Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL TAGES ELEVEN TO TWENTY. IT tT t EXCLUSIVE If. T. WORLD War News Cables In Addition to associated miess .tun VOL. XLIV NO. 302. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOHXIXO, .TUMI 1915. Ob Trains ana at Kot.l It.w. ataada. so. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. FLOUR HAS FALLEN TEN CENTS HERE Dime Drop from Quotation Per Sack of Thit Well Known Necessity. MANY BUYING NEW POTATOES When a dime dropped off tho price of a sack of flour in tha In wek, it wu the first dime that had performed such a feat In many months. How long thla dime can manm to stick away from noma none of the dealer la willing to predict, but many twlieve that It will be crowded back on the quotations of flour attain within few day or weeks. Flour that wa Belling at $186 a. Back can be had for SITS now. ' Burst has edvanced 10 points again, and the tendency of the retail price la to up. Sixteen pounds can still be had for II. but as the canning season ap proaches the price la expected to advance. Butter is steady and eggs are a half cent off on the wholesale market. Southern green stuff is about off the market. Home grown green produce is on the market now. Beets and turnips can be had three bunches for a nickel. Onions and radishes are six bunches for a nickel. Lettuce Is four bunches for ft nickel. Asparagus Is three bunches for a dime. New potatoes also have come down off their high limb. They can be had for 31i cents a pound now, whereas they have up to a few weeks aKO held up to 7 cents a pound and within the last few weeks sold at 6 cents ft pound. With old po tatoes at 70 cents a bushel and not keep. log well at that, many are buying the now onea at the higher price. Since tho heavy raina the strawberries are said to bo somewhat watery. They can be had at 12V4 cents a quart now. A carload of Oregon strawberries la ex pected In Omaha for the Saturday mar ket and these are to sell at about 1214 cents ft pint. Many home-grown berries are on tho market. Cuban pineapples are about off the market, and the Florida are In the lead at present. All these have advanced 25 cents a case. , Beef Is somewhat higher, especially chucks. Pot roasts that cost 12 cents a pound a, week ago are now selling at 14 cents. Shoulder steak Is 16 cents, rounds are 20 cents, sirloin, 25 cents and porterhouse, 30 to 35 cents. Pork Is fairly steady, wth loins at 13 cents and chops at 15 cents. Hams jumped to 18 cents, while they were sell ing at 14 cents a week ago. A year ago at this time they were selling at 21 cent Spring chickens are coming on the market in appreciable quantities for the first time this spring. They are selling at 45 cents ft pound. Old chickens are 1TA cents. Lambs are down II ft hundred, which is the first drop recorded in two months, during which time they advanced almost constantly, iu-j.., . u,, s .0 Bellevue Seniors to Present Play on Open Air Stage "The Rogueries of Seapin." by Mollere, the French dramatist, which will be j given Monday night at S o'clock under j the auspices of the senior class of Belle- vue college, is progressing nicely. Daily rehearsals are held and Saturday a bl4 dress rehearsal will be staged in the j grove. Tho open-air play in the "Forest of Ar den" is always the most popular feature of the annual commencement program. Shakesperean plays are usually produced, but this year a departure was made from the regular custom In the choosing of the comedy by the French dramatist. The characters have been chosen largely from the senior class, but ft few under classmen have been Introduced. The cast is as follows: Argante, father of Octave and Berbl- nettc B. D. Berksheimer Oeronte, father of Leander and Hya- clnth iH-an Fales Octave, married to Hyacinth . Ralph Martin Lieandre. In love with Berhinette It. M. Gilmore Berhinette, thought to be a gypsy.... Marguerite Jack Hyacinth, wife of Octave Miriam Weinlar.d Scapin, valet to Leandre Paul ohman Silvester, valet to Octave. Rupert Kenner Nerlne, Hyacinth's nurse Helen Allen Carle, a cheat James Allen Porter John Urhtonwallmir Torter Talma Jensen Omaha Retailers to Take In South Omaha Tradesmen "The Associated Retailers of Greater Omaha" are eventually to be a greater organization than 'the present organiza tion of the Associated Retailers of Omaha. At a meeting at the Loyal hotel Thursday night a committee headed by Tom Qilnlau was appointed to solicit membership from the South Omaha re tailers, since they are now to be a part of Greater Omaha. The 6 o'clock closing for the retail stores Is to begin June 14, according to an agreement reached at this meeting. Boy Makes Garden, Sister Keeps Books Partnerships In the families of some of the children enrolled in the school garden clubs are bringing fine results, Supervisor E. E. Dale says. Gustus O an cle, a, fat. rosy-cheeked 11-year-old lad of St. Joseph's school, is doing the work In his garden plot, white bis sister keeps his garden note book and account of ex penses and profits. He has a very neat and well kept record. Dale says. The Oansles Uve at 2 South Nineteenth street. Profits from the kiddles' gardens are already being reported. Paul Denison. 429 North Fortieth street, who attends Central Park school, has cleared 11.60 from his little patch of onions and let tuce, and will make more money from later vegetables. Clarenoe Turner, 4012 Nebraska avenue, and Harry Dewey, 4u32 North Thirty-ninth street, wfco attend tha same school, have cleared 50 oent each from radishes and onion. Their I later crops will also make neat lunu, ' ' Dale sa. I SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 19tt SSSfi- JST Vi8S- -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- .Fseluatve Agents for the rmoos. Cblekertng Pianos la Omaha -PHONE DOUGLAS 137 FlmB m EAMMEY ST. EMTRAMCE TURDAY-Biir Remarkable Clearance of BLOUSES Starts Saturday Values Unusual IN fact it's been a long time since we offered such values as tli's'. A sale in which co3t has been disregarded entirely. The offering includes a wide selec tion of styles in voiles, "batistes, or gandies, etc., blouses with lace and embroidery . trimming. Lingerie waists, both fancy and plain tail ored models. 7 Three groups Group 1 Including blouses thai were to $2.95, now... Group 2 Including: blouses that were to $2.50, now... Group 3 Including blouses that were to $4.50, now... Burgess-Hash Co.-Sooonl Floor. $1.00 $1.50 $1.95 Women's Pure Thread SILK HOSE Irregularities of Usual $1 Values, 59c PUllK thread silk in white or black, with double gar tor tops, high spliced heel and double toe. Burnasco Quality Silk Lisle Hose, 50c Extra fine quality, black or white, elastic garter tops, full fashioned, regular made foot, high spliced heel and double sole. Regular or extra sizes. Borgess-HaBli Co. Main Floor. Here Is Splendid Silk Glove Values ANNOUNCING several very spe cial values for Saturday. Ijong Silk (ilovcs, $1.00 16-button length, Milanese silk weave, black, blue and tan. All sizes and a remarkable value. IO nil Silk Gloves, $1.50 Niagara Maid, long silk gloves, embroidered, black, gray, pongee and white. Long Silk Gloves, $12.00 16-button length, in pongee, white and gray, prettily em broidered designs, very special. 70c Cluunoisette Gloves, In Ilnsc nient, 48c Long chamoisette gloves. In pongee, gray and white, usual Toe quality, Saturday, 4 He a pair. MEN'S $2.50, $3.00 and Even $4.00 STRAW HATS In a Sale SATURDAY at $1.45 On the Fourth Floor Pretty Ribbons Values to 65c at 23c INCLUDING Dresdens, Jacquards, satin striped moires and fancy checks, from 5 Vi to 7 inches wide. 25c SILK HinnOXS AT 14c PLAIN taffetas, moires and fancy striped ribbons, In an excellent quality; 4 to BV, inches wide, white, pink, blue, scarVet, cardinal, copen, navy, brown and black. Co. Main floor. Continuing This Clearaway of Millinery for Saturday TRIMMED HATS, values to $3.95, for including $1.00 Including $2.50 TRIMMED HATS, values to $35.00, tor including $5.00 TRIMMED HATS, values to $10.00, for Trimmed Panamas. Values to $6.50, $1.65 Pleasing styles and shapes, genuine Panama, prettily trimmed, large, medium and small shapes, very desirable for outing and mid summer wear. Borress-lTaah Co. S.oond Tloor. Wonderful Values in Untrimmed Hats Untrimmed hats, white or black, French chip, values to qq $1.00, for OVC 69c Untrimmed hats, white or black Italian hemp, values to $1.98, for New "Sports" Sailors, Were to $5, for 69c Scores of pretty new styles, of fine quality Italian Milan hemp, finished with grosgraln ribbon band and lined, black, sand, brown and navy. Burr-Wash Co. Bas.m.nt. ' Co, Mala rioor. SAi i.'KUAV should bring the largest Mile of MEX'S Kiif.vW HATS this store has ever known. Scores of new, good styles full lines of izes, high crowns, low crowns, medium crowns. Rennets, rough straws, nangkoks the whole range of good straw hats. The hats are a maker's sample line and Include $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4 values. The sale price, $1.45. Men's Genuine Panama Hats Including Values to $7.50 In This Sale Saturday at $3.45 The hats are genuine Panama and embrace every desirable shape and style for this serfson. IJats that arc splendid values to $.G0 for Sat unlay, your choice $3.45. Bnry.-lfsab Co. Fourth rioor. Here's a Sale of Men's 25c to 50c Hose at 15c That'll Introduce This Newly Enlarged Men's Section Saturday Wonderful Sale of Sheffield Silver Repro- , , . , ,,,. , , . . (factions and Quadruple Silver Plated Table Pieces, Values to $5.00 and $6.00 for $1.95 M Ml! -V 5c IT'S doubtful if we could offer anything that Merits greater response than this clearaway of men's hosiery Saturday. Tho offering consists of odd lots and broken lines of silk, on, plain and fancy weaves, anta now to wear with low fl that sold f ir less than 23c, jor portion are 50c values. . . il lisle and fiber silk hose in accordion, plain and fancv weaves. Just the port of hose every man wants now to wear with low shoes; assorted colors. Not a pair many are 35c values, while the major Genuine Porous Knit Underwear. 75c. ' White and ecru color union suiU, full length, ?4-in. seam and knee length with short sleeves, closed crotch, run of mill, special sale price 75c. Men's Striped Satine Shirts, $1.50 A new line of the most popular satine shirts in striped patterns, like th genuine tub silk shirts, made of very high-grade and fine quality satine. will launder well and Klve excellent service. Our special price for Saturday, $1.50. Men's New Wash Neckwear, 5Cc and 25c Offered Saturday for tho first time, in Manhattans, tubular, and De Joln- vuie materials, fiber silk, madras cloth and other good wash materials. But your season's supply Saturday, 50c and U3c. Men's $2.00 Athletic Underwear, $1.15 One number and only a small quantity of $2 00 mercerized striped solsette athletic union suits, all sixes to 44, but owing to the small quantity we would advise early selection Saturday morning. Confi dentially, we think the entire lot will be gone by 10 o'clock. MANY of these items will make ideal wedding or graduation gifts. Prettier silver pieces and better values have seldom If ever been offered. V4e advise early selection for the lot Is small and la some Instances there are only one or two of a kind. You'll find prettily pierced Sandwich' trays, cake or bread trays. Glass lined, pierced Salad bowls, jam Jars, Vases, sherbets. Double vegetable dishes. Casseroles, pie plates, Baking dishes, bon bon dishes Fruit bowls, bud holders, Salt and pepper shakers, etc. Bnrt-sss-Bash Co. Vain rioor. Seven New STYLES of WOMEN'S PUMPS for SATURDAY at $3.45 CHOICE OF ALL AT 3.45 $ l.'Mat kid pump, light weight soles, leather Louis Cuban heels..;.....' 2. Patent ' kid pump, light welt soles, Louis Cuban heels 3. Dull calf pump, patent leather collar, small buton ornament .' . 4. Patent kid pump, two-strap pattern, welt soles, new opera heels 5. Dull calf pump, gray cloth quarters, welt soles, Louis Cuban heels 6. Patent colt pump, gray cloth quarters, ovei gaiter pattern, welt soles 7. Patent colt pump, white calf trimmed, welt soles, Louis Cuban heels , The balance of the big lot of women's $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 pumps, all leathers, choice for $1.03. Two styles of black satin pumps, welt soles, leather Cuban heels, for street wear. A turn sole, full Louis Cuban heels, $4.09 and $4.50 values, for $2.05. FOR THE 1IOYH: The elk shoes, solid elk leather soles, plump calf uppers, come in black and smoked elk, sizes 11 to 13 to, at $2.33; sises 1 to 6, at fa.3, for Saturday only. Bargsss.Wash Co. soon a rioor. Extra Extra Continuing This Clearaway in the Basement Women's Suits, Coats and Skirts Values of the Most Unusual Sort that Will Appeal to You in this Sale on Saturday Suits of stylo and practi cability aro gathered here in assortments at once va ried and striking in value. Spe cial groups at $3.95 Sample Line of Hammockt AAj sizes and colors, plain or with pillows. Divided Into seven groups: Values to $1.50 at $ Values to $2.25 at $1.30 Values to $2.75 at $1.H Values to $:5.25 at 2.3 Values to $3.98 at $2.UH Values to $4.98 at $.1.0M Values to $6.50 at $Vu Burgos-Hash Co. Bas.m.nt. Petticoats That Were $3.95, for $1.05 Mescaline silk, In the full, flare style, with ruffled flounces, In every new, desirable coloring; were $3.95, reduced to $1.03. Suits formerly priced to $25.00. jj $9.95 for suits formerly priced to $15.00. $12.95 for suits formerly priced to $20.00. PI that were regularly OLUIlS priced to $7.50. go Sat urday at the one clearaway price Of $1.05. Coats That Were $10, at $:I.03 Garment that feature again In one special group of extraordinary worth. Every material is Included; good models: were to $10.00, reduced to $3.03. Borf.i.-irssa Co. Baa.rn.Bt LAWN MOVKIW.lAHIKN IIOSK Lawn mowers, 14-inch ttlie, 3 blades. $3.00 kind, at $!. Lawn mowers, 16-lnch size, 8-ln. wheel, 3 blades, $4 kind, at $2.08 -lnch, 6-ply rubber garden hose, absolutely guaranteed, at. . .$4.0H Lawn rakes. GOc kind, at.... 30c Garden hoes and rakes, 25c kind, at lo Adjustable cultivators, $1.25 kind, at 7-V. Gas hot platen, 2-burner. . .$1.73 3-burner $2.73 ItKr UIGnitATOnS 100-pound Century refrigerators, white, odorless, enamel lined, $23.75 value, at $1..V 8fi-pound Century refrigerators, white, odorless, enamel lined, $15 values, at $12. RO 60-pound Century ice chest, white, odorless, enamel lined, $5.95 val uer, at $l.ftO Automatic refrigerators, wlfh built-in water cooler, $30.00 val ues, at $23.00 Men's Strictly Hand Tailored SUITS ,i" '".". " " ' 1 ..I. Very Special Here Saturday at $13.65 To Be Compared With the Usual Suits at $22.50 Elsewhere Simply to prove our claim that ?Smsv' T this store's unique merchandis- k 'i . in policy represents a big ad- "0?? 'f !. vantage to you, we ask you to come and comparo these Burgess-, Nash suits at $13.65 with higher. priced suits elsewhere. ' These suits at $13.65 are strictly hand-tailored, superb, new 1915 models, made of a superior quality fancy ma terials, Including blue serge: full lined. half lined and quarter lined with mo- nair or Venetian silk. Two or three-button sack coats, with broad lapels, patch or plain pockets. All sizes, 32 to 48, for stouts, slims or regulars. The workmanship is up to the best merchant tailor standards. Rut at $13.03. "Uttrnasco Standard' clothing for men with a price range of $13.63 to JjllO.OO. Bnrrsss-Vash Co. Totu-th riuuf. it if Boys' SUITS That Were $10.00 to $18.00 Special Saturday at $5.95 MKUK of the very best materials, strictly hand-tailored throughout, blue serges and fancy mixtures, for ages 6'to IS years, values $10.00 to 18.00. Bale price, $3.03, Hoys' Hats, 50c Kvery shape, style and color for the little fellows; a splendid line for seloction; Saturday, Ei"i UUk at Bo)' $1.50 Pants, OMo Knickerbocker style, for aes S to 18 y&trs, including blue serges and fancy; were $1.60; sale price 98c Burr .-Bash Co. rourth rioor. FREE A nozzle with every 50 foot gar den hose. A galvanized pan or water cooler with every refrigerator. A Bet of spring hinges with every screen door. A pair of hooks with every ham mock. Bnrr...-Ba.h Co. Ba.mnt. Men's Oxfords and Boots Made to Sell for $3.50 and $4.00 at $2.25 The oxfords are tan Russia calf, button and lace; also high shoes in tan Russia calf. $3.50 and $4.00 Grades $2.25 Dark Russia calf oxfords, English last, hand welt soles, made to sell for $(i.0C; Saturday, $4.03. Dull calf oxfords, English las hand welt soles, made to sell U $5.00; Saturday, $3.05. Dull calf lace boots, cloth top, custom eyelets, hand welt sois, made to sell for JC.00; Saturday, $4.05. Fine black calf boot, new English last, hand welt soles, a regu lar $6.00 value; Saturday, $4.03. Boys' school and play shoes, brown and black calf, with solid elk soles, all sizes, the regular $2.50 kind; Saturday, $1.05. Burf-ass-Mash Co. Basamaat. Your Films Developed FREE when orders are left for printing. This is kodak time. Take a kodak with you. Borfaas-Vasli Co. Mala rioor. mm "eve ryd odx&.store" Saturday is Chocolate Day ' Whlpp.4 Orrain Chocolates, 40o quality S.S Kreah (Team t'aramela, nut or plain. Our Bperlal Black Walnut P.nochi. lb.. KM llmiis-mail. l'eanut llrtttla, lb. .... . ...ISO Halted fcanuts, lb Co. Ba VVa Bi