T1IK I1KK: OMAHA. S'ATI'KDAV. .H NT, brief city news FAILURE TO LOYE ! CAUSE FOR DIYORCE W4ir in- at ESholm's. Moot Prist r Now Peacon Ptsss Sleotrlo rt Hurffns-OrnJcn Co 41at Iflicleney Th 5c plat BJnnor srrrrd at 8cl,llti hotel. T. M. C. A. ob sperlsl pummrr Jnmr,erFhlp plan. Thn tie It. ." M. Bride Expect at lt on of or electric lamp. Burgs-Uri'irn Co. r.trJt7 BaaqnaV Nn Simna N'l fraternity of Crr-laMm Mrll nl cntlr-ge will hold a hanqnrt for thirty. flva mem ber baturday evening at Holrl Rome. Sr. lajoaa F. CoanoW?, snut, wishes te announce the r-moMl of hlf. offices to JOo-oi Brown block, 16th and Douglaa BU. formerly In City National bank. "Toaays Complete atone Prorrant' elaaalrlad section toda. and appaara U Tns Boa EXCL.UB 1 V E LT. Find out what the various moving picture theater of ftr. Jlftesa Pairs of Shoe Oona Thieve rained entrance to the shoe shop of St ill Celled Cruelty in Dirorce Peti tion Filed by Fred W. Thiele Against Young- Bride. WIFE WILL NOT CONTEST IT Kred W. Thlcle. broker In the em ploy of the General Film compnny, who allege that his 20-year-old bride, Mrs. Ruth Gray Thiele, for merly hla stenographer, whom he married February 18, has revealed tc him that she does not love him, has filed suit for divorce In district court vn ground of cruelty. I Ma petition allege! that hla prettv Rumor Flics and Waxes Greater the Farther that it Moves Along JP. Feteraon at North Sl.teenth street res been glvon to another man. nigm ana stoio urieen pairs 01 hi ide a statomrnt to hr The "one tottrh of nature' that "make the whole world kin'' wa pree ent In a crowd-In front of the Rrandels Btorw yeetenlay aftf-monn. Those who pushed thrlr way to the renter found there a rimiMe-m Idth hahy rarrliign, divided Into two compartment. And In earli compartment, fHst asleep, lay a hahny, ear-h the mirrored Image, of the other. A yourur woman at the handle wss Kept htisy snsweiins ju.n llons and anknowledKlng oon-.p'l nenta. "Oh. aren't they darlln:?" "How old are they?" "Are they boy?" ;Oh, the little riVar"-lhu the qureliona and comment ran. An elegantly dressed woman alighted from her llmoualne and reached the cen ter of attraction. fh exchanged com ment on the Infanta with a matron In calloo who carried a jrranlte-war stew- ; yr.i.ng wife haa told him that her love I a " hm,h.iM ih.t lurgc. tat man nur H Into the ernm-,1 Hw iboN. I she does not love Urn cruelty of Mich I p",',,n" lhpm aside like a enow p'ow old-Upa Oat Biz Dollar Jo Prl-! i.ature a to t-onstltiilo cause for di-orce '''nK ll,IO" " drift. He putted the bomky, 144 South Twelfth street, was,! a ouestlon which must he declcj d hv I nt ltn a 'at forefinger. m, wiu nLa vj i wo wnue men i mwinvi court, in me suit Mr. Thiele ha left her huahand and I living at !: Douglaa street. Kite Ir ualng her maiden name, Mia riuth tlrey. i win not deny Mr. Thlelea charge at Tenth and Jackson atreet Thursday slight, who relieved him of K Shirley's Koala Bobbed George Bhlr. 3eya home In the Stratford Terrace apart menta at Park avenue and Jackson atreet were visited by burglar Thur- ! "' hve nothing else to esy." day night, who. while the family alept, As ahe spoke the door 1hI1 rang Th': ranaacked the p'ace and atole exceed- oung woman ran down a atalrway. Ingly valuable Jlry. Wlea dray?- a eherlff deputy ,ked, Commercial Secretar.ea Cominj ' '" r'',vlng n fflrmntlv at" iVTord haa been received hv the Com.!""'' handed her a pnper. Tunny little aei:crn." he an Id and And the Imble alept on, unmindful of th admiration thy were exciting. The Oli-ervcr proceeded finally north ward, heboid, now, how rumor file and waxea greater In It flight. Juttt north of Pouglaa atreet two men tood.- "What' the crowd down there?" said one. "Woman with triplet in a baby buggy," aid the other. HI 111 northward proceeded the Ob erver, nd In front of Hayden Broa." at or etood a man and woman. "I wonder what the crowd la down there," wild he. "Woman with uuadruped r whad dya call cm uadruplefj, four babie. Juet alike. In a baby buggy," aatd he. "If a-" "Oh, I muat aee them," cried the woman, and aaa gone. The Observer turned weat on Dodge, out of eight of the crowd around the tv.-ln. 'Ho wa taking no chance. Grads of Eighth Grade of Franklin iiiiMiiiiiiiraim :!i:!i:iiii!iiiiiiii!L! 3 3 Th following boya and girla are mem-I g ber of the eighth B graduating chm of 1 Franklin achool: j g Florence Ellaworth, Joel Miillck. ' i 3 U tor Fnholm. Jeanette Neleon. "ienn rriese. Thomaa Klndlev, Roy Hollenheck. Marie Honach, Itoland Jeffereon, Minnie Levy. Robert Martlnaon, Helen Mertene. Edwin Munon, Harry Newman. David Noble. Virgil Northwelt, -Bert Preaton. .Donald Raffenaparge Walter Renxe. Joeeph 8acco, Flva Hmlth. Helen Wood. , 5 INSURANCE COMPANY DENIES DEATH ACCIDENTAL Heir of Dr. D. Wlnton Dunn, a phy. ciaa, who. they allege, waa murdered by an unidentified peraon at DuQuoin, III., have riled ault for ri.OOO in dlatrlrt court on an accident policy can-led by tbe phydclan agalnat the Phyalclana' Caaualty company of America. The Insurance company denie that the death waa accldentat For excessive dandruff, falling of the hair, scalp sores, eruptions, itch ing, etc, and for renewing the growth of the hair, use Le's Tar Sulphur I Shampoo. It acts quick; trie odor it not unpleasant t An improvement will be noticed after the very first shampoo. I) v One ir onlfi, 12 om., rnouih for th tivrtit eat; 50- At JraUiHt r MlVwnd. p GEO. H. LEE CO Laboratories. Omaha, Neb. i SHAMPOO HINTS -The mnt and mm aential the nap the more likrty eardla E m hard water. Rain water or di Milled water ia beat for the "jathering-vp." A few cmncee ia 1 p anthcicnl. Th Quick nna-o caa be dona with raoat any deaa water, bard of aoft. g i I fw W I m Aparlrnpiita, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quick ly and cheaplj by a Bee 44 For Kent" want ad. withdrew, followed by the atern look of acver.nl omen, who apparently didn't approve of calling the email mite "geeiere." ' r t . i ,, - and will not conteat the lt," .he .ld i h' ' V "r'. .1 iTr?.?" the two young excitement hunter, with hen (In down, made a center ru' through the crowd ai d brought up abaft the brain of the good hlp, "Perambulator." mercial club that aeventy-flve rummerclnl recretarie of Pouth Cnrollna arf to come to Omaha June 72 with tb pe( lal train :that la to carry them to thu Kan Fran (ctaco axpnaltlon. A public affair lunch ieon (or them I planned at the Com imerclal club for June K, i Xamlia' Fromotad tluy B. Hamlin, mall clerk at Hotel Fohtenelle, haa been ;rromotd to he one of th day rlerka, in 'Plana of . W. Diffee, who haa son to Chicaa-o. Mr. Hamlin la well known a 'an Omaha hotel' man, having been con jnacted with tha Fontenelle tinea It I opened, and before that for a number of I year with Hotel Rome. Baad Baok from Ccaat ". M. Tleed, aiperlntendent of the fourteenth division :Of tha railway mall acrvlce, haa returned from a flying trip to Pan Franclaco, where ha held a conference . with fupev Interfdent of the railway malt service at Portland and Han Franclaco on quo- non connected with the through mall ! care run between Omaha and tho two wetera cltica. nlt Ooea to TedaraJ Court The ault cif Frank W. Wood agalmt the Kl Pao "It I the aiiminnn hr tl.e dlvoice l4C aaid cheerfully upon her return, "i am not going to pay any attention to It.' "Are you contr mplating a aecoml ven ture?" ahe. wa aeked. "Another marriage? Never again. ' ' "Io you faro for another man?" "I am not going to aay any more. Good morning." ... The marriage followed a courtahlp of everal month while Mla Gray waa em pl red aa a stenographer In the office of the Ueneral Film company. Mr. Thiele ia well known In thla city and la a mem ber of an old Omaha family. HARTMAN'5 GREAT SATURDAY SPECIALS DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM-THEY'RE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES OFFERED ON EXTREMELY GENEROUS CREDIT TERMS MR. AND MRS. MORRISON BOTH QUALIFY AT ST. LOUIS K. R. Morrlon and hi wife. Mr. I.oulae Tukey Morrison, formerly of Omaha, have both qualified for the championship golf tournament of the atate of Mineourl. The tournament la on at 8t. Loul. Sir. and Mr. Morrison entered from Kgr.na City. They are champions of Kann (lty in the men'e and women's clasnes. respect ively. Mra Atnit..M 1. , i. . i r ja,,,.ju- ".w..,v.,, ,a nir inn. wuinan tranrfeTrad tZl Vi T . . . " f k"" th,t ""ll'1"' the transferred from the district court of charm lonahlp class. Hho defeated Mra J nougla county to the federal court. ! A. Cot hctt Thursday Wood U seeking 14.000 damage from tha I railway company for the loss of thirty-' ; Ihrea head of cattle, which he allegea i ed aa a reault of rough handling durin "A H H ' r At.l.. m m.ml I..I.I " ' n mmiuit- iiHirlfD, a I I Ihpir (Jit-guMtMj rcmtirk a they iftlnd. M ONE HUNDRED DOCTORS VISITALAMIT0 PLANT Ona hundred or more of the physicians of Omaha at noon were guests of the Alan.lto Sanitary Dairy company at the Leavenworth rtreet plant. They were guesta upon Invitation and after a thorough Inspection of all departments or the plant partook of a dairy lunch, appetiilr.g and neatly served. Tho doctjra were delighted with the I plant of tho Alamito and marveled at lt cleanliness and annltary condition, many of them expressing the opinion that never i before had they known that there waa' anything like it In the city. Tha visitors were divided into squad of twenty-flvo to thirty each. Each squad waa piloted j through the plant by a courteous at-i tendant and every feature of the business j explained. The lntraclclea of th opera-! tlon wa explained and they were par-; itcularly Interested In the Pa si eu rising department, where the milk and cream Is rendered free from microbes. JH WWII IIIIM.U a r : 75c a Mo. , v The nmm Wmnt A Am . n... n , 1-..- - ' - ' t i nuainess Booster. hlpment of ICS head from, Kl Paso, Tex., to Winner, S, D, Hold Reading Circle ; for Blind Each Week Tha first meeting of the blind at the lubllo library proved encouraging to Hisa Kdlth Tobltt. th librarian. Miss ! slen Millard rer.d fiction selectiona for rvr an hour, and It waa announced that l ha rending circle would be held regularly every Friday morning at 10 o'clock. All Mind people are invited to take advan tage of the extension of library service. It wa announced. Automobile will call Xr any Infirm or aired blind people who sannot go to the library unu.inli.trcl. 1 Library Now Runs on Summer Schedule . The public; llt.rary I now runnlig on Summer schedule and all departmenta loso at p. m. six day a week, with the exception of the children room, which closes at o'clock. On Sundays the entire building la closed all day. This schedule ia followed to decrease the cost rf lights and maintenance, and wt'l be continued until September 1. PROPERTY OWNERS START TO CUT WEEDS IN WEST END Now la the time to cut the weed. Thl Jact Is evidently known to a num ber of owner of vacant property, for fed cutting haa besun in several parte ef Omaha, especially In th wct end. Hy cutting the weed before they get big find go to seed, labor I aaved and further crop of the pest are checked. Health Commissioner R, W. Connell Says he Is glad to see owners and agenta f vacant proi crty get aa early start with cythea thla year. REPORTS OF CROP DAMAGE -BOOST GRAIN PRICES HERE Exosirlve rains over practically all of the western grain belt boosted prl.es Vi to a cent per bushel, the report being Seneral that wet weather baa commenced to impair the crop. ' On th Omaha. market wheat brought I rtJl.M. tbia being a cnt above Tliur. tay. Corn sold at ti7!i -ents. h'Khcr. .and oats brought V&7. a gain of mt f a cent. Your Buying Opportunities Our June Gloarance Sale ,3 . Everthing in our entire stock of ready-to-wear apparel for women and men has been greatly re duced in prices during our great June Clearance Sale. ; You may buy at this sale and still enjoy our easy credit terms 'Va! a A WEEK PAYS THE BILL LtuMes' Palm JiPach Sufts and5 summer tex check, at 811.50 I-adles Summer Street Dresses from ... $2.50 to S15.00 Lsdlf-s' Silk Waists at 81.50. $3.50. 84.50 -nd f.50 18 Ladles' Street Dresses. In odda and ends worth to $6.60, at 81.50 All our Men's Spring Suits at June re duction prices: $15.00 Suits at 80.75 $18.00 Suits st. . 812.75 $20.00 Suit st... 814. 50 Men's Spring Trousers at-- aq f" S1.50. 82.50 and pO.OU t 'ft JT - I HI I Union tfittingCo OMAHA SE.COR.ieXKSOIi STi l'Ktll'I.K'S HTUKK. ATalllK 1 II- I SPLENDID Q V A It T K R SAWED OAK K O C K E R. Upholster ed t h roughout in gua ran teed Imperial leather, baa broad heclr very shapely In lam, and roomy seat. with steel spring c o n s t r uc tton. Knurn ia finished In a rich shads of golden. On sale for Saturday at only $4.75 A Wonderful Bed Value. Solid Oak Dining Chair HIGH GRADE STRONG LY CONST RUCTED" SOLID OAK DINING CHAIR. Upholstered In guaranteed Imp e r I a I leather beautifully finished in golden. Has quartered oak back panel and top slat. Broad seats strongly braced. A wonderful value at $1.59 ItfASSIVK 8-INCH' POST METAI. BED. Made of tubular eteel, with ten heavy filler. Measuring ft Inchea high. Enameled In the popular Vernls i.iamn or gcua oronze wnicn m guaranteed not i larnien or peei orr. lireaiiv tinderprlced for Haturday'a Bell ing; at thla low price BOO CASH; BOO A MOITS. $4.95 EXTRA ROOMY AND SERVICE A B L E H I G H -GRADE WILLOW ROCKER. Suitable for bedroom, living room or porches. Finely finished in baronial brown, h.1 K h - grade imported reed. This Is an un usually dura ble rocker and equally suita ble for out door or in door use. in a a mmmrn .! ' .i..:'t- 1 t'---7 $2.69 ,T:. . .... ?v.fi5w ' If OUR NEWEST MODEL RANITART KITCHEN CABINET." Tha moat modern and best equip ped cabinet ever offered at anywhere near this low price. Built through out of solid oak. entire top beautifully white enamel lined. Fitted with metal flour bin and sift er, full set of slasa eplce, tea and coffee cans. Hwlmrina; aufrar bin. ' Has ventilated bread and cake box and s 1 1 d I n non-ruatable metal top. Juat exactly as Illustrated and sold In other stores at f 35.00. Our extremely low' price only $22.50 2.00 CASH 42.0O A KOBTTX. The Improved "MARVEL" Dress Form The Marvel. 18 sec tion, adjustable Dress Form is the greatest Dress Form value on the market.' Can be made to reproduce any figure. Long or short walsted, narrow or broad shouldered. Covers all sizes from 32 to 43 inches. Each section is adjusted in dependantly. Our spe cial price $10.90 91.00 DOWI (1,00 A MoaTx. GREATEST 8EW- I N G MACHINE" VALUE IN OMAHA Made with . high arm automatic drop and fitted with the improved side tentlon Cabinet is made throughout of genuine quarter sawed oak, with heavy plank top and six roomy drawers. ball bearing and guaranteed for ten years. Worth $35, our low price aa.00 cam aa.oo a hoittx. . head, --. ;ff -r -f.H. gJ$J . M 2xs jf antes $2loo et'R NEW MOHEL PRINCESS CO CA RT. Entire frame of steel tubing. Has large else ho)d, storm protector, and heavy nickel mud fender over set of 10-Inch ruhber-tlred wheels Entire cart covered UU best' leatherette. Very comfortable and roomy. Specially priced, only 91.00 CASS Toe A afOsTTB. Vir. rri t $7.25 mm 1414-I416-141H UOUULAS ilKtET. OUR MOriF.L WWITR ENAMEL SANI TARY REFRIGERATOR. AUde of eolli aah, -with rounded corners. Haa remov able and adjustable wire shelves, mln- ,iti w.MPi ii nea una iruaranieea to De n. nunuenui ice saver. A very hla;h-Krade box at this low price 91.00 CASK 91.00 A KOITTX. ea to De a ?05 GOES TO JAIL FOR THE THEFT CF A LAWNMOVVER Juliu Kaeasner, arrcMd by S.oeclal Officer Oriffln at Nineteenth and Wirt Streets early Friday niornlnc. wa sen tenced to thirty day In the count Jail neu arraisnefi in police court Kaess- rer bad a lawnmower in his possession when arrested and cculd not give a sat isfactory explanation to the jadge as to here h had procured It. THREE SONS DRIVE OUT MARAUDER WHO ENTERS Mra Para Kii.kensteln. ;:.T7 Blondo Street awoke early (rid ay morning to hear someone 0!nlna the front door of l:er residence. Hit railed to I er three srown sons. wh a'rep in the room next to hnrs, and th- renult int thsrcu of the trio of hu-kles v. a fled the marauder to parts unl.r.unn. M'COVERH PA'NS EIGHT VOTES IM FIRST FOUR WARDS Former City CoiiunlMloiiei Mrlio .em galnod elsl.t votes over W. 8. Jardtne, who defrir him at the recent eleitlon. In the r -count of tes ast In the first r.or wsrds of t:e .ltv The recount Is VrocwxJIu in county cegrt. for Six Player Rolls for $l-0ne Dollar Buys a bunch of plsyer music, with such "leading mualc al "On My av to Dubilu," "Along Came Ruth." "Tallow Candle Dip." "By HeckY "Long Way to Tipperary." "When Urown-up Ladles Act Uke Hiibles, ' Stay Dowu Where You Belong" and others. We make up a package of six rolls of player music, you put up $1.00 and select the package you want. The leading roll is worth the price, and you get th five rolls practically us a premium Saturday only. A. HOSPUD CO. ' 181 Douglaa Street when making your plana for thla Snmmer's vacation. There k much of pleasure in atore for you in beautiful Rocky Moontsdn acenary, excellent fishing; autoenobiliTj and other outdoor a port a. Round trip fare Omaha to Den ver. Colorado Springs or Pueblo dafly . i Colorado ia only a few hoars awy via Round trip Care to the Exposi tions provides for a stop-over in Colorado with privilege of mak ing- free side trip to Colorado Springs er Pueblo. i 1 ft 4 7 Coot Comfortable, Northern Routt Direct to Both Exposition The cy fine tkwbU tracked ar pro Splendidly equipped electric-lighted trains leava Omaha dafly for Denver; Colorado Special leaves 12:30 Midnight, arrives Denver, 3:00 p. m., Colorado Express leaves, 4:20 p. nx, arrives Denver, Denver BpsdaJ, leaves Om&ha 7:80 a. nu, arrives Denver 9:30 p. m. a r For beautifully illuetrated "Colorado for the Toortat", outlining scenic attractions of the Centennial : Sute describing Rocky Mountain National Park and outlining the complete expense to connection with jf" Color ado trip, side trip and stopover privileges, eux, appiy xo . L. BONDORFF, CP.&T.A, 1324 Farnam Street 'Phone Dougks 334. m 70 a. m. r- IV x iajr- r. -M s I J r git i -x. I srvf I a '?T. Yi 1 ,' J