Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Tin: m:E: omatia. Saturday, .titxt; 5, 1015.
The Drexel
Says: "Ycu can't
bat 'ma hi Ike
summer. I weald
ratHer wear Steel
Ehods than go
Over Hundrta Athletes Entered in
Tint Event Promoted by Omaha
Athletic Federation.
The Boy
hold the record for wearlng
out more shoe leather than
any other member of the
family. In the Summer the
boy breaks all his own rec
ords. W know of only one
shoe that will stand the
They come In button and
bluoher, aires 1 to 6'4,
Lltle Gents' 8 to
rtiwl Tot I'ald.
1419 Farnam St.
With an entry list which totala the
r.smee of over 100 athletles, the
Omaha Athletic Federation li ready
to fire the starting gun In the first
annual outdoor athletic meet, which
will be held at Crelghton field Sat
urday. Runners, hurdlers, jumpers,
efRht men and the like from all
over the state have entered, and past
performances of these men Indicate
that several records are doomed to
be shattered if the field Is in any
kind of shspe for fast work.
The g-overnor ha ssaurrd the mana- I
i rnanl that he mill attend as the guest of I
I honor.
The military svrntji, something of a
nrw treat to Omahans, hav been care-
fully prepared and the militiamen prom
ise to ahow aoma speed In the maneuver
stunts that would b worthy of soldiers
In the regular army.
The entrants In the various events will
carry the colors of the Youna Men s
Christian associations of Omaha. Council
Hluffs and Beatrice, the Amateur Ath- !
Irtlo aasoclatlon, Rollevup, Oninh High i
school, Nebraska City High school, I
tru. Athletic club. Tel Jed Hokol, Mon- '
d'imlti Athletic club, Fontrnelle hotel j
and the various grade schools of Omaha.
The list of events and the entrsnts In
each are aa follows: i
220.YAHD DABH. 1
Ulen Or sly. J. A. I.lrtdv. '
.luck Aimtln. K. A. Kitptrck, I
of tho rk to we his wife, who Is In
a hnrpltnl.
After a sliort visit with h1 relatives
0-oiai I'lMman returned to his hom
In York Tumny.
Miss Flclle Munn has returned from
Xrtitaaka lty where she haa been at
teniilng hlsh school.
rtliiart Irnuab rot nrn1 tf)niw1ay from
1I iho w hr he w as prln leal of a nlsht
a hwil the last year.
Mra lmon haa returned from a vlU
with relative at North Hend. A sister
accompanied her home
Hey. J. W. lllaley went to Avoca
Thllridav fn mAArmmm th, til.t-l.l Kim.
day School convention.
ivter Opp went to Ashland Mondny
wltk 1.1a mfm wA.m not. Il ..-.. .. I.' . I
..... m " " i. I iini-.nin
hut. who will visit there a month.
F. A. Iansshelne la painting the Oow
realdence on Washington street.
Mrs. John McCheaney la spending the
Week with .Mrs. HimuH Whaley of Coun
cil Hluffs.
Miss Corlnne Tenny of Alba. Okl.. Is
nu-king sn extended stay with her cousin,
Mrs. J. I. Kepler.
rtay Flndley, who has been principal
of the hlsh achool at Orant, Neb., la
home for the summer. i
Oris Iee Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
I. Wetih has returned from tt e- Pins
ater. where he haa been teaching In
the hlsh school.
Misa flunle flothery of Omaha, formerly
of Hellevue, int Thursday with her
mother, Mis. Allien Jonea.
Mrs. C. A. fa ton of Chadron. Neb..
e;-eni three day In Hellevue at the be.
yli.nlns of the week visiting her son, V.
N. I'axton.
Menton Cleveland waa cperate on for
append k It la) last Fsturdsy, and Is now
iroarcaslna nicely and will tie out codsy
or tomorrow.
The Modem Woodmen base ball team
representing Belle ue won a do ible
header Monday afternoon on the town
diamond. Avery lo-t to Hellevue In the
first same, 15 to 2 Hellevue beat the
Kb ntona of Houth Omaha In the second
contest, to 6.
The Christian Kndeavor society nad a
blR meeting last Sunday evening. . I.ilna
Flndley, returned missionary from
Alaska, spoke on "The Kffh-lent Mis
sionary." Mr. Raynor Oarey. Instructor
In the school where Misa Klndlev taujfht,
slso spoke. An Informal reception for
Mr. Oarey was held afterward.
A. W. Clarke left the first of the week
for his home at Beverly Hills, Cal.
Mr. snd Mrs. C. B. Tower and son1
Robin have returned from Colleseport,
Tes . where they ha been vl.ltln with
tdatlves lor the laat three months
Miss Mascte Hweetnian of Omaha was
a suent of Mr. snd Mrs C. f. West Bun
dav. The hlsh school aenlors save their rlaaa
play. "Hoodoo, ' at 8'rinsOld Thursday
The nlumnl banquet for the hlsh achool
seniors was held Wednesdsy evening at
H.lls hall.
Miss I (oris rlarke and Karl Brown
hae r. turned frorm th t'nlverslty of
Nehrnska to spend their summer vacation
at their homes here.
The commencement exercise, or the
hlsh school were held Friday evenlna at
the opera house. The commencement ad
dress waa delivered by Hev. I". G. Brown.
Mrs. C. 1. Brown entertained the Wo
man's club Wednesday afternoon at her
home nesr town. The leanon on "Recent
Adventures In F,diicatlon" was led br
Miss Kliia Wilson, assisted bv Miss Kdna
Sprlnnf leld.
Miss Bemlce Bates of Stsnton Is visit
ing relatives here.
Mrs. !'.. C. Armstrong visited her laugh
ter In Louisville this week.
Miles Carpenter of Moffat, Colo., Is
here to see hia parents.
Vllsaea Bulah and Ada Brawnei are
home after a year's absence tcs.'hlng.
i the former st Columbus snd the latter st
I Sure Nor.
Mrs snd Mrs. John M tin ford made s
Visit this week st Elmwood.
Mrs. Byron Psse went to Sterling. 'olo.,
tr visit her sister, Mra. J. U Bron.
Mlas Mabel Brisley went to the home
of her parents In Bourbon, Mo., Friday.
AUert Comte went to Cherry county
the fore part of the week to look after
his ranch.
Frank Coyne and famjly attended the
funeral of Mr. Coyne's father at Ster
ling Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Adsett are home
afler several weeks spent In Montsnv
and other placea.
Mrs. Beuben Armea of Omaha 'Islted
th W. J. Armstrong family the latter
part of the week.
Roger Oelb snd Norman Level repre
sented Springfield In the class that wss
Kieduated at Peru this week.
Mrs. K. II. Hlnkle or Steele City. Neb.,
Is vlxltlng at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson.
L. A. Bates and Misa Bemlce Bn?s at
tended the senior class play at the I'nl
verslty of Nebraska Friday night.
The commencement exercises of the
scrtjnl were held In the opera house Fri
day evening. Those graduating were
Laura Stacy. Bemlce FJwell. Elliott Wll
lett. Julia Smith and Alice Hogarth.
A big bunch of freh cut flowers from
Cslifornla adorns the counter at the
Merchants hotel snd Is attracting much
sttentlon. It was sent to Vroprletor Dan
Gaines snd the hotel staff by Miss
Jensen, in charge of the cigar counter,
who Is now en her vacation on the Ta
rlfic coast. Beautiful roses, carnations
snd other blossoms make up the bouquet,
which made ita lor.g trip in fine condition.
HEAD WITH BEER BOTTLE rtavton. who resides st 12e."
i Douglas street, was hit on the head with
a beer bottle Thursday evening wnue
dining at a restaurant near Fourteenth
and Farnam streets. Louis Barnes of
Pes Moines, who wss with the young
woman, was charged with the offense
and sentenced to thirty days In the
county Jail.
Ft "i3d Experts
i. o a national repu
tat.iou neve given the high-'
est endorsement to
Including Dr. Harvey W. Wiley
of Washington, D. C, Marlon H.
Neil of the Ladies Home Journal
eand Mrs. Harriet S.
McMurphy, Stat food
lntptor of Nabraaka
1 km anta"3ktnnr" is
a syavairai lot ewaUfy.
I 'i l l -0, OSBSJSSI
I'l'k I fstrsM
Charles Moreartv.
A. Newton,
L. Iee.
lnn V. .Carson,
J,. Cruise,
Julius Featner,
C. mangel.
Jack Austin. W. K. Pnnstsln.
K. O. Ilainea. Leonard Welnrlch.
M. K. Jones. Charles Morenrty,
Ion Carson, A. Newton,
J. trulso. Kugene Neville,
Jullua Featne. L. Les.
C. Stangel,
C. Weigel,
Herman Cohen,
C. K. Baxter,
'larenca Squires,
J. N. Nelson.
Myron Illnchey,
K. A. ronton,
Asron Oavldson,
J. (. McVey,
J A. Llddy,
M. I-Kler,
Robert Bruner.
Newman Comfort.
W. Fullway.
Kdwln tlould.
Psul Jones.
K. C. Wood,
Frank Giles,
F. O. llalnes.
Howard Turner,
C. W. Jersen,
M. F'. J ores, Hcanlon,
Hal. lilackmsn,
Rolx rt Hi unrier.
C. Linn.
A. Jnsn,
Newman Comfort.
Kildolf Kngstrom,
Arthur Pullaway.
Charles Morearty,
Allien Newt n,
ArthlT Krecek.
19 Fcunds for 51.
Beat oanulated Sugar. Buy new
before the advance.
i pounds special coffee 11.00
Single pound ase
Fsncy blend coffee, IV lbs. gl.OO
The best too coffee In the city
4 pounds for gl.OO
Teas, any kind, per lb. 400 to 004
Sugar sold with f 1.00 other good J
f.loyur.3 Tea Co.
mioae Dong-. I44S. 400 STo. lta It
4 -' a S ; 6 "if
l3 Y.tlltl 1UQ1I HCRI'T.KS,
Paul Ohman. L. Welrlch.
W. Fulls way, James RHyneld.
Paul Ohman. F.ugene Neville,
K. A. Fllxpatrlck. E. M. Nelson.
W, Fullaway.
40-YARP tgH.
OlanOealy, Charles Morearty, '
J. A. Llddv, Othello Rountree,
T. A. Fltaoatrlck, Albert Newton,
O. K. Baxter. Thlllp Chase.
Leroy Kelley. ' . c.
W. Oustafsen. Frldolf Kngstrom,
M.r. Jones, i Ca1 Lutes.
J. J. McVelKll. PUI11IP Lhasa. 1
C. O. Unn, r , A. Q. Dow.
John filler. . . ' . '
Omaha Y. M. C. A., Oraea Lutheran
Omaha High Hchool, Church.
Columbian School, Franklin School,
Kellom School. W m nut II II School.
Central School,
M. P. Jones, Newman Comfort,
L. L. Kleny, Ionard Welrlch, '
Hal Blackmavt, Chnrlea Morearty,
C, O. linn, A. Newtcn.
Herman Cohen.
tester Heal, Unnlol Longwcil,
Farl Tyson, W llllam Allev.
Owen clnmp. Harry Mclcher
Paul Nicholson.
Chester Pierce, Hamilton Hall.
Arno Harper. F.urene Neville,
Thaddeua Rountree, Ian Long well,
Joe Rylan, Karl Tyson,
Harold Ar'. a rry M etcher.
Hamilton Hall, Paul N:'holaon.
Harold Apel. W llllam Alley.
Howard W B race, John Filler
John Hlonmoulet, Thurston Irf-ssn,
Camlllo Caldero. Floyd Paynter,
lOdward Lowry. Raymond Burgess,
Aaron Davl.laun, 1'hlllp Selaby,
Merle Iesler, Jolin Nelson.
C. Carl Welgel,
Charles Pa ne, Carl Lutes.
W. Uustafaon. J. J. Drummond. Jr.;
J. G. McVeigh. A. O. Dow.
C. G. Linn. A. Krecek.
Frldolf F.nsstrom, J Pestner
Leroy Killey,
To the vacatloniat whoae time Is llnw
Ited nl who wlahea a conmlata clianae
of acene and aurroumtliiga, few trla of-'
ler aa great attractions as a cruise on I
the Ureal l-akra. Starting from Chlca-'
so theae cruiaea take from two or three i
nays to a week, traveling ovr a number
of different routes and calling at nearly
all polnta of Interval, Including Milwau
kee, Mackinac laland. Georgian Hay,
Duluth, Fort William. Detroit. Cleve
land and Buffalo. Combined with the
excellent train aervlce to Chicago offer
ed liy the Chicago Milwaukee St.
Paul Railway and the tnodarata ratea
named, these crulmea afford a delightful
and restful way of apemltng your vac,
tion. Fur foldera, ratea, reservations,
etc., call on or addresn W. F.. Hock CMiy
Paeaeuser Aaenl, C. M. ft St. 1'aul Hy.,
UiJ FarnaJii bt Omaha, Neb.
I Xa Thre
Hall Cwlae
Love Sraax
la eela.
KaUaee, 10J Toaight.
Xa Three Times,
From Our
Near Neighbors
XOo eaa tOe.
Sxoept Tkuswdar Xvealag. Jane 10)
At tiOO, 8i0, T O0 B( i90 V. K.
Ztialy MatM lOer Xvags 10 aaS toe.
CMldeea me IS years Bot admitted.
Coveraor MorcLed the Coeit oi Honor
at the
First Annual Omaha Invitation
Out-Door Track Meet
ouiaiTTOir nn.D. ,
KMarway. 6. W. tiL
Sslay Kaoee, BordJna, Pole Tanlt, etlge
iuiy, vitaoee, aite.
flcketa, 6e aa koe, o Saate, tl.00.
Hlmon nehmeler and wife were Omaha
visitors Saturday.
Mra. L. J. Martptardt spent several daya
this week at Peru.
Mrs. J. M. Dunbar and aon. Glen, were
vlalting at Nehawka this week.
Prof. George Campbell and wife have
gone to Omaha for a vlalt with relatives.
Mlas Margaret Randall of Lincoln waa
visiting friends here this week.
Misa Stella Opp haa closed a very sue
ceaaful term of school at Columbus.
The bualnraa men of the town will hold
their third annual free entertainment on
July 1.
Meadames John Johnson and Fred He
Grady were at Werplng Water on Mon
Misa F.ila Johnson of Bethany waa
viaiting at the home of Bamuel Johnson
over Sunday.
Mlas Myrtle Douty of Reward la spend
ing the week wtlk her alater, Mrs. Will
iam Vette, south of town.
loo Mixes aw won
at TADiing iriuwiy
W4nJay 1
t...uruy rvxsriva p. k,
fe iaitay I
Mlaa Gladys West waa a Union vlfcltoi
W ednvsday.
Arthur Wolph was a paaeenger for
Crete Tuesday.
Mr. erttl Mrs. Giles returned Tuesday
fruni a trip to Omaha.
Albert Btoll was In Omaha on bualneaa
Monday and Tuesday.
Mrg. Klrkpatrick was In Flattsmoutn
the flrat of the week.
Mag Bchaffar was In Platlsmouth
tHiaineas Wedneaday.
P. P. fiholdun and Otto Carroll were In
Nebraska City Tuesday.
Ollie Allison was a Wabash visitor the
first part pf the week.
Mrs. R. M. Pollard Is in Omaha this
week viaiting her parents.
Mra. Omar HolW-htemelr came home
luewiay from a vlalt In Omaha,
j O. F. Bwltaer went to Weeping Water
i Monday for Memorial day servtres.
John lUhrns of Avoca waa looking
after bualneaa matter here
C. D. t. John and Chalmer tlwilior
were In lJncolo on bualneaa Wedneaday.
Vlulet ft John and Gertrude Sturm
were Lincoln ahoppvra Wedneaday.
Mr and Mra. Geo. C. theldon were tn
I Omaha on buaineas the middle of th..
H 8. Thomas went to Omaha the first
at Constitutes Leadership in Clothes Sellin
Tremendous Values in Men s and Young Men 's
Fashionable Suits
$11 $SDffn$
This Greater Store
Positively Saves You $5.00 to $10.00
If you don't know the unequalled service and satisfaction we give
put us to the test Saturday.
See Our Wonderful Range of Models in
Newest Hand-Tailored Suits
The "Dartmouth"
The 'Itrooks"
Thei "Windsor"
The "Annie,"
The "Kln Victor"
The "Senec"
The "Cunterbury"
The "Admiral"
The "Klnchley"
The "Werner"
The "Lyric"
The "Bantam"
The "Colby"
The "Newport"
The "Iouitfce"
"Savoy," "Hell"
The "Herkeley"
The "Vale"
The "Cornell"
The "Oxford"
The "Norfolk"
The "Biickjiell"
The "West Point"
Scores of others in one, two and three-button styles every model dfc
tlnctive ami specially designed. Young men's styles in a special sec
tion.. Business men's styles and conservative model get our careful
attention and too other slioro shows so many special sizes. Stouts,
3hort stouU and short men's clothes, longs, extra t r $OA $OC
longs and extra sizes up to 525-inch chest. .". . 1m" uJm CD
Some Points of Supremacy
for your consideration
at this greater store
The largest western showing of Roches
ter, N. Y., finest hand-tailored clothes.
The most modernly equipped clothing
section in the middle west.
The best organization of efficient sales
people to serve j ou properly.
Clothing not piled in double stacks. Most
stock on hangers in glass cases.
All new assortments three to five times
larger than elsewhere.
Every garment selected by acknowl
' edged experts judges of style and
All of these and many other im
portant points of supremacy await
you at this greater store.
Any Man Who Brings His $15 Suit Money to
This Store Gets a Mighty Surprise in Clothes Value
New worsted suits, fancy mixture suits, new plaid
suits, clever stripe and fancy mixture suits, invisi
ble checks and plaids. Gold Bond True Blue serge
suits. One, two and three-button effects. Quarter
lined, half lined, full lined, strictly hand-tailored
suits. Unequalled elsewhere at $20. Our price
The Supreme Achievement
In Finest Clothes for Men ; .
-You men who delight in the feel of exquis- 1
ito imported fabrics and revel in the luxury of , '
the wonderful colorings will enjoy our magnify . ..
icent exhibit from foremost clothes creators.
Compare $50 to $75 made-to-measure
clothes with them. Come in and see
how quickly we'll fit you and save you
50; No clothes are better made, be
cause no other clothes have the same
amount of expert workmanship be
stowed upon them. Jon $or $A(
Unequaled values at JU" 0Dm
Children's $2.50 to $3.50 Wash Suits at
Tommy Tucker and Norfolk models, tn
washable rhambrays, percales and seer
sucker. All wanted colors. Sizes 3 to 7
years; $1.50 and 12.00 Children's Wash
Suits, Saturday at
Boys' Clothes Shop Beoopa floor.
Men's $3.56 to $6.50 Trousers
In all our experience we have never presented such CfCn $"(,(.
a wonderful mid-season sale of pants. Worsteds, Mr"
cassimercs, serges- All desirable colors and stripes, and
nlso white serge and flannel pants. All sizes and proportions"; 28 to
52 waist; $3.50 to $6.50 values, at $2.50 and $3.50.
Men's $3.50 to $10.00
Tan and grav rubberized taAfi PfCfi
Kaincoats, $3.50 to $10.00 UU 7D'
values at and
Whenever You're Ready for Your
Hot Weather Clathes
we are ready to serve you with the largest show
ing; In the middle west. Men's and young men's
eoat and pants suits and odd troisers. All new
est models, sizes i2 to 60. Regular stouts and
longs In the following fabrics:
Palm Beach. Airpore.
Panama. Wool Crash.
ISumatex. Shantung Silk'.
Mohair. Tropical Worsteds.
Koolkrash. Fine Serges.
A genuine saving to you on high-class tailored
summer clothin?.
Headquarters for Furnishings
Largest, most complete showing of men's fine negligee
shirts in the middle west. Kvery well known and
popular manufacturer represented in our vast collec
tion of newest style shirts.
Some Money Saving Specials
for Saturday
$1" Negligee Shirt,
Attractive pat- 7Qrf
terns, soft turn- SvC
back cuffs, fine quality'
materials. Special for
Saturday at 70c.
$2 Negligee Shirts
Such attractive 50
patterns in fine 1
madras, shirts sell ev
erywhere at $2.00; our
price 1. 50.
$6 and $7.50 Silk Shirts
-Positively the most luxurious stlks
and stunning patterns that you men
have ever been offered at.
35c Fibre Hosiery.
Come in black, OP,
white, gray or asOC
Palm. Beach. Exclusive
stores' price, 16c Our
price Oc.
$1.00 Nainsook Unions.
Exceptional value In f" Q
cross bar nainsook 07C
union suits. Elastic waist
band and crotch. Special
at &Oc.
$1.00 Knit Union Suits.
Fine quality white ?Q
lisle union suits. OiC
Would be extra value at
$1.00. Special for Saturday,
at 69c.
Dont buy spring underwear until you see our showing sounds selfish but It's for
your good as well as ours. Choosing from ths moat complete stock west of Chicago
Is a treat not to forego. Vaasar. Superior, Tlaxal linen Mesh, Corwith, B. V. D.
every shape, style and size.
Vuioa Suits, 60e to $5.00 Blurts or Drawers, S5c to fl.OO
Straw Hat Style-Winners
Every new metropolitan idea is to be found
in our wonderful showing of men's and young
men's straw hats.
Genuine South American
Panamas, $5 to $10
Imported Ieghorn Hats,
$3.50 " S5.00
Porto Rico Panamas,
S2.00 nd 32.50
Smartly styled Split
Mraws, 81 to 84
The correct new Rough
Sennits, 81 $3
Pistinctively new
Madagascar Hats at 82
The greatest showing in th middle west of
Palm Beach and silk hats, caps, 50, $1, $2
Sat Pept afsla Floor Best Aisle.
I A. f X
20 Any Trunk in the House 20
fCC ' Including famous Hartmau standard and Inno- frc
vation Wardrobe Trunks. LllI
$7.50 Trunks at 20 off . . . .$0.00
$10.00 Trunks at 20 off. . . . $7.50
$12.50 Trunks at 20 off. . $10.00
$15.00 Trunks at20?o off . .$12.00
$20.00 Trunks at 20' off. .$1G.00
$25.00 Trunks at 20 off. .S20.00
$:&.uu innovation wardrobe Trunks at 20 off, $20.00
$35.00 Innovation Wardrobe Trunks at 20 off, $28.00
Your opportunity to start preparations for your vacation trip. Select
your luggage from Omaha's largest stock at money saving prices.
Traveling Goods Reduced
.V MhUUik 1Wk at SOe '
2..V Krratal lua at 81.05
$0.50 Split Walrus liana at 85.00
a..V Cowhide IU at 85. OO
XJii Walrua IUKa at 87.50
$11. .VI Walrus IWks nt 80.50
Mala Tloor Kast aaa Bee ante.
mil nm sin iii i ,r
Traveling Goods Reduced
Mailing Kuilrases at 81 85
I.OO Fibre SuluaM'a at 82.05
$6JSO CoMhile Niiitrast at 85.00
S8.50 Cowhide Suitcases at 87.50
$ 10.OO Cowhide Huitcaaes at SH 50
17.5U Walrus Ilaga at 814.75
Kalm rioos Xaat aa Baaemeat.