS OFFER Se.COM) KI.HOR 4 Ml rOMP. ROOM. In our hair roods section you arc lur at all times of securing th moot reliable hair goods. June Wedding Stationery at Half Price Kid finish Folder, Double enevelopea and tissues. Regular ff riling, at $10.00. Special June offer for 100 only pO.W The 1915 "White House" r i A . $5.00 grade on large tf y 110 fwilcDM, lengtn z ina. wr rifl I i raniormaiiona, 7Q M, Special for tomorrrtw ?O.UV t.N values at 7t $7.50 grade. Regular $15, only. MAIL CRDER3 FILLED. card, at, only y J v w IV'ITI, S-WUVII, -7W TVe specialise In srtlstlc hair dressing, Including shampooing and children' hair bobbin. Appoint by "phone. SAMPLES FREE June Sales Planned With Careful Forethought to Your Summer Needs asaaaBaBaaSBBaaaBMBaiBiaaj) BaBBBBBBBBBaiaSasMsajaBBBMawaaV aammmmmmmmmmmmmm aaHaBHMHBMaBMBBiiiaaBah BjpjMHSBMaBHaHSBMHaBBBBBHai t BnjaaaaiaaMiBBiBajBBaaaaBaBaaBBa aaBaaaaiaaaiBiaBaBBBiiBaaaMasaRBHaMMaaaaBBaaMaaaMaBRBwaBaaaaBiBBBr aaBBavaaaaaBaaBaaHSsaaaBsjsaBjBjBi MaHaaaaBiaaaBaaBiaBBBSMaHaBBvBaaaBaaBaaaaBaBaaBMaBMaaiMaSM aawHaBMaBBMBBBBiBiBBaiiHaaaBBaaBBBBaaBaaj ' ' i By employment of our heavy purchasing power it is no wonder that the newer, summery things can be found here at lower prices 1 Unrestricted une arniva aces June So!e Summer White Goods of i 1 1' 4 1 ft 3 i There is more than a vogue there is a veritable craze for the laces offered today yet good buying and a large gathering, in spite of pecu liar market conditions, enable us to offer fashionable goods at average half price. Worth up to $1.25 59 A Yard rlS to 27-Inch shadow flouncing! in all silk; also cotton In cream and white. 18 to 27 inch cream and white filet flouncing. 127-lnrh Toara and Craquele mesh flouncing. 36-Inch fine cotton shadow and all-silk all-overs, In I black, white and cream. 140-Inch black silk cbantllly dress nets. (42-Inch all-silk dress net In all shades, Including black, 1 white, flesh, etc. 18 to 27-inch oriental net top flouncing. 140-Inch fancy embroidered chiffon all-overs, In gold; also I pink and blue. Worth up to $1.25 59 A Yard Venlse and Filet lacea In matched sets, Including cream and white, from 1 to 2Vt inches wide. These are suitable for trimming fine cotton dresses. All new styles, very desirable patterns. Worth up to 60c. in Jp Very special lifC IZT JQ, 17 and 45-In. Beautiful Kmbroldered Klounrlnga and Allover In dainty sheer organdies, nelgeux, ollea and hstlstes l'"renrh dentins and fancy edges; also dainty figured allover In colors 59c yard Wert. t f fl.CK). 4 to 6-inch cambric and Swiss edges and beading. Dainty eye let and floral designs with fancy edgea. 30 yard Worth up to 10o Yard 4tt In, to t Ins. Dainty edges. Insertion and bead In; In cambric, swisa and nainsook with eyelet and solid embroidered deslxns, very suitable for dainty underwear 8c yard Worth 1ft yd. Rolfr O5SQIl08 Al Sole Distributors of Red Cross Shoes for Omaha Our atock Is complete In every way, of those most popular style and comfortable ahoes. Tatent Lea, dull kid, tan kid and glaze kid; oxfords and pumps, new lasts, new heel, all widths and sizes, rialn Feggy pump, strap pumps and ribbon tie oxford. $3.50 to $4.50 Per Pair Choi ice Of any Silk or Wool .Tailored Suit in bur entire stock Monday One Day Only. f 1,;,riin", i y m nniimii mmsmrin nimni Regardless of the former selling prices. Whether it was $25.00 or $75.00, they will all go at the one price. ' We find we have 450 suiU in atock, which is more than we care to have Just now. . Maybe the suit that was $50.00, $65.00 or $75.00, that you have admired, but hesitated on buying at the price, is still in the lot. If it is, now is the time. Every woman will promptly surrender io this sale. Remember there are no restrictions. Every silk or wool suit in stock. charge There will be no deposits taken, no exchanges, and a ;e will be made for alterations." Beautiful collection of colored embroid ered dress novelties, embroidered on white and tinted ground; all this season' de slxns; Just what you want for evening and street dresses. dancing; frocks, blouses, etc.; 3 to 42 lnrhea wide; ng very special, at, a yard....) 2OC White embroidered dress novelties, such as "voile, organdy, mulls, lace novelties, eponge, nalie; all new, Imported dress fabrics for blouses and lingerie (towns; 38 to 45 Inrhes wide; worth to flS"QCp a yard; Monday, a yard Heed voile and organdy In the new. large floral designs; while and tinted tn around; 36 Inches wide; yard OUC Hheer printed dress fabrics. In silk stripe voiles, crepes, silk orsandles, embroidered crepes, new floral printings, white Of? and tinted (rounds, 36 In. wide, yd.OOC Imported white pique for skirts and out ing suits; pure white, contains norA filling; 27 Inches wide, a yard OUC Splendid quality white poplin for suits and children's wear; 27 inches 1 Q wide, at. a yard 1 uC White silk striped voile for drejsrs end blouses; sells reulaly for i'oe al yard; 27 Inches wide, a yard 1QC Just received three cases Imperial long cloth, chamois finish, for fine unilermus ltns; inches wide; 12-yard nC bolta, at VOC Woven flaxon. In checks, stripes, plaids; splendid assortment of color and pat tern to select from; fast colors, l 27 Inches wide; 2fic value, yard....OC Another white goods bhrgaln. Embroid ered lace cloth's, Swiss, batiste, corded voiles, crepes; 2S to 40 inche wlde;fQ worth to 11.00 a yard, a, yard -PavC June Domestics lOc Fncv plaids, checks and pret flnraf acsignsa vone. in. wide; worth 15c a yard, Monday., Fancy lace cloth. In dainty rosebud de signs; worm ioe a yaru; Hon- C IjC V da, a yard. Corded plaid and pretty striped Etryptlin tissues, worth 2Zu a yard, 1 Ot4-, Monday, yard.x C IS-lnch bleached muslin, on the bolt; worth '10c yard, Monday..., 7c The Popular Georgette Crepe Blouses Special at $pQ aaaaaaaaaaaaiBai aaaMMaaaaaBiaaaaiaaajBjM Sbbbum mmmmmmmm Every waist in the very pink of newness and daintiness. Every one a winning sar in the firmament of waist creation. Dozens of new models to select from low necks, long or short sleeves, smart inn mouses in wrute, tiesh and maize. Unusual value, xi $5 This New NEMO CORSET . ,v-Has; U "555 Our Full Endorsement We recommend the new "WONDER FUL Corset without reserve as the best corset ever made for most women of full "or medium figure. 1 The elastic supporting and reducing band, lets, inside of the corset, can be adjusted In a moment to exactly conform to the, figure. They give perfect support, complete ease, and certain figure-reduction. We will show you In two minutes .how ' to adjust this corset on yourself. l. , A beautiful sheath-like model with sweep ing military lines. Two styles: 554 Ur short fall flnrti..JC 555 for tiller fall Iiurci..y The comfort and health features of this corset are alone worth many times Us price to any woman.. . June Sale of Oceans, of Notions card c Oood Safety Pins, 1c card .lc 4c Wash Kdglng, worth So yard, at, per yard 12-yd. holt of food twilled Tape, bolt - S-yd. bolts of good twilled 1 Tape, bolt w 'wn 5c 12-yd. bolt of fln Iiloa Taps, bolt all slses. per pair. if Dress Forms Black. Jersey rovrd Hut 7tr Korrn. all, at, each.... Full form with kirt, can ba adjusted to any height, CO reg. ti value, at. each Adjustable Dress Form,' four eotlona and Jeraey covered, can be adjusted at neck, bust, waist and hip; also ha wire skirt and an excellent aklrt marker attached to kirt;' also can b adjusted to any height. The orMv form made with arm piece to show the sleeve setting. Reg ular tio valuea; on sale tA Qfl for Monday only, at....,r,', 3Jc ...5c Extra good quality of wire Hair Pins, to S pkga. for 1C Best quality Shoe e L&oes, 1 do, for... Fine grade bona Hair &o values, 1 f a v J. and P. Coat's Ma chine Thread (Chain brand), O 1 spoo4 'V' M. and K. Knitting Cotton, white and O colored, . ball wC Ban Silk, all oolora, spool ' Men's Pants buttons, 144 for. Pin at, box C. M. C. numbers." ored, ball. Crochet Cotton, all . white and, col- For those who sew. and dressmakers, this sale will be welcome J. and P, Ooaf best Darning Ontton, blaok and oolora, C 4 for..., oc Large piece of EMsstlc,. ' 3 for.... oc Son-yd. spool of good ma- O n chlr tltread. apool Kxtra heavy Linen Thread, spool ." Good Washable Press Shields, 6c .7c Three In One Machine Oil, pedal, bottle Inside Rklrt Belting, black C and white, yard 100-yd. spool of good ' 0 1 sewing silk, spool .."J' Iarge slacd Sanitary Aprons, 50c values, at, 1 C each IOC Best steel Crochet Hooks, Ol all sixes, each .2C Good steel Scissors, 26c value, all sixes, at, ft, per pair ....'c Rick Rack, fine quality, all widths, at, yard C ffTO-yd. spools) of best J 1 Hasting; Thread, spool 5C Dressmaker' Pin Cushion. C 2 sixes, at, each C Wavy Wire Collar Stay. , ruat -proof, card Large slxed Net, with and without rubber, each Black and white oval ' elastic, yard Extra heavy Skirt Mark- 1 ").. era, 25c value, each 1UC I lc lc Beautiful As June Roses Are These New White Silks They have just arrived and will be offered Monday at wonderfully attractive prices. Here is a deliciously soft white Crepe de Chine, 40 inches wide, of good weight, high quality, and tomorrow 7E will cost per yard OC 77c Another is a 36-inch White Chiffon Taffeta, good weight; the only silk that has been endorsed by every Paris dressmaker. Regular $1.19 quality, for Mon day, per yard : Crepe de Chine of merit, not the so-called flimsy fabric sold as such, but extra heavy, double warp and filling, extra heavy velour finish, 40 Inches wide, seUs everywhere at $2.00; QQ very special for Monday pXC7 36-lnch Nat White Jap Silk, good weight, fine finish. Reg ular 75c kind, for no Monday, per yard .... OoC 27-incb Nat White Jap Silk, splendid weight for waists and dresses, a rare or 50o value for Monday. OC SYRACUSE CHINA Made here this week by expert potters Don't miss it! ' In order that our natrons may become better acquainted with the superior qualities of this fine American China, specialists, with their equipment, have come direct from the pottery to show you how Syracuse China is made. , Exhibition Begins at 1 O'clock Monday Special Introductory Prices ... In connection with this special exhibit, the manufacturers have co-operated with Si us by making price concessions on several of the most desirable sets. This enables us to offer them at remarkably low prices. 50-Piece Sets Consisting of 6 dinner plates, 6 tea plates, 6 bread and butter plates, 6 sauce dishes, 6 tea cups and saucers, 1 platter, l round cov ered dish, i open vegetable dish, 1 sauce boat, 1 sugar and cream. E0 Pieces ColJ band. ..... .'. .-. . .... .$19.85 50 Pieces Canterbury $21.00 50 Pieces Tudor Rose .. $15.85 50 Pieces St. Albans $19.75 All patterns are open stock and can be replaced if broken. Six uueT1 Plates any Pat . tern ft- $1.00 1 Mm 49c anrJ 59c Turkish Towels 29c or $3.00 per dozen A special purchase of 200 dozen imported fancy Turk ish towels in pretty designs, colorings absolutely, fast, hemmed ends, for a leader in our linen store," Main Floor- $3 Per Dozen, or Each, 29c Player Music Library Opens June 10 Every owner of a Player Piano is invited to join i Brandeis Piano Dept., ' Third Floor. June Sale of Summer Homefurnishings noor Hammocks. Couch Hammocks .and 9-ft. Bamboo' r Porch Shades at. ipl.OU 6-ft. ' heavy wood slat Porch Shades, -regular $4 value, brown or green, at, each ..$2.98 Khaki Hammocks, with fine lay back pillows and deep Valances, o qq special at yaCsaO Couch Hammocks, with heavy steel frame, cotton top matt i ess, wind shield, adjustable nn back, all complete P VO Pull site Hammock, with pillow and Valance, nice assortment colors, special for np Monday, each plwbD Porch Shades Couch Hammocks, 6 ft. long, with wind shield, chains and hooks and mattress, special . QQ for Monday, ea.. .y4.70 Hand Woven Hammocks, with wood spreaders at each end. endless assortment, at, $2.98, $3.50, $4.50 each. Canvaa Hammock, with heavy wood spreader at each end, spe- clai for Monday, pi. 70 Six Wonderful Bar gains in Wall Paper . for Monday M pattern of. regular 10c Kitchen ana lied room f'apur Ail season able roods, with borders to Q match. Hull OC A larae Selection of Parlor. Dining Room. Slure and Hall Paper All the newest colorings and desUrna. with border to match. P.. Reg-ular lfto (rada, roU Df2C Plain Domestic Oatmeal Papers in brown, tan, sreen, red and blue; Mnch soode. Kecular l&o rrade. aold with border only, "7 tL, . Monday, roll I New IJquld Gold Paper The sea son s newest gooda Very suitable fur living: rooms, reception hall and libraries. Regular loo in. grade, Monday, roll laTCC Special Bedroom Paper Silk and nalla stripes. All colors, chlnts. chambray and floral effects. Worlh up to aic sold only with cutout border and binder. Special A Monday, roll XHC Varnished Paper for Kitchen and Bathroom The kind you can wash. rHotf...f.r:. 16c 3 Extra Specials in Drapery Dept. Third Floor 10 patterns of mercerlted Mar quisette Curtains, trimmed with good lace edge; regular 1175 value; for Monday, JJ gg One verv special lot of Voile and faciira Curtains, 1 AA value to at. palr'vu Scrim and Swiss Curtains for siunmer use: over 30 patterns for Monday's selling; values to 200 a pair; go at, ei je per pair t1'43 Porch Rugs Fiber porch rugs, vory closely woven, fast colors, nlco patterns. at. 9x12 Size, at. 8-3x10-6 Size, 6x9 Size, at 4-6x6-6 Size, at. 3x6 Size, at .... . .$8.50 .$7.50 .$5.50 .$3.50 .$1.75 Special . Grass Rugs, 3x6 ft. Red, green and brown colors, $1.50 qq values, Monday, at. ..... . fOC Fiber Rockers For Porches Fiber Rockers, full wrapped, large roll, back and arms, green rr or brown, each p3.UU Fiber Rocker, roll arms and back, gTeen or brown. Special, q at, each .p&.Oi7 Fiber Rockers, extra well wrapped, imitation leather or tapestry j or back, slip seat. Special, eachvO' ' J