Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Te Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
sTntered at Omiht poetoftlce aa second-clses matter.
Hy carrier Br rn ail
per month, pr yw
. .14
... 4 00
... M
... .00
. 2 00
Tie.! T anl runae.
flallr vHthout PunJar...., c
fVenlr.f; sad unJav
Freeing without Sunday o
lllH.V R AfftlV &kr
Fend noting of of sdrtress fr r-omplalnte of
Irregularity la delivery to Umitit ee, circulation
It emit ev draft. eipress or r'' order. elT, wr"
cent stamps received In payment of mall ee
emunts. I'ersnnal cheeks, eirept on Omaha and eastern
exchange, not accepted.
Omeha-The Bee Futlding
South Omaha Si N street.
Council Bluffs H North Mala street.
Lincoln Little RitlMlng.
Chk-ago-eni Hearst Hut'.llnr
New yorli Room lift;. Fifth avenue.
t. IO'ile fft New Hank .-f Commerce.
Washington 7S Fourteenth ft.. N. W.
Address eommunlcstlnns relatlnr to ttaws and edl
tortal matter to Oman Bra. Ml to rial Department.
AriUL cmciLATiox,
fitate of Nebraska, County of Douglas. . :
I" wight Wllllama, circulation manager of Tha Pea
Publishing company, being duly sworn, urt that tba
ererage circulation for the month of April, lili. was
nwtrtTIT WIT.t.IAMR. Circulation Manarer.
Subscribed In mr nresenoe and aworn to Before
me. this let day or Mar. '"'V itUMcn, notary niDiio.
8becrbre leaving trie cur temporarily
should hare Tb Bee mailed to them. Ad '
Areas will be changed aa often aa requested.
Thought for the Day .
5e2c ee bt Cm, V. Hell
Make tt good men your wll-voi$her$ and
then, in IA y'ors' sfsotiy $fting, owg of them
turn into frind$. Friml4 ra tin tutuhin Of
Uf.JoKn llay: DUUchu.
Omaha's slogan must b always for a till
Greater Omaha.
The Jitney should be regulated and it can be
regulated without taxing It out of business.
Note that tha cutting of the cable is' not in
terfering with, the exchange of diplomatic notes.
As a- factor la pressing international affairs
Secretary Bryan i threatened with a tots.',
eclipse. . .
Tha most cheerful feature of tha auto spaed
race la. thai nothing more than records were
The outgivings of "well Informed circles"
In Washington Indicate that "well founded re
ports" have taken the count.'
Other street corner epouters who may here
after need help to corral a crowd will tike a
hint, and turn tn a fire alarm first.
Edgar Howard aays our democratic senator
"out-Brutuses Brutus." Presumably, the dig.
gram will be forthcoming In due time.
Why ehould the spirit of mortal be cast
down? Champ Clark says the country is sfe
v He who doubts should take something tor It. .
Express companies are now talking of defic
its aa a prelude to a rate raise. The melon crop
of former years baa become a painful memory.
Tha first of a crop of damage suits growing
out of, municipal recreation activities has ap
peared. This promises a fruitful route to the
city's Judgment fund.
The high cost of high living threatens to
drop Into the cellar owing to the impossibility
et foreign grand opera companies to cone
across for the money.
China's president says: "Our weakness -n-vtted
Insult." Weakness was Inevitable from
the moment selfish arrogance warred upon and
drove live, republicans into exile.
1 ... T
The Hindu prince Is reported to have Aid
that ha has not seen any beautiful women In
the United States. His misfortune, not ours.
The sign was writ In plain letters: "Stop off
In Omaha.",
Lost the people might think they were not
getting the worth of their money the Illinois
legislature baa passed a bill forbidding to
erection of a Jail within 500 feet of a school
The saving sense of humor abides In this
country. It pierces nstional perplexities and
relieves the strain. Thus the tension of the
German note was deftly lightened by Frank P.
Walsh tossing a hammer at John D. Any classy
performance which a Miasourisn can put up la
a welcome diversion these days.
Preis Opinion Backs the President
A broad survey of the comment of the Amer
ican press ss voicing the public sentiment of tie
country discloses an almost unanimous verdlsi
thet the Germsn reply to the president's
Lusltania note is far from satisfactory. The
commoner characterizations of it sre "evasive,"
"quibbling." "unresponsive," "disappointing,"
"shifty." True, a few newspapers, chiefly thoee
that have been championing the German cauae,
profess to see the presentation by Germany of
certain polnta entitled to further consideration
and supporting proof of the American repre
sentation, namely, the suggestion that the
Lusltanla was in fact an armed auxiliary of the
British navy, but the farthest they go is to
sdmlt room for dispute on this point warratt
Ing investigation and possible arbitration.
The press reflex of current opinion niakts
certain that the people of the United States se
a whole ar ready to reinforce an insistence:
upon the demands made In the original cor.i
niunirstloa trsnsmltted through Ambassador
Gersrd, and that they will accept and back i
the president's Judgment should he conclude a
severance of diplomatic relstlons necessary to
maintain our position.
Strength of Demoeracj. .
President Wilson's Memorial day address,
marked by the calm dignity which hss charac
terized bis public utterances for months, has in
it one thought of supreme force. The president
Imty for a nation !a made up of o many com
plicated elements that no man can determine It .No
group of men without wide common counael can pos
sibly determine what tha duty of tha day is. '
That Is tha atrength of a democrar. becaue ther-i
dally rlees tn tha great body of a democracy the ex
pression of an untrammetei opinion, whk-h seims to
(111 tha air with Its suggestions of duty: and thoee who
atand at the head of affairs have It aa their bound-n
duty to endeavor to expreaa In their own actions
those things that seem to rlae out of tha coneclem
and hope and purpose of the people themselves.
Carrying bis thought a little further, the
duty of this nation is clearly and unmistakeably
indicated by the thought of the nation. The
strength of democracy springs from Its quality
of facile responsiveness to the will of the people.
And this will is expressed so plainly and so easy
to understand that doubt can not exist as to the
purpose of the people. -
Popular clamor may swell, and subside, but
it seldom determines final action. The deeper
lying elements find expression In times of crisis,
when the sober deliberations of the people form
conclusions that are irresistible. The responsi
bility of the individual is the governing factor,
and the fountain of force from whence comes
the power of the people.
' Owners of adjacent property havs petitioned tha city
counoll to hava Karaam street between Eighth sod
Ninth pated with Colorado sandatone
Juatics Partlett has removed his office to Crounae's
The contract has been let to O. Andreen for build
ing tha cages for tha new city jail. There will be two
tagee for cells, eight fast aide snd twenty-two feet
tunc and tha cost will be about MO.
Mrs. K. W. l-e and child left for New York to
spend tha summer and fall
MUa Grace Perrtns la back from Port Leavenworth,
where aha haa been the guest of General WUeoo'S
If. O. S. Wood has acne to Ht. Louis to attend the
Aaarricaa Instltuu of Homeopathy, to which lie la a
Master 11 Enatgn and his slater. Maude, of M
lAuta, who have been viaitiog their uncle, Ira P.
Klby, left for Beatrice to spend tha summer there
wliii their grandparents, i
Alexander N'ornuui. a new arrival In Onxha, haa
seen admitted to practloa at tha Pouglae county bar.
IX Cbesterfleld has opened aa offios aa
Uu StiyeUu ovar Ut North IBUteeuth street.
Ninety Miles an Hoax.
De Palma'a feat of driving a racing motor car
at the rate of ninety; miles an hour over a dis
tance of 600 miles, at Indianapolis, la notable aa
Indicating the endurance of the man and the
machinery. - It Is not practicable for the average
Individual, who will still prefer to travel at a
more sedate rate of progress. But to the engi
neers who designed and. the mechanic who built
the car, It Is a splendid proof of theory pat to
the severest test. This means a great deal to
auto drivers,' for they may feel reasonably euro
that machinery that will stand the terrific stress
of being driven at the rate of a mile every forty
seconds for longer than five hours, will meet
any requirement of ordinary usage. , In thl
way, the race at Indianapolis la of real service,
and the experience there gained la useful. The
sporting aide of the race la not nearly ao Im
portant aa la Ha contribution to the automobile
builders' knowledge.
Realizing a Prophecy.
Many years ago The Bee urged that the mat
ter of reclamation of the arid west be under
taken by the federal government. It waa then
set out that the nature of the projected under
takings was such that it waa beyond tha power
of the aeveral states to properly finance and
direct the operations. Discussion which fol
lowed The Bee's suggestion ripened Into action
by the government, and all over the west may
be noted the benefit of the plan's adoption. The
latest manifested effect Is the announcement of
the readiness to open up another section of tho
Belle Fourche project, which haa 10,000 teres
ready for the coming of the owners, who will
buy from the government end will make homes
on what waa but a few years ago neglected and
all but useless desert. No undertaking of the gov
ernment In recent years haa been of greater
benefit to the country as a whole than has tae
reclamation work. The prophecy made for It at
the beginning has been realized, and yet Its pos
sibilities have not been exhausted. The Bee
takes a Justified pride In having been a pioneer
In advocacy of this work, and ventures the as
sertion that In time to come the government wll
realise many told on the investment It baa made.
Romance long since wreathed the career cf
Bucknam Pasha, American skipper and former
admiral of the Turkish navy. A lake captain.
shipyard superintendent and rover of fresh and
salt waters, his salute of the Turkish flag !n
tha ahadowa of the Ytldes Kiosk was his sur
prising Introduction to a commission In the
sultan's navy Despite his esgernesa for war. a
kindly fate decreed his end In peace at the
Turkish capital.
The Water board la buying another block of
water bonds "aa an investment." Why "ss sn
Investment?" What the Water board ought to
do is o cancel tha bonds as they are bought
back, and thus reduce the outstanding Indebt
edness from year to year without waiting for
expiration of the thirty-year period.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt vindicates
womanly courtesy and honors the cause sb rep
resents In condemning the conduct of suftrsge
tealots toward President Wilson. "I believe 1
csn speak authoritatively for 99.9 per cent
of tho suffragists." she says, "when I declare
that they unqualifiedly condemn the attempts to
harry the president"
with Mount Vesuvius excluded from the
tourist belt. Mount Lassen supplies the season'
need by affording the wonder of foreign travel
coupled with the comforts of home.
Aimed at Omaha
Islington rioneer: A women down In Omaha wan
fined .V and costs for sending In a falee alarm of
fire. She got slightly burned even If thre was no fire.
TJnroln Journal: Tilly Sunday says that Omaha la no
wore than other cltiee. It la noticed, however, that lie
takes a varatlon of three months on his farm In Ore
gon before tackling the peculiar brand of Patan that
Is entrenched In the Nebraaka metropolta.
Beatrice Expreee: Billy" Ptinday, tne evangelist,
who te to begin a aeries of meetings In Omaha nest
September, pa feed through Nebraaka s metropolis and
made a hit with tha rewepaper men of that city, hen
ha aeaerted that all of the stories about Omaha be
ing more wicked, or woree than other cltiee. "are pure
bunk." That ought to settle the matter, at least until
after the free will offerlnga are handed in at the cloee
of the Sunday meetings.
Aurora Him: Omaha has been horrified by an ax
murder during the lael week, the victim being a yotinu
Wwedleh servant girl, who waa found butchered In
the baeement of the home where she worked. The
rime had been committed during the afternoon hours
snd up to this time tho police have no definite clue
as to who the munVrer Is. the guilty person having
made good Ms eaeape for -the prevent at leant. This
lee of murder la becoming altogether too common.
and It Is fast becoming apparent that communities ex
tend too many liberties to certain wandering, float
ing and unknown characters who prey upon the eym
pathtes of the public This particular caee nfty not be
traced to such a source, hut tha fact remalna that we
are all Inclined to take too many chances with people
whom we do not know.
Ttl ,v4 rvA hliin. Dill Uiin.I. Umm V. .. . . V .
" i . . . ' j . -' i u7 itma nwifr; arm, rx iv 1.1,
farm for a rest before he takes up tha task of run
ning the devil out of Omaha.
Lincoln Plar: No wonder CommUsioner Hummel,
who haa charge of the department of parks In Omaha,
got tbe high vote In the late election of com ml net on era.
He haa Just given It out cold that no punk peanuts
will be sold In Omaha parks this year. It has long
been a m yet cry to some how the fellow who sells
clay peanuts ever gets the kernels Into the sheila
Bloomfleld Journal: The Omaha Commercial club
In assisting Yankton In Its effort to get a bridge
across tha Miaeouri at that place, and northeastern
Nebraaka hope the combined efforts will succeed. It
may noaalhlv mean rm-ch to this part of the etate.
Peat rice Bun I The stop-off-!n-Omaha department
f tha Omaha Bee tha other day Invited tourists to
take advantage of the excellent facllltiea for holding"
funerals which one of the cemeterlea offers. Omaha
la reaching out for the business of all. the quick and
the dead.
Kearney Hub: There la a mooted question In tha
Omaha Board of Bduoatlon as to whether a high
school pupil shall be compelled to study American
history or whether It study should be optional. Tha
Huh would say that It Is up to parents and school
faculties to-do some effective missionary work with
thoea pupils who have no Interest in tho history of
their own country.
The Joy of living through the greatest war
of history will be materially heightened If tha
allotted time can be stretched to the completion
of the Dodge street vUdut.
Twice Told Tales'
Might Hay Bee Worse.
Former Oovemor R. B. Glenn of North Carolina,
when reference was made to tha fact that everything
haa Its bright aids, said ha waa reminded of tha
philosophy of Murphy.
Murphy wss rambling over the boulevard one
afternoon when he met a friend who was '.trudging
along aa painfully as If he hsd been la collision with
a read roller.
"Rheumatism," answered the friend tn reply to
Murphy's question.' "Caught cold and every bloomln'
bona In my body achea to beat tha band."
"Hard . luck, old man," sympathised Murphy, "but
It might be a whole lot woree."
''Might be a Whole lot worse?" querulously re
joined the patient-
'"Yes." was tho philosophic rejoinder of Murphy.
"Just suppoas you were a shad." Philadelphia Tele
graph. ; '
t'onatdermtc Eether.
A soutltern family employed a very skillful cook.
called Esther. She had been with them about tea
days, when she snnounced that she would hava to
leave, as she was shout to be married.
The mlstreaa received tba news with consternation.
"You've been with mo only a few days. Eather,"
she said, "and you remember you told ma you would
"I knows It, ma'am, an' I'se awful sorry," said
Esther, mournfully, "but I don't see how I kin help
It. Tha gentleman wanta de weddln' to be on Tuesday,
"Don't you think you could get him to put it off,
Esther," asked the mlstreaa, "Juat a little longer
until I can get another cook?"
. " 'Deed, ma'am, I'd like to oblige you." aald Esther,
earnestly, "but. to tell you da truf, I ain't wall snuff
acquainted with da gentleman to ax htra to do dat,
ma'am." New Turk Times.
Her Statae.
Ons Saturday a crowd of children were playing
war tn my back yard. Some were English soldiers,
soma French, aoroe German. One little girl who waa
told she was too small to play began drying audibly.
and kept It up In spita of ail they could do, and even
after the warning: ' "If you don't shut up, mother
will hear you and make you come In the house."
Finally the difficulty waa aettled by a bright boy
of 10, "Oh, let her bawl," ha counaeled. "Khe can b
tho widows end orphans" Everybody's Magaalna.
People and Events
When Jeremiah Ding-man's eatate waa admitted
to probata at Richland renter. Wis., It was learned
that he waited until ha was 100 years Of age before
making a will. He lived to be over 101.
The "uplift" of father's proceeds apace. A New
York woman shot her huaband becauae he "chattered
too much.-' Another In Buffalo drew twenty years
for making her husband "a good Indian."
Under a new law In Pennsylvania fishing aad
hunting In the state Is limited to clUsens. Those In
dulging In either aport must show naturalisation pa
pars or birth cartlflcstea Wouldn't thst Jsr you?
The Young Women's Christian aaeoctatlon of Boa
ton rules that the ft rat word of the title does not
apply to women over thirty yea re of age. and thoee
inemrers who cannot stay the round of years at that
figure muat seek other shelter.
The man obliged to stsy at home and observe his
neighbor gaily roam usually vocalises the bark of
envy. ?ew lorn papcra comment on ina tony or uov
ernor Whitman spending good public money trying to
daxxle the weat with the oriental spenders of the eaat
It Is some task, utit the daztle looks good 6 here fhv
ported coin ts specially welcome.
All tha way from Bowling Green, Mo., comes the
newe that Ma Bryan is the only member of the cabi
net who will not receive an Invitation to the wedding
of Miss Genevieve, daughter of Speaker Clark, wh.0
la to be married on June 11 to James Mrlllany Thomp
son of New Orleans. The omiaaion. If true, saves Mr.
Bryan a contribution to tha wedding gifts.
When poverty cornea tn at the door, love vaults
out of the nearest opening. Mrs. Isabel Bernhelmer
Murray, a New York ratlllonalreaa of It. haa skid
dooed fiom ber Lochlnvsr, formerly sn Imposing- door
keeper of a awell hotel. A few montna of Ufa la a
poor tenement was enough. Papa Bernhelmer would
not relent or let loose, so laahel Tew back to Papa.
Bvllevtng there was substance In the theory that
exercise and dieting burned up surplus fat. Max Yode.
of St. Paul. Minn., took tha treatment as a means of
loalng sn overweight of five pounds to make htm
eligible for enlistment, lie took long walke, ate spar
ingly aad shunned beer. At tha end of a week be had
sained ate pounds. The revaUtio seat gtltnmaring
the hops C aokilerteg; and beer cainauVa-coarult.
Editorial Shrapnel
Pitta burgh DUpstch: Two millions an
hour la the lateet estimate of war cost
and that waa before Italy booeted It. The
war lords seam bent on proving that
armed peace, no matter how costly It
was, was cheaper than war. t
. Springfield Republican: The biggest
man In England in this crtais would bo
one who could make two shells where
one was made before. Shells, shells,
shells Is the cry. It Is a situation In
which Kipling ts veelcss and forgotten.
Louisville Courier-Journal: No more
honors now in war. No more glory.
Only a continuous performance of sick
ening endurance snd paralysing horror,
which, instead of Inspiring the mind
and awakening; the heart, strikes them
with a dull thud Into mute insensibility.
Springfield Republican- The latest and
complcteet failure of German statecraft
makes iTlnce Buelow look like Bismarck's
unust but witty description of Lord Sal
isbury 'a lath painted to look like Iron.
From Bismarck to Buclow measures the
deterioration tn German diplomacy. Bls-
marrk created the triple alliance snd
Buclonr burled It.
St. Louis Globe Democrat: But all tha
countries bearing the storm and stress
of the struggle sre dealing now with
stern realities. None is to have ths walk
over fancied at the start. None may
hope to dominate the world without first
striking the world helplea". C'lcsrlng sway
the Illusions will promote the return of
reason. Cruelty and brutality cannot
be Intensified without provoking reprisals.
Desperation often gives Itself tha finish
ing stroke. The unexpected frequently
happens, and decisively..
St. Louis Republic: In many respects
England Is the most modern of Bu rope an
nations, but where the sea and rights
by sea are in question It retains still a
good deal of the spirit of the seventeenth
oentury, when Dutch and French ships
were compelled to salute English ships
In the channel by lowering flags and top
sails. Almost agalnat our will, we once
more quote Mr. Blgelow, from "Jonathan
to John Bull:"
We own the ocean, tu. John:
You muetn't think It hard
Kf we can't think with you, John,
It's Jest your own backyard.
Springfield Republican: Of twenty-flve
of the largeat American houses with
which the French government has done
bualSese. It wss recently stated In a
dispatch from Psrls, only one has kept
Its goods up to the standard promised.
One firm which was to supply 300.0CO pairs
Of socks, TO per cent wool, gsve Instead
7S per cent cotton. That such frauda
have -been perpetrated upon the Ameri
can public the muckrakers have been
telling us for years; adulteration ts not
so rare a thing that unfailing honesty
ought to' be looked for in war orders,
traditionally a rich field for fraud.
Home Topics
Boston Transcript: It's wonderful how
phUoaophical the fellow who didn't get
his base ball pasa this year can be over
tha discouraging standing of ths horns
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Tha farms of
ths United States produced $10,000,000,000
during the year 1J14 and none of that
money la being burned In the form of
Cleveland Plain Dealer: And speaking
of dear friends who seem to be with
tie perennially and eternally. It is noted
that Camlnettl and Diggs havs been al
lowed another appeal.
Washington Poet: While archaeologists
are endeavoring it prove that Nero was
thoroughly tip-to-date, motorists will sus
pend Judgment until it is ascertslned what
kind of an auto born he used.
Louisville Courier-Journal : And now a
foolish woman wants a divorce becauso
her husband called hie stenographer a
vest pocket Venus. Expect to get a girl
te de her best spelling by saying: Go
to It, you lady elephant? .
Pittsburgh Dispatch: While the popula
tion of the United States has only trebled
since I860, the national wealth has In
creased twelve fold. No matter who. bsa
got It, that proportion is better than If
It were tha other way about.
Philadelphia Ledger: The Congressional
Union of the suffragettes announcea a
campaign of heckling against tha presi
dent. If the corner policeman ehould run
a few of them tn, as they did' ths Pank
hursts in England, the cause would not
be Injured.
Nvv York WorUI: Tbe Ohioago pack
ers have managed tn defeat the govern
ment of the United States on aeveral oc
casions. Perhaps now that they are
threatening to shut off supplies front
Great Britain unless tha government of
that unhappy country ceases its Interfer
ence with their shipments to neutral na
tion, they will carry their point. Unless
tho Brltiahers hava a weapon more for
midable than an anti-trust law, thsy may
aa well surrender at once,
Collier's Weekly: Hero wa are face
te face with Commencement day- once
more! It ts well enough named, thia day
of days: and yet every day Is properly
"Commencement." Life Itself Is an ad
venture ever commencing, never con
cluded: that la. Its dreerineea. its Joy,
Its trsgedy. Its hopn. Nj human error
Is mors foolish or more enduring than
tha notion that an education la something
bought and sold, something begun on one
date and finished on another. But that
Is ths outsider's mistake, not ths
Pouglaa Msrioch In American Lumberman
I that had yearned for youth, my own,
And mourned ths wasteful hours of
younger days.
I that had sighed for spring, for sum
mer, when
The snows of Winter covered all my
t that hud prayed for yeara. for only one,
Have found that prayer answered in my
He Is myself, with hopes of old.
With old temptations and with old de
eirea: i
He Is myself again the clay to mold V
Into the man. and all the man aapiree.
Who says that youth returns to us no
more ? .
He Is ss I was tn the days of yore.
In my own days, in my own days of
Ah. how I wished a comrade and a
friend !
To help me keep the quiet path of truth
And through temptation toy own feet
So shall I Journey onward by his stdo,
Hla father yea, hie comrade and his
I that hava failed sliall shape success la
I that have wandered point the proper
A ainskl when the signal lights ai-e dim.
A roof to fend him from the storms of
So we ahall Journey npweed, I and he.
And ho sbalt be- tbe mil I meant to be,
"Io ynu own anv real estate?"
"Oh. no; we never expect to own anv
reel estate "
"Why not?"
"We own sn automobile." Houston
The prisoner threw the majraslne across
his eell In dlssust. an4 cursed eloquently.
"Nothln' hut continued stories." he
growled, "an' I'm to be hung next Tues
day." Chicago Herald.
"I would ret up and artve you my
at. miss." said the ruddr-fa'ed man
lr. the crowded car. "but I don't feel It
to be my duty. I am old enougti to be
your father."
lou hold vour are and vour seat re
markably well, sir." replied the young
woman, grasping a strap ss the csr
lurched Boston Tnnscript.
chamnerne fl-vr of the elite lebeter
PHuas-e." replied the unhappy patient.
C leveland Plain Dealer.
Reporter Madam, why do you compare
Arlstophsnea In your great rk. Tha
Kthical Unwise," as being theeqtiai In
transcendentalism of Ptolemy Poterl
The Great Authoress oh, because!-"
Philadelphia Ledger
Belle How la she on the war?
Beulah-Oh. neutral, of course. Ten
see she has to be, for she gets her hats
from rsriH. per nmr u.o "" L ".
and her atcent from London. Yonkers
eSiUSSTpM'T tKMsa)
ESS -AVtfffew
"I alwava think before I area 1c " aeiA
the new arrival In the Ananias club.
That s right, answered the old mem
ber. "Think up a good one while you are
about it" Washington Star.
'What you need." ssld the eminent medi
cal man, "Is more bodily activity. You
should exercise your back and limb and
ieet. vvnat a your business. '
"I am the leading tango expert on the
Seumas O'Brien.
Out of the west
The cold winds blow.
And there Is no rest
Wherever you go.
Down tu the valley,
Or up on ths hill.
Wherever you saily
Nothing Is still.
White swsns sre riding
Over the weves.
And curlews are hiding
In dark ocean caves.
Swift ships sre sailing
In from the sea.
The banshee Is walling
Alotie near the lea
Pull the blinds yonder
And close the door tight,
And let no one wander
Prom this hmiss tonight.
Turf for the fire.
A pipe snd a chair.
I'll smoke till I tire
, And conquer ail fear. '
Out tit the west
The cold wind blow.
And there Is no rest
Wherever you go.
U-JfortA (jStvef east at&irm cAtfmu
' aU.n . iUAXlVal. ft
An .Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation
The Woman Who Takes
the proper help to keep her digestion right and her system
free from poisonous accumulations, is not troubled
with headaches, backache, languid feelings, unnat
ural sufferings. All women who have tried
aura' vim
know this famous remedy to be tha proper help for them. A
few doses will make Immediate difference and occasional use will
cause a permanent improvement ta health and strength. ' They
cleanse the system ana purify the blood and every woman who
relies on Beecham's Pills, not only enjoys better physical
condition, with quieter nerves and brighter spirits, but she
Enjoys A Clear Complexion
DfrosUswa e Sewejal Vasso to Weeaoa with Every Box.
Sold everywhere, la fceaes. 10-, gSe.
No. 22
Lv. Omaha 6:00 p. m.
Ar. Chicago 7:54 a. m.
Youleav after the day's
work is don. You arrive) in new oas.
aencer terminal, Chicago, On Time
before day's work is begun. Direct connections at
Chicago with Eastern Una trains.
Steel equipment observation lounging ear latest style
Pullman sleepers. Double track and automatic safety signals all
the way rock ballast for smooth ridins".
Six other splendid fast dally trains, 7:40 sv.m4 12:10 p.m..
13:52 p. m., 9:66 p. m. and 12:65 a, m,, including the famous
Overland Limited, the only first class daily extra-fare train to
Chicago. (Lv. Omaha 9:00 p. m.)
Unexcelled dining car service. All meals a la carte.
The Best of Everything
For tickets, rsMrrsnons and fuQ paitieulars appty ts
JOHN MELLEN, General Agent
1401-3 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. 1
You Can Bank on
You chew to get the
utmost satisfaction out
of tobacco then chew
"PIPER" to get the top
notch of beneficial pleas
ure out of your chew.
u aa vu uiunii-
ing source of greatest
tobacco enjoyment.
Caewiag Tss sees ft tea sagas Flavor
The rich, winev tang
of the famous "Cham
pagne Flavor makes
PIPER the ideal
chew. This unique
taste blends delicious-
ly with the mellow
sweetness of tne
choicest to
I" bacco leaf.
ossrjwfcaie sa
Se aad 10a
17151717 19e n
riUX ytobeoco
dealer's luxaa
and wVU send a taU-eixe lee
cut of "FXPKK" and eoaad
sosae leatker pooca 1JU0C,
aaywaere la U. 8.
Tbe tobacco, pouch aad
mailing will cost us 10c,
which we will gladly speed
because a trial will aieks
yea a steady ussr of