! Till: HKK: OMAHA. WKPNKiSliAY, JUNK 11 FOR RKXT (rlntrl4 and Plata. Six Room Flat Three bedrooms, at 2M.1 Charles t. New brick oak finish first floor, wtslto enamel bathroom. alth porcelain fix tures; rood shades, electric, fixtures, Siewly dioornted. Key at office. TRaVElt PROH., oiit-iaji TVf, 4mahs. Nat. p.nnk Ttldg. Furnished A Mrtrnfun. SPLENDID NEW nUKUMlF.n A PA HTMENT for P'tit In the New Trnvprfnn Ftlir.PttOOF. :'IH AND I.AMHXV (VIT11T. ''atniinu to people of refined taste. Apartment completely equipped fur ''puaeeeplnR, up-to-date and comfort able. TRAVEH PROM . ' '"ne Douglas 11M. 705 Omaha Nat. Hunk. Bachelor Apartment. ANTED to hear from one or two young men desiring to share high class bache lor apartment near business district. Must offer credentials. Phone Douglas 2i2. Board and ''Room. iT. MART'S, UC0-T11K HELLMAN-3 nice single rooms; lots of light and fresh air; home cooking; gentleman prc :ferred. Douglas M. . Deeirabln rmi. with board. 618 8. IfUli bt. Famished Hooh. VVn. room, W. Farnam dis. lit N 81 Ave. : LA ROM front room. furnished. 2014 Dodge. Harney Nicely fur, front room. 1413 N. 84t h St. 'WANTED to hear from ons or two re-ft-.ied young men desiring to sharo high elasa bachelor apartments near business 'district. Must offer credentials. Phone Douglas ii'iQ. . SlODERN K0OM Uentlemaa. private family, breakfast If desired. West Ir'ar nam. Walnut 2J. Famished Honses. A NICE, clean, all modern south room In private family; suitable for 2 young men; 111 a month; breakfast it desired. 3il4 -Cass Bt Famished llnMsrWnlnc Room. NICELY Fur. Hskp. Rms. and sleeping Rms. Phone service, nice lawn anil shade. Web. B15. DAVENPORT, 35iu2 modern apt., com ; plete ' Ltarfet Hoiwkrrpiis Koomi, COOL, rooms, with alcove, kitchenette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co.. Council Bluffs. Ja. , 312 N. 27TH AVE..' 4 rooms part modern, $10 rr month. Phone Harney MM. N. Si ST. 26222 rooms, closet, pantry, bath; fresh paint, paper and furnish ings; 8d floor; 111. Webster KM. U14 CAUFO RN 1A 2 and 3-room. mod. furnished cottage; nice yard. Har. 4001, I B. 1TTH Two room for light house keeping, modern, newlv papered. iloaee and Cottages. North. KDC-ROOM, modern house, located at I7H Decatur fit; will be recant Mar l; pa per month. paone rt. 4i fan. RENT 7-room bouse, all nodcrn. )IU t'atksr St. cTlTTAOE l,v4 I'urt Bt., Harney 6Hi8, $Ju9 CABS, A large rooms, strictly modern; practically new; nice jaru, ..v. 10 N. 22d, JO-r., mod., 2 baths; $45. IIS N. IHth, 8-r, not mod.; 125. RtNOWALT. Brandels Thea. Bldg. float k. FOR RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St ; tiled stibule, reception hall, front .nd back parlors, dining room nnd kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rqoms, hot water heat, gnrago. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. 6. Baker. Phones D482, U317, ia B 1BTH -r.. all mod. house. $40. RA8P BROS.. DOt'O. lffi-l West. ' WB8T FARNAM. 7-R., $45. Jl N. 88th St.. nesr Dodge; very choice, handsomely finished brick; sleeping porch and sun room. ARM STRONG-WA1.FH COMPANY, Tyler hW. Btate Bank Bldg. WKliT FARNAM District, 7-room mod em house, 108 3. 3bth Bt Miscellaaroo. 118 N. t6th, S-r., mod. ex. heat, $19.50. S3 N. 17th. 5-r., part mod., $1.00. ltd N. anh, 4-r., part mod., $12.00. 44la Decatur, -., city water. $11.50. Mid N. 29th, 4-r., city water, $11.. WO N. tfth, 4-r., fcity water, $10.00. 1115 Franklin, 6-r., city water, $lL0u. 870 Camden Ave.. -f.. well, $12.ti0. Wig N, 29th. 6-r.. well, $12.5o. I010 Lindsay Ave., 4-r., well, $7.00. IftS N. 2d, 4-r., city water, $). fREIQH. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas ano. 60 Bee Bldg. gn 00 7-room modern house. Finished. In oak. Nice neighborhood. Near car. x AMERICAN SECURITY CO., Douglas 6018. EE- the Central Furniture Btorea, FREU RENTAL LIST. ' FOB BENT We have a complete list ef all house, apartments and flat that are for reaL This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co . HQS 8. tth Bt. 'ROOM modern cottage. 18)1 Paul Ht J. C. Reed! Exp. e.. moving, pu.kln .v storsge. JOT r" ! is. a .-. 4- per month up. v. i union. TTrmcna Crelgh Sons 4k Co.. Bee Btdg, UUUrua In ail ports of the city. MODERN 6-room cottage. $26 per mo.; Hm Pratt. Omaha Really Co.. Red Ce2. PARK AVE, 828 Cheerful, eight-room residence; clean, newly decorated; beautiful lawn. Douglas K&l. WEST FARNAM DI STRICT! 7-room modern houHe. 106 S. 35th St- o Gordon Van Co. S C N llth t Tel. D. 894 or Web. 181. Maggard's; van and tHorags Co. Call us for llmates for mon lag. paining, shipping. 17U Webster bt. Douglas Hi. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-hors van snd t men. $1 26 per br.; storage 12 per mo. Sailsf action guar. P. 4Si ft Ty. 2.10. FIDELTfy i"KE Phone Douglas -SS for complete lint of vacant houses and apartmetils: alo for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Stores waa ottlece. NEW modern storeroom, SOS North ICth street: low rent. Conrad Young, 221 Prandela Theater. Doug. 1671. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. A nice office In a, good location, make your business, plans successful. TIIE BEE BUILDING "THE BUILDING THT IS ALWAYS NKTT ' l-iriib-hes just such combination:). Office Kooin lu3. Burst aad l,ar.jn. bMAI.I. garage on Ve'l llirnty.. 14 lr , n'oiilh. I'i.oue ' 1 ii it W A Tt:i TO P.KNT N ANTl-.l Koi'in with private family. West Karnnm district, near Car line; l-efercnces. Address S f.23, I've. WANTED TO BUT WANTED To buy a black mil Angora or Per. Ian kitten. aiertl Moses, Crete, Neb. ?sle ty everything 2d hand. Tyler 141. DKKli: tumltur bought and sol. J. C. Heed. ISiT Karnarn TViug nA WANTEl To buy an Invalid chair. Charles Schwenrk. R. No. 8, fo. Omaha. Blightly used high grade piano. i. WIT. WANTED TO nOUHO YV i j , K"IlldT mortgage, i acres fruit farm; lose 10 . ar, at re iruic neeiieii an premium loan. Money for Improvements and mortgage. Address. L 4.0. Bee. RKAIj ESTATE LOAN'S WK ARK always In funds to make good farm and citv loans. PETFRS TRUST CO lfCIFarnam 8t F. M. I'ENNKT, ?0 City Nat l. Bk. Bldg. PARMLOANS. F. M. PEN NET, , ' X Cltv Natl. BkBldg. Farm loans bought and sold. FARM IAJAN9. 5 PER CENT. TOT-iANP ft THL M BULL, 448 Bee Bldg. $h TO ll'i.ooo msde promptly. F. V. Wead. Weart Hid., isth nd Farnam Sta CITY and farm loan. . tVt. per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 41 Slate Bank. VVANTKI)-City loans and warranU. W. Fernam Rmlth Co.. 1.120 Karnam Bt CITY proerty. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas, IX Stato Bank Bldg. McCoy &0'Doherty REAL EBTATr FA RM AND CITY LOANS INSURANCE RENTA I jP. 711 STATE BANK I1LDO. TEL. DOUO. 1013. OMAHA, NEB. MONEY on hand for city and larm loan H. W Binder. City National Han Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O-KKKr E REAL EsTATK CO.. HIS Omaha National. Fhone Douglas S7U. 6EE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United 8tates Truat Ce.. Ouiuha. liqL CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberb u 310-31 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST real estate and rentals with HON ELSON R. E. CO., 901 Om. Nat l Bank. REAL ESTATE FAIOI A UAM Il I. A MIS FOR SALE. California. GENIAL CALllXfRNIA. A splendid little 15-aore farm, only 2 miles from town of Patterson, Stanis laus county; all In cultivation; In a splendid neighborhood mid on one of the most beautiful boulevards In the state. Just the place for a family that wants tao benefit of the California climate and at the same time have a nice littlo farm upon which to make au easy living. Will consider a good city property In Omaha or Lincoln. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block Omaha. Live Oak Colunics, none oetter. W. T. Bmlth Co.. V1S-U City Nat. Bk. '. 2811. Iowa. HAVE TOU A FARM "JK SAIJST Write at good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City. Ia., Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium. Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning tor one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days fur $2; or 60 words, trt: or n word. $t). Largest circulation of any Iowa new. paper. ifcO.OW readers daily In four great states. 40, 80 OK 10 ACRES, good heavy soli. In well settled part of Todd county, Minn.) good reads, schools and churches; price $15 to $3) per acre; terms, $1 per acre cash, iuiJanue $1 per acre a year until land la paid for, 6 per cent Interest SCHWAB BROS.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn, Mlaneaoia. MINNESOTA WHEAT FARM. 160 acres of the richest, blackest soil In America; level as a floor; well drained; one-halt in cultivation; half in iiay and pasture: all can uo cultivated. Located near a good town; schools and churches handy; best of neighborhoods. Will exchange for city property or good. 80-acra farm in eastern Nebraska or west ern Iowa. PAYNE INVESTMENT, CO., Ware Block Omaha. Aesraika. NEBRASKA'S VALLEY OF THB NILE) You can exchange a good city residence for this 80-acre tract of irrigated land In the famous Scottabluff country. It la a fine piece of land, unimproved; In the mldat of a well settled, prosperous neighborhood. Soil udapted to sugar beets, alfalfa, grain and potatoes. A good chance for a man who wanta to turn his town home in an attractive piece of land. PAYNE INVESTMENT, CO., Ware Block' Omaha. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. $11,000 buys a highly improved farm, consisting of about 61S4 acres located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-ndnute's ride. Oood water sys tem, small amont at fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay. nice large beautiful shad tree ana all kind of shrubbery and about 10 aci-es of .natural timber, making a beautiful park. Thla la an Ideal propo sition for handling thorough ored a lock of any kind. Living spring in pasture. C. R. COMBS. $16 Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. D. 31S. MUtfT BJ5 BOLD. 373 acres. S mile from Petersburg, Neb., and Ivt miles from Raevllle, Neb.; S-room house, all modern throughout, with elec tric light; barn. 32x4s, with hed, lxl00; 2 good hog house; all floored and di vided Into pons; double orib, 10x4k, with driveway. 16x44; granary, 30x32; machine ahed. lUxlOu; some good fruit trees;, 4)0 acres wild pasture; 70 acre alfalfa; 20 acres timothy and clover; land lies slightly rolling, but not rough; good crops and good soil. Price, $40,Ui0. P. N. McCoy 711 State Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. riNK HALF brX'TION. Near Petersburg, worth $100 per a -re, will sell for $95. lAst us show this to you. McCoy &0'Doherty 711 State Bank. lwi ACKKS, sc -en-room house, new ham, W arris In alfalfa. 11 im corn land, in Burt ccunty. lust corn county In Ne braska. HTlce $n0 per acre. Terms, $l,f.ii0 cash, balance ju time. Ai't quick. K. D. I'raLt, Ti-kaniuli, Neb. Month Dakota. Bargain Quarters I have a few snap (tuarters of choice dutded land where eituilirs can bo bought from th" to $' cosh. 1'ull information on request. Address, John Mcpherson, Fort Pierre. S. 1 1. FARMS WANTED IK Vol" have fur in land for sale write V. R. A.. K23 Herald. Jollet. Til.s , REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE i For Sale or Exchange A very desirable 7-room house and large lot. on ! sved siieet, in good neighborhood. Price? K0U0. Will ax (hi.nge lor vacant land In Nebraska with good soli or for a smaller house In Omaha. J. H. Dumont & Co. 41S-U State Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. two. i-ou s a li : oiTtkade bio acre. Tiipn lounty. K'j'ith Dakota, ii iiiika fiom Dilles. aci es under plow. Will iunn'i'1 nood drill! Mi"-!;. V llilainx I u UK an fv l. ItKAl, KSTATK FOIl KXCHAXCJK ID EXCHANGE l-acre corn'and cattle farm In Hyde county, Hotith Dakota, fenced and cross fenred. Price $4."V mortgage. $l.r. Want good cottHge In Omaha for equity. W. FUAXK, Jit Neville Block; o. FORTY-ACRE arple orchard. Fine Im provements. Near good town In south eastern Nebraska. Have other business to look after and will sell or trade for elghty-ecre farm In southeastern Ne braska or residence near state university. Address .1, lti42 Poplar fit.. IJncotn. Neh. TO trade for merchandise, two linsrovrd tracts farm and Irult land near GranJ Junction. Colo., worth $U.Xfl. Good deal. M. A. Pnyder. Clifton, Colo. REAL ESTATK NOnTH STOE 4113 NORTH IDT I ST.. (-room modern house, with sleeping porch, oak finish, full basement. A big snap at only $3,300. Let me show you through. W. S. FRANK, ?1 Neville Block. o REAL ESTATE NORTITWEST $600 BUY a good three-room house; electric llrht Cell after p. m., or Sunday. 3"l! IJurdette. REAL EHTATE SOrTH SmR $375 Cash $35 Per Month low, oak finish, strlcOy modern and up-to-date in tvery way ; choice corner lot; paved street; Hanscom park district. Price for this week cut to $3,750. Terms arranged, or good lot taken an first pay ment, fee this at once. Rasp Bros. Phone Douglas it3. 106 McOague Bid?. A BAKUAIN In West Ilanacom Park, bungalow, I rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finish first floor, pine and birch finish second floor and fireplace, house all complete with storm windows and screens and lighting fix tures, for $3,600. Make an arpolntment with owner and builder to see It. Harney 7610. &-R. HOUSE. Just finished. Modern, oait finish. Btg native shade trees. On boulevard. $MH cash, balanoe like rent. Call G. A. Erkles or J. Paul E?kles. Only One Left Brand new 5-room bt.ngalow; living, dining and sun room finished in oak; sun room hsji ti windows; 2 nice bedrooms; full cemented basement, laundry connec tion, floor drain; furnace heat; east front lot; all sodded: paved street. This bun galow Is DUllt for a home. Easv term or lot taken as first payment. Located near sntn and Jxavciiworth. Let us show you this. Rasp Bros. Phone Douglaa l'&i. 106 McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Bemis Park 3320 Myrtle Ave. This house now vacant, and nonresident owner writes to cut the price and sell. Thla is a 7-room, 2-story, modern house, with fireplace. . electric lights, furnace, with good south front lot on paved street, one block from Harney car line. Easily worth $4.0oO. but we want an offer. Believe $3,300 will buy it and easy terms can be arranged. investigate at once while the house is vacant. Glover & Spain 91S-30 City National. A Sacrifice $2.80 P.educed from $3,600 to make Im mediate sale. Owner leaving city. Mod ern 7-room house; fine residence district: three blocks l'arnam car line: Kulendld south font lot, with shade, fruit and shrubbery- will make term. W: T. Smith Co. City National Bank Bldg. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $2,800 Seven rooms, all modern, furnace, south front lot; choice location; close to school', spiennia ntierrmornooa. C. a. CABLBERG, ::12 Brandels Theater Bldg. RKAIi ESTATK 8UBUKHAX Dnadee. Dundee Lot Bargains $L10, paving all paid, Both and Cap itol Ave.; cheapest in all Dundee. $1,275, 6ist and Cuming, high and sightly; cheapest lot In this district. $1,800, 62x128, overlooking Hapriy Hol low; paving for street and alley paid in full. $3.(H, 100x135. south front, corner lot, handy to car line arid the cheapest available corner In Dundee, consider Ing location. Glover & Spain 919 City National. REAL ESTATK MISCTXLAXEOC8 FIELD CLUB DISTRICT California type bungalow, stucco and brown timber, strictly modern 6-room bun galow, cant front, attractive yard, front porch and per gola; vestibule, living room and dining room finished in fumed oak, attractively dec orated; the dining room has paneled walla and (date rail; well-arranged and ventilated kitchen and pun try. new in laid linoleum on floors; en try in rear screened; two comfortable bedrooms wltn large closets; white enam eled bath room with good fixture, and plumbing; spa cious linen closet: cement basement and excellent fur nace. There sre few bungalows of Individuality In Opiaha. This la one of them. $7n0 caah, balance monthly. CALL HA RN KY 2837. Money to Loan Have oeaiitiful building lot which I will furnish the money and build a mode-n house to suit. Mma.ll first payment; bal ance 011 easy nionthlv terms. E. P. WRIGHT. Telephones- lnuglaa Z26. WtJnut 2. o. CHAtj. E. Wl LLlAMdON CO., i'axtun Hlk Doug. 2107. FtK tiALE Brick buiidiug, new, mod ern; off ico rooms below, living room above; rent for $16 per month. Invest ment will net better than Interest. Address P 622. Bee. CARTER LAKE CLUB cottage and luZ Phone Webster 6'.M) on lot 1W. o MEDfCALt RUPTURE cured in a few days without I pain. all or write Dr. Wray, SuS Bee I BIlg..Omaha Established lkL o 1 PILES. FISTULA CLTRErT Dr. E. R. Tarry cura pile fistula and Other rectal diseases without surgical I operation. Curs guarante-l and no money paid nni I cir'l. Wilts .jr book ten rtl il-'-a-.- Ui, ,":u..il.iU. UK. L. 11. 'iAliltV. 2:; i.iu i;..l. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat Shows a Drop of Four to Fire Cents Corn is Also a Little Lower. CORN PLANTING IS DELAYED OMAHA. June 1, 11Y The rash wheat market showed a loss 4ife per bushel. The receipts were fairly good but there was practically no de mand. Corn receipts were fair snd there was a pretty good demand for all grades. There were a tew cars sold at an advance of e, but the bulk of the corn sold ,c lower, Onta followed corn and wheat and were quoted Ifl1' lower. With the clear and warmer weather over the corn belt It la to be expected there will be some Increase In the move ment of corn to market. The wet weather with unusually low temperatures for this time of the year also delayed planting of corn lit many localities and there were some complaints of the seed rotting In the ground. Most of the reports on the oats crop are favorable and with clear and warmer weather arter tne re cent rains the crop. Is expected to make rapid xrogress. t learances were: v near win imh.i. eausl to 803.000 bu. : com. l,0n bn.; oats, r.V.000 bu. Liverpool closing not quoted. iMm.rv whnt rctnta were 1.fjO4.0uo bit. and shipments TW.iOO bu.. against re'vlpt of 4'.T.('00 bu. and shipments or w.i ou. last year. l'rlniarv corn receipts were S27.000 bu. and shipments SSK.QM bu., against rei-elpta of l.ft.ono bu. and shipment of 719.ft.iC bu. last year. Primary oats receipt were K4.VM) mi. and shipments 409.000 bu.. s gainst receipts of mono bu. and shipments of 8f2,00ft bu. last year. CAIIUUT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 21 ! U7 i 4 tiS 1$ 23 H! 10 Hi 75 48 Minneapolis iDuluth Omaha Kansas City ISt . louls Winnipeg $7t i nesc sales were reported today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 4 cars at $1.33; No. 3 hard winter. 8 enre at ll.JI'k I car at $L31; No. 4 spring:. 1 car at $I.:V Corn: No. 8 white. 1 car at 71,c, $ "ars at Tlo; No. 1 yellow, 1 csr at 71'e; No. yellow, 1 car nt 72c, 1 car at 71o 2 cars at "IVfcc; No. 3 yellow, 6 cara at 7l'c, 2 cars at 71c; No. & yellow, 1 car at 71o; No. S yellow, 1 car tsourl at 70c: No, 2 mixed, 2 care at 70' vc; No. 3 mixed 1 cars (near what) at 71c; 1 cars at 70WH. 4 cars at 7tUc, 3 cars at 70c; No. S mixed. s cars at i(c; sample, 1 car at sue. Oats: No. 8 white. 1 car at 4;o, 1 car at 47c, 1 car at 48c; No. 4 white, S cara at 4tc; sample, 3 cars at 45c, car at ac. iiye: No. 3, 1 car at $1"', 1 car at $L0h. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key, $1.324'iH.33; No. 8 turkey. $ 1.82!. ! '-i; No. 2 hard, $1.31 Vl'l. 32: No. .1 hard, tHWi fcl.Sl'-,; No. 4 hard. $l.2i!.; No. :i spring. tl.ZWM; No. 3 durum. ILMtf 1.81: No. 3 durum, $1.29d1.30. Corn: No. 2 while, 71!ia7i4c: No, 3 white, 71tf71Sc: No. 4 white, 7Ofic70c: No. 6 white, (aV.tJf No. white, 9H1f7t)ic; No. 2 yel low, 71V(f72c; No. 3 yellow, 'OViiTlUt'i No. 4 yellow, 7044r7tc: No. 6 yellow. 7(i) 71c; No. 8 yellow, 4r70ie: No. 2 mixed, 70Oi7&V: No. 8 mixed, .OtrVOSc; No. 4 mixed, fWa'dli". No. 6 mixed, 9!i'Q70e; No. mixed, 694f70c. Oats: No. t white. 47r4Se; standard. 47.ji47ac; No. h white. 4tmM74c; No. 4 white. 4W,i6-c. Barley: Malting. Urt8r: No. 1 feed. SKiH ORc. Rye: No. 8, $1.08lxt;l.'; No. 8, $1.07'i I01.W. CHICAGO liHAIN ANO rROVIHOM Feat area at the Trading; asi Cloelus; Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June 1. Favorable weather and lower cables tended to bring about weaaneaa tooay in the wheat market here. The conditions were such that the harvesting- was reported to he general throughout northern Texas, with pros pects that cutting would reach -central Oklahoma within a week. There were also advices that wheat from India was being pressea -ior sale at iverpool. prices here, after opening l'fir" lower, steadied at a moderate rally. Pronounced heaviness developed later, owing to estimates of K0,00u,ou0 - bushels greater yield than Indicated at this time a year ago. Tho close was steady, at SIHSc under Saturday night's level. Corn sagged with wheat. Improved rrop reports counted also against the bulls. The opening which, ranged from UWSo to VuSc lower' was followed bv an additional downturn. Values continued to drop, Influenced somewhat by Increased country offer Inge. Tho close was steady, at SOlc to I've net decline. Traders In oats showed a disposition to be guided by the action of other grain. Business was of fair volume. Lack of demand resulted In a down ward slant for provtmon. Pork led the decline. Futures ranged as follows: Artlclel Open. Hlgh.l Iaw. I Close. Te.' y. Wheatl July. Sept Corn. 1 23'i 1 IS !!! 1 MS 1 J8a 7i,, I 1 20,1 1 31 1 J ITU) July Hept. Oata. July. 7i,! 7SH 76", TS I 4S 444 7 47',, 45i 15 97-y 7H Hept. 44'tj 18 05 li 50 4C' 43 I Pork. July. 18 10 IS 00 IS 00 I 18 W'i, Kept. 18 36 18 & 9 r TTtJ) 10 10 Si. 10 &7Vx 10 6''J 10 U 10 87ii Lard July. 9 8711 9 say Sept. Rib.. July. 10 15 10 li 10 10 62M, Sept. 10 2H 10 -jhi Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 2 hard, $1,3641.38. Corn: No. 2 yellow, Tift "iHc; other nominal. Oats: JCo. a white, 4!A4jH5l4c; standard. 60H'01Vic Bye: No. 2, nominal: No. 8, Sl.15. Barley: 71"&75i'. Timothy: J5.0O7r7.50. Clover: $S.E4a 13.50. Pork: $J7.00. Lard: SS.tC',!. Ribs: $H.S;',i CplO.S74i. HI'TTER SNeady ; creamery, iSii'-KV-c. rXKJS Steady; receipts. 22.4.W cases; at mark, cases Included. Hi'vulSe; ordinary firsts, Wrtllc; firsts, lc. POTATOES Lower; receipts, ao ears; Michigan and Wisconsin, red, 4"'j4:.o; Michigan and Wisconsin, white, 4.V1OOC. lOULTKY Alive, higher; fowls, lie. Omaha liar Market. PRAIIirB HAT About twenty rati were on tracks here. Receipts yesterday and today amounted to seven cara. There hah been a few cars of very choice buy here this week and they have moved off very rapidly. Shipment of anything that ran be loaded that ia vnnd is advised. Following Is the range of values: Choice upland. $13.60; No. 1, $i:.&0'rl3.00; No. 2, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. J ,1 . orlll .m Ml.lv.,1 trn .. : 1 of rt. Patrick' church, Imogene, Ia., ac. cording to plana and speiificatkins pre. pared bv Harry I-awrle, archied, 27 1 Van ton block, on or before 12 o'clock noon 1 June 21, lsl. Bids to be addressed to j Rev. E. Hayes, imogene, la., and plana , can be sen at architect's office, or at the office of E. A Wlckham & Co., lit ! Rcott ht., Council Bluffs, la., and at the I residence of Rev. Kviiriond Hayea, I r.- la Th Hff-l.t la ... reject any and all bids. liti'A. I MABHIA4.E I.ItK.NSICK. Licenses to wed have ben Issued 10 the following: Name and Address. Age. Oscar L. Anderson. Omaha ."9 Anna T. I'aulson, Hartford, Conn 23 Clarence B. Meadows, North Piatt.... 27 Bertha Wennlnghof f, Omaha 26 letrlech Luschcn, Iiviiigton 20 Mela Cohrs, ISonaon 21 'leorge M Woods, York 23 Ethel R. Rotter, Omaha sj Ralph J. Waack. Omaha 22 Julia Otiger, Oinaha 19 Andrew Fisher, Ft. Dodge, la.. ..over 21 Anna M. EUtng. OinahA over 18 John A. Page, Omaha , 34 Susie Ktrtchiln. Oiiitlit 28 as 39 2S 24 24 a 36 s. . 34 '- Clement A. Stone, Doniphan . Anna E. Hulllvan. Doniphan .. Alfred O. Blaufuua, Omaha .. alargaret A, Keilog, Omaha .. Ernest 11. Oall. Omaha JlcU-n Sander, Oniaba f'lai-enie L. Bergman, Omaha I.!liut Weinberg. Omaha D1I1111.4 Daley. Omaha Call ci ne M 4'aithy. CiiisI.h .. $:0 0i,r11 00; No. 8, $: 0ftr e0: rholce mid land, $i:li0; No. 1. $U O.flJ .Vl; No. 2, $100n 'Tlt . No. 3. $iS.Vdi ft'; choice lowland. $M.t-til2u; No 1. lirtrtujn.O), .No. j On trie ft'; No. 8. $3.0tf" 00. ( fT RAW None on the msrket. choice bent is quotahle at Wft0 ;a. cult At.o imti An rno isiox Frataree ef the Tradlaa aait loslag Price aa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. June 1 Estimate that the l-'lSi crop of wheat in tho I'nlted States would be fci.ftiooni) bushels more than was Indicated for the growth at this time a year ago bad a good deal to do loiffty with a sharp decline In prices. The mar ket closed steady, but S'.r to 4c under hat ii May night figures. Other leading staples, too, showed a net loss corn. Vif 1c to lV'UV; oats. Miv' Di1'iic, ann provisions, .V,j7ic to av. Readjustment ni allies to sitare with the outlook for the nea- crop of wheat orougni aiiout heavy liquidating sales by holders and also resulted In continued pressure from sitorts. Besides, westlier conditions. Iwth southwest and north wral. were of a kind to favor the hears. Harvesting was said to be general throughout northern Texas, with chance that cutting would be under ay In cen tral Oklahoma In less than a week. A break In prices at Liverpool, due In part to free offerings from India tended fTr ther to demoralise the hull side here. 1'ioflt-taklng by shorts caused a moder ate y reaction In the wheat market near the close. The rally was helped a I .Vie by a liberal decrease In the United States visible supply total. On the other hand, the quietness of export call acted " a check on any decided upturn. Corn suffered chiefly owing to sympa thy with the break In wheat. Better field conditions snd some enlargement of rural ofterlnga tended also to drive awsy sup port. In oata. ss In corn, the principal guide waa tiie action of wheat. Near the end of the session, however, oats were some hat affected by rumor of big sales to Europe. Provisions went lower with grain and hogs. Packers were said to hsvo lieen free sellers of lard. OMAHA UKMF.R4L MARKET. BUTTRR No. 1. i-Ib. cartons. Sic: Na. t o-lb. tub. ISO. CHKITB -imported Swiss, 32c; Amer ican tjwtss. Mc; block Mwlss, Uc; twins, Ihc; daisies. 17Vc; triplets. 17 Wc; loung America. 18c; blue label brick, lfcSto; Urn burger. 8-lb. ; New York white, lsc; imported Wench Koqucfort, 40o. FISH-Trout, 14c; large crspplea. 14c; halibut, 13c; channel catfish, 14c; herring. Jc: codfish, 14oj mackerel, lfc; salmon 1ho. RWICKT POTA TO le Kansas, $3.76 bbl.. Wholesale prices of beet cuts effective April it are aa follows: LKEF CC1V4-K10S, No. I, 18o; No. 2. lSo; No. 8, 18Vc. Loin, No. 1. y'ie; No. 3. 204c; No. 3. 2oic Chucks, No. 1. llo; No. 3, 11V; No. 8, 11V.C Hound. No. 2, ibo; No. , 15c; No. I, lh,o. -Plstra. No. 1, Ac: No. 2, He; No. 3, i,c. I'OITLTRY-Bronere, 20c; spring chick, ens, l&o. hens. Ho; cocks. 8'.k; roosters, i'-rc. stags, Mrc; ducks. 15c; geese. li)e; turkey, I8tflhc; pigeons, per dog., tsw: ducks, full feathered. 1(V, geese, full feathered, $c; squab. No. L $i.M; No. 3, ofTr0'1. ,nJ "setabie prices furnUned by Glillnski Fruit company: KKiriT(4-Orangea: Fancy California navels, 100a, $3.i6 per ho.x. Fancy Call iornia late Valencies, lilds. $.J per box; luus to 3JUs, $3.60 per box lu-hnx lots, $.L W per box); "A B C." $4.00 per box. lemons: Extra fancy Ooluen bow, JitN, .Mia, $n10 per box. Fancy nilver Cord, stXis, 3fi0s, $4.00 per box. Kxtra fsncv Soultiland Beauties, ."Wis, $V0O per box. Fancy Juntrlte, 3os. 3'.ia. $t.uo imt box. Oraefrult: Celebrate Chase brand, .s. S4.no K-r box; 4is, $.o0 per box; 54s, K.tB per box; Ms, $5.00 per box. Plne spples: ' Kxtra fancy Cubau. 24s, 30s, $2.75 per crate; extra fancy Florida, 24s, 30s, 3ti, l. per crate, llanunaa: Medium slxe. $2.ioi2.26 per bunch; Jumbo lrult, Changalnola and Port Limon, 4o per lb. Straw berries: Kxtra fancy Missouri (qts.i, $3.W per case. Calllonila cherries: Ten-pound hoxaa, $3.50 per box. Apri cots: Four-basket crates, $xoo per crate. VKGKTABLKS-Callforiiiu tiuw cab bage, 85 to 104Mb. crates, ,V per Ih. Celery: Jumbo, $1.00 per doi. Peppers: 60o per basket; leaf lettuce, 40c per dos. To matoes: Fancy, $3.0o per crate; choice. $3.M per crate. Artichokes: $1.M per dos. Unions; yellow, 2c per lb.; extra, Texas Bermuda, white. $1.10 per crate; Texas Bermuda, yellow, $1.36 per crate. POTATOF.S Minnesota, white, 75o per bu. New potatoes: Texas Triumphs. IiiO Ib sacks. 3!tC per lb. MlrtCKLLANEOlTB Cocoanuts, $3.50 Per aack; C1O0 per dog. Nuts: No. 1 California walnut., Iho per lb.; flllierls, lfic ier lb.; Bracils, 12Vc per ih.; pecans, :i'ic per lb. Hugar walnut dates, $Ui0 per box: Llmas, $L.S per banket. Shelled popcorn, 4c per lb.; almonds, 200 per lb.; crackerjac.k, $0.50 jwr case; case. $l.7f. 1'eanuu: Kaw, 7c pur lb.; roasted, 8Vic per lb.; sack lots, Jumho, 8c per lb.; salted. S3 -CO per can.. A.porarua: Homegrown.. lb. bunches, Soc per dot. bunches. Uaasas City Oral a and Provision. KAN8AI4 CITY. Mo., Jun I WHKAT No. 2 hard, $1 .S3-L3&; No. 3 red, 1 1. IT. Holy, SI .I4aiei.l4ta; Heptember, tllloS I.KA4; Iiecetnber. $1.12S. CORN No. 2 mixed, 74o; N". 2 white, iic: iso. 2 yeuow, ic; rio. a, 7om.cj July, 76V(i7i"i"ie: tteptemher, TIVc; December, ttf'nc. No. 2 while, 4:ku-Vc; No. S mixed, ICVii 474r IHITTKU Creamery. 2b4c: firsts. 24'ic; seconds. 2J'-c: packing, lH4c. K(iOH Firsts l"ic; aM-unds. IGo. PtiLLTRY liens, 13c; roosters, 10c; turkeys, 15c. Minneapolis Urala Market. M1NNKAPOLTS. June 1. W1IKAT July. $l.'; rleptember, $1.164: No. I hard, $1,434; No. 1 northern, $1.474; No. 2 northern, $1 fctWWl.Stt. FLOC it Declined; fancy patents, $7.45; first clears. $6.30; second clears, $4. 30. xBAKLEY 4J7W73C. HYB 81.18fM.18. BRAN $21.50, CtjRN No. 3 yellow, 7Mt71c. OATH No. S white. 48HHVjc, FlJX-$l 72fl.76. s Liverpool Grata Market. LI VERItjOL, June 1. WHKAT 4ol. weak: No. 2 ManiUiba, 1J1; No. 3, MsS'-d- No. 1 northern Duluth, 13s 5d; No. i hard winter. Ma 4d. CORN ipot, quiet: American mixed, new, ti 2d; 1 a Plata mixed. Ss lVid. London Stock Market. 1.DON, June 1. Only a small amount of hurilpcsr wao transacted in the Ameri can securities section of the stock msr ket and price dlli.ed. The closing was dull. SILVFTR Bar. 23d per ounce. MONnY I'h'iiI'i per cent. DInCf T'VT Ii ATlCf Hhort bills, 2,1r2'i per cent; inree months, 213-lly2T it cent. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, June 1. MERCANTILE1 PAPKR-3li,'M per cent. HTKRLINU EXCHANGE 410-day bills, S4.7&75; demand. $4 VXM; rablea, $4.78. S1LVEL Bar, :,-, ilexhau dollar. . liONDri Oovernment. steady; railroad, easy. MONEY Time loans, steady; t duvs. tlVn'i per cent; ninety daya. 2 ir icent; six months. 3y'tH per cent. Call n-oney. steudv, high. 2 per cenl: low, l- per cent: ruling rate. 2 per cent: last loan. 2 er cent; closing bid. li per cent; offered at 2 per cent Nt. I.ouls Oral a Market. ST. I-Ol'IS June I. WHEAT No 1 red. $1.27'n.l.3U; No. 2 hard, nominal, July, il.Ws . September. $1.144. CORN No. 2. 70Vtc; No. S white, 77c; ijuly. 75Ue; September, 757iTr'4c. 1 OATS No. 2 uoc; No. 2 white. 6S-. POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS SHOW A DECIDED INCREASE 1 nitcd stales postal saving, batiks broke all record, during the last year, according' to lnfortnstion received by Postmaster Wharton. During the eight month prior to Apr 11,1 there was a net gain in deposits of $19,000,000. During the same period the preceding year the gain of deposits wag only H.tWU.OuO. This was. no doubt, largely due to the war In Europe preventing the sending back to the old countries of mil lion that would have gone In peaceful times. The record show that depoaltoia In the postal savings bank now number more than 600.000 and more than 40 per lent of these are foreign bom. The foreign-born deoltors own more then half of the total dej.slts. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET !H Cattle Trade Unchanged-Larabi Sell Steady to Fifteen to Twenty Fire Cents Higher. BIG NICKEL BREAK IN HOGS SOUTH OMAHA, June 1. 191B. Receipts were: Cattle. TTors. Hheep. Offlrlal Monday .1.4.S S t .V 72 Estimate Tuesday . . ..kit l!.;e0 "4.42.' Hi.-' 1 .lt I;..-' lift) Two days this week.. H.7.S Simo days lust week.. .10.17 fame days i.' ks ag.. .ll.M'i Hsme day f wlis ag't.. s.i i f'aine days 4 wks ago..U.S7' Same days st year .. .i.Kjif, '.172 & X71 1 ;i.ifc; ' 7 7i I li'Mi u'.n, . D.hlti nv. , . ... . .. , . 1 The following table shows the receipts of cattle bogs and sheep at the hcmtli umana live sto k market for the year to date, as compared elth last year: Ir.t lr,,v I Csttle : ,,n;; -n TluTS H gs I.."'..I7 1.1.V2 T2H 242. ''7 "heep M1,V2 !I,W4 iy,H'.: The following table shows t" average price for hoes at the 8outh wmaha live to-k murkei for the last few dais, with comparisons. . . I I14. '10K1. '19U. 1811 . !1!10. IJ "i. I Date I ll'Kv May IN' . a 2. 8 24 7 ;) May 17.1 7 g s) 7 gji 5 qi 08 ? T is. 7 ;,' 8 Ki ! 7 W i M, 44, 7 02 May ). T. I 8 Hi 8 88 May May May 20.1 J .11 IS 1, S 881 7 Wi 73; 3 S 3H ill 7 8V 8 24i 8 M 7 43 1 41 7 01 22. I ,, 8 l.; s a 7 4ii f 4 17 m) 2.1 1 !i ii.i ii c.i i; d ill May May 24.f I $ 801 7 Ml i 2,' S 3. S 7 May Jb.i 7 :- 4 nr. : u. r. a w 7 M r W. 7 8Hi,, 7 tr, 8 4V I S 8.1! 8 141 7 14 May 3. 7 41 S, $ 01. 8 42, ... .ii ui a , 3 s i. I is 5 :s 1 1 is 5 j;; i i jji mZZ ' i 1 lH I! ?W' . J 7.W May if' - i 7. ! fl I it K-V - !'" , i."5",v.T .jiji2.i 3X & 841 8 27! 7 14 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live elock at the I'nlon Htork Y rda. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. 1 emri uay : ( ItrA. Kin 14 I A Hi. ' Cattle. Hogs Sheep ll'r's. C.. M. A. NI. P.. Uy, R II Wabash Uy 2 Mo. lciric Ky 7 s I'nlon Pacific Ut... a Tii 4 I C. N.-W., east... U t 1 2 t. N.-W.. west.. M H2 C, ft. P., M. O.. 22 l 1 C, 11. Q , east.. 112.. C, B, eV Q., west.. 78 44 1 1 C.. It. I. P., east.. 12 II C.. 1L I. P., west. .. 3 Illinois Central Ky. II 1 Chicago tl. West.. 4 f Total receipts '272 2M 8 7 DIr'POSITION-ilrJAD. tttle. lings. sheep. Mori la a- Co 7:7 2.2.12 nwtrt 4"o I,4: 4.1 ft.', J' 3.244 2.1M 2,4442 t-udany Pncklng Co....l.!f23 Armour Co 974 ISchwartF t J. V. Murphy Lincoln I'm king Co S. O. Packing Co t. Clair Packing Co.... W. H, Vansone t.'o Hill . Sop 2H l.'t I 4 2 1:12 li2 uu 14 21 2li 4i'2 27 28 12 42 241 117 W 1H 40 B. Iwl J. H. Bulla L. F. Husg Hoaenstock Bros Mct-reary ft Kellogg.. Wertheimer Ac Degen.. H F. Hamilton Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Chrlntle Hnlfuian ltnth Meyera Tanner, Bros liaker, Jones & Built 11 John Harvey.. K earns lher - buyers 111 Totals :..S.1 1!.N 1.813 CATTLI'i-ltecelpts were rather liberal today and the quality of the offering fully up to the recent excellent aver age. Trade was alow In opening out, but good to choice gradee,. both heavy and light, sold at pretty close to steady fig urea, there being quite a little Inquiry for shipping account a well aa a broad demand fiom locul dressed beef men. i!holec yearlings sold up to $.t.00 and heavy cattle mado a new high mark of $8.90. On the medium and common kinds, which were In liberal aupply. the trade was slow from the start and the trend ef values lower. . The market for cows and heifer wa in much the same shano a on Monday. Kuppltr of she stock were of moderate proportions and demand was not at all urgent from any quarter. Dealrable light rows and choice heifers found a ready .ale at firm figures, but rough and grassy 4-ows were slow sellers ami in some . ahnfle lower. Veal calves.' bulls, stags, etc., were steady to a little easier than yesterday. As has been the tase for some time, the trade In atoclr. cattle snd feeding steers was vary light. What few go4l to choice cattle were erfered generally sold ut stesdy figures, but ou the medium and common stuff that made up the bulk of the offerings It waa a caUh-aa-cat.h-can trade. . , Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice yearlings. $8.44u0o; good to choice txrn fed beeves. $8.siri8.7T: fair to good corn fed beeve. IK. 1 off. a.".; common to fair comted beeves, $7.uOy.lO; good to choice heifers, $7.008.00; good to cholee cows. t.M7 M; fair to good cows, $j.750 80; common to fair cows. $1.7ii.75; good to choice stickers and fseders. $7.tKKng.10; fair to good stacker and feeders. $7 00 7.0O ; common to fair gtocker and feed ers $.0Olf?.O0; stock heifers. 4.00;.U; stock cow, $i.7fxf.76; stock calves. $ GO tiW; veal ealvas, $8.if10.: fat bulls, stags, etc.. $t.OOi0l.X; slock bulla $u.0i9 Ilcpreaentatlve sales At. Pr, No. A. Pr. .1448 8 44 .UU 8 t .law 8 I .13014 8 m .1171 8 V U'O t 7 . 444 8 to .rwi 8 m M4 IC4 VA 7 7 174 8 0 .....1171 8 1 . ...lirju I ia .....km; it 1112 I 26 ....ti4 8 SO . IRIS S 2h .. 8... 7... 24.. 17... 11... 31... '-... It... 7... I (.... I 31.. : 41.. 14.. I . If.... 14 . .. It.. ir,.. HTr Khf AND HF.IFERfi. 4VM 7 It 771 8 ilk 8 IM t 4k 4 .i an I H t tw 4 M 4 70 4 7r. 4T 4. 2 0 711 71 1 V 4 1 8 US 8 an 4 -.';. J.. 21... Jt... ill... . . 14 .. . 740 , tuO . Ill . V.l . mr . 71 . 7 . It.. .11:4 . ila 8 M t'l IWH. .si 1 ;, . . 7w a Zb .104,4 (,', 111... ..17 4 TS 7 4)0 e-i 4 . 4 pi ... (... . ., i. ..110 .1114 ..tlrtu .. .'! .14 7 .lum 7 7i . 7 t liKll'ERI 7 GO KUDUS U I . 4 44 aiat-:s 167 . tai . .ltd 41, 7 III jno 10 en Khhl"-.iu- I 771 ;i ' 47 7 4'. uu 7 7i ! liM S ' very large this I AN ! 14 1 ini . 774 7 7M 7 Kl , Tkl 7 4 a... I IOO S Receipts morning, some JHl were ( arp or i J ii'-so. Wing reported In. Total for the two daya foots up 28 422 hesd, Iwlng 1 i.0"0 larger than a aeek ago and twice aa large aa a year ago. This week's supply la slightly amaller than two weeks ago. but with ' that exception 1. the largest for several I weeks. Shippers, who bought their nogs mgn yesterday, demanded a 1l'nl.'.i! remission thla 11101 ning, and in most eases It was grunted, the bulk of their purchases !e ing madu at $7.3507.45. Packers tried to use the liberal supplies aa a club to for.-e u decline similar to that made on shipping grade., but sellers balked here, and as a teault it waa well along in the forenoon before much was done. When fust sales Here finally made they 'ooked to be nearly a dime off. but not a great many hogs sere cashed this way. and when the firat strings of any also began to move prices were hardly 6-iiliKj down. Even then 1110 v .me nt was not lively enough to suit hovers, and values Im proved as the morning advanced, so that when the big bulk of the offerings was llnally 1 ashed the flguies paid woie nut iiulus 6c lower than yesterday's killer trade. Today's killer market averaged up about a nickel off. but the big dV.cltue In shippers mails the r.eneral market show up worse than thai. Big bulk of the packer droves was 1 purchased at fl .tlWilT , with the long : string at the latter figure. There was j quit a sprinkling down to $7.36, scd ste ers! loads of shipper went a high a $7.41'. the oay s lop and 15c lower than yesterday's high figure. neprviMinuuivo ra'es St. ...ft !7 Tr. 7 t. T Ii N's. 4.. II... Mb. Tr ... 7 4. 7 42w 7 i .IT' Kill 7 4;. 1 fllKHI' - Another mo.leiste supple showed up this motnlns. only shunt nine cars, or i,2 head, being reported In. Re ceipts for tho two dnvs are the smallest i of the year, and,, for that mslter, the 'smallest since tail yearn ago, when only , !.M head received on the llrat two days of the year, and for t lint tnntter. the small est elnen two vesrs ao. when only i.i head wi re recoiled on the first two days being less than half us large as both Isst seek and two week ago, and 2.' smaller than for t.ie same (lays Isst year. There was more of an assortment here this niornliiK, and qunllty was generellv n good deal better than was the esse yesterday, hut the offerings were prettv hiMllv mixed up, ami It was hard to mak very accurate comparisons of prices. Ad ices from other points Indicated a slight upturn In lamb values and local buyers ritd not waste much time In rleanlng up the bulk of the ..fferlnna at prlcea that were ilinue'i niiiTieen- ii'im ri'-ni.. ,,, ... -.,,., ,.limr. ,-,,,. i,iKher. There - - .i,i .,.,, ,,f nlnloii as to he amount of the advene hut the figures quoted cover nil shies of the trade. ' luod clipped lambs sold ss high as $10.00. as against 0 top of W lit the close of laM week, with the lean desirable stuff on down the linn. Two loads of California springers that were hnrdly as fat as those heiie last week went at $11 HO, but It took natives to piit a top on the trade, several small hum-lies of these going at $!2.li'ifl2.'2S. . . A number of Finall package of ewes I were ini-imic.i m ine receipt, nnu wnio thev moed readily enouijh. they wen not at the outside any lietter than steady w It M last week s close. A lew women NhmiIos brought $rt.2. but the bulk of the shorn stuff sold well below rS00 quotations tin sheep and lambs: Imbs shorn light $'.4rttri0.fti; lamhs, shorn, heavy. $ !i'i1.': Innibs spring. J1o.00i 12 i;r. eweSk shorn. $1 nOtrS.75. Itpre-iiiiitic n No. Pr 31 1- l I J 12 10 4 ft) -.,f. ,,,ia iirlnu lambs . ;::; ,,..nbat. 33 name spring Istnbs native a! ring lamb. i rVaijo ewe.::::::::::::.::: .. : .. K .. M .. S7 8S IIICA4.4 MIR STOCK MAR.Tft.KT Cattle ftteady llogs l.cmfr gkeep gtrona. CHlCAOt), June 1. CATTLK-necl!its, Jt.Ono head; market eteadv; native beef steers. $7.lvi7.34; western steer. SHKiVrr 2i); cows and helfe-s, $i.30friS.7T; calves. $7.oi4o. Hons lteeelpts. 14,010 head: msrket weak; 8i lower; bulk of sales S7.rsiiir7.TT; light. $7.4r.ii7.sfl; mixed, $7.4"if775; beav . $7.4a7.t".; rough. r.MjT ; pig. $6.7311 ".3:1. RHF.EP AND LAMBS Receipts, rnoii head; market strong: ahecp, $4i.5i6'7.tjO; lambs, $;.7uVf)0.fl. Kt. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. 1 .01 TIS. June 1.-ATTLK Tte celtts. 4.IU0 head; market higher; native beef steers. $7.fiCiT!.2 : yearling steers and hell'era. $s.ov.0.30; cows. $ii.0TVff7.M; storkers nd feeders. SOn-if, 2fi: southern steers, $".20'ti8.6B; cows and heifers. $4.0vft .; native calves, $il.Vm4i.7S. linil.l- Receipts. 10.200 bend: market lower; pigs and liithta. $.2Mi7.1f; mixed and butchers. $7.7S4'j7. W : good heavy. w riHEBP AND lAMB Recndpts. 3.70H head; mnrket higher: clipped native mut tons, JT.OTsir'S.OO; ellpned lambs. S.0O.75; spring lnmbs, tlO.4JUlplI.75. .Kansas City Live Bt4fk Market. KANSAS CUT. Mo.. June 1-CATTI.R ReCelptH. 7,000 head; market weak; prime led Steers, as. (ixiw iw; arwssjn. - ateern. SX.tXWi H.7F: western steer., f7.m 8.N5; slockers and feeders. $t.2Vflt,40; bulls, SH4.4SHrt7.ar,; calves. $.& 10. 00. , . lUKiti Receipts, llt.OtiO head: market, lower; bulk of .alea. $7.i7.7V heavx-, $7 tX7 80; packer and butchers, $i.5flf i.76; light. tT.rT.ii7.7,"; pigs, 80 rKir7.2o. ,-HEKI' AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.l head; market strong; lambs. tW-0"'! ;!n; ' yearlings. $7.IV-,i.2R; wethers, $5.7jiir7.0i; ewe.. $r.23i4l.2S. I ' t, Jesepto Live Stock Market. ST. JOHKPH, June 1. CATTU". Re-celpt-4, 1 .600 head; market alow; steers. $; floniu.f); cows end helfera. $4 o,X.i8..,; calves. $il.00ji0 4xl. HtJtlH Receipts, ".tV9 head' market lower; top. $7.05; bulk . ot sales, $7.ir.tr 7'HKEP AND LsMBS4-Keclnts. J.otut head; mttrket aleadv; lambs, $10.0041 H. 1 RVa ported Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. June l.-KVAPORATED , APPLES julet: fancy, tfn; choice, 7Vo8c; rrlme, 7H4T4c. DRIED F R C 1 TS Prunes, unsettled: California. 4ViH4o: Oregona. 8',tr.c. Apricots, dull and eajry: choice. TV.'H i.'.c: extra choice. 7Vjific: fancy. SWiiiloV. Peaches, weak; choice. 414fKc: extra choice, tA4KVi fnncy, VAtic. Ra alns. steadv; loose mus-a tela. 7UiitTHc: tdiolce to fancy seeded. 7r7c; seedless, KMiV; London layers. $1.4btil.B0. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jun t MKTAIt lrad, $4.8.(ft4.9;. Ppelter, neglected. Capier, firm; electrolytio, $1. Tin. quiet; five ton lots, $27 .ioci M.60. Iron, steady; No. I northern, $14.fOB'l5.00; No. 5, $14.25pl4.7J:: No. 1 southern, $14.0014. M; No. 3, $13.75 414. 2S. At London: Boot copper, 78 17s 6d; futures. C7 lis. Spot tin, 180 10; fu tures. 160. Antimony. 110116. Lead, 21 10s. t'otlee Market. NEW YOTIK, Jun 1. COTTON H pot, quiet; middling upland, 8.66e. No sales. Cotton futures opened barely steady; July, .27c: October, S.62c; December, 8.36c; January. StsV. LIVEKPOOL, June 1. CXrTTON 8pot. barely steady: good middling. 47d; mid-, dllng. I.Ud; low middling, S.tKd. rsxiee 4.000 trrr Good Market. NKW TOHK. Jun L DRT OXJODS Cotton roods were quite today. Yarn were dull. Dress goods firm and quiet; silk; easy; Jobbers reported a season able demand for wash fabrics and whit goods. Wtreittmtltm Otrm gmitafaattm Gombault'a Caustic Balsam W'' .aasjsK' -..'. 2- f in Imitators Eat Ka Corcpstitors. A Safe, 6 peed y gad PoeitiT Cur tor Curs, lint wsaay. 0s Beak. StrstBM X radons, F.uad.r, Wiai ftitb, ami all lamcaus from f pesia, Kisfbsos aaS o'h.r ssoy tiuasra. Cun ail skia dluasa r PanauUa. VUruth, Ilikthorie. Krm.TM au SiuMhcs from Sons.", er Cattl. 4. a Kimii IBia, for KknaastinB. Iprsias, Bar. Tar 0.1, sta., It I. lur.lulTS Lv.ry bonis of O.a.ti. Balsam solt t. W.rr.ntsd to siv. sntUlstlbii. l'ir 41 Si. IM bottle Sou l y arac.iau, or r: b .i. Rrwu, eb.rs lid, wltu full direction. IV' ls um. ttrsa tow ddripttv eiruderf. tesUisDalsts, etc u.rsM . Ill M.finveniiii.Mf v., VISV.ISSS, Iff, 72etgl will reduce lalUroeU, swollen Joint, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunch; HeaU Boila, Poll Evil, Qulttor, Fistula, or any unhealthy lore quickly alllii Mldr. aatiiciMu sad rrnstctd. PkaMnc Is sst doei not blister eaen bsa4ate er i ss tk. kali, ug roe eta w.'k ike km 82.00 set bans, 4cbe ! ABSORBINE. JR., ssdMstk Ssiavaa ssVsstakiiia I RrSsne rmialni, 4soli Vt Okie, W, ami.. . mtim. mof rHI sa. InS.isma. Trum SIM ym halt . I a Sam! i ScliMraA. W1U laU rsa sm M ysa wrua. IM.ixifsrtsra. m.il wf W.Mroukft. P.D.lH114IU tl,SrinSl1, Ha. . .M i