Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    THK BEE: . OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNK 1. 1!15.
Monday, May 31, 1915.
Th bridesmaids will bo Miss Illldrr that city. He will rrturn In St UmW
I Ahrrtnn of Minneapolis, sister of th ! to an Mat. whr M will TMumn his
bridegroom; MIm Helen Moffat of Pitta-1 rlatf ;n the thrnllr l sntilnsry t
burati. Miss Mona Cowell of Omaha and ' Auhtirn, 7. Y.
. B I I rm II criifiiii t. ... lilliwnnin, Ill,
the eoeptton of Miss As.ersnn the biidos
matds were In school with Miss Rlak at
Wellewley. Ribbons will be stretch bf
the Misses Marlon Carpenter. Henrietta
lUCanue, Helen Buck and Mary Phll-dlppl.
AN Intf resting itory Is making the rounds of the college set and ha
ben the caus? of the greatest peculation among them aa to Just
. who ahe aa.
A, modestly dressed young woman boarded the Burlingtoi
.rain for Lincoln to attend the last Pan-Hellenic dancing party.
The young lady retired to the d reusing room and after a long wait
ibe passengers began to Inquire for hr safety, when ahe emerged to dat
rle tVIr eyes with a atubnlng evening gown.
Many guest from Omaha attended the affair and so rue of them did
not arrive In Lincoln until :t0 In the evening and consequently It was
lmicratlre that they he dressed and ready for the dance by the time the
train pulled I. It Is presumed that most of them either fussed up before
they left Omaha, or else waited until they could get to a Lincoln hotel to
li ut on the finishing touches. But at least one of them prepared her toilet
In e Pullman dressing room and the question now bothering the fraternity
en Is:
"Was my girl the one who caused such a commotion on that train?"
At Happy Hollow Club.
The Happy Hollow club had tbc Urged
orrnlng In the history of the club (at
i.rday evening. Tables were placed In
the ball room and v4 guest were served
t dinner. V.ltui Mabel Morrow pave a
luncheon of seven covers today. Mrs. E.
U. Hamilton had ten gueatu and Mr. II.
I. Adam five. Ptnnera on Tuesday eve
ulna; will be given by Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Hiorr.e, who will have eight guests, and
rr. and Mrs. K. C. Henry, who liav
enervatlona .or eight, and WalUr I,
Fllver for four. ,
To Honor Bribe.
Ml Winifred Hoaau gave a kitchen
o!idr Saturday In honor of Mia Helen
faundera, who will be i srrlcd Wednes
day to Mr. Krnest Gail Those present
' MAadamoa -
Mcsdamo -llofer
'erbert Wing,
Jlhn M Kc.. .
Misses' .
.lull fhl.
.NUry Chriatlaueen,
Marr Tunry,
Mlnrrl Cneiland,
Nora Brochman,
Jnejili N'lcliola,
Joseph tloifan,
M tssea
Viarle Urogan.
Ma Toi der,
Alara-aret O'Neil,
lrn llnirnn,
Ella 1yn.h.
Carter Lake Club.
Th rornial ouanliiR of the Carter t-ake
.!ub will be held this evening, with a
dlnnw-dance. . Among tlmaa who will
fttrtaln are: ir. and Mr. W. T KUly,
who will have five auet: A. CI. Nelson,
(out: Heorge F. Abhott. to; Fred B.
i'utts. ftaht; A. W. Fl'mlmhmns. two:
.'. L. I'udloy, three; 1,. C. Rimpson, two;
W.t I.. Holsman. five: It. N. Krsnkum,
six; Ueorge R. Parker, tun; T. N. liiBh,
four; (Jlc Smith, four; Hubert Ansted,
two; J. A. Rogers, four; O. E. Fanning,
eight; Frank Ulnneen, J. If. Poeck-
hoff. our; M. Mantel, tmo; O. U Oren
field, tno; M. P. Thomas, ten; Harley
reni., four; Oeorge Drake, tx: O. 4.
O-wsard. eight: II. E. HoffmaaUr three;
Mla toulae Walah, three; E. F. Brailev,
live; Phlltp Horn, two; M. V. Andrew,
five: t,. V. Myer. two; C. L. Rwancutt,
two; ' It. . Bcsolln. aev-n; C. It. barton,
four; K. ft. Mclonaid, four; W, 1. Eck,
IK, acd E. IL Ward, trc.
For Kin Sloan,
Complimentary to Mlaa Edith Bloan,
Who la the houaa-gunst of Mlaa Harriet
Pmlth, MSm Prancaa Hoohntetlcr will
ntertaln at dinner this evening at the
Country club. A large towl of deep pink
ronl will deeorata the table and Miss
HiX'hstetler will entettuln:
Mr. and Mr. Paul nllagher,
WlRUrB ' Ml HSH-
litt 111 cloan, Janet Hall,
Harriet jinlth, Ann (ilfford.
r i anr MacKay.
Charlea Hamilton,
John aldnll,
Itobcrt Hurna,
Messrs '
'Kred Iftugharty,
Prank, rk'naon.
encn of rlntlve nnrt Immedlaie friend.
The rerrmonr waa performed by Rev.
Kr E. Brown.
llr Arna AUwockI played the wedding
march. Mr, (leorge llrtigoman. slstar of
the bri-la, waa matron of honor and Mr.
Helmut h .Tacobaen best man.
Willi-the 8tars and Rtiipes aa a center
pleoe thr. hall we tleenrntod In red and
while I'eina and flowers wer
used fo;- the table -lvratlona. A wnl
dln supper followed the ceremony.
The younr couple left the aun4 evening
for the east and after J una 10 they will
be at home at 4115 Commercial avenue.
Wedding Cards.
Mlaa Harriet Plaku, daughter of Mr.
Prcxterick H. Piake, 1124 Bouth Thirtieth
avenue, will lie married June 24 to Mr.
Oeorge Akerann of Mlnneaolla. The
wedding will take place at the home of
the bride at 7 p. m., with only a few
Immediate friends and relatives present.
Miss Helen Blake, sitter of the bride,
will be maid of honor. Mr Julian fsr
tiain of Minneapolis, formerly Helen
Marie Hayloy, will be matron of honor.
Mlaa Henrietta nilmore will play the
wedding march.
Mr. Ira Oorham of Minneapolis, Mr.
Akeraon'a roommate at Harvard, will be
beat man, and the ushers will be Measna
F. Horace Blake, brother of the bride:
Ted Brown. William C. Hamerel. Harold I
P. Wick hem, Paul Jones, Jefferson Jones,
Minneapolis; Claude Mr Alpine of Van
couver; William Craig, Youngstown. O.,
and Manue McFaMen.
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mre. M. C. Peters will give a
dinner this evening at the Country club.
The table will be attrsctlve with the
deep pink pennies and the guests will
Merer and Meeds ins
W. .1 Pove. Kdward Carlisle.
Wlllerd Hoaford, John Redlck.
W. T Hum. Walter Redlok.
A. V. Klnaler. Walter Hoberta,
Mr. and Mrs. Jumea I. Paaton will
entertain nt dinner thla evening at the
Country club In honer of Mrs. Blats of
Milwaukee, who la the guest of her sla
ter, Mrs. T. Tilton Fonda. Jr. Pink and
white peonies will be used as the table
centerpiece and covers will be placed for:
Meers. and Meedamea
T T Fonda. J. I- Paxton,
Plovd Smith.
Mr. HI at a.
Mra. Henry T. Clarke, IJncoln.
Mr. (Jeorge Thummel will entertain In
honor of hla guest. Mr. James Curtla of
Orange, N. J. The other guests will In
clude: Mlraea- Mle
ftnlla Thummel. . Daphne Peters,
Katherln Thummel.
Mr. rxiward Murphy.
Mr. A. B. Warren will entertain thla
evening In honor of Miss Marie Stewart
end Mr. Donald McFerron.
Personal Mention. .
Mr. snd Mr. Harry Snydor have gone
to Pinna, it., Mr. , Hnjrdcfs Id home.'
Mr. George Perclval haa gono to fet.
Louis, a-'iere he will spe'nl the 'summer
doing vocat kmal school work In connec
tion with the Presbyterian mission ! of
To Honor Bride.
.- A kitchen shower was alven Thursday
afternoon, May 27. by Mrs. O. Jenkins
in. honor of Mre. Emma Back, a June
bride."1 The decorations were In red and
white. Those present were:
Mdarrte Medairic
Frank Kwtng. Charlea Muenelly.
Charle Mark. O. Jhkln.
H. Petereen. P. Melcholrs.
Miss Emma Back.
With the VUitora.
Mr. James Curtis of, N. J.. Is
the guest of Mr. c;eotge Thummel.
Mrs Blats of Milwaukee has arrived
to he the guest of her sl.ter, Mr". T.
In and Ont of the Bee Hire.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. CUdahy of Chicago
are at the Fontenelle.
Mr. Charles McOlauehlln spent the
week-end in ! Moines.
Mr. Arthur Keellne rkturnei Sunday
evening from . hla ranch in Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Keellne will leave the
middle cf June' tor their ranch, where
they plan to remain until fall.
Book on Bohemia
by Ex-Omaha Man
Another book by a former Omaha man
! out, entitled "Bohemia Under Hape
burg Mllle,, the author and editor be
ing Thomaa Capck, well known to the
older Bohemian residents of this city.
Mr. Capok was located In Omaha some
years ago as a practicing attorney, re
moving later to New Tork City. The
prnt voluim-. lasted by Revel,, fore
sees restored freedom for Bohemia aa
the outcome of the war. "If 'the allies
win." he declares, "and every loyal eon
ef the land of Hue fervently wishes that
their arms might prevail notwithstanding
the fact that Bohemian soldiers are con
strained to fight for the cause of the two
kaisers Bohemia Is certain to re-enter
the family of self-governing European na
tions." tme chapter of the work is con
tributed by Prof. B. Sttnek of the Uni
versity of ' Iowa, who also has many
friends In Omaha.
Dr. Clark Examine Hanscom Park
Pavilion and Thinks It Would
Be Ideal.
Zoio U. Clark of the rucreatlon board
made an examination of the upper floor
of the Hanscom park pavilion on Run
day, with a view to recommending to the
board the holding of municipal dance.
"I -m not ready to state Juat what
would be the best plan for these dance,
but it seem that this would be a'deslr-
i able feature In . connection with the
j municipal reuroatlonal actlvlUe. Other
cltlea have found these dance popular
and sucoeeeful. Supervision, ef course.
Is necessary for eiich functions,
Mr. Clark.
Part of the upper floor of the pavilion
la without walls and the outer space I a
wide porch extending around the four
sides of the building. This affords plenty
of room for dancers.
Ta lasae Permit.
In this connection Mr. Clark looks with
favor on the proposition on allowing
private organisations to use this floor
on specified evening and upon the Is
suance of permit In the same manner
aa are now granted for the use of base
ball diamonds in the parks ar.d play
grounds, ouch a permit would give the
us9 of this floor for a certain evening
and would hold the grantee responsible
for the manner In which such permit
would be honored. Any mlscwhduct
would result in refusing further permits
to the organisation abusing the privilege.
Mr. Clark doee not look with favor upon
the protest of an Improvement club
stated I against the proposed municipal dances In
the Hanscom park pavilion. He le wining
to try the experiment and feels that the
recreation board can mnke a success of
the Idea.
This matter will be discussed at a.
meeting of the recreation board Thursday
evening In Commissioner Hummel'a of
fir, when Cyrus F. fttlmson of the Na
tlonal Playground and Recreation asetw
elation will speak.
Miss Florence M. Weed, daughter C
Colvtn Wood, and Carl C. Prone, were
married by Rev. Chales W. Savldge, at
his residence, Saturday evening at
Thla wedding was number i.V Per
formed by Rov. C. W. Bavldge'durlng hla
ministerial career.
Eirthday Party.
Mrs. lleury HUuim and Mr. Ja.ues H.
Might . fntrrtaiiM-d In honor of their
Mrthiiava on Hntur.lay evening, at the
home of Mrs. Hurnr. The prlie for high
cor.. wrrn aardod to Mr. and Mra,
3irge Belor,- Mr. and Mr. George
Utr.1, , - T - t
Psnford, John Lemly, Henry Mchawger
and Mr. 'C. Chamber! The hteeea
received , several beautiful ' glfta. The
UMta prr&nt were;
Messrs. and Mrsdameat
John kemly. Henry Bchanger, ,
Jamea JohiieAii.' K. B. t'hamberlln.
ir.i,. n. w riant, ort Holers.
Oeoigi Ailcli,
Henry Planer, -
f.'! C- fWinlonl,
I red M.-v unnkk.
Z-ila &ch,
ol Clariiiua. la
Carrie Starter,
l-.dna Roach of
At Lxceliior Springs.
Mr. and Mra R E. Pratt are stendlug
a few days at the Elm In Excelsior
Springs. . ,
Mr. Id Olnsburg ha returned from a
islt at Ex.c!lor r'urtrss. .'
On the Calendar, !
Mr. J. C. Chadwlck wilt give a lunch-,
eon of -twenty-eight rovera Wrditeaday !
at tha Happy Hollow elub.
Mr. C. C. Uulden and Mra Ueorge II. '
Blcknell will give a luncheon Thursday j
at the Happy Hollow club.
The tvautar meeting of the Tuesday j
Brldite ch-b will be MitiNned this week
' ni.d will be held Monday afternoon of i
m.xt week at the home of Mrs. Aitliurl
Keellne. j
liglntung with next Monday the Mem-I
l-ers of tl Monday Kudu club will hold '
their rcuar meeting In the morning I
at the Country club. j
The Original Monday Bridge olub post-)
poned tta regular meeting for thla alter- j
noon. , . . , j
Picnic Supper. !
The Wythe ftary Tellers' Kagua were
cnlei talned at tn home of Miss Mlllan '
Llmpey lu Pappllion on Thursday at a
Itiulc suppr. Mrs. Atl.erliigton. Mr. W I
li. English and the Mb tlraoe Buffet, J
lUrtha and Anna Myers were the gut!
ot I ha club. The inajnbare bnwinl I
MIhs- I
Aut kirirjroy, j
'ai f lilt.
t eny HroWn.
ilury ftmoa.
Orchard & Wilhelrii Company
414-416-418 South 16th Street !
Duofold Bed Davenport
(Like Cut)
Frame made of aelect oak, golden or fumed fin- J
Uh, guaranteed springs, genuine leather, cJOC . I
upholstered black or Spanish; each VJ(H
Extra Values in
All-Optton Mattress, $2.75
A full stxed mattress, all cotton filling, made
with roll edge, fancy tick, very eyr
special Je O
Jewel Felt Mattress $5.75
A strictly cotton felt mattress, of excellent
quality, in fancy ticking. A $C 7C
Jewel Felt, for apOeO
Rex Felt Mattress $8.50 . .
A good, substantial, felted cotton mattress,
made by a process that Insures elasticity,
weight 46 pounda, full roll edge, pA
art ticking apOeOU
Our Special Felt $3.00
Here'g a mattress made of felted cotton that
gives an unusual value at a medium price, full
45-pound weight, roll edge, art ticking, JQ
for pO
Genuine Ostermoor
. Mattress - $15 ...
iiuiiiiiii gsraa
'i, ' 'njj j Ujhr
Extra Width Linoleum
Square Yard 60 and 70 cents
fty ualng thla extra wide printed linoleum many
floora can be covered without Joints. Thla Inaurea
extra yeara of wear and even at a slightly increased
price it is cheaper for you in the end than the usual
6-foot width, Let ua show nd TA
.... UUt (Ub
When You Buy a Refrigerator
Buy a Good One It Pays
A good refrigerator saves ice, aavea your food
auppllea and laata yeara longer.
We allow you $3 for your old refriff
erator as the first payment on a new one.
I 1 (hi Prlcaa
Are Very
We handle
Herrick 1
and the
it to you.
- . Six Foot-Printed Linoleum
. ; Sq: Yd. 40c, 50o and 60c
A large number, of patterns to choose from In
these grades.
dood Quality Inlaid Linoleum, 6 Ft. Wide
. . Per Sq. Yd. 85c
Porch Rugs, $5
An assortment of' large alio porch' ruga, selling
regularly for $8 to flO.
, - Siet$ -S10-e, 5-6X10-6, 9x10, 6x9 acf 9zlt
These are real bargains, including many "Crex" re
versible ruga, Japanese and Rattlna fibre rnga; re
versible rugs. Just the thing for a large
porch, tun room or summer bedroom;
apeclal at...,. .....V'
Yard, 12c and 25c
- Oooda that Hold Vp to Per Yard.
Plain and printed' cretonnes, alao plain and
printed linena. Pretty, cool-looking materials for
all aorta of summer hangings and other uses.
81 Incite aad M Inchee wide, values 25o to 80c a
yard, your choice, J.13 H,
81 inches and 86 Inches wide, value to 81.35,
a yard, 5g.
"Wear-Ever,, Coupons
""in Ktln.
i'nrrli! Ilouiullv,
lnirrl 'ol,
rar-t tutlpali.
Ruiih lui UnJ.
tiall Wiinlng.
Wedding Announcements.
The nvu rlans f Mia Margam U Car
nlr and llr. Arthur K. 1-klaaMla waa
-lhrtel Ebturday avenlng at ID
o'.Juc at tbc honia cf th tarlja'e molbw,
Mrs. D. A. Carporuer. Th Albert
X l'Jrter of tts tTnitJ Pre!yter1aa
:hurcli ut Pk;uih Omaha prrfoimed the
-ti erinony.
Turn fount pvopi r BitrntlBtl l.y Mlaa
1UU I.u and Mr. Fli Jlalatmid ihl.
Tii in.itriaxe of Si.w llutb Kailan.
'JSinr .,r Mr. and Mih. Frn
. !! Mr. P..l i-oWr, cvurrl Saturday I "Vw KK KK t r lIS
s.-n-liig l V.,atiigton hall In tl.e r-- ' Wlrn H. oliusiad. L 1
and Suit Cases at Big Reductions out all broken lines, tiombined vitrl a complfte Knowing of new luggage at
very popular prices. t
Rattan Suit Cases
$2.25 and $4
That were $3.66 and $6.80.
Browo Cowhide hags, j-
s pedal i aPa)
$10.00 Hult Case, soiled 5
110.00 lAdlea' Bag $5
Specials in High Grade Bags
111.60 Ladiee' Bag
$10.00 Ruesett Bag
liS.OO iAdtes Bag
ItS.OO 17 -Inch Black
$S0.00 Walrua Bag
119.00 Black Bag.
Wardrobe Trunk that sold at $5.
t B 818.00 B 1 v 71
i52Q.OO " ' 1
81. $5. $30
335, $23
An Important Sale of
Prices Reduced to One-Half
Their Real Value and Less.
134 PIECES consisting of large and tmall K1RMANSHAHS,
KAZAKS, CABISTANS, etc., have been reduced in
price away below cost for quick disposal
THESE ARE GOOD RUGS but for some reason or other
-have remained in stock longer than our policy of mer
chandising permits us to keep themtherefore THIS
PRICES SO EXTREMELY LOW Uiat we have decided to
make sales outright and absolute. These rugs may riot
be exchanged. They, will not be sent on approval but
the closest examination and inspection will be encour
aged on our floors. '
DISPLAY ON FIRST FLOOR commencing on Tuesday,
June 1st, and continuing throughout the week. Y
414-416-418 South 16th Street.
illielni Co-
rt. ala. smaller afi.r ualn Allen
h'iK.t-i:M. id, antla.pilo twilrr for Oi.
tmi. It in a km Haht or wr. mw, fr
ay; 1t luslaut inif iu -.rna ami
I. union... i.irvnia Hllfcleia, ('alluua n.t
Soiu ?,u'. It In. ra(el .'umfurl
ii'sovrv of tli. as. tul1 every liar..
Ia kaae. Ail.lrest.
Kuv, N. Y.
Cmaka. raaka,
Boardina and Day fcjchool for OlrL anij Vouuf Woan. Cartlftcat. amit
to 8inUri, Vaasar, Veie-lv ai4 other ollHea Prvnratlon for hryn Unwr
nd Xaarllff. iSTllCEO COOaaCS 1C atI4K BOM.WH, aaVaOVAXXa.
Hoiiaehold Arts,, . nii - n-
ivmom at tuaoeii to umi rmx.
l or Catalot" address U.a KniHipal, aaisa ScritMIA .OinOI.
( diittiiiir
Just the ordinary knowledge
of baking requirements and a little
Calumet that's all.
No great skill, experience or
special directions for use are needed.
Calumet will do its share and more.
It will produce the lightest, tendereat.
taatiest pastry you ever ate jroa can de
pend upon it ilsilnttfy. It will aave pi
materials and disappointment because it is
certain. It will aave you money because it is
moderate in coat. One teat prove it's beat.
Guaranteed pure. Grocers recommend U.
WAfa rw. fmmt ffairfHa.ry,a.ia.