Till; HKK: O.MAIIA. SAIVKDAY. .H'NK 3. l!U. 4 WARS OF FUTURE IN AIR AHDH11DER SEA Secretary Daniels Piicunei Devel opment of New Craft in Address to Naval Graduates. MISS LILLIAN B. HYDE defeated Mrs. Joseph E. Davis for the Woman's Metropolitan Golf associa tion championship. ThU makes the fourth time Miss Hyde has won this honor. m OPPORTUNITIES FOR ECONOMY LESSONS OF GREAT CONFLICT 3 nos 'nst aVeu ef Ml .9 ea- ,'lc :llt ori el mJ 'ur- er- m Ore amazini? lot of nrettv wash fWI-o. ated in this purchase, which was sold to us" under the I or mowing, shopping, business, afternoon, street, porch and house wear. mmmfff. ml Irtrw ...4 . if. . j J . , n .. . v ona picturesque jiounces, ana uou Will have cm ttitn your own eyes. i, $3.98, $5.00 and $5.98 Every size vill be found for the ilender miss of 14, 16 and 18 to the extra sizes up to 44 bust. Y , $1.00 and $1.50 Groups t I . . . . i ii . rt vuBiBi vi muy nnuiiii m voiles, ging hams and percales, neatly trimmed. All sixes, many colors. $5.95 Spe cial Group Many of the manu facturer' sample! are In this lot and consist of the Terr smartest of style of tbe season. Every food material and oolor an to be found. Smart little frocks for every occasion. Misses' and women's sixes. Suggestions for Wedding & Graduation Gifts . , Exception! Bargains in the Jewelry Department ' y..., lUW Watch ' h ''Guaranteed twenty jtmn. O ls Oold 'Pilled Caae, open faee, ?-Jeweled 7 QQ t Elgin movement; S1&.S0 value "Solid Oold Brooch ea,' et witb, real pearl ' and other beautiful stone;- - e O .$4 and IS value. t lSO "Flneat Oold Filled Bracelet, In a acora .. of pretty designs, hand engraved, stamp- d told shell, 12-k. and ayranteei ng 1S years; 5 values .JO ..$1.98 4 Solid Gold La Valllere i 14.00 values ax .with real pearl and any birth atone. Solid sold chain. .1 ;q u 1 1 r u p 1 Plata Bake IMah Plain m b o a d. r1v half pints. 7 Tmisi HH Casrole Pie reed Brlttanla metal. Very heavy quadruple sil ver plated: Guernsey ware earthen dish. X pint. It value. . SX.S Brandeis Is Headquarters for the iRNemo Vacation Special" Corset At Which will be presented for the first time on Saturday. They are made of "Steeltex" Bati.te $3 Quality That is to say, this kind of Batiste usually roes into $3 Nemo Corsets. The Corsets in every size, from 2! to 30, are finished with a Semi-elastic Lasticurve back. Main Floor Corset Dept., 8eond Floor. Electric Fan Sale Saturday High-grade electric fans, 8- inch heavily nickel plated. Very durable, guaranteed in every way, costs little to operate. What is more delightful on a sweltering hot day than a rool. invizo ratine breeze that y C " rzi fans away your cares and wor- rnes. liuy a fan Saturday, ear lv in the season, and eniov six e way months of solid comfort dur ing the hot weather season. Special Saturday, 8-iuch fan $6.98 ' --- - ,;,,, HJ Hosiery and Underwear New and Lovely Women will find that these prices are very low for qualities so good. We buy In im mense lots and are thus able to get better attention and lower prices from makers. Women's Thread Silk Stocking Pure dye. All shades to match shoes and gowns, rail fashioned, high spliced heals snd toes with double soles. A simple lot Every pair perfect. None worth less than 11.00 and up to $1.60. Saturday, pair OiC Women's Fiber 8llk. Fiber to the Top Stockings niack, white and colors. Full seamless, double heels and toes snd wide garter tops. nr Worth 50c. pair ODC Women's Fiber 8Uk Boot Hose Blnrk, white and colors. All full seam- n r less. Worth to 85c, pair DC jtx Men's Fiber Silk Hose All colors, rull seamless, spliced soles, heels t A and toes. 25c quality, pair 1 7C v Mian' and Children's Fine and Medium knees, solee, heels and toes. 19c quality, Ribbed Hose Double pair ...12ic Infanta' Seamless and Full Fashioned Sox tops. 25c quality, pair -With fancy turned over 15c Munsingwear Women's Munalnj Union Suits Mercer ised and plain Hales, In cuff and umbrella knee styles. Tops finished 1 rr with shell edge. Suit pl3U Women's Munslng Union Suits In fine llsles, cuff and umbrella knee styles. Shell edgo and lace trimmed. 1 rt Suit 1.UU Women's Munslng Union Suits Fine cot tons, cuff and umbrella knee rr styles. Suit, (Oc and lOC Women' Munatn: Vesta Low neck, sleeveless! low neck and elbow pa sleeves; umbrella and cuff knee jlfC pants to match. Garment Munljr TJnlon Butt for Oirla and ffl Boya Fine cotton. Cuff knee. 1JC Blsea 1 to 11 years. Butt w. Munslna Union Sulta for Misses pmm and Touth Fine coitoD. knee r)C l.nrth. filsea 11 to II yra. Butt Women's Silk Boot and Ulark Cat BtockliiRS Keaulsr snd outslsrs. Horn with rllled tops. others all ribbed. Hp'tt soles snd plsln black. Full fanhloned and aeemleea, double p Foles, heels snd toes. I Si Worth to o. pair Knit Underwear Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits In cuff and umbrella knee styles. Broken lots and sizes of a well known brand. Worth to 11.60, at, suit OaC Ksyser Knit Vests Swiss rib bed llsles, dainty hand crochet lace yokes In various designs. Fink and white. Slices 4, aa 6 and 6. 50c quality, each. .OuC Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits Cuff and umbrella knee styles; dslnty cluny i are yokes. Keguisr ana extra p sixes. Worth to $1, suit )UC Women's Fine Cotton Vests Plain or lace yokes. All sixes. -a n i 19c values, each IZ2C Boys' Genuine Porosknlt Suits High c?ck, short sleeves; knee length. All ages to 16 years. Regular on 50c quality, suit OUC Union Suits for Boys of barred nainsook. Athletic style or' Sizes 8 to 14 years. Very special, suit tLoC fS 1 Art Needlework American Beauty Packages With floss to work. Scarfs, PlUows, Baby Pillows, Children's Aprons, Canters. All packages that usually sell trom 25c to 75c. . 15c Stamped Pillow Cases on Tubing -Neat designs. Values to Q 60c- Sale price, pair 1 iJC Odds and Ends In Baskets For flowers, fruit, sandwiches , snd waste paper. Values to o r $1.00, at XJC 8tamped Scarfs, Pillows and Cen ters on Art Crash In cross stitch designs. 25o and 35c 1 f values, for . loC Novelty Braids 4 and 6-yard lengths, Including turtle and 1 1 fancies. 15c to 20c values. . . . 1UC Celluloid Tatting Shuttles AH sixes. Blsck, -white and r colors. 10c quality, each OC Mercerised Cordonnet Crochet Cotton White, ecru and n colors. All sixes. Spool I C Steel Crochet Hooks With steel protectors. Regular 60 qusllty. r Saturday, 2 for )C Children's Stamped Dresses AH made. Some lace trimmed. On ex tra ntiaJtrv nonlln. Persian lawn. pique and ratine. Values from 50c to $1.00. Aes 1 10 e years. Choice for 39c SONG HITS SSSSSSZ SS2 10c. SPRINKLE ME WITH KISSES, If You Want My Lov To Crow SWEET KENTUCKY LADY, RUNAWAY JUNE ft'a Txillp Time In Holland DesrU Ctrl Ta tat I hmm m "miaj e s ssss a tisa s. Me ea Fresh Cut Roses 5,000 Home-Grown Long Stem Roses In all colors. Regular 75c and $1.00 n dozen. Saturday, each. . .0. Very Few Pianos Actually BaxsassassKessaaajsasBeB t asssaaajaaBsase HSKexexexexexsMSxeassBxsKssaaaBvxaBBMMaa Wear Out It is generally the giving away of one part before the others that renders a piano useless. That's why one-half of the busi ness done today is in exchanges. If you buy a Clarendon piano vou can rest assured that detail of manufacture is looked after with sympathetic care and that there will be no premature breaking of any" part. It's our boast that the tone of a Clarendon piano does not wear out. Easy Terms if Desired Brandeis Piano Department Third Floor n - Jf Six Wonderful Bar gains in Wall Paper for Saturday 10 Patterns of regular 10c Kitchen and Bedroom Papers All season able goods, with borders to q match. Roll OC A Large Selction of Parlor, Diuing Room, Store and Hall Papers All the newest colorings and designs, with borders to match. r I Regular 15c grade, roll D2C Plain Domestic Oatmeal Papers In brown, tan, green, red and blue; SO inch goods. Regular 15c grade, sold with borders only, 71 Saturday, roll . f 2C New Liquid Oold Papers The sea son's newest goods. Very suitable for living rooms, reception halls and libraries. Regular 30c n grade, Saturday, roll IL2C Special Bedroom Papers Hllk snd satin stripes. All colors, chintz, ebambray snd floral effects. Worth up to lOe, sold only with cutout border and binders. Special j Saturday, roll 1'IC Varetahed Papers for Kltrben and Bsthroom The kind you csn wah. Regular 25c grs-de, j n IUC Phptoplay Book Week Free Autographed Portrait of Your Movie Favorite To properly emphasize nation-wide photb-play book week at our store we will present with each copy of a Grosset & Dunlap Photoplay title, an autographed portrait, 10x14 inches, of your favorite "Movie" Star over twenty different to select from. When you see a photoplay like Eternal City, Eagles Mate, Master Key or Million Dollar Mystery and Trey O'Hearts wouldn't you like to read SfC the book? Well, we have all of them and forty others, at Each Your Favorite Photoplay in Book Form. Here Are Some of Them. Esglss Mats, Anna Allc Chapin. Mistress Nell, Geo. C. Hsxslton Jr. Master Key, Ths, John Fleming Wilson. Ths Clansman, Thomas Dixon Jr. Pit, Ths, Frank Norrls. Damon snd Pythias, The Story of, Albert Payaon Terhune. Eternal City, The, Hall Csin. From the Vslley of the Missing, Q. M. Whit. Million Dollar Mystery, Harold Mscgrath. Try O'Hearts, The, Louis J. Vsnce. Tess of the Storm Country, Qraee Miller Whit. Cooss Girl, The, Harold Mac- grsth. Fool There Wss, A. P. Emerson Browne. Call of the North, The, Stewart Edwsrd Whits. David Harum, Edward Noyss Wsscott. Littlest Rebel, The, Edwsrd People. One Wonderful Night, Louis Tracy. Woman, Ths, Albert Payson Tsrhun. Ill 11 w" II 1 .J ' ... .. . .. ii - Scandal Grows Out . of Prosecution of Oleomargarine Suits COLUMBUS. O., June 4. Demand that Untied States Dlstriat Attorney Sherman McPhsrsan and his asaltant. Hailey r. Burns, return fee of 120,000 awarded them by United Ktatea District JudKo John F. Rater for their service as coun sel fer the receiver in the suit of the Bovemment asalnst the old Capital City Dairy company la male In a motion filed In the federal Cfurt her today. The motion a! -o nxks that former Congress man F. I.. " ' r, receiver for the com pany, ' be r-.lil to return IM.( awarded to him for hi service as rs celver. The motion which Is filed by Special Counsel Chllds of the Department of Justice assert that the payment of the fee to the district attorney and 1)1 as sistant "was peculiarly Improper" In that It was their official duty to prosecute criminal rases pending against officials of the company, who are clisrsed with conspiracy. The Dairy company, through, some of ita officials, recently paid to the covern- meht nearly triOO.OOO In aettlement of charsea against it of1tt'lnf evaded the payments if taxes on oleomargarine. ANNAPOLIS, Md.. June 4. Pre diction that war aircraft of the not distant future will be as fearful en gines of destruction as the dreaded t;nderea craft was made by Secre tary Daniels in addressing the gradu ating class of the Naval academy today. "In the European war." he sstd, ' there have been no rurprises, no "there have been no surprises, no feats that could bo called decisive. Sisughter there hss been unprece dented, but the character of battles thst stampeded an enemy by tsklng him unawares hss passed away. The atfertiveness of w.e fisnklng move ment hss been seriously Impaired. Why? The sosiing scouts carry mes sages from trench to trench and tht sudden alarms tbst resulted in th routing of mighty armies became an cient history when the modem en gine and gasoline enabled man t conquer the regions of the air." Secretary Daniels spoke of the mar velous development of the submarine and added: "Almost dslly you are startled to teal of the torpedoing of a mighty vessel by these small undersea stilettoes." the sec retary told the graduate. "The sub marine's precision of aim. Ita deadline of execution. Its ability to do Its deadly work and disappear In a moment, chal lenge the world's wonder. "It seem only a few days ago that we were wondering if th submarine would become a really Important part of th fleet. Today many are seriously debating whether our giant craU will continue to be the backbone of the anuadion that ' conatltute a country's protection. I "The last conerpsa xnrasrd Its ftth ill the submarine by voting the money to build twenty-six new submarines, three of them to be aeagolng of a sis and power never before contemplated. What of the future of this newest naval arm? He would be a rash man who would In prophesy limit Ita possibilities." secretary Daniel drew a eon from . the European war in pointing out that th graduatee, in order to attain high place of honor, must possess In addtlion to other lndlspenslbles, self-mastery. A bigger and always well prepared navy to Insure this country's holding It proper place among the nations waa urged by Senator Kola Penrose, who ad dressed the graduate on behalf of th board of visitors, of which he I a mem ber, I State Spelling Bee . at Columbus, Ohio COL.UMBUS, O., June 4.-Four-cor grade and high achooi pupil, champion spellers in their respective communities, are here today to take part In the Ohio spelling contest, Arrangement for the spelling "bee" were begun several month ago by the Statu Agricultural commission, and elim ination contest have been held in most of th counties of th stst to select entrant In tbe event. For week the contestants, who range from U to 17 years of age, have been studying a list of I.O00 worda mailed to them by the commission. Governor Frank B. Willis, who while a member of congress won th spelling contest in which senators tives and newspaper men were con testants, will pronounr th Worda for the apel'era. Among th words which appear In the official Hat are Cinque foil, charade. Wisteria, braggadocio, ren deivoua, amanuensis, farlnseeous and gossamer. Many proper name alio are included in the list. Ten prlM have been provided. To the champion will be given 150 and a et of books, the latter being contributed Captain Complains of His Treatment by British Officials NEW YORK, June 4,-Georg Cornehl. captain of th American ateamer Antllla. brougnt his vael into port tody from Copenhagen, with a vigorous tomplalnt gainst, th treatment accorded aim by the British authorities, who detained him fifty-nine days on hi outward voyage. Captain Co-nehl I a naturalised Ameri can of German descent. He sailed from New York In February with a cargo for Sweden and Denmark, which was loaded, he arserta, under th Inspection or tho British conaul general, who gave him a certificate. II wss taken It.to Kirkwall and detained eleven days, during which time a guard, he aid, stationed at his duor, watched him continuously. After having been ordered to Dundee, his vessel, he said, wss d- ' talned forty-eight day there and half of th cargo taken off. On the return trip Captain Oornshl said he was detained two and a half hour by a British cruiser. - i Charged Against Swoboda Not Proven PARIS. June 4. Charges of espionage preferred by th military authorities against Raymond Swoboda appear to be unfounded, aaya the Journal. Th In quiry conducted by Mayor Jullen of the Part permanent court-martial ha failed to bring out proof that 8woboda served ss a German spy. It slready hss been established that ha had nothing to do with starting the fire aboard th steam- repreaenta- j mp Touralne, cliarg which led to' his arrest. While there I no strong evi dence against Swoboda, Major Jullen ha .decided to continu hi Inquiry at all place In Franc wher Swoboda is known to have stayed before ordering hi release. by the governor, from t: to H. The other prlie rng Decree Handed Down in Watchcase Suit PHIlADFXPHIA. June 4 -The United Btiie district court her tody handed down It decree In the jovernmer.f dis solution suit against tho Keystone Watch Csse company. The decroe carrlea out the decision of the co:rt rendered on January I in which It atated that tho Keyaton Watch Caae company waa not organised in violation of the Bherman antl-truet law, but that certain practices wltn regsrd to the maintenance of ptlcee were unlawful. The ciurt in ita decree enjoined the oompany from continuing these piactlcea and retains Jurisdiction In the caae for such additional relief as msy heresftet am appropriate. A Mistake Mad br Mav. I 'on' i wait for rheumatism to Indicate (UiiBKfd kidney. When you suffer pn'ns and ache by day and lep dis turbing bladder weakneaa by night, feci tired, nervous and rundown, th kidney nd Maddor liould be restored to healthy, strong and regular action. It Is a nilstak to postpon treatment. Foley kidney pill put the kidney In Bound, hcolthy condition and keep them active and strong. Benin taking today. Good results follow the first dost. Kold every where. Advertisement. HUNDRED THOUSAND JEWS IN POLAND ARE HOMELESS IX)UZ, Russian Poland. June 1 tVia London.) Warsaw newspaper, which have been amuggled through th lines, say th number of home) Jews oa th RUMlsn aid la Increasing steadily. At' a conference in Mocow recently ef the Jewish Aid soctety it waa estimated that the number of these homelea persons is about 1UU.U00. Th greatest distress pre valla among the homele in th govern- ment of Lomu, numbering about ,000, Thus far It hss been almost impossible -to give them aubsiantlst assistance. At, the Mocow conference It waa decided te appeal to Jew throughout Russia for atd, and a plan wa discussed for taxing wealthy Jews for the benefit of the auf GERMANS LEAVE JAPAN FOR THEUNITED STATES TOKIO. Jun 4,-Th Paejfle Mail steamship Korea, which aall tomorrow from Yokohama for San Francisco, will have on board avnty-f!v Germane, mostly persons who wer in Ttn-Teu during th alege and wb have been re-, leased by the Japanese authorities. They include Mr. Meyer Waldetk. wife of the German governor of Kino Chaw, and a number of medical officer and hospital attendanta. When the Korea cam inter Yokohama harbor the Japanese navl au thorities examined all it passengers carefully tn the belief that em memler of th rrew of th Germsn terped boat a-IO, Interned In China might l-' on board. .....