3 run w.r.i umaiia. natikpay, .mink ft. ini: 3 THE STORE Of THE TOWN Browning, SSing & Co. ODD SPRING SUITS Formerly Sold Up To J52G.OO That We Will Dispose ol At One Price FOR SATURDAY ONLY No Alteration Made en TbeM Salts GRADUATION SUITS FOR THE OOY Graduation Time Is Only a Few Days Oil Tls Time to Think ol Suits lor HIM and Our Stock is Most Complete $5.00 and Up Nebraska Nebraska INSURANCE AGEHTS MEET TOTALK SHOP Fire Policy Writer Hold Meeting at Columbui and Urge Uni formity of Bates. GRAND ISLAND GETS MEETING Straw Hats Jut a Wurd, tbc Season la Bit Backward, but the Ron May Shine When Yon Arc Ready. We Have Tnem Straws, Bankoks. Legucms ssd Psnsass G2 to OlO.OO Paris Garters SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY The 25c Kind . For Only THE PAIR BROWNING, KING & CO. GEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. changing William Wlcbe, the dry goods merchant, was arrested on the south bound Burlington train Thursday as he was about to leave the city and lodgvd In jail. He la about TO years of am. and It la thought he came here from Lincoln. Dana are being made for a big Fourth of July celebration at Ptclnauer. Gov ernor Morehead will bo the speaker of the day and the celebration will be held In Strlnauer's grove. Nebraska ALLEGED CHECK RAISER IS RETURNED TO FREMONT If s "Pomp Time" for the Children it 0"' UiiaT We show a big line of the popular "Baby Dolls,, tn Whit Canvas, Gun metal or Patent Colt, with the pretty little ankle strap. They have splendid welt soles, rich tn wear, and perfect In style.. Priced, for children, from SI to 82.50 According to Sice, SHQBGQ one Steto a ffleek Jnst realize how easy your clothes buying is made by us. Instead of being obliged to stint yourself by paying cash, vou pav only ONE DOLLAK A "WEEK. And if you will investigate, you will find that, although we do sell on credit, our prices are exceptionally low, and our stocks very large. Come and choose your new clothes when you need them. Your credit is good for all you want. EEj S sens $12.50 to $27.50 All the newest styles and patterns, In all sizes, from the very slim to the very stout. We guarantee every suit to be just as represented, and we make no charge for any alteration necessary. i Women's and Hisses' Silk, Lingerie and Wash (From a Staff Correspondent.) OOLfMHirS. Neb.. June 4.-SpeclaU- With 160 agents preeent the State Amo ctation of Local Fire Insurance Agents olonc.1 Its eeaston today. The meeting waa the largest ever held by the aspo rtation. The session was held under the treea outside Orpheue hall, the andrewe of wel come being given by Mayor Rothlelter, who said that this was the day of organ ization, when all lines of business, banks and fanners alike, had recognized the Im portanre of united effort In their seV' era! lines. Representative W. II. C. Woodhurst of North Platte responded, Great Total of Bulifti, State Insurance Commlslsoner Ia O. Prlan spoke on "Insurance Regulation." I Mr. Brian aald very few people except I those conneoted with the Insurance busl 1 ness appeared to comprehend the great 1 Importance of the Insurance business. In 1!H4 there was 148,933,000,010 of fire In 'gur&nae written In the United States ! outside of the mutual companies, which J had written in the neighborhood of JJ6.- 000,000,000 more, making a grand total of early 173.000,000,000 fire insurance for last year. Prfmlomi and Losses. There waa paid In net premium 1B3,- 000,000 on the Insurance written for that period, whllo $300,000,000 was paid in losses. It cost In 1914, according to the commissioner, 11.00 for each $100 written. whllo five years ago it had cost ft. 12 per $100. Issues were CO per cent of prem iums collected. He aaM the records showed that there had been a greater losa and a decreasing premium. Ho de- Ired a law passed to control companies unauthorised to do business in the state, and said there were insurance agenta in Kansas City with no office but a box In the postofflce collecting thousands of dollars In Nebraska and there waa no protection' to tho Insured. Support for Klre Warden. He advocated a more loyal support of the state fire warden's office by the In surance companies, for with sufficient funds to work with and carry on inspec tions the fire losses would be materially decreased. Arthur Mullen of Omaha compared the work done by the state guarantee bank ing law with the present condition In in surance matter He aald If tho state could regulate the banking business it could regulate the Insurance business just well. He ridiculed the proposition that the passage of an Insurance, bill similar to 8. F. 4. defeated by the last legis lature would make rates higher. He called attention to the passage of the anti-pass law several years ago which had been beneficial to everybody con cerned and had raised rates only on the one-third of the passengers who had been , riding on passes. He said ' the present system was a out-throat system of conducting insurance. Inequality of Rates. E. . C. Folsom of Lincoln quoted from insurance reports showing the inequality of rates as charged in the different towns of the state. He showed the In many towns the percentage of Insurance writ- ten of a rebate nature was variable. In one town 7 per cent of the policyholders received a rebate while In another town S2 per cent were rebated. He said that much had been said about the anti discrimination law of Kansas, a law similar to the one which was before the Nebraska legislature last winter and charged to have been introduced to raise rates. He said that the Kansas loss was much higher than In Nebraska and that the charges made were untrue. Labor Commissioner V. M. Coffey gave a short talk on the workings of the work men's compensation law. After the noon luncheon addresses were delivered by L. H. Stubbs of Chicago, F. T. B. Martin of Omaha, Lee Hamlin of Omaha and John C Byrnes of Colum bus. . , Byraes for New Law, Mr. Byrnes gave a short talk on the efforts to get B. F. 46, the antl-dlscrtml- natlon Insurance bill through the legis lature and believed that efforts should be made to give the people the facts In regard to Insurance during the coming few months and let them know just what a uniform Insurance bill would do for the policyholders of the state. Officer elected were: ' Presdent. C. T. Flower. Grand Inland: vice presidents, Fred Walt and Nathan Roberts, Uncoln, and Ous Becher, Colum bus; secretary-treasurer, V. T. B. Martin, Omaha; chairman of executive commit tee, W. L White. York; chairman grievance committee, Paul Oolaon, Fre mont; chairman legislative committee, J. C. Byrnes, Columbus; chairman member ship committee, John Madden. Omaha Grand laland was selected for the 1915 meeting. Resolutions were passed endorsing the work of Insurance Commissioner L. O. Brian In the Jurisdiction of the Insurance department. Attorney General Gives Out Names Of Petitioners FRKMONT. Neb.. June . (Special.) FJrerett Ward, wanted at Fremont on a charge of raising a check for It. 35 to IS9.S5 and cashing It last November at the store of a Vocal merchant, waa brought to Fremont from Oklahoma City by Sheriff Condlt, Ward worked for Joe Rnrns, a farmer near Ames, last fall for a few weeks. One day he asked for a check for $1 to pay a specified debt. He Is charged with having brought the paper to Fremont, raised the figures and pre sented It In payment for a bill of goods. Sheriff Condit traced him over the mid dle west and finally located him at Oko mulgee, Okl. i ' FAIRBUR YS00N TO HAVE . BUSINESS STREETS PAVED rAIIUU-RT, Neb.. June 4-(Speclal Telegram.) Mayor Mason and the city council met today and passed an ordi nance providing for pavement for the public square and one adjacent block. It Is said the work will start In July. I 1 rawnre IMoneer Stricken. TA15LK ROCK, Neb., June 4. (Special.) Henry L. Alklns. who lived for many years five miles southwest of here, but moved to Pawnee City later, suffered a stroke of paralysis Tuesday evening, and waa found tn an unconscious condition by his daughter, and Is in a critical condi tion, lie and his wife had celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary tho previous diw. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June 4 (Special.) Loup county authorities have as yet taken no steps to prosecute the murder of Roy Fox, as far as la known from any Infor mation received at Attorney Qeneral Keed's office. According to the attorney general, the murder bore the ear-marks of the action of a vigilantes' committee. The attorney general at the time scored the county authorities for negligence In not prose cuting and appoint a tpecJal prosecu tor. Receiving no reply to the letter, he sent County Attorney Moon, he has mado public tint names on the petition sent him by Loup county people, urging him to action. The signers of the petition are as follows: Morrill will releorate Fourth. MORRILL. Neb., June 1 (Fpecial.V-At a mass meeting held here last night It was decided to have a two days celebra tion July 5 and . Nearly $2,000 has been subscribed for base ball games, fireworks, horse races and various other sports. An effort Is to be made to secure one of Ne braska's United States senators for speaker. K. A. Fox Kmlly Fox Mrs. Willis Price George C lilies Mrs. G. W. ilillei Perry Perkins Pan llnskln Mary llnskln ('. O. ShMI-s F. A. Sample K. U 1 airman Mrs. K. L. Coleman A. J. Tangeman Nina K. Tangeman F. F. Tllden l4ona F. Tllden H. K. l'rover fhas. Ke'ghtley Mrs. C. Kelxhtley Mrs. J. S. A hired , C A. Kumbaugh X. I. Rumhauirh B. IRVenHrt Nilll Iavenport Henry Pea-oca James !(nMil Fred l-nuson A. K Moore Francis Moore Kannle A. Moore I . o. Warn K. Warn lw Fox i.arl Fox Jack King Clarence Raph J. I.. Hnnchln K. K. Mitt an W. Reynolds F. W. llarton R. wler 1 F. Roanh Mr. Frank Roach F. K. Mansflel 1 It. W. Mansfield Ora Parker The Ilee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. Vern Parker M. J. Parker Mi:llsa Parker N. V. Van lioutnn Jos. Priike M iiy Piake Minnie Vsn 1 Tout on F. A. Thayer R. M. Thayer Hurt Cox C. S. Campbell R. H. Preston Mrs. Kdna Preston Coral J. Keltv Ralph J. Kelly llaxel McKelphan 1 ura K. Ovltt Robert Parkin C 11. Coleman McCllnda Coleman J"earl Cox Rcssle Griffith William KMrtdge Alice F.lrirlrine C. 1 Mclntyro Perry live rella rye I lbert VVIel J. A. Summers I.. M. Summers 'Mr. J. A. (Summers John Monlnaer Odell lilinmitt Mrrt. Snrah ltmmitt P.. 1. Mnaon (Mrs Nora Mason Alvln Neel Albert Weeden Minnie Weeden Johua Perkins S. Perkins M. Perkins Clara Perkins J. A. Davenport J. W. Iwle Elmer Lewis. UAKNSTEIN Unusual Suit Sale We guarantee the most un usual values ever present ed to the men and young men of Omaha in Suits Saturday. $fQ50 0m Do not judge these fine all wool salts by the pries marked as they comprise SI 2.59 and S1S.C9 Grades Hand tailored clot hea In new models, best of make. $18.00 and $20.00 Grades 75 mmm$t 54 Tou have heard many people say: Had I bought a lot In Omaha three years ago. I would be pretty comfortably fixed today. The same thought will be expressed throe years from now. The thing to do Is to get In on this one opportunity right now. Palm Death Suits (rtArIal at . . . . Saturday FURNISHINGS Specials Final clean tip of Vlndex Shirt atork purchased at SOo on f 1. Shirts for dross or work, AC all si vice, Tallica to 75c. . . 9C IVxnuoe silk bosom, fancy OCj madras, values to t.50..0)C I'uro Tub Bilk Bbirta, f4 AC DRESSES From $2.50 up Beautiful Creations In an endless variety of exquisite styles. The values are sim ply wonderful. We want you to see these splendid dresses. All of them on the most liberal terms of credit. Coy's Suits, $3.50 up We sell to out-of-town people on game terms of credit. Sch1417 Douglas WE ABE SELL1KB TRBMKS IESS THUS li'HOLES&LE Jitney Trunk Sale All You Pay Down Is 5c Hurry! We are manufacturers and sell direct to you no middleman's profit. te price on all trunks (exrer We are cutting goods. ur wnoiesale department ia overstocked (on account of war conditions ) cutting me price on all trunks (except wardrobe) and traveling Take advantage of our Great Jitney Plan. HKItK 18 THK Taetory Prlos S.60. Bale Frloa 87.00. rint Week.. . t .OS SeoonA Week,. l.Oo Third Week . , S.00 (fourth Week .. S.OO ruth Wsek 93 TOTAZi Then we d the new trunk. 87.00 liver PIi.N ItKAO. Taetory rrlos 10.50. Bale Vrloa $3.85. rs Week ... .OB Beoond Week . l.OO Third Week ... S.OO Fourth Week ., 3.00 rath Week .... B.80 TOT AX S8.S5 Then we deliver the new trnak. ITilT at. tmts skd of x.nm or Ttovmnn awd tax sack WXEK. TOV WOri MISS Til ltOSTBT. OUR WARDROBE TRUNK LINE Cannot be equaled. They are not Included in the out price Bale, but are the Greatest Values In the west. Do not fall to see them. EsoeUo Wardrobe Trunks, $35 5-Tear Ctuarentee. Omaha Trunk Factory iais faBjBtax btkzxt. souaiji loss. 5 and 0 grwlcs.., "Round the Edges" The new straw for 1915. A four Tjj dollar style and U a three dollar value, at 51.90 Oeantne rorosknlt Union Baits la white or ecruj Sl.oo vai- yfjQ wn.iiV 'irM.' 'sulk Bon. ' Palm Bsaeh and other oolors, SC JJ AUiUtlo nvssk and Balbrlggaa 1 Union Baits, special dRr. Wasa'TVsssie'iBaUtiii''" Blood's Blhbed iraaerwes, seoonds, SOe naUty TWO SPECIALS 111 BOYS' CLOTHES I l ' I . i 'd-V. M H-T AM 1 " ' 25c t The Best Straw Hat Values in Town 05 to $5.00 Genuine 94 Cfl Panarruu. .irW.3U Genuine Ijf;homs 8ilk Zophyr Hats, special $2.95 .45c Suits With Two Pr. Pants Made to withstand hard wear, beautiful patterns I formerly BS.00 val 03.40 HALL FIUOK Norfolk Gults Blass, browns sad grays, seams f 1 a 1 s h e eatra strong , $2.50 WITH EACH Kl'IT. Own your own home. You can purchase one on easy monthly payment like rent. Read the real estate columns. a Ladles' I Coaaficrncit lit I'aplllloa. PAPIL.UON, Neb., .Yune 4. (8eclaL) Commencement exercbies of the Pwpilllon Hgh Khoc will be held st the opera house tonight. Rev. IT. O. Brown of Omaha delivered the address. The gradu ates are Marion Brown, Maude Carlson, Ruth Corey, l"dith Gramltch, Walter Jungmyer, Kva Kennedy, Ralph Nicker, son, Agnes Pclla, Fred 1. Rhode, Amelia Schmidt, Martha Spearman, Marjery Thorton. Llryd Wright and Anna ZwiebeL The baccalaureate sermon was preached last Sunday evening at the German MethodUt church by Rev. Mr. Jungmyer. The class play, "Hoodoo," was given at the opera house Friday and Saturday nights i t last week. The junior-senior banquet was also held last week on Thursday at the Sarpy hotel. The alumni banquet waa held Wednesday night at Bell i halL Swap Anything in the "Swapper'- Column" Notes front Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., June i. (Special.) Harry Charles Pavey of Wallace, Neb., and Miss Oladys Ivy Freeman, grand daughter of the late Daniel Freeman the first homesteader In the United "tates, were married Wednesday evening In this i-ity by County Judge Walden. Richard Wllllcn, fur Die last forty years a resident of Cage county, died Tt.i icday at Mh home wet of Barmaton, i sed C years, lie was for many .-ears member of the . hcx.1 board in hU di- , lit. Me is survived by I. Is aido and; i.ur children. A stranger giving Ihe name of lohn ! ; i'm u nils, kIio hnrgrd with riort-' PERFE CT TAILORING AT CUT PRICES On account of the backward season we are compelled to sacrifice profits to unload our big stock of high grade Spring and Summer Woolens. In order to make a quick clean-up we offer you unrestricted choice of our $30 and $33.00 Suitings for We guarantee the fa $35 and S40.00 Suitings for brie linings styles fit and workmanship to be the best ever offered by any tailoring concern in the business at anywhere near the price, or you need not accept the garments. Every garment to be cut; fitted and made in our own daylfght workrooms by expert Omaha tailors. This is the chance of the season to buy first class, made-to-measure suits at late season prices. No excuse to wear hand-me-downs while such prices prevail. Make your selection now take them at your convenience. Dodge Otrcet m i I