Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Don't Ever
Rub Your Eye
1'm llnflor A. An Kye Maeli. Xt
Only KootMng mid Cleansing, Hut
Kill Kvt-ry tiVrm Thnt ! Hare
Hern Hlown or l5uleU 1u.
The hand or (tlnvea ro!Ie.-t untold Ml
linn of senna. m may he harmless,
ethers dnKrr"iil' poisonous when
trntiaht Into cont-irt wiih the eyeball or
erllrt. When you mine bom' from auto
rutins and our ovr hum from the dint
rid wind or hm they niart from ny
raiiae don't rub tlmm. Give thrm a rool
lim. heating hath with rt mlM solution of
' Kcm toL"
ii ii m
Shares Dull and Heary Folio wing
Publication of German
Little Tot Seeks "Daddy," Who is .
Sleeping Long Sleep in the Grave
A little flen-balred girl of about 10.
with big blue ryea. dressed la a cheap
0FE5ING PRICES ARE LOWER j glnghsm irea. Uy upon a grave In
1 Forest Jjiwn cemetery Monday, weeping
N'EW TfiBK. June I. ito-k were dull !' though hep heart would break. It wa
and heavy today Ilomlnar P''"' j , pr ,-tlon: that portion five.
lion of tlermany replv to W eshtnstnn a . ... i- , . ,w- i. .
note of Inquiry. Affair in Mo,-o. whl' ii over to the single graves aa the. laat ret
polnt to a declelve artlon by thl govern-, ng place of those not fortunate enough
ment. also entered Into peculatlve caicu- i t0 nn j0( bouquet of flowera waa
ning Price, were lower by one to I carefully placed at the head of the g rave
three points, war speelaltlee and other and one little cnuony nana restea against (
mniiipuiated issue losing mom rounu. ; u Along tna oriveway cams a Dig
Ijiier ome of the .torke made gen- iuxtrolll. Hmoualne and a big- clueter of
eral recovery, flethlehem Pteel and Orn- j . .
eral KlertrlV recording material gain, rosea and hothouse flowera re,ted on the
hut the movement aa a whole waa with- aeat at the aide of the liveried chauffeur.
. . . - T-... 1 ..t.. .MuinnUll r I
214. aharea. of which almoat half repre
sented th turnover of the flret hour.
Foreign exchange rontln'led to reflect the
Miltli- i . I a , ik- tTiironean mnnc V
market, Varla check making the new i
low record of &4?V which min that I
It libM l.r mnn franp tn buy an I
American dollar than ever before, I res i asleep in anotner pari oi
to whoae grav aha waa
Saotking. Cteaaoing, Antiaagtic
Tlila la only Vine of the limn: red of
ie for thia wonderful antUeptii' and
germicide. The aooner you learn of thla
rnnot remarkable preparation, the better
will be your health and general welfare.
As a gargle it rure aore throat, as a
rr.nuth ueeh It keepa the teeth free from
tartar, cure pvorrhea and keep the
gum healthy and free from dleenM, a
a riaaal cleaner It curea catarrhal oon
clltiona. applied lo cut and burn It heal
nj makrH Infection lmpoelble, and
taken Internally It keep the "bowel,
kirinry and liver pure, atarlltxed and
free from germ life. '
Kor children and grown-upa It la allka
barmlea. bolh Internally and externally,
yet aa a dcetroyer of dineae germ It la
more powerful than even pur carbolic
acid. 1
Never befora In the hlalory of me.dlclna
he auc h a preparation been known.
Iknotol" I add by rtriiugict In 7U; 69c.
and 11.00 packaaea fend for our trial
eesortnient of "Itenotol" liquid, ointment
and tooth cream.
Thl trial aaeortment i not to b had
from toree end ia aent dlre t on receipt
of M centa tellver or iliml only to
thoe who have neoer tried "Henetol."
Made only hy the Henetol Company,
144 ftenetol ftullritng, Mlnneapolia. illnn.
8old, recommended and guannteed in
Omaha by Hhertnan McDonnell '1,'rug
fo., lih and iJortge; rml Drug Co., laih
and Harney: Harvard lliarmaey. "Mtli
and Fnnm; 1oval Pharmacy, 2u7-S0
North lt t., and other, leading dru
alore, j
n'nkrnwl. Ieing quoted at 113, aaalnut '
i ns nt Saturday. After the co of the
mrk-t remittance on Rome were quoted
at S.M. equaling the recent low quota
tion, nilla on 1ondon were little changed
and tmiulrv for remittance to that cen
ter waa extremely llaht. Wore gold waa
received her from Ottawa and the proa
pecta favor additional ahlpmenta from
Canwdt and France.
lxical time loana were eaaler, though
quotably unrhanaed. I.aat week" further
gain in exce reeerea w a' duplicated at
other Important renerve cltlea, -t'hlcago
and Pt Inle alao allowing a lower ten
dency for long maturities.
Onmeatlc development were mainly
favorable, ranelng from the $2.(100.M net
lnrrew reported by the New York Cen
tral avatem for April to another dividend
Increaaa by one of the large copper rom
panlca. Other railway statement for
April were variable, Atlantic lVat Mn
gaining lUi.t'm in net, while Hlgaourl
faciflc. Int rrj.OOo. The latter to.k waa
under reatrnlnt all dav, pending tha out
come of tho extension plan.
Wratem freight ahlpmenta of Tariona
claasiricatlona were up to laat yer'
trim and tn
that period. That aection continued io
pin faith on big crop yield and abundant
mom v gupplieg.
Honl were eier, witn nine invest
ment. Inquiry. Totl . ale. par value,
aggregated l.rT4,(X'0. I'nlted Ptate bond
were unchanged on call.
Inside a richly clad, aad-faced woman
lay back among the cuahlona. Tha weep
ing of the child attracted the attention
of the woman, and seeing no one near,
ordered the chauffeur to atop. Somehow
tha little one reminded her of her chlla
the cemetery,
carrying the
flower. The tear atarted from her eye
and impulsively ahe clasped the child "to
her breast and tried to comfort her.
"Papa, papa. I want my papa," sobbed
the child.
"What'e your name?" .
"Rose, what?"
"Just Rose."
"What la your mother'! name and
where do you live?"
"Mamma' name la Dearie and w Uv
on a farm."
Careful questioning failed otherwise to
bring out tha name of the child or It
home, further than that ahe had accom
panied her mother, grandmother and aunt
to the cemetery to , place flowera on
Paddy's grave, and becoming separated
from them, had wandered, back to the
grave to get Paddy to go home with her.
Putting aome of her flqwera oa the grave
of the child's father, the lady undertook
to find tha chlld'a relative.
Offer to Give Her Time to Helping
Those Who Cannot See for
Missouri Pacific ...
Gets an Extension
on Money It Owes
i, J
Although ralsed-tettar book for the
blind are acarce at tha public library and
no more can be bought now because .of
lark of funds. Mis Elrllth Tobltt, the
librarian, has planned a scheme that will
aome Instance ahead of ' give blind patrona of the lntltutlona all
the pleasure and satisfaction of hearing
the lateat new and fiction, or recent
work of history, aclence, or whatever
else they deaire without having to read
with their finger tipa.
Miss Helen aMUlard haa gladly consented
to help the library and will read aloud
to blind people regularly. If tha tatter will
go to tha library building. Miaa Tobltt
announces that If blind people will oni
munlcate with her at the library before
Friday morning, indicating their Inten
tion of attending, tha flret free publlo
reading for tha blind will he held In the
aecond second floor lecture room of the
library Friday at 10 a. m. by Miss Millard.
This) ia new feature at the Omaha
library, and, ao far aa known, haa never
been tried bi any other metropolitan
library in tha United States. It la ex
pected that quite a number of blind pen
pie will take advantage of tha readings
during tha summer.
Cupid Gathering
Bountiful Crop
of June Brides
The fire day of June, the month of
brides, was ushered in with a great de
mand fir n arrlag licensee; with the re
sult that County Judge Crawford'e ataff
of assistants was kept busy recording tha
names of CMpid'a victlma from tha open
ing of the doors of bt offices until lata
in the day.
Twelve couples secured llcenaee during
ithe first five hours after tha door
opened. John A. Pago, 36 year old, ami
Susie Btrlckltn, 28 yeara old, both blind,
were among the happy pairs who secured
gore Tferoot aa (heat
Quickly relieved by Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-
foney. It eases the throat, soothes the
ungs, loosen phlegm, only 36c All flrug-
Elst. Advertisement.
'I ((. ii '
i -1 i 1 1 -('jii.
Tha Missouri Pacific, according fo re
ports from New York reaching tha lotsfl
offices, haa been able to arrange Us fi
nances for at least another ' year and
continue on easy street.
Three years sgo. in order to meet rJJFII
gatlona and get the floating debts to
gether, the Missouri Pacific borrowed
f.To.Cort.OOO. Out of the proceeds, besides
Paying eff a large sum of floating in
debtedness, another large sum waa ex
pended In rebuilding considerable of tha
lines of the system and still mors was
put into new equipment and betterrr.enta.
The money was borrowed on promleaory
notes, becoming due July 1 of this year.
Not being able to pay off the not the
Missouri Pacific haa secured an exten
sion of one year, with Interest at ie
rate of per cent, Besides the interest,
to . secure tha extension tha company
pays a cash bonus of tS on each 11,000
note extended. Of the (3.000,000 notes tit
exeoutors of tha Gould estate hold SMttu.
Ernst Will Start
to Sign Warrants
at:4PJfl. Friday
rresldent Krnt of the Board of Educe
tiKt, upon Ma return to the city, mads
this statement regarding the teachers'
salary matter: 'l am willing to start
at 4 p. m., Friday, June 18, to sign the
warrants and will keep at It until ail are
signed., and If It la legal I would favor
the board holding a amecial meeting on
the following morning that tha teachers
may receive their warrant at the ei
liest possible time.1'
it is estimated that the signing of the
warrant wUl take about slg or seven
hours. The schools will be declared closed
at 4 p. m., Friday, June U.
;rla! Qu"aYt7'
end Leather r
Covered Fissk f
! M-r.i r.' .1
finest Whiskey!
i Lowest Price 1
Ufa- tar o rU! stelwl 0J try PH I ftttr WhfaitT
uWHaa. it purm, htmwm ikwy r Wait .MuUhi
JT. It FMTTVt ftHSb fssaalUMt ilM m,M Im r aJ! r kllUwt
B 'J sKa4.. k kwitatM SkA Jue:r afrtM '4rtU VlIsM t
"s jFowr epf for f- vht Qvmrtm t
Fcls 3-Star VVSilsUcy
O QTS.rmi 5P.4f5
CJ Meatura -tD
j Measure mmmm
cxpnrss chaitccs ipaio
ItWKtmf f rats), buwtoMBt, aWfrflv, WUm
c-uwro haisfc H'lri iti rt vtr W htv
Vrf. If rxt MlMttejti aCtr y 4ti.k ftwm
' rJ W -'. h'um 4kp(nrtt cntr
r'lim a fid Wt Ii i mfii ywu gut smiuuJ tuaak
i vl ui f thk'k iu nm in etM,
Matu t iv iiogn mMa r omI- at ya
Hij.y th kat(te rcnrwj ftajlk - i;
y mr gtiMut.n-?tv W mrr n O 1, ftt-
. I., f '. I-'t-m f ,( ;V (-at )
Many at Funeral of
Charles Miohaeken
The funeral of the lata Chart D,
MlchaeLsen. who died at Miami, ria..
wss held from tha residence of bis wife's
parenta. Mr. and Mre. John P. Byrne.
to North Thiny-aeoond street, at M
o'clock Tuesday morning to Ht. Cecilia's
church at a. n. Bey. D. P. Harrlnv.
ton officiated at requiem, high mass and
delivered the funeral eulogy.
Interment was In the family lot
uory oepuh-ner cemetery. Tbe funeral
a largely attended and there waa i
profusion of flower. Pallbearers were
Jam Lynch, ' lion Lynch,
"-n L,yncn, Krln Morearty,
VMllwm f. Lynch, liiiiatd alorearty. -
' fifty easterners who cam In from the
west over the Union Paclfio-Northwest-ern;
making up one of the Raymond
Whltcomb excursion, had an omortunlty
of seeing Omaha Monday afternoon.
The manager In charge of the Whlt
comb party telegraphed ahead for auto-
mol:liea and whon the train arrived, ten
mach'.ne were at the depot. The excur
lotilsts were taken on a two-hour drive
over the boulevard, through the parka
and residential and bualneaa tectlona of
the city. They departed very favorably
Impressed with Omaha.
Jitney Ordinance
Goes Up to Legal
, Force of the City
The city council has referred te the
legal department the matter of drawing
an ordinance for tha regulation of mneys.
The city attorney has a batch of proposed
ordlnanoea from which ha expects to
evulve a measure which will be satisfac
tory to the counc.IL A hearing will be
hld by tha committee of the whole when
the proponed ordinance la ready.
r, W. Fltcb, oh behalf of tha Federa
tion of Improvement Clubs, has subra'tted
another ordinance.
A delegation of colored cttlsens offered
a protest against a provision in cnc 01
th proposed ordinances, said to I an
exclusion of negroes in Jitneys;
City Attorney. Bins fecommendod that
gn occupation tag rather than a license
fee be Imposed, that the revenue might
go Into the general city fund rather than
Into the school fund. '
President Wattles of the Omaha and
Council Bluffs Street Railway company
attended the meeting of tha council.
Hanichen Gets Bis
Contract for Sewer
Tho oily council authorised awarding to
J. J. Hanighen a contract for construc
tion of a storm water aewer through
Miller park, on a bid of t63.4!G.. which
waa toa low oat submitted. To A. O.
Schrelber will be given a contract for
sewer on Grant street, - Porty-f If th to
Forty-seventh, tho consideration to be
Tho council passed ordinances creating
paving districts along Thirteenth street.
Lea en worth to Martha street, and
Pacific street. Sixth to Tenth streets.
which thoroughfares will be repaved or
the present stone surface relald.
George L. Redman Promoted Fie
harty Moves Into Attorney! Of
fice Other Appointments.
A new esprit da corps marked 'he
advent of June in the city hall. N-w
officials started their work,, a few
minor appointments were made by
the city council and Increased une-'
tlon seemed to pervade throughout
the municipal building.
Commissioner Hummel of the pnrk
department announced the promotion
of Gorge L. Redman to position of
superintendent of construction work,
with a salary of 150 a month. Mr.
Redman to use his own automobile.
He will take over some of the detail
J work formerly handled by Sueerln-
tendent W. R. Adams, who wUl de
vote roor of his time to planning-,
landscape gardening, trees and
Ia.I.ea-al Department.
City Solicitor H. B. Fleharty reported
for duty and was assigned the offloe
formerly occupied by Assistant Attorney
TePoel who has taken the quarters which
were used by B. S. Baker, The new
solicitor attended- district court and re
spond d to the call of the case of Lerlne
against the city.
Anton Hoffman, new city license Inspec
tor, begin his work under the city clerk,
whoso department wm. remodeled to take
oar of the license, bureau.
Tho council confirmed tha appointment
of Lawrence A. Donahoo, John W. Ma
lone and K. L. Robertson aa sanitary in
spectors st t7f per month, and I B. Stlne
sanitary inepector of plumbing at 1100 a
Kdward R. Goralski was appointed to the
police department on ' the usus 'si
months' probation.
William W. Wel-h and Brady F. Cow
ger were confirmed aa Junior captains in
the fire department, having served satis
factory a probationary period of six
The following fire department promo
tions, announced several week ago, went
Into effect: John Coyle and tleorge- O.
Cragor, senior captains to second assistant
chiefs; Fred Verveka and George F.
Cuslck, Junior captains to senior cap
tain; Jonae H. Francis and Michael
Qulnlan. firemen to Junior captains;
Roosa I. Iefaa and Frank Agnew, ap
pointed aa firemen.
Rev. Adolf Hult May
Be Given Chair at '
Rock Island School
Rev. Adolph Hult. pastor of the Swed
ish Lutheran Immanuel church. wlllv be
one of the three candidates for the chair
of church history in the Augustana
Theological seminary. Rock Island, III.
These names will be voted on at the
meeting of tbe Augustana synod, which
opens In Minneapolis, June . ,-
The chair is one of tha highest gifts of
the Swedish Lutheran church !n this
country and haa always been occupied
by eminent men of the" church. It wss
mede VAfan hv K MtlrMfiMit r f ' R V
Dr. N, Porsander to tha position of
'professor emeritus.
Rev.- Mr. Hult la one of the recognised
scholar of bis ohurch, and. It la said, will
be a very strong ' candidate for the
place. His selection will, of course, in
volve hi leaving his church here and
thla Is the one unpleasant feature con
nected with it.
, F. Ia Hailer has been elected president
of the Nebraska Children's Home sockSt,
succeeding Alfred Kennedy, who has
been 111 for some time. This is a roclety
organised to find homes for homeless
children. Rev. A. & Lehmann is super
intendent of the Omaha district.
Can't Beat :"Tiz ' v
When FeetrHurt
"TIZ" for sore, tired, puffed,
up, aching1, calloused fet
or corns.
"Sure! aw TIZ
vary ttmo for any
foot trouble."
Tou can be' happy-footed Jot like me. '
Use "TWV and never suffer with tender,
raw, burning, blistered, swollen, tired,
smelly feet "TIZ" and only "TIZ"
takes tha pain and soreness out of corns. ,
callouses and bunion.
As soon aa you put your feet In a
"TIZ" bath, you Just feel tho happiness
soaking In. How good your poor, old
feet feel. They want to dance for Joy.
"TIZ" Is grand. TIB' instantly draw
out all tho poisonous exudations which
puff up your feet and cause sore, in
flamed, aching, sweety, smelly feet.
Oet a B cent boa of "TIZ" at any drug
store or deportment store. Get Instant (
foot relief. Laugh at foot sufferers who
complain.- Because your feet are never,
never going to bother or make you limp .
any mora., . i
fti.8 oisTiiuwa coartva
X Seta , Clljr,
f lo on of our new Hin-
V oiiaiu, with f
X lti wli.Ouw lowrel J
aa much mjt you like g
1 slve oa plriity of I
1 frn kir and your I
I cUtni are cot soilod. I
I At ier hoar, ui
I lo four I oaaatiKiirs.
Tka Cr kerrVM.
Tl. .lu.ue Itoug. DO. I j
I Taxlc-b Ser-fcs Co, ) !
104 J rnm bt. S
The ctty building department has Issued
permits for ths construction of the lllack-
stone hotel at si south Thirly-elxtn
street and the Grain exchange tot
Fouth Nineteenth street, the former im
piovement being 2u0,00 and the latter
8. ij. Merira waa granted a permit for
the erection of a frame dwelling at tftJt
North Thirty-third street at a coat of
Fred t-tubbei.dorf. a resident of Omaha
since 1SL. died Monday at hla residence,
11) Boulh Tenth street, after a long ill-
brought about by hardening of the
arterta. Mr. .tubbendorf waa born la
Raima, Germany, October n, lJiJ, . and
came here In IK. He waa tn the whole
sale liquor hvslncs until 13. whea he
retired. Me was also a member of tha
school Soard at one time. Mr.- fttubken
dorf is .survived by two sons, F. W. and
Herbert A. Tho faiaentl will be held
Thursday afternoon from tho residence
with intonsant at Prospect Hill oemetery.
Dtarrheo trKlr Cwred.
Aoout two year ko I had a severe
attack tit diarrhoea wbtcb lasted for ever '
a wk,", write W. C. Jone. Bufonl, K.
l- "I because a weak that I oould not
sting upright. A rfRiuieitlrd
I i au.borlatn's ColU and I'tarrbooa Item
edy. Ti.e tirat ioee relieved TM asd
within two d.v t was as wall aa ever.
C'utAinahat rry where. AdvertitauaenC
An Easy Way tOvGct
Fat and Be Strong
The trouhe with moat thin folk who
wUh to gain weight I that they lntt on
drugging their lonimh or stuffing it
with tsreaay ' foods; i-iihbliig on unnleea
'flesh treama," or following ume fool
ish iihysicai tulluie tunt. while the real
'uv of thlnneK Roo unto ichej. You
carnot get ft! until oiir ulReliv tract
assimilate the food tou eat.
Thank to a retuarkal'ln new scientific
dlM'Overy, It i uow possible to combine
into siniple form tlie very uleiiumts need
ed by the d'gestixe organs to help theui
convert lood into rich, fat-laden blood.
Ti.i marler-stroke of inodurn chemistry
is railed hargol and haa been termed the
giealeat of f .rsit-uui!lra. burgol alma
througu Ha r-geni auva, retxuatructive
power to coax ll:e ammaih and iutea
tines to lltiallvxoa up Ilia fattening
tamenta of your food and paas tiieru Int-j
tbe blood, where .!- are carried to
every' atarved. broken-down cell and tie-
of our bodv. You can rradlly pic
ture th result when tltia aiiiaaiiig trana.
formation ha taken plaoe and yeu notice
how your cheka fill out, hollowa about
your ueiK. ahouldera and bJl duaiipear
and you take on rroin 19 to lu pounua f
olid, healthy fleeh. garaot U aoeolutely
hannle. ii,iiuiv. efficient, fcheiiiiao
Si Mi onnaii lrug biore and otlier load
ing irui;lia of t.imaha and viclimy have
it and wnl rvfund your money If you are
not satisfied, aa per the guarantee found
In every pack.
CAl TION Wblle Bargol ha given x
eelkent rveujta In overcoming nervoua dya
peiwla and general stomach troubles It
should "t be taken by thoae who du not
wua to gala tua pouuil or more.
l cr 1 S
I ! LJ '
W ' ..
f s mop
sr w r . m a w h a a bm a
v 'Vi t.l W-UUViJ
(W. oi:ya
r 1
the trouble of the hand-crank and the incon
venience of gas lamps by installing the com
pact Gray 8$ Davis Starting-Lighting System
on your new or used Ford Car.
This system is built by the pioneer pro
ducers of electric automobile equipment Has
the same simplicity and ruggedness of design
as the Gray & Davis Systems supplied to
leading cars in every price class.
Spins your motor by a light . touch to a
( pedal. Floods the road with light by means ' of
a simple switch.' . '
Makes your Ford a uchole-family car drive
able by any one of 15 or over. " v
Drive your Ford to us . today and see this
system, '' ' -: '
Sold and
Installed by
Twentieth and Harney Streets, Omaha
UKRRINU MOTOR COMPACT OF IES MOIXES, Diatrlbntora. for This Territory.
System m tuppHed indodes
motor gaoerator, 6-volt battery,
enameled strcl battery bo, aUrt
in. and lighting awitchea, ret u la
tor -cutout, all mccsaary wiring,
chain aod aprocketa.
pfticx coMrrrrc
Vl MjJ' r.O.. BOSTON
more climbing out in front
to cranio or light your Ford
It Easy to Wear a Dia-
mond or Fine Watch .
or make a handsome graduation or
wedding present, for you can open
a charge account with tu for any
thing desired, anil pay monthly.
Hi L TaHler,
flna toll . grl.
It ecu in onra rea
tar. eTl pendent,
ftne ulaiu4 : twtne- '
pletewlth rt
ll-llt chals.'
SI JO- a aXontb.
T-IiSlar rtns. 14k
solM sol Ixftt "Pr-
feittioa" meantmg. n1.
Hint Ola- ' C?
f S a Hoath.
X HKaCufr Unks.
snlla sold, Raaua Po-
two tlM Rift
Manumse. at....' ' v
SVOO a Konta
taS-Wes Flat Wetnh
r RIQg, 14k olid gnlA,
lar rparkling Dl-
a XontK
111! erf rta.
aIM roW. line
Diamond, aet In
. S1.00 a Week
. Oars Pair Till f. X Slari.Ti Till 9:30
Call or writ tor CUl Ns. Mi. Fbon
Doasia 1444 4 slma-wlU call.
EROS i Ca iSsJ v
actum a cTTcrrnrne
A Tew Homo On re Tn Asyose Oea Use
Wlthont Ulsoomfort or Loss of Tim.
W have a Mew Method that cures Asth
ma, and we want you to try It at our
expense. No matter whether your case
Is of long-etandlDg or recent development,
whether it la present a occasional or
chronic Asthma, you should send for a
free trial of our' method. No matter In
what climate you live, no matter whet
your age or occupation, if you are trou
bled with asthma, our method should re
lieve you promptly. -
We especially want to send It to those
apparently hopelusa en sea, -here all
fnrma of lnhalera, douches, opium prep
arations, fums, "patent emokee," etc.,
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