Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    I'll K
HKK: OMAHA. TUKMUY, Jl'NE 1, 1913.
W sliding Kings at Edholm's.
Moot TriaX It Now Bsacon Fraai
Bleetrlo Taas Burgpsa-Qranden Co.
aalataa SffloUnoy Th tie plata
tl Inner served at Pchltts hotel.
Sr. Jsmsa F. Ooaaoliy, Deattst, wlsli aa
to annmnce the removal of hl offices
to Brown block, 16th and Douglas
Kts. Formerly In Cy National bank.
"Today's Complete Movie Proa-ram'
classified aectlon today, and appear U
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY Find out what
the various moving picture tliaatsrs offer.
Tonrteaa Vew Polioemea Fourteen
new stars will ahlne In Omaha on Tubs
'day. These atara will bo worn lv new
jwllconipn, who havo lieen Instructed by
Captain Dempsey In the ahsnce of Chief
To' Ohio for Trial I U. Round, chief
of police of Warren, O., has secured
requisition papers from Oovernor More
head and tonlKht he will return home,
taking with him Fedele Benna, wanted In
Ohio, where be will answer to a murder
Xaneft rnseral Tueaday The funeral
of the lute Ollio J. kaoeft will be hold
from the Ileafey & HraTey undertaking
t parlors at 8:3t o'clock thia morning.
Kaneft was a member of the local lodge
'of Eagles. All Engles In the city are ex
pected to attend.
One Ont of Hospital Mrs. A. U
1 TVorkhoven, ICM Mercdeth avenue. Is
; home from the Methodist hospital, where
she has been for some ttmo following an
operation. Mr. Workhoven, 111 for sev
eral weeks. Is still at St. Joseph's hos
' pltal. The Workhovens have four chil
dren. run for the Children As the result
of the recent heavy rains, the excavation
for the new First Presbyterian church at j
Thirty-fourth and I'arnnm atrecte, re- j
acmblea a miniature lake. Children of
Ithe neighborhood have been having great
'sport there, wading In. the water or
Ipaddllng around In Improvised boots.
Xnsen Builds Vew Borne M. K.
Iuxen, wholesale cigar dealer, Is build
ing and fine M.000 residence at Fifty-
'seventh and Leavenworth streets. The
Bankers Realty Investment company is
Ithe building company. This new home will
''be located Just west of tho McKeen resl-
'dence, to be of brick construction with
white stone trimmings, and equipped with'
a hot water heating, plant, fire plae,
llo bath room, and to be finished In oak
and mahogany.
Temperatures Riling and Farmer
Are Af ain at Work in Their
Clear and murh .warmer weather, ac
cording ti the reports to the railroads, Is
gcnernl all over the country between tho
Missouri river and the mountains. Morn
Iiir temperatures were reported at from
45 to ft' above ero. The same reports
nro to tho erfect that the waters In tho
streams are rapidly receding, and that
by the middle of the week the ground will
be sufficiently dry so that farmeis will
be able to go Into their fields and renew
the work that ceased nearly two week?
ago on uotoimt of rain. With the ex
ception of the Northwestern and tha
Wabash, the railroads operating in and
out of Omnha have come out from undor
the floods of the last ten days aud are
again running trains on schedule.
All Washout . It r pa I red.
The trouble experienced by the North
western Is on the Honosteel line and
along the Verdlgre river In northern Ne
braska. There miles of grade Is washed
ont and several bridge are thrown out
of. place or entirely washed away. Many
men are at work night and day, but It
will be the last of the week before train
serviiw will be restored.
The Wabash la having Its trouble along
the Gulls (In river In northern Missouri
and on lis OnuUia-St, Louis line. The
Gullatln river is out of It banks and nt
the town of Oallatln water Is three feet
deep over the truck. Several bridges aro
reported out and considerable grade
washed away. It will probably be two or
three days before trains will run through
from Omaha to Bt. Louie. Regular train
arc run from Omaha to Fattonsburg.
Tuesday, June 1, 1915.
Phone D.137
Burgess-Nash Announce-Beginning Tuesday, a Series of Important
Board Backing Up
Ernst on Teachers'
Pay Question
Statement by memliers of the Board
of Education Indicate that these officials
are not disposed to contravene the action
of President Ernst, who announced that
teachers' warrants will not be signed
until "after the work has been done."
Robert Cowell, oltalranan of the finance
committee. Is outspoken In his conten
tion that Mr. Ernst's action should not
be criticised. "I am flow to believe
that our teachers would take exceptions
to the action of the president ( of the
board," he said.
. Cald A. C. Wakeley: "It may be all
right to pay befors the work haa been
done In the case of a private concern,
but for public service there can be no
question rcganNlng the merits of Mr.
Ernst's position."
The schools will close June 18 and
President Ernst will sign the warrants
the next day, or as soon aa the secre
tary of the board has them ready. Sec
retary Bourke haa expressed, a willing
' ness to work day and night In order to
get tha warrants out as soon as possible.
Mrs, Raytera, Aged
102 Years Old,
Buried Monday
Mrs. Antcnttt ftaytera, aged 105 years,
died at tho home of her daughter, Mrs.
Mary Mejstrik, Fifty-fourth and Hickory
streets, Saturday evening at 6 o'clock,
tihe is survived by two sons, Frank and
Anton; one daughter, Mrs. . Mary MeJ
strlk; one grandson, four granddaughter
and ten great-grandchildren.
Thirty-seven years ago Mrs. Raytera
migrated to Omaha, from Cleveland, O.,
wiiere she had lived twelve years. She la
one of the oldcxt settlers in Omaha and
la well known throughout the entire
The. funeral was held at i Monday
afternoon from tho residence of tier
daughter. Interment will be made at the
Bohemian National cemetery.
Sues City for Death
of His Son in Miller
Park by Drowning
Luuis Hansen, father of George Han
sen, a lad who was drowned In Miller
park lagoon. May SO, 1913, haa brought
suit for $3,000 damages against the city
in district court.
The city, although !n effect Inviting
boys to awlm In the lagoon, failed to pro
vide adequate precautions against acci
dents, tho petition alleges. .
Hansen asferta his belief in the petiti.iu
tliut t?ie boy's life might have been eav-sl
bad a watchman at Milder park rum
nioned a pulmotor.
Cuala Wat Walk with Rkeaaiatlsni.
A suilslied patient writes: "loan's
Liniment cured my rheumatism, am
grateful. I can now walk without pain.'
only a&c. All druggists. Advertisement.
What Is Believed by the police to have
been an opium amokers' resort, at tf&3 .
Hodge street, waa raided Sunday night,
by officers, who aay they believe their j
suspicion were proved correct They :
found ouantttlea of gum opium, opium
Pipes and other supplies used In opium
Joints. Noah Blarkwln. negro resident;
of the place, waa arrested and la held In
jail aa a auspicious character, pending '
action by federal authorities.
1 Hiatal Matte ay Maay.
l.n't wait for rheumatism to Indicate
dleanfd kidneys. When you suffer
pains and adits b) day and sleep dis
turbing bladder weakness by night, feel
tlied. nervous and rundown, the kidneys
. nd Madder should he restored to
Itc-ilihy, Ftrous and regular action. U ts
i mistake to uonpone treatment. Foley
H-'ruv j;.'.ls pill the kidneys ill sound,
holtby ..i.dtiull and keep them active
er.l strums I Kin taking today. n-tf
ri '' t li'iw ihe first doe. Kdd cve.y
'it j --AiiVorliseiiH tit.
Hundreds of sam
ples taken by the City
and State (dozens of
them Alamito sam
ples) resultedin
Thirteen prosecu
tions and scores of
warnings sent by tho
atjr to 'Milk' Dealers.
Alamito Milk how
: ever, comes through
well up above tho
Standard in Butter
Fat and with a re
markably low Bac
teria count. This
shows the Qual i ty
and Sanitary Condi
tion of Alamito Milk
and Cream.
After all, the best
Judges are Custom
. . ers. The countless
number - of compli
ments on our Milk
and Cream by satis
fied Customers and
the wonderful in-'
crease of sales (five
ample proof of the
high score of Alamito
Milk and Cream. The
State score card of
the New Alamito
Plant shows it is al
most perfect.
Come and see how
we handle your milk.
Order today. It
t-osts no more. Cheap
est in tlie long run.
tiin'iiuik iif
Presenting Buying Advantages That Are Quite Out-of-the-Ordinary
TMIKSK. '5iu.iifilM ivpnts ore the result of t-jirefullv laid nlnns. hi somo instances thev will lv iu tho nature of "clcarnways" tl tertain
i- lines of desirable merchamliso which, for one reason or nuotlier, we liavr deeitled to disMst
.uuuuor merthandip" which we were able to necurp at much below the usual market price.
ol. while others
will be specially lwught
This Will Be Preparation Week
for the June Brides, Graduate!
and Confirmation Class Members
THIS week has been
set aside and prep
arations havo long been
afoot to make this event'
noteworthy in price and
Vviw3 splendid assortments to
nnues, graauaies ana
r. .... . l
nprt'.iai Baia uave oeen
planned for the week to em
brace practically everything
for personal wear, for gifts,
for "howern' and for out
fitting the bride' new
We can help you, not
alone by catering to your
Known needs, but by giv
ing you the value of our
constructive uggeitlona.
Your needs are our op
3 i-a
The June Sale of Muslin UNDERWEAR
IT'S our aim to excel in our semi-anuual sales of muslin underwear, iu variety and daintiness of
styleH and in values, so it is naturally expected of us that this .luno Side should not only excel
those elsewhere, but should also excel our own previous efforts. The garments assembled here are
the loveliest possible refined, dainty, unusually well m:nh
I'nricrntUNUita at aVtr I
Corset covers, drawers and gowns of J
good quality nainsook, lace snd embroid
ery Insertion and edging trimmed. J
I'jndormmdina M "Oo
Corset covers, drawers and gowns, of j
extra quality of nainsook, finished with I
several rows of lace Insertion nnd ribbon i
beading. 1
I'lHlorniiisiina at tft- I
Uowus or batiste and nainsook, en
velope chemise snd petticoats of fine cam
brics and muslin, scores of pretty, dainty
I nderiniwlina at $1,145
Gowns of riue crepe and shoer nain
sook; petticoat of fine nainsook and
cambric; combinations and envelope che
mise, beautiful new styles.
rhiklren'a Vndermtisliiis, Jifto
Drawers and petticoats, many styles,
daintily trimmed.
rnlM'miilitt at $1.73
Dainty lae medallion and rlbbou
trimmed gowns nnd combinations of nain
sook, batiste and crepe, also petticoats
with deep flounces of fine embroidery,
rows of lare and embroidery insertion.
I wi ii .it n si on i.. ma o.t
..... ... v ..... . ...
(iowns, ppttl costs snd combination" of
finest nainsook snd bstlMe, with sheer si
rui i'i 'i'in j Mian irru, i wn n n iiiiti iaau
and mednlllons.
Otne do t'hine (Joviih, $i.l)K
With pink or white yoke of line le.
out very long and ft'.ll.
I nOwnMiMlinn at lrit p
One lot of flno tinderinusllns and crepe
de thine undermusllns that have become
slightly soiled from Iismlling: regular
price $2.00 to IIG.SO, ul linlf price.
Children's Itrnwers at lo
Ciood qtinllty muslin, with duster of
pin tucks.
BnrvMM-lTftali Cooog.d Floor.
i i
June Clearaway of Women's PUMPS
Were $3.50, $4 and $5 Lines at $1.95
THERB are to be exactly 327 pairs of good atyU pumpa. The short
lines left from this season's selling. The leathers Include patent
colt, dull calf, tan suede, gray suede and black satins.
The sires and widths are as scheduled below:
Sizes 8H 8 3K 4 4H B OU H T I TH
Widths: I I I I j I I I
aa i a i . a
a ! j i to i a i 8 i n e j 4 j a i . a"
b i io 24 at I h i iT I la i si a i 4
C 1 H 14 14 15 14 11 ia 7 a 11
U 8 15 8 j 7 8 11 T a 1 j
Bart;..s-Hash Co. -B.coad rioor.
$1.50 to $2.00 FANCY SILKS, 88c
A remarkable value and a remarkable range of selection.
42-Inch silk poplin, in all plain shades.
36-Inch chiffon taffeta, in all plain shades.
36-Inch stripe chiffon taffeta, pretty colors.
4 2-Inch all silk crepe de chine, plain shades.
42-Inch brocaded crepe de chine. !
- 36-Inch heavy Japanese tub silks, white and black.' t.
36 and 32-Inch wash silks, pretty colored and satin stripes.
36-Inch black chiffon taffeta for skirts and suits.
36-lnch princess inessallnea in SO different ahades.
36-Inch natural pongee silk, heavy quality.
36-Inch embroidered white Japanese wash silks.
36-Inch stripe messaline, pretty shades.
B or g ass-Wash Co. Mala Hoes.
Here's Something New Under the Sun
. MSiStMH.
Thi Very Latett Crtatiotu in m Warm
Weather Dreu for . My Lady and
Shown Exclusively at Barges$-Nath.
Price, $5.00, $5.95,
$6.95 to $10.00
rpuE "Summer Girl" combines to an
unusual degree the distinguishing
features Excluslveness, Gracefulness
of Form, Refinement of Style -with a
serviceability made to withatand tha
severest tests of e very-day use.
Frequent launderlngs, with no loss
of dainty style are made easy by the
absolute simplicity of design and trim
tilings. This feature cannot be over
estimated in the selection of tub dresses
for the hot summer months.
The wide variety of attractive ma
terials, including Butcher linen. Pal
metto cloth, striped middy cloth, polka-
dot cotton poplin, make three or four of
these dresses an attractive wardrobe.
The extreme simplicity of fastening
no buttons or hooks makes it th.
Ideul outing garment, easy to put on
ana on. visit our store ana let us
show you the many unusual festures of
the "Summer Girl."
BartMS-Vask Oo. BocanA Floor.
Make Your $2.00 Go Farthest Tuesday
It Will Secure You a Sewing Machine
OI U Sewing Machine Section includes a large number of high-grade,
reliable makes of sewing machines from which you can make your
low as
New or slightly used models offered to you on terms as
f2.0O IKW, $1.00 A WKKk.
That's tha convenient way ws'vr arran(.d for vnu to
nnv in worms mom wunnerrul a.wlng machln., "TEI
siasoaao SVItsi," with lock un.i ciialn atltrn, "si
stmlKlit." ocnlml nnrdl. at) in: iintHl and Dratitii sl. t
mat'hlne listod at I6U.00, at the vrry low price of $38.00,
Mmtme (used), list price
tao.uo, our special prire
'l'ue(lav $36.76
tandard Special, list trloe, our special price,
vtm ni:si)AV
Whit. (usiXi). list prlrv
ttt.OO, our special Mli
Tutisuay SOS.7S
mowt impvovM, list prlru
IK. 00. our ror'lsl rrlr
Tusday 1.7S
Barges a-aTaah Mowimg Hachias etloa Thlr4 , Floor.
These Remarkable Values to 65c for 23c
AN l' NITS UAL assortment a most fitting underprioe occasion that Is certain to
acquaint you quickly wlih the new location of this portion of our store.
Fancy ribbons, including Dresdens, J Bernards, satin .striped moires, and fancy
checks, ranging in width from 5ty to 7 Inches, ribbons especially adapted for the
making of sashes, girdles and for milllnerv purpot-es. The real values are to 66c
June sale price, Tuesday, SWc the yard.
SSc All-Hilk Ribbons at 14c
Plain taffeus, moires and fancy striped
ribbons In an excellent quality, 4 V to
5H in. wide, white, pink, blue, acarlet,
cardinal, copen, navy, brown and black.
.ir. ittbhon tiirtlles and Hushes Made to Vonr Onlrr vn Short Notice and at Very Itcniwinable lrlce. Co Mala Tloor.
a(ii All-Silk RiblKuts at 10c
Hibbons for children's sashes and hair
bows, in a splendid line of staple shades;
ul no checks, stripes and flowered effects:
good value at 20c; sale price, lUc a yard.
Attractive Values in
For the June Sales
KlounclnKs to 50c at 2Ac
ORGANDY flounclngs. fine
embroidered batiste, all
over embroidery, colored edge
batiste flounclngs, fine corscjr
cover embroidery and . baby
flounclngs.- Values to 69c, at
yard, 25c.
Flounclngs at Sc
ORGANDY flounclngs. k40
Inches wide, ysrd, Ktfc.
FloundnKs at SOc
ORGANDY, fine voile and
batiste, dainty patterns, at
yard. BUc.
Flounclngs at 73c to f 2.IM)
NEW net top lace flounclngs.
18 to 27 inches wide, to
match. Splendid values, at T5o
to 92.00 the yard.
arrss-sTaak Co Mala Floor.
Royal Society Pack
age Goods 1-3 Off
INCLUDING shirt waists,
night gowns, corset covers,
combinations, baby dresses, in
fants' dresses, bibs, caps, etc.;
complete with floss for work
ing. Our entire line at V4 off.
Barf eaa-sTaah Co.
Mala Vloor.
Fresh From the Hands of New York's
Cleverest Designers Come Many
BLOUSES to Sell at $1.50 to $5.95
OUtt UJouso tftoro is nlwuyn husv, and those new mcxiels,
which have Just been reproduced from high-priced models, will
set it fairly humming. Several thousand new blouses.
verythln. from the plain tailored model to the blouse for the
dressiest o'crastoha: such materials as:
Voile Organdie . Crepe de Chine
Lawns Laces Linens
Georgette Crepe New Candy Stripe Malls Co, ooaA Floor.
Good News for the Housewife June Sale
of Mattresses in the Basement Tuesday
GOOD news, inched, becnuso it toll of apodal valnw in
mattresses nnd other lxHlding that are t'ur below regu
lar market urice today.
$9.50 Comfort Mattresses for $5.95
Stearns Si Foster eomfort mnt tressed, full 5(J-jkuihI
weight, roll edge, gootl pelet-tion of ticking designs.
$12.50 "Luxurious" Mattresses for $8.75
Bteams & Fonter "luxurious" mattresses, fifty
pound welsht, llnest white cotton felt filling, roll
$17.50 Steams & Foster Mattresses, $12.50
Stearns & Foster mattresses, fifty-pound weight,
double stitched, roll edge, finest art tick covering.
$7.50 Mattresses at $4.98
White layer fe! rolled or Krn It
edge, covered with good grsde srt ticking in vari
ous attractive colorings, forty-five pound weight,
full bed "lit.
$5.50 Mattresses at $3.98
Full six, ull cotton filled maltresnes, with thick
layers of reinforced felt, art tick covered, the low
est price ever Quoted on mattresses of equal work
manship and material.
Bed Pillows at $1.00
Made of trlctl all pure ranltary feathers,
covered with best srado art ticking, several styles
to swlect from; pillows that will help to produce
normal sleep. The regular price would be $4.01)
l.alr; during our June Heading Hale. Tuesday, at
!. es eh
. $4.50 Mattresses at $2.95
Full site mattresses for steel couches or daven
ports, made with -'-Inch box border, all cotton fill
ing, with tape fastenings; covered with heavy,
good wearing denim.
$2.00 Mattress Pads, $1.39
Slie 5ix?6 unitary mattress pads that are
ivorth I2.0H, mi Hair during our June Bedding Spe
cial Sale at 1.3i each.
Sheets and Pillow Cases
I'tica sheets and pillow rases aro the best be
cause they wesr longer and look more like real
linen than any other make. Note the low prices
lor our .Mine Uedding rlsle:
Utica Sheets
A'.tr :.4x8U, ul SOc
Size 72i9U. at
Sire Slxt0. at 7.V
Sis slx99. at
Slzf 90x9, st '. Mo
Utica Pillow Cases
Size 4-x3t:. at IHc
Sis iox'M, at INc
Bleached Muslin, Yard, 3Vc
Yard wide bleached musliu. light and medium
trades, 'i lo 10 yard lengths.
We Develop
Your films free of
charge when order
is left for printing.
Free Lessons
in china paint
ing. Join the
flasM Tuesday.
Evervbody reads The Bee. 1
Advertisers can coverjOmaha with one paper
! I
i I
I t