Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Oa Train and at
total Pews Btaade, 5e
Gerard Cablet Notes from Imperial
Government Promising Indem
nity for Damage to U. S.
Captain of Submarine, it is Said,
Saw No Neutral Markings on
the Vessel.
WASHINGTON. Juno 4. Ambas
sador Gerard cabled the State depart
ment today a note from the German
government agreeing to pay an in
demnity for the damage done by a
German submarine to the American
steamer Gulflight, torpedoed off the
Ecllly Islands.
Teat of No.
The text of the note, which was elgned
by the minister of foreign affaira, fol
lows: "Referring to .the note of May 2S. the
Undersigned has the honor to inform hla
excellency, the ambassador of the United
Plates of America, Mr. Gerard, that the
examination undertaken on the part of
the German government concerning the
American steamers Gulflight and Cuss
ing haa led to the following conclusions:
"In regard to the attack on the steamer
Gulflight, the commander of a German
submarine, saw on the afternoon of May 1
frt the vicinity of the Scllly lslanda a
large merchant steamer coming In his
direction, which was accompanied by two
smaller vessels. These latter took such
positions In relation to the steamer that
they formed a regulation aateguam
gainst submarines; moreover, one of
them had a wireless apparatus, which is
not usual with small vessels.
No fcotrI Marking.
'From this It evidently was a enso of
English convoy vessels. Since such ves
sels are regularly armed, the aubmarine
could not appear and approach the
steamer on the surface of the water
without running the danger of destruc
tion. It was, on the other hand, to be
assumed that the steamer waa of con
siderable value to the British govern
ment since It was so guarded. The com
mander could see no neutral markings
on It of any kind, that Is. distinctive
marks painted on the free board, recog
nisable at a distance, suoh as are now
usual on neutral ahlpe In the English
gone of naval warfare.
-In consequence, he arrived at the con
clusion from all the circumstances that
ha had to deal with an English steamer.
luberg;ed and attacked. The torpedo
came In the Immediate neighborhood of
one of the convoy ships, which at once
pldy approached the point of firing, so
that th .submarine was forced to go to
Treat depth to avoid being rammed; the
conclusion of the mm"nVa"
English eonvoy ship was concerned was
Jn this way confirmed.
raawmr. American Snip.
That 5ia attacked steamer carried the
American flag was first o
which fed' nXr to nor from America
was a further reason why It did not oc
cTto the commander of the submarine
that he was dealing with an American
rl" scrutiny of the time and place
, S occurrence described the German
government ha. become convinced that
the attacked steamer was actually tne
luamsh'p Gulflight. There can be no
not to the fault of the commander.
... Ileirret.
The German government .presss tt
ItgreU to the government of the United
iTteS concerning this Incident and de
S -W ready to furnish full recom
ciarea i. thereby sustained
nense lor e u - - .
It la left to the
a irt.n oltlsena.
UUcreUon o? (The American government
points w ""'"" '
(Continued on Pege Two.
Column One.)
The Weather
mich change in temper-
Cosuparatlre Loral Record.
1916. 1914. 1913. 1912
Highest yesterday M 91 M) fi
Lowest yesterday 1 74 ,M 5i
M an temperature 71 fit 70 (2
Precipitation -T .tW
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 68
Excess for the day 3
Total deficiency 20
Normal precipitation 10 .nch
Exceaa for the day 7 inch
Total rainfall aim-e March 1....S. 40 inches
Deficiency since March 1 19 inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1914. .2 71 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1113 2 si Inches
Reports front Stations at T P. SI.
Station and titate Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. et. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy f.t)
Davenport, cloudy "4
.Dtnver, cloudy w
l ies Moines, cloudy T4
lender cloudy .vt
North Platte, dear VI
Omaha, rain ch
Pueblo, partly cloudy A
Rapid City, clear
Halt Ike City pt. cloudy.'
Hheridan, partly cloudy... .
Sioux City, cloudy 74
Valentine, cloudy 78
at Omaha
"y1". , K 5 I' m!
S p'. m.
v. rtXTJ p. m..
m g p. m.
.02 1
74 .0(1 1
tv .Hi '
75 .W,
74 !
kl .3 :
7ti ,m
4 .42
dt ,fi
7 .)
7 .74
X Indicates Usee of precipitation.
I WELSH, Local Forecaster.
diers in a street trench at St. Eloi, yuere a bitter conflict
Lowlands Are Overflowed and Rail
road Tracks Washed Out in
. Some Places. ..
Drenching rains fell all over ' the
state .Thursday night and In many
localities accompanied by .high winds
though at an early hour Friday there
rwere no indications there was any
serious damage other than to tele
graph wires and telephone lines.
Around Trenton and Franklin, in the
valley of the Republican river; the Burl
ington had some bad washout, impair-
Ing service on the southern line across
the atate,
Nearly an Inch Here.
In Omaha, according to the -official
flKurea of tho local forecaster, the rain
fall last night was .70 of an Inch. It
commenced to fall shortly after 10 o'clock
and continued' at Intervals during 'the
night. It was accompanied by consider
able thunder and lightning.
Out In the state, according to early re
ports to the railroad offices, the rain
waa very heavy. At Hastings It is said
that Insido of. one hour there wae five
Inches of rain. Streets were rivers of
waters, basements were flooded and the
sloughs and ravines -In Adams county
quickly became roaring rivers.
At Inland, a thort distance west of
Hastings, there was a heavy straight
wind. Outhouaea and small buildings
were moved off their foundation and in
some lnstunceai wrecked. In Uie country
stacks of hay and alfalfa were scattered
and a few barns blown down.
Tracks Wasbed Out.
According tp the Burlington's morning
weather rer.oi'1, torrential rains fell all
through the Republican river valley and
In many places the stream Is from one
half to a mile wide, having spread out
over tho bottoms, flooding and destroy
ing crops on the lowlands. A serious
washout Is reported on the main line in
the vicinity of Hastings and trains are
being deloured over the Union Pacific.
Owing to the wires being down the ex
tent of the damage to track, bridges and
toadbed ha not been ascertained.
The Rock Island officials here are ad
vised of some bad washouts between Fair
bury and Lincoln. Tralna are delayed and
in places the track Is under a foot of
At Columbus, on the Union raclflc.
five inchea of rain fell during the night,
flooding the country and greatly dam
aging crops. The Platte river la reported
to be rlKlng and up the Loup river the
stream Is out of Its banks Inundating
many valuable farina in the valley. This
road was fortunate in not having any
Tj serious waehouts. The only damage la
on the Kearney branch running to tii.
northwest. where in two or three places
the roadbed has become very soft .and
train are run with great caution. Along
the main line there was heavy rain from
Omaha entirely acroa sthe state.
Along tho Northwestern the rain ex
tended from the Missouri rives as far
west aa Goidon, but waa. the heaviest In
the vicinity of O'ONelll and alone the
Ktkhorn valley. On the Black Hills line,
)un wc?t of O'Neill four miles of track
been annulled. In the city of O'Neill
d'iritig the early evening, water flowed
tl'roiifch th "treels to a depth of two
f t, flooding uupementf and doing con
siderable dmge. Thla heavy rainfall
came aa a clounburjt, the duration of the
storm not exceeding two hours.
At Stanton there waa a cloudburst.
Three inches of rain is reorted to have
(Continued on Page Four, Column Two.)
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Thurston , County , Kan Committed
Manslaughter in Killing
; : John F. Jump. ,' ; ,
PENDER. Neb., June. .. (FpeclaM
Jesse Cochran wa , today o.und guUty
of manslaughter for killing .John F.
Jump January IS, The penalty is a term
of Imprisonment for from, one to ten
years, -the recommendation -of 'the .Jury
being that the minimum penalty be im
posed. - - - - -
Cochran shot Jump, whom he declared
was on too Intimate relations with Mrs.'
Cochran. Jump died in an Omaha hos
jpltal January 23. Domestic troubles be
tween Mr. and Mrs. Cochran complicated
the case, the latter having sued Cochran
for divorce
The shooting of Jump was admitted by
the defendant, who claimed he did the
shooting In self-defense. He said he en
tered the Wooten home, east of Rosalie,
but before going In the house he looked
In through the window and saw Jump
Sitting In a high chair' wtlh his arms
around Mrs. Cochran's shoulders. After
entering tha house and taking a few
steps. Cochran claimed that Jump -dived
for his hip pocket, and, thinking, that he
was going to shoot him, he pulled his' re
volver and fired at him he . thought
three times.
He then left th ehouse and went to
tho home of his father-in-law. Bam Vas
sar, . and called him out and told him
what he had dona While there he went
in tho house , and talked with bis little
girl, kissed, her and then walked to
Rosalie and gave himself up. '
leading eitlxena of Rosalie testified as
to Cochran's reputation in the community
in which he lived for peace and quietude
as being good.
The trial began. early last week. F. F.
Allen assisted the prosecution, as did H.
I Keefe of Walthlll. Attorney Howard
Paxton of Pender and Daniel Sullivan of
Sioux City represented the defendant.
Prussian Losses
Are Over Million!
AMSTERDAM. June 4.-(Vla London.)
The Telegraaf states that according to
Gfrman casualty lists Prussian' losses
alone have reached a total of l.iM.OOO.
Recent casualty lists contain the names'
of fifty-six airmen, of whom eleven were 1
killed and thirty-five wounded, the re-!
maining ten being missing. I
Big General Store at j
Sheridan Burned i
SHERIDAN, Wyo . Ji ne 4. Fire today
destroyed the general store of the Sheri
dan Commerlcal company with a loss
estimated between I75.0O and 1100,000.
. BERLIN. June 3 (Via Wireless to Lon
don, June 4. A Wolff bureau corre
spondent ssys he learns from a good
tourr that in the last Kepi-elln raid on
London, one' alrsMp reached Finchley.
hi the northern outskirts of London, and
declares that it mujt, therefore, have
flown over the greater part of the city.
The correspondent says he hears from the
same source that the damage caused by
the raid was much greater than has
been announced.
Assistant Secretary of State Lansing
Attends Meeting at Which the
Final Draft is En
Germany Must Answer Question Rel
ative to Right to Imperil Lives
of Noncombatants.
WASHINGTON. June 4. Presi
dent Wilson's second note to Ger
many was approved In principle at
today's cabinet meeting and will be
forwarded to Berlin as soon as the
president has had opportunity to
make certain changes In phraseology.
The note it became known after the
meeting, will be vigorous in tone and
will deny allegations in the last Ger
man communication that the Lusl
tania was armed and carrying ex
plosives prohibited by American
The note, a rough draft of which had
been completed by the president before
the meeting, waa subjected . to careful
analysis by members of the cabinet end
afterwards It was understood they agreed
generally on its basic provisions. The
president went automobillng after the
conference, but expected to begin work
tonight In revising the language of the
note. .
Counsellor Lansing, as the president's
chief adviser, on questions of Interna
tional law, sat In today'a cabinet meet
ing. Previously he bas attended only In
the absence of Secretary Bryan,
No t'anelailnn Reached.
Following the cabinet meeting the
members were unusually reticent, but
there were some indications that tha
note had not finally been disposed of.
"We reached no final conclusion about
anything." said one.
In answer to questions, Secretary
Bryan said:
"I cannot divulge anything that hap
pens In cabinet meetlnga"
The meeting lasted two houra
Afterward most of the .members went
to . luncheon with Counselor Lansing.
Secretary Bryan returned to the Btate
department alona '
Vnilt House officials said today that
while the president had penned the note
Mmself he had consulted with Secretary
Bryan . ever the principles and details.
He also had been la constant consulta
tion with Counsellor I rinsing and also
Attorney General Gregory, who investi
gated affidavits that the Lusitanla car
ried guns. The government is convinced
there Is no ground for that contention and
the note will so Inform Germany.
Rernstorff Beads Special Report.
While the president and the cabinet
were discussing the note a German agent
was en his way to Berlin to present a
first hand report of the Interview which
Count von Bernrtorff, the German am
bassador, had Wednesday with President
Officials at the German embassy re
fused to discuss that development, but it
became known authoritatively that Meyer
, J Gerhard, who sailed from New York yes
terday or Copenhagen on tho steamer
United States with a guarantee of safe
conduct obtained by the American gov
ernment from the allies. Is the man. He
is an attache of tho German colonial
office and has been In the United States
several months representing the German
Red Cress.
The dispatch of the envoy was the
basis of much confidence In German
quarters here, where is waa believed an
understanding- on submarine warfare
satisfactory to both Germany and the
United States could be evolved.
The day's cabinet meeting began with
all members practically agreed that the
United States cannot consider the Ger
man reply responsive and must Insist,
before dlplomatlo correspondence . ean
proceed further, upon an affirmative or
negative answer to the principle that
lives of. non-combatants cannot lawfully
be. Imperiled on the high seas, but must
be transferred to safety before a legiti
mate prise la destroyed.
The purpose of the United States Is to
keep its rejoinder on the same plane as
the note of May 12. Should a negative
(Continued on Page Two. Column Two.)
Sunday .
Movie Coupon
Dy s pedal arrangemecnt with
eight of the best bih class
niovUieT pictar theaters In
Omaha and suburbs, The IVe
Is alyo give Its readers the'
exceptional privilege of a free
ticket for certain perform
ances. Tha oniy condition Is
that the conpon, be out out and
tjrnaented at the box office
when buytpg s regular ticket.
The Sunday Dec
Best of All
UTKNOG RAPIIKK Bright, clever
younr man who can qualify for
resKonslble position: inuM have
brains, good, clean t-ereonality. A-l
rtferenres; give age. experience.
SfcJr, etc. Address P-534, Hee.
Tor farther particulars about
this opportunity, see the Want
AS Stootloa of The See today.
Berlin Paper Says United States
Has Taken Side of Great Britain
BETIUN. June 4.--Vla London) The
Kreua Zeltung In Its lasue today pub
lishes the sutwtanre ot the Interview
given to the Associated Press May 30, by
Gottlieb Von Jsirow, ImpertAl foreign
secretary, on Germany's answer to the
Washlniiton note concerning the Iisltanla
rae. In which the secretary said he be
lieved It essential to establish a common
basis of fact before entering uion a dl
ciiflon of the Issues Involved.
Thla is doie, the paper explains, on the
strength of th report reaching Berlin
from the Hauler Telgram comiany of
London, that the "forthcoming American
note ttt IK rmany fnrcahadowa a sever
al) c of diplomatic relations with Ger
many. Continuing the K reuse 7.eltung aays:
"We want to remind America once more
that Great Britain bears the responsibility
for the Biihr.inrlnc war. Germany would
have tnpud II, had Great Britain been
No Passengers Aboard and Crew of
Iona, Torpedoed Off Coast of
England, Landed.
MONTUKAU June i. .The
Thompson liner lona, (or Montreal,
with freight from Mlddleshoro.
Kngland. and carrying no passen
gers, whs torpedoed and sunk off the
north coast of Kngland at noon yes
terday, according to a report re
ceived by agents of the line here to
night. The captain nnd crew were
landed at Kirkwall, Scotland.
Decision in Steel
Case Causes Boom
in Stock Market
NEW YORK, June 4. The victory of
the United States Hteel corporation In the
governments dissolution suit caused an
outburst of bullish enthusiHsm at tha
opening of today'a stock market.
utrnd.:ga7Jature. aU
Steel was
though its Initial quotation waa some
what belated. The first transaction con
slated of one lot of SK.000 shares at SW2,
compared with yesterday's close of 67.
The next sale was a lot of 2,000 shares at
t2!4. followed by 1,300 at C3S4. after which
it reacted 1 slightly. In the nrst Lublin over the new .trateglo railroad,
minute. 64,000 .hares of Htel -"tf Iv.nhored and Breat-Lltovak also wora
hint is.
United States Steel preferred rose 2;
points, and throughout the list there wero
gains ranging from 1 to 4 points. Inter
national Harvester, whose affairs . are
now under federal review, opened with
a gain of 14 points, and American Can,
which la also being Investigated by the
federal government, opened with a Sale
of 7,000 shares at 42 to 45, against, yes
terday's close of 87H.
Distillery securities advanced 8 points
over yesterday.
Trading slackened toward the end ' ef
the first hour, but the turnover in that
time excedeed 400,000 shares. Froflt
taking continued, with the result' that
some early gains wore altogether lost,
while others wore reduced to minor frac
tions. Steel held better than other lead
ers, yielding less than half Its gain.
Harvester, American Can and Dlstlllera
fell 11, 6 and 8V4 points respectively from
their high prices.
The later session recorded a succohslon
of declines In most part of the Hat. The
cnly conspicuous exceptions to this tend
ency were Amalgamated Copper, Weat
lnghouse and General Electric, which
scored their highest quotations In tha
final hour. Total aales amounted to
Reports of Villa
And Carranza Read
. Like Those Over Sea
EL PASO, June 1 Reports from 'south
of Jaures, where fighting has been going
on this week between the armies of Gen
eral Francisco Villa and General Alvaro
Obregon, continue to conflict. The Car
rania agenta declared no decided ad
vantage had been gained on either side
and declared the Villlstaa army lias been
cleared, completely out of the Tamploo
coal district.
WASHINGTON. June 4. British
authorities in Mexico City are errang
ing to take out foreigners by horseback
and automobile to points from which
there la train service to Vera Crus. The
Brarllian minister In charge of American
Interests reported today that a Mr. Cum
mins, a former British consul, would
start Tuesday with a party on horseback
for Pachuca. The Uritlah charge d' Af
fairs will take a party of foreigners on
Wednesday to Pachuca by automobile.
President Wilson's statement was re
ceived yesterday In Mexico City for
transmission to Generals Garxa and
Zapata Department officials believe it
I. as by thla time been delivered to Gen
eral Villa and therefore is In the hands
of all Mexican leaden.
Dispatches to the Carranza agency
here, from Vera Crui. Indicated that
("arransa haa begun taking steps to dis
tribute food.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., June a-Tha na
tional executive committee of the North
American Gymnast to union today sent
to President Wilson a message stating
that "We would consider It the greatest
calamity in the history of our republlo If
prenent negotiations would lead O open
rupture with Germany In the face of re
pented evirf'-ii'-e of that government's
true frlendnlup for our conn'- ."
The measure states that '
under discussion Is seemingly L. ,ou
disputable facts and theories." Tha
union has about tr,noo members in SI
Turner societies In America,
willing t give up lt war of starvation.
At one time America could have exerted
preasurs on Great Britain to this end,
but it dl; not do so.
"Now that the war of atarvatlon haa
failed, American comes forward with the
unusual proposal that we shall atop the
submarine war. Naturally there can be
no talk of this. Foreign Secretary Von
.la sow haa pointed out what can be done
for the safety of American passengers
and A merit an ships. Americana again
have been shown the way to reconcllattnn
an the protection of their real Interesta
"But It appears, if one may truat the
reports about the new note, that they do
not wish to find this way, but rather
do they desire to lend their moral sup
port to Great Britain, In whose Interests
they long ago gave up real neutrality.
Let them do It. The value of dlplomatlo
relations with the I'nttrd States has to
us become rather Imaginary."
Berlin, Vienna, Budapest and
Prague Are Celebrating Great
Victory in Oalicia.
BERLIN. June 4. (Via London.)
The Jubilation throughout Ger
many and Austria-Hungary over the
fall of Prsemysl Is mingled with sur
prise at the speed with which the
campaign against this stronghold was
brought to a successful end.
Vienna, Prague and Dudapest all
have witnessed scenes of the wildest
rejoicing over thla latest victory in
Gallcla. Like Berlin, these three
cities are bedeckod with flags. Thou
sands of persons fill the streets,, al-
! lernately singing the German and
Austrian national anthems.
Almost all the -ex pert observer! In
Berlin expected a stubborn resistance
on the part of the Russian forces In
Przemysl. Furthermore, conditions
within the stronghold show that the
P.usslans were looking forward to a
that they had endear.
ored to prepare for It.
Russians Prepared for Steae.
A correspondent of the Vosslarhe Zeltung
says th Russians had brought reinforce
ments into Fraemyal from Lemberg and
heavy artillery and ammunition from
called on to suply needed materials and
everytnin was rushed In and set tip
with feverish haste. The middle forts
were used te this end and the Jewish
population waa compelled to evaeuat
the clt.v "lege operations on the part ef
tho Austrian and Oerman forces ware
necessary , because the Russians during
their two months' occupation had In
measure restored the fortification.
Continuing, the Voaslsche Zel Ming's cor
respondent says the artillery attacks
reached their climax on Sunday when
ine iorte were literally sprayed with
....nn. j ne moment me uerman com
manders noticed a slsckenlng of the Rus
sian rire. storming operations were begun.
The Russian defended themselves until
the last moment. They had no time to
rescue any guns or msterials. No details
are aa yet available aa to the material
captured or the number of men taken
Comment af Berlia Preas.
In an extended article the Vossiaohe
Zeltung decuares that the Ruaalan menace
In Austria-Hungary haa been broken for-
(Continued en Page Two, Column Two.)
German Garrison in
Libau is Isolated
LONDON. June 4.-Russlan forces
operating south of Libau have cut that
city off from Memel, depriving the Ger
mans of their base of supplies, says a
neuter dispatch from Petmgrad. At the
same time the Russians took Polana-en
(on the -Baltic In Courland) and the vil
lage of Rutacn, south of Libau. Another
Russian force la approaching Libau from
tho north. With this ctty enveloped, the
Germana have an outlet only to the sea.
Steamship Adriatic
is Safe in Liverpool
MONTREAL, June 4. The Canadian.
Pacific received today a cablegram from
Liverpool announcing the arrival there
of the White Btar liner Adriatic, which
sailed May 'J7 from New York with Sir
Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the
railway, aboard.
The Day's War News
snalatalalasj their effeaslve with
front.. . The troops which broke
throash the Raaslaa liars at Stry
are pnahlaar northward rapidly.
Hl'SMIA.V WAR OFFICE admits that
I th reslo beyoad the Daelster
river th A.stro-Uermaa army has
ad veered aloe th Tlsmeallaa
Stry froat.
th Oarsaaa fore which eaptered
Libau la Raul, B th Baltt,
aosn time sco has beea isolated.
GENERAL CADOKNA, Italian ehlef
of staff, says th prellsalaary
movemeats are eatlala all
aloasT ths frostier, velpla to
Vleaaa war office states thst the
Itsllaas have bombarded Astrlaa
fortlf (rations at several polats
without sarerse.
tionary alona the wester treat, e
far as le know by th official
eom ma alee Hobs. Sllsat aalas la
th alstrlet sort h f Arras ar re
ported by th F reach.
Report Reaches London that Ad
vance Guard of Vistorious
Troops is Near the Dneis
ter River.
Attempt to Drive Wedpe Between
Russian Armies North of
Przemysl Succeeds.
LONDON. June 4. The words,
"Prtemysl lost," constitute th lead
ing headlines in English newspapers '
The big loop which the Austro
German forces bad made around
Prsemyal stronghold boa been drawn
to a straight line. At tho same time
to the southeast, Stry has been left
behind, as General Von Linsingen's
forces are pushing their way north
ward toward the Dnelster, with Lem
berg presumably as their objective.
seeking to avoid the great marshes
to the west. It is reported that some
of these forces have already reached
the Dnelster line, near Mikoloajaw,
with Lemberg only about twenty-five
miles away.
To the north of Prsemyal General
Mack ens n la now safe, having dared
to drive a wedge between the Russian
armies on the lower San and the fort-.
rees, and made good.
The belief here Is that the Germans
have set their hearts upon Lemberg and
that they will not for soma time be con
tent to assume the defensive.
Borne commentators suggest today that
the allies In the wnat will now Initiate
an off enslve movement In tha hope of
relieving the pressure on the RAMsstans.
p-reack Official Report.
PARIS. June 1 The French War effle
today gave out the following statement
on the progress of hostilities:
"To the east of Sugar refinery of
Souohes, our troops advancing In the di
rection of Souches village, captured an
laolated wayside tavern, where the enemy .
had established a position. We made,
about fifty men prisoners and captured
three machine guns.
"Our troops, furthermore, made fresh
progress in the labyrnth.'
"Along the rest of theiftnl thU"lVe,
en artillery exchange,
Russian Countess
: Convicted of Murder
: in Italy is Pardoned.
MILAN, June 1. (Via Paris, June 4-
Countess Marie Tarnovsky, sentenced In
May, 1810, to eight years' Imprisonment
for complicity In- tha murder of Count
Kamarowsky- at Venloe In November,
1907, haa been pardoned and released.
The trial of the countess, with TV.
Namauff and Attorney Prilukoff, ac
cused of complicity with her In the
crime, was one of the moat remarkable
in the criminal annals of Italy. All three
were found guilty, the trial, whlnh lasted
nearly 100 days, was attended by many
representatives of the arlstlcracy. The
countess, whose beauty and manner won
the sympathy of Venetians, was accused
of causing the Jealous youth, Namauff,
to journey from Vienna to Venice and
kill the count. The Moscow lawyer.
Prilukoff, wss Indicted for following
Nauinauff to Venice with th Intention
of killing him after the count's murder.
Both charged the countess with being
responsible for the plot and each as
serted she had promised to marry him
after the count was out of the way.
Count Kamarowsky Insured his life
for $10,000 In favor of the countess In 1907
and went with her to Vienna after he
had promised to marry her.
ROMA . (Via Paris). June 4. The
s enlevement of a detachment of Alpine
mountaineers in capturing an entrenched
Austrian position In a defile of Vai In
ferno, near th head of Val Dagne. has
been noted by the ministry of war. The
detachment waa led by a lieutenant, who
was wounded during the aaaault, but
who continued to direct his men until
the position was captured. King Em-'
manuel himself pinned the military medal
on the wounded lieutenant's breast.
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