TIIK BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1015. 10 INVESTIGATE JURY BRIBE CHARGE Alleged Miaoondnct ii Set Up in Cue Tried in Sarpy County. AGAIN HEADS THE POLITICAL EQUAIITY LEAGUE. ELSFELDER DEKIES CHAEOE Charge of alleged Jury bribery and misconduct on th part of the Jury which returned a verdict for the defence In Mrn. Charles Johnaon'a I4O.000 damace ault against nine Omaha saloon keepera and the 1111 nola Surety company, tried at Papll lion, Sarpy county, laat September, were made to District Judga Begley Thursday and resulted In an order by him that an Investigation b made next Thursday In his court at Papllllon. An afrwavlt fl!1 by A. E. larncdon. an attorwy for Mrs. Johnson, roltd trat Hnry E.fsfldsr, former polloe of flcsr of Pouth Omihi, had told him that KlsMdcr han rf Ivrd about l from th cV-fmrisnls. and that on defendant had said h would irlve KlsMdw a ault of f loth. Tha affidavit st forth that F.lufHdcr had said ha had hard that another mmlr of the jury had received irionfy. 1 Klafclaer now rtenlea that ha had made the statmeitta reported In Lanadon's affidavit, .cuorrllns: to I. J. Dunn of cewnael rrprwnttna; tha saloon hepera, and denied that he had received any mmier or had heard of any other Juror KPttlnff apy. The Jury was principally compoaed of frTfierr. Mrs. Johnsm aued the anloon keepers, luting that as a mult of thrlr sale of linunr to her h unhand, she had been dnm-d In the amount of $40,000. Tha n it ma broiirht In ffarpy county on the thr-ory that the Jurora there would he, more kindly disposed to the plaintiff In such llttantlon than In Douglas county. Affidavits formerly filed In the rase al lured that the fiarpy nounty jurors dls- riisiHd !n the Jury room the fact that the nrlnaln of the ault there would re sult In Wiirpy county rather than Ioua lii, county beortnf the burden of ex- If iie. I ra. aa A1 :A N v.v Aft - Danish Oil Ship is Sunk by Torpedo FTAVANGEK, Norwiy, June l-(Vla lir.don.) The Danish , ateamor Cyrus, with a raruo of coal from Burntisland, Srotlnnd, for Copenhagen, was torpedoed yesterday afternoon. The crew, none of whose members was Injured, were landed today by a Norwegian steamer at Pti venaer. Tha men state that tha Cyrua waa torpedoed without warning. ,araae 2Xvj T.D. Wead NEGRO TAKEN FROM JAIL BY MOB AND HANGED TO TREE PR1NOTON, Ky.. June 4. Masked men overpowered the county Jailor early to day, dragged Arthur Bell, a near", from his cell and hantcd him to a tree In the Jail yard. Bell waa charged with having attacked a young white woman. OFFICERS ARE RE-ELECTED Mn. F. D. Wead Again Preiident of j the Local Political Equality League. ! MRS. CAREY IS VICE PRESIDENT All officers of the Political Kquallty legi:e. with Ihe exception of the finance chairman, were re-elected at the annual meeting held Thursday evenlrur at the home of the uieeldent, Mrs, V. D. Wead. Mrs. FYederlrk Carey la the first vice president; Miss M. T. Iykeman, seconl vice president: Mies Kllen Franklnh, recording aecrelery: Mrs. R. F. Colder, corresponding eecretary; Mlsa Anna V. Teteraon, treasurer. The chairmen of standing commlttcea are: Membership. Mrs. Htella R. Wil son; publicity. Miss lone C. Duffy: con stitution. Miss Rva O'Fulllvan: legisla tive, Mrs. C. F. Harrison; finance, Mrs. Myrtle Keller; rnurtealea, Mlaa Jeannette McDonahl: , auditing, Mra. Thomaa Brown; progrum. Mn. D. Q. Craighead. It was recommended to the executive committee that the " Political Equality league contribute $1o to the National Woman's fluffrage association for use in the fall campaign. A contribution will also be made to the Douglaa county fund. At the conclusion of the hualness meet ing, refreshments were served, and tl.a remainder of tha evening aprnt In In formal discussion of plans for the com ing year. German Spy is Sentenced to Die 1ONDON, June 4. Official announce ment waa made here tonight that a Ger man spy named Muller had been sen tenced to death. tamsmmBBMBguaa FORTY-NINE GRADUATES 4 AT GRAND ISLAND SCHOOL GRAND ISLAND, Neb., JuneVl (Spe cial.) The high school graduating class of WIS, consisting of forty-nine pupils gave their annual program at tha Barten carti opera house last night. Tha class contains sixteen honor students out of forty-nine, these having general averages of ninety or more. Tha valedictorian waa Mlaa Anna Krail and aalutatorlan Miss Ada Turner. The following are membera of tha class' with the courses' taken: ' nNouHr couhsk. William U rown C. A. Jlanaford J Anion A. CoKtello Eugenia Hmith Anna M. linnr OKiiMAN COURSE. Mtritaret W. linker Murle A. Mehl Wuitor M. Httumann Arthur C. Petera Valt.-r blunk H. M. Keuan linui A. lUnna Mildred M Schuster Arnold 11. UmiKcn JATlN.COt'RHHL Anna F. Alexander Me-tl A. Lowry t"lie M. (iarmlre t:i)M.W!K PIIKPARATORT COrRSHl Anna K. AlexamhT loriuSiy A'.' I.s nn . HorRld K. Hron Mildred Mctntosh ' J. Hurry "ninrl"U 1 Helen O. I'eckham Pearl ,M. t'lnybura Klmer L. W. 8U, Helen Dill t NOR MAT, rOTmSK. Anna M. iKirmec Mnle A. I-owry Hae P. Krr " OF.P.MAN NORMA!, COI'RHK. Klisal-etii K(e ' Mabel It. Neumayer Mnrtha Hloom Klia M. Maaeiisfr Pearl It. Kills , I rltulb. H. c huramn Kstiicr M Hlie A'n A. Turner HI H1NPSIS t'Ol'BSi:. Wllllnni P. Hlack . Uena V. Mever IJIllan M. Healy Jt-annette M. Regan Alillord W. Kel,o , M. A. Roeaer Anua If. Kiall . O. A. Srliuiiacher Kyoia C. Alenck Arlolf 1. Williama Hay H. M' nek I, A TIN IsoRMAI, COPRSK. Wlbna It. Clugv . lsaleni eWrU-v JdDit A. Mcfluie I'ynihla M. Tavlur 'KNill.lHII HUSlNKBd COI.'ItSK. Howard K. Walla , . . t . CLOAKS. SUITS O MILLINERY a SOUTHEAST CORNER 16TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS The Popular Price Store ANNOUNCES A Big Purchase and Sale WOMEN'S v i t ec s iacKianeiai sntRO ifvm an st mmm puce emuc ON 99 The Best Known and the Best Made . This town has never witnessed such a demonstration of good suit selling as we are going to do Saturday. Strangers from out of town, professional men, laboring men, farmers men and young men from every walk of life who want the most their money can buy should crowd this store reaping a harvest of dollars saved by buying the advanced ideas of Tropica) Suit Without question, we have the tnoet complete and ex tensive lines of Palm Beach, "Mohair," "Graaa Cloth" and Silk Pongee Negligee Suits shown in Omaha. An early a I e e tion . sec urea the ' proper alze V, ; and a -- read tneas .'',' for weather , demands. g h ' $4.75 t Heal relate In Omaha la constantly In creasing year by year. . Why not start In by buying a lot during thia campaign. Black Taffeta Skirts, Black . Taffeta Jackets and Coats .( Suit exactly as illus trated, in black, best grade boiled taffeta, alteration free if necessary Separate Jacket like suit or bther. pretty styles in black taf feta only . - ! '. HYMENEAL r ; ( Mvellerlnai-Alhreeht. OXFORD. Neb., June 4. (Hpeclal.) Mies Anna Alhrecht of Oxford and Rev. Herbert 'Moellerlns of 'Arapahoe were married veatcrday In the Oertuan Luth eran church, Ilev. Mayer, pastor, of the Oxford church, offilcattn;. The bride Is a niece of C. W. I.ueklnc and Henry V.uekln. sr.. of thia place,' and for . a number of years pael haa made her home with tha family of William Beat on a farm near Oaford. The f room Is pastor of the German Lutheran church at Arapa hoe. The couple left for Cincinnati, O , to vtalt the groom a parents and after the weddlnf Journey will return to Arapahoe to make their home. Verak-Palraarr. FREMONT. Neb., June 4.-fpeclal The wedding of Mlaa Laura, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Krneat Falconer, to Fred U. V.irak. a Pavid City banker, waa sol emnised at tha home of tha bride's par eats Wednesday afternoon. EH. F. H. Maaoa of tha First Methodist church of ficiated. Mr. and Mra. Vorak will make their home at David 1ty. . Hdler-aailea. FALLS CITY. Neb.. June 4.-48peoial.i At the home of the bride's alstor, Mrs. r. II. Fuller, on June 2. Albert Hodler of linker. Kan., and Miss K.llcn Marie Bla plea of this city were united In marriaae by Rev. F. B. Will lama of the Baptist church. Kmraet Weakly acted aa beat man and Mlsa Florence Hodler. alster of the brtdcfruom.'acted aa bridesmaid. Ifeller-Layaaaa. PAWNEE CITT. Neb. June l.-Bpe-' 11. Mlaa Lulu Layman, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Layman, and Wesley HYllcr of Guthrie Center. la., were mar ried at tlve resldance of the bride here at 11 o'clock Wednesday moraine. Rev. J. II. Ktltt officiated. They will make their poiae at Out brie Center. la. ' 'ill iiit iWjx muim Vf!f!, Tb Dome at It ij I l 't?sMrt till i ', ... Btetiwa Bat. ill i'i.U. Yl- I , Ii)' I I l it Mil MsW ; '"IV Hi . - .-y ; ' . I i II.' I". II I s . t . j "r V I conrstiBHT tana f a J . It TK NOUCK OF anjPPCNMKiMn ft w . i i r , : yj if- i Rf?pn m ill iiiilSbuL 'I llll I '"I'Miiil'Ifi i '"V"lHij.liarBi!ti'IU 'I'MflMia -4 llll 1 II ,' Hi! II i i i n ! 2 fcinir,, 1 minn ' 'MAWH 111 M I'll'MIMlff yiiH.nl ' 1 aia Kuppenheimer's $20, $25, $30 and $35 - Spring: and Summer Suits AN 3 Ererygne new pattern and model. Good news travels fast, so be on hand early and fet your share of theae SENSATIONAL BARGAINS. $18.00 Glen Urquhart Plaids ftsreral lota of tI i beautiful hand fj kl tailored Glen Ur- k II qahart PlaMa that JLi hare aold at 1B. All the new models to select from. On, two or three-button. Wide, soft roll la bels. Skeleton lined If you like. Patch or set in pooketa, cuffed or plain sleeves. A genuine $18.00 suit for Sl&oO. $10, $12, $15 Suits Cut to It is Impossible to de scribe these handsome suits in this limited space. But a ' good idea of the genuine worth and style Qualities can be judged from our Douglas Street window dis play. All new styles and patterns in one, two and three-button models. On sale Saturday at 18.7a. a-a The Secret ofaGood Appearance -IS A FRESH, BECOMING NEW STRAW HAT." Never before has there been so many different styles and such a variety to choose from. It's really confusing. But our selections are from the host designers and mak ers and Include none but those approved by the best dresaera.' - Panamas. "Bangkoks," Sea Grass, Porto Ricans, $2 to S12. ' :. : Split, Sennet, "Palm," Can ton, Mackinaw $1 to $5. Boys' Baseball Outfit FREE Second Floor To better introduce our Boys' and Children's Dept. we give away FREE a complete baseball outfit, consisting' of mask, mitt, ball and bat, with every boys' suit from $5 up. Wonderfully Good School Suits at S2.85. S3.85 Greatest valuea in Oma ha at the price. Stylish and serviceable, all sizes from 2 to 17 years. ; We greatly, recommend our rvsw Palm Beach Nor folk Suits for. style and ,00m fort - Tana, light and sdark stripes and gray. 7 to 17 years, at $3.85 and S4.85. ' v Saturday Specials in Men's Furnishings $2.00 Fine Crepe, Mull and Nainsook Athletlo Under wear, knee and 4 length. at $1.45 $1.25 and $1.00 Nainsook Athletic Garments, 75 $2.00 Madras and French Percale Shirts.... $1.45 $1.50 Madras and French Percale Shirts.... 05e 35c Silk Hose, all colors and black ...IDs Bathing Suits, 31 to $3 Wash Neckwear, 15, 25. 35 aid 50ej 'Palm Beach Belts (wash), at 50" $5.00 Swell Wash Silk Shirts at $3.95 EAI3C COATS and $5.00 Coats, . $3.50 $7.60 Coats, $5.00 $12.60 Coats, $10 rate ABE BEflLLY-Sf flBTIMY-La n Separate Skirt like at .-' t a i a illustration, duck -"I taffeta, only jrU $6.45 Sale includes other styles of Black Taffeta Suits, Coats and Separate Jackets t P. S. We also have Taffeta Suits in Navy Blue. r CLOAKS, SUITS O MILUNEQY This store will soon be torn up the prices are torn up right now. so BUY NOW! READ ON! Uet a sjc bottla of Huu'i IJuttiioit. Jkui4y on bark and taka ( drops tour tnnrs a day H drujiiala. Adveniaa- Iv11CY-$4f9ibAk forth beer and Mr.ugji save the coupons LUXUS Mercantile Co., JSSt Distributors Buy a Sewing Machine (used), one that really sews, for $1.00 Buy better Sewing Machines (used) at $2.50, $4, $5, ?0 and $10 Buy excellent Drop-Head Sewing Machines (used), at $7.50 Buy Edison Phonographs (used), at $5 $7.50 and equally low. Buy Motorcycles (used) at as low as $25 $50, $80 and to .$100 Buy. most anything in the house at a Re modeling Sale Discount. Buy genuine wax Edison 50c Phonograph Records (new) at 15 Buy anything in Electrical Specialties at a big discount. Buy Talking Machine Cabinets in all styles at a big discount. Buy the clever, new $80 Smith Motor Wheel now at only $G0 Buy Vacuum Carpet Sweepers at a fraction of original price.- Buy Sewing Machine Needles Bobbins, etc., at a big discount. ' N Extra Specials Buy any Man's Bicycle (new) at a dis count ol TWENTY PER CENT. Buy Boys' and Girls' Bicycles (new) at as little as $12.50 now. Buy most anything in Bicycle and Mo torcycle Sundries, 20 ro to 507 off. rAnrprn) VCL L23 J Cornor 15th and Harnoy Sts., Omaha, Nob. i TWENTIETH ! CENTURY j FARMER !, I l For the Valley. Missouri I I I 10,000 Copies Weekly j I i I i I The manufacturer, job ber or dealer who is en deavoring to sell goods to the farmer trade of the Missouri Valley will find his sales will come easier and in greater volume when his advertising copy ia appearing regularly iii Twentieth Century. Farmer. Here is the reason Twentieth 0 e n t u r y Farmer covers Oma ha's trade territory more thoroughly than any other agricul tural publication. It not only reaches these farm homes, but it carries a vital weekly message that has become as neces- isary a part of the regular routine of these homes as a i a any otcer one tmng. Samplm Copy mnd Rattt cm Rmqmt. j Twentieth Century Farmer I Re IUdg Omaha, Neb. I BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the "Swapper's Column" 1 Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale" column; read it.